50 Updates Notch DIDN'T Add to Minecraft (but wanted to)

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we found a post online from about 10 years ago written by knotch talking about all sorts of updates he wanted to add to mine from unique redstone crafting tables and special alchemy tables used for new recipes to special new dungeons and dimensions that lead to brand new worlds from hazardous oil fields that will catch you on fire - even the way mobs bite the dust in-game we've already covered 40 of these updates in a previous video but today we look at 50 brand new updates that Minecrafts knotch wanted to add to game but never did let's begin alright so the first thing is a mob that could destroy bets now we didn't exactly go team vision but we did get the Enderman who can destroy blocks in a sense because he you know he can pick them up but wherever you want so we've got red beds here and ideally in our recreation we have a nice golem here that will actually come and destroy blocks in this case a bed instantly taking this thing out so now your spawn is completely ruined because of this honking behemoth oh gosh hopefully doesn't destroy me notch also wanted to add in a redstone microchip so we've reinvasion dit as a special crafting table perhaps notch wanted you to use this entire crafting table specifically for any redstone related devices which would totally change how we're used to doing it in Minecraft we've got an and gate here which is a separate version of an existing block format that you can use to use two different red stones to power one final signal now we don't have that one notch also wanted to add in portals without any obsidian and so what we have right here oh gosh stay away is a portal using diamond blocks instead of obsidian maybe depending what type of block you used you actually went to a different dimension yeah sure you're legit if you also wanted to added musical instruments maybe wasn't tried to be played but instead we got the note block but imagine if there was something like oh you know in ocarina Wow what am I the ultimate I'm baack they call me Mozart mr. Mozart actually respected a deep dark dweller of some sort much mentioned a possible enemy that would only spawn in deep underground imagine this kind of nasty mob that when looking at you would free Shu in place I literally can't move right now and he is gummed for me very quickly I'm literally stuck come on don't do any damage to him yo okay yeah I'm gliding at that one how about recruitable hostile mobs not so I could be a really good idea for some hostile mobs to be recruitable not mobs like zombies a creature or creepers but maybe spiders or witches so we've got a tameable spider in here which we can now tame with bones don't ask questions okay just go at the farm you see here's our spider friend we're gonna tame them beautiful look he's my best friend now you see it says it in the corner there so it must be true okay so why don't you come right over here and join us you can tell that the spiders in sitting mode when we've got the particles above so now I'm gonna attack this little Betsy and we're gonna see the spider go to town on this car yes that's right this would be the coolest if we could get an actual spider that could attack mobs for us yo spider pet he's not exactly good you'd think he'd be better at aiming with all those eyes oh my gosh what did you do sorry man gotta go poor baby notch wanted to add in an overarching goal or narrative he was thinking of implementing some form of goal or end of the game eventually got the ender dragon as you can see from this lovely little school right up here but this likely isn't quite what he had envisioned you know was there gonna be a longer storyline something interesting happening or maybe a specific to the player storyline where you know you might see an example message of logged as if has defeated the elder dragon first of all what's the elder dragon maybe they meant the ender dragon but all the same you could have multiple different stories going on at the same time for different players all in the same world instead it's nice and open-ended which is what we're kind of used to in Minecraft these days but it could have been very different imagine if there was rope in game he liked the idea of free hanging rope that could be attached to a wall and fall down to the ground so we've got a rope right here and we can actually climb this rope by walk right next to it so check this out baby baby baby Wow I don't know if I've ever gotten this much physical activity before just kidding I'm still playing video games I can actually good at anything physical in real life I got strong fingers though I just wanted to introduce losing health when you were standing in cold oh I could just imagine it maybe you take damage when you know you had cold system and look at our hearts down there now nice and blue from the frostbite the moment we step onto coal blocks we start taking damage instantly that could have introduced a lot of features like warm armor types leather fires keeping torches nearby you know there's a lot of different ways to do it we of course just made this ourselves but hey imagine if it were actually in Minecraft bad news how about keeping items on death imagine if there was a special chest that would appear when you know you died and that's exactly what we have right here not envisioned the ability for you to keep items on death maybe being stored in a special chance that would spawn in on your death and if we were to go over here you would see that that is exactly what just happened we've got a slightly different color chest containing everything we had on us in the chest well never came to game how about hedgehogs baby not wanting to add in hedgehogs in game