I'm A Park Security Member And There Are Some Things You Should Know | Creepypasta *COMPLETE SERIES*

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I don't talk much about my job and even with friends and family I find myself not really knowing what to say because sometimes there are things not that everyone can understand and this is why I came here I'm pretty sure most of you will and I thought you could also be interested in learning more about the place in which I work you see I'm a park enforcement patrol member basically what I do is making sure along with my colleagues at the Park Assist safe and welcome in place to all visitors and we also make sure that they follow our regulations however not all of our regulations appear on our website this is for security reasons so we must instruct visitors as soon as they arrive about our extra list of rules our Park is a very nice place actually and there are amazing sights and landscapes to look at but this doesn't mean there are no dangers as much as any other place in the world there will always be some so this is the reason why you must be careful if you ever decide to come and visit us I am not comfortable with revealing either my real name or the exact location of the park but I promise I'll do my best to give you as many details as possible about the strange events that happen here you see our Park is a very regular place in fact our staff members and the visitors are not the only ones roaming here for that reason we also provide group tours to increase the safety level because sometimes the rules are not enough you know some people just won't listen they'll laugh about it think of it as a joke and then get in trouble only problem is that in most cases we find them when it's way too late to give a hand I'll star from our very first rule 1 avoid the dogs if they come at you do not pet them and continue walking just ignore them they can't touch you if you don't touch them first seems weird right what dogs are even talking about you may ask now you must know that we don't allow any pets into the park to keep it clean and this should act as a warning already this in fact means they are not real dogs my first encounter with one of them was unpleasant I was still a newbie so I wasn't alone luckily enough otherwise I don't think I'd still be here to tell you my stories me my colleague will call him Tom we're patrolling through an area that wasn't much popular among the visitors probably because there is always a nasty smell in the air like of rotting eggs when I asked Tom that had much more experience than me about it he said they tried many times searching for the source without finding anything really concrete we were walking down a pretty narrow path when all of a sudden a dog came out of the bushes it looked kind of old and the fur was dark as coal and covered with dirt then it started approaching us wagging the tail and I tried moving towards it because I thought it was lost but I felt an arm blocking me and when I noticed I turned my face to the left I realized it was Tom a scared expression plaster on his face don't move don't touch him I was confused I looked at the dog again and then it looked back at me I felt my heart jump there was something unnatural in the eyes something that I can't quite come to explain I can only say that at that moment something felt extremely wrong with it yet the thing that looked like a dog didn't come too near us and simply stood there wagging its tail and looking at us waiting then I understood why tom told me not to touch it the thing couldn't touch us unless we touched it first I stepped back in a soda Tom a few seconds passed but it seemed like we had been standing there for minutes the dog then growled and disappeared into the bushes leaving me and Tom finally alone this was my first encounter with one of these quote-unquote dogs but not the last I've met them many times and yet I've never managed to understand what they truly are what I know however is that you must never touch them how is it possible that our staff is aware about this the following story was told to us the new recruits after we found out about their existence many of us didn't really understand the situation so they started explaining where this rule came from once one of the members of the old task the park has been open since 2017 now decided it was a good idea to pet one of them when he did he wasn't alone there was another colleague with him and they saw everything we usually don't go patrolling alone but rather in couples or groups back to the story that colleague saw the dog suddenly standing up on two legs and getting taller and skinnier and then it devoured the man that touched it swallowed him whole leaving the other poor guy in a pure state of shock and terror when they found him he was still shaking and he was as pale as a ghost that is the end of the story when they finished telling us the incidents I saw the other recruits sharing a worried look on their faces but how could I blame them after all still the dogs are not even the worst part inhabiting the land sometimes humans are way more dangerous than the monsters we picture but we don't know whether this is human or not that is our second rule - on the evenings you might encounter a man with a screaming mask if you see him run as fast as you can do not let him get close the park closes at 8:00 p.m. so this means that you may encounter him from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. during these hours it is suggested to pay attention and do not isolate yourself I was pretty disturbed by this one the first time I read it and I still am most patrollers didn't meet him thank God but some of us did and unfortunately as you might have guessed I am one of those hurt I just blessed as mentioned before we usually go in couples or groups but one day I insisted to go patrolling alone one last time before the closing and weird enough I was actually granted the permission I was walking through a very common area which is a small clearing where families and couples usually have picnics the wind was howling through the trees and the sky was painted in orange and red I kind of zoomed out for a second closing my eyes to the peaceful sounds of the nature the chirping of the birds the wind and the cracking of the twigs I opened them back quickly it sounded like something heavy broke the twigs I stood there trying to understand where the sound was coming from a sound of a footstep careful footsteps then someone came out of the tree line it was a man he was very tall and she was wearing all black from head to toe a long coat with a hood in big leather boots he also had on a mask of what looked like a scream a white long face with empty black holes where the mouth and I should have been what a large me the most yet were his hands stained in red he was also holding what seemed like a hunting knife and a dark red liquid was dripping from both I didn't scream I just ran as fast as possible I could hear him getting closer and closer but I wasn't going to give up the bass was near I just needed to resist a little longer and then I would be safe at one point while I was running I didn't hear him anymore so I turned he was standing there half hidden by tree observing me I looked behind there were other patrollers there when I looked again at the tree he was gone I ran to my colleagues and explained everything that happened when they took me back to the base my boss was mad of course but decided not to fire me because I was a good recruit after all and said I should use this as a learning experience never go alone patrolling and in fact I never dared to do it again add to this they told me that this person was suspected for the disappearances of some of the visitors during the years well actually it wasn't a total disappearance because they had found all the bodies when someone goes missing into the park well our squads and the police department go to the same spots an old Crooked Tree where the bodies are hanged all bloody and with all black trash bags on their heads we know he's the one that killed them because well obvious reasons those who saw him and managed to escape all claimed his hands were stained in red and as the liquid was from his knife and it was fresh we have no idea why but we and the police never managed to catch him it's like he disappears and if you're wondering how many people usually go missing into our park well it's a pretty good number actually around five to six a month I would say we tell the relatives that they just disappeared or that they died in some sort of accident because the police they don't really want to create a panic since the killer is nowhere to be found and there are too many bodied and zero traces and clues so yeah I do not suggest that you go alone at any time in the park but you should just not go alone in general no matter if it's during the daytime or not for today I think this is all that I will share I'm very tired and with a horrible headache so I'll just head to bed I will talk to you guys soon and share some more of the rules I truly hope that you enjoyed my stories for the day it's me again and today I'll share with you some more facts about the park I'll try to update as much as possible but I can't promise to post every day because my job here keeps me busy I'll try my best not to disappear still also I'm sorry for the small spelling mistakes in the title of the previous blog my keyboard just goes nuts sometimes and sorry for the eventual grammar mistakes too English is not my first language guys this should give you an extra clue about the location of the park if you remember last time we were talking about why it is recommended not going alone either during the daytime or the evening I will start with our third rule now three while walking you might suddenly feel a bit dizzy if you do make sure not to sit down under a tree you can sit where you want but not under trees what's with the trees right well actually we have no idea we had many visitors claiming to feel like this at one point while walking a moe so then were alone when this happened so this is why we suggest you are not alone also those of them who decided to sit under a tree in that very moment were found to sleep but they wouldn't wake up for some reason they were all taken to the hospital but when arrived they all had apparently fallen into a coma again I honestly believe this is much worse than dogs or even the screaming man that's how we named the dude now because we never managed to explain this phenomenon we know that the dogs are not real dogs and that the man may not also be a human but yet this thing scares us more because we have little or no control at all over it we can as usual just hope our visitors will listen to our advice so yes if you don't go alone there's no possibility of this phenomenon you might also wonder how we remain so calm knowing how many people actually die or disappear here because yes some people do disappear to never to be found again no matter how many times we try or where we search well truth is we try not to show it and to be cold I know it's not really nice but it's the only way to do this job we need to move on and to think about ensuring the visitors safety because even if we feel bad it's our job to make sure that they don't and we often have to make sure that they follow the rules this however was just one of the many examples I could do about the situation another interesting rule that just shows how dangerous wandering alone through our park is is the following for if you suddenly hear a voice calling your name but you came alone absolutely do not turn around continue walking but whatever you do you must not for any reason look behind you me in my other colleague Jessica were patrolling together one of my ex favorite areas where there is a small waterfall the view is amazing and surprisingly not many visitors go there so it's always peaceful I said X favorite area because what happened next convinced me to never return to that area ever again I love my job but sometimes I wonder if I should leave