7 Genius Ways Games Stopped You From Escaping Them: Commenter Edition Part 2

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not long ago we published two videos detailing the many hilarious and ingenious ways games found to stop you straying beyond the bounds of the map whether that be by magical bracelet or sea monster attack [Music] we thought we'd exhausted every game that has an inventive way of stopping you escaping but we were so wrong ulot suggested even more examples so brilliant that frankly it would be a dereliction of our duty not to make a third video about the hilarious ways games stop you escaping also this topic is very amusing and these videos are very fun to make so strap in and beware mild spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] the king needed swords for his army and every man guilty of a crime no matter how insignificant was forced to work in the ore minds of corinis to make it impossible for them to escape the king sent out the best magicians of the kingdom to create a magic barrier around the entire valley here's what you need to know about a war against orcs one it's broadly unadvisable and two it's expensive the pecuniary toll of orc battling however is the setup for 2001 rpg gothic which tells the story of a king who needs precious ore so badly he sends every convict in the land to toil in his minds then has his wizards seal the region off to trap the convicts inside there's just one thing the king didn't count on however and that is his wizards were freaking terrible wizards ah something disturbed the delicate structure of magic we were trapped inside our own barrier honestly wizards can't get the staff these days in a neat twist that magical barrier is both plot point and game mechanic as commenter elbardonez y remembers in gothic 1 they made the barrier to make you stay inside the literal complete plot point of the magical barrier you need to escape at the start of the game you an unlucky potato faced prisoner are shoved inside the magically sealed off region with the task of delivering a letter to the magicians of fire who apparently feel empowered to use such a cool title despite having trapped themselves in a convict mining colony using their own magic the idiots [Music] after two minutes however you'll realise the valley is an extremely unfriendly place where death waits around every corner in the form of bloodthirsty monsters and extremely ungenerous fall damage [Music] in response to such hardships you might fairly think screw this i'm going to try and break out but as you probably guessed that plot important magical barrier has other ideas try and stray beyond the bounds of the playable area and your first clue that things are amiss will be an aura of blue lightning playing about your person [Music] this is a hint that it's time to turn back seriously like now or you could forge boldly ahead and see whether that magical wizard barrier is all it's cracked up to be seriously those wizards are so fired in batman arkham asylum the problem of keeping the criminally insane away from the rest of gotham was partially solved by sticking said asylum on an island in arkham city however new mayor quincy sharp has weaseled his way past gotham's planning commission and built a wall cordoning off an entire district of the city this new enclosed compound serves to house all the baddies and also won batman but what if the wall isn't enough especially when said batman has a big cape that he can use to swoop around high in the sky like some kind of strange flying mammal commenter mac jameson explains when batman tries to fly over the wall dividing gotham from arkham city gum turrets shoot at him bruce's gadgetry means he can glide well above the height of arkham city's walls so other things are needed to keep him in namely a whole bunch of bullets to be fair there are warning signs around the city but when seeing these billboards we didn't expect the gunners patrolling the walls to be so good or so quick at finding their target any attempts you make escape is immediately greeted by a hail of bullets forcing batman to hastily and embarrassingly curve back around i hope joker didn't see that it seems that the city's warden hugo strange was well aware of batman's abilities and made sure his gadgetry couldn't get him out no matter how many times you try bats can't breach the city's turret-based security systems oh fine i'll try to save the city looks like it's gonna be a late one alfred you're gonna have to keep my dinner warm you might think that in a horror game about evading the murderous clutches of supernatural quasi-folkloric villain slenderman it is a little harsh that the punishment for successfully escaping the game is to be got by slenderman and yet slender the arrival certainly deserves credit for the inventive way in which it stops players breaking free of the map as commenter chickenrocket2020 knew very well when they asked why isn't slenderman on the list in slender the arrival you the player are forced to stumble blindly around hostile environments usually in the woods armed only with a flashlight all the while being hunted by the gangly slenderman terror your job is to try and figure out what's happened to your missing friend by collecting clues but frankly if you ask us