Am I A Virgin? - Jubilee React #7

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logo bro okay what's up everyone my name is hey I'm floor gang if your ceiling gang cringe today we're watching another you blade that's right I like fun these are fun this one is a very special title it's six non-virgins versus one secret version did you know statistically half of everyone is very secretly virgin and I'm not verging so that means episode this is the show odd man out where your judgments are thrown out the window out the window which is what you will you will be thrown out the window if you have pretty non premarital sex I'm really good at delivering jokes out the window not on my watch we want to gift more crewnecks that we're gonna give it to the most insightful comments yeah that the most insightful comments I've never seen anyone bully so hard as the Jubilee comments they are completely no they don't you're the only one and I can't already not wait what they gonna say about this guy Harris Harris I need my peepee big strong calm cool yeah why I'm in my pee pee Pikachu because it will shock you yeah is it I get it we all named our pee pee at one point in my life but not when you're old okay that's unforgivable this guy's to me he's the virgin right now brought together seven non-virgins alright I'll just be blind this episode it's fine I don't is a virgin I am NOT a virgin I am NOT I am NOT a virgin goddamnit everytime when I watch these I cuz I think I'm good at gauging people every time when they do that I'm not I'm like I should be able to pick you up but I can't it's too hard a liar if the group discovers who the liar is they'll split a cash prize if the liar survives he or she wins the entire prize but if you win that means you're virgin so do you really win somebody to think about I say we just start asking questions and everyone answers that's a pretty good strategy I like that that's that point out there shop god I think that's why the Cubs are so savage because it's so easy to just sit here and we're like that's the dumbest [ __ ] I've ever heard no what we really should do is we don't we should all just have sex right here because that means everyone won't be a virgin and we all win the money easy come on oh you're not a virgin prove it huh have sex right now you could try that oh you're not a virgin that's not vegan sorry too many tangents fine Nishal was Sean he seemed too confident too talkative let's go around the circle figure it out yeah everyone that's a virgin cannot be confident whatsoever they have to walk constantly in shame what do you call yours Harris Harris age [Laughter] 12 really all right he's still diverting to me on MySpace what myspace on myspace I put my peepee in your peepee you know I actually got married on in in video games when I was 12 so yeah it's whatever I hope [ __ ] it was it was an it an online RPG I don't remember their name but it was kind of a big deal okay her name was Demon Slayer 64 we don't tell might see about that okay she doesn't have to know I feel like everyone wanted to control the situation we weren't getting anywhere when was the last time you guys two days ago three days yeah are they gonna eliminate anyone based on this yeah yeah who's that oh my god they're all going what would you vote her out this is so confusing I mean I don't know what they've said they clearly cut the footage man that is very key item no I trusted you I was shocked or Emily I don't think at first glance wait hello hello they eliminated that girl before this guy or the frickin guy with the pony t-shirt a rainbow pony that dabs okay all right you played the game the way you want to play a shot or Emily I don't think at first glance I look like a virgin no that guy does that guy just how much money do they win by the way great so when you lost your virginity okay so nuts then how to go down High School both virgins didn't know what the hell we were doing it was the first letter of her first exact correct J bloom at 21 would that mean that makes no sense all right I was late bloomer - I wouldn't pull some 21 she was my coworker so kind of scandalous what about you her name was harmony and how'd you guys meet my space my space you next there was harmony we met on myspace where were widely in love harmony you next sounds almost as realist Demon Slayer 64 in me but okay I was 14 it will last about two minutes so it sounds like a great exchange how was your first experience two minutes I mean it's probably accurate loss to a girl named Stacy Stacy and in back of my Volvo I was okay with late bloomer I was believe I was in college and how did you lose it like where was it that in my apartment slash dorm that wasn't I lived question why does he answer like a question right I believe was my it was my apartment very suspicious and this is already a big red flag how many people have you slept with oh gosh under 10 under a thousand believe her maybe maybe a couple thousand or something I don't know see this hickey a guy here yeah that's whatever I had sex last night I'm 25 25 old med I had a thousand girls harmony harmony one harmony to harmony three it was great hickeys were cool when you were you were a teenager you're 25 dude Jesus Christ you get a hickey when you're not a teenager he punched right away thrown out the window right away because he was playing the game so hard I was like hey she suck with her lip she did come to win to the point of giving himself a fake hickey relationship few months I don't know I don't know anything I just like figured that maybe get rid of the guy with the pony t-shirt I mean yeah to be fair TV I also I don't think it is that him because it's never the obvious one in these I've learned that much at least if it's obvious we have to yeah it's also fair I can see though I'm kind of flattered I didn't want to be too defensive no I'm not I'm not a virgin just because I'm kind of like it's okay if you are what oh absolutely unless you're married of course you guys have had sex like an obstacle course on my college campus like one of those rope course things an obstacle course how does that happen I feel like I have too many points to make in this video it's just so weird what everyone says obstacle course hey girls see that obstacles you see that obstacle course over there I bet we could slam it out in the obstacle course how does that happen guess if we don't have anywhere else let's hit the obstacle course she's definitely saying and I actually don't think he is as well but I would still vote him out just for the shirt you should try the obstacle course yeah Jonathan is a hive mentality you just want to be safe and do whatever it takes yeah see [Music] damn everyone I had a different shirt I was told that this shirt worked fine I feel like that may have contributed also maybe don't judge people by the shirts that they choose to bro you had another shirt and you wore that one wait Jubilees said it was fine to wear it too really hey I have this house a shirt that says I'm a virgin on it is that is that cooler I got another one I could change it no that's fine keep that shirt that's fine if it isn't Jonathan boy oh boy will I have learned a lesson today about not judging people by their shirt they wear whatsoever most favorite aspect of sex what you guys like the most about sex I liked it