it there are some places that I've always refused to go to patrolling unless we are in a big squad the more people the better the higher the number of people in the group the less unpleasant things happen you know what I mean at this point we were talking about something that I can't quite remember maybe it was Fitness but still we kept our eyes open we are many things about the place from the oldest Rangers so we really didn't want to mess up they told us many stories about the voice yet we never heard anything going there or at least not until that day this was the first and last time I have ever heard the voice it came like something in the wind clear yet distant it called my name we froze Jessica looked at me and I remember the warning so I didn't turn around the urge to do so was strong still so she had to hold my hand to comfort me and prevent me from doing something that I might have regretted then I heard it again the voice continued calling me so in the meanwhile I listened more carefully concentrating on its sound it just sounded so wrong it sounded imitated I simply knew it I knew this thing was trying to mimic a human being but why why was it doing that me and Jessica started walking faster in the direction we were facing without ever looking back but I swear that night I still heard the thing calling me while I was in my bed before falling asleep so yeah I never went to the waterfall again now we don't specify on our special rules list where those phenomena take place because it would probably scare the visitors but we still try our best to make sure they go out there safe now I also feel like you would be interested in knowing other details about the park especially about others of the special visitors with the term special visitors we refer about those who look like human but probably aren't and often appear in our park they usually ask specific locations and this allows us to easily understand most of their patterns however we do not dare under estimating them I already mentioned one in my previous blog the screaming man but there are others like him that may just be as dangerous so here I'll share with you another rule 5 you may encounter a man dressed in a tan jacket with a fedora and sunglasses who is sitting on a brick wall if you see him do not engage him in conversation however if he asked you for your name lie do not tell him your real name if then he asks you for your deepest desire you shall not lie because he will know but if you lied about your name he won't be able to harm you I thankfully never encountered the man in the tan jacket but I have witnessed another Park security member who did this is one of our best Rangers we'll call him Mike so we were all pretty anxious to know what happened now this is an old one but since you never heard about it I think it's gonna be fine Mike was patrolling an area that wasn't too far away from the main trails he wasn't too far but he wasn't too close and he said that he was starting to feel a bit tired so we sat down on a brick wall we do have some brick walls in the parks and even though it's not really my cup of tea I admit they are useful to sit down on if there are no benches available Mike was just taking a little break when he heard someone sitting next to him and when he looked up he opened his mouth and surprised there was a man but there was something weird about him he was very tall and kind of heavy built but not fat and he was wearing a tan jacket Fedora dark clothes and black gloves he also had of gray scarf and sunglasses on the weird thing though is that they were in the middle of the summer so it didn't always make sense why should someone wear such a tire with the heat even I as someone who is always cold wouldn't dare wear that during his summertime it just didn't make sense plus he never heard this guy coming he swore on his own soul that he didn't hear anyone walking and that a few seconds before no one was there he told us that the man stared in his direction like he was waiting for something but Mike creeped out stood up and ran away this is where his tale takes a sinister turn he was heading back to his car that was in our parking lot that evening after a late shift but when he took the car keys he felt like he was being watched many people say that you will know if someone is observing you and I believe this is true because it's like your body is giving you a warning much like a survival instinct it was already dark again we close at 8:00 p.m. so he couldn't really see much because we don't have many street lamps into the natural place and we try as much as possible not to ruin the earth paradise facade he tried squeezing his eyes and when they adjusted to the penumbra he saw him the man in the tan jacket was standing just a few meters away watching he immediately got into his car and left but what happened during the next few days made him almost give up his job entirely he claimed that the man started following everywhere daily he would spot him outside his flat looking at his windows or when he was patrolling in the park even when he was just going grocery shopping at the mall the man in the tan jacket always stood there emotionless staring right at him through the crowd luckily enough one day all the tan jacket man stalking activity ceased we don't know if he gave up or simply got bored by it but what scared us most anyways that there was no way the strange man could have known where mic lifts maybe he tracked him or something like that this is still a mystery but maybe this is not even the scarier part about this special visitor you see before telling you Mike story I mentioned the special visitors not being human or at least that is what us the staff believed because of something else he does to be fully honest with you guys I encountered only a few of them and I'm very glad about it so most of my stories regarding them will be from my fellow friends that happen to visit the park and obviously never returned here again and obviously my colleagues after Mike's stories we all agreed that it was better not to irritate this man so we started whenever we saw him approaching us carrying on conversations with the subject he was surprisingly you know nice about and he was really well-mannered other Rangers say and they had great talks with him however the time for them to go kind of came the man would always ask for what they desired the most bizarre question right those who told him along with their real name started experiencing unpleasant events in their lives things would start going horribly wrong and based on their final answer it became a nightmare full of pain but don't think those who lied were safe it has been proved that those who lie about their name and not about the last question are safe while if you lie about the last question he will get mad and you will start bleeding profusely and without apparent reason problem is a few people died here because of that and those are the things you can't easily forget you can't forget about people dying and facing horrible endings getting hurt and disappearing we forced a smile on our face and keep patrolling because we need money for food and to pay bills but the truth is we all really want to give up deep down this place is just wrong also I believe the man in the tan jacket can't hurt you if you don't tell him your true name because based on legends knowing someone or something's true name gives you power over them do you think this is true I would like to know of your thoughts about the whole situation and I'm very happy that you guys are appreciating the things I had to share I can't really talk about them with my family so knowing that someone out there is interested about what I have to say and actually believes me is a relief at least I'm not in this madness alone by the way some of you mentioned that the rotting egg smell in the area could be like some sort of demonic activity but to be honest I'm not really sure about it I tried asking other Rangers but they have no idea I also tried with my boss and again I received the same answer I'll see if I can go back there and find something because I'm not because I'm stupid I guess but I just need answers I promise I'll be careful and the next update I'll tell you more about some of the other visitors too and about a few more phenomena if I get the chance in the meantime make sure you are safe and that you don't go on adventures without knowing enough certain places well guys I always try to keep my promises so I went back to that trail again and gave a better look around but before we head into the story I would like to say that I'm astonished I got such positive feedback it makes me so happy to hear that there are people out there who appreciate my effort in collecting and telling these events and that can actually understand again your support means a lot and I will never say thank you enough as I was saying before I inspected that area but didn't find much apart from the dogs though this time they kind of stared at me it's not that they don't stare you usually it's just that there was something in the way they were looking at me that screamed what are you doing but it looked more like a warning I don't know how to explain it I just felt that there was some sort of message so I quickly went back to a trolling and minding my own business again I tried asking other Rangers but no one really had any answers to give me I also got a few messages regarding the dogs and no they don't stick to that area only you could meet them wherever in the park just remember not to touch them for any reason and if you have children keep your eyes on them at all time especially if you see the dogs approaching you because come on all kids are like going to pet animals and for God's sake if they need to go pee follow them and wait outside the toilets now this may seem a bit too excessive but you have no idea how many people go missing here I told you the number of victims of the screaming man but this doesn't mean that there aren't other people who died here for other reasons or go missing in fact the number is always increasing so we must always be on alert I don't know why they haven't closed everything already so that nobody can't get hurt it seems like there's a reason behind them wanting to keep it open to the public something here I'm telling you feels wrong and the police department knows but it won't do a thing it's like they both have some kind of deal of silence something happens to people everyone keeps their mouth shut so that it's always a tragic accident no questions from newspapers or others no need to close the park or admitting that they don't know how to do their job properly angers me however I'm the only one of the many Rangers that are even trying to find answers and all I can do is keep trying to keep visitors say because I'm just a normal person behind this blog not some sort of heroine and I do need to survive somehow it's not easy to find a job in my country so I must resist so again make sure your children are always with you do not leave them alone we keep saying this to people but a lot will listen so we often find ourselves searching for their children without finding anything most of the time and when sometimes we do find them it's already too late they're dead it breaks my heart to know how many poor children's faces meet terrible ends here but I have to pretend that I don't I don't care you know I know it sounds heartless but trust me I've seen things that will stick forever in my mind so it's best that I just cope with it this way and avoid thinking too much about it I took part in a lot of search-and-rescue operations so I have some experience especially when it comes to finding dead bodies and stuff like that I guess I'm going to share another rule 6 always stay close to your children if you happen to spot a small pale boy dressed with the blue sweater and barefoot do not let your kids get close to him it seems like the things that inhabit this park particularly enjoy to hurt children for some reason this special visitor though preys on kids only which simply makes it