30 Scary Cryptid Horror Stories

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm 26 now and living in Pennsylvania but when I was growing up I lived in Montpelier Vermont my summers were spent hiking mountains swimming in lakes and exploring expansive forests I knew that my state had bears and rattlesnakes and it's more secluded mountainous regions but I never imagined that there was anything more terrifying than those out there when I was 19 my friend Emily and I went to Moscow landfalls for a day of swimming and picnicking and it gave us a nice change of scenery from campus the waterfall is located in style which is a remote town in Vermont that has a population of barely 4,000 emily was from another state and had never really seen much of the area beyond our college campus so I figured showing her some of Vermont's quaint locations was an order the day was perfect we had packed plenty of food sunscreen and towels and since it was a weekday afternoon there was no one else that the Falls except for elderly couple who left not long after we got there we spread our towels out on a large rock by the falls and alternated between climbing up the waterfall edges to get to the swimming pools and relaxing in the late afternoon Sun it was peaceful and it was the perfect break for a long day of homework and classes as the day wore on Emily wanted to explore some of the trails near the Falls I was familiar with a few of them and I tried to keep her on those what I didn't account for was that she would insist on exploring some of the more outlying trails and that we would consequently get lost we spent nearly an hour walking in circles our arms and legs getting covered in mosquito bites in our bathing suits drying uncomfortably onto our skin we had the flashlights and our phones to give us a little light once the Sun sets but they didn't do much to illuminate the dense undergrowth shrouding both sides of the trail finally we came across a blackberry patch that we were pretty sure we had seen earlier so by logical default we started heading down the path closest to the bushes and Lily kept asking me if I heard twig snapping behind us and I brushed it off as a city girl being afraid of deer rabbits I didn't hear anything myself so I figured she was feeling paranoid due to it being her first time lost in the woods then I heard it the noise came from somewhere behind us and it was too loud to be a small animal like a rabbit I figured it was another person out walking or maybe a herd of deer passing through Stough has never been a populous town and the locals could argue that there's more deer here and then people I ignored the uneasy feeling building in the pit of my stomach and kept walking chalking it up to my friends paranoia rubbing off on me and I babble senselessly about cute guys to keep Emily and I distracted after about 10 minutes of walking back to the car we finally came in sight of the trailhead there was a large boulder where the plaque was on it dedicated to a young woman who had been murdered at the Falls back in 1991 and right beyond that was my car as we neared the boulder relief evident on Emily's face a weird noise came from the woods behind us it sounded almost like a cat but it was distorted and static like it was coming out of an old radio my first instinct was the fact that the cat was wounded or in danger I've always been an animal lover and if there was a hurt cat I wasn't about to leave it out there to become a coyote snack I turned around and gnawing Emily begging me to just get in the car and Peter back into the trail I gave Emily the keys and told her to get our towels now that we knew where we were and I promised I'd be back momentarily if I didn't find the cat right away I wasn't going to spend forever looking for it but I couldn't just drive away either with the loss of the second flashlight the woods seemed to be a bit more eerie to me and the darkness was nagging at my peripheral vision I walked a little ways down the path as I called to the cat hoping to locate it by its meow but I didn't hear anything for several moments I was about to give up when I heard a low out-of-place laugh behind me I spun around my heart beating way too fast but all I saw was a large buck I remember muttering something up something stupid sneaky deer then I headed back to the trailhead that was when the deer laughed again and I froze the harsh sound was completely unnatural for those of you who do not know deer don't make sounds like that they just make grunts they don't make any sort of laughter like noises and even if they did it wouldn't have the same cadence as a human's laugh would and as this deer it had a human laugh this situation was weird and unnerving and I kept hoping that someone will pop their head out from around a tree and tell me it was a prank that didn't happen now the deer took a few steps towards me and then that odd cat sound came from it I almost literally threw my hands up in an opener and I just started walking away from it as quickly as I could I was almost in sight of the end of the trail when I felt something snagged my hair and I swatted it away thinking it was a branch since there was a lot of low-hanging trees along the trail but the sensation turned instantly I reached up to tugged my hair free but it wouldn't come loose I turned to face the offending tree my heart's thumping in shock the deer was now on its hind legs and had my hair caught in one of his antler points the snarls from a day of swimming and hiking were