that might damage the player if you happen to step on look at this adore oh I love do the doraville is the right word but you know oh gosh he heard me stepping on him deals damage to you you could even attack this creature all that wouldn't be too effective I'm kind of glad they weren't added in game apparently they dropped chicken yeah get a chicken notch also wanted to add in different types of birds now eventually we did get things like parrots but he was thinking more along the lines of birds you can actually get food from such as though you know ducks now don't pay attention to the sounds they're making they're definitely not not chickens they die chickens seriously they're ducks don't ask questions just accept how about redstone controlled furnaces you considered the possibility of a redstone controlled furnace that can be toggled on and off to burn depending on if you wanted to well you know cook anything so right now furnished it turned off turn it on though we see that it is burning despite not having any fuel at all if we were to turn it back off you'd notice that the fuel right here is completely going back down to zero the cook rate is entirely dependent on if the machine has been powered with fuel or rather redstone or not because the redstone would be the fuel of this case the F smart don't worry about it higher notch wanted gold tools to have greater enchant ability he was playing around the idea of gold tools being easier to enchant but instead made the enchantment roll more valuable for golden tools so now the way it currently works is you've got a better chance of better enchantments when you have gold tools in place knock back - it's alright your golden pickaxe efficiency three oh my goodness I get some more levels up in here baby let's go ahead and drop these back in so as you can see here we've got some decent enchantments going on but it's not enough instead this is what we were dealt with so you know get what you can ooh that's a pretty good one however 15 elementals not said he liked the idea of elemental mobs these would have been based on fire water earth and air elements perhaps even heart and then it'd be like Captain Planet with their compares combined I don't think anyone even knows that Captain Planet is any more did I just show how old I am anyways here's an example of an earth or air elemental with the atmosphere causing this guy to burn it's definitely not just to retexture blaze not ask questions like I said those were ducks before it okay seriously just work with me a little bit capture the flag yes my favorite game is child not to play around the idea of having to capture the flag game mode in game ever he decided to leave that to the community to make the game themselves you know just using their imagination yeah I'm so creative you have to use your imagination to figure out what the sort of look like cuz we're moving out number 17 inviting friends aka friends list not just bang on adding in a friends this which players to join your single-player world's bedrock edition actually has this in game right now but it's not available in Java so here's an example we've got a pending friend invite from the Waze build team who put together today's world by the way shouts out to them do we want to accept them who turns green new friend and we go up the decline sorry y'all gets got blocked guys won't leave me alone 18 is rituals not to mention you might add some rituals in game or a way to conserve a creeper army or you know something along those lines of it it could maybe be something like this ooh drop these on top of an enchanting table are we about to summon some thing oh boy ooh oh gosh hey we just got a fire rod look at this thing whoa I like the sound effects very very Super NES status magical rods by the woz bill - not enough magic come again 6 worthless Spears not 2 when it Spears because he liked the idea of Spears me too instead we've got Triton's which is fairly close but a spear would be a little bit different maybe it had you know some kind of attack reach option so we can attack mobs further away from it maybe there's a way to throw them right now I can just throw them on the ground but you know I just said that's ok look we can attack this cow from farther away than normal I think yeah see yeah just imagination how about a nether mob that pushes you into lava Nash was part of the idea of a nether mom that could charge in an attempt to throw it at lava it sounds some of the Hoglund which was recently added in the Minecraft 1.16 snapshots but instead we've got another D eyeing another demon this guy is like literally trying to push ok ok I get it I get it deal with a knock-back stick imagine this guy hanging out by the edge of a lava pool alright I get it you are rude better diamonds notch wasn't satisfied with the existing types of diamonds considering the mostly useless once you got enough of them so on the Left we've got an example of better diamonds these are unbreakable sets of armor that have been reinforced with extra amounts of diamond see there's two extra diamond enchantments or whatever we've decided to 20 on this guy and if you look over here these are the plain old not unbreakable so now we've got different options here ooh I get behind that one I guess you don't really need to anymore because in the new 1.16 snapshots there's now nether right she is better than diamond but we move on to number 22 the bridge mod not should mention he might borrow the idea behind certain mods that were around at the time that would add in insta bridges here's an example of what that could have looked like now I'm glad this one didn't make it in game because the cool thing about Minecraft is you essentially do everything by hand unless you're using extra software of course but