more dangerous in my opinion it shows itself with the appearance of a small pale fragile eight-year-old boy and this allows it to lure them away easier it has some recognizable features such as brown shore hair a blue sweater and having no shoes I've never seen him to be honest but once a guy I was working with a poor scaredy-cat newbie I'm pretty sure he'll be leaving soon since you need guts for this job told me that he saw this boy standing there and looking at some children who were running around a pretty popular area one of the most frequented by the families for taking pictures and such my colleague thought he was a kid who got lost so he approached him but when he turned he meant blank and white dusty eyes so he ran away in terror this special visitor is allegedly responsible one for many kids disappearances and presumably their death it has been going for a long time apparently it's been seen going up to kids taking their hand and leading them toward the woodland I remember a case in particular which still haunts me still have nightmares about it too we had a seven year old girl disappearing one afternoon her mother said they were at the playground area yes we have that too and that at one point she lost sight of her because she was sitting on a bench and it was full of children when she spotted her again she was walking hand-in-hand with another kid a shoeless boy shrieked towards the woods she tried to run and call her name screaming to come back but it was like her daughter couldn't hear anything and then she disappeared among the trees with the other kid when we went looking for her we didn't think we would find her still alive and in fact we were right she was found impaled on a long sharp broken tree trunk and was next to the waterfall that she fell from the roof and then got impaled it was such a McCobb sight that I had to turn my head blood was everywhere her expression was a pure pain and mixed with fear some of us vomited but how can I blame them I don't really blame her mother either because I can only imagine how painful it must be to lose your kid we just couldn't tell her the hideous truth so we said there was no trace of her I felt so bad and so guilty that day that when I went home I cried we gave her false hopes and this was one of the cruelest things you could ever do to a mother I won't go on talking about this whole thing because it still makes me tear up so Oh answer to some questions I got in my private messages the dogs all look alike and they are all very similar to black giant schnauzers while the voice can only be heard on that particular path sorry for the confusion again would you not specify where phenomena happens to avoid scaring the visitors today by the way one of my colleagues told me to call him and so I did at first I was surprised about it because it's not like we talk much at work not even when we happened to work together his name is David and he is one of the oldest among our ranks which equals to a lot of experience in our field a few hours after I went home I heard my phone ring and I picked it up it was him obviously and I was anxious to find out what made him call it's not like I'm bad at my job but I'm not one in the highest position you know so I didn't quite understand where his interest came from then he asked me about the blog and my heart jumped how did he find out was I going to be fired I mean I still love my job because I like keeping people safe and because I also feel attracted to the unknown and I didn't want to go apply for anything else I started blurting out questions but he managed to calm me down he told me I wasn't going to lose anything instead David wanted to help me out he said he could tell me more about the part because he has been participating in a lot of search and rescue operations and also because thanks to being a long time ranger he has seen so many weird things and some scary things on top of that when I asked David how he found out about the blog I was surprised because he told me he was actually trying to see if someone else had similar experiences but he said he was glad about me sharing those stories because people need to know what truly happens in the world and what dangers are actually out there we talked for a while about the most random stuff you know the usual then when we started talking about our jobs again his tone changed listen I read that you were intrigued by the man with the tan jacket I know that it may be the one among the special visitors that sparks the more interests however you should not think too much about it you end up calling his attention David said and a yet calm but shaky voice if that makes sense at that point I asked him what he meant and he just answered with something vague I know it doesn't look too dangerous but trust me it is the man in the tan jacket knows everything just avoid thinking too much about her then we ended up discussing about other topics and after a few we decided the end the call he told me before hanging up to be careful and I promised that I would what could ever go wrong I'm just another park ranger but I swear I swear on God that while heading towards the window to close it I caught with my eye some yellow glimpse I'm sorry I won't be sharing other stuff today so I truly hope this is enough for now I'll be back soon do not worry there are still may things you don't know about the park I'm very tired today but I still have a bit of strength that I will use to write down another update I've had a lot of nightmares yesterday which didn't make my sleep enjoyable plus today we had to deal with another missing child and even though we were lucky enough to find him before it was too late it has been tiring we had to run all around to make sure not to lose him or lose track we found him sitting on the grass in an isolated area crying and when one of my colleagues asked him what happened he simply answered the man with the long neck wanted me to jump off the cliff to play but I didn't want to I didn't want to play he got very angry and yelled loudly that truly disturbed me because I knew exactly who he was talking about here let me share our next rule seven if your kids start seeing a man with a long neck you get out of the park immediately do not leave your child alone this is another special visitor that seems to prey on children only and weirdly enough only those can see it we believe it's one of the main responsibilities for children deaths here and those we rescue from it claim it wanted to play we don't know much about it but we know from what those kids have told us that it is taller than an average human it has an extremely long neck that is always smiling with its mouth if this story makes any sense honestly it's really hard to follow now it's already scary working here but knowing there's a special visitor that you can't see is another story you become paranoid always looking around when you hear any little noise but what could be even worse than a visitor you can't see you may ask well two visitors that you can't see apparently yes you heard right it is not the only invisible here so here comes rule number eight eight do not stay in the park after closing time if you do or you remain stuck for some reason hide immediately do not come out from your hiding spot until daylight when you will be able to ask for help and do not make any noise sounds bad doesn't it well you wouldn't be wrong actually it is by far the worst scenario you can find yourself in it happened once in the park a fairy unlucky guy got lost because he took a wrong trail and as a result didn't make it to the exit of the park at closing time we don't know how he survived that night but I think that if God exists for real he may have helped him after realizing he was stuck he told us he tried searching for somewhere to pass the night so we entered the toilets the only place we never lock and while hiding he heard some unusual sounding footsteps coming from just outside he went out thinking it may have been someone of the staff but I didn't see a soul and yet the sound was still near and hear a ball but when he tried to ask if someone was there he heard it coming closer and louder he got creeped out so he went back in the shack locking himself in one of the toilets and waiting for the Sun to rise we found him trembling I still remember his pale face and a shaking voice he continued repeating like an aleut it was there but it wasn't there it was there it wasn't there also someone shared an interesting theory about why they hadn't closed the park yet what if somehow it acts as a way to prevent things inside from getting out I actually believe this is a pretty good one though I'm not sure obviously the high ranks do not share information easily and it's already crazy that no one has caught me here one of my colleagues commented on my recent blog I could ask Kate the owner about some special visitors too but again I don't really want to risk my job or something like that or even have to close down this blog which is my only way of coping with all of this nonsense honestly you guys and your support means a lot to me makes my job a little easier and less stressful also my dear colleague please make sure not to use your real name for privacy reasons and be careful not getting caught I hope I can count on you I noticed that a lot of you got interested in the man in the tan jacket too and I promise to tell you more about him if something new happens I feel particularly generous today so I will share some more stuff rule 9 9 there is a bridge made of stones that crosses the river however you shall not for any reason step on it it's not only a bridge as you may believe we didn't build it and it was there even before the park opened no one knows when or why it was built we do know though rather that's not safe many people previously reported that their friends or relatives and that very moment stepped on the bridge and disappeared like they were never there honestly the bridge is almost alluring I know it sounds weird but believe me when I say it's like it's calling you to cross it it is tempting and a lot of times I had to fight my self on this urge I could see the other Rangers doing it too you can't help but think about stepping on it of course we wrote that rule after the many incidents but there's a question that haunts me why haven't we put up any barrier around to increase like security level why is it still just open you see something is wrong here I would dare to say is almost like they want people to come here to just enjoy their time and maybe get hurt I hope you liked this update and I'm sorry if it's shorter than you know the previous ones but I'm too tired and I feel dizzy right now stay safe and make sure to tell me your thoughts and ask questions about the park if you wish to before we start I would like to say that I'm sorry for the misunderstanding in the previous blog Kate is such a common name especially where I come from so again I'm truly sorry for causing these misunderstandings anyway you of course will remember about David in dark Hall well since then I haven't seen or heard from him I'm starting to worry quite a bit honestly he has never missed a day of work and when I asked around no one has either heard from him or seen from him when we get sick we usually call the center to inform of our absence so it's weird especially from him since he takes his job very seriously and yes before you ask I tried texting him but I got in a response still I hope he's alright and that nothing too bad happened back to the topic of the park today I talked with one of my dearest friends Maryanne she doesn't work as a ranger but she has seen and experienced some strange stuff here so I asked her if I could add some of her stories to I'm glad she granted me the permission to make everything easier my memory is not the best I recorded her testimonies Wow we were walking so that I would be able to write everything down it's not that I don't like coming here but at the same time I prefer to avoid making this a habit you know there are things that you'll never be able to get off your