entangled around its antler all I could do was just stand there as I felt its cold breath on my face it was not warm and it was not hot but icy cold breath reefed around me I let out the most shrill scream I had ever heard myself make and I violently yanked my hair off its antlers I sprinted for my car screaming the whole way for Emily to start it I heard the engine turn when I needed the boarder and she didn't hesitate to Florida as soon as I was in the car the tears streaming down my face weren't enough motivation she didn't question me until we were nearly five miles from Moss clan I told her about the weird noises and the deer getting up in my face I told her it startled me and that on top of that the stress of being lost was just enough to make me panic she bought my explanation agreeing that we were both super tired and adding that my mind was probably playing tricks on me I haven't returned to style since then even though I have visited Vermont recently I know there's probably some sort of rational explanation for what I saw and when I heard that night but I haven't been able to find what that could be let me just say I'm a sucker for the paranormal I have tons of encountered a ghost poltergeists monsters etc but this is one of the scariest I have grandparents I love them my mom usually leaves me with them if she has gone for a few days and one day this happened I was at my grandparents place and I was home alone it was at least 8 p.m. I was sitting on my computer enjoying homework you know all the stuff that teenagers do I was going downstairs to get something to drink when I heard what sounded like footsteps not in my house but outside I was scared because I watched way too many scary stories tonight but I didn't want to be a wuss and thigh and most likely was my neighbor's dog or something so I went back to doing homework but what I saw my window was no dog it was all black and tall really tall at least 12 feet me an 11 year old boy 36 kilograms and 5 feet there was no way I could fight it I stared at it for a minute but it felt like it was an hour then it jumped out of the window to my backyard and then I heard my grandfather's voice damas that's my name in Lithuanian he gives us the key to the door we forgot it I was scared but relieved my grandparents came back and I was safe but then I remembered my grandparents locked my door they did have the key and it was only a p.m. and they weren't supposed to be back until well after 9:00 I took my GoPro with that stick thing you attached to it and I started filming I regret the decision with all of my life whatever it was took the camera and started pulling me down I struggled and yanked the camera back then I heard that then go back somewhere else out of my yard I was very thankful for God that I survived I called the pollution show than the footage in they kind of believed me I think they left a man with me into my grandparents returned my grandparents returned and I showed them the footage and they soon moved out that place is now abandoned and I missed that place sometimes I still go there but I always bring some kind of protection I learned about the paranormal and I think I encountered a Wendigo you my name is Paul I live in Regina Saskatchewan Canada I have always believed in the paranormal and cryptid since I was a kid I never experienced anything strange until recent years for more backstory and I just turned 19 I'm a male standing about six foot eight and weighing in at 260 pounds so I'm a fairly big guy and nothing scares me really what does scare me though our stories of skinwalkers in the Dogman i have heard stories from my indigenous friends for a while noun of a creature known as the rougarou I have heard of it before from documentaries so I had an idea of what it was I never doubted their stories one time I remember that it was stalking one of my friends homes on their reservation she was down the block from her house when she saw it but I don't remember the details that well she told me a long time ago if you guys want I'll have her write it down and I'll submit it to the channel but my story begins about three years ago so when I was about 16 around the end of summer I was at a friend's house we were just hanging out and playing video games we stayed up until about 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning but I had to get home because I had to do things the next day I wrote my bike over to his house so I had to get home using that I lived 30 minutes away but to me I'm bike that's like 10 minutes if I ride the pass that I take home it takes me down in this really long street that's basically a straight shot to my house to the left of me is a really big park it's not lit at all and on the right there are houses I've always felt like I was being watched in that area especially near the park with no lights like I mean it's always pitch-black at night even in the city I always bike there by myself and nothing ever happens but this night was different I could feel it I felt like I was being stalked so I started biking faster my bike is a double-disc so it's not a slow bike by any means and I swear to God I looked over at the park and saw what seemed to be a dog running at me but it was much bigger than any dog I've ever seen in the area so I started pedaling away I started pedaling harder and harder and I threw my bike's gear all the way up to eight and went my fastest never stopping but I never heard it running beside me in the park I didn't want to be in the light I got