$500 Walmart CAMPING Challenge! | Cooking Bushcraft DOUBLE BURGER on Open Fire

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this is a full kit there are nearly a full kit of camping you really don't need anything else to start camping than this let's shed the dead weight and let's cut the cost of camping right down to the bare bones what you need $500 Walmart camping challenge that's we're talking about right here Joel robinette did this video I talked to him we compared notes before he launched his video he gave me full blessing to do my version of this and here it is this is a five hundred dollar Walmart camping challenge let's see if I can survive camping and Walmart gear only spending five hundred bucks let's keep the fun in it and let's keep the dollars low because you guys are just starting out hey guys this is the Walmart $500 camping challenge as you can see got a lot of stuff we're going to go through this systematically and I'm gonna tell you how I used to camp versus how I camp now let me put this stuff down that's a lot of stuff let's decide if we need all that stuff oh wait there's a couple more I forgot my tarp my fire rock my cheap saw one more thing and my lunch all right now let's dissect this well I'm sure that scene looks familiar to all your car campers out there but it doesn't need to be like that and you don't need to break the bank to go camping it's always important to be comfortable when you camp hence the camp chair alright guys so now you're wondering what the heck's this guy doing he starts off by doing survival then he does wilderness living then he does fishing catch and cook then he does living off the land and primitive cooking ain't his friction fire stone tools and now I'm sitting on a stupid lawn chair in the forest you guys have asked me to make this video this is the most recommended video on my channel from people who are just jumping in and jumping out right away because you guys have no clue where to start well this video is gonna address just that I'm gonna tell you guys how to get started camping outdoors and wilderness living but the best way to do it is through demonstration so I'm gonna show you my kit from three or four years ago when all I used to do is pleasure camp - now which is now more in line with wilderness living so let's dive into some gear I want to sort it in a column a and a column B and I'm gonna tell you what fits and call up a which is getting started and then call them B which is expert mode first let's get it rid of this stupid camping chair when you go camping you don't need a camp chair see I'm not stupid log you pay premium for sitting on logs when you go camping not sitting in a chair that's a lot of gear and we used to carry that much gear if you don't believe me you gotta check back with some money other videos we used to fill the canoe on a golf cart and we used to carry it all back full of gear now when I bring my family there's certain amenities that must be provided but when I go by myself I could do bare bones bare bones it is bare bones makes things fun okay let's that's a tent that's an old tent that's an old tent that's a big tent okay we got on stuff here's the new tent we got to unstuff all these bags this is well that goes in Colma middle because we use that for old and new this is definitely an old camp pad old Kampai goes on the : a okay fire rock yes this is definitely column a newspaper column a mmm what's this lunch in a cooler call them a I'm decided yeah I use I'm gonna put this and call them be even though it could fit in the column a old-style cheap blue tart call me bow saw cheap bow saw Walmart brand like she's probably Canadian tired but Canadian Tire is our brand of Walmart Colin hey of course want to know why because it doesn't fall down I used to use a pillow from home camping and you can too it's a cheap alternative definitely call him nay but not for its weight for its bulk new camps pad that's definitely a thermal rest very lightweight very small very compact Colin B now let's dissect this and a little bit more detail and show you why I chose each item we can start with the key ones let's start with the big ones you know the big cost items let's go with the tent first I was just in Texas and I could find a tent for 20 bucks when I buy a twenty dollar ten yeah I probably would if I was turning out i buy the first twenty dollar tent I saw I'd probably deal with a little bit of leaks I'd go home I learned something and would have wasted 20 bucks I don't know because I spent several hundred dollars on this Marmot tent and I'm not completely satisfied with it it does a good job but it's got its flaws if I had to spend 20 bucks on it I'd be pretty darn happy but you can get tents for 800 dollars a thousand fifteen hundred I mean open your wallet you can dig as deep as you want in tent so this is actually the tent I used to use it's a Coleman brand tent I bought it for probably 100 bucks and my thinking was probably how you think is bigger is better and within with certain reason bigger is better I mean a three-man tent here there's a fit three man it doesn't fit three men it fits two men intimately you know if you're on the down low we fit my wife and I and our son until he's you know five or six years old and that's it so this is a two-man tent it's a really good solo tent which is actually why I bought it it's Marmot tungsten 3p it's not a 3p this is a 5c they call it a five-man tent 5 person tent here it's gigantic I can't put this in my backpack I can't even you know you know it's you can't lug it anywhere it the reason we got the small tenants because you wanted to go a little bit further distances so I'm actually gonna set these tents up and I want to show you the difference between the two and show you why you want to be very careful about what you decide on the tent but you should definitely get a cheap 10 start off get the hundred dollar ten make sure it's not too big not too small and go from there all right let's roll these guys out and show you the difference between the two don't you dare think of clicking away because I'm doing this for you I want to show you how to get started with camping okay now that we got the poles in there we get to make it a wreck that's my favorite part making the tent Iraq always up up your tent you ready to get my skis in there right away alright so here's the 5p the so-called 5p Coleman brand