50 Strange & Scary Cryptid Horror Stories

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oh my oh my here we are again roaming the streets for cryptic creatures as seem as people just can't catch a break from the spooky monsters of the world which I guess is a good thing for you guys huh these subscribers and then there allegedly true experiences of the cryptic creatures that will surely freak you out if you're new to the channel be sure to LIKE and subscribe and if you have a story you would like to share on the channel be sure to submit it as Swann Willard net or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp joining me today is sinful horror stories he reads scary stories on his channel and if you enjoy his voice be sure to check him out his link will be in the description down below now let's sit back relax and surely get scared by these freaky encounters my family and I were staying at my grandfather's house in Texas for Halloween in my family our tradition is to spend the holidays with the oldest person in our family you know to make people feel included and happy as possible anyways I was 12 and at the time I was a very skeptical of the supernatural so when my grandpa told me about seeing things at night in his backyard I was laughing inside let me clarify here my grandfather's backyard is this pissy little clearing with a huge force that touched the back of the yard this forest was super dense and people mostly hunters would stumble into the yard during hunting season so when my grandpa told me about seeing something I thought to myself the only thing he is seeing is more hunters later that night my family and I celebrated Halloween and I went trick-or-treating and probably got one of the best hauls ever I went straight to bed the room I was staying in was about twelve feet square with a huge window facing the backyard this window was covered by a curtain I had more than a few holes in it this night I left the window closed as well as the curtain that night I felt like something was off when I opened the curtain what I saw gives me nightmares to this day when I looked out at the tree line I saw this thing it was about six feet tall and had its back to me it was gray skinned and had a really bad slouch at first I thought it was just another hunter I started to open the window to talk to the thing and as soon as I did regretted it this monstrosity had glowing pinpricks of light for eyes that it was I just I can't explain this it felt like it was staring right at me but it couldn't have been yeah how could it have seen me from way over there it had horns before I could even call to anyone it disappeared it moves so fast it seemed like a vanished next morning I told my family about this the only people who believed me one of my uncle my grandpa I learned later that both of them has seen the monster I'm now seventeen and based on what I've dug up I firmly believe what I saw that night was a goat man if anybody has another explanation please do not hesitate to contact me about this this happened a few years ago at my parents house in a small town in Wayne County anyone that knows the area know some parts a very rural well my parents live right in town not far from the center of it but in a weird spot the town only has maybe 500 people within the limits and it's surrounded by farmland and forests they live right near the railroad tracks and a canal and their back yard is pitch black at night because the streetlights don't reach back there the yard backs up to a walking trail and woods it's actually pretty creepy back there after dark even though it's two blocks from downtown the night this story takes place it was extremely dark I think it was at New Moon or a moonless night and it was overcast to boot late summer early fall so it was pretty dry no mud to capture any footprints my parents brother and I were talking in the living room at the front of the house the part of the house facing the town and light the house is kind of long and skinny maybe 30 or 40 feet wide but probably 120 to 150 feet long as we're talking the family dog stood up looked around and started to growl really low he was a yellow lab about 90 pounds half deaf and blind from diabetes there are at least two closed doors before you even get to the room where the back door is the dog is now like full-on zurk barking at the closed door in the hallway we opened it and followed him to see why he was going nuts we get to the door in the backroom and are now worried someone had broken in but when we opened it Marley shot straight to the back door jumping and barking and snarling making sounds I've never heard this big baby of a dog make I opened the back door and he tried to bolt out he was going to attack whoever or whatever was out there my parents and I step out on the back porch and close Marley inside he still sounds almost [ __ ] rabid we wait for a second for our eyes to adjust because the back yard is pitch black we see a silhouette maybe 40 or 50 feet away standing at the edge of the yard right near the railroad tracks access road now to say this thing was big was an understatement it was way over six feet tall probably closer to seven and a half or eight feet and extremely broad I think it was a potential burglar that we caught sneaking up to the house if it wasn't so [ __ ] massive my parents to this day swear it was a black bear officially according to the Dec black bears don't live anywhere near this area and haven't for a long time also the size of it would have been a record sized bear also the reaction of my dog going nuts doesn't seem like what a bear would do after we had put Marley inside just stood there upright for almost two minutes before we decided it was best to go inside the hairs on the back of our necks were standing straight up the reason it freaked me out was even at the distance it was at you could hear it breathing deep raspy breaths it sounded like it was breathing right next to my ear they were slow and steady not like someone who was out of breath it wasn't like they were trying to make their breath sound loud it just was I immediately went to find a flashlight but when I got back outside whatever it was was gone no tracks no fur just a huge silhouette that was too big to be a person but acted unlike any wild animal I've ever encountered so let me start by saying I'm not a spiritual person I don't believe in monsters well I didn't until this happened when I was younger I would spend lots of times in the wood my grandfather's properties in the mountains of California I forgot about this until something else happened when I was little maybe 11 or 12 I was up in my grandparents in front of the house playing with my brother we were just doing kid stuff playing with sticks and stuff like that suddenly we heard a cackle coming from a corner from behind a garage not a laugh there was no joy to it at all it was so hollow like the evilest thing I could think of my brother heard it so he asked what it was and I told just to go inside he did and I stupidly started walking towards the noise as I got close to something tall and slender it ran off into the woods just out of sight this happened two other times when I was younger once again with my brother and once again when I was long fast forward to a few months ago I'm 17 now I'm pretty experienced with hunting and bushcraft I was up on the property to visit my grandparents my grandfather was just diagnosed with cancer and I decided to go for some fresh air as I walk out I remember how much I missed the woods around the property I decided to walk to the densest part of the woods covered and manzanita and after about two minutes I'm pretty sure that I'm pretty far from the house at this point I hear a cackle the memories come back a wave of fear rushes over me and I think to myself there has to be a reasonable explanation there are some mountain lions and the occasional bear but they definitely don't make that cackling noise I hear a rustle and walk back towards it I come into a clearing and that smell hits me a stink like death I'm a 6-1 well-built man and I will admit when I saw made my knees buckle there was a paw some sort of canine Paul in the middle of a clearing I bent down in examine debts the fur was still on it but the arm had been cleaned to the bone I shivered and when I arose I saw it it is the only thing that I could describe it ass it almost looked human but his proportions were stretched and distorted it was hidden behind a tree watching me and when I saw a run it's just look so unnatural it stops like it wanted me to follow it I I didn't follow it I ran back to the house as fast as I could I could hear it follow a little then stop when I got back I sat on the porch and threw up since then I've gone back a few times and every time I have seen it if I walk towards it it runs but stays just within sight like it's leading me somewhere I don't know what to do I think I may go back out after it though this happened when I was seven years old and it has stuck with me throughout my entire life only people I've ever told was my girlfriend years ago and another friend who I no longer talked to other than those two people I've kept this encounter private for obvious reasons I was playing a game with my father and sister in the living room of our home my grandmother was there too sitting and watching the game was that my father would lay on his back lift his feet and then tuck him into a squat so my sister or myself could sit down on it and be pushed off and we would leap into the air and land on her feet laughing I remember giggling hysterically and saying higher and so he pushed me harder and I lost control and went higher into the air and came down on the wrong side up smacking them to my head and it shook the house my grandmother was upset and I stood there as everyone got to their feet and surrounded me it was in that moment when you're shocked and not going to cry but it hurts and you're stunned before you realize what happened and finally start crying it ended up being a concussion after a hospital visit scans and my father was told not to let me sleep and watch me closely my head in the weeks that followed swelled like a big egg but it was in that moment right after the impact before crying over on the table next to the sofa we're standing to Blue Men no more than 10 inches in height they seemed to stand tall or rather proud like warriors their legs and arms were thin I could see mild knobs of their knees and elbows there wasn't much fat on them they were both very lean I could make out a slight muscle tone too on their bare chest and arms they were both wearing grass skirts like something you'd see in a primitive native tribe but the grass seemed wet like seaweed it had a bit of soppy squishy lakebed book about it one of the men was wearing a hat like an old-style cap darker red in color almost like wine color the other one I could see his hair more clearly and it was long unkept with pieces of coming down in his face and covering his ears the one without the Hat was holding a long spear in his hand the base of the spear was resting on the ground and the pole came up to almost his full length with a carved pointy stone on his top it was a fast momentary image in the scene in the living room quickly turned to panic after I hit the floor and my family crowded around me and once I began to cry I never saw the two little men again but I never forgot that image it felt like they had been there longer than just that short moment when I could see them with my eyes that was something sinister feeling about the way they confidently stood there and stared at me it was clear they were not afraid of me or the fact that I could see them at the age of seven this was in the 80s all that could compare them to were evil Smurfs the ones red cap even reminded me of Papa Smurf a bit but they weren't shaped like Smurfs and that's where the comparison fell short I have always been good at drawing and at one point a few years later I tried to draw them because I was afraid I might forget what they look like in their details I'm not really sure what happened to that drawing though last notes warp ahead to the early 2000s I started googling and researching stuff trying to find more info on the little blue men I uncovered a picture of a painting from hundreds of years ago it looked like an illustration in a book or something on some academic websites it was little blue men tearing apart a library and causing mayhem and I think it was called the Blue Men or something like that and red caps in the same stature and build they were so strikingly similar to what I saw that's when I actually had the nerve to tell the story to one of my friends since then I've never been able to find that picture online again all I ever find now are the Blue Man Group and other unrelated things I almost get the feeling that they don't want to be found has anyone else ever had anything like this or seen anything similar so I recently vividly revisited a memory but with a brand new detail they never remembered before and it was far more vivid than I can ever remember things in around 2008 or 2009 my friend was spending the night at my house we were in fourth grade at the time it was dead of night it was pitch black in the house and outside except for the backyard light we walk into the living room and see a pair of eyes under the shed that's how we've always remembered it the same exact thing happened with a different friend a few years later the other night however I very vividly was back in that memory instead of eyes under the shed there was the seven or eight foot tall thing it's orange were way too long and it looked like something quadrupedal but on two legs instead it was very skinny and had a head that was mostly humanoid just a bit longer towards the bottom the entire head was completely featureless and white it had antlers it just was standing there staring at us I asked both my friends if they had seen us and individually they both said that they they don't remember that but I get this uneasy feeling and could see fragments of the exact thing I vividly saw wow I don't know all three of us can only picture it in like little tiny fragments though some of us just remember the eyes some of us remember the arms and some of us like myself remember everything this happened in North Texas by the way in a suburb and a creek ran right next to my house if anybody might have any idea of what this creature could be or if it's just a wild imagination of a kid please comment down below and let me know you so timeline this was around 2015 not sure what month but it was around 11:00 at night I was driving from my dad's place to my mom's I said this a couple of times now but my dad has 75 acres of spooky land where most of my stories take place anyway I was driving I had just started down the long driveway when I felt like I was being watched not cool but it happens more often than you would believe I'm nearing the highway when I see a dark shape at the edge of the woods oh well probably a deer I shake it off we have tons of wildlife in the area from deer to Panthers to the occasional bear and then it starts chasing me keep in mind please if this stuff is practically normal in my mind I have tons of weird stuff that happens and it's not like it was just barreling at me it just moved after my car staying at the edge of the woods so I keep my pace I turn to the highway and speed up to 50 or so I keep noticing something in my peripheral though so I slowed down and start looking for what it could be a few yards behind me I see this huge dog I grew up with larger dogs my aunt had a st. Bernard mix growing up and I've had various large dogs this thing was literally the size of my car I know I mentioned bears before but bears don't chase cars and we only have black bears which are pretty much the most docile kind now I'm freaking out I got it releasing a long stream of curses and telling my car to get over it it was poorly kept 95 Honda Accord I had tons of trouble with her dying on me so anytime I had to push it I made sure to speak kindly to it I didn't care at this point I was simply trying not to die I seemingly can't shake it for too long so in an act of bravery or stupidity I pull over in a church parking lot thinking maybe some sort of hell beast and it won't come into the light or on to church land that was very wrong I stopped to get my phone out to call my boyfriend and that span of time it catches up and jumps onto my car I can see and feel and hear the metal popping and creaking and I can see drool splatter onto my windshield ice cream dropping my phone it jumps off my car and onto the hood where I get a glimpse of it before it gets off into the cemetery and disappears it was definitely a dog but like a Rottweiler pit mixer something but it was darker and much much larger it was solid black with Paul's the size of dinner plates it had a huge head almost the size of my car windows and I don't know why it decided to leave me alone but it did and I'm so thankful for that I called my boyfriend crying and he calmed me down and listened and he told me when I got home I should take pictures and I did or at least I tried by the time I got to my mom's the only thing that was left was a single dent in the roof of my car there's some faint claw marks that were more like indentations in the meadow this happened during the summer of 2018 me and my friends van and Marco went to a lake to camp and fish when we got there there weren't many other people which we liked fin was making a fire while I and Marco caught fish to eat I was just enjoying it and so is Marco but Marco noticed and pointed out something unusual I looked where he is pointing and saw this thing on the different shore of the lake farther from us it had a human shape but it had scales and eyes like a fish I couldn't see it too well because of the distance though the thing was just sitting on a log and after a few minutes it got up and walks into the nearby woods Marco and I told VIN but we all agreed that it was probably just someone in a costume messing with people later that night we all hopped into the back of my van and started watching funny shows which I hot spotted from my phone eventually VIN and Marco fell asleep I put my laptop and phone away and dozed off - around 2:00 in the morning I was awakened by sounds there was