mind and it's not healthy to constantly think about them it's easier to forget as they say well I came here one day to jog a bit and as I always do I was wearing my headphones to make the working out more pleasant so I couldn't hear a thing I like blasting the music as loud as possible but at one point I don't know why but I started feeling like someone was watching me and so I took them off but not seeing anyone around I put them back on I continued on my way looking back from time to time just to assure myself that no one was stalking me but then I saw something in between the trees it was the silhouette of a deer but it didn't seem like a normal deer it was very pale and it seemed it seemed too tall I didn't want to get closer so I ran speeding out of there I still don't know for sure what I saw that day but I can tell you it didn't look like a normal deer this is the end of her first story I'll share one more even though the next one is short I had to choose between other ones but I feel like these were the most interesting because we don't have deer as local fauna here and because the next one is about a topic we'll cover probably later on with this update you know a small lake under the waterfall right well I decided to go there one day because I wanted to take some pictures to add to my photographic album and so I did and when I got there I took some cool pictures and then I went home I usually edit the pictures and had more light and fix stuff and when it came to increase the brightness I saw something in the water there were two black spots that seemed like like eyes I looked at it over and over again but I couldn't think of anything else there were definitely eyes cruel and soulless a horrible sense of uncomfortableness rose up in my spine so I decided it was better to delete them it's not hard to imagine that I never went back to take pictures at that Park this is why we have a rule for the lake to rule ten there's a small lake under the waterfall avoid bathing there or getting too near the water we don't know what's under the surface but we prefer to be careful because apparently someone almost lost their leg there a guy that was around 19 years old came here with a group of friends but you know how kids are today they probably challenged each other at doing something stupid or to go against the rules this is when the guy got near to the lake he got grabbed by something and screamed in pain and only with their help was he able to not be dragged under the water when he pulled up his leg he almost fainted it was badly injured and you could see the flesh torn it was like something had bitten him I'm pretty sure he considered himself lucky that day because otherwise he would have definitely been the lunch of whatever lives in the depths of that place talking about stuff we still don't know much about there is a certain trail that we absolutely had to block because of how dangerous it is to walk there we call this place rock fall danger so it is truly not a problem but now before that it was one of the most risky parts of the park for the visitors people would report not knowing anymore where they are going and would seemingly be lost they wouldn't know what they were doing some would even claim feeling like they were being guided towards another path that would usually end up with a cliff we obviously have a rule for that too just to remind everyone that it is not a good idea going there 11 do not take path north 23 for any reason if you happen to be nearby walk away as fast as possible so you see it's never safe enough we try our best somehow someone always seemingly gets hurt someone always dies or goes missing it's how it's always been and how it will always be even if we do not like it I'm tired of worrying so much to be honest I'm tired but what should I do give up helping people it's not easy you see you guys are the only ones who I can talk to about this because my parents and my real life friends simply wouldn't understand or maybe they just don't want to maybe they don't want to imagine the possibility of unnatural things existing in our very world and maybe that's fine maybe I'm ok with that I guess I get it life is already hard enough so obviously there's no need to drag them into more stuff getting back into our conversation once again I would like to share with you something I saw with my own eyes during a search-and-rescue operation a woman disappeared during lunchtime the husband said that she had went to the toilets but after a while he started worrying because she hadn't come back yet and when he went checking with her kids she wasn't there after that he proceeded calling us because he had nowhere to look and he had to look after his daughters he couldn't just go searching with them we found her the day after her corpse scattered between some bushes and missing both honors the eyes open in a state of shock probably because of what she saw before dying I said scattered because there were pieces of her flesh all around a bloody mess no one vomited because you need a strong stomach for this job position so we get used to it however when it came to tell the man we didn't find anything it broke my heart because I saw him almost crying which made me kind of uncomfortable because well you must admit you would never imagine seeing a grown man crying god only knows what he could have been thinking back then maybe he thought his wife ran away or maybe she was abducted or something god knows what he was thinking what I do know though is that this is cruel it's cruel to lie to those poor people about their relatives or friends but for some reason to the higher ranks in the police lying about deaths even if even if they are terrible seems better than leaving people tormenting and doubting themselves and obsessing over what they could or could not have done I don't get it sometimes it's better it's a harsh truth more than a lie well this was not even the first time someone died in that way here though there were other similar deaths before and after what we still don't know what kind of special visitor could have done it even though a reddish feminine creature with our arms has spin sometimes spotted by some Rangers usually they spot this unusual visitor around lunchtime I believe you know what I mean but that's just a theory we don't even have a rule for that because of how unsure we are about that situation to stay in the topic of special visitors I think you might be interested in hearing the next rule we have 12 every day in the afternoon there's an old woman sitting on a bench that feeds the birds do not sit with her or talk to her if she asked you a question pretend you have to make a call where you are listening to music and most importantly do not scare the birds away the special visitor looks like a harmless woman but is not an ex park ranger was taken by curiosity and decided to try talking to her very very bad move the thing opened its mouth and a huge tongue came out from it revealing very long and sharp teeth how he survived another colleague that was patrolling nearby was courageous enough to start throwing things at this whatever this thing was he got a heavy rock and eventually it made it run away it ran into the woodland apparently never to be seen again needless to say that is how the first man became an ex Ranger I told you you must have guts to work here but more than anything brain he was just lucky about the birds as well they are normal birds but it seems like they're somehow controlled by that creature a little bully once tried scaring them away and the creature decided to make them chase after him so yeah I guess that's how we know it also I got some news in regards to search and rescue operations we find people usually dead when we either find them in a few hours or days or sometimes even a few weeks the park is not so big such as other parks but it's still big enough to cause troubles during those operations when we don't find them dead they're often very badly hurt or in a state of shock in visible confusion while in the opposite case deaths never seem incidental someone asked me why I chose my job and again the main reason is that I want to save people I would have liked some other security jobs too maybe like a bodyguard but I'm just too tiny and I'm not strong enough anymore due to medical conditions so I opted for a park ranger I used to like nature but now now it just makes me uncomfortable because of the things that I now know are lurking out there yeah I think that's all I'm gonna share for today I'll ask around for more stories to tell you try carrying with me as someone suggested some salt I heard evil beings don't like it and you're probably right it could work so thank you for comprehending sorry again for any misunderstandings stay safe I need to give a sense to things that occurred yesterday and don't know how to feel right now David's sister went to his apartment just to check in on him and she found him dead he was on the floor eyes wide open and shocked and blood splattered everywhere the point is from what I heard that he had bled to death for no apparent reason there were no cuts nothing and that his expression was a pure fear like he had saw something so terrifying that made him fall onto the ground David didn't have any health issues so if you recall my past post well you probably don't know what it means you probably know who or should I say what did this to him in fact I've met it as if nothing more could go wrong I was doing my job patrolling another isolated trail and trying to get over David's death when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder so naturally I turned and concern only to meet face to face with the man in the tan jacket I couldn't see obviously under his scarf but I swear that somehow I knew he was smiling I know I said I wouldn't go patrolling alone anymore but sometimes we need time alone sometimes we are just too tired or nervous to have anyone around so they'll allow it still they give us walkie-talkies though again we are human so it can happen that we go alone even though it is not suggested it's not that things are less dangerous winning couples though because bad stuff can happen anyway it simply kind of helps I mean groups are good because it is very rare that stuff happens in those cases yet but it's not impossible I'm sorry too my dear I didn't mean to frighten you have we met before you do look familiar he said in a surprisingly cheerful and warm voice I expected it to be creepy but it wasn't yet I had the feeling that there was something odd you know when something just doesn't feel right he then took my hand and kissed it like a gentleman would did oh I stared at him blankly not processing yet what was happening one thing is hearing about the special visitors or spotting them another thing is having face-to-face encounters would you like to sit perhaps he walked quite a lot I assumed he asked me gesturing towards one of the brick walls yes thank you I answered confused what what did he mean I'd never seen him unless that evening when David called me I saw a yellowish glimpse outside the window and I saw those often this past few days but really didn't pay attention to it I thought it was temporary my caused by me just being very tired but I guess I was wrong I then looked at the spa and went sitting with him was he trying to mock me I'm pretty sure he was because he didn't think I would have come to this conclusion so quickly but I said nothing he asked for my name and as you imagine I lied we then carried on a conversation about the beauty of nature my studies and such but even though it didn't seem too bad talking with him deep down I knew something was very wrong maybe he was trying to make me let my guard down who knows luckily I'm not that type of person you can trick easily and I'm very good at reading people too I believe he or it acts like Psychopaths would do creating a false image of kindness in reliability to gain your trust while preparing to stab you I have no idea for how long we talked it was probably roughly an hour or so but when the time came for me to