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what guys you're back with another overnight survival challenge you guys have been requesting this all summer long and we're here today to do it it's gonna be our craziest overnight video yet because this is actually going to be a challenge you're here with Nick and Ricky from the Ireland boys are you guys prepared dogs all right yeah I'm actually very excited for this one this is this is gonna be insane I just I can't wait to spend a bunch of money you know yeah that's what I'm excited for this whole challenge is determined by the Plinko board as you can see we've got different dollar amounts for each slot okay that means that you can get a bunch of different dollar amounts because look it ranges all the way from one dollar what you don't want to get you all the way to five bungees which is the big baller jackpot and basically what you're gonna do is you're gonna take this ball drop it down there wherever it lands that's your budget when we go to the store for getting supplies no matter what like if you get one dollar you're gonna take a massive out your forward out there and then in the woods dude goal is obviously to survive overnight 24 hours and we're starting off with nothing like all you get is a jacket and then get a bucket he already has a must have snacks merch though so it's already burning how did you get that dude you're gonna be so warm tonight all right Jase to shop calm right yeah yeah if I give one dollar honestly can't get anything for $1 Chargers gonna light the dollar on fire were you gonna get the lighter though from together IBP more juice tumors Oh would be really upset if I get the dollar it's just a story yeah where do you want to drop it cuz the 500 is over on this side it seems so random I've seen it drop this way and shoot to the right yeah you never know it this is like I'm gonna go away right here as long as you don't get a dollar you're okay 500 though be sure to think ninja neck is up next no I think you are Rock Paper Scissors shoot alright Paper Scissors shoot Rock Paper Scissors shoot Rock Chris's shoot I feel like I'm gonna you know what if it gets $5 1000 that would be mad with it sometimes you gotta take the risk [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] luxury oh my god all right Ricky all right I'm just gonna go I'm gonna go as a bouncer for this one let the fame like I better not get it all just give me the ball you're closing your eyes that's insane that's crazy nobody got a dollar though like even like 10 bucks are lower I know the odds of that oh yeah 10 1 or 5 how would have been like bad though if you got the $1 my strategy since I five hundred dollars I can pretty much just walk in the store get whatever I want so if I see it I want it I'm getting it me and Ricky we got to think about this I got 50 bucks you got 75 I'm ballin compared to you to be honest my man buddy I got 10 times do you have store walking up to Bass Pro Shops literally has everything we need for you hug Bass Pro I don't know if I'd ever been in a Bass Pro Shop so you kidding me no dude this store is legendary yes me and Mick are heading straight for the 10th oh man should we get a big one how much of these 359 for big Hoss dude I might have 200 gonna work oh you were gonna go with the hammock yeah that would have been such a nice bed these are all 59 bucks oh that's only the suspense it's just the suspension though I can't even get a hammock wait trunks trash never mind this bro it's all you need for life we don't have oh there's no River there's no River oh I just found this it's like a solo tent with 30 bucks first up boys for me $69 that's more than Andrews whole budget well your boys getting a little hairy for the buzz we got to get this $6.99 insect repellent neither Flint you get in Flint okay I just grabbed this headlamp only $6.99 negative this one is 5000 women's point about $99 you know because I got that big baller budget but look how bright this thing is ready oh we can feel the warmth feel the warmth Andrew I don't want to Oh what do you got there Hoss I'll check out instant dome five person tent and it's it can set up in 60 seconds guys I found that small tent but I actually swerved and I'm gonna build my own tent I got a tarp and some rope it was a little bit cheaper so every penny counts when you're working on a really tight budget yeah dude I don't know what that's like to be honest it was I had to get a car because my arms were giving out because of how many items I have I obviously brought pity to man I just got so many items missing you got this pocket down here boy we are a check out now guys moment of truth honestly I kind of lost track of how much I have so my turn I gotta be under fifty bucks before tax I got a little bit of fifty seventy-five so I still have yeah we're not come on Matt come on Matt 47 what 27 bucks for snacks that's pretty good for the final purchase we have Nick and he is the big baller 500 wins about 320 guys it's pitch black out we were in there for like hours it was like quick for me and Ricky cuz like we got a couple things that was it these guys taking forever and they both have over $100 each for snacks buddy over here is four dollars four dollars left to spend on food okay here we are at sprouts you can you afford anything in here buddy trying to get something good something filling something tasty it may just go like a beverage just like gummy bears yeah I don't know gotta get something to cook over the fire you kidding me marinated carne asada okay we have picked out all the food and oh my Kurt's down here eighty cents over vies before tax I was good yeah yeah you're good what was your budget one 160 your budget 70 we got the Rose away oh sorry oh and just like that painters done all right okay geez I am currently in the must have snacks HQ currently working on setting up a few who luxury items kind of table all the groceries getting it set up enjoying my time it's pretty beautiful but two strings and put it together bro bro bro it's it's harder than the low because the camera who put that tight up me hey who finished putting up though good boy man oh oh yo bud put that ax away bro all right guys it's time to show you what's in my bag he's dumping it out here's my tarp some lighters in case we make fire this is my only blanket a headlamp here this is the pad I was talking about and some rope here to hang up my tent okay I think we're all pretty much done building our shelters but we have come to a truce to build a community fire right yeah yes do right here as you can see you put rocks around there got some flint and magnesium really you just do this and it should light oh no way you have to put a bunch of that stuff on it yeah yeah what are you laughing now what morph beer girls would have got that first crime ready uh-huh yeah send it got it oh come on daddy you got it we have got ourselves off I can't wait to meet dinner Hawaiians in his cage was in there no he came out the back there's a whole pound and a half of sausages in two seconds thankfully we have the fire going now but the