cheap ten hundred hundred twenty-five bucks I don't know something like that there's the bag it comes in it's big I don't know you probably can't get the perspective but let's back up here both at least ten feet wide let's go have a look inside this tent is massive its massive and it's about a third or a quarter of the price of my small tent so when you're buying a tent if you're buying a small ultralight tent or in the ultralight realm of tents what you're paying for is compact nuts so that's the first thing you have to know about tents when you're paying more money for a tent you're not necessarily paying for a bigger tent more elaborate tent you may be paying for a better constructor tent one that will have more durability better zippers that are buckles but you're definitely not paying for size and I would advise you to not go after a giant tent unless your car camping if you want to get anywhere off the beaten path go for a smaller tent but you can still get a cheap tent I mean this tents last me five or six years now the tent before that lasted me about seven or eight I could have actually kept using that tent but the I'd use it so much that the rain fly on it being exposed in the Sun so many so much had disintegrated and so it was tearing all I would have to do is replace the fly but it's pretty tricky to replace a fly to find the right size and dimensions to make it work properly okay so I want to show you how big this is let's see how many people we can read the fit in there this is what advertised as a five man tent so I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna be at the one edge that's one man tuning three mannish Foreman so they're a little shy on their measurements of a 5min tent but I could probably fit five men in here I wouldn't want to but you probably could now let's go set up the small tent though first thing you're gonna notice about the Marmot tungsten is that it's not a super ultra light tent and for good reason I looked at the ultralight tents I didn't want to spend an extra 200 bucks just to get two pounds less on average what you're looking for when I do my research was your book looking about a pound or two per person so if this is a three man ten six pounds is on the heavy side if you go pound and a half or a pound you're getting into the ultralight range but you're gonna pay the price for this the other ten I think I weight on the scale was about fifteen pounds now there's a big difference that's 11 pounds when you start to put that in a backpack and you start thinking I'm gonna get in the backcountry 11 pounds of extra weight for a tent no it's not gonna happen but six pounds is doable all you do is break the tent up into two parts you split it among the number of people you're gonna have in this case two people I wouldn't put three people in this tent and you're good to go I mean you could do the same thing with the big tent if you're five man crew divide the parts up one person grabs the poles one person grabs the rainfly one person grabs the tent itself and you're laughing right let's split up some of the other gear and you're good to go so it can be done cheaply is what I'm saying all right let's set up my 3p Marmot now there we go now it's a simple matter of just clipping it in yeah I know the mosquitos are getting in the door I would advise and when you go in at night before you decide you're gonna sleep get your flashlight out and inspector on the outside and kill all those bugs that are in there and then don't open the door again bring a pee bottle inside you don't know what a pee bottle is a pee bottle is something you pee and in the middle of the night so you don't have to get out there we go now you can see that the small tent is dwarfed by the big tent it's like if this was pac-man this guy better run so thing is you're paying for lightness you're paying for portability but you don't have to spend a bunch of money so if you're just starting out buy yourself a cheap ten and grow with your equipment I didn't start off with a bunch of fancy equipment I used that big mother of a ten it's probably three years ago yeah because I just did pleasure camping I didn't go and do survival stuff I got bored of lugging that thing around and I decided I want to get a little bit further so I grabbed this ten was as simple as that but you're not gonna go way off from the bush when you first start camping you got to grow with your equipment and that's a lesson if you guys stick around with me till the end I'm gonna show you how I used to cook versus how I cook now so that will be an eye-opener for you I think I mean I'm gonna lay down on the edge here that's one person that's two persons and a half a person yeah man there's no way you could fit three bodies in there I'm sorry Marmot don't mean to burst your bubble but you got your measurements wrong when you guys buy a tent take the measurements that they give you they give you the dimensions the bottle dimensions cut it out or mark it out on the floor and then lay the people that you want to put in the tent on the ground within that dimension and then assume or presume that you're not gonna be water weight up against the side wall because if you do you're actually gonna get do all over you see if you do you do and you don't want to do to do you know what I'm getting it once the cut covering goes on top of the rain covering goes on top actually comes out here and there's spots on the outside for your gear what you do get is another door on the backside so you can actually exit both sides of the tent that's a plus that's an engineering addition to why you pay a little bit extra bucks simplicity of setting up the lightness of all the all the hoax and guides the zippers they're all better quality so there's a trade-off but when you start off you do not need an expensive ten a ten is one of those things that you do not have to buy the most expensive off to get started you got differences in height the footprint is smaller on this side and on the width tooth there's a huge difference on the width can see how just how big and it's got heavier material in there because this is all light what Maywood Tyrael even the bottom is lightweight whereas the other ones a heavy heavy tarp this is just a thin a really really thin material not even really waterproof whereas this one you could probably throw in the lake and it would still protect you very heavy plastic but