21 BIGGEST Mistakes in Golf - How to Fix Them

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old golfers new golfers covered golfers we're going to talk about strategic areas that people are making on a golf course that we can fix very very quickly one of the first is the tee shot on the first hole there's water right there's poo poo left how do you feel in the moment what club on the first hole is going to give you maximum confidentiality and I could hit a driver here from 400 yards away but I could slice it because I haven't hit the ball today I'm not warm first shot of the day I want to play it so far from the trouble that it makes me very very confidential so a conservative Target with a cocky swing a lot of people will say hitting a four iron teaches fear instead of like being a man and hitting your driver and facing facing the the fear but hitting a driver when you're scared of going in the water promotes the most fear so we can hit a no fear shot to the left side of the Fairway opening hole 400 yards long with my most comfortable Club 4 iron that even though it didn't go exactly to Target first shot of the day we don't know where it's going if I hit the driver of the same line I'm in the water you can't play champagne golf with lemonade ability so I'm going to show you how to get around the course with lemonade ability to play at least Rose or sweet wine golf 180 yards got to carry a lot of water let's stick it out to the left to keep the ball dry less anxiety conservative Target cocky swing 180 yards just left of the hole eight iron leg bear whatever this whatever this club is for you that's what the club is don't worry too much about what I'm hitting to a place we're going to stay dry even with a crappy strike so this is way left at the tree on the left of the green so check it out we're just navigating this course with our lemonade ability now we're going to hit a little bump and Runner it's not a champagne shot it's not a high lofted spinning shot that we're trying to make it's just a very simple 99 bump it on let it run up it may not be the right Club right now but I'm just showing you that if you keep it low it's going to give you a much better chance of getting close to the hole and the Strategic mistake a lot of people make is trying to fly it and then the spin is not exactly reliable with a low-lofted club you have a lot more area to make an error and still have a good result response wow wow now the area you can have is flying it too far I think you can go to pitch it at the hole you landed on the front and let it roll up and you have to read the green like a putt that's a strategic thing you can do immediately to start getting the ball closer to the hole it's much better than hitting a sand or lob wedge here for 90 of people it's the short Par Four 265 yards to the front of the green 275 to the PIN you have to look at this and go this water left not so much as a right but then you're pitching toward the water which is just on the edge of the green can you even conceivably hit a ball 275 yards if you cannot there's no point trying to melt one from 250 when you can hit a 250 or 240 because all you're adding then is tension to your swing and a better chance of a hook or a slice or top it's only 275 yards this is the best time for you to practice strategy to be able to plan your next shot in let's say you want 100 in with my 56 degree you wonder 80 in you want 120 in just hit the shot from this Tee Box to get you that shot stop trying to be the hero because there's no hero shots in handicap golf only stupid shots hitting a driver here unless you have confidence you can fly at 260 270 and have a very good control not to hook it in the water or put it in the trees then pitch toward water just don't do it just split it up I'm going to hit myself a beautiful six or seven iron to Leave Myself 100 yards in a big mistake people make when I talk about strategy they see me hit a seven iron and they assume I'm saying hit seven iron you know we have to bring the IQ up my audience normally high IQ but sometimes a low IQ sneaks in and takes everything literally seven iron for me will go 165 to 180 depending on the strike and the wind that's why I hit this what goes 170 or 180 for you use that club or whatever Club you need to set up the shot you want into the green that's the Nuance when it comes to strategy so I'm going to hit a seven you have to hit whatever you want to hit to leave your favorite shot there we go just out to the right completely avoiding any chance of water got a shot to the green beautiful no stress easy game not standing there don't hook it don't hook it don't hook it okay we've got 83 yards so we went a little further than we had predicted but it's still within our wheelhouse I am going to use preferred Liza because it has been scarified so I'm sitting in a hole now from 85 yards I really don't prefer a partial shot with trouble around the green so maybe an eight iron even off that t could split this hole up into a manageable amount today I think it's in the bunker in my opinion big strategic errors people make is going as long as possible always regardless of rough bunkers wherever because over the long term it's supposed to even out but how many people like a partial wedge shot over all the sand to the green and have any control