The Open Classic RO8 - TheViper vs MrYo

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i want to pick here now why no dealer tomorrow because tomorrow is only four players left and if there's any cheating going on it will be quite easy to figure out and usually if you get to top four most people there are very trustworthy so um [Music] i'm trying to decide i think hideout islands it has to be higher than their islands but which one um i think i might go islands yeah let's do islands let me plan so arabia arena islands and nomad this year was night owl yeah when i stayed at their place for like uh a week no i stayed there like almost two weeks yo woke up oh he went to bed when i woke up i woke up like eight nine am and then you always go about to go to bed so yeah feel like you might go aztecs even first pick he loves his messages [Music] i kind of don't want to let him have mayans but then again i don't think he would use mines on any other map in arabia so i'm kind of fine with that um let's do chinese malay magurus so i'll do italians now for sure islands and then probably take away a good normancy for me maybe or maybe britain's upper gundams i'm gonna take burgundians he's scared of that on arena maybe madness arena arabia islands now he has to pick norman siv they'll probably malice persians maybe lithuanians i expect malians maybe he goes lithuanians because he feels like that might be better against spanish vikings so his normative is the last one he will pick i could be a complete now and you know there's three normative sieves left kind of you might even go koreans in nomad you never know with this guy so now i will take britain's so i have that as an option for arena and that will take a long madnessive khmer or frank's most likely oh wait wait no no i think i got burbles [Music] actually echo purpose girls looking bad by the way for to go i don't see him online still but uh yeah looks really unfortunate for the girl probably an admin win for doubt he went for koreans so you play koreans on nomad then most likely here we have the draft i'm gonna have to have a think quickly here just anything i would change to my approach spanish nomad is guaranteed i could do berbers even on nomad to counter the wagons what i could do here is burgundians arena britain's arabia berber's nomad berber's nomad chinese and land madness italians for islands aztecs or britons against chinese britons or chinese against aztecs um i'll have to think about it still yes i think i'll open chinese which is aztecs which is a bit of an awkward set matchup but yeah let's go don't have my hot keys i have the vikings hotkeys oops it's okay start wasn't really harmed i don't like my map at all so far okay there's a woodland not liking that i'm not finding any ship oh of course they're back there okay foreign um not a big fan of my map he's very open gold is forward although i could do some nice walls there but that's not too bad i guess we found a thank sheep looks like he's pushing deer to score i'll probably go do the same foreign [Music] anymore i was i think the barracks would have been there if he was going to burst already probably he's trying to be embarrassed now i should have died on the villager i didn't actually realize [Music] pretty much tnt just an eagle for time being okay there's more i like that it's going to the left side because my barriers are on the right side my bears are more important right now [Music] foreign i will engage there if he wants to not sure about his follow up here if there are ranges coming or something like that game and you will get a good cast this time after i don't wanna oh there's archers okay good to know let's do bloodlines don't foreign with the pressure coming in i think i'm just gonna dive on that [Music] we're gonna have a decent position now now that will depend on the castle age time and the transitions i definitely invested a lot here with scouts and bloodlines for example it was a big investment in mind see finally see a little bit of his map i think he may have just clicked that score dropped correctly another barracks coming for him [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so you should hit castle in a second now he will have a time window where he can potentially do a little bit of punishment but i will transition into double knights double crosstal probably stay one tc for a little bit make sure we get the technologies required to survive their first couple eagles foreign it's more important that i get knight numbers i'm expecting a forward siege here as well it would be amazing if i could find the [Music] villager sure [Music] shoot [Music] oh there's a problem on that side or we could maybe do some pressure there good afternoon i'm gonna get some ring as well i think that's a good idea me [Music] i do think he has siege now so i have to be a little bit careful oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i got commercial [Music] okay [Music] for him really oh finally added siege [Music] what is happening there you guys are not supposed to be there what is happening with these wheels where they're going there foreign come on this may be the fight we have to take let me control them please come on [Music] now [Music] [Music] oh oh looks like this [Music] oh am i throwing [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh my god he got the conversion again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i need to fix my gather points asap me yeah it should have been a bit calmer and not rush that castle something [Music] come [Music] come on [Music] [Music] future i need to be able to take well i feel like he is now going in privilege that will be the main issue right now as we speak [Music] um come on [Music] i think the fact that i'm losing this game does everything about how ridiculous the eagles can be felt like i played really really good this game but still that eagle snowball is just so ridiculous energy come on come on thank you [Music] so [Music] thank you for a bit longer but it looks bad thank you more stables the question is if he will ever find transition to if he finds a transition to imperial age here i'm just that and i'm afraid that is more likely for him than for me at this station again [Music] uh [Music] you'll have a healthy population though but like i said the issue is if he suddenly finds the time to go to college he gives me another cast over there yeah we should never lost