no mistaking these sounds someone was trying to open the passenger door of my van which I always lock when I sleep in the van I got up and looked to see who or what it was trying to get in and I freaked out right there in my passenger window was what that fish looking creature that I saw earlier but I don't know what it I can't explain this creature I had a better look at it now though I saw a hand in the windshield with webbed fingers I saw gills on its neck - it opened its mouth to reveal sharp teeth confirming that it was no costume the thing kept trying to open my passenger door and Driver doors and even tried to open the back doors to the van which needs my key to open thankfully it even climbed on the top of the van looking for a way in I don't know what it wanted and I didn't want to find out I was on my own the noises never woke up vinner Marco somehow the thing kept out in till about 5 a.m. I looked out the wind seal and I saw that I was walking off into the lake as I assumed it lives there when the Sun came up VIN and Marco woke up we got out of the van and in the sand we saw footprints of webbed feet feet shaped like a person's there were also dirty hand and foot prints on the van from the thin climbing on it I told them what happened and we all agreed not to spend another night there in July of 2016 some friends will call them coal Cody Nick and Josh and I were walking home from a party at around 3 a.m. we were going to Cole's house since she was house-sitting for his grandma her house is also haunted but we'll save that for another story anyway we were walking from this party which was about a half a mile away from Cole's place in the road we had walk on was crazy dark at night now some more details on this road there weren't any lights and it was just this overall creepy vibe to it this neighborhood butts up right against a swampy area so I don't know if that's anything to do with it my friends and I have done investigations on that road and we have noticed that the swampy side of the road is always darker than the other side and it gets really quiet we always feel like there is something to ride along the tree line watching us even though we can't see it getting back to our experience we were walking back to Cole's house from his party and Cole noticed this green ball of light fall from the sky onto the swampy side of the street Cole described it like a beach ball that had a green neon light emanating from it he thought maybe it was a shooting star but it didn't have any fallout or anything and it just glided into the trees without making a sound the weird thing is the rest of us didn't see it we brushed it off and kept walking a few minutes later we heard this sound in the trees on the swampy side of the road it sounded like something was rushing towards us almost like a stampede but once it reached the tree line in the fence it stopped we stopped to look to each other because at this point we were all a little spooked out and didn't know what to do as we started walking again I happened to look into the trees and I saw this creature just standing there watching us it looked like it was over seven feet tall lanky and looked as though it was covered in scales or some kind of rough skin and had a yellowish eyes I screamed which of course made the guys look over and they saw him too the thing just kept staring at us with this super unnerving luck with took off it didn't stop until we got to Cole's house we shut all the blinds and locked everything up and couldn't sleep the rest of the night we still don't know what we saw and we never saw it again after that we tried chalking it up to us being slightly intoxicated and imagining things because we did drink that night just a [ __ ] but we only had a couple of beers each plus there's no way all five of us could have elucidated the same thing we're also pretty sure that homeless people live in that swamp beside the road so maybe it was just one of them messing with us we all named the creature the lizard man we never walked down that road anymore even if we're at Cole's house we drive down that road down I'm a 24 year old male living in the Philippines this is not my first story and this is not even my story but this is my dad's it happened when I was roughly a year old and my mother was pregnant with my younger sister she lived in a semi-rural area where we had a lot of relatives and everybody knew each other in the neighborhood my dad was out watering the plants in the backyard when he noticed a huge black herb perched on a low branch in the tree we used to have in her backyard I no big deal right except the bird had unnaturally bloodshot eyes and looked back at my dad like it was thinking dad was a bit unsettled but he thought nothing more of it as he assumed it was just nothing and resumed his work and went inside after hours passed and after it was dark my dad went out again to do some more chores in our backyard he was just finishing up what he noticed in the alley between her house and the fence separating us from the neighbors a small creature shuffling across a puddle of water on the pavement now we had a pet turtle a red-eared slider my dad thought that the turtle somehow got out of his tank and was making his way across the alley but on closer inspection he realized that this wasn't our turtle but I kid you not a crab that's right a crab hundreds of miles away from the sea it was huge and dinner plate sized what further unnerved my dad was at this crab had like the bird from earlier that morning bloodshot eyes the crab stopped to look at my dad with according to him the same intense stare the bird gave him my dad having had enough quickly one inside a bit creeped out of pretty much everything there to happen that day the next day my dad was out speaking with the elders in the neighborhood about what he had saw the previous day they told him it was an Aswan now in rural areas of the Philippines there are stories of Aswan which are kind of Philippine analogue to vampires in Western folklore they are said to be shaped to enjoy feasting on human and animal entrails but a favorite delicacy of Aswan her unborn fetuses and Aswan would crawl atop a roof at night directly above a pregnant woman as she slept slip its long prehensile tongue through the opening of the roof and lap up the fetus like a mosquito would blood as it happened my mother was pregnant with my sister one old man claimed he knew the Aswan that paid a visit to our home he told my dad that this particular Aswan wasn't trying to eat my sister but that it just liked being around pregnant woman like my mom because it was intoxicating to all ah swans doesn't make it any less creepy though and I'm glad the Aswang wasn't one of the malevolent ones it was an interesting story though and I should pay more visits to my dad to hear more story from him this story is from my father who told me about it one day one late night his girlfriend at the time along with himself we're driving somewhere he had to be cautious since it was so dark outside as he slowly drove along the road his girlfriend said what is that thing my dad looked over to the spot on the side of the road where the thing was walking keeping pace with my dad's car he said it looked like a lizard and was short he couldn't tell if it was just a person playing some sort of prank the scales look too real in his small body though they never knew what the thing was an alien a humanoid who knows just be glad that it didn't come running after them it looks like I had a razor sharp claws - my dad said and my dad said he hopes to never have an encounter with anything like that again I know it's not much of a scary story or much of a encounter at all but if you would share this it would be great cuz I would really love to know what could possibly my dad have seen out on that road that night with his girlfriend about a year ago I was on my way home from purchasing some groceries on a quiet dark night the way back home is fairly normal and nothing of no really happened when it was time to unload and move everything to the house I got this weird feeling that is hard to describe now let me explain the way my street is set up I live on a quart of sack in the suburbs we also live across the train tracks so it's usually fairly quiet unless the train is passing through and blaring because we only have streetlights on the main road every other road is left to be engulfed in darkness unfortunately as I'm offloading my groceries my garage door is open and is the only light to be seen amongst the dark housing area observing the sky around me I notice a figure walking off the street it's merely a silhouette from the darkness and the contrast the light denies any fine details to be shown but for some reason I felt fear whatever this thing is it was walking on all fours the thing has skinny and tall slender legs it may be seldom but not surprising to see animals wandering out as we do live by the woods as well but I thought it was weird as I had never seen an animal like that in this area before the figure was unsettling to see being alone in the night nah still curious I saw the silhouettes neck move up and I could tell it also had turned to look at me creeped out even more I was ready to pack up as quick as possible but then the freaking thing starts approaching me I want to say it ran and I feel like that might be more of an exaggeration regardless I shut off the light and closed my garage as quickly as possible and headed in for the night I really did not want to meet whatever that freakin creature was this happened two days ago while my brother and I were metal detecting at an old homestead it's deep in the snowy Minnesota woods near to the Dakota Indian Reservation if you know the climate it's extremely cold the thick dense woods made it hard to see my brother and I both are fairly familiar with these woods and both of us got very athletic we were about five miles in the woods when I found a dreamcatcher hanging from an old white pint with a deer skull carved into the tree the reason I believe this was a deer scold because had large antlers about an hour later it was cold and about to go dark so we decided that we would go home but that's when we thought we heard our names being called in the wind it was almost like a person but it was warrants it was almost as if it was a voice sped up and slowed down at the same time my brother thought it could be my mom and so he called out her name no one replied to this call though this made me scared knowing someone or something could be out there with us we turned off the trail and started to head back towards the homestead and it was dark but not too dark to the point to where we could not see about a hundred yards in front of us there was a clearing with one tree in the middle in this clearing we saw a deer or what looked to be a deer me being a stupid 15 year old boy I picked up a stick and threw it it almost hit the deer when I heard a blood-curdling scream come from behind us I quickly snapped around and let out a scream but no sound came from my mouth twenty feet of the clearing where the deer had been was an oak tree the deer hung from the tree its limbs severed from his torso there is no way any animal I know can drag a deer into the tree that quickly and if it were to attack we would have heard it clearly so my question is what killed that deer that night right in front of us I was only six to seven when this happened but I remember everything my mom had gone to work so I stayed at home with my dad and little brother my brother was playing with toys in the toy room while my dad and I were taking turns playing plug and play controllers you will likely know what this is if you grew up in the early 2000s anyways my dad had fallen asleep so I ended up playing by myself I was playing mappy a game about a mouse collecting artifacts and avoiding cats I was pretty far into it but my brother came up to me and wouldn't stop bothering me about something cool that he saw and he wanted me to see it badly I lost focus and ended up losing it's what said fine show me the stupid cool thing already in the most annoyed tone a kid could give now the one thing I left out about the toy room is that my dad had taken the door off and spun it around so that he could lock us in when we were bad it was a pretty creepy room mostly because it felt so empty and the light in the room was dim my brother took me in the room and closed the door I expected him to show me what he planned but instead he just turned around his smiles I yelled at him over and over to show it to me but he just kept smiling and then eventually the smile turned into a creepy laugh I got tired of it and tried to leave the room to get back to my games but it turns out my little brother locked the door I yelled at him once more but more aggressive this time he just kept laughing I started pounding on the door to wake my dad up then I noticed my little brother had gone quiet I turned around he was now sitting on the toy slide we had in there it was a small slide for babies but he had a much more serious face I actually got scared at that sight he'd never made a face like that before then he looked up and I did as well he was looking at the vent on the ceiling then I noticed something slowly starting to poke out it was white like paper whites and it was all wrinkly and veiny if I had to describe it better I'd say it looked like the forehead of a bald old man slowly poking out but the skin was just too white to be human my eyes started to water my brother began laughing again allowed her than before I started pounding on the door rapidly and screaming as loud as I could for my dad I didn't dare look back again but I heard it I knew it wasn't human from the horrible sounds I had been making my brother stopped laughing at that moment but after that moment of me just pounding and nothing else my brother's let out a scream louder than I had ever heard like he was getting tortured I still couldn't look back though I was too scared my crying and begging for the door to open just became louder my dad then finally opened the door and I burst out only then did I look into the room but there wasn't anything there just my little brother crying and holding his leg my dad went to check it out and he had a large do you cut on the side of his leg I told my dad what happened but he just gave me a hit in the back of the head for trying to lie and my little brother I could have sworn had smiled at me again but I didn't look too well from honest I grew up starting to think it was just a nightmare like I've been told every time I speak of this memory and maybe it was but my brother still is a scar on where I remember he had gotten cuts but I don't know if I believe it anymore one time when I was about 13 or 14 I was living in a small town in southern Ohio I was a scared kid and didn't like the woods after dark I hated it when I had to take the trash out at night because I always thought that something was lurking there one night my Terrace came true I had stepped outside to return to my garage as I was having a friend over and that was where we were sleeping I had a large metal Rob with me because I don't like to be without a weapon outside out of nowhere I heard a low growl it sounds like a large cat specifically a bobcat I started to walk faster at that moment but that's when I saw something fall out of the tree then I heard my sister's voice say that she needed help I ran inside to find my dad and uncles and asked them of this encounter they all got their guns out and hopped into my uncle's truck they searched for about 15 minutes and found nothing I was shaken from my encounter and was more worried when I heard they found nothing later on that week though I saw a pale looking deer running on two feet down the road into the woods opposite of my house I haven't seen it since but I swear it looked at me and it spoke the same voice that way I heard that night I have seen many weird things and I hope to share them in the future as for my friend we went inside for the rest of that night honestly I really don't know if these things are connected but I can't explain this weird bipedal deer that seems to sound like a little girl this story happened me when I was a little kid around four or five years old when I was this young my family and I lived in Dallas Texas at the time I was acting up and being really annoying as I was really hyper as a child my parents told me if I didn't calm down they would send me to the monster in their closet as I was skeptical at this point not believing them I continued doing what I was doing I can't remember what I was doing but now I wish I had listened to them being fed up they told me to go to their room and to keep the light off I was afraid of the dark but at this point I still kind of am so i sat there on the bed bawling my eyes out I start to hear a sound coming from the closet I wish I could tell you I wasn't scared to be honest I was terrified at this point the door slowly swung open revealing a human-shaped figure it looked like a human but thinner and it looked to be wearing a really old mask like thing it was grunting and growling at me moving with inhuman steps I tried to scream from what I was seeing but no sound left my mouth I backed up to the window as it got closer hoping it would go over the bed and not block the door so I could run out before the thing got any closer to me I started to run as fast as I could much like a cartoon my feet were running in place before I was finally it wouldn't move to the door I flung the door open and ran out crying and I asked who they had helping them and a panicked voice as I was a skeptic at the time they looked at me puzzled and had a slight look of panic as their little girls saying that there was another human in their room then they chuckled saying that there was no one here but us I must have looked pale and panicked so they went to check there was absolutely nothing there but their closet light was on it was a walk-in with the light switch on the wall by the door I never saw that thing again but I kept hearing sounds of light pounding on my walls and ceiling this as anticlimactic as it is is the end of the story thank you for listening hello there this is my first time sharing a story with you and probably my last I live in northern Oklahoma in a small town I've read the stories