Packet Tracer Multiuser - Implement Services

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hi friends welcome to or in this video we are going to see the packet tracer activity multi-user implements services here we can see the addressing table and we will go through the objectives of this packet tracer activity in part 1 establish a local multi-user connection to another instance of packet tracer in Part II - server side prior implement and verify services in Part III client side player configure and verify access to services also we will go through the background completing the pry or activities in this chapter including the packet tracer multi-user a tutorial or a prereq asides to completing this activity in this multi-user activity to students players cooperate to implement and verify services including DHCP HTTP email DNS and FTP the server-side player will implement and verify services on one server the client side player will configure two clients and verify access to services coming to path to one establish a local multi-user or connection to another instance of packet tracer step 1 select a partner and determine the role for each student find a fellow classmate with the whom you will cooperate to complete this activity your computers must both be connected to that same land determine which of you will play the server side and which hope you will play the client side in this activity the server side player opens packet tracer maltose or implement services server side dot PKA the client side player opens packet tracer multi use or implement services client side dot PK a solo players can open both files and complete the steps for both sides so here we are going to implement in a one machine coming to step to configure the switches with the initial configurations each player configure your respective switches with the following hostname using the name in the addressing tables s1 for the switch in the server side player or as for the switch in the client-side player change the display name of each switch to match the new host name using the config tab an appropriate message of the day banner then privileged x ik mode and line passwords correct IP addressing according to the addressing table scoring should be 8 out of 33 for the client-side player and 8 out of 44 for the server-side player first of all we will do it on the server side packet raiser coming to switch config here we are going to change a display name as yes one now coming to CLI and we will set the hostname first enable configure terminal hostname as yes one now we will set the banner banner motd warning now we are going to enable privilege the exit mode password enable secret ass class now we will set airline passwords so we have line console 0 password a Cisco login now we'll go to line vty 0 to 15 password as cisco login now we are going to configure IP accessing according to our etre sync table here we can see that yes when IP address and here we can see the submit to mask coming to the configuration we have to go to the interface vlan1 and IP address or is that and this to mask and you know should command here we can see the scoring of server site completion 8 out of 44 now we will return client side like a treasurer coming to the switch config here we are going to change the display name as yes - and coming to CLI enable configure terminal here we will set the hostname as s2 now we are going to set the banner motd warning and now we will set to privilege the xing mode password enable secret class i know we are going to set the line passwords first a fall line console 0 password azusa schoo login and coming to line vty 0 to 15 as well as cisco login now we will configure IP addressing according to our addressing table here we can see the IP address off is 2 and here we can see the subnet to mask coming - yes - we have to go to the interface vlan1 and IP address so here is that and the subnet mask I know shut command for the client-side packet tracer here we can see completion status 8 out of 33 coming to step 3 server side player configure the PTM you link and communicate accessing complete the steps necessary to verify that the PTM you link is ready to receive an incoming connection communicate the necessary configuration information to the client-side player right coming to the PT mu link here we can see the connection type is incoming and to use global multi-user password click okay coming to server side packet tracer you'll go to extensions multi-user listen and here we can see the details local listening at shows here we can see that copy this until we will add it to our text editor and here is the thought number also we will set the password as a Cisco here we can see that coming to existing remote networks Hervey must enable this always accept and coming to new remote networks we must enable this always deny coming to step for client side player configure the outgoing multi-user connection try inside player or record the following information supplied to you by the server-side player IP address port number password by default or Cisco yes we already copied these informations then configure a pure 0 to connect to the server side players MP TM u link then connect the s - Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 - link 0 on peer 0 here we can see our client-side packet tracer coming to this peer 0 here we are going to change the connection type as outgoing and here we