The Open Classic RO16 - TheViper vs BacT

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can see what is a what is going to happen today but we have a lot of great games coming fix islands depend on madness pick hideout oh he picks hideout okay i feel like like honestly all the maps that are chosen so far could be whole maps for me so it's it's islands arena hideout arabia if i could raise a fortress now as well it'll be like the it could be like four whole maps for me pretty much like normally i would say um let's go register fortress wow yeah i feel like he paid whole maps for me i don't know i feel a bit weird about this so for islands i want italians vikings or portuguese that can be delayed so my prioritization should be arena late britain's probably maybe burgundians as an odd pick out um buy it out and also want malay [Music] a couple good options there i think that's the one we'll pick later as well so we're going to probably prioritize the picks for arena and right side fortress first right inside fortress first of all and uh here's seat a so it's very like that he will pick chinese as the first pick yeah all right um so back to his final in if we can get our the draft going here so here's the first pick then i pick two i think he will do chinese as the first pick in which case yeah i think i will even maybe considering both malay amber gundians [Music] malay britons even [Music] maybe a message if rather mines maybe rustics because he's he might have aztecs for his gymnastics because if you use chinese for regular fortress he will have he will need to pick another sip for for arabia i am muted alerts now by the way thank you for gifting asap what he goes for like aztecs is a flexible step for me here could play hideout could play arena could play arabia britain's britain's probably arena civ chinese versus a fortress i'm expecting mayans next pick but maybe wants to pick a water sieve yeah [Music] italians [Music] [Music] let's take burgundians that'll be that that that and then i need more cells so i'll pick this and that okay yeah it's good what why japanese what map maybe like to play hide out he wants japanese to go man arms forward or something i can't imagine he will use maybe i also want to take them away from islands for me that's also an option goth interesting my sieves are simple at the end here let's go to zippy picks for the last shogun murrah thanks for tier two sub 19 months thank you very much jeff isabelle thing for seven yeah so today we have around the 16 and the quarter finals uh so it's pretty much it's gonna be eight around 16 matches and four quarter finals so 12 games of best of five today marian's is his last pick so if i was to predict his setup now it will be register fortress with chinese arena with britain's italians for islands marlins for arabia and goth or japanese for hideout a little bit of an interesting draft from him huh okay interesting uh cumulus is for red side fortress so my plan right now is aztecs for arabia malay for arena burgundians for hideout humans for registered fortress and vikings for islands that seems fine all right let's go hiding everything related to the stream wishes luck arabia aztecs against marlins as expected i think his game plan is exactly what i predicted let's pick that one up as well i'm going for the lame by the way i'm aztecs no point in not blaming we have the chance to lucky finding two sheep on the way to lame those are my own ship obviously but still no chance for him to take them now and i don't have to go back and pick them up later i don't want to lose my hp on my eagle so i wouldn't take course so you should be to the right here considering that your spawn either there or up to the top left never mind you stop left until because of the the three-pound gold is an extra gold i think i'm a little bit late i don't think i can get any lames at this point didn't find him in time i think we just go back try to pick up our remaining two sheep we both are boars get one more hit it should be on the left side unless i've had a really bad luck with my sheep scouting on the right very nice you already lost eight hp on this go i'm very sorry for that guys i just realized this was something i hadn't done correctly i am very sorry guys hopefully it wasn't too bad to watch i mean you could you could still see everything because the lobby screen is quite big but yeah obviously still i'm sorry for that i think i will just just do a standard arms opening here my arms into archers just like completely standard and try to outplay him pretty much it's gonna be the game plan i think our distance isn't too far even not the best reaction so far still for me but it's okay i didn't lose any bills i could have walled a little bit better but oh he was missing sheep that's even better for me considering that he's even rushing nice move to gold i'm looking for him okay that's mingle seems like it's spit forward then i'm very happy with the starch can't really do anything just going to send them forward i'll make an archery arrangement deal with the with the militia with archers considering he's rushing with chinese [Music] and not chinese oh my god i'm i'm lost he's mullins obviously [Music] i don't like that i did my arms up with her concern that he's fully walled i should have scouted at first and then i'm glad that he did my arms okay i'm just gonna send minutes back now deal with that first but okay i'm still fairly satisfied with the opening except for mistreating himself completely or not realizing that he wasn't chinese otherwise it's been okay okay to be careful i might run into arches of his soon and he might have the upgrades what is that archer stopping you guys saw me walling here this is a big likelihood that he will over there gonna move out here [Music] why are they being like this villagers at least it was a somewhat nice save i guess uh okay [Music] for the most part i should have known that was coming it was really obvious with where his units