about skinwalkers and all those things that go bump in the night and I've even listened to stories here and there on YouTube now I guess it's time I should tell you what happened to my encounter I was walking home on a moonlit night nothing seemed out of ordinary I made it to the train tracks when I heard a tree branch snap I looked in the direction of where it came from I saw it about 20 feet away I saw what appeared to be a deer crawling in the open field now one thing you should know about me at the time is I was a huge gun fanatic so I always carried a small firearm I did the stupidest thing I shot at it with my pistol I missed it oh my god it stood up on its hind legs it scared the absolute heck out of me because I knew after it stood up I just knew what it was I ran as fast as I could to my house the one thing that scared me the most was that it was chasing me screaming my name I finally made it to my house and I looked back and I was walking back to the tree line it kept going until I couldn't see it the one thing going off of my mind was should I go look for it tomorrow I couldn't sleep that night because well how could you sleep after being chased by something so demonic I honestly thought that it was gonna come back at any time I know it's pretty straightforward but that's my story and I hope you guys can give me some advice on what I should do should I be hunting it or should I leave well enough alone also do you think this was a skinwalker or is this some other kind of beast or sorry I don't have a description more than it just looked like a deer that was walking bipedally there isn't much going on in Pennsylvania at least in the rural areas where most of our pastimes include drinking oneself to sleep and driving trucks at highly suspect speeds down narrow roadways generally speaking though I keep preoccupied with hunting there's just something about chilling in nature that I love I find a certain serenity there that is impossible to find out in city or urban areas if you don't live in the country I don't believe you'll ever understand that sort of piece or why we love it out there anyway on to the hunting season the story takes place while I was hunting out and about in early November in a forest in the foothills of the Appalachians I wasn't very far from my home only a few minutes it was late fall and the leaves were beginning to stop falling the writing of harsh winter wasn't clearly written on the wall so to speak I was hunting whitetail deer on this particular day as I hid around in the foliage and scan the area with my Winchester 3006 and tow the gun was most certainly overpowered for a deer but when you're in Bear and elk country you can never be too safe the trail was a new hunting ground for me it was refreshing as the spawn site hunt in the days of yesteryear were now becoming increasingly encircled by subdivisions and civilization as I continued walking my path I began to become more engrossed with the beauty of my surroundings and less interested in what was happening with the wildlife around me this ultimately led me to rip over a tree root that was winding along the path in front of me the tree belonged to split down the middle and massive in size now the story you should have ended there I wish it would have I wish it was just another beautiful hunt sadly that just wasn't the case just past the tree I was gazing at what was a rather unique smell it wafted its way past my nose and I initially believed there was a dead animal nearby which likely also meant a bear could be close I search behind the tree but to my surprise that was no carcass there was also no predator or animal that I could see in the area the scene was a sight I wished to see all around were matted clumps of fur which spread across the area there was also vicious black fluid which led into a hollow which was overshadowed by Titanic route that led deep underground I'm familiar with sickening scenes and brutality of death within nature but the smell in the air was so nauseating it was almost like it was unnatural it was a thick coppery scent like pennies and death I felt myself for retching involuntarily at the smell and then the dead ahead left me deeply disturbed although shaking a bit I decided to continue my search for the deer I believe was still out there as the day drew on and the Sun beat upon me and became less ardent in my quest for this possible deer I was about to sit down and eat some lunch when I was overcome with an almost paranoia I wasn't sure why but something just didn't feel right not even thinking I looked around and examined my surroundings I saw nothing and was about to take a bite of my lunch when it dawned on me that something was bothering me there was no sound no bugs animals wind anything it was deathly silent out as the realization struck me and I began to get up I heard the snapping of a very large branch roughly a hundred feet away which was then followed by an ungodly screeching it was an impossibly deafening and terrifying screech it was as though the earth itself split and hell opened up just long enough to sum up the suffering of the Damned to one ear split and roar I was scared out of my mind and immediately acquired my firearm and scanned the undergrowth slowly something huge was moving across the forest floor I however could see nothing through the falling foliage and so backtracked in the direction I had come in hopes to get a better view of whatever was stalking through the forest it was as I ran a decided against the notion of getting a better view and instead kept booking in as I realized I had not provoked this thing at all and it was not stalking me that left me feeling a little bit more vulnerable I had finally outrun the creature or so I believed and was beginning to hear the sound of nature again I felt comfortable right up until I realized the sound dead ahead was now gone whatever was out there it clearly circled around I wasn't outrunning it at all it was intelligent enough to try to cut off my path effects game terrified of the thought of what might be waiting beyond the tree line I scrambled off into a different direction down into a rock goalie I eventually slinked away near a cave and waited hoping to hide my fear from this creature it was at that point I heard a demonic snarling above me the creature was above me and I was terrified out of my mind praying my heart would grow silent long enough for the creature to move on after what felt like an eternity the creature began to move on but my gun slipped off the rock wall it was mounted against and found making plenty of sound for the creature to notice I cleared this thing's footsteps heading back as I painstakingly crawled toward the rifle I reached for my gun is that I did the creature did the same instead of the smooth shellac of my rifle stock my palm at a coarse ragged fur caked with mud and attached to a lanky sinewy arm the Beast screamed and as I shouldered my rifle and fired blindly out of the opening I caught a glimpse of a yellow Fang and one blood-red eye an eye that reflected a hatred more ancient than man a hatred that said this is my forest you have altered it through your presence corrupted it and I was here before you and I will be a year after human willpower paled in face of such uncompromising malice and I shrank back against the rocks robotically cycling bullets out of the cave i sat there dead I doing this for a long time overnight and well into the next morning over 18 hours of working a bolt and pulling the trigger by the time I snapped out of my adrenaline fuelled haze my mouth felt like a desert and my fingers felt as though they were made of canvas stretched over dust shaking I reached for my water bottle and gulped it down spilling most of it down my front praying the beast was long gone I inst my way out of the cave and ran as fast as my rickety legs would carry me the two odd miles back to my truck leaving most of my gear behind nothing pursued me but the feeling of being hunted remained I drove back to town at 80 miles per hour on der Rohe my eyes were wide with fear and my hands gripping the wheel with white knuckles unable to bear the thought of my secluded home I spent the night at a motel within town and a bottle of cheap whiskey and every light in the room turned on the thought of the creature would not exit my mind was it a demon loosed on earth by some divine mistake or just an animal a cryptid lost time and the memories of the trees I didn't really know what it was but I couldn't and still can't let it go the fear eventually subsided but as I sit at home writing this I swear and to God that I can hear a howling echo through the trees and across the mountains telling me that I may never arrest and I may never forget first off let me say love the channel keeps me entertained at work so I was told that I have a some sort of attraction for the weird maybe like I'm some sort of paranormal magnet in my life I have seen so many paranormal events that it's hard to remember them all but there are a few that I remember like they happened yesterday one of these events happened on a 130 acre ranch outside of Houston Texas my buddy who we will call deed for the sake of privacy inherited this ranch from a family member who passed it had been in his family for well over a hundred years it had a long dirt road that went straight from the front gate through pastures of cows and then past a thick forest off to the left that was great for hunting hogs and deer we would go out and shoot guns and drink in the pasture closest to the back of the property I know it was not the most responsible pastime one morning I woke up before the Sun was in the sky packed up some ammo my 45 and my thirty I set rifles and headed out towards the woods as I began walking from the house I started hearing footsteps behind me all I had for light was a small mag light that was apparently dying I thought maybe the footsteps were that of a dog perhaps it got out and I didn't even notice I would stop for a couple of steps out of synch with mine and then it would stop shortly after I was swinging the flashlight around skinning the trees and grass and I would see nothing no dogs and no animals at all I finally came to the dirt road that led to the back of the property and headed down it all the while these footsteps continued to follow only having light enough to see about seven or eight feet in front of me I moved slowly something white on the ground on the left side of the dirt road caught my eye I stopped and knelt down to see a ring of small white pebbles in a circle on the ground I thought it was odd as it was private property and the only people want it were me and D and D was back at the house passed out I don't know if this was anything to do with that but I saw something a couple minutes earlier I walked another couple of hundred feet and suddenly got an eerie feeling like I was being watched there was about a small 8 foot tall hay shed to the left of the dirt road to the left of it I noticed a shadow moving I pulled my 45 and crept closer this thing was taller than the shed by at least a foot skinny and almost looks skeletal it was humanoid in appearance if only for the presence of its arms and two legs that made it stick upright the legs though the legs bent backwards like a dog or something its head was bulbous like this they described aliens and as I crept closer now about 10 feet away my gun was still drawn I flashed the dim beam of light in his direction in a flash this thing around at the shed and in two long strides leaped over the entire road and disappeared into the darkness this road is as wide as your regular neighborhood road so needless to say it was quite the jump I wish I could say that was all this and it was gone but it wasn't I wasn't brave enough to make a shot either because I was so shocked and trembling so bad that even if I had shot at it I probably would have missed so all of this thing gave off was pure evil I stood in shock for what seemed like forever I finally called D on my cell phone who was still sleeping at the house in front of the property and frantically whispered dude come get me right now there's something out here with me and it's not human d came out as fast as his hangover self could muster from where I was I could make out the headlights from his truck in the far distance I booked it he picked me up and took me back to the house I was shaken up for weeks always scanning the darkness outside hoping to not see it again a year later I decided to face my fear and go looking for this creatures that I believe is still out there that however is a story for another time this happened when I was still about five years old living in a country in Southeast Asia urban legends are common things here but what I saw back then is unheard of and only my family knows about it when I was still a baby my parents didn't have their own house my grandparents agreed to provide us with the house that was located in an open field village with only three other houses built in our about five hundred meters away from each other even though the house was a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by tall grass in the middle of nowhere we had no other choice five years had passed and we didn't encounter any problems my parents always remember to lock all the doors of windows especially at night however one night around 4:00 a.m. which was still really dark out where I live I was suddenly awoken for no reason our room was facing directly at the living room and for some reason my parents didn't like closing our bedroom door because of this I had a full view of our couch TV and windows all facing my direction I noticed someone or something sleeping on our couch it was still dark and the only source of light was from our bedroom lamp and the moonlight so I thought it might be my dad I looked over to my left and then saw that both my mom dad and sister were all sleeping beside me this sent chills down my spine since whoever was sleeping on her couch shouldn't be in her house at this moment I was wide awake I looked at the thing again and squinted my eyes to have a better examination of whoever was sleeping on our couch as I did this I concluded this thing wasn't human it was big like really big about the height of a six-foot person and the width of a grizzly bear may be even wider I also noticed that this creature had really sharp edges around his body then my gaze towards that thing stopped as the creature started to move in an attempt to stand up I was so scared and didn't know what to do so I just closed my eyes and tried my best to pretend that I was asleep not even 1 minute later my three-year-old sister started shaking furiously out of nowhere I immediately looked back at the thing sleeping in our couch and was shocked to see that it wasn't there anymore my sister's shaking woke up my parents as far as I know she was having some sort of seizure this shocked and confused my parents since our sister didn't have any illnesses around that time regardless my parents called an ambulance as the ambulance arrived my dad carried my sister outside the house when we reached her house front gate my sister stopped having a seizure instead she stared at something something was on our front porch as I looked at what she was staring at a cold sweat started dripping all over my body and I was just shook at what I saw it was the creature this time with its visible red eyes full of rage destroying my bicycle parts I ran outside the house as we all wrote to the ambulance we still lived in the house for another 3 years after buying our own home as far as I know only my sister and I had seen whatever that thing was up to this day I still have no idea what it was and I still have questions regarding that thing what is it how did it enter our house and was all in our imagination and was it the reason behind my sister's sudden seizure 13 years later and the questions are still unanswered I was a 15 year old girl at the time it had recently just turned 15 and I was also very very dumb my story begins at home it was around 10:00 at night my friend and I decided we were hungry we thought we could just walk four blocks down to the gas station to grab a quick snack although it was quite dark out as we were walking we felt as if something was watching us so we walked a bit faster until my friend looks at me in a stutterer do do you see that I turned around to see something crouched over on the sidewalk a few feet behind us it didn't look exactly human it was shaped differently and much much bigger we are now keeping our eye on it as we walk backwards when it starts to stand up at this point I see a big shadowy figure growing and coming towards us we ran as fast as we could to the store and calm down as we began our walk home we took a different route but we still felt very unnatural or Denari we were sitting down trying to understand what we just saw until we heard my cat make a deep growl in the hallway we turned to see that she had her hair standing up and was hissing she saw something we didn't see and it was very clear she ran around in a panic and that just freaked us out even more finally I decided to give up and knock on my bedroom wall toward the door my cat was mostly avoiding I heard these 3 knocks come back that being said my friend left my house crying and I no longer lived there I have had many many experiences in the house but this was probably the craziest one because it happened in front of somebody else so we could actually validate that I was not crazy and something creepy was definitely following us home that night now weather was a cryptid or a ghost or something else I don't know but thank you for sharing my story I always get goosebumps when I think of this encounter I had I live in a village of around 200 people in Alaska it was a small village so we knew everyone we would always walk around day or night it didn't really matter to us living in Alaska the fear of bears or wolves was greater than the dark one night I was visiting someone with my friend it was winter if you don't know it only gets dark at night during winter my friend asked if I wanted to walk I rarely turned down a walk so I said yeah the road we were walking down had light poles going both ways but the road leads to a dead end while we were walking I wasn't paying attention to another one of my friends who was