Packet Tracer - Identify MAC and IP Addresses

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity identify Mac and IP addresses just we will go through the objectives in path to 1 we will gather PDU information and in pati to reflection questions right also we will see this a background what they given here this activity is optimized for viewing PDUs we know that the protocol data unit the devices are already configured we will gather video information in a simulation mode and answer a series of questions about the data we collect right this is what we are going to do in this packet tracer activity we will come to path to one gather video information they given and not here review the reflection questions in party - before proceeding with the path to one yes way it will give you an idea of the type of types of information you will need to gather exactly so before we will go through the questions they given in part two then we will come back to part one alright we will come to party - - the reflection questions yes you can see we have almost 20 questions here right we will go through one or two questions where the different types of wires used to connect devices did the wires change the handling of the PDU in any way you have lost any of the information given to it so like that we have around the 20 questions we can you can go through all the 20 questions and then now we will come to power to one so that we will come to know what are the informations to be gathered now we will come to a step to one in part two one gather video information as a packet travels from 172 door to 1600 to 80 1.8 to 210 210 door 3 so click 172 door to 16.2 31.2 and to open the command prompt the pink tent or tender 10.3 command sushi - simulation mode and repeat the pink tender tender 10.3 command apdu appears the next - 1 7 2 . 16.2 31.2 right so and we have to gather all the information click the PDO and denote the following information from the outbound to PDO layer tap so we have to get the destination managers source marketers source IP address destination IP address then a device these are the information what we have to gather then a click capture or forward to move the PDO to the next device gather the same information from step of 1d repeat this process until the PDU reaches its destination right record the PDU information you gathered into a spreadsheet using a format like the table shown below here are they given the format for the spreadsheet so a device a destination MAC source MAC source IP address and destination IP address right here they given the information from a 1 7 - OH - 1602 31.8 - - so here we can see all the details right in the same way we are going to do here we will come to step 2 gather additional PDO information from other pings repeat the process in step 1 and to gather the information for the following tests here we have a number of tests we are going to ping this and we are going to gather the information here is our a spreadsheet and we can see the information from a 1 7 0 to 16 to 30 102 to 210 210 dot and dot 3 here and this information already given in the packet tracer and also now we are going to ping from 1 7 2.2 16 to 30 1.5 to 170 2.16 go to 31.4 and we are going to get these informations coming to the top let's see here we can see we are going to ping from this PC to this PC that is 170 2.16 go to 31.5 - 170 2.2 1602 31.4 right we will come to this PC now command prompt and here we are going to ping to 170 202 1602 31.4 and here we can see we are getting the replay now we will pink after I mean in a simulation mode we will come to simulation mode and now we are going to pink from 31.5 to 31.4 yes yes here we can see the PDO now we are going to collect the information from this PDO coming to the PDU outbound PDO details so here we can see the details here we can see the destination MAC address source MAC address we can see source IP address and the destination IP address also we can see at device 172 dot 216 door - 31.5 yes now we collected all the information from this PDU at device 172 dollar 1602 31.5 here we can see the details the destination MAC address or Smike etre source IP address and destination IP address now we will go to capture or forward yes now the PDO is coming to switch to 1 & 2 we are coming to this PDO we will get the information of outbound PDO details here we can see the details a destination MAC address source MAC address source IP address and destination IP address own devices which you won now we are going to fill all these informations we are going to gather this information into this spreadsheet yes here we collected all the information from this P do that is two to one here we can see that again here we are going to give a capture or forward yes it goes to the destination 1/7 2.16 da to 31.4 and here we are going to get the PDU information a device 1 7 2 dot 1602 31.4 outbound PDO details here we can see the details destination MAC address source MAC address also here we can see the source IP address and destination IP address this information we are going to add it to this spreadsheet yes all the information added here in the spreadsheet here we can see that yes here we collected all the information for this pink pink 172 ro 216 go to the 81.4 from 170 2.2 16.2 31.5 now we are going to a ping tender tender 10.2 from that is in the topology here we can see from this laptop to this laptop and our raspberry tea is already here yes we are in the simulation models coming to laptop 10.3 right so here we are going to ping to 10 dot and dot 10.2 and here we can see the PDO I'm going to click contact so here is the PDO information here we can see no there is no source and destination MAC address here we can see the source and destination IP atras so we are going to give this information in noir excel sheet yes so we given all the informations of this PDU in our spreadsheet here we can see that yes now we are going to click on capture or forward we can see the PDO in access point we are going to click on that outbound PDO details here we can see the details destination MAC address source MAC address we can see source IP address and destination IP