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yes my first hands an emmy-winning actor and writer his brand-new CD never scared as in stores right now this Sunday's got the biggest gig in show business hosting the Academy Awards please welcome mr. Chris Rock go back I know how you feeling okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah just got out of rehab freshened up just for the show perfect perfect well you're the Hollywood thing yeah me and Kevin we're in rehab together thanks for mentioning that yes in there for the pipe and Kevin was a sex addict see I appreciate you coming cuz I know this week is like crazy week that's a lot of pressure and I you feel pressure on this thing yes you know people really care about these Oscars oh really into that think I'm just doing a gig I'm like okay I act like I'm playing Yuk Yuk's in Toronto and no people are really like hey don't disrespect Oz news don't mess it up I feel like I'm fighting Hagler so I mean and now you've been asked before right I've been asked before and I've said no before just cuz I was younger and I was doing the MTV Awards I like doing that gig now I'm older I'm 40 right you know 40 forties old the only time I'll be referred to only time 40s young is if you die at 40 right or if you're you're sleeping with Cher and it's really young so what made you take it this time and what made you go up I need it to money Jake yeah it's a white guy kids may I know that baby needs diamond shoes now do you find you know like you know what kills me because I've known you a long time I don't know you say things and then people laugh but now because of the Academy would you say something well you would like you had some stuff in Entertainment Weekly right there's stuff in there you said would you say no no no straight black guys watch that watch the awesome something I wasn't let me clarify this for the world I was quoted in the magazine as saying only gay people watch the Oscars I did not say that I said only gay people watch the Tonys I know you're not a big fan of awards for like art and thinking because there is an award like every week in this town I can't wait till they have the awards Awards that's yeah yeah I swear like everybody cares about the Oscars and it's a great thing and people think it ask isn't gonna cry they're gonna be happy but the awards don't really affect anybody's lives in the crowd meanwhile the Nobel Peace Prize there's no one there you get a spot right in front of the building the day of the nobody all right you gotta think of the mail nobody cares what the scientists are wearing what are you wearing professor Allen pants you have an Emmy in a Grammy where do you keep them got three Emmys you got three oh I'm sorry and if you have like a special plane I give them the family members that asked for money I don't got it but I'll give you a grabbing now are they the censors nervous because of your doing this have you gotten any heat on that anything yet but I got a feeling they're gonna just I'm just gonna end up in a room or like the head of ABC ten minutes before we go on all right this is gonna be your ass so we'll never be like Jimmy Kimmel again he's a black guy the head of ABC the guy they used to talk to black people it's a whole another guy now I understand you got Kevin there when black library every Kevin his interpreter I understand they have you on a two day delaying its that connect so it's just gonna be it delays so the Hema is gonna hold it be a big delay oh yeah yeah if there's a Delaine do you feel like who I should take advantage you know it's weird it's like if there was no delay I would tell you right now there's no chance in the world I would ever curse right but no delay I've never done anything like that but now that there's a delay you never know I might just go that is crazy we'll take a break welcome back I'm with Chris Rafi host the perennial host the value of the Academy Award now you said you've never actually watched one of those shows I've been watching them lately on tape that never that's the best way get them all at once I don't know any straight men who aren't in show business that have ever watched the Oscars it's not like my mother would run in the shape of my dad's like policeman she'll wear no panties that's my dad thought Angie Dickinson wear any panties are you rooting for anybody am i rootin for anybody can you do that his host must show you you're like a referee no you don't think what me is I like I like it if the award will affect the person's life yeah so of like you know anything nice for Don Cheadle to win oh he's oh he was great great no terawatt because you know yeah you know if he wins he's gonna get better scripts he's gonna work better directors chat it up I like Leo but if he wins he already works with the best people who's gonna get like 20 million in $1.00 watch is only gonna raise and go go out buy some spinning rims have you seen the movies like you have to do you have to know all the movies I've watched some of them you know some of them any clunkers anything you like it on there good there's some good one yes yeah what are you trying to get me the same man any clock anyone better than my movies that goes without saying but anything anything hey you didn't move into ID I know I'm I know I did a lady would speak to audio now any advice for acceptance speech anything you know what my advice is my advice to people getting Oscars uh you know when you get Grammy is like you know don't thank God God's busy working on the tsunami so leave it leave it on leave alone he's trying to help people I mean Rwanda and you oh god I want to thank God that God's like who excuse me I got to go over to the Oscars like the same exact guy now are they I heard they're changing the way the awards are going to some people to get their ward in their seat is that true I think yeah just a couple you just sit there I go there you go Oscars but it's also a TV show yeah and some people you know I don't know some people is just sexier for some people to get their awards than others I guess I see so other people just say yeah yeah yeah I don't know I didn't make it up you know sometimes you watching the Oscars and it's like the light guys up there talking for 20 minutes right didn't to see Angelina Jolie right not lighting McGee he wins every every year ladybug ID does now you got a couple of movies coming out right I have a The Longest Yard coming out in May with Adam Sam okay the town I want to see that movie yeah I want to see it I was broke I was like I didn't have replaced the lives in Hollywood Boulevard it was raining and I said well I'll go see The Longest Yard for some reason I was so rejuvenated by that movie I don't wear such stupid movies but I felt like I just felt good when I can feel good makes you want to go to jail and what is the other one here and the other ones Madagascar the cartoon yeah you can't call them cartoons they get animated you know for the kids yeah you know you gotta love to animate it anything that has shut my kids up for 90 minutes I'm happy right now give me a take on some of the things in the news that I look like Michael Jackson we haven't talked about that Michael Jackson you know all comedians should send Michael Jackson a check give you agent 10 Michael should get three three percent I wonder does Mike when Michael Jackson goes to a party does he likes in balloons over to a kid or something but you know the King of Pop would like to meet you how about the robber was he the man wasn't that bad apparently where's Johnny Cochran right now when you need them no Johnny is even one of Michael's lawyers I don't know if Johnny's on this one I think Johnny goes oh I'm not getting near this one because Martha Stewart gets out of prison what two weeks yeah I think but she's not a show starting immediately right she's like on the baby like so she gets out the credits start like like there's a camera soo she gets out hey welcome to out of jail with Martha Stewart well you know sunday is the big day yeah I really appreciate to come because I know this week is crazy and everybody is on your case and I thanks for taking time thanks for having me you're gonna be going to all to watch the Oscars right after the Oscars the Soul Train Awards Soul Train award Chris thank you buddy let's rock be right back
Channel: MyTalkShowHeroes
Views: 2,348,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mytalkshowheroes
Id: b4ifJ1UZCfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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