running like an ape at us as a joke we were laughing while watching him not expecting what he would tell us next while he was running like a gorilla he had his head hunched down he finally stood up when he reached us as soon as he looked up at us while he was catching his breath he said whoa what is that and pointed behind us the light poles were around 50 feet apart but there was one area I'd say a hundred yards away two had three of the lights off in that one area of darkness stood this thing I still don't have words to say what it was the worst part was it seemingly saw us the exact same moment we saw it and it stopped at the distance we could only see a silhouette from the lights behind it the body was thin as a tree and furless all of the limbs were the same size the head was over halfway to the streetlight despite the fact it was slightly hunched over I'd say the damn thing was 11 to 14 feet tall we all stared at this monstrosity for about seven or so seconds then I turned to my friends and jokingly said Slenderman we were still checking if we all saw the same thing as we looked back you could only see the arm going to the side of the road we looked at each other agreed to stay up all night and went to a community building where we stayed for the night to this day I wonder how such a thing can exist in Alaska during winter at negative 50 degrees without fur I've always felt differently about walking at night by myself after that I stopped taking lightless shortcuts I just don't want to see that thing for the rest of my life to elders around her village talk about shamans a long time ago I've always thought that maybe that had something to do with this monster you're not supposed to tell people about someone who was a shaman so there really isn't any history I still think maybe this was something created our culture doesn't have any rituals or anything we dance I know many are sacred though you cannot record them or take pictures but I haven't seen any of those dances perhaps thousands of years ago a shaman or salman's had other intentions I wouldn't ever want to be able to find a reason to create something like that though some background to start I was raised on a 200 acre farm in Virginia and I've always been sensitive to my surroundings I do not 100% believe in the paranormal aspect to cryptid but I do believe in spirits the farm house was built in 1775 and it was always active beautified day and creepy almost and welcoming at night I cannot go outside at night on my 13 acres in Georgia nor my family farm when I visit in Virginia I have always been outside exploring but can only achieve this during the day I taught rock-climbing at the age of 14 in Virginia for seven years completed an eight-day outward-bound course in North Carolina when I was 14 and I get out as much as possible Namath 35 years young and I am a squirrel that will randomly pull over on road trips to explore new sights rock structures cemeteries historic sites etc on the way to and from any destination I am constantly camping swimming hiking kayaking fishing exploring I am not afraid to go outside but always cautious and usually armed this happened in North Georgia on a Sunday December 16th of 2018 it was sometime around 10:30 p.m. I was traveling down the road bringing yet another car load from our old house to the new one the day was in the 50s and a gibbous moon which was 60% illumination no rain from what I can remember I was driving about 50 miles per hour no other cars on the road nor were there any streetlights in my peripheral to my left I saw a 10 to 15 foot long dark brown to black object flying over the field very very fast I did not see wings but what I did see was it did not have feet it had to be flying as it was at least 10 to 20 feet off the ground by the time I look over it was gone I even swerved due to turning around several times and slowing down I have driven this road for years now multiple times a week and I still look when I Drive by I do not know what this was but I have spoken with the owner of expedition Bigfoot a few times and he mentioned to me that last year that there were four reports of pterodactyl like creatures being seen in my immediate area I spoke to him around October 2018 and this was prior to my sighting and I spoke with him again last month as he happened to be a local park I was fishing at I have more information but I don't know how to express what I saw because I have never seen anything like this before and I feel or did not see enough to complete the picture later that night though the coyote screened for almost 30 minutes straight and in the past and to this day I have only heard them call for five minutes max we have owned this property 13 acres with a creek for over two years camps many times on and just finished our home build in December of 2018 since we moved 80 percent of the time we are outside whether it be night or day I feel like I'm being watched at a close distance there has only been one time where these creatures stopped singing at night and needless to say I was inside within a few seconds I am not afraid of what is out there I am afraid of not being able to see what I feel like it's almost stalking me I do not know what I saw and I know it was not a toad dirts leaf debris or anything like that I have tested his theory and like I mentioned I Drive by this area multiple times a week in different weather conditions rain moonshine and Sun I look every time I have never seen anything and I cannot recreate what I saw nothing even comes close believe it or not I am a hopeful skeptic though but one who wants to see something someday but not see something at the same time if any of you guys have any thoughts or insight as to what this flying thing was please let me know in the comments and thank you for sharing my story this happened when I was 10 I think before my mother passed this was the mid 80s in a small town in Texas I was allowed to play outside in the summer - my mom turned on the porch light at around eight or nine if I could not see it there would be hell to pay I never knew a dog I could not pay even the ones that my older brother was scared of I always would walk up to them so I never had any fear of strays I was also known to often bring home dogs when I found them I was playing in the yard one night watching the fireflies and playing in the sandbox when I heard a bark outside my fence it was a deep bark from what I thought it was a big dog I looked from the glowing fireflies wanting to see the dog I saw a shadow of a large dog outside our chain-link gate it was massive fluffy and blacker than a night around it the dog's head was down and I could not see its eyes at the time I hopped out of the sandbox I was sitting in and walked towards the gate as the black dog stood there and opened the gate that is when out of nowhere my dog Bambi and I named her when I was five so please give me a break a mid-sized mixed breed came out of nowhere snarling and getting between me and this other dog Bambi has only acted like this one other time dealing with a creeper and that's a whole different story as soon as Bambi showed up the dog raised its massive head growling a low guttural growl that I could feel as much as here I could now see two glowing red ember staring at me I was scared and I could not move my dog snarled still and let out a loud bark my mother blesses my dog all the time and for some reason I think that may have played some sort of role in this it's very unlike her but I don't know where my mom came out the front door right behind me she saw the black thing in front of me and saw Bambi between us and she yelled that this is a house blessed by God you are not welcome here then in speed that I have never seen in my life my mom grabbed the back of the dress of my dog by her collar and yanked his both in through us in to the front door but that thing did lunge at my dog as my mom pulled her away it bit her leg and a gash was made blood was trout into the house my mom went to work stopping the bleeding and cleaning the wound the whole time praying the Lord's Prayer and Hail Mary she also after the bleeding stopped went and placed salt lines down at the windows and doors that were outside I did not sleep that night instead sat with my dog in my bed and waited till morning we took her to a vet as soon as the store was open it did need stitches and she was sick for a week when it did it healed and left a little bit of a scar and the fur never grew over but she is okay from that day on she never left my side unless I was in school I think she saved my life my mom also gave me an old small silver cross I still wear to this day I've seen many more things over the years but that one scared me so much though I still work with stray dogs and still do not fear any normal dog that's demon dog or hellhound whatever it was definitely freaked me out you back in 2012 I was at an Aboriginal camp at Wolong B New South Wales I had been there for five years prior to this experience and this was my last year there we had heard stories of these creatures called the hairy man aka yo E's from my best recollection he told us that they were short had six fingers and completely covered in hair however one thing I had not remembered hearing was that they were said to take children through solid objects never to be seen again I was told this from my cousin when retelling him this story well behind the camp up a short trail there is a cave or we could see where a one or a few I can't recall had put its hand print and some sort of paint on the wall you could clearly tell by the structure of this handprint that had not been altered and as it was a perfect hand with one extra finger throughout my prior five years at this camp during the first night we would be told of the story of the hairy man then they would take the bravest of the kids up to this cave and spend a few minutes in it either alone or with a friend I would go up during this time period however never alone then on my last year in 2012 I decided that I wanted to get over my fear I was sitting in the cave near the back wall with the onliest light gap and a bit from the entrance with my friend and a new kid they were about to leave and I told them that I was staying to get over my fear no more than 20 seconds later I felt a hand rest on my back there was warmth and pressure so I was certain it was a hand I could clearly see the entrance and knew no one else was with me I froze up instantly and with a chill running down my back which seems like forever had passed but it was like we no more than 20 or 40 seconds and so my ex appeared in the cave still feeling the hand on my back I bawled my eyes out demanded he got a teacher an elder I got out of the cave safely but was visibly shook I was always skeptical of the stories but that night I knew they existed it wasn't until my cousin told me about them taking kids that I realized I was incredibly lucky that night to even make it out of there if it wasn't for my ex entering when he did I'm positive I would have been taken this wasn't the only bizarre thing I encountered in that cave but the only one that was an urban legend one of my earliest memories is really really weird I've had a few humanoid encounters throughout my life but this one never fails to unnerve and confuse me especially now that I'm living out here where it happened I'd really like some input on this because it affected myself and my cousin and my aunt and mom one day when my cousin and I were both very young my mother and aunt set us down outside with them as they caught up they were on a bench and holding on to us both we faced the woods from where we were and they faced the driveway from our position my cousin and I watched a pale creature emerge in the woods around this huge rock formation absolutely named the big rock by us we often played on it then it seemed to realize we were watching and slipped around the other side very quickly it was pale thin and shaped like a person with arms and legs just like ours and sort of crawled around instead of fully walking it was also quite tall but it could have been the size of a fully grown person many things are tall when you're that little I can't say for certain anything else about it because then I think I'd be fishing for details I can't totally confirm those things though are what has always remained clear and consistent in my memory if we had a good look at his face that detail would be lost to the ages I know according to my mom and aunt now we made a very big deal about it after the whole thing happened that my cousin and I became immediately unsettled and that both adults may have seen something but refused to acknowledge it I would like it if someone could help me figure this out I am 100% sure we saw something that day it was a big enough deal that we assigned immediate importance to the big rock and we even named the creature we used to call it old ma'am bony for background this happened in the Adirondacks of New York near Lake George sometime in the early 2000s it was during the summer the area is relatively quiet now and was even quieter then with a fewer vacation homes on that it is also wooded area I would like to share a story about an encounter and it would be awesome if you had any insight that he could possibly shed on this so this happened to my mom when she was a child around six years old she has a very vivid memory of it and told me several times in the past as well as we tried to investigate but couldn't find too much my mom's family lived on the outskirts of our capital city and not far from their street was a huge corn field where they used to play as kids as she ran in there one day she came upon a figure squatting in the corn as she described it the creature looked like a man except his head resembled more that of a dog's head it had pointy little ears in a flat face with a kind of flat nose a bit square shaped head and some small eyes a dark bluish gray skin with only an oily texture and it was wearing blue clothes which reminded her of an overall with a policeman's jacket at the time this happened around 1965 in Eastern Europe she has never heard of aliens and the family didn't have a TV or radio so she had no idea what she saw she just ran out of the corn screaming when she told her parents they said it must have been the neighbor boy with a mask but my mom said that she is pretty sure the neighbor boy doesn't have bluish grey skin and even though no one took her story seriously she could never really explain what she saw but never forgot it fast forward almost 40 years I was already around 12 years old I had already heard the story but Internet was still pretty new to us in 2004-2005 so we didn't really look for stories about dog headed aliens in the books my father had on this topic we're all about big guy tall or small grey creatures so my mom's experiences felt like something marginal one day around 2005 my mom comes home in kind of a shock and gives me a magazine and opened at a page with an article about types of aliens urging me to read it it listed a number of alien species among them the ones with doglike faces and gave almost exactly the same description as my mother did it was a general magazine so not really authentic and we don't remember the researchers name since then I tried to look it up on the internet but I either come up with myths about sinus if a lie or something else and none of those really seem to apply to what my mother saw you I've seen this creature for a number of nights now my way home from work the first couple of times I just saw the reflection of its eyes by the side of the road before skitters away out into the woods at one time I saw peeking its head over the side railings along the dark Mountain Road I Drive home on if I am to try to describe the creature I would say that's about 40 to 50 centimetres tall with a big round head and large green eyes reflecting the lights from the car it looks like a small monkey without a tail and I think it has dark brown or black hair that covers its body and head the thing is that there is no wild animal in Sweden that is known that fits that description of this creature my best theory is that it is a troll or some sort of goblin I have heard stories of goblins that live in the woods and burrows along creeks but I never thought that I would see one or at least I think it's a goblin that is the only thing that makes sense about this for as much sense as I can make of it it's hard sometimes to believe your own eyes when you're faced with something you never thought you'd see or something you didn't think could exist at first I thought it was a cat or something smaller because the first two times I saw it I only saw its eyes thinking it a cat in this situation is something any rational person would think however as I saw more more of it I seriously started to doubt that it was a cat today I was driving home on the same road and my doubts were proven right I saw sitting on the side of the road just as I came around a bend and had to brake as hard as I could when the car came to a halt the creature was about four meters away from my car and I could see its eyes were staring straight at me I felt like I became paralyzed by fear and I could feel my heart pumping it just sat there for a minute or two just staring at me with those big green eyes like it was trying to figure out what to do next then it turned around and ran out into the woods and I lost sight of it I sat there for a while trying to understand what I had just saw but I couldn't wrap my head around it I don't think I will be doing much sleeping tonight I will probably just be thinking of that creature and if I see it again I'm not sure what I saw tonight but I think it might have just been a troll or something like that there are many stories about trolls and goblins living in forests around here and if anyone has encountered a similar creature here in Sweden or in any other country please share your experience or knowledge about what it might be I'm genuinely curious to know if any of my theories are potentially right I was in my car one day heading towards a campsite it was just me my mom and my brother when we arrived it was pouring heavy rain and it felt very cold I also felt if I was being watched in the woods this is an uncommon feeling but this felt different it felt like it wasn't an animal watching