were i think that's a bit sloppy on my part [Music] oh at least now i know his whole arm is at home that is good okay does he think i'm switching to eagles that's not my plan if he thinks that and switches into long swords here is also quite exposed oh he's already there he didn't realize he was chasing me or he was even ahead of me already [Music] okay not the best opening for me so far now he has ballistics and we're alive i think score as well the reason the score looks so heavily in favor of him right now is because he did the scout has been looking around the whole map will be my assumption it is okay there's another wave that's not okay i think i might need to prioritize ballistics now losing too much ground without having it looks like we're having a rough game one again it's certainly not over yet okay minimum not sure if i'm playing bad at the same time or not to my expectations a way but he's being very active and doing very well for himself i can't do it there thank you do i just need to take some efficient trays like i haven't lost i've lost my wheels for my own liking right but it's still a situation where if i can take a decent trade i can still possibly come back though don't get me wrong it's looking grim [Music] my farming in particular is what's hurting a lot now need to get a mark it up hey uh he's gonna hit the farm damn it let's call it that was bad with me i'm not happy with that another frustrating game uh he has four t's behind this it's probably over village account bill's gone is fairly similar i wasn't defending well enough he yeah he got the trades that he needed yeah it's not good but he did play very well obviously so i just need to get my own focus right on i go ask this if you don't make an eagles he had already a unit garrison and also i think the eagle switch would have been too late to save me i would have died to the early casters i think if i was going eagles but yeah eagles might may have been a better option in the end naturally i should have towered my gold and just gone eagles potentially but probably a little bit greedy by me but at the same time back they played really well so i tried to be aggressive but his rush came in and disturbed me a little bit and i wanted to be aggressive with my middle arms but he was fully well by the time i got there so i couldn't be aggressive what i should have done was not upgrade my arms uh because i didn't have the scouting needed to make sure i can go my arms so i should have just gone also i went up to fuel edge one villager too many um i should have just after committing on the militia i should never have upgraded my arms but yeah last game as well when i sent my army forward midfield and then he came around where i was trying to wall that was also very bad by me should that it was obvious given how the game was playing out that he was his army was out in the map it's very likely he will come in and punish me and i just sent my army randomly forward it's very poor has nothing to do with my wrist or anything that's very poor decision making like i think i have maps that are that suit me a lot i just have to up my execution a little bit the maps are wrong now i'll fix that for the next game okay what so he will use japanese um [Music] do you think i'm going burgundians here my theory right now is that he thought i'm going burgundians on arena therefore he went italians and he thought i would use malayan hideout i guess that's the only logic i can apply to this foreign foreign i'm not gonna do the super fast feud ledge this time play a straight fast castle [Music] see ya all right so far so good [Music] those italian walls look like they're fortified already fortified walls that is [Music] active as well foreign wolf in the center we see three relics should we want to left more and one to the right yeah let me see one relic maybe up here somewhere if i can get my scout inside hopefully [Music] you know [Music] he got the extra attack [Music] i'm not sure how he's planned to approach this i guess we will know very soon it's a monastery it's your stable either don't see a market don't see stable barracks really not sure could be that it's just [Music] booming oh there's a monk there and good to get that confirmation is he trying to pick up relics without making any units it looks like that moment we go for the far relics first foreign that's so greedy to think you can get away with picking up relics without making a unit now this economy is probably fairly similar to ours now then with that in mind but but still feeling a very comfortable spot right now with how this is played out let's do soft pressure just to force some units from him so he thinks there is something coming which there is not by the way yes there's still a scout covering it's going to take some time but rather safely sorry i guess little bit careful here dc foreign [Music] as well here we go we're just gonna make simple arborist pressure castle drop armless pressure oh by relics faster to him gotta make sure we take the uh relax the resources that are close to his base in case we lose the position somehow then he would not be able to get those resources back but then some at least some of those visors will be gone rather and what he's doing [Music] that's weird i might get my traps but still i didn't even get my condos are weird i don't know this game is over i guess it's a desperate choice but still no matter what condos yeah they don't make sense in this situation but i guess he felt like he had to try something and then the whole part of like trying to get relics without making a single unit that's not how arena meta is these days economy we're ahead by quite a bit actually the resource collector at least uh this is the relics that makes the difference villagers and such was pretty similar all right let's go i'm housing my mill right now not pretty bone job missing four sheep still and i don't see my deer okay there's the deer missing two more and sheep seem to be spawning