to the end of the street and turned onto the sidewalk that weren't under these train tracks I looked behind me it stopped him to the tracks and stared at me as I biked away but I got a good look at it and my heart sank it was now standing on his hind legs and just standing there at the point that I see that this is no dog it was bulging with muscles and it had a human shape but with a dog head and legs it's orange with his scariest they were long and had doubt her like claws its breathing was ragged from running along beside me for so long the look it gave me was pure vile it was a mix of hatred and hunger like it hated my existence its fur was darkest yellow maybe light brown it looked like how dead grass looks all withered and dying I got home in about two minutes after that I was cutting cars off and running lights on my bike I never biked by there at night again I'm too scared I now know what is out there I live in the Prairie and it camouflaged itself perfectly in the tall prairie grass I never told anybody this I'm mostly afraid because no one would believe me but I think it was a dog man or maybe the rougarou that my friends told me about but after researching that I found out that people's pets were disappearing from the area at the same time that I saw what I think was this dog man you my fiance and I postponed our wedding in 1990 we were getting stressed and needed a vacation we lived on the Big Island in Hawaii so naturally we went to the mainland we did not have much money so we rented a car bought a tent and decided to try to visit and camp in as many state and national parks in the western US as we could we were driving in the middle of nowhere on our way to Yellowstone it was a desert-like area we were driving through and it was the end of September and very hot we saw an old building from far away on the road and decided to take a break to explore it as we approached the building we could hear flies and something smelling really bad we opened the door and it was like a big open farm building the walls and metal roof are splattered in blood everywhere we looked where there were bodies parts of elq's I am from the islands but my fiance was from Northern California and familiar with wildlife he said there were elk bodies they must have been there for at least a while and there was like 50 or more of them in there it was so strange they look like they were torn apart pieces of meat were flung and hung all over inside the building I freaked down and started to cry the smelling sites were overwhelming my fiancee said he couldn't understand it because it was not like they were being processed for collecting meat or horns or anything all the parts were still there and he said it looked like they were torn apart not cut with a knife I had to go I felt like I was in shock my fiancée refused to let me call the police he said it did not want to get involved he said it must be the work of crazy poachers a few miles later we entered Yellowstone National Park where as usual we chose an out-of-the-way campsite we were on high alert so as we had been listening to news stories on the radio about a female hiker camping in a remote part of the park alone apparently she was torn apart by a grizzly bear there were few details about the attack and I'm still unable to find any written reports on the event anywhere online which is weird because we heard the news report over the radio for several days before getting to the park we had a campsite with a bathroom nearby and a barbecue there were very few people in the park and no one camping near us there were signs everywhere warning people to be careful with food stores because of the bears we had a couple of beers and went to sleep in the tent I often got hungry after dinner and decided to take a bag of pears into the tent thinking that if I put it under my pillow and no animals would smell there remember I'm from Hawaii and we do not have wild animals there there are no bears skunks possums squirrels chipmunks armadillos Wolverines Elks lions or snakes we do have deer and boar in the mountains introduced by European hunters like a hundred years ago though I fell asleep pairs snuggly under my pillow I was awakened by an immense weight on my upper right side of my chest and my entire right arm and right side of my torso down to my hip my first thought was bear there's a bear on top of me wanting my pears but as the second developed in two minutes and then ministered in two hours this immense weight not once ever moved nor did it shift or twitch or even make a single sound in the first second I decided not to move or make any noise and definitely not awaken my boyfriend who was soundly sleeping to my left I felt myself beginning to panic thinking that I had to be a bear attracted by the smell of my Paris but as time dragged by I realized that if this were a wild animal and it was literally on top of me inches away from the fruit that it would have pawed outside the tent to get to where at least shifted moved or snorted but to me I felt like the car was parked on the upper right half of my body it was just being so still it was so heavy and unmoving what was the weirdest aspect besides it being a massive unmoving totally science something is that it was warm this flurry of thoughts and confusions literally dragged on for hours I became so terrified and overwhelmed I knew whatever was sitting standing or laying or parked or whatever next to me would not have been of this world once after all of those hours of trying