7 Bosses With a Weird Weakness You Exploited Ruthlessly: Commenter Edition

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bosses are the toughest enemies that you'll encounter in video games and they're usually massive armed with deadly weapons and worst of all rude sometimes though these terrifying foes have a weird Achilles heel a weakness so bizarre that most people would never think to try it in the first place and the ones who did can't believe they actually worked we've talked about this before on the Channel with boss weaknesses ranging from being watered fishing rods and the ravages of age but we had even more great suggestions in the comments so here are our favorites from your suggestions for tough bosses with weird weaknesses that we exploited ruthlessly Enjoy Apple wear spoilers ahead for the following games [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] s or eggplants for our American viewers have many uses from roasting and stirring into a pasta sauce to turning into a delicious baba ganoush but nowhere arguably are they more useful than in Nails hard platformer Spelunky it's not easy to get an eggplant in Spelunky you need to take a mystery box to a sacrificial altar but once you've done that you're rewarded with an aubergine of your very own plus some odd new background music to enjoy however eggplants by their very nature are fragile items if you do anything other than set them gently down for example throwing them or dropping them down holes they will smash and you'll have lost the eggplants but gain some baba ganoush so it's not all bad as you can imagine it's an enormous hassle to carry one of these purple bastards through the entire game but if you do you're in for a treat because it turns out that eggplants are the weird weakness of the game's final boss King Yama [Music] usually King Yama is a formidable foe he's easily the largest enemy you encounter in the game it's surrounded by other enemies and minibosses and has loads of deadly attacks that wreck up the cavies in and you in equal measure if you've managed to carry an aubergine all the way here though you can just lob that at kinyama at which point he turns into a giant sweating eggplant man this eggplant Yama only has two hit points one of which was removed by the vegetables smacking into his head and he's unable to do anything other than sit there and perspire furiously so you can just wander up to him and easily kill him right in his sweating eggplant face sidebar if anyone ever texts you the eggplant emoji and then the water drops Emoji this is what they're referring to a lot of Spelunky fans out there it turns out welcome to gimbal's Prosthetics and medical supplies you are here about the missing Mr McGee am I right oh yes forgive me my name is gimbal Stanley gimbal 2004 cult classic RPG vampire the Masquerade bloodlines casts you into the world of Darkness as a fledgling Lackey roaming around Los Angeles learning to control your vampire powers and how not to control your limbs while dancing [Music] of course and throughout the course of the game you'll find yourself going toe-to-toe with a number of powerful enemies including other vampires and werewolves foreign [Music] boss battles you'll encounter in the game is against a Rogue prostheticist called Stanley gimball who runs what we can only assume is a reputable above-board Prosthetics business out of a CD Alleyway in Santa Monica oh such [Music] they absolutely must have them more red flags than a Switzerland home game as you probably guessed gimbal is a wrongen who has kidnapped a couple of unlucky blokes and is keeping them blocked up in his basement where he's been patiently carving bits off them for several days now one of them's dead already but the other is still alive and Keen to get out oh hey help you got to get me out of here man this guy's a freaking Nut Job what usually follows is that gimbal bursts in through a backroom door taking you by surprise foreign boss fight with him where he is armed LOL somewhat hilariously with a floppy rubbery fake arm if you want to get the drop on this loopy limb lover however you can take one of the chairs lying around his surgical dungeon and jam it up against the door of the back room he's hiding in [Music] then when you go to free the prisoner gimbal can't burst out and sneak attack you and instead just sort of impotently bashes the door against the chair unable to get out while you casually tool up and activate your best vampire powers totally at your leisure before engaging him on your own terms you do still have to fight him but now without the element of surprise he's mostly armless well that's not technically true this place is full of them ah indeed I thought I might find you here by the bye do you know for whom this Festival it is none other than General radon himself I could face a great champion of the shattering demigod In the Flesh epic fancy RPG Elden ring has over 230 bosses and that's not even counting the regular enemies who are just as capable of killing you in interesting and embarrassing ways foreign there are a few boss fights however that stand out as particularly epic and challenging and they're generally the ones against the Fearsome rulers of the vast decaying kingdom in which you find yourself such as godric the grafted Ronaldo the queen of the full moon and the demigod star Scourge Redan a figure so imposing that it does nothing to dampen his terrifying image that he is riding around on a comically tiny horse called Leonard Side by Melania Scarlet wrought his wits are long gone rodan's fight is actually one of the more epic and unusual fights in the game as you're able to summon other characters to fight alongside you such as Alexander the warrior jar who is a big pot and patches the guy who is a guy who leaves almost as soon as you've summoned him cheers patches once you've got him down to about half Health however Redan takes off presumably to complain to the ref about how he's one guy and you've got about eight people on your side at this point you might think you've got a chance to take a bit of a breather maybe gather your wits apply some Buffs and generally prepare for the next phase of the boss fight and if you're doing that instead of paying attention then you're probably going to get killed because that's the point at which radon comes screaming through the air as a giant flaming deadly meteor Elden ring everybody however deadly this meteor attack may be it does also offer Kenny players an opportunity to exploit star Scourge radon's weird weakness his absolutely terrible spatial awareness if you stand in exactly the right spot on the shore when radon comes crashing back to Earth radon does a very poor job of judging his distances and instead of smashing into you killing you instantly he plows headfirst into the ocean where he drowns immediately emptying his health gauge and handing you the W along with his great runes I guess it probably is quite hard to see out of that helmet maybe lose the tusks next time all right he's dead never mind a lot of things are harder to do with an audience like going to the bathroom or eating spaghetti and you can add boss fights to that list because every battle in GameCube classic Paper Mario the Thousand-Year Door takes place in front of a cheering audience that paid for blood and you don't