9.2.9 Packet Tracer - Examine the ARP Table

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hi friends welcome to art in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity examine the ARP table before coming to this activity first if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that bill icon near to the subscribe button so that you will get a notification message whenever we upload a new video and if you like to get the details of this packet tracer activity or if you like to contact our team you can visit our website link given in the description now coming back to our packet tracer activity here we can see our addressing table in this activity we will examine an arp request then we will examine a switch macorĂ­s table also we will examine the arp process in our remote communications so this activity is optimized for a viewing PD use it is protocol data unit the devices are already configured we will gather a preview information in simulation mode and answer a series of questions about the data we collect so here we can see our topology all these devices are pre-configured first of all we will examine an arp request generate arp request by pinging one seven 2.16 or 31.3 from one seven 2.16 dot 31.2 coming to a topology here we can see the device one seven 2.16 or 31.2 we are going to ping from this PC to this PC click one seven 2.16 dot 31.2 and open the command prompt then enter the ARP space - the command to clear the ARP table we will do that so coming to the PC one seven 2.16 dot 31.2 we will click on it then we will go to desktop and here we can see command prompt and now we are going to clear the ARP table for that we have to give the command to ARP space hyphen D then we can press ENTER now enter a simulation mode and enter the command ping one seven 2.16 dot 31.3 to pyrius will be generated the ping command cannot complete the ICMP packet without annoying the MAC address of the destination so the computer sends an ARP broadcast frame to find the MAC address of the destination so now we will go to a simulation mode here we can see currently we are in a real-time mode so we will switch to a simulation mode now we will select our PC and here we will ping ping to its one seven two dots sixteen dot 31.3 should report apology yes as they specified here we can see two videos are a generator so we will let check that one is arp and the other one is ICMP so here firstly this a ping command cannot complete this ICMP packet without knowing the destination MAC address so it will send this ARP first now click capture bar forward once the ARP PDU moves switch one while the ICMP PDU disappears waiting for the ARP reply open the video and record the destination MAC address okay we will do that here I am going to close this simulation panel so that we can view entire topology so just we will this simulation panel I know we are going to give capture or forward and we can see this ARP I will go to this switch we will click on it and the here we can see ARP is in switch ok no we will verify the destination MAC address of this peer you so we will click on it it will be a broadcast address here we can see in out layers in layer two here we can see source MAC address 0 0 0 0 8 5 CC dot 1 da7 this is the MAC address of our source that is the MAC address of this PC 1 7 2.16 dot 31.2 and here we can see the destination MAC address it's a broadcast address yes now this switch is going to broadcast at is frame except to its ingress port now we will close this video information and use this address listed in the table above obviously it won't because it's not a MAC address of any specific device that was a broadcast address ok now how many copies of the PDO did switch 1 make it's obviously 1 2 & 3 1 will go to this router 1 1 will go to this PC 1 7 2.16 dot 31.3 and 1 will go to 31.4 it will not go to 31.2 because this switch received this frame from this device 1 7 2 Road 16 door techie 1.2 and now we will see how many copies this switch makes you will click a capture or forward again and here we can see one goes to this router 1 1 goes to this ER 31.3 and one goes to 31.4 what is the IP address of the device that accepted the PDU sure we can see these two devices our outer one and 1:7 2.16 dot 31.4 is not accepted this a-frame but here we can see this device is accepted 1:7 2.16 or 31.3 why this pcs accepted this video because this video is destined for this device 1:7 2.16 or 31.3 so coming to the superior information here we can see that we will go to inbound the PDO details and here we can see the target IP 1 7 2 dot 16 door 31.3 now open the PDU and examine layer 2 so we already opened our a preview information at this device and here we can see layer 2 in in layers also we can see in out layers coming to out layers here we can see the source MAC address and destination MAC address so here the source MAC address is the MAC address of this device 1 7 2 dot 16 dot 31.3 and it is the destination MAC address is the MAC address of this PC it's a 1 7 2 dot 16 or 31.2 it's here now we can see at this PC 1 7 2.16 dot 31.3 is going to send back a RP reply to this pc 1 7 2 dot 16 door 31.2 just coming back to this OSI model out layers here we can see this source MAC address the mica just of this B c-17 2.16 dot 31.3 and here we can see the destination MAC address the MAC address of this PC 1 7 2.16 dot 31.2 ok now we will close this video information and click capture or forward until the PDU returns - 1 7 2.16 or 31.2 how many copies of the PDO did the switch make during the ARP replaying it will be obviously one because this communication is same unicast communication anyways we will verify that we will click on capture or for it and we can see this ARP replay goes to this such one again we will click on capture or forward and we can see it goes to this PC one seven 2.16 tor 31.2 yes now this PC received the MAC address of this PC one seven 2.16 door 31 door three now he is ready to ascend this ICMP PDU to its destination next we will go to step two examine the ARP table note that the ICMP packet array appears yes it's correct here we can see that ICMP packet yes open the PDO and examine the MAC addresses we will verify this PDU we will click on this type ICMP PDU and here we can see the details coming to layer two here we can see source MAC address and here we can see the destination MAC address do the MAC addresses of the source and destination Alain with their IP addresses we will verify that coming to our addressing table here we can see our source device 1 7 2 dot 16 dot 31.2 and here we can see the MAC address so coming to our appeared you information here we can see source MAC address 1 da 7 it's matching then here we can see our destination MAC address ok so here we can match it seven zero three six two eight four nine yes it's correct now switch back to real time and the pink complaints so we will close this PDO information and here we can see our a ping command here we are going to move - a real time from simulation mode so we will click on a real time and here we can see this pink completed now click one seven 2.16 dot 