me it felt like something else entirely I kept looking towards the trees and I felt something watching me the whole time as we were putting up the tent when it stopped raining my brother wanted me to come and explore on the woods with him but if I'm honest with you I was very nervous I eventually got the courage to go with him though we were walking and as we were about halfway through the woods I heard a crackling sound behind me in some trees I thought it was my brother but I noticed he was in front of me I turned around into my horror this thing gazed upon me it was a very skinny and deformed looking gray-haired wolf I wanted to run but I couldn't I was paralyzed with fear I just stared until its greenish eyes while my brother kept taunting me to go there was something very off about the creature it kept me fixated on it it was much larger than a normal wolf it just stared at me at first but then it stood on two legs and that's when I knew something was wrong because I was pretty sure wolves cannot do that my brother ran first and then I eventually ran behind him I didn't look back once I was way too scared to do that but when we returned to the camp my brother told me that it could have been a skinwalker or some sort of Wendigo I didn't know what that was so I searched it up on my phone but when I did I only had a preceptory left so I was only able to see a little bit before my phone died I saw the pictures and a couple of stories and I knew that the thing I saw was definitely a skinwalker I was so terrified and after perfuse begging I was blessed with my request to go home the vision of that deformed thing haunts my mind to this day this happened when I was around six or seven I believe I used to live in North Carolina near Cherokee when I lived there I was often up at my grandparents house my grandparents house sits on top of a hill surrounded by a lot of forest as well as a cow pasture off to the side of the road going up to their house it was sometime during winter and I was with my grandparents helping them shovel snow out of the driveway I believe one of my aunts were there as well but I can't remember if she just got there or if she'd been there helping us because this happened quite a few years ago anyway I remember that I put down my shovel at some point and ran off as I had found some rabbit tracks I went down the bank to one of my grandpa usually parked his truck following the rabbit tracks when I saw another pair of tracks now these tracks these were different than any other tracks I've ever seen before they were that of a human but instead they were kind of different instead of having a rounded human toes they were more triangle-shaped it was also bigger than what a normal human footprint would look like now me being one of those kids that watch shows like Finding Bigfoot I thought perhaps it was a Sasquatch footprint but the triangle like toes or whatever they put me off of that idea I remember running up the bank to my aunt and grandparents and I immediately told them what I had found but I don't think they really believed me even though I had shown them the prints a few years later I remember bringing this up to some of my friends that I had at the time I even went as far to draw a picture of what I remember the tracks looking light but thought of them suggested maybe it was a bear I knew for a fact there was no lay this was a bear track I knew that bear footprints looked like and that whatever made those were not bear because first of all the footprints looked like whatever this thing was was walking on two legs second of all it couldn't have been a bear because my grandma lives in an area where there are no bears around and there haven't been for years as they had been hunted or chased through the area I'm still not sure what those footprints could have belonged to for sure but over the years I've had a few more strange encounters while there nothing quite like this one they're still intriguing to me and they keep me thinking about what could be lurking out there in the darkness just beyond my grandma's house I live in Massachusetts and I work at Six Flags it was around 10:30 p.m. on a Saturday when this all took place well that night I was getting off work and was sitting out in the parking lot area waiting to be picked up now there are two rows of streetlights on each side of the driveway where you enter into the employee parking lot it's a long driveway and it kind of does a little s turn at the end then when you get to the end you enter into a big parking lot with rocks and gravel on the ground I was sitting underneath the pavilion which is a rather long distance from the actual entrance I wasn't alone but there weren't many people around so I just sat there waiting to be picked up I was on my phone doing typical teenager things and I happened to look underneath one street lights I thought I saw what looked like a person and a black hooded jacket with black pants and black shoes standing underneath the light they were not moving at all they just stood there it looked like it was wearing a ski mask but its eyes were covered almost like how slenderman's will look but the height of a human let's say it stood around five six or so and I was sitting there squinting my eyes I thought maybe I was just seeing things being tired and all because I am getting off on a late shift I knew that wasn't the case though because as I rubbed my eyes to try to wake myself it's still there strangely well my mom picked me up it was suddenly gone I was looking around to see if someone was walking themselves home but no one was and I was a little freaked out I don't know what I saw but I know that it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me it wasn't one of the co-workers because well if you haven't been to Six Flags you definitely know that workers were dark blue wind breakers and tan pants at the time I was scared but I've grown more comfortable since I've never spotted the thing again my name is Ramsey and I live in the mountains of Tennessee in the middle of the woods I've always loved the woods and the outdoors for the most part but after what I and my friends went through my love for the woods to endure so to set the scene my back yard is nice for setting out at night and looking at the Stars listening to birds and such but one night last year was me and two friends their names were Thomas and Joe it was late about 10:00 or so so it was already dark out and we were talking and laughing when a smell I can only describe as dead rotting meat crept around the area it was horrible and my friends looked at each other and said the usual you know gross you smelled that or what the heck I immediately became alert and told them what was going through my mind guys that's my own just appear out of nowhere they looked at me a bit serious after my statement I started looking around as well it was dark and we had a fire as well but it didn't help much as we glanced around the smell disappeared and so did our interest we began talking again thinking nothing of the smell so we heard a faint snap in the woods to our right and the smell of death crept over us again we quickly ran inside to grab lights to go check out the sound and smell as we were curious so Thomas grabbed 20-gauge shotgun we used for property security in case it was an animal and we set off into the woods in the direction of the sound the air was clean no foul smell or anything even going deeper in nothing changed so he said yep it's gone no need to go deeper we have walked for roughly a mile or so before we started back soon it got really quiet and really cold so we instantly look around as a very uneasy feeling hit us the horrifyingly hot smell of rotting meat and flesh washed over the woods and then my life shot over something in the bushes it was hunched over with its back towards me all I can make out was the size and color it was huge it had to be at least 500 pounds and black when my light hit the creature it turned its upper body to look at me its eyes were its eyes were white soon after I saw them the creature smiled and that's when I screamed bear-bear turn back now we started sprinting through the woods back in the direction of the house Tomasz in front of joe in the middle and me in the back as we ran i heard the creature behind me panting and grunting i was sure it will grab me and pull me back but my chubby legs kept going until bam i had tripped I heard his slowed to a stop but I couldn't see it my light was smashed but it stopped it was there Thomas out of nowhere pulled a pump back on the shotgun and that's when I heard a low Rumble kind of like a crocodiles bellow I heard the creature turn and walk away it didn't run but it walked as if it was now faced we were still terrified so I got up and ran with my friends all the way to the house when we arrived we caught her breath and Joe and Thomas were excited now that it was over to them it was a bear and the fact that we were all alive I had never told them what I had actually seen I think it's better that I don't talk about it so they don't think I'm high or lying or anything it's been a few weeks now and I can't stop thinking about it was a Bigfoot to skunk ape or what I honestly don't know but I wish I did this is a story I haven't shared with anyone what I saw that day in the woods still leaves me in a quote sweat at night I grew up and lived in the woods my entire life but after this encounter I have since moved to the city and never plan on visiting those woods ever again it all started in October it was a crisp fall day the breeze was cruel and felt great so why decided to take a chance and take a nice walk through the woods behind my house I have hiked hunted played and everything else you can imagine in these woods my entire life usually you don't see much of anything aside from the occasional deer and squirrel around here I followed a small trail me and my father made a few years back this trail leads you into the woods for about a mile and ends at a small pond that has settled in a clearing this pond is rather small but surprisingly holds some real monsters inside of it I have caught a handful four or five pound bass in the past year anyway back to the story I decided to stop at the pond and have a seat for a while it was such a nice day for a nap in the woods so I did just that I fell asleep rather quickly and had a nice little dream about fishing the lake and catching a real monster bass suddenly I judge it awake and can feel that the atmosphere had changed there was no longer a warm calming feeling it felt more malevolent somehow the birds were no longer chirping and the breeze seemingly stopped I had this overwhelming feeling that I was being watched by something or someone at first I tried to shake it off as nothing and closed my eyes again not even a minute later I hear what sounds like a branch snapping I immediately sat up and scanned my surroundings something just felt very wrong about all this I stood up and decided it would be best for me to make my way back to the house I didn't want to be stuck out here with some animal that may or may not have me in mind as this dinner began to walk at a rather Swift pace to make this mile trek less time-consuming honestly I am unsure if it was me freaking myself out or if it was something actually stalking me but I had the strongest sensation of being watched I could periodically hear twigs being snapped and what sounded like scurrying ultimately I was fine until I heard this unholy growl from what sounded like 2 or 3 feet behind me this growl sounded like it was blasting from a distorted radio speaker it almost sounded staticky if that makes any sense this for whatever reason caused me to absolutely panic I began to run like my life depended on it and in hindsight this was probably my downfall in this situation as I began to run I could hear what sounded like bipedal footfall behind me at first I thought maybe some insane homeless person might be chasing me there are no predators here that run on two feet that I know of in the area so a human being was my first thought I decided to look behind me to get an idea of what I was dealing with and to my surprise there was nothing there I calmed down slightly after realizing I must have outrun whatever was behind me this is where I really goofed not paying attention to the trail ahead of me I tripped over a root sticking out of the ground and practically face-planted I laid there for a moment trying to get my bearings again after a few moments I tried to stand up again only to realize I had hurt my ankle pretty badly a piercing pain was shooting up my ankle and calf I wasn't sure if I'd be able to walk back the rest of the way by myself wincing in pain I tried my best to hobble forward and get myself home and out of these woods that may or may not be home to some ungodly presence a few agonizing steps later I am stopped dead in my tracks yet again no more than ten feet in front of me said when I can only describe as an abomination of nature this thing was easily as tall as me if not a bit taller I stand at about 6 3 it had a pungent odor radiating from it's almost decaying skin had the head of a bear the torso of a deer in the limbs of a wolf this creature abomination whatever you want to call it is no natural creature of this earth the look in his cold black eyes seemed so soulless and rage filled I just knew this would be how it ends how could I possibly outrun or fight this thing this thing led I'm an ear piercing scream that is reminiscent of the screams you hear in Jurassic Park movies from the t-rex I have never felt so utterly terrified in my entire life this thing suddenly took off running into the forest to its right it ran us such a speed that it was a literal blur my vision I could hear this thing circling around me in the trees running at a breakneck speed that would surely trip something up but this thing remained at a speed for what seemed like minutes upon minutes as suddenly as it began it stopped in the entire forest fell silence thinking that this was potentially my last chance at anacs cam I gathered all the strength I could and ran as fast as I possibly could with this rolled ankle of mine I kept repeating to myself don't look back don't look back if I wasn't going to make it out of this I sure as hell didn't want to watch this thing mommy's death as I ran I could hear this thing gaining on me and loud and repeating screeches that normally would have had me crapping my pants but Ollie they somehow motivated me to run faster in this situation after what felt like hours I see the opening to my yard and feel safer but that feeling of safety left as quickly as it had come somehow this thing was now blocking the entrance in front of me I guess my genius plan of not looking back really came back to bite me thinking this was finally it began to slow my run and accept my fates that is until I heard my father calling me from the back porch which is roughly 20 or so feet from the edge of the woods the creature seemed to have had a choice in that moment and seemingly looked at me and then toward the direction of my father and for whatever reason sniffed the air a few times then ran to the denser area of the forest I broke through the tree line and almost instantly fell in pain as my ankle was surely even more ruined at this point I told my family about what I had seen but somehow I don't think they truly believed me my 11 year old self and my family one younger sister who was not into time in my order one who was 17 in the oldest who was 21 my mom and dad went for a week-long trip to a small two-bedroom hunting cabin that had property of about 100 acres in South Iowa my dad and I would usually go hunting whilst my mom and the others would stay curled up at home I my nine-year-old sister a 17 year old sister had to sleep outside in tents my sisters had the two-man tent whilst I had a swag at about 6 a.m. on the 4th night I was coming out of the cabin from going to the bathroom when I saw this starving looking creature easily 2 meters tall with a deer skull as its head they had the biggest set of deer antlers I have ever seen it was sniffing around my sister's tent so being the protective brother I am I pull out the hunting knife I always carry on me and charge at it it must have seen me cuz it turned and boards razor-sharp teeth and at least 2 inch claws at me I continued and his soul I wasn't backing down so it let out the most agonizing screech I have ever heard I instantaneously collapsed on the ground covering my ears I watched as it slowly jerks itself towards me if it wasn't for my dad putting a bullet straight through it shorter I probably be dead the screech intensifies and my ears begin to bleed and my dad puts the second round straight through its head the creature sways and then turns and runs into the woods but it didn't run like a man it ran like an antelope taking strides easily 5 metres at a time all through the next day my dad and I searched the woods following the blood trail but we found nothing that day we booked a flight back to Australia soon after and we are never going back to America I don't know what that thing was and I was hoping that you could tell me because the scree said it let out and it's dead black eyes will forever haunt me along with its jerky movements how could something survive a head shot like bats this is stressing me out all over again please give me some information on what it is if you have any and thank you for sharing my story I was about 10 years or so when I first heard my dad tell this story begins telling this story one evening while he had some friends over and they had been reminiscing about old times now I must say that my dad used to drink and this story happened with his drinking buddies this would have been in the late 70s to early 80s my dad was an avid hunter on this particular evening he went out with five of his friends the area they went hunting borders National Forest Service known as Charlie's Creek which is located in the extreme North Georgia Mountains this area was and still remains accessible only by 4x4 vehicles or ATV they meet back at the old Jeep Wrangler at dusk to start the long journey out of the woods now none of them had any luck that day so they had some beers and headed out of the woods the road has never been paved so it's very rugged dad said they had not been driving