durable all right I want to get something other way real quick before we move on to the bedding okay these are my these are my old pants you guys probably seen these in most of the videos I've ever made they're a pair of camel cotton pants I would have kept wearing these in fact Jamie kept asking me are you ready for a new pair of pants oh my god probably get another year out of me yeah you're probably right kind of an inside joke but the point is or the problem is I guess is I now have holes in my pants which I would kind of cover up the functionality of it by wearing pajama pants underneath them that man I put panera the gym pants underneath needs to extend the life of them I can't walk around the forest jammin pants or can you actually you can't problem is is insects will bite right through these because they're so thin and then I was the problems adding with these is that mosquitoes were getting inside my drawers and they're biting me and so that's not a functional pert that's not serving its function anymore so anyway I had these pants for probably 10 years it's embarrassing but it's true and I've worn them for hunting and fishing and camping and they've done an excellent job and you know these are off the shelf I don't know 50 60 bucks something like that on sale I forget now of course I have fancy bushcraft pants yes I went got the fall Raven as everybody else does I was researching a long time to find alternative to pants I went into atmosphere they read really thin material and then the cutoff shorts I'm like I don't I'm not gonna take my pants my shorts in the makeup shorts I don't want that I want is if Iran my knee so anyway I course came to the fall Ravens they're about 150 bucks you're still my atmosphere know which is online you can buy them online or them they're like 150 bucks 180 bucks I'm gonna definitely get 180 150 bucks of use out of these pants because I'm gonna use them until the debt that's what just what I do I use everything till it's completely dead so anyway where's my fall or evens I forget what brand they are they're very well constructed I'm very happy with them pockets everywhere they're very durable and they're very comfortable what else could you want and they're waterproof an insect proof so all right let's go on to bedding we got to keep this moving here's our bedding it's kind of got a mix match of call amazed and : bees let's talk about can't match first because obviously that's what you're gonna be putting on the ground it's most important I bought this for 10 bucks at a garage sale and is now broken the nozzle here leaks but the funny thing is I still have it and the reason I still have it because use it on my balcony it doesn't hold air but it's got so much padding and cushioning because it's so bulky to begin with it still does a good job and my son can actually use this camping although when he moves around that air swishes in in and out which is pretty annoying but the point is you can get yourself probably for 19 bucks at Walmart a camp pad similar to this I mean the most of my pay is 30 bucks for one of these guys compared to my ultralight thermal rest which is gonna retail for but a hundred bucks and the smart guy that I am I actually got a woman's version of it because it was the same Mikey it was the same height as the small men's except they charged more for the men's talk about a quality women pay more for haircuts yeah well men pay more from her camp mats so I got the woman version of it it's it's the same size like I said it's the same functionality so there's no difference really between these two mats as far as their use and function none it's just sighs this one is probably twice as bulky this one here is played twice as both is this one this fits in a backpack this takes up the whole backpack you know what when I was a teenager I never used a camp map the guys you're durable enough you can take it your body can literally take it throw an extra sleeping bag down on the ground if you don't have anything I throw a sheeter a duvet or an extra comforter you're good to go man for my son he doesn't get a slip he doesn't get a camp map he doesn't need one because he doesn't have pressure points like adults do so that you can't Matt's thermal rest versus a cheap brand that's all you got to do so when I was in my ultralite phase about two or three years ago I really wanted to get back in the backcountry what a lesson was this this is well this is the covering for the bag a sea2summit it's a waterproofing bag I think they retail for like 40 bucks or 50 bucks for this waterproof bag you know what works good to a garbage bag bring a bunch of garbage bags sheepy sheepy sheepy mm um once they break and rip replace them if they if they're unusable throw them on the fire I paid maybe 100 200 bucks for this bag I want to tell you why I don't like it so you can avoid the same mistakes my wife is on the same page with me she I lent it to her because it was a small bag and she need a small bag funny um as a change I guess so this bag is not good on your skin it's a plasticy material it's filled with goose down so it's warm which is you know good for zero degrees Celsius anyway so this free this bag is good down to freezing which is why I got it because I wanted a cold-weather small like portable bag that was good for all temperatures but it makes me sweat so I don't like it so what I do now is when it's super cold I combine it with my old sleeping bag my old heavier one that will not fit in a backpack which prevents me from getting off in the backcountry so let's open this up and I like tell you why I like this bag why I continue to use it it's probably worth but oh there's a secret in here it's a pillow yeah man a pillow from from my couch I just took the covering off of it I used that as a pillow very very ingenious of me because I'd like to have a pillow and it doesn't weigh of all a lot extra weight okay so here's my other bag it's um LL Bean it's not compact at all as you can see but it's super comfortable it's got a cotton interior I just love cotton I'm sorry man I'm not gonna get away from it it's not waterproof but it'll still function if it's wet unlike the down which as advertised if it gets wet it's completely useless it contains no lawful it so ever so what I do is I take this bag I get inside of it and then I take the other bag and I throw it on top pull off that's it now I'm good to like