(1683) Disc Detainer Locks in Detail

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[Music] alright guys a while back the lock-picking lawyer and I designed a pic and we donated the design of this pic to Sparrow's up in Canada with the deal that you know they'll loan the rights and everything to it they just have to produce it as an AK produce the pic at an economical price point for for everybody else so I don't know when this is gonna be released I know you guys are going to ask me this is a prototype there are gonna be some refinements to that I've been asking them I read the same boards you guys do and I get I always got the same answer they always say oh soon we're gonna release it soon but never gave us a date while I was talking to him on the phone the other day about it another project and they let it slip a word that it was imminent it's gonna be imminent which i think is probably sooner sooner than soon so in that spirit I thought this would be a great time right before we all got these in our hands kind of review how these locks work and what are the design features of this type of lock that we're able to exploit to get these new picks to take advantage of to allow us to pick these so I've taken a just detainer lock and I've cut him apart and a lot of you guys asked well why don't you just shim it and I thought this cut away would be so perfectly here is the actuator part of the core there's the brass part is the core and you see some ball bearings there's one there and there's one there and you notice how the cam is turned so that those ball bearings it's impossible for them to move in towards the center of the lock to release that shackle it's just not gonna happen it's physically impossible unless you lose tremendous hydraulic force to force that shackle open you'll notice we got to cut away here and there's a cutaway on the other side as well when you turn the core then those ball bearings have room to compress and then you can get an open it'll move out of the shackle what prevents us from rotating that core well I'm glad you asked and I'm trying to do this without dropping it the thing that prevents this entire core from rotating is a thing called a side bar and there is right there that little very simple piece of looks almost like a piece of wire a little rod right there and you notice that rod there's a little slot let me move him back there a little slot that he fits into and machined into the side of the lock is this wide groove right here now look at the diameter of the side bar and look at the diameter of that slot so even if we don't have and move him back even if we don't have key the core of these slops there's quite a bit of slop now why would they do that well pretty simple these locks were originally designed for extreme environments so they're gonna be ice and rain is gonna be corrosion there's gonna be insects crawling in there the keys are gonna be dirty when they Jam them in there and if that dirt and grit and little pieces of junk get up in there and this is machined to precisely and there's not any slop then that grit and debris will prevent the lock from turning and it'll prevent that little bar from getting out of the slot so they make it wide so there's room for all that crap to get down inside of there and the lock will still function reliably okay inside the only way to get this broad this little side bar to move out of that groove is to allow it to recess into the core but that's prevented right there you notice the sight all these discs this is what the first disc obviously he can't compress again we needs a lot of hydraulic pressure so by turning him like that we're gonna be pushing that rod into the side of these discs gonna be camming him in there and when that happens it starts to drag on these discs so when we turn our pick we can feel it dragging and as it drags it'll eventually drag around and it'll reach one of these little gates and we'll pull it out and take a look at a moment but once it reaches that little gate you'll feel a little kachunk as it as it falls as that little sidebar falls into that gate and that way you know he's been picked pretty cool all right a couple of the things about this disc let's go ahead and pull him out I'm really nervous about dropping this guy let's slide him all the way out and try not to drop the sidebar okay the sidebar is the full length and he's riding up against all of the discs inside of the disc pack so just picking that first one is not gonna help you let's pull him out of there and set him here for a moment and let's take a look at our lock all right now the two flat sides of that rotate our ball bearings can then be cammed again there's no fancy Springs actuators or anything like that in here these are just a couple of steel ball bearings that when you pull up on the shackle they'll can't they'll caman those ball bearings up out of the way and allow you to get and open so again no shimming these are really really great locks of great design all right let's get back to this little guy there's our actuator got the cutouts on both sides for the ball bearings and let's just grab this guy right here there's two things we ought to be looking at the first is the disc itself and the second is the spacer and I'll just set two of those down so it's gonna alternate like that all the way through the disc back a disc spacer disc spacer all the way