but a few minutes when they heard a weird blood-curdling scream come from behind them the noise shot shivers up his spine he thought to himself maybe it was the beer that he had consumed messing with his mind about that time one of his buddies asked if anyone else had heard that sound then another blood-curdling scream echoed throughout the valley the driver came to a stop and they looked around the darkness to see whatever was making the skin crawling scream dad said the glow from the taillights revealed a set of glowing red eyes illuminating about five feet from behind the Jeep dad said it was light color and if not totally white frozen just staring at the men staring back at whatever this creature was one of dad's friends let out a growl and screamed to scare it off into the darkness instead of scaring this thing the creature mocked it back in the same sound without hesitation the driver took off and the animal proceeded to follow dad said that about every five minutes the creature would scream sounding just like the friend and in that last scream when they would have to brake they could see it's red eyes staring back at them and never got closer than approximately five feet though then another one of the men let out a different sounding scream and the animal repeated it right back at them once again my dad said they are took turns making animal noises and each time the animal would sound eerily similar to how each man sounded they were thinking at some point this was a panther but was confused about how it seemed to mock each man when they hollered at it also Panthers are not native to this area when someone asks dad to describe and compare the sound to something he said it sounded like a woman in distress or a child in pain after about 20 minutes of this animal following my dad and his buddies out of the deep dark woods they reached pavement and civilization dad said the driver I've been driving about a half a mile or so and would stop the taillights to reveal that the animal would stay behind them as none of the men have flashlights once again on the pavement the driver stopped again and it sounded this time like the creature had hoofs they had not noticed this distinct sound before because of the dirt road they had been on they continued to drive about five miles per hour just to see how far this creature would followed them out of the deep woods as they came to a house I was on the side of the road their headlights revealed the man silhouette that lived there sitting in his rocking chair my dad and all his buddies knew this man so they stopped right in front of his house as the man stood up towering over 6 foot tall he clicked on his flashlight shining the light right on this creature it seemed unfazed one of dad's friends fired a shot from his deer rifle at the creature it took off running while screaming one last scream up the bank inside this man's house into the darkness the man asked my dad and the other men what in the world was that with concern in his voice he said that he had been sitting on this porch to listen to it for over 20 minutes trying to figure out what it was as it got closer and closer to his house he too had a rifle ready to shoot whatever was making these demonic sounds dad said this man continued saying that he had never in a 70 plus years of living there heard such a scary sound and creature dad and the other men agreed that they had never heard anything like it and what really made them question this creature is that it had hoofs dad told the story a couple of more times throughout the years and it was always the same I know my dad would never lie about this one of the men told me the same version later when I was grown too I often think of this and what it could have been especially when I go to this area my brothers and I are huge fans of the channel and listened to almost everything you put out we had this creepy encounter which sounds someone like a skinwalker but this was in southeast Queensland Australia my twin brothers Kay I and now grew up on the east coast of Australia not far south to brisbane we regularly hung out with our mates from down the road em and see their family were the caretakers of 40 acres of land most of which were main groves and swampy bushland wooded heaps of things on the property we rode motorbikes shot films burned stuff and played some after-hours games like spotlight in a commando bush version of hide-and-seek called hunters this happened in October 2018 it was nearly 11:00 p.m. one night while we were playing this game on the motorbike track surrounding the forest of em's property there was a few of us at the time including myself my twin brother and my old friend s whom we haven't seen for many years and and see their mate F and cousin J were also there and my partner at the time a was also there it was a moonlit night invisibility was pretty high without any torches after a few easy rounds of following the giggling and stomping in the bush it was finally my turn to be the hunter I squatted on the ground and waited for everyone to hide listening carefully as I did I noted that a few people went to the bush while most of them ran up the track towards the house I thought it best to follow the group that went to the bush as they were alone and probably smarter and a greater asset after silently stalking the people into a clearing I lost sight of them I stood there for some time now this next part is from my brother's perspective we have played a few rounds and I was usually last to be caught I liked the time between hiding and being caught as I always got to just lay in the grass or cover myself with branches and just take in the night air and gaze the Stars but this night after the second round started and I was hiding for nearly 20 minutes I was gazing at the Stars and I started thinking about the YouTube stories I'd been listening to stupidly I thought at the time all of a sudden it got pretty darn quiet and I felt like someone was out there it couldn't have been L as he was seeking at the time and he had already run right past me now the rest of the story will be back in my perspective my brother whistled at me laughing he explained how he was getting tired of sitting in the spiderwebs I suggested that he would take the folks that went up to the house while I went after the other ones from the forest as I could hear their voices he looked confused and informed me that there was no one else here I shrugged it off and told him that I could hear giggling deeper in the trees and began walking through the shrubs I noticed a foul stench and thought it was probably the swamp I followed the voices deeper and deeper into the bush the ground was turning muddy and the trees turned in a swampy reeds and mangroves the childish giggles were leading me deeper and deeper into the marsh I thought to myself how strange the voices seemed to be carried on the wind as if the people I were pursuing were moving much faster than I could I was standing on the edge of the swamp the last patch of grass looking into the lump of trees about 10 meters away when everything went dead quiet it sounds cliche but you don't know how it feels until you experience it for yourself It was as if realia come to a grinding halt and all my senses were on full alert I froze I have thoughts as if someone was watching me my heart began to race the only thing that seemed to break the trance was my brother's voice a few meters behind me suddenly a bird flew from the trees making a screeching sound as it flanked me and disappeared into the black I looked at my brother remarked oh my god as we looked at each other we heard an ungodly piercing scream from up at the house it was like the echo of at least ten children squealing mixed with the sound of a car tire echoing from over 100 meters over the field we ran as fast as we could up to the house my brother and I found the rest of our friends huddling in the front seat of their dad utility truck with the doors locked when we asked them if they were screaming or what was making that noise they looked angry at us and told us to stop pranking them seriously guys cut it out it's not funny one of them said we spoke our honesty telling them we had come running to see if anyone was hurt everyone looked confused and generally freaked out so we all went inside and sat down after convincing everyone that no one was playing a prank we decided to go out and look for anyone in the surrounding streets that may explain the childish ghostly screams they were dead quiet as expected nearing midnight there were also no houses near to our mates house except for one which had burned down and had to be cleared thereafter my twin brother and I did some research on Australian encounters with creatures he is a big fan of the swamp toilet gentle and stories and soon he introduced me to the swamp my brother said it's striking how similar to some of these stories are to our experience we found some stuff about the lost generation of Aboriginal children and the various stories and Encounters of their ghosts but one mine stuck with me forever in regards to Aboriginal folklore and cryptids it is not the ones they tell you about you should fear but the ones they don't well rather are not allowed to tell you about I guess you could say I was a normal girl just playing a video game on my xbox one my feet were propped up on my electrical fireplace I hadn't heard of skinwalkers or Wendigos unless you count the Wendigos of it until dawn to be honest I still don't know exactly what they are anyways I'll get back to the story a hand I was sitting on the floor with my headphones on as he kicked up on the electric fireplace playing Ark survival evolved on my xbox one I've been flying around in Ragnarok chilling on my lightning wyvern with my jerboa when suddenly I hear loud banging it was like someone or something was trying to bust open my door initially I shrugged it off continuing my flight back to base to grab my Rock Drake that I had bought from another player when I heard it again ladder this time though almost filling my ears my cat Yara who had been sleeping on my chess stood up she looked kind of shaken and kind of disturbed me being a 13 year old female I was was extremely sensitive there and he helped in pain only to hear it repeatedly loudly from outside the house I lived in the basement so I grabbed my cat turned off my game and called for my seventh month old Malamute Wrigley I heard her name reaped over and over but she only barked towards the sound i snuggled into my blanket and walked upstairs as I needed closer the sound was louder and louder I looked outside and was met with the most horrifying sight I had ever seen in my entire life Wrigley barked wildly Yara hissed from my arms the flash out of my phone shone into its eyes showing an animal like glowing grown on the tight skin to annoyed its jaws creaked open and almost immediately it repeated my blood-curdling scream in a throaty voice I ran back downstairs I'm still there rocking back and forth my animals next to me if you know what to do I should do please tell me the banging is louder and louder there's a mix of barking and screaming I'm alone as my parents work night shifts I've seen a few of your videos but what happens when this happens what do I do please somebody give me some advice in the comments down below you just thirty minutes ago I saw something I cannot comprehend now I will explain what happened but below I will provide some other information why I am dumbfounded and maybe someone can help me ease this image out of my mind this night was cold dry no wind no moon perfect for nocturnal predators at 4:00 a.m. there are no cars especially Friday night as I came up a hill with only empty fields on both sides of the road and shallow ditches there was something on the left side of the road about 50 to 70 feet in front of my car then I saw a four leg gray theme - across the road in an instant it was so fast and blurred in my headlights it was something low to the ground and I cannot stress how fast this was it was there and then boom it's gone this creature was either running after or from something I must have gone into an instinctive mode as I came to my senses five miles down the road looking at myself the car was going 80 miles per hour I starting back and forth from the mirror to the road radio off in both hands gripping the wheel tight as hell I tried to relax but the moment of crossing whatever that thing was kept playing in my mind now more details driving home from work on the highway going 75 10 above the actual speed limit light B's on no cars in sight Nebraska winters are mixed back sometimes it is 50 degrees at night and sometimes it's negative 30 tonight it was a nice negative 9 I have lived here for 23 years the same time about 45 minutes outside of Lincoln the drive home is familiar as I have been down it since the day I was born I worked nights as a tradesmen in Lincoln Nebraska we get off at 2:30 a.m. normally but I was close to finishing a job so I didn't want the daytime people to have to finish it so I stayed till 3:20 I was drinking an energy drink because I normally go to bed at 8 a.m. and I was sober so there was no impairment on my eyes now as a possible animal explanation was the largest native animals are deer and mountain lions or Cougars whatever you want to call them well the latter is so rare especially in my area we have had a real sighting in over 15 years ask for deer well they normally they're normally asleep at this time across that flat tops who are in low valleys near tree lines or brush deer are more sporadic during mating season the rut as we call it and harvesting season well it's neither of those also deer or less active when it's below 20 degrees especially when it's close to zero then when it's cold they normally are in a herd plus the animal was faster than all native animals and bigger the color of gray doesn't match up either if you made it to the very end thank you for reading and thank you swamp for allowing me to share this on your show I'm afraid to sleep and I am jumpy as hell now ever since this please help me out here guys please comment down below letting me know what this might have been so this takes place and what my friends and I estimate to be the early 1900s it happened to one of his old relatives will name him Tom after returning home from a family gathering in order to get back home Tom had to reverse a large forested area Tom did not own a car since this was a very very rural area in Georgia so he wrote a horse along the way it began to storm heavily and Tom spotted an abandoned Chapel that he took shelter in not long after entering the chapel Tom began to hear strange sounds coming from the ceiling of the building he looked up and noticed something dart across the pillars that supported the church he ducked down behind one of the rotting pews and continued watching the figure it eventually came into view and he got a good look at it it was large black and hairy with long arms that looked to be claws it was swinging from the beams with extreme ease Tom began to get scared so he tried to creep out of the door of the church but before he made it the creature noticed him as soon as the two made eye contact he ran outside and got on his horse he rode off as fast as he could through the storm he turned around to see if it was following them and saw perched up on top of one of the trees next to the church that's the last he ever saw of it my friends and I have tried to come up with possible explanations the most logical one we could think of is that it could have been a Gibbon Gibbons are fairly large hairy and have long arms that they do use to swing from trees with a lot of speed and agility the claws may have just been imagined by Tom in the heat of the moment but if it really was a given how would have gotten in rural Georgia in the early 1900s if you guys have any other explanations I'd love to hear them a while back I went with my church youth group on a campout and the you need us they all set up tents and hammocks or sleep in their trucks me being the stupid 16 year old boy from Utah I completely forgot to pack a tent all I had was my sleeping bag in my pack luckily enough someone who must have previously camped here set up a bundle of sticks against a pine tree making a sort of door away for a little Hut like structure I squatted down and walked right in not too shabby I thought to myself there was a lot of legroom I wouldn't even need to curl up the roots of the tree bulged out on the ground enough to even grow in a pattern that fit my body shape the pine needles were close enough to the ground to keep out the cold winds so I laid my sleeping bag down and put my pack near where I'd be laying my head down to use for a pillow and join the other boys at the fire and to make some food so that night I was eager to get to bed as I was excited for what we had planned the next day hiking and shooting clay pigeons naturally the inconsiderate neighboring campers were drunk and pissed off at each other so for the next three hours I was listening to some random guy's girlfriend go for a Blair Witch Project on his butts but was able to pass out around 1:00 in the morning luckily sometime roughly around 4:30 a.m. I wake up to the sound of nothing there's not a single sound out there no crickets no birds there were some dogs at night before and even they weren't making a peep I feel the urge to look up but my gut instincts tell me not to the herbs get stronger and stronger every second though almost like something was trying to Jedi mind trick me into looking at whatever was above me I almost have an anxiety attack that would lead me into a hysteria and shortness of breath anxiety depression and night terrors seemed to run in my family so things got a little worse when I felt spittle dripped down the side of my head down my neck I heard a major growl noise just above me and it echoed in my chest and rattled my ribcage I found myself starting to Crane my head backed up to look but I turned onto my stomach and closed my eyes as tight as I could it felt like hours that I sat there trying to not freak out but it was probably only a couple of minutes before I fell asleep once again in the morning I didn't say anything to any of my friends they are Mormon so often they say that God can make anything possible but I heavily believe in