this but that's just the power of the eagles right but i'm still i i think i played well so i'm fine i could have taken a better engagement the big fight though i i didn't have to commit on that one but the fact that i lose this game says everything about eagles in my opinion the power they have that's a frustrating loss again but again i felt like i played well i think i was in a really good position i have some slight error of judgment in the fight and eagles economy yeah i just need gold to make eagles with you got four relics in the end as well yeah i should never lost this game that was a that was bad by me i shouldn't have lost so well played to yo we have to fix our mistake in that game it's frustrating because i feel like i played better but still lose i should have moved my crossbows to back to a hill and just made my knights follow i didn't have to take the widespread fight that i took so i i feel like i feel like i've lost because i just took a bad engagement and i said i didn't have to commit but i thought i was winning that fight nicely so i was like i'm fine with taking the fight but in the end yeah it was a fine trade for him because he gets the eagle snowball long swords is an option but it's awkward i don't think chinese have supplies either yeah no supplies so it's a bit awkward let's go for the arena game get it out of the way i'll be right back quickly i'm gonna go to the bathroom we're expecting malay from him here and yeah i'm gonna go britons ready so much wood so close to the right sides ready yay golden chopper hunter okay i'm gonna go stable opening and just play standard arena metal let's see how he approaches it's not ready ready wait this is bugged our main stone is outside of our mouths ready i think i have taken too long to restart anyway i think it's six minutes before i could restart that can get really awkward let me check the rules on that didn't realize foreign right we're gonna restart here um bug map so yeah it felt like my map felt weird from the second i started scouting it something didn't feel right so yeah yeah we have the bug but i checked assume it's fine now this feels like a more normal arena oh your stone freddy gatherer yay that's good yes [Applause] chopper okay very straightforward yay ready yay i'm just gonna go for the stable opening ready [Music] ready hunter so far so good ready hunter hunter hunter ready [Applause] from there ready yes [Music] ready yay mountain yay yes go relics [Applause] um [Music] or is it there [Music] followers oh no i might just try and take the fight against his muscles people survive he doesn't commit ready [Music] but why is that [Music] ready [Music] [Music] golden [Music] [Music] ready [Music] foreign [Music] disappearing first oh [Music] quite a lot [Music] ready [Music] this is disaster so far so i got only one relic after all that investment damn it's pretty rough but there's a big chance i have an equilibrium here yeah that was a massive investment for me not happy with i only got one relic from that the relic spawn was a little bit unfortunate but not enough to where i should lose four relics like that and also he just went and picked up he invested more than you know and he also did more life care than i did oh there's a chance of taking an equal lead with how this went down you better hope so anyway he saw me yay equilibrium yay you gotta make all the right moves now pull this off [Music] interesting [Music] nice block by him [Music] ready ready [Music] oh ready the good thing here is we took all the map control right back right away yeah that was important we had to win this game i didn't like how the castles went but i feel like we probably just pulled ahead in the economy i think he invested a lot on the getting the relics and our entire economy was good enough make sure we had a good shot at winning the game still um that brings us to a 1-1 yeah we're actually really far-right in the economy 20ville's surprised we're that far ahead in the economy i guess the fact that he got the relics was probably also because he just invested way more towards it so it makes sense never checked his scouts either and never checked them if they had any upgrades but there's a big chance you had forging or something as well [Music] that i did not check out uh wrong server i'll be right back quickly oh i agree capstore definitely this is the best i'm playing i've played so far this tournament yes yeah so i'm gonna go spanish here i'm expecting koreans from him makes a lot of sense i have to see how this works out and unfortunately dugow apparently has gotten the admin loss so it's see foreign stone the system see divorce that's good oh it's positive scout [Music] foreign foreign i think we are close i think he's on the bottom left no no uh he might be in this area he'll also just be a docking villager man can't possibly still survive there street [Music] villagers is a is is [Music] monday [Music] have gold on the top is monday no kill the wheels there yes come on dude oh he's running with his fish there [Music] foreign [Music] foreign i don't mind this i don't need to rush i don't feel like i need to rush a castle i'm kind of finding it what's happening [Music] there through it is see is [Music] [Music] monday monday [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we got one kill [Music] [Music] we took a lot of hits [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] i guess i want to do a ramp oh oh [Music] is he's having that foreign monday i don't think he will commit there anymore we should be fine monday [Music] see the only concern i would have would be if you try some fast amp shenanigans it could be hard to stop but i think it should be fine preston [Music] is but i also think it's fine i don't really fear anything from him at the moment as long as he doesn't have a forward castle he does not have a forward castle foreign a [Music] i don't know what it is [Music] foreign stable additions was pretty much just in case he's doing a fasting i don't really have to produce anything i think we're just going for ourselves i'm surprised that he's not up yet by the way i thought he just stopped and went fast in and he's trying to make something happen with a fast infrared monday i think i'm getting a lot of kills monday [Music] i'm gonna be up faster [Music] monday pesto i'm content with the situation don't need to force the issue anywhere i think a castle in his face at some point would