moment you all have been waiting for is the tours of all our camps and I think we're gonna start with the lowest amount so Andrew don't as be sure you guys keep in mind which one you think is your favorite let us know in the comments okay okay what in the ground right so what is the name of this four before we enter in this is called the gravesite okay so how do you get in I like secure that's like no wing gets hand off my mat here and this doubles as a pillow because it like still has extra this this that's my blanket it's a speech blanket what's gonna break it and even trying to get in look I made a paper huge credit though you did have the release budget I know for this but it looks really cool like there's like oh you have like even inside my blanket now so you know I'm inside I'm in my blanket and I've got lights going across top here to keep me nice and cozy and I can lean up against this tree if I might just want to sit up and just kind of like chill you guys like it please say yes cuz I only have 50 bucks for 50 bucks not bad actually really coffee I had a little bit more budget than Andrew at $75 I'm being honest I spent most of it on the snacks cuz most of that snacks are so keep and mine it's called the barely standing because it's barely standing if you move this the wrong way it's gonna fall when you get in you have to be very very delicate with the zippers or else it's gonna fall as well show you inside it's honestly crazy come in from it it's the only room for one person so you're gonna yeah yeah go ahead that's fine look at all the decorations so much so much so many decorations I got this whole blanket this is the jackpot I got snacks for days boys and the jackpot of all jackpots this is what I spend a majority of my buddy one and a half pounds of chicken hot Italian sausage boy wake up in the morning I'll be surprised if it's still standing man yeah me too all right next our next guest is Nick with the $500 budget and I got a hammock I like to call my home the high up cutter hammock sometimes you fall out sometimes you just gotta hope that you don't yeah we get it guys guys no more days to when their catchphrases must have snacks we must hot snacks not just work tonight but for every single day that's why you've got we've got tons of drinks the protein got to get the gains whole carton of a whole thing of cheese we're making scrambled eggs and cheese later here right here boys the whole thing a pasta another thing a pasta thank you to protein we also have a whole pizza I got a little hatchet just in case you know whole thing of water oh this is one of the biggest keys just in case that fire is out of control dude bowl bowl well feed you wanna just to flex out of one chair is more than mine Andrew budget combined well mainly on the food side keep in mind five hundred dollars five hundred eyes got food but not much else yes I also got this hoodies costed $50 Andrew oh so Carl okay I think I should have probably spend more on my home moving on to the final Fort village campsite Justin with another five hundred dollar budget let's see what he did fellas have you guys as guests here the super secret sneaky snack suite oh my gosh here haha is that being warm oh yeah it's hot in here man I'm about to take off my sweatshirt the snacks lounge here we've got the table save last four cups over so you can put your beverages one for each of us this is a pretty cool addition it has different color modes we got cool blue mode oh my whatever flavor you want it can do oh my but my favorite part is and I got about a pound of marinated meat and my boy got the same Jack bananas with coy fruit gummi bears pistachios raspberries who got nacho chips the thing is pure aluminum water so we got soft baked chocolate chip cookie all cereal with macadamia nut milk because we only do it luxurious you deflect someone chocolate double chocolate if you don't like chocolate chip moon drop great job from out of the mood just take a look at these oh you're not gonna wash them oh that good mmm bowls and silverware because I'm not eating this cereal own rule so we can oh no legendary Gala apples tangelos and dill pickle spears why you never let you buy pickles I'll get my corn oh yes just corn cooked in general is actually really good how much was that two for a dollar are you gonna be cooking that with out the plastic of course nice do you think this pizza is gonna cook of course totally for 10 to 14 minutes excessive get the carne asada in there be about 10 minutes so cold on the inside that means it's not done right carne asada is done it is delish now we're cooking up some sausages been cooking his corn and pizza is still going look at this oh you know it is 1:15 in the morning so much past midnight back up hey guys I'm heading into my makeshift tent I'm gonna try and hunker down cuz it is chilly outside I love this light edition really what happened the cats but either attacking me the call just went in through and ripped the hole he ripped the hole Oh buddy your string came off no really yeah I'd like no room in here is that the cap is that the cat what's happening out there day to 6:00 in the morning I see fire outside big boss doing Wow nice fire hose in the hammock and then it just got so cold and I was just like you know what the only way I'm gonna get warm it's fine make it fire so I just got up and made of fire what are you doing in there was I was and then I got mauled by some mountains man tank that sounds wild the barely standing is no longer standing oh yank the campsite now it's still very cold fires out that's the good thing about your site and Rickie site takes five minutes to put down yeah five minutes and I only have one bag with my food he doesn't even have any bags just like bars and proteins scattered everywhere Wow well the challenge is complete you guys thanks for watch check out the buds thanks Jordan do you guys like the challenge honestly one of the best challenges dude it was so much fun is then you just go to the store fine but guys last like button because we want to do this we want to do this challenge again but like more store specific so like Party City only Home Depot oh my hair home back in their hometown we'll do another one with them so let's get this to 30,000 likes see how fast we can do it because this was fun it's incredible you guys love overnight challenges below that make sure you laugh daily yes hi new tricks right here to watch another overnight challenge thanks
Channel: MoreJStu
Views: 11,538,733
Rating: 4.8247824 out of 5
Keywords: morejstu, more jstu, morejstu overnight, overnight challenges, overnight challenges morejstu, overnight challenges ibp, overnight survival, overnight survival challenge, morejstu survival, morejstu survival fort, survival challenges 24 hours, survival challenge in the woods, 24 hours, 24 hour forts, 24 hour overnight survival, woods survival challenge, plinko board, cheap vs expensive, cheap vs expensive fort, jstu, ibp, ireland boys production
Id: XeraCWlYFwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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