skinwalkers and things like that and don't think they take me seriously when I said once stalked me while I was asleep I would have been dismissed as maybe it was a nightmare but when I went to get my pack my sleeping bag and other stuff there was a human-like handprint in the dirt just above where I had my head and from the look of it had a long giddy claws almost like a werewolf I nearly broke down and I felt the side of my head it was still wet from the saliva it's safe to say I wouldn't go back there if he paid me I'm just surprised it hasn't been following me ever since about six years ago over the summer of my junior year going into my senior of high school I experienced something that I can't quite shake off to this day my friend's parents were going out of town for the weekend so myself and three others including Matt plan to sleep over so we could all hang out and be as loud as we wanted to we slept over at my friend Matt's house his house was located on the east side of town where the small wooded area was located I mentioned this area in a previous story that I sent in about a screen that I had heard in my house coming from those woods that night we all mentioned how we would sleep on this trampoline since it was warm that night and none of us had done it before Matt was a little concerned with the idea because he had mentioned that homeless people at some times you know be out there there was no fence separating us from the woods or anything so he was a little nervous about that so anything could go in and out of the yard including deer if they wanted to I told him we were gonna be fine and that there was nothing to worry about and boy did I wish I could take that statement back this day we started setting up our spots on the [ __ ] getting cozy and just hanging out looking at our phones about an hour into this I started to hear twigs snapping and leaves crunching Matt was the only one who wasn't on the trampoline but sitting on a small River donut on the deck next to the trampoline he was sitting on this due to an injury that happened to him a few weeks prior to these events I was looking at Matt while this was happening and he was looking into the woods he didn't say anything other than a quiet I told you this was a bad idea I kept listening for a few moments and then it stopped my friends were all listening to but they didn't seem concerned it was really quiet after it stopped none of us said a thing we all looked back on our phones and then that's when I saw it the second my eyes met my phone I saw from a peripheral vision the 7 to 8 foot tall thing running out of the woods into the backyard and darting to the side of the house we all saw the silhouette of whatever it was it was almost as if it was ghostly it was extremely slim and bipedal here's the kicker though we saw it run but we did not hear it run it made zero sound when it was moving but it made the motion of someone running when we saw this we all did the exact same thing we screamed and ran off the trampoline mat was the first one inside and I was surprised he was even able to walk let alone run because of his injury we left some blankets and pillows outside because we were in such a hurry we shut and locked the sliding door all the windows and doors we could find they kept looking out some of the windows to see if we could see anything but there was nothing that we could see because we were so startled we stayed up until sunrise before finally getting some sleep I think about what happened at an almost daily basis you hello again I've written to you before but I can't remember what my alias was so I apologize for that I told you about a horrifying scream I heard in the middle of the Swedish woods god I can still hear in my head it was like someone was screaming from the bottom of their lungs while drowning but let's not revisit that it's not what I want to tell you about this time I didn't think I'd be adding more to the story but after talking to an old friend of mine I remembered something else I wasn't personally there for this incident but she was live texting me during it so she and another friend were hanging out in her room late one winter evening her bedroom has a large window it's so large it's basically impossible to hide from view unless you crouch the view out is of a hill with a road splitting with two rows of houses so it's not lonesome or creepy at all it's just poorly lit during the winter very very dark at night anyway as they were doing whatever she spotted something that was barreling down the hill and it wasn't like anything she had ever seen before in her lifetime she describes it as a huge black gorilla which was leaping down the road it was moving sort of like a gorilla but too fast and his sleeps were far too long my friend fell into a panic and remembered that the front door was unlocked which wouldn't usually be a problem if what they saw was just a wild animal that said something told them to lock that door immediately whatever it was had disappeared the next moment and my friend was too scared to walk down to check the door at first when they eventually found the courage to check the door it was slightly open cold winter air blowing inside I don't remember what happened after that but nothing strange did I for sure remember if it did at least I'd hope so she's never seen the thing again but tells me about it every time we talk about paranormal stuff let me just make this absolutely clear this is about as far up north as you can go and it was the dead of winter there was no way a giant gorilla could have passed through without someone noticing the reason I'm writing this isn't to scare anyone I was hoping someone had some answers or similar experiences these stories aren't interesting enough for people on message boards to discuss but I know your listeners are knowledgeable so please if someone can give us answers or at least some ideas I'd love to hear them thank you this happened when I was around 16 years old I was in high school and living in my parents ranch home in western Pennsylvania for several weeks I would have had a hard time falling asleep because every time I did I would see this freakishly deformed black goat standing on two legs it scared me and I had several nightmares of this goat just slowly walking towards me one night I was so absolutely terrified more than usual I decided to get up and use the bathroom to see if that would help me relax and reset my brain so that I could try to get some shut-eye as I exited my bedroom the living room was off to the right to the hallway and I just stopped and froze solid there in the blackness of my parents living room with a miniscule amount of moonlight shining through the triangular windows was the goatman he stood roughly six foot tall he was a menacing and felt dominating and just gave off this evil presence the most messed up part about this goat man was his front legs or arms I don't know what to call them as he stood on his hind legs his hands so to speak were hoofs but his elbows were broken his hooves were upside down facing the ceiling and he was moving slowly but in a dancing or swaying fashion I just dipped back into my room and closed my eyes and hid under my covers I couldn't force myself to scream or face it any longer so I guess I just chose to ignore it luckily I did not see this creature ever since I've told all of my friends and family about it they of course think it's hilarious but I do think they believe me in some sort of way they will bring it up in conversation as a joke from time to time and laugh because they know it scares me I know they mean well but even as a 28 year old I still get goose bumps all over my body and occasionally have tears in my eyes I hope I never have a run-in like this again I'm not sure if this was an actual goat man or some sort of demon or something but honestly it creeped the hell out of me this happened between the ages of 8 and 12 in my old house in southern Illinois I've always been open to the paranormal but very very terrified of it this all started sometime around 4:00 in the morning I would never be able to sleep before then it was just this odd feeling I'd get I fell a presence of something and it would just drive my brain crazy my younger brother said he felt it too but I didn't get along with him very well I got done watching my favorite movie ever die hard when I heard a little tap on my window I tried to ignore it but the taps just became more and more frequent I peeked out of my window and saw these three black figures they were all unique in their own way one had a cigarette in its mouth one had a scarf and the last one had a baby and the last one held a baby breath flower in his right hand with one petal always on the verge of falling as the stupid scared kid I was I ran from the window and checked the time 4:00 a.m. on the dot I woke up my parents out of fear and slept on their floor by their bed as my dad investigated the window and found nothing there every night I checked after that they were always there no one believed me they just thought I was out of it I can't blame them really but I always felt so sleepy after seeing them and my body felt so peaceful whenever I didn't check on them I heard that little annoying tap tap tap on my window it scared the heck out of me every time it wasn't until I was 10 when I had a sleepover at my place despite my constant disapproval of it when my friend saw it we were playing modern warfare 2 and planned an all-nighter and I decided to test my luck with my friends and see if they could see it too at 3:30 we had a little stakeout in our back of my dad's truck we hid and told scary stories until 4:00 a.m. when I heard that's all too familiar tap tap-tap we all peeked out and there they were I still remember the smoke from the cigarette going slowly up into the air it was dead silent when the figures turned and stared at me and only me I felt it and I was so uncomfortable it felt like I was gonna faint my friend Elias being the god he is threw a rock at the figures instead of running or anything like that they just as a halt into the air needless to say I had never had a sleepover at my house again fast forward two years and after nightly encounters I was moving to a new state I was so excited and was ready to start anew and get away from what I had seen the last night at the house was unlike every other night I was able to sleep at like twelve and this was amazing to me the next morning I walked up to the outside of my window and found a cigarette butt a scrap of a scarf and a petal from a baby breast flower I took these items and never looked back fast forward to the current day the cigarette butt is buried with my smoking uncle the scarf scrap was passion - a scarf that my grandma wears every time I see her and the flower petal was with my ex-girlfriend who loves baby breath flowers unfortunately this all doesn't stop here as much as I'd like it to I live about 1,500 miles from my old home but this past week I've not been able to sleep until you guessed it 4 a.m. whenever I look out my window I see only one figure with a top hat this has been very very weird for me to write out but I figured it was time to man up and share this freaky experience and also ask what the heck do I do this happened to my mother actually and she told me about it later that night after we moved into the middle of nowhere about a year and a half ago I began researching the paranormal as sort of a hobby my family is an hour away from any nearby town and surrounded by sparse woods filled with dark pine and gnarled old oaks that give me the creeps I think this fueled my research into the paranormal as it's such an unnerving setting right outside the window I ended up stumbling across skinwalkers one day in my research and was instantly drawn to them though I'm not sure why maybe the fact that it was a tangible creature I don't know anyway about a month into my odd obsession I left at about 5:00 a.m. with my brother for the nearest town an hour away to stay with our grandparents for the night that night my mother called to tell me about an odd encounter she had had with a deer about half an hour after my brother and I had left she was home alone had just gotten out of the shower the Sun was just starting to come up so it was still relatively dark outside and she heard two short sharp knocks on the window and the two family dog started going absolutely berserk in the living room losing all of their nuts she walked out into the living room and saw stack standing on its hind legs peering into the living room window the family dogs otherwise good-natured and familiar with deer at this point were snarling their hackles raised and she said she could see the whites of their eyes when it turned and saw my mom standing there she said it blew air out of his nose fogging up the window that's how close it was and dropped down in all fours it began slowly wandering off down the driveway my mom thought she had a rare encounter with a deer and was all excited to tell me about it since we're both animal lovers but it made my blood run cold and scared me personally I feel it was well too timed to be a coincidence I've stopped my research all of it actually into anything paranormal we haven't had anything happened since but I am sure it must have been a skinwalker coming to possibly send a message to me don't meddle in things that you don't know anything about you might just end up finding what you thought you wanted to find though I've never had a paranormal experience in my life my boyfriend seems to have had enough for both of us though one of the ones that stuck with me the most was when we went camping last year at Evans National Park we had just arrived back from spending the summer in Western Canada and hadn't seen each other in a four months so we decided to spend some time together and go camping with another couple that were close friends of ours we booked the cheapest cabin at the campground for two nights and headed out the first day we spent there was pretty uneventful to give some context the park is famous for his sea caves that are carved into the rocky cliffs of the Nova Scotian shore the first day we hiked the trail that overlooked the caves or the ovens as they were called and we were able to go down into some of them that night we had a campfire but turned in early because we were nerds so we sat inside the small cabin and started playing cards my boyfriend was being a sore loser and seemed to be acting kind of strange and then the last he abruptly said he was going for a walk and left the cabin it was pretty annoyed and just let him go for a while and didn't chase after him after about a half an hour I started to get a bit anxious and called a cell this is where things started to get really weird he didn't answer at first but he called me back right away when I answered he seemed to have calmed down a bit and I asked him where he was he said he was sitting on a bench on the trail then he asked where I was this confused me a bit because I hadn't left the cabin since he left and I wasn't likely to since I'm terrified of the dark I told him this and this suddenly freaked him out and he said he was coming back to the cabin right now it was weird because he's generally pretty level-headed and hard to actually scare so after about two minutes I hear running footsteps coming to the cabin and my boyfriend comes tearing into the cabin this is what he told me he had walked out to the trails to get some fresh air and sat down on one of the benches to look at the ocean the moon was pretty brightened the night was nice so everything was illuminated pretty well then he said he heard someone walking by and he saw a really tall pale figure stop and look at him and then continued on for some reason he assumed this is me coming to look for him and that's when I called him and told him I was in the cabin he said that in retrospect it was inhumanly tall and pale and couldn't possibly be a person he was not himself with the rest of the night and didn't seem normal until lunch the next day does anybody have any ideas about what this might have been tonight was one of the scariest things I've ever witnessed and I just don't know how to explain it it's my second incidents with the same thing but this was far scarier than the first so the first incident I didn't think much about because it was last April Fool's Day when the husband and I were driving home from a friend's ranch out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of white as our lights illuminated something by the side of the road in the adjoining field it looked like a stark white naked man but he was running on his hands and feet like an animal went very fast and parallel to our car but in the opposite direction we both saw him were creeped out but it was April Fool's and we're in the middle of nowhere in rural Montana people get bored and do stupid things and like to take opportunities to spook people how wil Wheaton's get pretty crazy here to say the least so we figured it was some guy playing a prank as weird as that may be then tonight happened I went down the road to where the mailbox is for our street are it's that rural road delivery setup where you have about 20 mailboxes at the end of a long country road it's about 200 yards from our house and the moon's out so I figured I'll walk over and check the mail see if my husband picked it up or not when I get there I find a neighbor not too far from our front door heading the same way on a walk so we started talking and she accompanies me to the mailboxes I take a peek in the box and find nothing we continued chatting for a few minutes then suddenly there's a barking from several the neighborhood dogs across from us one at a time they start furiously barking and snarling a few of them even howling my neighbor mentions that there must be coyotes roaming around again happens all the time nothing to worry about then one of the dogs starts howling in pain almost screaming kind of something's not right and we look at each other thinking the same thing time to nope out of there we start walking back a bit briskly when she turns to glance over her shoulder for a few seconds and stops I turned around and I see it as well it looked like a rather skinny ish but stone white man but it was not a man honest feet in hands like an animal there was no hair that I