[76] How To Learn The Binding Order When Picking Locks

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I hope this will be helpful to someone :-)

This video goes over the concept of binding order. When you are picking a lock the driver pins bind in a specific order specific to each lock. Each lock has it’s own binding order and it can change when you change the keying and the driver pins (adding security pins).

When you apply tension to the plug one of the driver pins will begin to bind, it will feel like it is providing resistance and is not springy or loose. Lock picking exploits the imperfections in a lock, some locks have poor tolerances and more expensive locks have tighter tolerances. No lock can have perfect tolerances theoretically, and this is the very exploit we use to open locks. These variations make lock picking possible and they create the binding order of the lock. When you are picking you probe each driver pin for one that is binding (one the has resistance and does not feel springy or loose) and once you set that pin the next binding pin will make itself known. You repeat this until all the driver pins are lifted to shear and the lock opens. When you figure out the binding order you have unlocked the map to open the lock.

Learning binding order is an important concept to master, especially when you start to progress to more difficult locks with tighter tolerances.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stab_in_the_eye πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for the video stab.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bearrrrrrrrr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

As someone learning spp, this was very helpful! Thank you :) What you said about not all pins having to be picked in some locks helped me understand why my master 140 keeps opening before I expect it to. I wondered what I was doing wrong to accidentally set pins, as I was concerned that in other locks I might make the same mistake and over set pins. Now that I know it's not something I'm doing wrong I can move up the list finally!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TacticallyFUBAR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 07 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] this is the helpful lock-picker here and welcome back to my lock-picking homeschool series the video I have for you today is on binding order this is a very important concept to learn when you're trying to open up locks up to this point you have now seen how to open up your first lock and this is just a further step to help you understand the process that goes along when you're trying to single pin pick open a lock binding order is a very important concept to understand it is searching for the pin that's binding and then finding out what sequence you need to go through the penstock to get the lock open some locks you can pick pin 1 2 3 4 5 down the stack and others you need to do something like 2 4 5 1-3 each lock is different and once you learn that's binding order you have unlocked the secret to getting that lock open quickly I'm going to get these locks up in the vise in a moment for you and give you a closer look what I have is my clear acrylic padlock I have two different ones to show you how two of the same locks can have two different binding orders and this leg lock this is a little bit of a difficult key way for someone starting out but this is a cutaway lock which is really great to help visualize what's going on and help beginners understand what they are feeling I always recommend that you get a good cut away lock in addition to a clear lock alright let's get these locks up in the vise and let's get started now that we got this lock up in the vise I'd like you to try to figure out what the binding order is as I pick it so remember this is a six pin lock one two three four five six the seventh pin just retains the core the binding order is the order that we have to set the pins in order to get the lock open it's different on every lock I'm going to use bottom of the keyway tensioning and I want you to try to just map out which pins I'm setting and in what order so try to listen for the first to set and then try to see the sequence but if even if you can get just the last pen that's a big first step so I'm going to start now were you able to see the last pen set the last pen that set was pin number four I'm going to pick this again now now that you know that pin number four is the last set let's see if you can see which the first pen de set is now ask yourself which pen set first I'm going to go through this with you now and show you the binding order I'm going to increase the tension a little bit so you can really hear it so pin 1 is the first to set let's see if you can hear the click let me just increase the tension I've got a big click out of one nothing on - nothing on 3 you can see nothing on 4 now listen for 5 click on five big click on 6 now what pens haven't we touched yet so far we've gotten the click out of one I click out of five click out of six but nothing on 2 3 & 4 so I'm going to skip pin 1 nothing on - that still feels kind of springy 3 feels kind of springy 4 is really binding click and we're open now sometimes on these cheaper locks you do not need to set all the Pens to get it open which is unfortunate because this is a 6 pin lock in 6 pens is a great security measure however this is a cheap you know generic lock meant for education and you can't expect the best quality now the binding order on this lock was one five six and four I never had to touch pens 2 & 3 to get it open now as an example of how an identical lock can pick differently I'm going to load up another clear lock in the vise alright we got the second lock loaded up in the vise let's see if you can find out what the binding order is this try to listen for the first and the last pen to set and if you're up for it let's try to see if you can get the binding order off the first pick start with pen one then we're open now just ask yourself what was the first pen in the last pin to set let's open this lock up a couple times in a row that time definitely you can tell pen six was the last to set now I'm going to walk you through this time I'm going to increase the tension a little bit hopefully you can really hear it as I go pin one click on one click on two three springy four springy five springy six opened us up the binding order was one two and six unfortunately this is another situation where you only have to pick three pins to get the lock open and now that we know the binding order is one to six let's take a closer look one two we're gonna skip three skip four skip five and just hop down to six and the lock opened us up now this is an example of showing you how the binding order works it is essentially the map of the pins you need to pick in order to get the lock open successfully on this lock it's one two and six other locks it varies as you can tell the binding order between these two clear locks differed and every lock has its own binding order even if they're the same type same keying same driver pens everything because every lock has different manufactured tolerances so next up let's load up this leg cut away lock and see what we can get out of that the next lock that we're gonna do is my leg cut away lock this is a six pin lock you can see one two three four five and six this looks a little bit more difficult for those starting out because you can see the tightness of the key way you need to pick this lock from the left side because of this piece of warding you need almost thinner than a 15,000 suck if you wanted to go straight in and out and so on this lock you got to kind of go off to the side when you're first starting out I recommend you start with a quick set lock but those are a little bit less available to get in the cutaway but now we're gonna go get this lock up in the vise and let's check out what the binding order is now we got the six pinch leg lock loaded up in the vise I'm going to use top of the key way tension and 50 thousandths and I'm going to go a little bit heavier on the tension so you can really hear the feedback this is a lock that I know that's well-built that we're going to need to pick every pin and we'll try to find out the binding order together I'm just gonna use about a moderate tension and we will do it pen by pen so you always want to listen and you want to look at the shear line when you have a cutaway lock but we need to learn how to not use a cutaway lock so you really got to do this by feel and by hearing so let's go to pin one I heard a big click out of it and now the key pen feel said it feels kind of floppy just like the weight of gravity holding it up now pen two feels like it's binding it's very tight I'm going kind of heavier on the tension than I need to so it's really binding up there I lifted it up and I heard that shear line click and that feels floppy and set now advancing back three just feels springy for feel springy five feels like it's binding I've heard a big click out of it and now the key pen below five feels floppy like it's set six binding got a big shear line click out of that now we know that we have set one two five and six let's see if pen three is our binder pen three feels like it's binding got a faint click the key pen feels floppy 10-4 let me find it that set and the lock is open now we just saw our binding order was one two five six three and four if you ever get yourself a cutaway lock this is a great way to learn the thing is the take-home message is you don't want to get overly dependent on these what I would recommend is that you get yourself a quick set lock and you can progress a pennant which we'll go through in further videos and learning the binding order is a very important skill to learn going forward it unlocks the path to getting the lock open reliably if you have any questions on the content that we went over today please feel free to leave them in the comments below if you have any suggestions for videos you'd like to see me make or anything in general please leave them below as well I'm always happy to hear them if you like this video and you would like to see more like it please subscribe stay tuned for further lock-picking homeschool series videos coming up thank you guys so much for checking out this video and I hope you all have a great day thank you you [Music]
Channel: HelpfulLockPicker
Views: 439,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SPP, Single Pin Pick, Rake, Rock, Zip, Shim, Exploit, Lock, Lockpick, Lockpicking, lock picking, how to pick locks, bumping, bump key, Padlock, Tips, Secret, Secrets, Lesson, locksport, locksmith, HeL
Id: dD8C0PImOqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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