the only sensible course of action is to get the hell out of slender town trouble is the playable area is bordered by fences and impassable rocks but if this game thinks i won't grind and nudge my way up this hill one pixel at a time in search of a glitch in the environmental geometry it's clearly never seen how i climb mountains in skyrim should you eventually manage to glitch your way out of the woods your reward is to explore beyond the tree line and escape into an increasingly featureless landscape as the environmental assets grow thinner it's clear that you have indeed successfully escaped the bit of the game you're supposed to play in but just when you think there's no way slenderman could possibly be programmed to get you all the way out here the ominous message reveals itself not even a bug in this game will save you from me yes slendy's long be suited grasp even extends to beyond the borders of his game in this neat way of making a successful escape feel like a game over it's a bit of a fourth wall break but i guess who cares about the fourth wall when to get to this point you've already broken every other wall in the game also the floor [Music] sunset overdrive tells the story of you an athletic hero of the year 2027 on their way back from work when suddenly a plague of energy drink ravaged mutants tear through the world you know destroying everything in their path and collapsing society overnight i'm sure there's a word for that kind of thing thanks sunset overdrive in the wake of this monstrous energy drink plague which creates energy drink monsters the company fsco which is legally distinct from any real or existing energy drink manufacturer decides to cover up the outbreak by quarantining all of sunset city fiscal cut off all communications outside the city this high-tech lockdown stops you from leaving town but gets sunset overdrive a spot on this list about genius ways to stop you escaping as common to two superdogs recalls surprised that sunset overdrive didn't make the list the barrier literally kills your mentor and is one of the main story points it's true at first you might think the fisco brand invisible wall is just an ironic nod to how most games have traditionally stopped you from straying too far but sunset overdrive kicks things up a notch by actually having that wall play a pivotal role in the plot follow me specifically a grisly end for beardy father figure and jeff bridges in iron man cosplayer walter who saves your butt at the start of the game then teaches you the ropes of survival and grinding acrobatic aerial ass-kicking [Music] walter's escape scheme is to rebuild a glider to escape town but sadly walter didn't reckon on the height and pigeon vaporizing powers of the game's literal invisible wall pretty dramatic stuff and a cool way of working an ages old game mechanic into the actual storyline very postmodern probably we're not really sure what postmodern means and if you claim to know frankly we don't believe you [Music] [Music] detroit become human is a game that imagines a world where hyper advanced commercially available androids have become as ubiquitous as iphones and even more expensive at the moment we're doing a special promotion on this entire range at 7 999 with a 48 months interest-free credit resembling humans in every way these androids nevertheless threaten human jobs thanks to their vast data processing power which allows them to for instance rapidly compute success probabilities in hostage negotiations or open doors easily on the first try [Music] yeah first try but there's one thing androids really struggle with and that's escaping the game they live in as part-time youtube commenter and full-time anime ninja naruto uzumaki points out what about detroit become human where you play as an android and attempting to leave certain spaces is against your protocol it's the truth while detroit become human often gives the illusion of being a game where you can stroll anywhere you like in fact you are rigidly bound by invisible walls which the game entertainingly explains away as being your android programming kicking in to keep you on task feel like seeing what's down here too bad according to asimov's little known fourth law of robotics you're programmed to go to the bus stop [Music] these protocol barriers stop you from breaking outside the bit of the game you're supposed to explore but also serve as regular reminders that it sucks being an android because lousy humans expect you to follow orders all the time paints not this way indeed i'll show them bellini paints loud to humans with their programming or to punch them in the bellini with my robot arms punches your wall see how they like that punch to a car punch with that lamp post a bunch of stupid human houses see how they like it punch that bin i could take that bit in half like see them try that punch that tree punch that people punch that building punch the whole show oh my god are you serious who wouldn't want to live in the world of high fantasy magic spells elves wizards daring adventures and nobody expects you to bathe perfect but not all fantasy realms are created equal you might not be so keen on living in the dark fantasy world of dragon's dogma for instance where events likely to occur to you range from having