be nice see [Music] [Music] this guy [Music] oh he walman nice move [Music] [Music] see three [Music] right that went well comfortable defense in the end a little bit dicey when you start rushing towers with villagers and such but we didn't lose too much and i think we were just about lost the same and i got the better end of the water trades early as well i think yeah i should have maybe gone supremacy will rush would have probably supremacy would have been a good upgrade there actually not that far behind the economy but still at this stage and the only one on nomad it's still significant amount of resources [Music] we're up to one just need one more game i went to the semifinal and we have islands and land madness left so we have berbers against magurus here [Music] purpose against maggers go guys let's do it oh is going for a quick scout to see if i can maybe luckily find oh things like that is um wow and we have scout hp advantage that is about as a good start as you can ask for on this map so i can use the second very bush a little bit after pretty confident he will spend the rest of the dark age low in deer they're trying to compensate let me just find my second board [Applause] foreign foreign you could do like a long wall here kind of which if i want to do it but i could [Applause] wow this has been an amazing start for me stuff range i was gonna go scouts or not even scouts just a spearman rush kind of but since he's gonna range more reason for me to [Music] [Music] almost wasted a lot of storms hey i'll probably do skirmish opening now and then switch into stable after is he switching away from actress i think this was a debate i don't think he's actually going that many archers anymore just in case i'm glad i didn't overcome it but i did section so there's still some coming on scouts [Music] were supposed to um [Music] foreign i need to do upgrades here he's uh he's commenting on this so i need to go up because i'm gonna go second stable as well [Music] ugh [Applause] yes [Music] uh there's bloodlines where's my arm up there you like i am not doing a good job here [Music] [Music] uh i'm actually falling apart that was a really bad feeling i tried to be too clever and attract fired heavily [Music] okay we're getting a decent fight here [Music] quickly uh oh [Music] [Music] he's committing on the tower oh [Music] um very very unhappy with this game foreign i'll probably try and get another power up in my gold i'm listening like the score is getting it's not too far apart that's only because i'm killing a lot of his units his economy is gonna be miles let's call it it's over oh i can feel him getting tired this was just so bad in every way i had such a big advantage in early game and then i just i over commit on the counter to the archers and then i just let myself get overwhelmed by scouts which was such an obvious follow-up as well it was such a bad game for me really really poor and of course there's two sides of the coin very well punished by him but still that's just unacceptable unacceptable play you have islands now though i'm gonna be right back quickly i'm gonna make a cup of coffee [Music] all right i thinking about it i cannot believe how bad my decision making was last game i cannot believe it i have such a good opening with the getting the goose and killing a scout and then i just go skirms i don't believe that decision making i just open scouts there and then i transition to skirms after if i need skirm to defend against archers you're so so bad i cannot believe how poor my decision making was there so so bad but yeah we gotta focus on the islands game and victory time limit 145 so he has vikings in portuguese i have italians i'm guessing it's gonna go vikings but i don't know i'm gonna lower the light a little bit guys on my face hope that's fine a little more comfortable for me um all right let's do it portuguese um salvador is can't see all this um condor i don't like my stone positions at all very exposed oh it's quite ugly from uh pressure [Music] fabulous [Music] hey don't try landing again okay [Music] hey condoms sorry budget condor even taking what [Music] uh oh is thank you not liking my position too much what's up with you guys i feel like we're dead because of the map right now i don't have access to my resources but i need [Music] [Music] i i hey is [Music] oh hey this one just takes down there's a lot of farms oh again from here foreign foreign i have recovered [Music] some ground on our own now a lot will depend on the castle edge time you feel like he will be slightly faster than me um [Music] you're gonna kill that fish that would be solid uh [Music] condom our second stage oh [Music] time [Music] is guys time foreign i am all right i am uh [Music] such a sad way to go out i feel like i feel like game four i should have won i feel a game and also game one i feel like i should have won that that's very sad [Music] [Music] oh that's so disappointing so so disappointing unfortunately all our resources were to one side as well that's really sad i go out now and i feel like i somehow should have won at least two i should have won this for one uh so bad but either way well played to you and his landing did way more than ours in the end i waited too long and i got punished hard by his landing feels bad man yes but it is the way i had the economy is he nope yeah what's annoying right now is the game four in particular and also the arabia game the fact that i didn't win either of them it's just really bad ah so bad i'm trying to see now what else is going on what other matches we can watch uh is doubting lyrics still playing out in layer it's 2-1 for doubt at the moment so i will do a quick restart of the stream quick restart of the stream and and then we will cast the remainder of doubt against leery and we'll see if there's any more after that hey that's what it is very disappointing obviously but in the end joe played better and he deserved to advance and he will be in the in the semi-final against either chad or kapach obviously very disappointing on my end but it is what it is i'll see you guys in just uh should be a couple of seconds for you guys so stick around and we'll uh we'll watch um we'll see what happens i'll be right quick
Channel: TheViper
Views: 27,044
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 55sec (8515 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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