minus 20 degrees Celsius if you do not have a good winter sleeping bag just use two or three summer Seaton bags you don't have those borrow them guys you can borrow stuff I used to borrow stuff all the time to avoid buying something and then when I borrowed it too much to the point where the person that was boring it from was irritated I bought it because you know what I really wanted it so what's the difference between a five dollar Camp tarp and a hundred dollar camp tarp and I was a gam my ultralight kick and I wanted to spend some money so I get further in the open back and so what they did was sell me this I can't speak while I do things apparently this my friends is what they sold me for hundred bucks it's the tarp from a tent yeah so they bought replacement tarps hence they stuck them in a bag and they sold them for a hundred bucks so basically it's a more compact version of a big blue tarp for twenty times the price so you can tell me if you think I got the value for my money there it's not a bad color it's not a bright blue tarp that doesn't belong in nature you know this doesn't look nice it looks like a cheap blue tarp but it works and it's something I've used for ten years ten years I get my five dollars use out of it when it becomes ratty and old I throw it out it's not a big deal so anyway that's a hundred dollar tarp that's a five dollar tarp anybody can afford a five dollar tarp and you know what I would advise you not to use the tarp just don't use a tarp I eat in fact never use the tarp until people started using tarp around me I'm like hey that's not a bad idea because sometimes it snows and it rains and it gets wet and I like to be outside but I don't like to be wet and cold you know what if you're young and you're just starting get wet and cold that's why you're out there that's why you pay the price of admission oh my camp chair again that's a luxury to have the camp chair I've got back rest support and all that good stuff and pull up a bit so you guys can see my beautiful mug ah ah so behind me I have set up a and B shaping up pretty good we got to go over cooking next but I did make a mistake back there you guys gonna have to stay tuned to figure out what that mistake is it's not a big one it's not that interesting what stay tuned anyway okay let's do cooking so use the camp here for the cooking I feel like I feel like it kind of sit here and talk about it better I do like the camp chair I like the idea of having me can chair when they go ice fishing I bring a camp chair cuz I don't like sitting in the snow it's cold in the snow I'm having a camp chair it gets you above the snow and you're nice and dry you know but you actually can afford to bring camp sure be a camp chair if you can't car camping I don't care for break camp chair not what about me you bring whatever you want I'm just sharing my expertise as far as camping goes and what I did and do now I am NOT you I don't know that you really want to need a camp chair and I don't care if you're willing to carry it with you and pay it and mind it I don't care do whatever you want it's your life man don't let me tell you how to leave it all right now we're moving on to cooking I'll show you my gloves I still use regular basic $5 work gloves that you can get on sale in any hardware store I'm gonna put it down on my knee because it all good anyway do the expensive or the cheaper let's do the expensive version everybody loves expensive things right super so trench when I started researching ultralight gear priscila trench came up a lot it's a note back camp grill it's very well constructed I've always wanted one it is super super SuperDuper light it comes in a great case that you can tuck away you don't have to worry about you know it's it's a wonderful design it's it's probably worth the money 100 bucks is as a boat going rate retail for the Percell trench just say it's super super packable super portable comes in a nice case hunter bucks okay do you need it no because I use an alternative for years and years and years and years this is not something I just invented I've been using for years and I can recommend it let me show you what it is so first thing you should know is it comes in a compact semi ultra light version and no it's not all dinged up and ringed up and messed up because of use it's because I drove it over the car that's right I left my backpack including all my gear and in behind my car you guys down at - don't say stupid guy okay who's going time I'd made it a nice take and did it well the only time I've ever made a mistake in my life okay so anyway I ran it over that's why it's all bent they still one I've had for probably five or six years I mean look at it it's in perfect working order where does it come from it's a number great that's right all you do is sawed off here with a hacksaw and then take a file and then file all those sharp edges so then when you put in your backpack you don't ruin it all right so before we grab your kitchenware let's talk the differences you got 100 bucks free free and they actually sell these greats in the camping store for like 30 bucks this is now call them a this is before call them B we're getting pretty close now we just need our kitchenware okay so how's cooking changed a whole lot for me over the years maybe a little bit so what I would have used before and still use is a big heavy cast iron I do a lot of cooking when I go out I don't mind the weight I can put this on the fire and cook I do a lot of cooking on the woods would I recommend this yeah I think I would recommend a cast iron if you're willing to carry the weight if you're gonna go ultralight no don't carry cast iron okay so the cheapest alternative I've found for cookware is actually these cheapest you can get these at Walmart for 10 bucks you can see there's no handle on it because the handle melted off because it's made of plastic and it couldn't withstand the heat of the fire in the flame so it broke off but hey guess what now it's more portable ten bucks you can't go wrong ten bucks I actually bought these cast irons for 20 bucks online yeah 20 bucks because nobody chose the cast iron anymore so you find some unlucky dude who wants to give up their cast iron even though it's the best thing in the whole world 20 bucks I used to use a plastic plate because they used to think you needed a plastic plate now I will just eat weight out of this and then