go I was asked one last question before you go dear tell me what is it you seek what do you truly desire I stare to his sunglasses no you couldn't make out any features of his face apart from the ears and though I thought about it for a moment I was pondering the possibilities what I answered was I don't know and he just looked at me like you would do if somebody said something weird but it was the truth I don't know what I want I'm always confused so there's no real answer to that the man and the tan jacket let me go and waved at me see you soon dear next time I'm sure you will so that was my encounter with him and I honestly believe it won't be the last now let's just change the subject I think you might like some of the story some of my colleagues sent me by message so that I could easily share them with you the first story was submitted by Ashley it happened a few years ago me and a team of colleagues were taking part in a search-and-rescue operation two college students had apparently gone missing so we had to check various places but after a while we ran out of options so we had to go for the woodland I don't know for how much time we had been walking but at one point it appeared in front of us like magic a small wooden cabin it didn't quite make any sense why would there be a cabin here in the middle of a forest we looked at each other should we go check one of the masts in a nervous voice we'd already seen and experienced weird stuff in the park so the idea of going inside really didn't spark our joy I nodded along with some other Rangers and started walking towards the shed that poor guy decided to go first and another one followed him behind while we waited outside for them we waited only a few minutes however because they both bolted out panicking and screaming the long woman the long woman with her big I was looking at it from the ceiling that said they were both left traumatized for life taken to a mental institute because they continued babbling nonsense about the long woman we never found the two teens we made up a new rule of course but we couldn't destroy or close the cabin because every time we tried it would disappear and reappear in another location so my suggestion is if you find it stay the hell away from it that's the end of our first story that honestly still gives me chills and here's the related rule 13 if you find a wooden cabin absolutely do not enter and make sure to call the security immediately well I believe there's no need for further explanations while we are here let's get to another rule then to another story 14 if you happen to see a blond woman with a blue dress do not look at her directly in the eyes and please do not follow her this story was sent to me by a guy we'll call ed I've seen so much crap here before but this seriously made me question many times if I should quit my job one day I was checking on one of the main trails when a woman came out of the bushes she stood in front of me she was gorgeous in her blue dress blond hair slim with pale skin and blue eyes but those eyes God they were a deep blue so deep and mesmerizing that I could get lost however she didn't say anything and simply offered me a hand I didn't want to go with her but I found myself walking in that direction no matter how hard I tried to resist my legs seemed to move on their own I took her hand and she started leading me onto another trail one that I had never taken before I tried yelling but my voice wouldn't come out and the more we walked the more I felt lost and cold where was I who was I those were the questions I kept running through my head you know how I got out of the situation my phone thankfully rang in that moment just right when I almost got to the point of giving up this somehow broke the trance and I regained all of my consciousness and ran away from whatever that thing was back to the main path sometimes though I still hear just in the back of my mind the echo of a female voice as mentioned various times I haven't encountered all of the special visitors so in that case I'll just be sharing the rules I think anyways that today I'll end here this entry is a little shorter than others and I do apologize I just need some time to get over David's death and process what happened I think now I know why David warned me curiosity killed the cat hi guys welcome to a new update and thank you so much for your kindness I won't write much because my head hurts a lot I hit it today while entering my car on my way to work plus I'm feeling extremely depressed at the moment anyways today I decided I'll share some stories from David in his memory I truly hope you can enjoy them I'm still amazed by all the positive response by my blogs you probably already know that I took part in many search-and-rescue operations so I think I will start from one of the events that haunted me the most during my whole career I've also been working in other parks but none of them was like this one we were in big squash because apparently a kid had disappeared while he was walking on a trail his family composed by his older brother of 17 in their parents when we arrived we found the brother shaking and crying and the mother was absolutely distraught she was crying desperately that she was holding on to the child's hand the whole time but when she turned towards him at one point he had just disappeared one of us told her she probably got distracted but what hit me is that she insisted until she managed to convince my boss in something her eyes told me it was true I was assigned to a squad of 4 people one of them being my old buddy Matt I being the oldest person said I wanted to go ahead of the group and so I did the forest was for some strange reason quiet there were no chirping a birds no howling of the wind between the dead autumn leaves nothing we carefully continued walking trying to see if we could find some traces or hear something that could possibly lead us to the kid and it went on like this for what I think was a half an hour but then we heard it a whistle clear and loud it seemed to be coming from all directions we looked at each other impossible visible confusion because we couldn't make out the source of the sound one of us spoke up saying we couldn't stop so we agreed and continued our search even if we were scared but the further we went the louder the snow is got until we had to turn back eventually it was simply impossible to work in this condition there was nothing else we could do but in the end we found him this boy was extremely lucky one of the other squads found him near a clearing the kid looked very confused it almost seemed like he didn't know where he was or where he was going some other colleagues too asked him a few questions and since curiosity always has the best out of me I listened in disbelief I was with mom the entire time why did you take me away so yeah that wasn't the only time my witness stuff like that another case that I particularly remember was when me and my dear friend and colleague Matt were patrolling at one of the signal towers now this is a position you get to occupy once in a while because it's very easy to mess up but I should have felt lucky but I really didn't the thought of being at such a height made me feel nervous I know it sounds weird from someone like me but everyone has their own phobias and mine has always been Heights I accepted only because I didn't want to look like a little girl you know as a grown man I would have felt very embarrassed otherwise our society puts us in a position that doesn't allow you to show too many feelings or to show your weakness me and Matt went upstairs and I did my best to try not to look down when we arrived we decided to go checking on the north it all seemed good at first eventually he decided that I should go check the south and the east and he would go and check more of the north and the west we went back and forth on the balcony but didn't see anything unusual going on so after a few I decided I would go pee the toilets were downstairs so I had to once again gather all my courage because I simply could not hold it anymore when I was about to go do my business I heard a noise sounded like footsteps so I quickly turned around but no one was there I looked up and I could still see Matt at the top of the tower so it couldn't be him and no it wasn't just me being paranoid I knew I heard footsteps whoever is here come out it's not funny stuff screwing around I shouted but without receiving any answer I shrugged and went to the toilets when I finished and got out I saw Matt waving frantically at me and shouting my name so I went upstairs as fast as I could only to find him with his face pale as paper what is it what happened I asked worried he looked at me straight in the eyes an expression between fear and confusion and then stammered some words out someone someone tried to push me down but there was no one behind me when I turned around I heard them go go away though we checked inside the tower and all around but didn't find anything suspicious or signs of human activity this was the last time I went to that location in the park I'm telling you this park is the devil's home I am very tired today so I'll just share something that happened today while I was working but first another rule to get to the point of the situation 15 you may start feeling at one point like entering the forest do not listen to that impulse and immediately run back to the main path I was patrolling with another ranger that will call Tricia we don't know each other well enough to make deep talk so after a few that was an awkward silence we couldn't fill anymore I'm just not made for small talks you know the tree line of the woodland was beside us and suddenly I felt the urge of running straight towards it but I don't know why I don't think I was myself or at least that I was lucid Tricia noticed me staring at the trees and shook me so finally the urge stopped I thinked her and we started chatting again this time a bit louder though when I looked again at the woods just at a plain morbid curiosity I saw two red orbs that resembled eyes I'll end it here for today guys but before we truly finished with the century I would like to add that today I saw the man in the tan jacket again this time however he did not bother me for another conversation instead he just tipped his hat at me I smiled and quickly went to the opposite direction until his figure faded such as my smile stay safe out there and take care of yourself remember not to lose your sanity mental health is important too in the last two days I've seen some people saying a few things regarding my blogs that I would like to discuss someone mentioned how selfish I am for keeping this job while not caring enough about safety and searching for something else instead I don't know how many times I'll have to explain it but I can't do otherwise my country has a high percentage of dissipation which often means it's not easy to find a job here especially something that's not underpaid I do have bills and other stuff to care for it's not as easy as it seems I also recently got diagnosed with more health issues so I need to pay medications and doctors second thing someone else wondered why we don't close either because of the screaming man the problem is Rangers don't make the rules here oh we just try to follow them so there's pretty much nothing we can do about it we do care about people's safety but it's not our fault that the high ranks think that this place needs to be open now I do have an interesting story from another one of my colleagues that will cost amantha she said she wanted to help somehow because people need to know what's actually going on I never thought something like this could happen but it did happen for real and yet I'm still trying to convince myself it was only a dream that's what this place does to your mind anyway I was walking past the entrance early one morning so no one was there yet except for me i sat down on a small wall waiting for other staff members to arrive but something started bothering me at one point you know when you simply don't feel