7-28-11 Chris Tucker Cracks Hilarious Jokes & Stories & Talks Jackie Chan on Lopez Tonight

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our first guest movie star amazing stand-up comedian he's preferment tomorrow night at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville give it up Chris Tucker [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] they love you and thank you for finally making it to the show oh man you know what you was telling me to come this is this is the hottest show man this is hot now now two people will you always be smoking I think so - Al Pacino Michael Corleone I mean when you when you nail the performance they associate you with that yeah the one Academy Awards Friday to me is the up and smoke and the animal house of black films yeah we had so much fun doing that movie man we did it in 20 days and we was just having fun man we was fresh off the road a lot of comedians and cube was so smart putting us together man and we just had a lot of fun but but we didn't know it was gonna be so successful I went I remember going seeing the movie before it was edited and Gary great F Gary great let us see it and I was depressed after it like he was like don't worry man we put no music in it we didn't cut it together just wait I said a spooky stir but what did I do and come to find out you know it just took a life of his own we never know but I gotta stop calling me smokey yes I walk down the street man people just yell they get mad at me man you're welcome yeah yeah you know what you're a good father bad guys I'll see you at every event with your son so you're a good father but but with fans and and I see it with cheese and chocolate they always try to get people high they try to get you high all the time man people called me all quiet Amy Chris no I'm gonna smoke one what you talking about man do drugs smells of character it's a movie I'm a good actor [Applause] and they know they know already that you you will not do another Friday movie whatever movie they present to you you know I've never thought about doing another one when we did the first one like I said we was just trying to you know I was just trying to do a good job and then I was happy to did some more you know cuz I mean the first one was good enough for a new smile but I want to do some more movies that people say oh man do another one of that one so I'm trying to keep making some more classics hopefully yeah right on the Cossacks you know people think stars live in Hollywood you live in Atlanta everyone musically and creatively they live in Atlanta yeah I'm from Atlanta from the Decatur Georgia so I'm back and forth from halfway in California and halfway in Georgia man I love it down you alone in Atlanta sometimes maybe people you know they sometimes because they don't see a lot of celebrities so they be coming up to me looking at me like hey man you you like yeah me too my card man so here's the thing here's the anybody that really knows you they might not know this but you don't do drugs you don't do alcohol you don't even swear when you do stand up yeah you know when I was younger I used to cuss a lot and I was always looking and cringe when I watch myself sighs so you know where I want to be I want to be a great comedian I want to mop up my material to speak first so that's why I said that I don't really want to cuss because I wanted my material to be better and better so it made me a better comedian yeah all right take that lesson down myself some point you can't get across without cussing forget those okay so what is your family's reaction to to to your success oh they all quit their jobs what are the things that we have in common is we both work with with Jackie Chan that was that combination between you and Jackie Chan man I love Jackie but Jackie used to make me look bad he's a show up to work on time all the time I said Jackie you to stop man take it easy your trailer you making me look bad man he said Chris you listen you wasting money get on set on time it ain't your money Jackie no service we're brothers here's like that oh yeah he's probably he's great dude dude man love him man yeah and when you work with him he is English isn't great so you have to hang on every word right Jackie you me having Jackie words all on me on paper what you call it like boy to be taped on me behind the camera like so he said you're stand-in there we just fight next door and it was he said it's gonna be hard to get that kid and Jackie said we have to get that kid hard move is great at the end it's contagious yeah yeah I messed up one time he can eat this acting a fool you crazy Metapod let me ask you this is a big question because now you're touring again you're back out on the road you're doing movies again would you ever consider getting married you know what I'm looking and what I'm not looking but come to my shows you know I'm touring there so you come unless you're maybe you know women come out so I don't know cuz I ask people all the time I ask my uncle people like that you know I'm thinking about getting married so long to discourage you say don't I don't want to talk to the wrong person but hopefully hopefully one day [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I admire the fact that you live in your life right and setting a good example and your you go to church a lot oh man every Sunday every chance I get man you know you live in LA young I'm black and I'm rich I got it I got on my side the devil won't me man yes but you you dude yet right you go with your family you have a church here that you go to yeah go to church Misha come with me go to church I'll let you take me to church black church last 45 minutes before the priests leave you know you are just black church is too long my preach me time I'll come back tonight service and Abbey tonight a bad thing when you in celebrity and they know how much money you make when they take up offering everybody look at me make twenty million dollars a movie you could pay the church off here's what I like the first time I saw you do standard there was a lot of Michael Jackson dancing really a great impression of them and then I just found out recently that you guys were pretty good friends oh yeah man I was blessed man to you know to grow up and to meet my somebody idol tanned and admired so much man and being Cummings friend I was in one of his videos and stuff and just love Mike I mean we just we became friends man I hung out with him a lot and Michael was just so nice man you'd be around him and you just get happy man he was he would give you anything if you like something like I was just complimenting a flat-screen TV head he gave it to me I'm Walter TV but then the black came out of me I started liking everything oh my god like that rose rich that's the bad rolls-royce not the old one the new rolls-royce right who's that you like it creaks yeah you sure you like it so what you better go buy one so who were the comics that you look up to when you when you came I mean I remember we first got cable they didn't even lay the cable wires down on my street yet and my neighbor brought the tape down Eddie Murphy delirious down the street you know Eddie Murphy that is raw minute it was it was great and then of course Richard Pryor who I remember going stir-crazy yeah and I was nine years old watching stir-crazy him walking down with Gene Wilder down the you know in the prison scene and I was like man that's funny you know and so those two guys are my like like the big animal yeah well you know what I'll tell you this I'm happy cuz I'm older I'm happy that you're doing stand-up again because as Eddie Murphy goes and as Richard Pryor goes Chris Tucker has to go in order for comedy to survive Oh we need that we can to keep that legacy alive now now I found out that your brother your brother's doing stand-up yeah my brother brothers doing stand-up my brother what am I one of my brother right above me my brother Dexter yeah has he asked you for advice yeah he did didn't I told him I said well what competition now man we can't we I said look out no no I did it I just told my co-workers you know a lot of funny guys out there and and you know and he's funny he's funny guy so you know it's dick while my whole family's funny so yeah yeah and what about a Christmas you guys he wrecked my motorcycle on Christmas I never forget that man he didn't tell me he got off the bike only way I found out he was limping and then he just walked in the house nothing I'm alright I looked at my bike it was bent all over and I had to go with my grandma mouse right after that I was mad the whole time she thought I was mad at her baby you know welcome speeding no it's not that I'm happy that that that you're here and the people love you and Chris and the best part is now you can go see Chris Tucker live in concert where he does what he does anywhere he's the best see Chris in Phoenix on August 20th at Comerica theater and go to lopez tonight calm for all the dates Christopher [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: HumorCafe
Views: 4,684,846
Rating: 4.8521104 out of 5
Keywords: chris, tucker, on, lopez, tonight, talks, about, friday, george, show
Id: n5sv4C1bMqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2011
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