4.7.1 Packet Tracer - Connect the Physical Layer

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hi friends welcome to all in this video we are going to discuss CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity connected a physical layer before that France if you are watching our channel first time or if you like to get this type of technical videos in future considered subscribing also don't forget to enable that bill icon and near the subscribe button so that you will get notification message whenever we upload a new video huh one more thing of you are ready with our website so if you like to contact our team you can visit our website a link I given in the description ok now we will come back to our packet tracer activity in this activity we will identify physical characteristics of indoor networking devices then select character modules for web connectivity then connect devices and then finally we will check connectivity yes in this activity we will explore the different options available on internet working devices we will also be required to determine which options provide the necessary connectivity when connecting multiple devices finally we will add the correct two modules and connect the devices also they shown a note here scoring for this activity is a combination of packet tracer automated scoring and your record answers to the questions posed in the instructions see the error not a valid bookmark self reference at the end of this activity and the consult with your instructor to determine your final score yes this is just regarding the scoring of this activity so whenever we do this activity here we can see the changes in this completion status now we will move to part 1 identify physical characteristics of internetworking devices so first of all we will identify the management Deportes of a Cisco or our click the east router the physical tab should be active coming to our topology here we can see many devices so here they talk about East Aurora and coming to a topology here we can see that East Aurora we will click on this East router okay and here we can see physical tab is active now zoom in and expand the window to see the enter router management ports are available okay we will do that so we will zoom in and we will check this enter router then we will search for the management thoughts so here we will click on zoom in and here we can see power switch and here we can see other ports like a serial gigabit and here we can see console port and aux port so these two ports are console port and aux ports are the management ports next is the vichy LAN and dual and interfaces are available on the east router and how many are there okay again we will come back to this east router and we'll zoom in it's sold in zoom in and here we can see two serial interfaces okay then here we can see a two gigabit ethernet ports now click the CLI tab press the Enter key to access the user mode prompt and enter the following commands show IP interface brief why we give this command the output verifies the correct number of interfaces and their designation the VLAN 1 interface is a virtual interface that only exists in software and the hero they ask a question how many physical interfaces are listed ok so we will go to CLI and we will give this a show IP interface brief command and then we will verify it coming to our our East CLI press and return to get started we'll press ENTER enable here we are going to give the command so we can sh then press tab IP space int then tab button interface then B tab then press ENTER and here we can see all the interfaces here we can see a for a physical interface and one virtual interface so as per our question here we have four physical interfaces gigabit the third 0 / 0 + 0 / 1 serial 0 / 0 / 0 and the serial 0 / 0 / 1 okay next is enter the following commands okay we are going to enter these following show commands it's show interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 what is the default tube and a bit of this interface so we will get this default tube and the bit they using this show interface gigabit a third 0 so R 0 we will give that command here sure interfaces interface name is Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 then press enter now we have to search for the its bandwidth and here we can see that B W this is bandwidth and here we can see the band of it it's in kilo bit in the same way what is the default tube and a bit of this interface serial co-star 0/0 we have to give this a show command so interface the serial 0 / 0 / 0 ok here will press control C show int tap interfaces you have to go to serial I think it's the 0 / 0 so R 0 yes it's correct serial have you already given that 0 / 0 / 0 okay no we will check for the band a bit it's here it's one 504 for Club it okay okay now here they given a note band effect on seal interfaces is used to buy a routing processes to determine the best path to a destination it does not indicate the actual bandwidth of the interface actual bandwidth is negotiated with a service provider now we will go to step 2 identify module expansion slots how many expansion slots are available to add additional modules to the yeast router so click switch you do how many expansion slots are available okay first of all we will go to this east router and then we will check these expansion slots how we can identify that physically we have to identify it so I think we have to