not to breathe heavily panicking or even twitch a muscle I passed out cold from sheer terror and my mind and body just shut down I totally understand now how or why when people see a cryptid or monster they faint and or lose bowel control the big difference with me is that I could not see it I could only feel it and thinking that was a grizzly bear that could use its razor like teeth and claws to easily get into that tent it made it so much more confusing when I awoke the next day my fiancee was already up I told him where it happened and I was completely freaked out I checked the tent for any marks or signs of something on the fabric but there was nothing there were also no suspicious paw prints or footprints around the tent or campsite instead of listening to my story my fiancee stopped me and he started getting on my case and scolded me further those pairs I was totally still freaked out and wanted to leave my right arm and right side of my body were aching that was not a dream nor was a sleep paralysis I have never been that terrified all my life never before or since that happened I told the story to an experienced Sasquatch researcher he said these types of tent antics are pretty common with juvenile Sasquatch he said many researchers and witnesses believe that Sasquatch can actually see through the tent fabric somehow and enjoy harassing campers you so my story isn't a typical story and I'm not sure how to categories it other than folklore maybe cryptid so a few years ago me my boyfriend broke up and he started dating a girl that in our small town was a soap proclaimed which Orlick ooza in hispanic folklore it's some sort of shapeshifter she would hold parties that involve certain rituals and sacrifices she had many cats that would die mysteriously and if you know anything about cats is that they don't die easily she had about five cats died within a year just randomly with no real explanation anyway I often have vivid dreams when I was younger this time I fell asleep on the couch and had a very vivid dream about this same girl she had this evil expression on her face and she had spoken to me it felt like she was delivering a direct message so when I woke up I told my mom that I needed to talk to her but I didn't want to speak about it in front of my dad or a boyfriend since they would disregard the supernatural we drove to a gas station a few miles down the road from our subdivision and I explained the dream we spoke about it for maybe 20 minutes before returning to our house on the way back on the street before mine I saw a dark figure on the side of the road I leaned in focusing on it since they caught my attention now most times I disregard it as just a person walking but this time it was different it was like something was forcing me to notice it was maybe two feet tall and suddenly turned to face me when it did I realized it was an owl but it was too large to be an owl when the face was more like a woman's it had pale skin its eyes were human-like but there were no color or white to them it had a hook to beak like a bird this thing's eyes were pitch-black and it pierced right through me it freaks me the [ __ ] out I was instantly filled with dread and overwhelming fear I began panicking and asking if my mom had seen it too she said no she stopped the car and reversed I looked back in the meantime but I didn't see it anymore my heart dropped to my stomach when I didn't see it I would have felt better knowing where to gone it all happened in slow motion for me but in reality it took all of 10 seconds to pass by we sat there for a few minutes as I explained what I saw but my mom said she never saw it she explained to me what it was exactly and how her dad my grandpa had showed her one in her siblings when they were kids they fly around and whistle like a human would and if you whistle back you're answering it and it'll come after you I wish I could say that's all that happened but it wasn't later that night at around 11:00 or so me and my boyfriend were watching a movie when we heard a loud thud on the roof we looked at each other like what the [ __ ] you muted the TV and we listened for a few seconds and we could hear something moving around it sounded like scratching noises are scraping against the roof I began crying and telling him what happened earlier I hadn't told him because I thought he'd think I was imagining things him being a skeptic of the supernatural he got up because our room was at the front of the house he exited our room walked past our 4ei and out the front door he backed into the driveway and looked up on the roof was said whatever it was was gone by now we never figured it out it was very strange and creepy occurrence it still haunts me to this very day I don't tell this very often as it makes me look like a nutcase well my name is Ross and I'm from the UK years ago I used to work in a Blockbuster video store so that gives you an approximate date as they don't exist anymore well it was a Wednesday morning I know that because deliveries were always on Wednesdays and there have been a massive delivery the store wasn't large so the whole place looked like a child's giant box for it there was only mean another girl in the store let's call her Claire as I don't think she'd like me using her real name she went out back to pack some of the delivery I was behind the counter unpacking games and getting them processed for rentals I've been kneeling down for about a half hour sorting discs when I looked up to see something on the