alone like someone's watching you I started turning around in all directions searching for someone or something but the more I did the more I became paranoid and agitated at one point though I realize where I haven't looked yet above me I took a deep breath when I looked up I froze I just couldn't move there was a pair of big red bloodshot eyes floating in the freakin air they were attached to nothing that was that even possible now you may think of me as a chicken but what truly bother me wasn't the fact that there were eyeballs and well it was gory know what disturb me for real was how they looked at me I swear I felt whoever owned those eyeballs wanted to hurt me when adrenaline kicked in I ran away as fast as I could locked myself into my car and decided it was enough for the day and I went home I told everyone I was sick well actually this is not the only case in which someone had claimed of seeing those floating eyes but I don't think I'm going to ask around about them I mean they aren't just eyes in the end and there's way more weirder and scarier stuff going on at the like talking about creepier stuff that we can't explain there is one rule we all remember pretty well 16 beware of the footprints if you see human bare feet prints make sure to get away as quickly as possible it may happen for us or for the visitors to find strange bare feet footprints sometimes they are way too distant from each other to be left by a regular human being I would dare say that only something with very very long legs could have left those which is obviously not an animal right they are not a problem itself but when they appear someone else goes missing and it's usually children so this is why we ask to be informed immediately we'll just get ready because we know it will happen eventually if it happens that we find a missing person in these cases we usually find them dead and placed in what probably wants to resemble a grave digged in the soil with what also is probably rudimental tools it's honestly chilling because it's almost seems to mock our costumes and it's scary that's something not human may know us like this the corpses don't show any wounds or other signs of violence but there are always missing livers and to be honest I don't want to know how that's even real I'm too curious but I learned by longtime experience and sometimes it's just better not to ask too many questions I wish I could talk to my mother about what bothers me but she has already too many things to worry about and I don't like to be a burden she has serious health problems too so I think you can understand however happened once that somehow we found ourselves talking about my experiences with the paranormal and my little obsession over this stuff I just can't help it dark things just get my attention it doesn't matter how scary they may be plus it seems like I also attract them too a lot I don't recall if I've mentioned it before already but I have some unnatural stuff going on in my home as well and his stuff that you can't obviously hide anymore at one point so my mother knows about it after I tried changing the subject she held my hand looked at me directly in the eyes and said I should try praying a few of you guys suggested that I do that as well but I kind of find it pointless since I lost my faith in God long long ago I can't ask for help from something that I don't trust talking about religion the next rule has something to do with it 17 you may happen to encounter a nun dressed in a white habit she'll be holding a rosary and chanting in a weird language so make sure to not disturb her and continue on your way she's another special visitor and many Rangers encountered and none of them were able to recognize the language as human so what we can assume is that she's not and now comes obviously a very important question how do we know we shouldn't bother this visitor it was told to us by another old extra crew during our first week of work at the park but I waited for the right moment to share this little story he said he tried talking with her because he didn't really pay attention to the language believing it may have been Latin or something else and so being tricked into thinking she was a normal person when she turned though he couldn't see her eyes because she had none instead she opened her mouth so much it could have been capable of swallowing a cat the mouth was full of long sharp teeth and she started screaming so loud he said that he was scared of going death after that the visitor left leaving him bleeding from his ears down on his knees after that we all made sure not to interrupt whatever that nun was doing also I would like to once again remind you that English is not my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes I do try my best I'm also very glad many people like reading my blogs it truly means a lot to me because it's like someone is actually is listening to me it feels just so good to know somebody's truly interested in what I have to say I would never stop thanking you enough for the support I find myself on a daily basis surrounded by people that don't actually pay or pay little attention to what I have to say and it's frustrating because I want to trust them but I start doubting them it doesn't matter how nice they are I sometimes doubt my own mental sanity too because I start obsessing over things overthinking everything and it's just awful by the way I saw him again he's acting weirder because he's not trying to engage me in conversation Jenny more I decided to go up to him when I saw him he was sitting on a brick wall like waiting for something hello I said trying to look as confident as possible and I was sweating though hello my dear and I hope you're doing good I won't bother you today with another one of my silly conversations so I hope you can have a nice day he replied with nonchalance and I felt like there was a bit of pride in his tone just like a kid would do after having done a big prank and didn't look good to me at all I suspiciously raised an eyebrow and thanked him and then laughed I'm sure he knows something that I don't I remember David telling me the man in the tan jacket knew everything but what does everything mean exactly maybe he's planning on doing something but why would he then be waiting in silence I'm definitely not the one to stop him I hope if you should have some ideas please comment them I would love to know before I end this entry I wanted to announce that we are going to have special training on Wednesday we do those from time to time so I may not be able to upload anything on that day see you guys tomorrow and thanks for your patience I haven't felt really good recently so I apologize in advance if you find mistakes in this entry I'm truly exhausted from work I'm not sick but I feel like I need to rest today I'll have the special training in the afternoon so I hope I'll be able to tell you something new maybe I could ask my colleagues about their experiences we had another search-and-rescue operation yesterday something concerning happened even though well it won't sound like something to new to you at this point I suppose sorry for uploading just now yesterday's entry I was very busy now we were walking through one of the paths in the woods searching for a 10 year old girl that the mother had lost sight of but we were so concentrated on looking for tracks that we didn't pay too much attention to each other apart from necessary stuff the first 24 hours are of extreme importance so we can't waste time talking and such at one point I noticed that my shoelaces were untied so I got down on my knee to fix them quickly even though everyone else was way ahead of me they probably didn't even notice me being left behind in such a hurry but I didn't want to trip and get hurt in all honesty when I turn to my left however I realize I had never seen the guy that was standing right beside me to be fair I had never seen him either coming with us or working at the park plus we have a staff meeting once a month so it's not too hard to remember my colleagues faces I looked at him rather puzzled I didn't even remember someone being behind me plus he was strange he was wearing our uniform but it was ruined and when I say ruined I mean like dirty and ripped up like he had been fighting a wild monster or something he also has light brown hair covered by our typical hat and he looked quite pale when I asked him who he was and what had happened to his clothes he seemed calm to calm actually I was asked about you by the boss she wants to see you I fell a few times and I got some scratches because I was in a hurry please follow me he said then looking straight to my eyes this confused me a lot why were they asking for me they know exactly what I'm doing I'm in the middle of a mission why would I be searched for I don't understand it didn't make any sense I'm sorry I can't we're in the middle of a mission Plus doesn't she have like a walkie-talkie I asked more confused and effort because we all have one she could have just simply called me there was no reason she would send someone else the guy said her walkie-talkie was broken and asked again for me to follow him but the thought of her calling me during a mission knowing how strict she is made me question his words once again couldn't she simply just take another one at the base I looked at him he was waiting for an answer his eyes fixated on me and it made me extremely nervous then I heard someone calling me and I turned back it was one from the squad Niel and he was panting from running so quickly towards me why are you not following us anymore are you all right he asked in a concerned tone yes this guy I was about to say but the weird Ranger wasn't there anymore I got back to our squad and luckily we managed to find the girl before something terrible could have happened but I swear I didn't hear him go away when I talked with Kate about this she turned pale as paper and so did the other Rangers from my squad she never asked me to come talk with her this wasn't nonetheless the only chilling thing that happened yesterday so let me share with you another rule 18 you may encounter a figure dressed in all black robes you won't be able to see its face they will ask you if you lost something I absolutely do not answer yes answer no thank them and continue on your way this special visitor isn't one of the creepiest when it comes to appearance but rather when it comes to make me feel downright uncomfortable I was going back to the parking lot when suddenly I heard a voice coming from behind me did you use some scissors it was deep and sounded quite old I turned and saw I believe it was a man it was dressed in all black in a huge hooded robe I tried making out their face but it seemed like the shadows under the hood were too deep to do so I kind of froze but I managed to recollect myself I said no thank them and ran towards my destination after that I was going to go home but when I was about to enter my car I saw it a yellowish glimpse there he was leaning against one of the gates he dipped his hat and gestured for me to come closer I started walking towards him but I was anxious what did he want from me this time I couldn't have done otherwise if I'd ignore him he would have gotten mad at me and probably killed me I would suggest you pay attention tomorrow he said hands place in his jacket pockets what's what what do you mean you know he said remaining perfectly still tomorrow you were going to have a training right I was speechless he truly knew everything as David warned me but how what the heck was was this thing yeah and so should I pay attention to that or what should I pay attention to I asked waiting for some answers a thousand questions running through my head he seemed to find something funny in my question because he giggled well you'll see by yourself he then vanished in front of my eyes like he was never there and I don't know what he meant but I'm scared something terrible will happen and I'm seriously starting to question once again if I should even be keeping this job so I truly risk everything should I just