7 NPCs You Must NEVER Kill: Commenter Edition

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it's not like we go out of our way to kill NPCs in video games but sometimes accidents happen well I've got an idea why don't we see what agent Dave and the Fib think if this Lover's on the run at can we drive home please textbook accident nothing that could have been done as we discovered in a recent video though there are some NPCs you should absolutely never kill because you'll cause yourself a whole world of hurt that you'd be much better off avoiding and viewers of that video agreed chiming in with their own suggestions for NPCs that you'd better leave alone for your own sake here then are seven more NPCs that you should never kill taken from the comments on that previous video enjoy Amber whereare spoilers ahead for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] games you sort me out old friend and here I am standing Before the Throne from which I reigned not long ago you stand before us to accept this wit's unanimous decision that you are unfit to rule and are hereby deposed we demand the abdication of your kingdom and your crown to th chair wolf Viking Warrior aore has more than enough on his or her plates without being actively hunted all across the British Isles by deadly Zealot mercenaries that's not ideal so when you get the opportunity to take your name off the Nationwide hit list of these Zealot jerks you would be smart to take it in the course of deposing one king of Mercier named bergd in favor of the Vikings preferred king of Mercier named CH wolf you wind up rescuing CH Wolf's son named chilbert from a duel with burd's loyal F named leop all great Anglo-Saxon baby names if you're looking leop let him walk you answer to me I answer to my king I silence DS with this there ensues a challenging battle with leop who refuses to fall in line despite how his precious King has totally abandoned him but assuming you Prevail and stomp leth into the mercy and mud you'll be faced with an important decision go on then end it you really shouldn't but you can deliver the killing blow putting an end to leth we NOS have a name for men and women with courage like yours Dinger I name you one now or better option you can stay your hand and let him live he saved himself and left you to die all this fighting it's for nothing for no one this is the superior course of action partly because leth is an honorable dude and you're into that but mostly because in return for your mercy leth has a hot tip at venon there is a statue with a scroll laid in a small bowl you must burn it it turns out that when you want to put a hit out on someone in the 9th Century angli kingdoms you write their name on a scroll and stick it in a statue leth has done this with your name cheers for that but now that you know you can hustle over to vonis and cancel the hit done nothing but Smoke and Ashes now that should get those cots off my back this prevents you from getting actively hassled by zealots for the rest of the game saving you a massive headache and freeing up more time for important other activities like drinking games like I said a busy Viking the Isles the Isles a wonderful place except when it's horrible then it's horribly wonderful good for a visit or for an eternity yes speak it to me well I'm he he's me and others as well or they were weren't they in a huge sprawling RPG like Oblivion the whole point is that you play the way you want to play if you want to play as a stealthy Archer that's perfectly acceptable if you want to Wade in as a sword wielding Barbarian that's your call and if you want to play the entire thing as an adoring fan torturer that's fine too more than fine so who can truly say whether it's a good idea to attack and attempt to kill this guy the dric Prince of Madness in Oblivion Shivering Isles DLC I'm so happy I could just tear out your intestines and strangle you with them all we can do is weigh up the positives and negatives of attempting to murder a demigod first negative he has 10,000 hit points the highest of any NPC in the game but believe it or not that's not the biggest obstacle to killing him no that would be what happens when you take the first swing shorth immediately freezes you in place and strolls casually towards you and then well this happens you really shouldn't have done that enjoy The View so those are the negatives on the positive side uh the view from up there is lovely particularly at Sunset so yeah you can do what you like but might we recommend that you pick on someone your own size or better yet someone a couple of feet shorter freeze Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater is set in 1964 making it the oldest Metal Gear Game chronologically but of course the ninth metal gear game in terms of release dates just spend seven or eight hours on metal gear wikis and it's really very simple throughout mgs3 you run into plenty of characters who you meet in chronologically later games in the series so naturally they all survive so they can show up later and Menace you with bipedal tanks however if Metal Gear Solid 3 is your first Metal Gear Game you don't know any of this and so you would be forgiven for wanting to kill off major oselot the bered jerk who keeps trying to kill you and the scientists you're trying to save during The Virtuous Mission he's the ocelot Commander that's major ocelot to you and don't you forget it of course ocelot and his entire unit are no match for one naked snake and end up all unconscious at snake's Mercy now what you're supposed to do is leave them there and then head off on the rest of your adventures eating frogs and hiding until your enemies die of old age and so forth but if you've got a Mina streak you might be considering shooting this helpless NPC as revenge for all the trouble he's caused you and as insurance against oh I don't know him electrically torturing your at some point in the future and decide to shoot him in the head killing him do that though and the game will end due to a Time [Music] Paradox snake what have you done you Chang the future you've created a Time Paradox it seems ocelot is actually pretty important to the rest of the Metal Gear series so offing him in 1964 before he's had a chance to do any of those things that he's already done in the other Metal Gear games isn't allowed besides if you kill him now who's going to look after your dog when you're out on missions later exactly you see that that's discipline following orders like a real diamond dog soon no stay stay got something that might interest you the merchant from Resident Evil 4 is one mysterious dude even by the standards of the extremely mysterious Spanish village where he works no matter how many times Leon Encounters this guy selling weapons and ammo from a makeshift stall you're left with more questions than answers is that all [Music] stranger thank you what's his name what's that accent what's his face look like how does he sustain an entire arms dealing business with only a single customer does he have a flourishing online business on the side we simply don't know but the greatest mystery of all concerns the merchants mortality in the original game if you were to shoot the merchant in normal mode then firstly rude and secondly the merchant would appear to be emphatically Dead and Gone except when you progressed to the next Merchant location you would find the merchant or at least a