over it very few how many people can control a ball from the great the green grass behind the bunker to a specific distance a lot more people so sometimes you've got to stay short I've got an 89 yard shot and I don't like hitting a sand wedge full shot from a bunker for you know like a 89 yard shot I'd rather have 120 yards back there with a 48 degree but that's a little strategy error I've just made let's see how we pull this shot off we can go 115 to the back of the screen see so now I've left that in the bunker and probably a fried egg lie which is even worse which is like the worst thing you can ask for because this is below the surface of the sand in the in this in its same pitch mark now how do I get this onto the green and not keep it in the bunker it's a very difficult shot could have avoided it all by staying short of this bunker see it's almost impossible to get out of the bunker with the fried egg life we have a slightly better chance here but we're hitting our fourth shot which we could have avoided all this trouble by staying well short of that bunker wow that's a lot of stones in there [Laughter] yeah good pace good Pace good Pace big strategic error people can make is that they get very worried after Double bogey that they somehow got something wrong with them now they have to find a swing they have to find something special just dial back to your comfort zone and get back into the swing of things don't go into a negative spiral which creates a terrible strategy of trying to chase the double bogey to make up for it on the next holes play the same game that was working before the double foreign we still have 217 yards to go and that means that kind of out of our reach because of the trees in our way now the big strategic problem you may make here is try here to cut if you don't hit a cut especially off a draw lie let's just see what we can get over that tree or get to the left of the green to leave a pitch shot so left of the green to stay in the Fairway all I need to do is 160. so from here I'm going to hit an eight eye so this shot off this slope like this with a ball above my feet is going to want to go left anyway so I can go over the edge of this tree and just let it draw toward the bunker knowing I won't reach the bunker then a simple pitch onto the green just sometimes you have to take the blow of being blocked out okay very nice man wow my cat is so good huh okay A bit long but we're on and that's inside a foot as I mentioned earlier trying to find a swing on the golf course can be one of the most detrimental strategic errors you can make when you find yourself looking for a swing on the course you normally get worse and worse because now you're starting to think things that are preventing the natural flow of your game to stop doing that one of the best things you can do is actually get a lesson now you can do that in person or you can use something like an app like swing tweaks now swing tweaks is an app where you can record in front of you like that and down the line like that and upload it directly to the app where a PGA professional will look at your swing he'll read everything that you input all about your game in the about section he's going to assess what you're doing mostly guys can pick up chain reactions in your swing to be able to help you understand what happens in the first instance to cause something now this is going to help you a lot on the course so when I'm on the course and I have a problem I just go back to what my coach Eric told me is to swing shorter so I don't over extend and also don't swear ahead of the ball by thinking stay back knowing those two checkpoints helps me with my game instead of trying to fix a grip or fix my stance or close it or open it up if you can do that through swing tweaks you're going to be able to come to the course and auto correct without trying to search for a swing using 15 000 tips now download Swing tweaks use my code players for 20 off your first tweak give it a try you're going to get some pointers it's going to stay in the app forever so you can take it with you to the course to the driving range and find a solution for your game that costs less than a sleeve of balls and give yourself a tweak four iron skin we've got 262 to the whole I can really go and try smash something there and give all my effort bunkers left River in front of me the big strategic area is going crazy with like a three wood or something that has 15 degrees of Loft my six iron probably has I don't know maybe 30 degrees 28 who knows so I know that dispersion on a three wood left and right and with a six iron the dispersion comes down a lot of confidence no need to overpower it we're not getting there easy swing watch how beautiful my swing is here see that's the problem trying to get greedy on the backswing now I've left myself a double chip or I mean I guess I can put it from there but you want to be a little more aggressive on there to be able to get a better result get it on the green is the strategy so little strategic touch-up we can do is on a par five 540 yards yes I'm playing further back tees one of the touch-ups you can do is pick the correct T most people should play between six thousand and six thousand five hundred yards playing a little bit longer today just because I hit the ball a bit further we're