of course the MSR brand pots and pans which you've seen a lot of my videos oh look at there's a fork hey I bought a fork because you need a forklift ego in the camping right you need a fork spoon and a knife no y'all that's just but what people think because they grow up in the city you don't need any cutlery just use a stick slurp out of the dish use your hands if it's not too hot cut up a stick okay so the MSR I think a full set of mi stars around 50 bucks so it's a little bit cost prohibitive when you're first starting but the MSR is something that would invest money in it's lightweight it's portable you can take it almost anywhere it's fairly lightweight its stainless steel so it's good in the fire I would recommend this highly over titanium titanium is light it's overrated in my opinion and while it's superlight you know get you in the backcountry it's gonna cost you a lot of money and you're not really gonna want to put it on the fire although I've heard mixed reviews about putting in the fire so the MSR is something I would invest the money in 50 bucks I think it gets you a complete set stainless steel jug that's good or give yourself Nalgene works fine there's no issues with that at one point time I used to bring all my water in and when those big blue jugs yeah man before I started boiling my water I just load it in the car we'd paddle it across the lake we'd have water there and we wouldn't boil any water but now I bought water so the plate and the old junker that will go into the old pile over here that plates worth I don't know a couple bucks like I say you don't really need it and let's grab the new MSR pot and the old historically old cast-iron which will last your lifetime will go into the new pile the water bottle we use whenever we want so we can either put it over on that pile but let's put it over in this pot because it is inexpensive one while we're at it you've got the gloves the gloves we'll put in let's put them in the old path because what we really want to know is how much it costs to get started I instantly feel old when I sit down on a chair like this but I do feel like I'm car camping all right enough joking it's not funny it's a serious is camping so difference between how are used to camp and how it camp now it's very important stuff let's talk about cutting implements because we're getting close to where the point where we need to start eating and I don't think an end this video without actually eating food it's like a staple to my life eating I want to show you how I used to eat no no I want to show you how I used to cook versus how I cook now so this is my old saw I love the saw I don't I don't really love it I just did a good job for a number of years it's worth about 20 bucks you Walmart it probably should get a new blade on it yet it's not super sharp anymore but again I've used this up until like two years ago or not even two years ago about a year ago where I got a sponsorship from a gal Canyon I would not advise you go and buy this saw but I would say like if you're just starting out get the saw maybe maybe you could figure out a way to take the blade off every time you use it what I would do is actually put a pool noodle on the outside of it and then of course it would always fall off so you pool noodle and like maybe some rope or twine to hold it on you can't really stuff that in a bag very good but I would just throw in the blood of the canoe and be done with it I never throw in my bag cuts everything okay so that's why I don't like this saw but it's a good saw it's for 20 bucks gonna get you started okay next up up of that you can get one of these this is a bak buckle laplander it was one of the ones that was like fairly well recommended I hate this song I hate this aw - this was like 20 bucks or something it's loose you see the N has got a big wow in it cuz I'm just too strong for these saws and I overpowered it and I push it through wood and then bent it um it's got a very thick blade on it a very very thick plane and I think it made thick so that it wouldn't been in like a where we are it's bent I like the full power of having a decent quality bow saw and this one course is like magic every time you use it you got that beautiful sound the best part about this is lock away it's a hundred bucks do I think you should pay a hundred bucks for a boat saw how much were you gonna cut how much wood is a wood cut Chuck a lot probably I check a lot of wood so to me it's something I would invest in it's nice that the company sponsored me for it I definitely take the sponsorship because it's a saw that I have knows that hesitation in recommending so it's a boreal 21 it's one of the ones that I would say maybe you want to invest some money into this at the start and then you can get some blades every once in a while for 20 bucks maybe it's one of those ones you want to dip in your pocket and get because to me it's like one of those things that's a sure thing it's a sure bet there's your collection of saws and knives you saw it first so to reduce bulk we went with the agile opinion that's new it's a new file the old pile we went with a $20 bow saw in the bahco laplander fire lighting has been an interesting part of the channel of course as you know I've done a lot of stuff with primitive friction fire this is Bo Jo set I use often on the channel it's made out of cedar and the reason I do this is to keep the channel interesting to me because I don't find using a lighter interesting it's not challenging for me and when I come out in the woods I want to be challenged as what's something you should do too so if you're avoiding going on the woods because you think it's too much of a challenge start in your backyard keep it simple when I first started doing fire lighting I would bring newspaper with me yeah I'm dead serious because I didn't know a thing about kindling and this is what my dad taught me was bringing he brought newspaper with him so and a lighter and I still use a lighter although I don't use the ridiculousness of bringing these paper with me but you could there's nothing wrong with that if you can't start a fire using kindling that you find in the woods bring newspaper with you I wholeheartedly support you and your endeavors to get out there even if it means you need to bring newspaper as tinder I fully support you bring a lighter I still use a lighter all the time when I needed to be quick and