get the sense that they much mind whose it is it's particularly bad during your fight against the game's first major boss a papercraft Dragon named hooktail because she is able to gobble up members of the audience to restore her health undoing all your good work so far however if you want to give yourself an unfair advantage of your own hooktail does have a weird weakness that you can exploit to make her a total pushover and it's to do with crickets no you don't bash her head in with a cricket bat like in Sean of the Dead rather you need to find a badge inside hooktail's own castle called attack FXR equipping this badge makes Mario's attack make the sound of a cricket which is apparently the only thing that hooktail fears because of her extreme distaste for crickets hooktails attack and defense are both lowered by one point every time Mario attacks her as she struggles to fight the waves of nausea the sound is causing her [Applause] [Music] as such this fight is now a breeze which is great news for you less so for hooktail who resorts to some pretty desperate stuff to try and get you to lay off [Music] okay now I'm the one getting nauseous when people say that a weapon in Dark Souls is they're usually talking about its terrible stats or bad scaling but there is one item in the game where they may be talking entirely literally called the dung pie this item is according to the in-game description atrocious fecal waste material which I think may be a line from a review of Dark Souls 2. although these dung pies seem like they might be useless on account of being a literal pile of feces Dunn pies are actually surprisingly useful as a weapon because they inflict a toxic status effect on enemies that does damage over time as anyone who's ever tried to use a toilet at a festival can tell you take for example the notorious Dark Souls boss the Capra demon under regular circumstances this is a tough as Nails boss fight against a terrifying goat monster that will take a great deal of skill and patience to be able to beat [Music] however like many other enemies in the game the Kappa demon has a weakness to the toxic status effect and as such he can be defeated by you throwing poop over the wall of his boss Arena and then just hanging around outside until he gets so sick that he dies from it hey a victory is a victory is Dark Souls I'll take what I can get foreign [Applause] as you'd expect from a hideo Kojima game Metal Gear Solid 5 for phantom pain is full of iconic memorable bosses from the 24 meter battle Mech to the woman who was in a bikini for real story reasons that hideo Kojima doesn't have time to explain to you right now jeez one of the tougher boss fights in the game though is against the boss known as The Man on Fire who is get this a non-fire man yeah he's a dog fire man this boss is super resilient as you can imagine from someone who is already constantly on fire but luckily for you and for this list he has a weird weakness that makes him a total pushover children's water guns as you'd imagine from a powerful well-funded private military corporation Venom snake's Diamond Dogs has a research and development Wing that you can direct to come up with new weapons and gadgets to help you on your missions and if you so choose you can get them to develop a water pistol which I mean I'm pretty sure you can just buy those at Target snake but whatever is your money when going toe-to-toe with the Man on Fire however the water gun starts to seem like a very wise investment as he is utterly helpless to stop you squirting him over and over again like you're disciplining a naughty dog shoot him enough times with the water pistol and you'll extinguish his Flames knocking him unconscious and letting you call for a helicopter out of there at your leisure if he's not on fire anymore does that just make him man I can't see her catching on [Music] thank you [Music] one of the best things about Legend of Zelda breath of the wild is that it gives you as much time as you like to explore and discover things as there's no pressing time limit on your adventure link are our final hope no urgent time sensitive deadlines I can think of you must save her my daughter you turn that down I'm trying to set a new record in Shield surfing while on your leisurely relaxed quest one thing you might find yourself spending a bunch of time on is shrines little self-contained mini dungeons that give you a challenge to overcome and each one contains a reward at the end when you're presented with a spirit orb by a wizard old monk mummy who's probably covered the whole thing in mummy dust thanks a lot [Music] the Champions ballad DLC added a bunch of new shrines to the game one of which had a surprise at the end the monk mummy coming to life and beating your ass instead of just telepathically telling you good job and handing over your orb this monk corpse Maz kosher teleports you to a floating disc in the sky where the two of you throw down you armed with easily breakable weapons him armed with special moves from every boss fight in the game the ability to vanish and produce clones of himself giant Spike metal balls and a huge eye laser [Music] Matt's kosher is Comfortably the most difficult boss in the entirety of breath of the wild but thankfully for you he does have one fatal weakness his love for bendy yellow fruit throw down a bunch of bananas during the fight and Maz will stop whatever he's doing and make a beeline for these potassium-rich fruits leaving him fully open to your attacks as he scarfs them down [Music] this is particularly useful during the sequence when Maz splits into a bunch of clones and you have to figure out which one is the real him not a problem when he's going to town on a bunch of Chiquita's finest it only works during the first phase of the battle and it does only work once but still it's pretty weird that this ancient Supernatural monk will drop everything for a snack although to be fair that is highly relatable ah sweet uh someone else finished this video I'm off to eat these [Music] hey thanks so much for watching this video about bosses with weird weaknesses that we exploited ruthlessly because that's the kind of players we are I guess there's probably loads that we've missed though so please do put them down in the comments below don't put ones that were in the previous one of this video maybe watch that too just to check in fact when I look back here so you can you can check out the first one so convenient you can go and check that and make sure that you're not going to write something that's in that because then you'd look silly wouldn't you so don't watch this and don't do that and if you want to watch something else check out this outside extra video which I highly recommend so watch those two and we'll see you next time thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 760,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, weird weakness, boss fight, stanley gimble, vampire the masquerade, vtm bloodlines, bloodlines, water pistol, water gun, man on fire, mgsv, mgs 5, metal gear solid v, spelunky, king yama, starscourge radahn, elden ring, radahn, hooktail, paper mario, capra demon, dark souls, dung pies, maz koshia, breath of the wind
Id: iISr3bnarkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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