your heart exploded by a dragon [Music] to being horribly mauled by a lion but it's not all bad surely after all the character you create lives in an idyllic fishing village [Music] sure it's a bit corpsier since the dragon rocked up but still a picture-perfect seaside scene you might think maybe we'll even go for a swim except no you won't or at least not for long because the waters of this adorable seaside hamlet are teeming with invisible beasts capable of whittling away your life before you can say ow my skin as commenter gismonar11 puts it i'm surprised that brian from dragon's dogma didn't get a mention in this nasty evil red mist that likes to absorb you if you dare ask the question does the arizona know how to swim this mysterious carnivorous force is indeed known in game as the brine as roj the knight here is only too unhappy to explain the brine they call them they say they're many and yet one whatever that means what that means is that you are completely prevented from swimming away from any landmass as the brine happily dissolves anything that strays further than two feet out to sea which on the plus side makes fishing much easier so maybe there's hope for this town's economy yet but on the downside means you are hopelessly stopped from escaping the world of dragon's dogma thanks to the mist-like waterborne menace waiting offshore to turn you into soggy chunks in other words there's no point trying just ask rojay who here may as well be speaking on behalf of developer capcom seems this brine can be best at what's more not to do but avoid the water's edge well rojay it seems we can't kill the brine but we can kill you on guard yeah what'd you have to say about that eh i think we send a message only four lost elements will bring the world back into balance then i will live again i have but one hope left and it is you no one else dares come here most of the games covered up to this point involve making sure players aren't able to stray too far outdoors or into the wild blue ocean some however like resident evil and alone in the dark have had more specific restrictions in mind as commenter rogers paladin recalls it sounds like you need a video dedicated to things preventing you specifically from exiting the front doors of opulent mansions i have one in the fmv game zork nemesis an old soldier won't let you exit the front door of the castle due to an ongoing battle released in 1996 for home computers zork nemesis was an adventure game that saw you the player solving puzzles and exploring ambitious 3d environments populated by occasional green screened actors who would show up to play out scenes that furthered the fantastical plot if i hear one more demon bellow uncle man [Laughter] i mean for the most part they furthered the plot one such location you ended up exploring was castle iron dune an ornate desert fortification of the kind jabba the hutt would build if it played a hundred hours of mist you enter iron dune from the roof at which point you find this is an extremely bizarre castle full of oddities exhibits on marshall history and pieces of torture equipment some of which is alarmingly high tech i probably don't want to know what those scissors on the bottom are for do i you might then reasonably think it's time to get the heck out of iron dune but try to interact with the front door and this happens good lord who are you never mind stay inside the hordes nearly broke through castle's deserted i'm the only one left but i won't deserve general kane not this bloke that's right you are prevented from leaving by what the game asserts is a raging conflict outside although this one dude seems to be the only combatant as such you are trapped inside iron dune for the foreseeable but hey at least there's foosball which might be fun you know if the castle wasn't totally deserted in a fun twist you can eventually get out of iron dune through this door although to do so you'll need to end the war outside which is accomplished not with weapons or diplomacy but a series of codes this is an old-school adventure game after all i don't know how you did it but hallelujah outside you'll find a tank which you can drive to safety before getting out of iron tune and confronting the castle's owner now you've seen everything i had an army vast lands unimaginable wealth and a torture chamber yeah that's right buddy we saw the torture chamber yeah even the scissors bit so those were some more of the fun and ingenious ways that games stopped you from escaping can you think of any more i mean like you've already given us so many fabulous suggestions uh please keep them coming because they're just very funny and these videos are so much fun to do oh maybe we'll just make these forever uh but no actually we won't because we do make loads of other videos other fantastic list videos and also we do lots of live streams so we play video games sometimes we sit and chat about video games it's all fun if you enjoyed this do make sure you like it and subscribe to see way more stuff like it in future thanks for watching bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 618,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: ucWK7hvTGF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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