go to physical tab and yes here we can see one expansion slot it's one next we will let go to switch to and then we will check how many expansion slots are available in this device it will close it and we will search for this switch - it's here you'll click on it and here now we are in physical at tab okay and here we can see the number of slots 1 2 3 4 it's even we can say it's 5 because here they used cover for a DS of 4 slots and we can see one slow - without cover for example even we can add okay just to be let we will put off this device and here or we will add this interface here it's possible yes so even we can see these slots with covers even we can remove this cover from here yes it's possible or even we can add it yes so here we can say in this without a fire expansion slots how did the same router I mean this east router will go to this east router and will go to physical and here we can see actually with two one cover ok so it's two here we can see a two expansion slots right so we can put off this and we will there try to remove this cover oh it's not removing right ok so here we can see one okay anyway so now we will go to but it to select corrector modules for connectivity step one determine which modules provide the required connectivity klick East and then click the physical tab on the left beneath the modules label you see the available options to expand the capabilities of the router click each module a picture and a description display at the bottom familiarize yourself with these options okay that can be done so we will go to our router East and now we are in physical tab so here we can see the modules different modules so once we click on it it will be expanded again and we can go through each modules will click on this module its SWIC - 1ge - SFP and here we can see the picture and here we can see the description about this module yes this module is a single wide HW IC with one small form-factor pluggable slot okay here we can go through that descriptions so now we will go to HW IC - 2 t so it's a serial interface so here we can see HW IC - 2 t he says Cisco - port serial high speed of an interface providing two serial ports okay under here we can see the picture under this HW I see - for esw provides a for switching ports next to here we can see HW I see - 8a it provides up to eight a synchronous a ia - two three - connections to console ports ok and here we can see cover plates for the protection for the internal electronic components ok and here we can see something operates in a Gigabit Ethernet ports of Cisco industrial Ethernet and the smart grid switches and routers yes this all about this modules next is you need to connect your PC's one two and a three to the east router but you do not have the necessary funds to purchase a new switch which model can you use to connect the three pcs to the east router just now we have seen that module here HW I see - 4 e SW so we will click on it and here we can see this a module provides a for switching pores so here they mention to be able to connect these the three pcs PC 1 2 & 3 so here we can see those pcs pc-1 pc2 and pc 3 so we have to connect these three pieces to this router each so we can add this module and how many hosts can you connect to the router using this module it's obviously for because here we can see those ports 1 2 3 & 4 no click switch it to which you module can you insert to provide a gigabit optical connection to switch 3 okay we will close this and then we will go to a switch - so we have to connect from switch it to to this associate 3 using this gigabit optic connection okay so we'll click on to suit you two so here we will let check for that we have to connect using optical fiber gigabit so gigabit here we can see gigabit it see and here we can see PT switch in M - 1 FG e ok we'll click on it and here we can see the single port Cisco gigabit a third network module provides gigabit ethernet optical connectivity for access routers ok so we can use this module ok now we will go to a step 2 I added the character modules and the power of devices click each and attempt to insert the appropriate module from step 1 a modules are added by clicking the module and dragging it to the empty slot on the device ok we can do that we will close this switch it - and then we will go to East ok right so here or we will let's select this HW IC - 4 e SW to connect these pcs pc-1 pc2 and a PC 3 ok we will click on it and now we will let drag these ports to the same T slot ok then we will leave it and here we get a message cannot add a module when the power is on ok so here they say they cannot add a module when the power is own message should display yes we have seen that interfaces for this router model are a not hot swappable the device must be turned off before adding or removing modules yes we have to keep in mind click the power switch located to the right of the Cisco logo - 10 off east insert the appropriate module from step 1 a when then click the power switch to power up aged ok so what we have to do we have to go to our east and here we can see a power button we will click on it so now it's off now we can add these supports to this empty slot yes now it works then we have to put it on now they're given a note here if you insert the wrong module and need to remove it drag the module down to its picture in the bottom right corner and release the mouse button okay suppose if you want to or