merchant that looked and sounded exactly like him miraculously on his feet and playing his wees again got some rare things on sale stranger mysterious but convenient I think you'll agree given that you still need to purchase the Merchant's precious Goods if you want to make it to the end of the game however if you're playing the game in professional mode to establish your credentials as a professional rescuer of presidential daughters and then you choose to test a new purchase out on the merchant who's just trying to do his job I've got bad news for you you've just murdered your one and only Merchant who is now Dead Forever which you'll discover when you reach the merchants wouldbe next location and find it unstocked and unmanned there'll be no more ammunition or cheery greetings for you as you suffer the permanent consequences of your actions I'm going to call you Amazon because you just murdered a small local business what a fine young man you've become I wish your mother were here to see it but I know she watches over you and is proud what is the force is a question probably best left to Jedi Scholars and fan wikis but one thing the force definitely is is keep score as you play 1997 Star Wars Jedi knight dark Forces 2 the force allegiance of player character Kyle Katan is tracked according to whether you do Light Side things like not killing innocent people or dark side things like choosing dark force Powers then using them to kill innocent people your final tally of light versus Dark Side points determines whether you get the good ending where you save the day and honor your dead dad's memory thank you Father or the bad ending where you kill every every on and take over the new evil empire our spies bring word of a small Rebel Uprising on duta I have no time for petty uprisings extinguish them painfully yes Emperor which means there is a Star Wars timeline run by an emperor Kyle makes you think at one point in the game you return to your father's home on the moon of sulon and once you've cleared the place of Tuscan Raiders and giant space wasps you reach dad's old Workshop my father's Workshop Ouija has got to be in here here you find the faithful family droid named Ouiji who is your classic quirky and lovable Droid companion we assume but it's hard to tell because he doesn't do much more than play you a hollow message this message is intended for my son Kyle Katan Kyle I have left two very important items for you the first is a map to the Valley of the Jedi and is embedded in the stone ceiling above this room the last is a lightsaber that once belonged to a friend and great Jedi ran actually to be fair Ouija is also the one to present you with a lightsaber from your father so nice one Ouija use it well use it for good with your father's words still ringing in your ears you'd have to be a proper tool to use your new saber to execute the family Droid and yet let's see what this saber can do a surprising amount of Lights sabering later poor Ouiji is on the scrap Heap for you the choice is the dark side and the force as ever takes note of your terrible deed in fact this one Droid murder is so heinous says the force that killing Ouija here irrevocably commits you to the dark side there is now no Escape From The Bad ending of the game so tough luck player I want you to remember your son when you're at the Academy how very proud I am of you all hail Emperor Kyle may he rule for a thousand years right change of plans we divide and conquer 47 takes out the Washingtons while I figure out a way to get the constant off the island it'll be tight but once we're back at the ship we should be able to surgically remove the chip before the Partners have time to react there aren't many people you're not supposed to kill when playing as Agent 47 in a Hitman game killing people is kind of the point sure there are NPCs who if you kill them will make the game hard for you like for example the wife of the head of a Colombian drug cartel in front of all of his guards a bad idea for sure but it doesn't end the game I mean not officially the most recent Hitman games however introduced a new wrinkle NPCs that must be kept alive or you'll fail the mission outright the first of these you'll encounter on the aisle of scale a Windswept castle in the North Atlantic where you must eliminate your Target and not kill one other specific NPC named Arthur Edwards also known as the constant you will head towards the harbor no sudden moves no signs or Warnings so you have to go against all your Hitman programming to not kill this guy this is despite how unbelievably tempting the game makes it making you walk him very slowly back to the start of the [Music] level and even giving you a hair trigger kill switch you can use to off him at any time everything depends on capturing him alive no 47 that was our only lead on the partners oh come on you'd have done the same thing the game's Mendoza level pulls a similar trick but with Diana burnwood your Handler who is a little easier to avoid killing on account of how your old Pals you are filling out that suit good although to be honest if you are going to go and stand in a big wine press you deserve everything you get as a 12-year-old classic that exists on every platform no to humankind Skyrim has permanently etched its opening minutes into the memories of Gamers everywhere hey you you're finally awake you were trying to cross the border right I can remember that but not my dad's birthday so we all remember how it goes with the cart ride the wouldbe execution and the dragon who swoops in and saves your [Music] neck then there's the thrilling Escape until you emerge into the scenic open world of Skyrim and inevitably make your way down river to the Village of Riverwood almost as inevitably the first animal you'll cross paths with here is a humble chicken free ranging all around the place and almost as inevitably as that if it's your first time playing you'll kill it big mistake huge either this particular chicken was really popular around town or the people of Riverwood are given to worshiping chickens generally because the delay between around and finding out turns out to be quite small give up while you still can mess with this chicken and not only have you made a terrible first impression in the realm of Skyrim but also you have brought down the vengeful Fury of Riverwood on yourself a puny level one Adventurer with no impulse control and no dragon shouts whether you get murdered or arrested it's an inauspicious start to your heroing career and and a lesson about not attacking random chickens that you won't soon forget unlike my dad's birthday which I want to say the 14th of fober dragons now is it please mother if you keep on like this everyone in town will think you're crazy hey thanks so much for watching this video about NPCs you absolutely should never kill but what to do with all your free time that you have now that you're not killing NPCs all the time well may I suggest watching one of these two videos up here is one from us down here is one from us s a channel outside extra all that time you were using to mow down civilians with a machine gun use it constructively on one of these two videos thank you very much
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 210,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: ulycKkPP9HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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