can see the peer actress and peer port number now we are going to give this pure network name as a P TM u link so it's case sensitive we must take care of this peer network name and coming to password a Cisco now we are going to press connect now we are going to connect using copper straight through coming to switch we are going to connect to you got with the current 0/1 to this link zero right now we are going to ping from this s1 to this other instance a client-side packet is or switch s2 coming to s1 password is cisco enable password is class here we are going to give you the command pink to that climb side player s to switch s2 so you have the IP at recei so 172 dot 16 dot 1.2 here we can see that successful it is 60% and no problem once more we will try so that we will get 100% yes is here we can see that success right is some % now we are going to ping from this Suchi s2 in this a client-side packet eyesore to this switch s1 in this server side packet tracer coming - es - CL i password cisco enable password is class here we are going to ping - 170 2.16 dot 1.1 yes success for it is 100% sure we can see scouring should be 11 out of 33 for the client-side player yes here we can see that 11 out of 33 and 9 out of 44 for the server side player yes here we can see that completion 9 out of 44 coming to party - server side player implement and to verify services step 1 configure w RS as the DHCP server w RS provides a DHCP services configure DHCP server settings with the following starting IP addresses 216 dot or 1.5 verify net admin or received IP accessing through DHCP from net admin access the user account information web page at - 1 7 2.16 go to 1.5 you will this information to configure user accounts in step two then scoring should be 17 out of 44 for the server side player coming 2 wrs right so here we can see the HCP server settings it's already enabled and here we can see stat IP address 1 7 2.16 dot one dot 11 and the maximum number of users so hundred right here we can see static DNS 1 here we are going to give 170 216 1.5 now you are going to save these changes save settings now we will check this Annette admin PC weather or received IP addressing through this DHCP or not coming to net that mean IP configuration so here we are going to give a DHCP and here we are going to see yes the IP address 1 7 2 dot 16 go to 1.11 the first IP address then here we can see the Sunita mask and DNS server now we will axis the user account information from this Annette admin coming to the browser and to here is the etre so 1 7 2 dot 16 dot one dot 5 you're going to press go yes here we can see that the user account information we can see they mentioned the scoring should be 17 out of 44 for the server-side player yes here we can see that completion 17 out of 44 coming to step to configure services on www.ptsd.va.gov Ides the rest of the services and should be configured with the following first one enable the DNS service and created the in Essaouira record associating the IPR for www.ptsd.va.gov now we have to go to services so here is the DNS service we are going to put it on and here we are going to give the name as specified www.ptsd.va.gov is assigned create user accounts using the user list from party - step one e the domain name is a PTM u-dor test coming to the server services email we are going to put on SMTP service and the pop3 service and here we can see domain name it's a PTM u-dor test and we are going to set it and coming to user and password so we have to go to net admin and here we can see the details yes so username net admin and password Cisco we're going to add that next is a username PCL PC one user password is Cisco next one is a PC to user password is Cisco right next is enable the FTP service and create user accounts using the user list from patty - step 1 e give each user permission to write or read and list coming to our server yes coming to services FTP service we are going to put it on and coming to the username details user account information so we can see net admin password is Cisco and since write or read and list next one is a PC one user password is Cisco write read and leashed next to you sorry is a PC to user password is cisco right-rear unleashed scoring should be 38 out of 44 for the server side player here we can see that the completion 38 out of 40 for coming to step 3 verify that all services are implemented according to the requirements from net admin complete the following configure the email client for the net admin user account Hindi use www.mptv.org or the incoming and outgoing mail server then sent an email to the user at TC 1 coming to net admin here we can see email configure mail here we can see the details already given user information your name net admin email address and it admin at the right PT mu dot test incoming mail server www.ptsd.va.gov at bt mu door test and password is a cisco and we have to save now we are going to compose and we are going to send to pc one here is the at recipe see one user at Pt mu door test so we are going to send this message right now STIs upload the secret dot txt file to the FTP server do not change the file right coming to net admin command prompt to be how to go to the FTP FTP 172 dot 16.2 1.5 user name net admin password Cisco right so we have to sent a file to the server so we will check that too here we have the option called the put right we are going to use that put then the