remove this ports okay here we will put of it then we can drag these ports then come here then we have to leave it here so it's removed same way we can add it here then put it on okay next is our using the same procedure insert the module that you identified in a step one be into the empty slot furthest to the right in such a - okay we will close this East then we will go to our switch - okay then here our module is this opt - switch - n M - 1 F G you will click on it and we will try to add it so we get this message you cannot add a module when the power is on okay so we will put it off here we can see the switch it's off now so we can see a green color now it's on now it's off ok so we will add this sub module tour switch ok now we will put it on next is used the show IP interface brief command on switch it to to identify the slot in which the module was placed into which slaughter was it inserted we can check that you will go to switch CLI press return to get started okay enable show IP interface brief and here we can see all the interfaces in this suit - ok we'll expand it and here we can see the interface of what we added it's a Gigabit Ethernet 5/1 so here we can hit a slot the slot is fine how we will identify that floor from this a physical tab so here we can see the slot is starting from 0 then 1 2 etc so the added port is a Gigabit Ethernet 5/1 so the slot is 5 you will verify that we will go to physical tab and here we can see we will start from here so this is 0 the slot first slot 2nd slot third slot for the slot and here we can see the fifth - slot where we added our module ok now we will remove 2 parter 3 connected devices this may be the first activity you have done where you are required to connect devices although you may not know the purpose of the different cable types use the table below and follow these guidelines to successfully connect all the devices I think in the previous the packet restore activity we have seen some of the connectivity anyway so here we are going to connect a more number of devices so a select the appropriate cable type click the first device and to select the specified interface then click the second device and select the specified interface you have correctly connected two devices you will see your score increases here in this completion share as and here they given an example to connect East to switch one select the copper straight through cable type then first click on East and the choose gigabit eternal 0/0 interface then click the switch 1 and choose gigabit the turn 0/1 your score should now be 4 out of 55 or maybe here I chose the person déjà so this percentage increase also the given a note for the purposes of this activity illegal lights are disabled okay in a we cannot identify using these lingual lights whether we connected correctly or not no problem we can do it very easily and here we can see our table here we can see the first device and in this device which interface we have to connect then what type of cable we have to use then the other end where we have to connect to which interface we have to connect so according to this table we are going to connect at these devices first of all we have to go to device East then here we have to connect to the interface gigabit a / 0 so R 0 and we have to use the cable type copper a straight through okay so coming to connections will click on connections then we will check for the copper straight through cable it's here we will click on it then we will go to our router East so here we can see our router east when we click here we can see the pop-up with all the interfaces and here we can see the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/0 we will click on it ok then now we have to go to switch u1 here we can see switch u1 so here we will click on it and here we have to select gigabit the third 0/1 sure we can see the interface ok it's your yes once we connect these devices so here we can see this completions tariffs is increased also here we can see these and lingual lights are shown here okay but they given that not here for the purposes of this activity link the lights are are disabled anyway no problem anyways either these Ling lights are disabled or enabled the thing is only we have to connect these devices correctly now we will go to the next connectivity again from the same east device we have to use copper straight through and we have to connect two gigabit the third 0/1 then we have to connect to a switch you for to the interface gigabit a third 0 / 1 so here we can see our copper straight through then coming to a router East will click on it then we will let's select interface a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 1 ok then coming to switch 4 we have to connect two gigabit the term 0 / 1 next we will connect from the same device east to the interface fastethernet 0/1 / 0 and here we are going to use copper straight through cable and we are going to connect to this PC 1 - the interface fastethernet 0/0 Rockhopper straight through cable coming to east here we are going to connect to faster turret 0 / 1 star 0 then coming to PC 1 Fast Ethernet 0 in the same way we have to connect to these Center devices PC 2 and PC 3 from this router East using copper straight through cable and here we can see the interface where we have to connect in each to be able to connect to faster third 0 / 1 / 1 & 0 / 1 / 2 so coming to copper straight through from