back in there so when we slide our pic in there you'll notice that the spacer has a nice wide hole let me grab him try to grab him nice wide hole so our pick a lot of guys talked about well the tips gonna get talking is caught in the spacer it's impossible it is not going to happen now there are some higher quality locks that have the same shape in the spacer so if you slide your pick into one of those and you start trying to rotate it and it completely seizes up it will not turn you know you're lined up with a spacer just release your pressure a little bit slide it a little bit further in and then try turning again and that way and when it turns you know you're located on one of these disks all right take a look at one more thing you notice on this on this lock body now that I pulled it out you can see that this is all cut away allow us to see all those disks why did they do that why didn't they make it solid all the way around that's because there's these little limiter these little nibs that stick up here so when we slide our key in there all of these will be able to rotate but they won't be able to rotate any more than about a quarter of a turn because when they get that far the nib will stop it from over rotating that makes sure that all the disks will always be aligned with the key if these just spun randomly then the key would work from the factory but as soon as we tried to pick it and got all those discs mixed up we would never again be able to use that key so that's what that's for to keep make sure the key will always work again we got a little cutout but let's look at the other disk that I pulled out a little easier to hold and grab our side bar all right and remember I talked about the width of the side bar groove in the lock that helps us pick the locks it also helps us tension the disks so let's take a look at one of those disks when the lock is is when we're trying to turn the core we're camming that side bar against the lock you probably can't hear that but you can certainly feel it with the pick it'll be dragging along and then when you reach that side bar provided it's the the binding disk it'll just fall in there and you'll feel it'll feel it like it gives and then it doesn't want to go any further now check this out notice the diameter of the side bar and notice the diameter of that groove also look at the groove there nice and rounded it's not square so or it doesn't just come in fall there's a lot of slop built into that again that's gonna help us find it let's say we're picking our disc and we pick it to right there all we've got to do then if provided there's only one or two discs that aren't aligned with the side bar use your pick rotate all the discs and just rotate it back and forth and eventually it'll work its way in there so a little trick on getting it open if you think you're almost open just jiggle it chances are you'll jiggle them into place and you get an open very very cool lock all right let's take a look at how these are supposed to work all of the key ways are lined up now just as if you had pulled out the key and when that happens all of the little nibs are all indexed along this side of the lock body telling you that it's open and they're all lined up on the other side of the lock because it's now locked none of those gates are lined up not a single one of them and that little side bar and get them in there and not compress inside of the lock body so he's gonna be jammed up inside of that groove now let's take the key slide him in there and when we turned the key notice all the little limiters rotate but they don't all rotate to the far side in this case only three of them do the one that rotates the furthest which happens to be the one on the front which is very common he's the tensioner disc because once he reaches that rightmost point and all of the discs are lined up with the cuts in the groove the sidebar sinks down inside of all the little grooves and he's now flush he's out of that cutout in the body of the lock and that first disc which is now fallen out will then turn the entire core lining up the two flat spots with the ball bearing very very cool design very simple design all right guys this is how these things work there's a lot of things in here that you can take advantage of in order to get an open these are not that difficult but I will tell you it's going to take a little bit of practice there's a completely different skill set to pickin this lock as opposed to picking a pin tumbler or a dimple lock or or wafer locks these are very cool - neat neat school a skill to have in your in your bag of tricks these locks are becoming more and more common and they're a lot of fun to pick as well anyway guys that's how they work I just like you I really anticipate I can't look I can't wait to get the new pick see what it turns out like so I can start playing with it appreciate your time guys stay safe illegal and I hope this helped you understand how we can exploit these locks thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 237,906
Rating: 4.9480581 out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr, (1683) Disc Detainer Locks in Detail, Disc Detainer Locks in Detail, Disc Detainer Locks, locklab 1683, bosnianbill 1683, disc detainer, abloy, lock design
Id: rMIEPkaadq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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