6 Trump Supporters vs 1 Secret Hater | Odd Man Out

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Jubilee is owned by two asian guys who I strongly suspect are chans.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/RedditIsBannedHere 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's the AF.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/aznidthrow 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
what's up fellow good humans welcome to another episode of odd man out we want to feature you in an intro so stick around till after the video to find out the rules enjoy in the meanwhile I see so many people who are using government assistance to go to Disneyland that's not what it's for it's so that you can make America great again we brought together seven Trump supporters I am a trump supporter I am a trump supporter I am a trump supporter I am a trump supporter I am a trump supporter I am a trump supporter I am a trump supporter one is a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives he or she wins the entire prize so I think we should say why we support him yes assuming we all do um so did you want to start sure I'm supporting because I'm a dad I support him because uh record unemployment rate at all time low stuff like that um when people lie they tend to like touch their face I really love how he's a Christian and he loves Jesus and God he's actually uh the only President of History that's quicker because we have like six people okay guys I support him because he follows the Constitution I support him because I feel like we have more religious freedom with him in office than Hillary yeah there's so many reasons but America first I guess is the reason it's my reason same here um he's done a lot for the country so she was right next to me and she necessarily cut me off but she seemed just very nervous she didn't sound like she believed what she was telling everybody okay my faith informs my voting simple as that and second my dad has been in the Marine Corps for 30 years and so vet support is really important to me yeah it was super nerve-wracking going into the first speed round because you know that everyone has assumptions about how you look he's got a lot of diversity of support out there they just don't speak up out of fear and so it was interesting to try to read everything from body language to what they were actually saying I voted for Sierra in the first round I thought she was a little um because of her look her dyed hair and how she initiated the conversation [Music] I think it was the combination of my nerves and because I was wearing a crop top and it's not so conservative and I had a piercing out earlier raise your hand if you have any doubt and you would like to continue the game everybody's gonna vote in 2020. yes absolutely does everybody have a favorite for 2020 I'm voting for Trump I don't know yet yeah I'm proud to cast my vote for Donald Trump president Trump yes Trump here I think I made people focus on me because I didn't know if I or I don't know if I would vote for him again I think that if someone better does come along I don't want to just automatically say he'll forever have my vote I just want to clarify just in case you guys don't think that I support him because I totally do but I am curious that one of the major things right now is immigration so what is your guys's stance on immigration well I'm a second generation American on both sides so my dad's parents immigrated from India and my mom's from Mexico so I think this country would be nothing without immigrants at all yeah I grew up in California in Los Angeles California I've seen the demographics change not often for the good you know there are many homeless Americans and Veterans they're homeless on the streets and yet we spend tons of taxpayer money to support illegal immigration you know we have a constitution and if you can't respect our laws you know it's better that you don't Keith you know he was a trump supporter it flowed where do you get your news I don't watch any cable news at all and I listened to a lot of podcasts like more specifically like Joe Rogan because he usually has people like Ben Shapiro and Stephen Crowder along with people who like are more leftists did you see Alex Jones on Joe Rogan when he was like I think he's like wild so that's where I get my uh most of my information from uh Infowars and Alex Jones oh these are really informed people here you got it you got to be on top of your game if you're gonna ever talk if you want to know the truth you have to look at both sides to understand you know what's going on maybe he's just introverted but to me he didn't seem like he was actively engaged in the conversation I voted out Mike because I wanted to assume that not all white men are Trump supporters I was thinking it was the first person I said oh she's gone already so why am I let's make it more difficult for me how the silence was going to play I now know so like what would you say to the people who are going to think negatively of you as a trump supporter well I think the first thing is that no matter what side you stand on President Trump has reinvigorated our Democratic process you know they say well he's a racist I say well you just ask them the people who believe that you say well what's racist about his policy just because of my support it discredits who I am as a person or like they're not willing to listen because it's like yeah it's really yeah in college because I'm pro-life I'm discredited from everything so oh you're Catholic you can't have an opinion on this we already know what your opinion is going to be it's like we could talk about it we don't need to fight about it just have a conversation your next door neighbor probably supports Trump and you don't I love how he's given the power back to the people um you know the elites of I'll do it for so long and there's they're still fighting to like keep you know staying power but I think it's really Divine and uh you know God's hand is in it Jesus Christ I have a question probably for the next segment if we have another one Zach made himself seem too suspicious because he had his American pin flag I thought maybe he was trying too hard do we have a tie so we're gonna do a reboot the tie is Zach and Natalie honestly it I I yeah I was kind of baffled by it I wasn't really surprised just because like I don't fit the the look of somebody who supports Trump foreign I think I voted for Zach because I didn't want to vote for Natalie which is probably why I voted for Trump I didn't want to vote for Hillary so I voted for Trump [Music] yeah I have a question though I'm I'm curious you know because you know obviously you guys are like the of millennial age how do you define conservatism the current Narrative of the left is creating a sort of victimhood and what I find on the right is that there's a huge Victor mentality it's all how much how hard do you want to work to get your life to a certain point I wouldn't even use like the label for myself even registered I'm independent it's deregulation and providing the opportunity for everyone to make the best for themselves not to be provided the best not to have oversight financially so that you're obligated to someone else because my dad came from absolutely nothing did did his National Duty and built a life for himself and I was able to go to college because of it like I went to school in the GI bill from him I see so many people who are using government assistance to go to Disneyland that's not what it's for it's so that you can build yourself up and make America great again it's like if I'm gonna work and my dad's going to work the hours that he does and not be home so that he can provide for his family it's only fair that he gets to see that money just really quickly because I know this round is going to end so you said that you wouldn't necessarily you're not for sure casting your vote for Trump in 2020 is there a if you had a vote for a Democratic candidate right now as of right now I don't see that person okay but I just I'm not sure I support him now as a president and in 2016 I just it's not to say that I wouldn't it's just however that's why I didn't want another round she talked a lot more than Catherine did so there's a lot more opportunity for me to like find holes I didn't want to put anybody out I just felt like everyone was honest and so I was just like I don't even think Mike is still in the game but I wrote his name [Music] if the lights around you turn red the mole is still in the square and you guys lose the lights turn green you have voted them all out and you win [Applause] them all step forward I am the mall I I really thought I was gonna win all right young lady congratulations you did a great job I don't consider myself a republican in any way all of my positions are pretty Progressive I'm super happy to have had this dialogue I think this experience has taught me that a lot of the people who are Trump supporters like Sierra for example go back and forth on what they believe and are asking themselves tough questions everyone like has a story to tell and everyone's voices should be heard even if they disagree with you what's up good humans thank you for watching thanks so much for watching if you guys want to be in one of our intros for the episodes in the next 48 hours put a story on Instagram telling us why you love odd men out so much tag Jubilee media we're going to feature the best one in an intro so your face can be in front of millions yeah who knows anyways thanks for watching we'll see you around and we hope to see you around thanks
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 11,379,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, odd man out, trump supporters, 6 trump supporters vs 1 secret hater, who is the trump hater?, what do trump supporters believe?, 2020 election, can you find the trump hater?, should i vote for donald trump?, who to vote for in 2020, why do you support trump?, what are trump's policies?, 2020 presidential election, democrats vs republicans, conservative vs liberal
Id: Mp11EzxCOG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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