counter there was what I could only describe as a goblet it was about three feet high and hard to see or explain what I mean is you know when you are laying on the grass on a sunny day and someone comes and stands with the Sun behind you to talk to you and they are in darkness fringed by light well it was like that but what I could see it was long thin and red with small wings and tiny pinched nose glasses it was writing in a little book while it's looking at me it looked like one of the goblins from labyrinth crossed with one of the Devils from Jim Henson's the storyteller my heart jumped into my throat I nearly threw up and felt like passing out my pulse was so high my head was about to explode it calmly put his pencil down in the side of its notebook looked over glasses at me weak and disappeared seconds later Claire came out of the back office she looked at me and said do you feel all right you look pale and like you've seen a ghost I muttered I was fine and made some excuse to go into the back office there i sat drinking coffee for about an hour till my hand stopped shaking no one has ever believed me about this they just look at me like I'm insane and move on one thing that's always bothered me though what was it writing in that book you I live in the suburbs of Budapest Hungary in a small town about 15 minutes from the city they called a town but really is just an overgrown village it has the feeling to it and all lighting at night is scarce but and this might be a source of my luck here our street is pretty well less why I think it's lucky a few days ago I had to move out of my room to take refuge in a guest bedroom so my room can get repainted the guest bedroom is small almost claustrophobic and it has one large window through which I can see most of the neighbors houses on the other side of the street our flat is on the first floor of the building a nice two flat house with a big garden though it's mostly empty my rooms windows look directly into the garden but the guest bedroom faces the street which enabled my experience one night I was trying to sleep despite my insomnia I started hearing strange pulsing sounds like someone turned on loud music at one of our neighbors but this sound was weird it followed no particular pattern or beat and yet it felt strangely familiar it wasn't until I realized that it was getting louder and moving closer that it was the noise of something big walking down the street on two legs out of curiosity I was already at my window bathing in the lamplight coming from outside when I spotted it the creature was vaguely humanoid with smooth grey skin a head devoid of any facial features or any hair and forearms the second pair sprouting from the sides of the Trib cage it didn't look emaciated but I could still see its bones beneath the skin in fact it looked oddly muscular as if posing while strolling down the streets I forgot to tell this most important bits this thing was huge we live on the first floor and I was looking upwards from my bed through my window but I still had to go closer to the window to look at his head this thing was at least 20 feet tall possibly bigger and there it was walking down our street in the middle of the night calmly looking around with an eyeless face stopping occasionally to take a peek inside of a house then continuing its stroll I wasn't scared at first my reaction was closer to what the actual [ __ ] but that quickly turned into fear as it turned my way it's featureless face staring in my general direction realizing I was still in the lamplight I quickly retreated and watched from the shadows the giant walked to her house and took a good look it stood there for at least a few minutes seemingly scanning the house for something I dared not move lest it notice me and God knows what it would have done to me so I just stared terrified at this monstrosity its forearms dangling idly beside it as it looked at me with this featureless face sorry for repeating it so much but I stared at it for so long the picture is burned into my retinas and when I closed my eyes I could still see that face staring into my soul since I was young I've seen these weird humanoid figures their black silhouettes pitch-black looking and ranging from various tall sizes sometimes I can see them but I can sense their location and I get a fuzzy visual in my mind of how they look for some reason I've had one follow me for most of my life but this particular one doesn't seem to like showing itself physically to me I only get the sensation it's around or get small glimpses of it out of the corner of my eyes I'm not sure why it's following me but all these weird things started happening when I moved to the Baker's field for a couple of years when I was a child at first I thought the places I lived were haunted I don't think every house I've ever moved could be haunted though so I concluded that maybe I'm being haunted it doesn't matter where I move this thing follows me I can be in the middle of a conversation and I'll get that feeling that it's behind me watching me I can sense this tall figure looming behind me when I walk from my home into school or go to the mall with friends sometimes it'll leave for long periods of times but eventually it returns I don't feel threatened by it but I don't feel comfortable around it either I get the feeling it's waiting for something and that makes me uncomfortable I also don't get the feeling that it's human or maybe who never was human I've told my family about it and they don't really