efficient and on my survival challenge I use a lighter this will cost you a buck let's go through these in the pile friction fire is going to go over this pile okay the lighter that's worth a dollar over here and the kindling that's just gonna go in this pile here so next up is what I used to use for a knife I never used to bring a knife I would bring a steak knife or butter knife sometimes if I need to do borrow saying something I just I'd never had a really good quality knife if I went fishing I would bring a fillet knife so that's I don't even have one anymore I was not gonna go buy a fillet knife just to show in this video because that's dumbest waste of money I want to waste any money so what I would do is bring a steak knife with me so if I was going brook trout fishing I just aful I just got them out with a steak knife why would I buy a night for that I had a fillet knife that was used by my mom on roofing and so the blade tip was burnt out on it but I could still play with it so I used that for years and years and years and years it was my dad's old blade that got mixed in with tools and I got used for removing shingles so it's all broken I may do with it for years and years and years and years you're getting started you got to be cheap you got to find ways to do it simply okay so what I would recommend is just get a little little jackknife I know I've had these as a kid all the time I don't even know where my kid version was a little knife there that'll do some work man sharpen that up it'll do some work but I use now of course is my trout and bird it took me a long time to invest money and my first knife big knife trout and bird and is a knife I would obviously recommend hundred bucks will get you this knife it's not got nowhere on this right now because it's a new knife I lost my other knife in Texas Texas serious is coming guys stay tuned okay so there that's how I would use now it's my trout and bird now and I would also use a stone knife because I'm not being ridiculous when I use the stone knives I'm using a stone knife because using the modern knife is too easy now so I want to be challenged okay so this part of it's part of deciding on what equipment you gonna use is getting equipment that's gonna make your life easier you know the lighter stock where you don't want to haul around a bunch of weight and you know making things more challenging intellectually which is like using a stone knife versus a a modernly that's an intellectual challenge and it keeps you developing as a person whereas that my point in life I don't really need to carry around 15 pounds of 10 but you should because you're young and fit carry around the 15 pound 10 and get your body some exercise which it desperately needs all right let's get on to fire lighting for knives we have our fold-out Jack knife blade they're worth a few bucks I don't know more and then we have our beloved Trojan bird and we have our stole knife so let's talk about lighting for when it gets dark out so what I used to use is a mag light pretty bright though ouch I I've tracked deer with this it works really well so that's just a mag light I think they probably have it's a mini mag Mini Maglite oh that's an L actually LED no reason you can't use that it's about 20 bucks 20 bucks some batteries what I have now is through night this is a through night th twenty it's uh it does a pretty good job and then this is the archer 2a it's a handheld when I need extra light what I do is I keep this one on my on my hat it's obviously got a head strap and I double up with the archer so the archer I carry in my pocket and then I blast this on the on top of it I don't know the cost of these to be honest they were given to me by the manufacturer as a spot ship okay so the new stuff is gonna be the three night through night head lamps and then we're gonna take the old mag light and we're gonna put it over here alright last things last we got our bags so a bag can be a big-ticket item or it can be free or it can be very cheap put it that way so probably interested to know what I'm using now maybe this is the baltoro 75 it's a very expensive very well constructed bag it's got a very rigid support system it's got a very comfortable strap I can load this to the gills and I'm perfectly comfortable it's got a nice weight strapped which distributes the weight to your hips rather than having it on your shoulders all the time they can cinch that tight it's got a chest strap this is a well constructed bag I would recommend this bag all day long problem is it wastes 10 pounds to start with 10 is a heavy bag I only use this bag when I need to fill it to the gills if I can avoid filling it to the gills and do not bring this baby what I I use now still is a bag I used to use for my books in high school this bag is super duper duper old some of the zippers don't work anymore like for instance this one it's just completely messed up the other side thankfully still work so I can put a water jug lopsided on that side the front zipper still works these still work it's got a back pouch over here it's got a basic compartment the inside no secret pockets no nothing the point is as I still use this bag and I use this bag because it's light this is an interesting little character here this is my lunch box why would I bring myself a lunch box into the woods well we're gonna have a pecan tree let's look inside what's inside the lunch boxes what okay so that's hamburger and bread and then there's another container here what's in the container ketchup and mustard it looks like well obviously the story behind this though let's tell it so what's the story on bringing a cool to the woods I used to bring a cooler the hood that's right I'll be like a lot of you guys would just plug in your beer and your steaks and your egg and your bacon and your milk because you know you need milk in your cereal in the morning do you really do you really do you need cheese you need all your condiments think about it you're out there roughing it and you're bringing your condiments okay so I did it - I'm not us above and beyond doing any of that sort of stuff - so what I would do is I take my are there mini one if I could manage to fit in there for the hot dogs and hamburgers eggs and cheese and all that good stuff filling up and you know keep it frozen for about two three days fill it up with ice pack everything be all set to go so I've got some