this is much cooler even though it doesn't necessarily fit it is pretty cool either way it never made it in game you've got piston bridges and those are more automatic in a way but you can still see them slowly building and you had to place everything yourself as well this was a single button press didn't really fit 23 megastructures notch had plans for megastructures open volcanoes snow-covered mountains now caves the only thing that qualified as a mega structure at the time but imagine a world where you just had giant hulking volcanoes all over the place that you could find that would be sweet notch also wanted to implement a magic system of some sort that would require ingredients from monsters and be crafted through alchemy so we've got a different set of rings here why don't we go with the pegasus ring place that in our offhand and maybe we had a magic meter of some sort which would actually allow us to go faster around the world depending on what ring type or in this case item type that NOS decided to implement for now we'll just posit okay here's a cool on a hexagonal crafting table amazing now we were just talking about potential having alchemy now this never ended up making it a game but look at this crafting table this thing is amazing looking it's not exactly functional but you could imagine in your head what this might look like imagine placing items in these different slots so that we could make something very special using a brand new type of crafting granted 26 was glowing blocks which you can see right here now it's just planning to add the ability to make blocks glow by means of a magic system this could potentially be what it would have looked like maybe acting as a beacon of some sort maybe that's what the beacon became or the ability to capture mob spawners using magic since you like the idea of mob spawners being able to be made using magic maybe his magic sister would have included the ability to capture some of these things you know like a band of entrapment maybe you throw this guy in a little piggy and you can instantly get a mob spawner of that pig type placeable at a moment's notice hi how about moon cycles affecting alchemy once again something that notch wanted to add but ended up not adding imagine if there was a moon band ring of some sort that could give you different powers dependant on the moon cycle time of day so we can set it tonight we see that there's a full moon right now and because we've got our moon band on hand we've got a strength 3 boost perhaps though depending on the actual moon phase the power would change now we've got night vision change that phase once again and now I've got regen once again we've got speed boost jump boost etc etc etc it would have made for some seriously interesting combat dynamics by being able to change what the ring did depending on what type of moon there was outside a diving helmet now this ended up coming in game in some form in the form of the turtle shell helmet which gives you a water breathing boost the moment you hit water but could have easily been a diving helmet that was added in instead that you could add to your face oh gosh need some work here but would allow you to breathe underwater at least you know for a limited amount of time oh boy how about zombie sieges I remember this one he wanted a zombie seems to take place with you know some kind of Oh red blood moon taking on the form of the nighttime wonder and zombies being able to break through and actually destroy the area that you were hiding in eventually going after you and attacking you from wherever you were in game now these guys look a little buff so if you guys could just stay away that would be good oh gosh we should probably move on how's about flying mounts not too unattainable mobs that you could ride in the air now we can kind of do that with commands with flying bees it's a little you know janky but you know we're gonna get that one hi buddy hi Bonnie hey suck oh I still lied oh yes not to wanted to add in iron spikes and they work in a similar manner to cactus where if you touched him get damaged that's kind of the whole idea you step on these things you take serious damage I wouldn't recommend doing so I really meant to be found in caves in the form of stalactites stalagmites you could collect them place me one it's hard to tell they never came to game biomes specific mobs you know a desert skeleton you know a frozen zombie all sorts of different looking creatures that would all change depending on what biome you were in I stopped following this place full amiable oil oh my gosh get your barbecues ready baby thumb blog have been used for a disaster type environment I don't know he ended up not adding it in because he felt it was gonna be a little bit too technical and magical feeling compared to the rest of Minecraft so you know you could just enjoy it right here I don't necessarily enjoy it I'm on fire not played with the idea of not being able to change your spawn point at all beds ended up being added either way and you could change your respawn point depending on when you right-click on the bed but he thought that if you couldn't change your spawn point that it would force the player to add in transportation systems magical systems things of that nature so glad that wasn't added but what I wished had been added was more useful wool originally there's gonna be wool armor which could be dyed and depending on the color of the wool may or may not do different things for example we've got different types of wool here socks shirt hat etc now when you wear these gear pieces you'll actually see less fall damage when falling using this different type of wool so interestingly enough this was never added in and I so terribly wished it was because right now I