on a par five 540 yacht champagne versus lemonade ability problem here is people think they need to bash this as far as they can to get on in three every time sometimes you just have to accept sometimes a hole is out of your reach plan accordingly I'm going to hit a four iron here because I don't really want to hit a driver and get it on in two today three shots for me four shots for you that's fine foreign is to go as long as possible to get as close to the green as we can on the second shot there's bunkers in the way left and right and there's bushes left and right why risk it to go in a bunker with a good shot or a bad shot and the bushes have to take a drop when we have 330 yards we can just split up so I'm going to try a hit a shot that goes about 180 to leave 150 or I might take 200 to leave 130 in I think I'm probably going to go with a 200 shot and if it doesn't if I don't catch it it's going to go 180 leaving us a very simple approach into the green six iron hook all you really need to know is watch it to the front watch it to the back and hit a club that with a bad strike will just go over the front with a great strike won't reach the back have that distance range instead of just pin seeking every time of course we want to hit in line with the pin take the club that's going to give you that but also that's just going to land anywhere between the front and middle of or front and back of the green what an easy life it gives you such a lower stress swing as you can see I'm not stressing too much on any of these swings you can see I'm not trying to hit too hard none of that stuff so we just hit this one with a 48 degree from 127 if it reaches the front at 120 I'm good if it goes to the back at 135 I'm also good oh I fettered that so bad oh such an underrated way to just tighten up your strategies to play Walking golf I'm playing card golf today so the card's been parked over there all I brought was my sandwich I could hit this shot with multiple clubs maybe 52 maybe 48 degree but I only brought the sandwich now when you've got the wrong club and you don't feel like walking to the cart again you're gonna hit bad shots or you're going to hit uncommitted shots you want to maximize your commitment so the best way is to do that is to push your car to take your bag with you so it's always with you to change your decision what a paw When approaching a hole look at the hazards in front of you big strategic Nip Tuck we can do we want to carry this bunker in front of us that's all we focus on here that's like 160 to carry 180 to the pin so take a club that's going to carry that now you have to know your distances if you overestimate your distance a lot of the time you'll send it there at the pin on this line land it in a bunker plugged lie fried egg lie no chance pick something to fly over this even with a poor strike so for me from 180 down Breeze I'm gonna hit a seven iron because I know with a poor strike it'll still reach front edge over that bunker big error in strategy is picking a strategy that doesn't apply to your game how much prep how much expectation do you have does it match your idea of what fun is look at this shot what a shot what is she hasn't played in weeks maybe months her expectation is lower her prep work is low her idea of fun is just to hit some shots my idea of fine is to score how much prep work have I done what my expectations does it match up to my idea if they don't match you go crazy if they match you have fun what the hell what the hell kind of game am I playing Katie's no good he has a strategic thing that could happen we've got a big tree over there and I've hit the ball there before with the driver or a wood and then you're in some Sandy area with a partial wedge shot so while a driver can be hit or something long can be hit I'd rather keep short of that and this is where the Nuance of golf and strategy comes in is once you know the conditions you can change your approach if I hit a forearm down here now I probably won't reach the bank on the right but I'll keep it left and I won't reach that tree on the left which is a very difficult shot and if you don't get it to the tree and you stay just short of it now you're going to hit through the branches which is impossible so let's take a forearm safe play get the ball in play no yeah a little strategic one you can use is to plant a feather to grow a birdie it works sixty percent of the time every time the other strategic thing we're thinking has the green is kind of surrounded by trouble long left bunker short right Hazard over Hazard not great but we've got a front left there that looks very open why don't we just play there if we're feeling you know not certain we've got 150 yards I should hit the nylon if I want to go pin hunting I'm going to hit a pitching wedge and er toward the left knowing that it can't reach the bunker long left and at worst I'll have a chip up the green at the front of the green so we'll go pitching wedge at the pin hoping for a draw or just left of the PIN remember players strategic errors very easy to fix quick sticks by watching golf Sidekicks that's a haiku check the check the ring check it can't look at the sun because
Channel: Golf Sidekick
Views: 119,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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