actual hamburgers in here and then of course you had to have condiments now I'd probably for a go condiments just need to meet me done with it because why would I want to bring condiments all the way out there then I got to deal with this little container afterwards bring it home so I'm gonna do that so I what I would do is they take cellophane I'd squirt my condiments in it a mustard ketchup relish whatever the kids wanted and that would be my garnishing and then all you do after that is take the bottom you tear it out squeeze it out and then you throw the leftover wrapping in the fire and you're done with it of course you're going to bring the container back you had to lug around this whole case around because it was I thought I knew the trip was empty and then you had to where do we gonna put him gonna carried in the backpack does it fit in your backpack no it doesn't you know now what do I bring well I try to rely on food that I can get in the wild if possible if I can't then I'll bring staple items like dried peanuts dried cereal rice you know before I would bring canned foods in because that's sighs I thought we did you know my dad's what my dad did you've got canned foods in you can absolutely 100% bring canned foods in if you can afford to carry the weight this is a full kit there are nearly a full kit of camping you really don't need anything else to start camping than this if you think I've missed something you can leave it down in the comments down below I mean you don't even need the backpack really you just need something to carry it with so you've got your tent you got your sleeping bag your backpack you got your fire lighting equipment you've got a knife cutting implement you got a saw for cutting wood I've got a water ball you've got your cooking implements that's my stuff now my old stuff okay let's see all the stuff we got my old pants we got my old sleeping bag we got a fire grill we got an old backpack we salvaged and scraped around we've got our cooking stuff which is cheap $10 $15 items and we have our cooler because we just don't even need it you don't need the cooler so why do you have it there to begin with you got your pillow from home you can use bedding from home to get rid of seam bag you can get started camping for cheap okay so you've got a good rundown on all my gear on how use the camp versus how I camp now so now let's do a cooking show let's do cooking show of how I used to cook foods and then we'll talk a little bit about how I cook now maybe I'll demonstrate now you guys already know hard cook now you can only see that let's just I'll show you how I used to cook my foods all right let's use the bahco laplander cut some kindling [Music] [Applause] now fire just seems to go up a lot better when you use newspaper doesn't it yeah that's why we used to bring newspaper in other words it was up poof beauty and I'm getting hungry too I'm always getting hungry doesn't stop every time I cold in the woods we're not going away they get hungry Calma theme in my life to be hungry for food so the ideas are gonna let it burn a little bit more I take that big fire rack and I push it on top and then try to cook with that other little saucer type cooker the nonstick and then we need a burger in the woods because I didn't used to eat wild foods when I came out at least not often unless they caught a fish but I would never go out and actually prepare wild meals for myself I came much later how do you guys are saying and thinking that you're starting off on god mode when you go out and you got to put together wild meals you don't go to the grocery store bring your meals with you and prepare them in the woods as you wouldn't ordinarily you have to learn a few things about the fire and how to control it and how to get the temperature right but who cares if you mess it up if you're not messing things up you're not learning you got to get over that stumbling block of trying to be perfect out of the gate and using and having so much fear that you're paralyzed you know how do you get something done I'll show you this is how you get stuff done one foot and turn to the other these big oversized rocks that you really don't want to carry around you can throw them right on the fire there's no matter how gnarly that fire is you can make it flat enough to support what you're cooking [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so I intentionally screwed up the whole cooking process because I want to illustrate how we used to do things you screw things up high just like everybody when you're learning you screw things up so I have some burnt on one side but well done on the other side and that's to be expected the reason was because I didn't wait till the fire burned down to coal to a temperature that I could safely manage so the burger kept lighting on fire and burning it is still mouth watering Lee edible that's on a piece of toast we're actually gonna double it up but the second one which is also burned and if we're smart what we're gonna do is take the bun and bread and we're gonna stick it into the grease YUM so you guys are gonna wonder why I would intentionally burn my food because you're here to learn and you want to learn how to do things the right way well I'm teaching you how to do things the right way the right way to learn how to camp is to go out and camp and screw up okay the other stuff I do is years and years of experience culminating in me wanting to refine my techniques to live off the land to cook primitively and so if you notice when you're watching the channel anybody's watching Channel long enough knows that I'm screwing up all the time and I'm learning all the time I'm constantly you're finding my technique and that's what keeps camping and life in general and the outdoors interesting because I'm constantly learning and I hear a lot of people saying how do I get started well this is how you get started you go out and you screw off when you screw up when you screw up and you screw up I never pretended to be perfect at anything I never will pretend to be perfect my mouth is watering I gotta take a bite oh man go born on the outside cook well on the inside all right I did that on a grill that cost me no money with a lighter that cost me a dollar and some newspaper that cost me nothing because it's the free classifieds these patties cost me a buck each maybe two maybe buck fifty our own couple slices of bread and