file name we are going to use that is secret dot txt sure we can see if I'll transparent progress 26 bytes copied okay right now we will come to our server and we will verify that coming to FTP and we will check for the file yes your we can see that the secret dot txt next is where the score for the server-side player will be 43 out of 44 until the client-side player successfully downloads the secret dot txt file modifies the file and then uploads it to the WWE dot P T mu dot test FTP server right we can see the score here completion status 42 out of 44 it should be 43 right we will let's check the results assessment items so here we can see in that admin email user username is incorrect right we will make it correct coming to net admin male configure mail here we can see the username we will edit this now we will save it now we can see the completion status 43 out of 44 coming to party tree plain sight player configure and to verify access to services coming to step 1 configure and to verify PC addressing configure pc1 & pc2 to automatically obtain anthracene right so we will do that coming to PC 1 IP configuration here we are going to give a DHCP requesting for IP addresses it's received IP address coming to PC to desktop IP configuration DHCP yes your agency that next is pc1 & pc2 should be able to access the webpage using the IP address 1 7 2.16 dot 1.5 as well as the number named HTTP colon double slash w w8 p TM u dot test so we will try this coming to pc one web browser here we will give the URL 172 dot 16.2 1.5 and here we can see the webpage also we can give the URL will close on will try that yes we are getting the webpage now coming to pc 2 web browser here is the URL yes we are getting the web page now we will try with the IP address 170 2.16 tor to 1.5 yes we are getting the webpage next is the score for the client-side player should be turned even out of 33 yes here we can see that 21 out of 33 coming to step to configure under verify PC email accounts configure email accounts according to the requirements at www.ptsd.va.gov incoming mail server and outgoing mail server so email address is a PC one user at the right apt mu dot test the username is a PC one user password is Cisco coming to PC to email so named PC to email address PC to user adroit so give this information yes PT mu door test and outgoing mail server username PC to user password is Cisco now we have to save this information Tisa verify that to pc1 or received an email from net admin and sent air replay then sent an email from pc1 to pc2 not a scoring will not change all right verify that PC to received an email from pc1 the scorer for the client-side player should be 31 out of 33 coming to PC one email and here we'll click receive yes we got we received the message the mail from net admin here we can see that welcome to CC in name so here we will know or replay thank you net admin now we will compose a mail from this pc1 to pc2 to atrĂ¡s PC to user at Pt mu dot test subject welcome hi PC to welcome to CCNA and we will verify this whether this PC 2 is received or not coming to PC to email we are going to click receive yes here is the message sent by PC one user and here we can see the message now we will see the score client-side packet race or score here we can see completion status that even out of 33 coming to the last step step 3 upload and you download a file from the FTP server from PC to access the FTP server under download the secret dot txt file opened the secret dot txt file change only the secret word to Apple and upload the file to server-side player or score should be 44 out of 44 and the client-side player score should be 33 out of 33 so we will upload and download this FTP file from this file so FTP server coming to a pc2 and we have to access the FTP coming to command prompt we have to access FTP then we can get the IP address or even we can give the a domain name so username is a PC to user password Cisco yes now we are an FTP we have to download the file secret dot txt so we can see that file using dir yes floor we can see that the secret dot txt now we are going to download this a secret dot txt so we have the command get secret dot txt here we can see transfer complete 26 bytes now we are going to change the word secret to Apple coming to text editor file menu open secret dot txt and here we can see that the secret word is banana so we can change this word secret better we will change this secret word banana so we'll change to Apple and we are going to save this file now we are going to upload this secret dot txt file back to the server so coming to command prompt crease or FTP so we are going to send it back you're going to use a put sweet dot txt here we can see that transfer complete 25 bytes now we will see the completion status coming to the server side packet tracer completion is to completion status 44 out of 44 great coming to client side packet tracer here we can see the completion status 33 out of 33 well that's all in this packet tracer activity multi-user implement services friends if you have any doubt or regarding this packet race or activity please comment below also 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Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 21,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Services
Id: KlopqvBb2VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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