believe me the only one that does is my cousin who came to stay with me at my house for a little while really weird stuff happened when they came and it continued to intensify until she left I asked her about and she told me she had noticed too and it was weird because nothing like that had happened before her place now I rarely see the silhouette creatures but I still sometimes feel them around I hope they got away forever but I'm still scared that they'll come back does anyone have anything similar happen could this be some sort of haunting or is it some sort of cryptic creature and I'm not sure why this is happening but any advice would be very appreciated I suppose I should start off with some background how this may or may not be relevant I'm still just trying to figure this out by giving it out as much information as I can so here it is my friend Julia was found dead two years ago in a Walgreens parking lot she was slumped over in her car with no visible injuries and the case was ruled as a suicide by drug overdose I never believed this she was the kind of person that you seen you just cannot help from smiling she was a joy to be around she would never have done drugs and she definitely would not do them to the point of an OD I always thought the police were trying to cover up something and I just never knew what I was never shown any evidence of medication in her car and when I arrived at the scene at her death the officers never let me close enough to see anything I never thought I would see her again because typically dead people are supposed to you know stay dead I used to think that every day I was taking a walk through a wooded area near my property earlier this morning I would say it was about 8:00 a.m. and everything was normal until the birds stopped chirping squirrel stopped jumping from tree to tree the wind itself seemed to stop blowing I was in awe I had never experienced this kind of silence the only sound was my breathing I looked around when I turned back I was face to face at the path in the front of me I saw a fox in the trail it looked at me and tilted its head I blinked in the Fox was gone or it transformed or something Julia was standing about 15 meters down the trail for me now and I was this mind blown she was staring at me and smiled she was in the same clothes as she was when I last saw her alive a white blouse and blue jeans this could not have been anyone else for her the brunette hair the facial features it was her a Yoda her name and disbelief and she waved I ran towards her but she ran through the bush and out of sight I went through the bush and it felt like miles after I was following her through thorns still calling for her I nearly fell when I reached a steep cliff that was about 30 meters into the small valley I saw nothing but the sounds of the forest hen they came back to life I just stood there on the edge of the cliff trying not to fall off I still have no idea what happened is Julia trying to tell me something does she need help where's Julia the Fox I do live near some Navajo reservations and some people have suggested that it might be a skinwalker trying to lure me to coming off that cliff please if anyone has any answers to this I would love to know if you think this is a skinwalker or some ghost your spirit this is central Wisconsin when my dad was around not even a teenager yet Wisconsin was even more rule back then and the area has since become more City anyway my dad and his friend grew up in the country and always walked the woods trails in swapping land not much else to do but my dad said the him and his friend were walking on a path in one of these spots one day and this black cat kept following them any time they start to look at the cat a stop would look at them he said they would try using stones in etc but the cat just wouldn't get scared and after a few minutes they started walking faster and the cab kept following at a good pace apparently they both got a very bad feeling and said they didn't want to look back anymore once they said that and started walking again they heard this dark evil laughter and turned around to see a man in a super old-school all-black attire walking away laughing into the bush so they freaked out obviously and ran away so this part was something my dad told me last year and I did not know until recently my grandpa was friends with this older guy who lived around the area and I guess my dad knew him and would stop by after this cat thing my dad came by one time I started telling the story apparently a freak the guy out real bad he said he had been outside doing whatever and all of a sudden this pure black dog comes by and starts staring him down then growling and the guy had a super uneasy feeling and started backing up to his door apparently the moment he turned his back and rushed in and slammed the door the dog had changed and lunged towards the door barking and crazy for a second before it went away the guy said that he heard this evil laughter and looked out the window to see the same guy my dad saw all black old school clothes from the 1800s walking away laughing and disappeared my dad swears to this day he didn't make it up and does not tell anyone he hates me ever sharing it because this [ __ ] is so unbelievable that it makes people think that he is dishonest and crazy I have no idea what it really was but I can definitely say that it was some creepy [ __ ] in July of last year I went up to southern Norway where I have a little holiday cabin the cabin is situated