[485] Unusual Russian Combination Lock Manipulated Open

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Great innovative problem-solving!

Fantastic video for anyone looking to get into finding weaknesses and the type of troubleshooting needed to develop your own method.

Between your explanation of how you found the exploit and how you attempt to research on the manufacturing, there is a lot to learn.

Inspiring video.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Ralph_Goodman 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2017 đź—«︎ replies
this is the lock-picking lawyer and what i have for you today is a really interesting russian combination lock now normally when I purchase a lock from Russia or Eastern Europe I like to try and find them with some original packaging or paperwork and that's to give me a reliable backstory on the lock this lock however I have been unable to find with any sort of packaging or paperwork even when it's offered in factory new condition as this one appears to be and you can tell that just from its general overall condition and from the fact that it has this little ring around the shackle that comes from the factory with the combination stamped into it I was told that this lock was made in Russia in the 1980s and I have some reason to doubt that usually when you see Russian locks made during the 80s you'll find the price stamped into it somewhere on the lock body and I certainly don't see that anywhere on this lock so I'm guessing this is probably post-soviet production in any case to open this up what you do is dial one digit of the combination in each of the four dials and the dialing order is right here on the front one two three four so let's put our combination eight two two two and once that's in you simply lift up on the shackle and it opens right up now I wanted to see if there was a faster way to get into this lock or just any way to get into the lock if you don't have the combination and of course there's the brute force method on combination locks and that would be relatively easy on this lock if we look at these dials you can see each one only has six digits on it six digits times four dials means we have roughly 1,300 possible combinations and that would translate into certainly under a half hour to brute force a lock like this which is relatively fast I wanted to see if there was a faster way and I noticed that when I turned these dials I would find barely even amount of resistance except for a couple of spots going through there where I would find what I'll call a loose spot and by loose spot I just mean someplace where the resistance is just a little bit lower and the problem is that these loose spots tend to change like for instance I just found a loose spot on this number one dial and now I found a loose spot on the number to dial and I found that loose spot on number one has increased in resistance so these loose spots aren't in a static position and to open this lock I found that if you keep going around and manipulating each of the dials until you can find a position where all four of them are loose then you'll be very very close to the combination and once you do that if you just wiggle each of the dials around while giving the shackle a occasional pull to try to lift it out you'll usually be able to open this up so I'm gonna try to demonstrate that right now you have no way of seeing this but I am in this direction and I am gonna face the lock away from me so I can't see the dial and then I'm going to try to get the combination so number one right now and found a bit of a loose spot on one found a loose spot for two three and not really finding one on four that's about as close as I have to lose spot on four let's go back to one moved it just a little bit maybe a digit or two and found the lose spot to is still loose three is still loose and four is tightened up quite a bit okay I think I have number four in a good position let's go back to one two three four appears to be my problem child right now I try turning in the opposite direction see if that makes a difference okay I have a bit of a loose spot there okay let's start over again one you try just turn you won in a complete circle to see if I can find a different loose spot nope same spot we're good there same thing on two definitely got good loose spots on one and two three got a loose spot there and four okay I think we're we're probably really close on this one I think now it's just gonna be a matter of wiggling the combinations to see if I can find the absolute position for each of them oh and there we go so I actually took a little bit longer than it normally takes me to get into this however it does show to demonstrate that it can be opened with a little bit of manipulation just feeling for those loose spots and a little bit of patience in any case that's all I have for you on this Russian lock if you do have any questions or comments about it and particularly if you know anything about the origins of this lock who produced it or when it was made please put that in the comments below if you liked this video and would like to see more like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 934,057
Rating: 4.9469242 out of 5
Id: 35YDnWTjcr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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