leave I don't know if I'll be able to pay my medical bills and other stuff I'll have to think about it carefully I feel like I'm going crazy I would like to give a sense of what happened yesterday but I can't for this training they had prepared us for an obstacle course at the base to see how fast we could go and how long our endurance was this was supposed to help us in search-and-rescue missions of course to help us increase our strength and endurance when my turn came I gathered all my breath and speeded like there was no tomorrow until the end of the obstacle course doing my absolute best imagining there was someone else's life at risk when I finished I went down to my knees panting I had breathing issues so this was a lot for me to take but still I just couldn't fail I have high expectations for myself and if I always give out the best I can then maybe I'll you know get something good in return I started feeling a bit dizzy and I started having nausea so I tried to stand up and go back to the base or see if there was someone else around who I could ask for help from but I was alone I walked for a few meters repeating to myself that I could do it when my vision became fuzzy after a few minutes everything went black and the last thing I can remember is that feeling of falling I don't know how it happened I swear I have no idea but when I woke up I was in the forest laying on the ground I don't know where it was exactly because it's hard to tell unless you follow one of the paths so I was basically lost then I looked up at the sky however and realized it was dark I started panicking one thing is getting lost during the daytime but getting lost at night is terrible one of those situations you would never want to wish yourself in ever unfortunately though I was stuck in it I massaged my head it kind of hurt I brought my hand where my walkie-talkie was supposed to be I said supposed to be because it was gone I then took my phone but there was no connection there was basically no way I could ask for help I was stuck there I decided staying there it was the best option many people don't know that is important and getting lost is to not move this is why we often don't find them in time only problem is something else other than my colleagues could have found me in that case this is why I decided to try to not to make any sound and to not use my torch on my phone if something else was there I definitely didn't want it to see me I simply moved under a tree and sat there I was freezing and I was honestly afraid that I could die from hypothermia my country has been affected a lot by low temperatures lately and I can't stand the cold I don't know how many times it passed but at one point I heard some brush rustling I held my breath as I thought I wasn't alone anymore but I couldn't see a dang thing out there and there was no moon I hoped with all myself that whatever it was it couldn't see me after a while though I was glad it was dark the man in the tan jacket was right I shouldn't have come to training and yet I still have no idea why he warned me isn't the purpose of most special visitors to hurt us if so why warn me then especially when he already knew what was going to happen I decided I was going to ask him next time I spot him but I don't guarantee he'll give me a proper answer most likely something cryptic as usual going back to what happened I probably fell asleep because I was too exhausted to continue staying awake they found me this morning the first to help me was Trisha and trust me if I tell you what I've never been so happy to see someone I even hugged her from being so relieved they took me to the base and I talked to her and Kate a few other higher-ranked Rangers asked me what happened and I told them all the details I could remember but not the one about the man in the tan jacket I felt like I couldn't trust them enough you know after all how could you try someone that keeps an open place like this I know I may sound like a hypocrite because I still work here but what can I do I already told you my situation it's harder you know what maybe I should ask the man one one question also after that Trisha invited me over to a party on Saturday I'll gladly accept because we are starting to get along and if I can I'm always up to make some new friends I'm a chatty person and even though staying with people drains a lot of my energy I like it I really hate being alone before I end this entry I would like to make some considerations now a few of you asked why we don't carry guns this is because our country doesn't allow it in our job another frequent question I get is why we don't just town newspapers and the media about this whole thing so the part can close first of all it's hard to people that this is even real it's hard to take pictures as evidence and it's also truly hard to record videos the special visitors are not stupid it won't come out if we have cameras or anything like that second thing most of us have families and as I stated many times we live in a country where most jobs aren't paid very well so we're pretty much stuck here because this is one of the few good paying jobs I'm very sorry if my latest blogs have been shorter I'm just so tired I don't even have the energy to get out of bed and forcing myself to get up because I need to go to work otherwise I would be laying in bed doing absolutely nothing I'm still not feeling really good but I don't want you guys to be too concerned about it I don't like throwing my problems at other people I think I may have caught some fever but I went to work anyways because I needed a bit of fresh air to clear my thoughts I'm getting more confused each day me and Trisha got paired together again yesterday sorry for not updating earlier but internet wasn't working this time though we talked a lot and not was surprised because I didn't expect us to have so much in common did I just make a new friend I hope so she seems like a very nice person anyways at one point we started talking about what happens in the park and she told me a story that I believe you'll find pretty interesting I asked her if I could record it for my blog I know whether I can trust someone or not it's like this feeling I have my gut I just know it again I didn't tell too many of my colleagues about it because it would probably be risky plus I'm afraid if some bigger people are involved in this I don't know why the park still open but I have the feeling there must be other reasons behind it apart from the money of course when Tricia started narrating what happened she seemed nervous there's something sinister about our signal tower like you feel very bad when you go there I don't know how to explain it I'm not good at putting words together but I can swear on God that it's not a normal place electronics go nuts there you always feel like you're not welcomed you hear weird noises a lot look I know I probably sound like a lunatic right now but there are some of us that were assigned to patrol there and most of them claimed that they had heard some footsteps even though they were alone I have no idea if it was told you already but sometime around a year ago a guy was found dead up there he fell from the towers balcony and broke his neck when his body touched the ground dying on the impact obviously but it didn't look like an accident he was a very trained recruit so it was absurd to think that he just fell off I don't know and I don't have any other info in regarding to that situation but still and after knowing about this I started avoiding that damn place I refused to go near - it's probably the part of the park that I hate the most even though it's probably the most pretty part I felt my throat going dry because David told me something similar if you recall my previous post we then changed the subject again because I saw her getting nervous and I didn't want her to feel sad because of me after a while I started feeling nervous for whatever reason and when I turned I saw him he was standing there leaning with his back on a tree arms crossed his sunglass is always hiding his eyes he waved at me so did I then ash Trisha if we could walk a bit faster I didn't want him to bother me anymore he truly is starting to get on my nerves more than anything it almost seems like he finds it funny to scare me like it's some sort of sick game to be honest with you guys I don't know how many more entries are right I'm starting to hate this place for real and there's a possibility I will leave but I'm not sure yet so I'll share the last one of our typical special regulations 19 if you suddenly start hearing a sound of static immediately cover your ears this happened a few years back when I was still new to the job I was paired with a guy named Luke and we were asked to patrol an area by a trail we reluctantly accepted that freaking spot is very well-known for the stuff I told you already and so we avoided it at all cost it was also a lot of embarrassing silence because he seemed to be more like the silent type of guy I guess so I really didn't want him to be forced into some random probably boring conversation at one point though the silence was filled with a static noise in the air it got louder and louder I covered my ears almost immediately but Luke didn't and started screaming he would twist and paint and shake screaming so much it seemed like he could lose his voice I called for help at the base and after a while they took him to the hospital because his ears were bleeding and his pressure was high well haunted me though were the word she started repeating over and over again the void wants to be filled another strange episode I could remember was when once during a squad patrol we were probably about five Rangers deep we saw something bizarre among the trees it was tall like an average human being but it was pale and the arms were extraordinarily long with what seemed like sharp claws at the end of each finger I squeezed my eyes trying to define the head but I believe I could have been wrong because what I saw was another big deformed hand full of claws I forgot my glasses at home that day so I could surely be wrong you know sometimes you just see things that are not there it's something that happens a lot actually more than we can imagine to give you another example there was this one time where I was going to have a small lunch break and at one point I would have swore I saw something moving in the mud but the twigs and leaves were forming some sort of face I shrugged it off because again it just didn't seem like something that could have been real now I guess it's time to answer one of your questions instead many people have tried guessing where the park is located this is a figured out that the first hint I gave wasn't very helpful I can tell you that we are not located in America I hope that can help you just a little bit I went this blog here for today I'm still in doubt if I should leave her stay it's not the job that I hate but rather this stupid place I may have to ask my parents for a little help from my medical bills then even if I really don't like that idea don't like feeling like a bother or being a bother welcome back guys to a new update honestly I still kind of feel bad and I'm starting to worry about my health if you remember I mentioned that Tricia and I were going out on Saturday but for all the time we spent together she seemed uncomfortable she wasn't talkative at all which is pretty weird for her and I caught her a few times constantly looking around like she was searching for something I asked her if she was okay and she said she wasn't really feeling good but told me not to worry I tried insisting again but she said it was nothing just a bit of a headache and nausea after that I didn't insist on the subject I know this wasn't the reason she was acting that way eyes can sense things so I knew she was lying after a while we just went back home and called it a night what makes me worry though is that she didn't answer my messages yet I sent her a few in the last three days but she didn't answer and she wasn't online either anyways there is something