don't really have any reason to wear dyed armor less I'm trying to look hot yeah floodgates a floodgate block of some sort now pistons remove the need for this but this would have been very interesting for water based mechanisms limping now the idea here is that if you were low on damage you would actually move more slowly and limp around this ended up not ever being added in game it was probably too annoying to have made it long-term this one's awesome ragdoll physics the idea is that when you destroyed a mob they would pop all over the place like this little guy oh boy oh what a mess let's get the Clayton folks gotta be more but if it happened to the player though thanks how about torches that were less effective the deeper into the cave systems you are yeah this was something that notch wanted to add notice how useful torches are currently when we're in these higher levels but if we were to go down deeper you'd notice right off the bat these torches are no longer lighting nearly as efficiently as torches near the top parts of the cave the deeper you went the worse the torches would get instead they all work the same which is probably for the best as 10 guys number 41 linking servers with portals not sorted for the player to have the ability to link different server types with a special portal in game that was different from the nether portals that you may be used to maybe showing up as if colors you can tell the difference between them this portal actually takes you to the log guides it members server alternatively you can get there by becoming a channel member by clicking the join button in blue below as well as some other awesome perks you can get as a member only 42 Pigman villages knotch originally wanted Pikmin to live in villages and this never ended up being added though in 1.16 the piglets showed up so maybe we can look to a future where these guys do live in a little village found somewhere in the nether for now I recommend they just get their hands on some clothing instead shameful oh oh I made a mad quipping friendly mobs not that'd be awesome if we could get creatures such as the villagers helmets armor different types you see look at that instantly placing one on you are you looking good the hold you got two good trades now of course not how about more rideable animals such as betsy right here yeah look at you aren't you just the greatest little creature of all time I'm literally riding on a cow right now uh-huh you guys is a jealous shame it never made it in game though back in your cage before animals there was a concept of coins not liked coins he could tell by his fat paychecks on this game perhaps coins have been a none farmable item that you had to use by trading villagers in this case we've got some coins here maybe this guy wants some huh yeah what you gonna give me typical growable mossy cobblestone using nearby water imagine if water placed near cobblestone would slowly turn it into mossy cobblestone we'll be back to see if some of that Moss grew for now let's head over to number 47 a team of furnace game-mode nots like the idea of minigames and custom game modes and perhaps there was one where whoever cooked the gold in the furnace the fastest would eventually win that game mode type meanwhile back over here we've seen that some of the moss has spread using the water fountain nearby not bad but why don't we go ahead and collect whoo that's right I'm the winner baby y'all do something about it I'm so good at everything yeah notch wanted food too stacking chests but maybe not necessarily in your inventory you know that way you could keep a whole bunch of it in a chest so we got five cakes right here and they stack just fine when they're inside here but trying to place them in the inventory and as you can see we not click these cakes back onto each other once again so good for storage bad for eating well I mean okay for eating who doesn't like cake notch also wanted lanterns to eventually replace torches in game because originally notch wanted torches to actually go out and if you didn't see our first notch video where we cover 40 different things that notch originally wanted to add to Minecraft but never ended up adding then I recommend you click the I in the corner or check out the link in the description of today's video so you can watch that video as well there's 40 brand new things in that one that you didn't see in this one so we've got all these different torches here and this is the world that notch wanted to live in all lanterns never ended up happening but we did get lanterns added in game and finally my friends number 50 right here decorative shelves knots not the idea of decorative shelves was cool so he considered adding them imagine a world where you could place things on stairs just like this to be showing off and displayed for anyone nearby with how nice we finish this shelf as it is the videos end as well so make sure you check out those other 40 things that have been added subscribe for more awesome content shout out to us and we'll see you guys later as I leave a like
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,403,534
Rating: 4.8845406 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 50 Updates NOTCH wanted in Minecraft, notch, minecraft notch, 40 Updates NOTCH Wanted in Minecraft, minecraft update, minecraft updates, secret minecraft, secret, rare minecraft, rare, secret minecraft update, sharks in minecraft, red ender dragon, ender dragon, minecraft 1.15, minecraft data packs, minecraft survival, minecraft data pack, minecraft mod, logdotzip, new update, new minecraft update, but never added, minecraft 1.16, notch wanted, new portals
Id: lMsEU_u1bbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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