this router east we have to connect to faster third 0 / 1 / 1 - PC - faster parent zero again copper straight through cable from this East we have to connect to foster parent 0 / 1 / to do this PC 3 whenever we connect these devices here we can see this completion status increases every time okay that's all from this is to device now we will go to a switch you one here we can see a switch one we have to connect to pc for pc v and PCs 6 so here we can see those pcs pc 4 p c5 and c6 and here we are going to use a cable type copper straight through and here we can see the ports pc 4 we have to connect to faster / r 0 / 1 you see 5 we have to connect to faster / r 0 / 2 then P c63 have to connect to faster current 0 / 3 easily we can do that here we will select this connection type copper spread through cable then coming to switch 1 here we will connect to faster third 0 / 1 so here we can see that first two-port then coming to pc 4 we will connect to faster third 0 now here instead of coming to this copper straight through multiple times what we can do we can press ctrl button from the keyboard then we can press on this copper straight through cable so that we can connect multiple devices now we will go to a switch u 1 we will connect to faster theorem 0 / 2 then we will connect to pc 5 we can see again no need to go to this copper straight through connectivity directly we can go to switch you one again then we will connect to a faster Thor 0/3 then we will connect to pc six next connectivity's device a search for to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 2 here we have to use the cable type as a copper crossover we are going to connect to the device switch 3 to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 3/1 so coming to our workspace here we can see now we are in copper straight through so we have to deselect this copper straight through for that we have to press escape ok then we can select this cable type copper crossover here we can see that we will click on it now we will go to a switch for it's here then we have to connect to a Gigabit Ethernet 0 / - it's here okay now here we have to connect to switch III it's 0 to the interface a gigabit 1/3 3/1 it's here next we are going to connect us with 2 3 to the interface gigabit ethernet 5/1 using cable type fiber to the device switch it to to the interface Gigabit Ethernet 5/1 okay here we can see cable type is fiber so coming to our connectivity here we can see fiber so this is fiber you will click on fiber then coming to a switch 3 here we have to connect two gigabit ethernet 5/1 here we can see that now we have to go to a switch - and we have to connect to a gigabit the third 5/1 next is the device such a two-port is faster turn 0/1 are using cable type copper straight through we have to connect to pc seven then also we have to connect the same switch we have to connect to pc eight also to pc 9 sure coming to our at apology here we can see how device Suchi - we are going to connect to these pcs PC 8 PC 7 p c8 and pc 9 are using copper straight through sure is copper straight through we will press ctrl and then we will click on this a copper straight through then we have to release control no we will click on switch it to here we will connect you faster throught 0/1 to PC 7 ok now again click on switch it to fast ethernet 1/1 we have to connect to pc 8 again click on a switch it to interface is faster third at 2/1 we have to connect to pc 9 faster parent 0 know again from this device which we have to use cable type copper or spray it through interfaces gigabit 3/1 we have to connect to the device access point to the interface port 0 so here we can see our a switch and already be a selected copper straight through cable type and here we can see our access point we have to connect to port 0 we will click on switch it to and here we can see a gigabit ethernet or 3/1 we will click on it ok then coming to access point we have to connect to port 0 finally we are going to connect from east to west using cable type serial DC e interface 0 0 slash 0 star 0 to the interface 0 0 0 star 0 ok so here we can see our east and west routers no absolutely be selected copper straight through we can press escape and here we have to select the serial DCE we can see two types of a serial connectivity serial DCE and the serial DTE that's only the difference is its clock okay so here we are going to select serial DC as they specified so we'll click on it then from this East we have to connect to serial 0 / 0 / 0 coming to West serials eros non-zeros not 0 yes so once we connect all these devices as per our packet restore activity requirements we can check our completion status it shows hunter percentage now we will go to the final part check connectivity check the interface status on east click the CLI tab and enter the following commands show IP interface brief then compare the output to the following if all of the cabling is correct the outputs should match ok so we will go to East CL I will press ENTER enable show IP interface brief and press Enter and here we can match with this following output so it's up and here we can see two interfaces are down serial 0 / 0 / 1 it's down here we can see that but so we can see faster 3rd 0 / 1 / 3 it's down that's correct it's down remaining all interfaces are up that means a part of our cabling done in our workspace is correct ok now in the next step of we are going to connect to