that's my favorite part I'm not a virgin by the way my favorite part of sex is day that's my that's my favorite part because I have sex I totally had sex my favorite part is that [Music] that's what I know that's just my preference definitely not a virgin I suspect the flower boy and how long have you been with your wavering six months how long were you singing before that oh I had another boyfriend from the movie theater but we broke up those new boyfriend and then I had a one-night stand that was three okay I mean that's actually believable statistically if we eliminated her we'd make more money type time at that what what what he did say so he just confirmed that he doesn't think it's her but he wants to eliminate her to make more this guy is either the best actor and a virgin or he's just a douche bag I can't wait to read the comments goddammit I there it is statistically if we limited her we'd win more money didn't find the virgin but the douche is very I mean he's not wrong why I heard though that's so mean yeah you had sex the least amount of time you gotta go yeah you don't know come on I rather be in a relationship than just have sex with anyone just bullying now oh wow she took her toe she did the whole arm thing like you you like you like look at that I notice issue oh good for you but you're going cuz she was the most introverted does he know what the point you're supposed to find the March ahead god I hope he doesn't lean still there good luck yeah it's their discontent in the group I think it's one of the black out understand they always pick the ones that you don't think it is she like you said three in the last two weeks but so I went to Palm Springs two weeks ago and then two days ago I had sex with someone so I did team we just kind of like looked at each other we're just like okay we kind of knew that we were safe I think he could potentially still be the more all right to ask questions were you religious to before you had sex yeah so if I called your mom right now and I was like he's had sex a few times she probably already thinks I do I mean I've never told her do that no one in their right mind would do that yeah back of the Volvo what color was a Volvo by the way it was gold gold damn alright as far as the Volvo did you have like padding in there or was it just like what was the but was the body part that hurt most after you finished my vote is on fire flower guy in the guy's house that were out and his parents were gone usually 30 to 70 18 yeah yep the MAV seems off every damn no she said 70 so she had a new guy that means statistically she had a new guy every 20 days since 14th I'm not shaming but that's a lot a into now that's up there I don't think it's anything like that but she could be coming in here trying to be like I'm the coolest she's saying a big number she's young therefore I believe it because if she was coming in here as a mole she really know the guy that comes the person that came in to say think they're the coolest is definitely this guy I'm all she I think she's safe and that global story about your knees that that makes sense I'm a sex symbol okay well he's good needed to like sway one of them so I was thinking like Trevor was the mole okay we'll just go with a manual for now but he wasn't budging I don't think he has a beard with like a tattoo he didn't throw me in the fire it's kind of like you know what you're cool you know throw me and me and Emanuel started kind of indirectly teaming up to like telepathically if you think so do you think no other point of the game at this point or have they just forgotten it seems like they're just trying to bully each other they throw out the girl because she was the most introverted and then they team up because they didn't throw it they don't like a tactic game of not being the virgin he bought the Hickey was a point like a bottle cap you just put on his neck bottle cap how does that work oh that's really everybody's you know it's not hard to recreate that I thought it was real but I thought it was a little scripted I know it's not you yeah those numbers did they work they work do I got a hickey did it work can't see all right who's going out no matter what it would have been - V - it was obvious that Sean and Jolie we're gonna vote Trevor off and then try and get me off yeah I think the mole is probably out but I want money so here we go oh my god boy I'm so glad he didn't once I'm so happy people don't expect me to be a virgin and unless asked I don't say anything I get it it's the game survival of the fittest so I I understand yeah the game that no one played properly associate self-proclaimed sex symbol no you are you're the socio bad you really never know so I'm still a virgin because I'm waiting for marriage all right fair enough sex is a covenant between me God and my future wife all right well well playing well that promise to myself and my family and to God that I would wait until marriage knowing as he was at least it was that was a good episode I enjoy that now let's read all the comments that is what kind of bully him imagine being 25 thinking it's cool to flex hickeys yeah pretty much Sean looks like that's not a version of someone that you want to be damn they really kicked Emily out just because she was the most wholesome it I felt kind of good that she got voted out when she started saying something about hi mind mentally I really felt disgusted with her what I'm just happy Sean or Julie did say Jonathan and a manual yeah I wished it don't stay longer on that was funny honestly it would have been like Sean has to be a virgin because who would want to sleep with him bro why is everyone treating virgin like insult bura oh yes she did say that don't judge a book by its cover also Julie in the back of my mind I was judging of laughs they look oh god she's 18 and already had 30 to 70 partners Burt okay alright alright time to end there pursue there I hope you guys enjoyed if you did smash like actually you don't even have to smash it you can just give it a little tap that's all you gotta do subscribe upload videos every single day and I see gamers tomorrow floor gang out [Music] [Music] of the pp to crush the rest and get a pee Jennifer grumpy sleepy bear reach the photo found on Shannon sponsee Edgar Maya Tuskegee sword bill three questions boiling what your colleague singing fix the lid some across the world but then from dusk till dawn and I borrow your power cord my ball is down and you know terrace-flat I gotta commit birch Colbert comma Molly Claudia Rudy roll the King clinching for Istanbul is falling falling what you're calling pinging pixel ease stronger than me how many pictures she you have from breath down to crunch of pollen this is my son as you noticed that love will soon be gosh Louie push you are see Ted nicer up do rock cement for the Sally [Applause] picture lips the craters game of all time download it now before to it this song is a commercial I'm spoiling spoiling what you call a king in I'm spoil he's falling spoiling weren't you calling singing boys boys bowling ball Big Sur legs [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 8,755,821
Rating: 4.9732356 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: hYtpUJE6ZwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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