super far on this and yesterday as well super far spawn hope i find them here so i can start learning here nice [Music] in it's actually a scouting there i feel like he uh against dark he played feudal edge pressure uh with malay i wanna just maybe gonna do something similar this time i'm thinking about going for a fast fuel myself please keep the option open with my build and just monitor his score to see if he has a dip around 212 population and then react to that why it goes see oh he just clicked up his score drift by 50 points which means that he spent 50 food to go to the feudal age which means that i'm going to go to the village as an answer to that and be ready when his forward comes in and just take advantage of the economy upgrades in the castle then don't go outside make some scouts mr villagers that's a bit of a problem [Music] it's gonna go for my tower maybe don't think so uh [Music] you're uh come inside he's gonna come inside that one is yes i should do fletching what is he sending that guy out to do building a building but i can't see which building is doing i also need a market to do fetching make sure we get rid of that he did flushing he took too long to notice yeah fetching is a bit of a problem oh okay once we get that upgrade it will be fine though it's at least a small comfort let's find out what it built maybe it was a blacksmith you want to build it would also make sense it was a range get the villager nice they actually lost two villagers there that is very nice another tower definitely could have dealt with this way better than i did but in the end i think he lost more wills than we did [Music] that should translate to a great economy in the next stage at least [Music] now and yeah i will definitely try to focus on picking up the relics [Music] i'm not happy that i never did gold mining upgrades why is the okay there we go [Music] make sure there isn't one not one at the edge of the map for him oh i got the hill i win yeah i feel very comfortable right now let's do it i know i need thousands first okay but foreign okay team that's a little unfortunate that foreign [Music] i think i've gotten great value so far still and tc went up i legit thought i uh deleted my town center uh my heart jumped a little bit there there's the other tc's as well [Music] i think i'm kind of ready to engage that he got it i might have to do my own siege [Music] i nice place me can we get it out loading so many resources there [Music] um don't think i can deny it ah he got the wall again i don't have a mangano feels bad man why is he not attacking oh my god what is happening there [Music] what happened there what the hell that was don't think i dealt with things great but we're still okay here [Music] [Music] oh another thing would be how far until he gets up should have a big moment here there [Music] messy messy game [Music] what oh i got a big shot that's nice foreign [Music] it's about to overchop there which means we can enter where we want to pretty much foreign okay so step for me will be to try and reclaim my map in the center i think he's on the way to imp i'm kind of fine with that as long as i regain my control and hit him with 140 goals myself i don't really mind it's not chopping the right trees i deleted it i was trying to make a oh that's impressive [Music] oh i don't have to force the issue here i'll just take out [Music] uh a monastery and then i will go back there yeah i feel comfortable now with my physician they're very comfortable [Music] blacksmiths [Music] let's get power i suppose [Music] [Music] see [Music] yes oh there's only palace that was stone was the whole sudden and this is still parasites it's pretty good for me i feel like he is quite out of touch juice we also have control over most of the resources here or the golden stone should be hard for us to lose from here got more relics as well me don't think he can snap stop snap and stop this snowball [Music] so he's making a push here with some helps but they are still missing a lot of upgrades and there's no follow-up right this is two ramps and like 12 helps um he's going to lose his whole base here that was a dicey though i think i think fuel wasn't the best reaction for me but it was enough to the point where i was still in a good spot early castle was fine the transitions when everything were fine but when he caught my tc there that kind of got a little bit wild but see uh yeah i think yeah and especially when this tease got the night as well and the castle came it was a little bit dicey but i still felt like we were always in a fine spot as long as we didn't lose too many bills and as long as we kept trading army with him it was also all right and we were able to do so so and then it was a fairly close game but i think we pulled ahead like mid-cast ledge yeah we didn't get to do uh flemish uh but i had 140 two or 45 bills i was ready to do it if i if i had to the thing with preguntas is that they're actually a really good civ just posting privilege they don't need to do flemish that's just a bonus let's go oh have luck have fun oh that works as well i guess yeah i really want to win this so i don't have to play fortress i feel fine on fortress as well with humor against chinese but it is obviously risky and i would rather not hmm is should prepare the decent fish on the north side and then we're looking good for having a good glitch here foreign let's go there with our dark right corner foreign this should be a pretty solid build so far good fish as well probably have a little bit of small house will be housed a little bit here i'm trying to make my next fishing ship oh foreign i'm going to land him surprise didn't see that one coming foreign oh he sees me there then i'm gonna go down okay i don't like that he found my my documented then um should be his iron [Music] position a at the moment oh [Music] yes he made a hell of a lot of units or water units considering for what he saw which was pretty much nothing on on water from me