wireless devices laptop and a tablet PC click the laptop and select the config tab select the wireless 0 interface put a check in the box labeled on next - port status within a few seconds the wireless connection should appear okay so varies over a laptop here in this topology here we can see your laptop we will click on this laptop then we will go to config tab and here we can see wireless 0 we will click on it here we are going to put a check in the checkbox labeled own near to the port status here we can see port status and here we have to scroll to the right and here we can see a check box on we will click on it so we are going to put on wireless yes and if within the moments we can see the wireless connection appeared from this access point to this laptop next user click the desktop tab of the laptop click on the web browser icon to launch the web browser enter this URL www.score.org sand click go the page should Cisco packet tracer okay we will the copy this URL and then we will come to laptop now we are in config tab we will go to desktop tab and here we can see web browser we will click on it then we will paste this copied URL in this URL field then we will press go and here we can see out of a page cisco packet ray sort of a page next to click the tablet PC and select the config tab select the wireless 0 interface put a check in that box a label on next to port status within a few seconds the wireless connection should appear ok the same way how we done on this laptop we will do it on this tablet PC we will look on this tablet PC then we will go to config tab then here we can see a wireless 0 option I mean the wireless 0 interface and here we can see port status various or checkbox will tick on it ok then we'll close it yes within seconds this wireless connection appeared from the success point to this tablet PC next I repeat the steps in a step to be to verify the page displays ok we are going to use this URL in this tablet PC you will go to tablet PC then we will go to desktop tab and here we can see the browser we will use this URL in this URL filter then we will press GO and here we can see our website cisco packet tracer now in step 3 change the access method of the tablet PC click the tablet PC and select the config tab select the wireless 0 interface uncheck the box labeled on next to port status it should now be clear and the wireless connection will drop okay so we'll go to tablet PC we are going to disconnect from this access point we have to go to config tab and here in this interface Wireless zero then we are going to uncheck this checkbox so it's a disconnected from this access point then what is next click the 3G bar for G cell one interface put a check in the box label on next to port status within a few seconds the cellular connection should appear okay here we are going to select this interface a 3G bar for G cell one we will click on it then here we are going to check this checkbox port status will put it on and you know we can see this a tablet PC is connected to this a cell tower now repeat the process of verifying web access ok we'll go to tablet PC a desktop then web browser here we are going to use that URL www.assist.org waiting for the webpage and after some moments so here we can see we get our webpage there's a small delay may be due to convergence they given a note here you should note how both the wireless 0 interface and the 3G bar for G cell 1 interfaces active at the same time this may cause confusion to the device when attempting to connect to some resources yes that's correct we should not activate the both interface together Wireless 0 and a 3G bar for G cell 1 coming to the last step check connectivity of the other pcs all of the pieces should have connectivity to the website and each other you will learn to use connectivity testing in many upcoming labs ok we will do one or a two connectivity test from the PCs ok we will check from this PC one we'll go to the stock tab and here we will use the browser and we'll use that URL here better be able to access yes be able to access now we will try from PC five desktop web browser yes it's working now we will go to PC nine okay let's top web browser it's working and the here or they specify that all of the PCs now have a connectivity to not only to the website also to all other devices we can verify that we will try to ping from pc1 to pc2 e so we'll get the IP address for pc 3 we'll go to desktop IP configuration and here we can see the IP address so we will ping from pc1 to pc2 e will use command from dear pink sure we can see the IP address offer pc 3 172 dot 29.1 dot 1 0 2 and here we can see we get the replies it's working ok right so friends in this video we discussed a CCNA version 7 packet tracer activity connected a physical layer no dear friends if you have any doubt any suggestions regarding this packet tracer activity please comment below also if you liked your video give a thump and share with all your friends also if you have any trouble in this packet rest or activity or in any packet rest or activity you can contact our team you can visit our website a link I given in the description so now stay tuned and we will meet again with the next video thank you
Channel: Tech Acad
Views: 44,764
Rating: 4.9362912 out of 5
Keywords: CCNA Certification, CISCO
Id: gGW4EQ60ETo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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