condiment and this is the best burger I've had in a long time something above that flames smoke smoke from the fire the brulee is flame fired brulee ma'am I also had to earn this burger I had to do some work for it I didn't make the fire flip it all myself I'm not I just wavering squeezing through your food I learned that more and more when I started providing more meals for me from the wild from scratch how good that food started to taste how basic hunger was seasoning so guys encourage you guys to go out make yourself a meal on fire like I keep reminding you I'm proud of you I'm proud of you guys for all the stories you're telling me about how you're pushing boundaries if you guys go out and cook a meal or you go to camp throw 300 bucks or 350 bucks at some some deer when you go out for the first time or second time or I don't care just let me know because I want to hear your stories I really do I am really I'm really proud of you guys that are out there pushing your boundaries now I'm not I'm not just bullshitting you I am legitimately proud when I read your stories with the hair on the back of my spine stand up I'm just giving me chills to read your stories and I am I'm legitimately proud that I'm connecting with you guys out there some of you had though some of you that don't have good guidance maybe you don't have fathers around maybe your father and your mother's not interested in going out and doing the outdoors things that you are Bob I'm really proud of you guys for pushing the boundaries yeah I hope you will continue to do that and I hope you will dig in and do all the things that you love you can feel free to subscribe or not I don't care I have a whole series in Texas that I'm working on right now it's 19 episodes about 19 episodes I sold a lot of episodes you give me a lot of cloners but two and a half months I'm gonna put two and a half months of content out with an update twice a week every Tuesday and Friday for at least two and a half months there's your all pre film editing them right now alright guys juice em up I'll finish this burger I'm gonna pack up I'm gonna go see my family Cheers now this is the perfect temperature to be cooking on how you know hold your hand there count to five one two three four five so the perfect you can't hold there any longer that's the perfect height so really we're up here still with the amount of heat we have from that fire one one one two three four it's hot all the way to the top so you could probably get away with clicking on a pan here that's it that's all you're gonna do in order to cook over the fire make a big fire let it burn down cook I said so the mistake the thing that didn't belong in this pile she'd been in the other pile is this $50.00 sea2summit waterproof casing it doesn't belong on there that's 50 bucks that should be in the other pile now I got to pack everything up repack home unpack it and put it back her box in my house I hope you guys enjoyed this you know from the bottom of my heart and if you did and you know somebody who's interested in getting started in camping and you little boot in the butt share this video with them make my day thanks guys anybody want to come here and help me do a teardown I set my spy pulling up here a few days ago I want to see what's on it I'm always curious it's like Christmas day checking out your show camera and see what you got any animals on it and I kind of set it up around my primitive shelter over here so it's kind of cool to see if there's anything walking by checking it out oh we got one nighttime shot that's usually a good sign but it's B that's not a nighttime shot man let's go back one more a bird huh it's a little crow a raccoon cool oh that's it only a couple intruders nothing major yet so this is what the garden looks like this year gonna be weedy again as per usual things have already germinated we put a pile of goat manure in there this year like a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot you can see a lot of the straw hanging around too so I've got you know those corn seeds that I wasn't sure if I should eat grind up or what well I planted them so they're in the rice rows right here I've got a nice big block of them all in here and see they're starting to come up hots the corn right there and that's ray from those seeds I've done a similar plan that's last year this whole row along this back edge goes the whole length of the garden is all sunflower seeds in front of them I love those pumpkins so much the pie pumpkins I also put a row right in front of those so those are just gonna crawl throughout the whole garden pretty crazy stuff and then I planted basically I've gone with the Native America theme again beans squash pumpkin sunflowers that's it I wanted the biggest expanding ones in this garden here cuz it's the big garden and at home I've done other things which is also Native American for the most part tomatoes a lot of people don't know tomatoes as part of the need of my garden some greens I also put some additional things in there too that I would like like carrots and things like that so yeah there's tomatoes and bunch of other things in my home garden we also got beans there too just things that you want to get and lettuce so that's just a little quick update in the garden situation last year I made big videos in the garden not that many people were interested in to watch out gardening videos so they say I didn't bother I just threw the seeds in and we'll see what happens what kind of harvest I get at the end and then I'll just be using those food items throughout different videos and whatnot so I'm just said go see my family hope you guys enjoyed that video a couple extras at the end there just guys let you know what's going on
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 412,606
Rating: 4.741673 out of 5
Keywords: bushscraft, survival, canoe, axe, camping, walmart camping, camping gear, how to camp, camping challenge, survival challenge, walmart camping gear, $500 walmart gift card, wilderness, fire cooking, camping tips, learn to camp, camping hacks, how to get started camping, 500 walmart camping, joe robinet camping, how to get started in camping, camping gear review, backpacking, guide to camping
Id: ehq469e29Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 27sec (3567 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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