um [Music] [Music] now i could try and make some moves sometimes so speaking of ducks up trying to recover some duck stuff the word so i don't have to worry about the counter landing yet which is good for me and now i'm gonna oh i don't didn't do wood upgrade that's a bit of a blooper [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] we're gonna build a stable and show it to him just so he gets a little bit worried already that stable is meant for castleage still no armor though me [Music] oh oh he noticed but that is fine for now [Music] oh not good um i want to do a lot of things right now let's see we should have a nice time in where we can possibly do a lot we shouldn't be too far behind up uh we always have a lot of fish which we don't like that is obviously something i didn't notice fast enough you should have noticed [Music] he also has elite skirms now very very very messy [Music] [Music] i didn't get as much done on water as i would have liked and kind of what i want to do i'm always trying to snipe some of this okay he's actually making a lot of [Music] water still i even bother trying to take back water at this point wait for him foreign still try to be a little bit of soft pressure i need good eco stress of course he has all the fish but likely this will be an imperial edge game at this stage [Music] okay just want to get rid of these units from my island thank you fingers [Music] yes both pieces are in range not ideal but we're gonna have to do this [Music] hmm [Music] um oh that was a really good target fire by him actually it's quite bad for me actually doing that watch on this island that's a good good reaction balloon for sure now a lot of things will be how fast will he be up to him not in like that he's faster than me [Music] foreign i'm thinking about doing the heated shot upgrade as well [Music] would be quite beneficial here okay it looks like we are going to be up before him i think that's all due to the landing so that's not the end of the world yeah about the same time um [Music] i don't remember if japanese get shipped right or not i think they do [Music] fingers [Music] okay need fast fires as well um [Music] i need to do some demos oh we had forgotten the time limit by the way i guess we just have to keep an eye on 145 just gotta inform him so we keep an eye on the 145. is he taking a smoke break now so obviously he has the middle control he has the extra golden stone in the center not great um i am on lan on water so i have presents and i can try to fight back here 13 docks might want to add some more but for now it's okay now it's easy to sit here and be like was the landing really clever was it worth it um hard to say as now it looks like we're not in the greatest position but i still think it's not as bad as it might seem he's relying heavily on he has been relying heavily on fish as well for his eco so i reckon i reckon we're still in an okay spot they do get shipwrecked questions if you can afford it i don't think longboats make sense here they're too gold expensive so galling demo ships and maybe cannon gallons later is probably the way but recovering the center is what's going to be really really hard you need to get count on gallons for that but at least deny him from taking those resources looking on wood lines as well yeah he has so much wood on the bottom never mind the time final game soon try and get the market price for food while it's still good [Music] um that now i'm not expecting him to land me so i'm not taking any precautions regarding that of course there's a chance he also would land me here i think i have more gallons to him i think this is a good fight for me [Music] unleashes my canon gallons around from maybe i should rather work on his dogs for now but yeah he hasn't taken this island yet which is good sorry he's working with this castle there always trips out [Music] oh i think we're making good progress of course there's still the fact that i will eventually run out of gold just got to keep taking the good prices yeah i think we're may have just been ahead in the economy might not be able to afford ship right [Music] what it feels like oh he just wanted to land me my castle came up in the perfect time nice feels like we have a really solid edge now i guess i have to make ducks in the center as well so yeah i feel like we have we just have more units we're winning each fight at this point i have to have my transport all right we did it i i don't have less than three on my keyboard all right so like it still seems like my landing did enough to mess his economy up enough to the point where i was still able to maybe boom ahead in village account as the game went on um but yeah just in privilege we managed to get that transition ding ding ding you guys like the ding ding ding from the docks right so we advanced to the quarterfinals actually economy wise slightly ahead of food for him we have way more gold though so we never got onto a gold collection stone we took way more wood way more as well because about the timeline here i i definitely have more villagers but he has more fissionship right and i feel like villagers at least when you get to imperial age villagers are more important so yeah we were able to make it make it happen very happy with that means we are through to the quarterfinals as we said and we will be facing the max or mr yo who are playing very soon if i'm not mistaken they probably have started now congrats guys thank you i mean congrats guys uh thanks for congrats and the gg is 2d islands is not the most fun map but i think that was a fairly interesting map for islands with the landing and everything backed was like game game will be over soon and we go to the final game no no no no
Channel: TheViper
Views: 19,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: SvoHuXNxtxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 42sec (6942 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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