could see the light from my phone got him in the eyes for a second and they shone for a second like a cat it was blood down the front of his jaws it all happened in like two or three seconds max it was very fast then he bolted after us and we ran my neighbor doesn't chain or fence in her dog as we're animal lovers ourselves and like having the extra protection from him wandering as well she starts yelling out the dog's name and he comes running at it from his spot between our houses he must have smelled this thing or heard it coming because he made a beeline past us growling and snarling like crazy we reach my husband's woodworking shed first so we head there and I locked the doors and windows while she called the cops all we could do was wait and hide in the shed while she told the cops to come out here her dog barking and attacking whatever the thing was after a couple of minutes she was off the phone and we were hiding behind the boxes of stuff away from the windows I don't know how long we were there before she whispered that the dog isn't barking anymore wasn't making any noise at all a few moments after that we heard crunching from outside something started scratching slow and hard against the door and part of the wall next to it I'm not too proud to admit that I peed myself a little bit and had to throw my hands over my mouth to keep from screaming she was staring at the door not moving so I know I wasn't overreacting or going hysterical for nothing seemed like forever but eventually we saw the lights from the cops coming up the long road and the scratching stopped whatever it was ran up because we heard the noise of leaves crunching hard and fast away from the door she was the brave one with the guts to peek out the window and to wave to the cops when they got close enough when they got back they we told them what we saw and we saw some kind of man or something we said but we know it wasn't a man she pointed out the direction we had gone and ran back mentioned the sounds of the dogs in the opposite neighborhood a few yards from the mailboxes she said she saw her dog come up to help and we had in the shed the cop taking our statement said that someone else had caught a few minutes before she did and said there was a wolf or something in their backyard that killed some chickens and their dog a neighbor down from her saw this thing too the other cop found my neighbor's dog laying on the ground with what looks like a deep claw wound and he was having trouble breathing as he was hoping to bundle up the dog to let the vet come and pick him up he mentioned how it looked almost like a bear attack but what we were describing definitely wasn't a bear so here I'll give a description of both what the neighbor down from the owner of the dead dog described what he saw the neighbor said it looked like a stark white naked man quite tall wearing the skin of a bear or bison brown furred and head attached blood was coming from his mouth in front of his chest were very long arms she caught him crouching over the dead dog turned on the back porch light and he stood stunned for a second before running off what we saw was a pale white man without hair naked and with long arms eyes glowed like a cat for a split second in my flash of the light it was a reddish glow it was skinny when it started running after us it wasn't awkward like a guy trying to run on his hands and feet it was like a person but not a person at off that makes any sense on his hands and feet but very much in control of his movements like an animal this isn't the first time this kind of thing has happened it's not the first time I've heard of things Montana is one of those kinds of places where many odd and unexplainable things live and happen we're mostly a mix of huge force illan Mountains and open plains lots of places where these things would be able to hide but it's the first time something odd has come after me that you I live in a small house near some woods where strange noises are pretty standard one day I was all alone with my girlfriend we were watching some movies when we heard something strange coming from the woods we quickly paused the movie to listen to the sound outside I initially didn't think too much of it at first that was until the noise continued getting louder I told my girlfriend to wait while I go look through the kitchen window unfortunately for me I couldn't see anything so I grabbed a flashlight and went outside I know that is always the wise choice right stepping out I hear a soft whisper calling for help I call out and as I do I hear the same voice again curious I continue following the sound of the voice until I saw someone laying halfway out of a tree I stepped a bit closer when I finally arrived at the source the sound I almost threw up there was what looked like to be a half-eaten deer body honestly I was terrified and is downright disgusted I looked frantically around when I see what looks like glowing eyes peering from the same exact tree that his body was at I point the light at it as I do I hear this ear piercings growl it's something that I can't even explain I was frozen in my steps because I was just so terrified until I snapped out of it and ran towards the house as I busted through the door my girlfriend looked very worried she could tell that I was freaked out just by my face I told her to turn off all the lights and to lock all the doors after we did I looked out the window one last time and saw a creature I have honestly never seen before standing and staring at me with the same glowing eyes I saw in the woods my heart was racing I I just sat there waiting with my girlfriend praying that nothing ever came of this and that this thing would just go away and leave us alone I didn't want my girlfriend and I to turn up dead or in any way like that half-eaten deer body out there I don't know thankfully it seems after much hiding and praying the strange creature or thing eventually we're back into the woods and I haven't seen it ever since then and hopefully I'll never see it again and it won't bother me anymore if anybody at all has any idea what this could have been please comment down below letting me know this happened a few years ago and I'm not friend with those mentioned in this experience anymore there are no hard feelings between any of us anymore so none of this is to hurt or affect anyone now that I have that out of the way I can begin to tell you what happened that fall night it was October 12th and my friends Michael and Caitlin and I go to check out this abandoned farm just us at a Stratford Ontario we left at around 11:00 p.m. we had to sneak out of our houses so that our parents wouldn't know that we had left or that we were out we got a ride from Kaitlyn's order brother Dalyan and he waited at the end of the driveway for us just in case we had to make a quick escape we walked up to the decently sized driveway slowly making our way up to the first barn looking it over there were some haystacks and some really old corn husk there were also some old rusty tools and some old tires but nothing that really caught her eye we soon left the area and walked out the back making our way to the house that barely stood anymore the roofs seem to have caved in in the windows were all smashed and there were a few pieces of graffiti but it was an insanely large amount we climbed through and knocked and me and door entering what we assumed to be a living room upon entry we noticed old rotting couches and chairs along with some broken and cracked flowerpots which were scattered around the room there was an old fireplace ruined and falling apart and I decided to take a look up into the chimney when I shined my flashlight up I saw two pairs of eyes before the sounds of wings flapping filled the air I was able to duck out and push myself away just in time for two decently sized bats to fly out after me before flying out one of the broken windows we laughed at this and kept on exploring the house we made it into a very old wrecked kitchen which was moldy and had Moss everywhere the air quality was so bad I had to put on one of those masks patients at hospitals who were sick have to wear I have pretty sucky lungs and didn't want to risk anything we got out of the kitchen before quickly making their way back back to the house where we reached the little sitting room there were green and blue tinted tears and flowers over growing everything the area looked like something out of a fairy tale as the light of the full moon shone in through the broken windows I looked around and on until something outside caught my attention it looked like an animal but being unsure and still curious but somewhat spooked I told Michael and Caitlin that we should check out the next Bond quickly and leave as I was getting way too late for teens of our age to be out they agreed and we made our way out of the house and over to the barn with a large silo attached to it we entered through the silo doors looking up at the huge tube of metal it was the type of cliche barn you would see in a countryside romance movie where the city girls fall in love with the country guy it was moldy but everything was intact as we entered I got a sudden cold chill down my back and I couldn't shake this feeling of eyes upon me strangely as I looked around the room I only saw Michael and Caitlin who were doing the exact same thing we decided that it was time to get out of Dodge and made the choice to take a trail from the farm back to the front driveway as we walked out we started hearing noises from the side of the barn we cautiously walked a bit further away from the sound after careful movement we finally made it to the side of the barn it felt like several minutes had passed but in reality it was probably only a few seconds we decided to walk a bit more casually now and hope that whatever it was there wouldn't attack us we walked out carefully to keep our gaze ahead of us we didn't want to look to the sound because we didn't want to tip anything off that we might have been there naturally I couldn't keep my curiosity at bay forever and I did eventually look back it was a mistake that I wish I had never made I stopped dead in my tracks at the thing limping before me he look like a deer but it's ribs and stomach were mutilated and its face was 60% skull the eyes were wide and sunken in and the color of the eyes oh god they were the most inhuman yellow I have ever seen the back legs were taller than the front it had no tail and it looked like it had been run over with a tractor I noticed that Michael and Kaitlyn had stopped and noticed it was well we all stood in silence watching the thing limp into the woods once it was out of sight we came to our senses and we booked it as far as we could to the car when we made it to Dallin we jumped in the car and screamed to slam on it we raced away from that place and never went back we never spoke about it again in a year later our friendship fell apart a couple of years ago I stumbled upon stories about skinwalkers and I'm 100% sure that's what we saw that day there isn't a thing about that deer that seemed normal it just felt so inhuman and wrong I hope I never see that thing again but I really want to go back maybe if I do I'll share my experience of what happens but I don't think it's worth my life Thank You swamp dweller for sharing my story so this isn't a long story but this is exactly what happened from my recollection so me and my friend John Steven and kilby went to play airsoft since we are lazy we decided to play it at my friend Stephens house behind his house has a huge forest we always play airsoft in his backyard the area we play airsoft in is near a big line of powerlines it has two sets of woods on either side on a hill on the edge the area is also boxed in by cow fences the area right under the power line was a perfectly flat field with no grass we started at about 4 o'clock ish we played about 3 or 4 battles until it started to get dark since we aren't easily scared we continued to play for about 30 minutes till it was pitch black I was deep in the woods and my friends were on the hill shooting at me and my friend Stephen for about 10 minutes till my friend Stephen finally got hit so it was just me and Kobe and John I got very close to the ground so they couldn't see me then I got that weird feeling in my stomach you know that feeling you get when you're being watched at first I ignored it that's when the feeling got stronger I stood up and turned around I saw what looked like a 10-foot tree man a head like a leaf like face in two bright blue eyes at first I thought man it's just a leaf with holes in it but then I realized it was dark out so I turned back around and it was somehow closer it stepped forward and it had a huge smile I then realized that I started looking at me that's when its mouth opened it was just horrible I wish I could say I charged it but I scream like a girl and ran I was screaming and trying to alert my friends my friend Kilby is a very paranoid guy so he provided cover and fire and was yelling for me to run faster we all ran and just continued running I have never run so fast in my life my friend John turned around and unloaded his gun and screamed we finally made it to Steven's house we booked it into his house and locked all the doors as we were in the house we started hearing tapping and banging on the windows and doors we shut off the lights and barricaded the doors we played in the dark for about 45 minutes the noise stopped we waited for another hour a painstaking horrifyingly long hour I swore it I had been there for days then we heard a knock at the door we stayed quiet then the phone rang it was my dad I picked it up and he said son would you please open the door I went downstairs and open the door sure enough it was my father I pulled him inside and closed the door and he looked at me and said it's time to go I grabbed my things and ran out the door and hopped into the car my friends and I kept in contact the entire time my house is far enough away so I drove home during this time my phone died when I got home I charged my phone I had a total of 90 messages as I looked through them my phone John was panicking about how the banging was back and there was a voice like mine outside he was texting me saying you better not be messing with us I called him and he sounded remarkably calm he said to me why are you outside and I responded that I'm at home I sent him a picture his voice grew shaky he was very perplexed on who was outside his window then I told them to call the cops and hopefully they would be able to figure something out you know I know this seems silly but it had me terrified a few years ago I had a job as a loader operator I've had some weird experiences but nothing like the one I'm about to tell it was a summer night and my shift was about to end when I heard this what I can only describe his screaming I thought it was coming from the engine so I stepped out of the cab and I could hear it again but this time I could tell it was not the loader to my horror he was coming from the treeline now it was about 8:45 so the Sun was about to set and I'm left with no light but the LEDs on my loader through the glare of my light I could see two eyes staring at me dead in the soul so I do the only logical thing in my mind I jump in the cab and lock the door I move the loader over by my truck so I can get the heck out of there but to my horror I see this doglike creature trying to climb the ladder to my cab by doglike creature I mean it looked like some freakish wolf person thing that is the only way I can describe it it gets even creepier though just I get to the loader it started back up this thing was standing on the platform it let out this blood-curdling screech I decided to fight back I shoved the door open pushing the thing off the platform onto the pavement as I did this I yelled but to my surprise I heard it yell back as if it said something I just kept repeating my curse words in my voice as it was laying on the ground as it did this I must have turned my fear into rage because I grabbed the controls and shoved the bucket onto the screaming thing crushing it I backed the loader up and called the cops I waited safely in a loader until I saw lights only then did I feel safe to our surprise we found nobody and no bones and no body there was nothing except for some blood lots of little chunks of fur all over the ground in my bucket I ended up getting my heavy equipment license taken away until this day four years later I have never set foot in that site ever again and I never plan to thanks for listening to these creepy allegedly true cryptid stories these monsters definitely are things I would never want to meet when I'm out hiking or camping if you enjoyed these stories please be sure to hit that like button as it helps me out a ton if you're new to the swamp why not subscribe and turn on notifications to never miss a new video I upload them almost every single day and all things natural and supernatural if you have a story you would like to share in a future video whether it be an experience with a cryptid or something different be sure to submit your story as swamp dwellers nets or the email you can find in the description down below it would be my honor to share your story with everyone here in the swamp stories like yours the help this channel keep going if you aren't aware you can download your favorite swamp dwellers scary stories on iTunes Spotify stitcher radio and pretty much every other major podcasting platform out there I know some people don't have YouTube premium and this is a good way to be able to bring your favorite stories anywhere you like now I know I say this almost every video and it's time for the code word if you made it to the very end of this video be sure to comment brown leaf to confuse everybody who didn't and it also just shows me how many of you guys listen to the end I'll see you guys soon with another creepy video
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 390,394
Rating: 4.6887183 out of 5
Keywords: Cryptid Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration, Podcast, Unexplained Stories, Skinwalker Stories, Wendigo Stories
Id: 8H8uFi3sux8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 34sec (10474 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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