I believe is rather important and I need to tell you exactly what happened today I went home earlier but before reaching my car that was in our parking space I met him he was sitting on a bench reading a newspaper it surprised me and caught me off guard I had never seen him doing such a thing I stopped in front of him in that very moment he put the newspaper down and tipped his hat toward me I know you have questions that would be glad to answer them so come sit here he said patting the space next to him on the bench I obliged confused he then looked at me and gestured towards the newspaper know this well I usually read a lot of books but I get bored easily so I decided to try something different I must say that I quite enjoyed knowing what happens outside of this place it's not that I can't leave but I can't do it for too long you know he explained crossing his legs while doing so I felt my throat go and dry and then I realised I realized that he has been toying with us the whole time he could read her mind yet there was something I didn't understand still yes my dear I can and no I wouldn't call a towing with you and it makes me sound heartless I'd rather call it testing your intelligence I just wanted to see how long it would take you to figure this all out he said giggling I didn't laugh there was nothing funny about it and allowed me to clarify something by the way I don't know everything I am NOT able to know your real name because names are equal to power and they are like a secret something that only they're a holder is aware of so I can't know it unless you're willing to with me or I overhear it and if I don't know that secrets I won't be able to punish you if you lie to me still it doesn't mean I can't keep an eye on you he added and then he did something I would never have expected he took off his sunglasses and I also realized they weren't for the Sun though I wish I'd never seen it was underneath he didn't have eyes his sockets were empty and black like someone carved the eyeballs out my stomach was about to turn he then winked confirming something that I'd always known deep down inside it really didn't matter if you lied or not to the last question he would still follow you if he decided to do so she couldn't go too far from the park but why he then put them back on and placed one of his hands on my shoulder I frown you see this is my home after all this is where I belong and you can't stay too far away from where you belong now isn't that right I nodded trying to clear my mind with all the nonsense he was saying I will jump to what is bothering you now you see the park opening there is a huge earning that goes to both the owner and well some bigger fellows we could say isn't that how you young people speak nowadays he giggled again and then came back being serious adjusting his hats brim oh and the police after all silence is gold he finished waiting for my reaction I already kind of know this but I don't believe that's the only reason the park is still being open to the public I said firmly I wanted a real answer and I wasn't going to back down without it let's say that some things have been taken care of and that is better to just leave unknown it's easier that way for both of us I understood what he meant but why keep it open for visitors he interrupted my thoughts getting closer to me if you intend to grow something that something must be fed he finished standing up while my heart started racing the park needed to be open to act as a freakin feeding ground the visitors the Rangers maybe even the creatures within are all meet for whatever is secretly hiding in this park I felt disgusted don't worry you'll see your friend tomorrow I'm pretty sure about that now I must go now make sure to take care of yourself he waved after that I rushed at the parking lot and got my car but I swear that before going I heard him say something in between the lines of and make sure to check on your friends I don't know how to feel right now on one hand I feel bad for working there and on the other hand I still women so much doubt if I should leave even if I leave it won't change a thing and I'll be nothing but a bother to my parents I know I'm a mess and I can't seem to come to make a choice not yet at least I think about it all the Rangers should leave not only me but everybody but since most have families and bills to pay just like me I just can't risk it when I got home I decided to call Trisha she didn't answer she's sick I have no idea I just hope she's going to be fine I hope everything else is going to be fine this place feels like hell on earth now I can't sleep no matter how hard I try I'll get up and start riding the century that I'll post tomorrow in the afternoon for you guys I'll have some family business in the morning so I wouldn't have been able to write before this as you may have figured out already will be the last update it doesn't mean I won't be back with other stories just not with this one I'm done working here I simply can't stand one more day in this damn place not after what happened yesterday at least I should have known all along I should have known and I blame myself for that and there was a bigger reason behind this other than simply creeping me out he was keeping an eye on me since I started his blog he was making sure that I will go away from this place so that I could stop spreading precious information about the outsiders how do I know that yesterday I went back to work as he promised the day before I found Trisha dead she hung herself on a tree just right in front of the main gates when me and some other colleague sites will immediately call the police and the high ranks I was so broken that I didn't even cry you know when you are just so desperate that tears don't seem to come out her expression hell it was a pure terror it's my fault it's my fault that two people died and all because of my selfishness I should have kept my mouth shut but how how could I refrain myself from sharing such important things with the outside world I know I may love childish and even more selfish but I believe for every minute that this information could be of huge importance in the future um and no Trisha didn't hang herself because she was depressed or else she seemed too cheerful to do something so horrible plus she didn't have the look of trouble to me and I myself has serious mental health issues so why would I found out if she had them too more than likely when you're not healthy you see that in other people to also suicide is hard to commit it's not something you can do so easily and only certain are brave enough to even actually go through with it though I knew I knew who made her do it and I'm pretty sure you know the answer to why I keep saying it's my fault then it's still my fault because if only I didn't call her by name when he saw us that wouldn't have happened I have been stupid really stupid I didn't even think about it because I'm always calling people by their names during conversations so I didn't even really notice this doesn't justify me I should have been on alert dammit I let my guard down my stupidity cost another person their life I've always thought that I was one of the good guys for not being corrupted such as the police and the high ranks but it turns out that I'm not I guess I'm not so different from them in the end after that I saw the man in the tan jacket again he was standing in a corner behind one of the trees watching me a cold dead stare without eyes I then noticed nobody else was there and nobody else could see him as well so I approached him David and Tricia were warning for me to stop doing whatever I was doing otherwise I could probably be the next one I was sure of that yet I still needed answers so I gathered all my courage and started walking straight towards him my fist closed I had to do it I thought I had to do it for David and Tricia and for everyone else here I know what you did I'm aware you do my dear he answered coming out from his hiding spot I stopped right in front of him so that we were face to face I think Arif he was going to hurt me in that moment I didn't care about anything I just wanted to punch him and make him bleed to death if he could even die that is then you should also know I hate you even more now of course why did you do that I muttered trying to hold my rage it wasn't a good idea going mad almost in front of the whole staff I was kind of far away but yet I was afraid they could hear me Oh dearest you know the reason he said in a kind of sarcastic town even though would have been much easier and way less painful if I had known your name instead he concluded staring once again I froze in my tracks he would have killed me and would have spared them if only he had known my name that made it even worse two lives instead of one this detail makes me look even more selfish now but don't blame yourself you didn't know after all of course I blame myself you see this is what happens when you get involved with things that you don't even understand he said nonchalant getting closer to me all of a sudden I felt my heart jump and held my breath he then placed both hands on my shoulders lowering a bit of my height so that our faces were closer now but I think you've learned the lesson now he whispered a tone that seemed like a warning I finally started to shed some tears but they weren't for fear he wiped them away and I slapped his filthy hand away don't be so sad you should try seing the bright side of your situation you are still here doesn't that count for you [Music] but at what cost you're unsure it's a worthy price he giggled he enjoyed my pain and he knew he was going to make me regret everything now he was trying to make me feel even worse about myself so why I decided I needed to be strong for both of them I'll fire myself because I guess that's what you wanted good and indeed you are clever see wait I'm not done I have one last condition you didn't even seem surprised go ahead know that you shouldn't be in a position to be able to give conditions I just want to know two more things come on I don't think that is too much seems fair I'm listening I have been asking this to myself for a long time but I have never found an answer how is this park still a secret how are they able to avoid these things getting out by people who visit life is not fair sometimes you must ask for a little help even if you probably don't like certain individuals he said crossing his arms behind his back and besides if you don't remember something you can't really give an opinion isn't that right he answered lowering his tone I felt like he was smiling this obviously could have meant only one thing and honestly the thought that someone from the high ranks could have asked his help makes me even angrier still I have no idea how the heck he was able to do that I just I don't know I am sorry I can't answer all of her questions as well and what about your name he doped it his head host I think you lied but I'm not sure it's not even a real name I went home after that I'll just leave this place I decided that I will be safer I believe there are some questions that I will never truly find an answer for who is him exactly but above everything else what is this place really again thank you for all your support and being there for me I promise I won't disappear and trust me I will keep my promises I hope time will help me heal but I don't believe it will happen anytime soon because I can hardly forgive myself when I started walking away from the gruesome scene and after what I just heard he was still there I'm serving me he waved me goodbye we both know it may not be over because I swear I swear that hurt her like in the back of my mind his voice telling me see you soon [Music]
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 191,671
Rating: 4.7592592 out of 5
Keywords: Park Ranger Stories, I'm A Park Security Member, Missing 411, Search & Rescue, State Park, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 20sec (6980 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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