31.2 and enter the ARP space - a command we can do that sure we will give that a RP space - a and here we can see the details now to what IP address does the MAC address entry correspond so here we can see internet address 170 2.16 dot 31.3 and here we can see it's a physical address it corresponds to its destination IP address next is in general when does an NT device issue and ARP requests yes it's obviously whenever a source device is unaware of its destination MAC address then they request I mean they send ARP request ok now we will remove to party to examine a switch MAC address table step oven generate additional traffic to populate the switch MAC address table from 1 7 2.16 dot 31.2 enter the ping 1 7 2.16 dot 31.4 command here we are going to a ping from this pc 1 7 2 root 16 or 31.2 to this a pc 1 7 2.16 or 31.4 so we will come to that e 1.2 the stop command prompt here we are going to ping to this PC we will copy this IP address bring to this PC and here we get the replies now click 10.10 dot and open the command prompt enter the ping tender tender 10.3 command how many replays were sent and received we will verify that we will close this window here we are going to a ping from this PC to a min this laptop to this laptop ok we will click on this a laptop you will go to the stop command prompt we will copy this IP address ping to this IP address and the here we get the replies here we can see packets sent for and a received for lost 0 0 percentage loss ok and next coming to step 2 examine the MAC address table on the switches click switch 1 and then the CLI tab enter the show Mac - address - table command we will close this window now we will go to switch 1 then we will go to CLI tab and here we are going to enter this show MAC address a table command will press Enter enable show Mac - address table so here we can press this tab button to complete this incomplete command no we will a presenter and here we can see the details now do the entries correspond to those in the table above we will verify that here we can see make a trust zero zero zero two one six four zero eight D seven five here we can see that and here we can see switch interface it's faster parent 0/3 sure we can see that thoughts okay and here we can see 0 0 0 z 8 5 it's here and here we can see switch interface fastethernet 0/1 it's correct next is 0 0 0 its 0 8 9 0 1 ports a gigabit 1/3 + 0 / 1 it's correct now click switch 0 then the CLI tab enter the show Mac - address - table command do the entries correspond to those in the table above yr - MAC addresses associated with one port ok now we will close this switch 1 and we will go to switch 0 you will go to CLI then we will press Enter enable here we are going to give SH tab Mac - Tetris table then press Enter and here we can see the details or MAC address table no coming to our addressing table ok here we can see 0 0 0 1 it's here switch interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 ok 0 0 6 0 4 a b6 so here we can see that and the interface is FAS 0 / 2 then we have 0 0 6 0 4 7 0 6 it's here and here we can see a switch interface if a is 0 / 2 know we have a question here away our two mac addresses associated with the one port here we can see that port FA 0 / 2 FA 0 stars - yes so coming to our topology here we can see these 2 NT devices are connected to this access point through a single port obviously that's why these two MAC addresses are associated with a single thought no we will go to pata tree examine the ARP process in our remote communications in step 1 generate traffic to produce a RP traffic click 1 7 2 dot 16 or 31.2 and open the command prompt then enter a ping tender tender 10 dot 1 command so we will close this switch bin - ok we will copy this a ping command and we will go to 1 7 2.16 dot 31.2 sure is that any device you will go to command prompt ping to that IP address ok once more we will give that ping here we can see we get the replace know type ARP space - a what is the IP address of the new ARP table entry ok we will give that here ARP space - a and here we can see the details and here we can see the new ARP table entry 1 7 2.16 dot 31.1 and here we can see the physical address next is enter ARP space hyphen D to clear the ARP table and switch to simulation more then we have to repeat the ping - 10 - 10 dot 10.1 okay here we are going to give that command a our pay space hyphen D okay now we will switch to simulation mode from real-time to assimilation mode okay then we can repeat the resulting okay now we will close this simulation panel and we will go to 31.2 so we will do that ping command again then we will press Enter how many PDUs appear here we can see a two PDUs up here one is ICMP type and the other one is a RP type no click capture or for it click the PDU that is now at switch one okay we will click on capture or forward and here we can see this ARP goes to this switch 1 what is the target destination IP destination address of the ARP request ok we will click on it and we can verify that a destination IP address it's your in this layer - we can see that one seven two dots 16 door 31.1 here the destination IP address is not tender 10.10 dot actually in the ping tender tender 10.1 here it shows one seven 2.16 dot 31.1 why yes actually this IP address is belongs to our router interface that is the gateway address of our router so here one thing we have to keep in mind if the receiving host is not on the same network the source uses the ARP process to determine a MAC address for the router interface serving as the gateway now we will go to step 2 examine the ARP table on router 1 let's switch to real-time mode click router 1 and then the CLI tab so we will close this PDO information and we will go to or real-time then enter privileged exit more and then the show MAC address table command so we will go to our router 1 and we will go to CLI enable show MAC address table ok then press Enter know how many MAC addresses are in the table and why so here we can see in this MAC address table we cannot see any entry obviously because this command means something completely different than the switch command show mica trustable now enter the show ARP command is the run entry for one seven 2.16 door 31.2 we will verify that we will give that command here so we have ARP yes then press Enter yes here we can see an entry for 170 2.16 dot 31.2 and finally what happens to the first two ping in a situation where the router responds to the ARP request obviously it will timeout yes so friends in this video we examined ARP requests also we check the such MAC address table also finally we verified ARP process in remote communications and if you have any doubt any suggestions please comment below also if you like to contact our team you can visit our website a link I given in the description subscribe and stay tuned we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 25,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARP Table, CISCO Certification, CCNA
Id: L1TnjVH2ngY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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