address so we are going to add this information into our spreadsheet yes so we added all the information from this video to our spreadsheet here we can see that again we are going to click capture or forward we can see it goes to switch here we will check the PDO information coming to PDU outbound PDO details so here we can see the details of destination MAC address source MAC address source IP address and destination IP address so here we can see these informations are the same but we have seen on access point and here we are going to note this information in the old spreadsheet here we can see the details on switches 0 again we are going to click capture or forward we can see the PDO own access point here again here we cannot see any source and destination MAC address but we can see source and destination IP Archers 10.3 and it turned out to write we will note this information ok so here I am going to copy this and we cannot see any source and destination MAC address right yukine we are going to click capture or forward and we can see the PDU goes to 10 - 10 - 10 . - and here we can see the outbound PDO details so we cannot see any source and destination MAC address but here we can see the so and destination IP address we are going to mark this information into our spreadsheet so here we are going to give the device tender tender 10.2 until we didn't get any source and destination make a truss and the here is our source IP address so that is 10.2 and here the destination IP address is 10.3 right yes no we have done for ping from - 10 - 10 - 10 . - and we collected all the informations in the same way we can do for other three more pings here we can see that the pinga 172 row - $16 31.2 from 31.3 also a pinga 172 row - 1602 31.4 from tender tender 10.2 and pink of 172 door - 1602 the 1803 form 10.10 dot and dot - here we can see the details for the ping from 172 dot 216 dot 31.3 to 172 row - 1602 31.2 here we can see the information collected from the pink from tender tender 10.2 270 2.16 dot 31.4 here we can see the information for pink from tender tender 10.2 - 170 2.16 dot 31.3 here we can see our spreadsheet which gives the information of all the ping what this pair is specified in the packet race or activity now we are going to see all the questions in Part II - one by one we will go to the first question where the different types of wires used to connect devices yes obviously if you observe this topology here we can see we are using copper and the fiber now we will go to the second question did the wires the change the handling of the PDO in any way obviously it's not now we'll go to third did the huh blows any of the information given to it obviously not here we can see that in our excel sheet when it comes to hubby we have the informations here destination MAC address source MAC address and the source and destination IP address also now we will go to the fourth question what does the hub but do with a MAC addresses and IP addresses obviously this hub does not do anything with the mica I'm I can't IP addresses I will go to 51 did the wireless access point do anything with the information given to ease yes obviously because it repackaged it as Wireless eight no 2.11 this is what done by the access point was any Mac or IP uh Trust lost during the wireless transfer no never lost any Mac or IP address no we will come to a seven question what was the highest OS I learned that the hub and access point used obviously it was layer one did the hub or access point ever or replicate apdu that was rejected with Ruud X yes we have seen that it was replicated the PDU now we will go to ninth one when examining the PDO details tab which you MAC address appeared first the source or the destination obviously we have seen destination MAC address now we will go to the Panther question why would the mattresses appear in this order that means the destination MAC address first and then the source MAC address obviously a suit can begin forwarding a frame to a known Mac atras more quickly if the destination is listed first yes that's why this MAC addresses appear in this order so was there a pattern to the Mac addressing in the simulation no obviously not and the truth one is did the switches ever duplicate replicate apdu that was rejected with red X obviously not now we will come to the 30th question every time that the PDO was sent between the ten at work and the 172 network there was a point where the MAC addresses suddenly changed where did that occur obviously it occurred at the router yes so which device uses MAC addresses starting with 0 0 D 0 yes it's for the router to what devices Adam author Micah trestles belongs to the center and receiver now we will come to the 16th question did the sending and receiving ipv4 addresses switch in any of the PDUs obviously not if you follow the replay to a pink sometimes called a pong do the sending and receiving ipv4 addresses switch yes obviously yes so what is the pattern to the ipv4 addressing in this simulation so each port of a router records a setter for non-overlapping actresses and now we'll come to the 19th why do different IP networks need to be assigned to different thoughts of a router so keep in mind into the function of a router is to interconnect different IP networks if this simulation was configured with ipv6 instead of ipv4 why would be different so the ipv4 addresses would be replaced with ipv6 atras but everything else would be the same yes so in this a packet tracer activity we get gathered some of the PDO informations like a source and destination MAC address or and source and destination IP addresses and this packet tracer activity is only for identifying and understanding about the PDUs my dear friends if you have any doubt please comment below also if you like my videos give a thump and right now I mean right now you can subscribe my channel so that you will get latest uploading video info into your Gmail thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 43,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MAC and IP
Id: MoIbCL-4BrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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