out and above the little town of Eve approximately 65 kilometres from the poor of Christian sand to the north to get to the cabin you have to drive up from Eve on a paved road which takes you up into the hills it passed Lakes on the way in a handful of houses and lots of forests and water runs my cabin is on the very end of that area 16 kilometres into the wild besides one other cabin that is situated 500 metres away and only occupied from time to time I am all by myself out there my cabin is above a small lake resting on a slope on the third day of my arrival I went outside into the cabins deck to have a cigarette it was about 10:00 p.m. and I'm still very light outside because it is summer months and the Sun never really goes down here I heard noises water splashing and grunts coming from the lake below the shore is about 30 meters from on the deck of my cabin I walked up to the edge of the deck to see what it was because it really freaked me out when I looked down to the shore I saw a hunched over hairy creature trying to pull a dead moose onto the shore by the neck the thing turned around and has apparently noticed me standing there looking at it it has swung its head around violently giving me a grim kind of look it turned its back to me and it casually ran into the bushes the creature was about man size 180 centimeters or so the weight I could guess was probably no more than 250 pounds and had a protruding snout like a wolf's upright years not too big and was covered and tapped like brown and black hair its arms and legs were normal size the legs were straight and the overall appearance was pretty slim bodied I went back inside the cabin panicked and locked the barricaded door and block the windows I went out for an axe and I kept in the utility room by the front door usually I sat in a chair by the back door lights off only the oven and fireplace was lit I could not believe and make out what it was and I was freaking out even more at this point realizing that far down south in Norway there are basically no wolves or bears ten minutes in I heard the most radical howls that I have ever come by they sounded mad crazed in a way and did not even try to get to the car which was right out front close to the main entrance I was petrified and could not shut one eye the whole night the house and commotion outside in the bushes went on pretty much all night as well the next day I carefully left the cabin and went for my car to head into town the problem is I have no internet or any connection out there I went straight to the police station to file a report of what I saw the officials told me it must have been a big dog trying to put me off they did not laugh as I expected they did not look me in the eyes and started talking about each other in Norwegian they looked at each other in the eyes however seeming a bit nervous I was complimented outside because I was getting pissed about being put off like that I received no copy of the report or anything like that the last few days of my stay nothing else happened except that carcass of the moose was picked up by someone nothing left at the scene I checked with the local wood asked him if there were any bears or wolves that far south Justin confirmed that I are what I already knew he replied no besides all that I forgot to mention that the creature casually went off running on two legs to this day even though it has gotten better I feel paranoid even around familiar places like my house yard and whatnot you my name is Clara I live in the upper state of Michigan and I love to hike and camp along with some hunting I went out one day with my stepdad to go hunting so we could catch some deer and whatnot once we got to the location where we were going to hunt we packed up our gear that we had brought from our house I smelled something foul like a pile of garbage of rotting fish mixed with some really bad body odor we ignored it and thought something was dead laying around nearby we made our way through the woods onto a beaten down path that we had found close by once we got quite a ways out there we stopped and took a couple of minutes of silence to hear what was going around around us we heard a huge crack in the background behind some large bushes my stepdad instinctively grabbed his sidearm from his holster and that is whatever whatever it was grouted us and sped off wherever it was sounded huge and very fast we of course ignored it but hiked even faster to order we need to get to once we got there we set up camp and started to make lunch we had a hot dog and a side of salad as we ate I started to smell that putrid smell again which almost made me vomit my food back out I had to pee so I went off to the nearest bush I could find and grabbed a flashlight in a hunting night because it was getting near dusk I squatted down as I was about to take a pee until I seen something move in the distance I shined my flashlight at whatever was moving I could see orange and red glowing eyes shining as I started to become frightened I pulled my pants back up and ran back to the camp I told my stepdad about what happened and he went to check it out after a couple of minutes I heard a loud scream in the direction my dad was walking off to he ran back panicking real bad with blood oozing down his knee I asked what happened but he stayed on silent mode he packed up our stuff as fast as he could and we walked as fast as we could to the truck once we got halfway there we heard a loud call from something I've never heard before at that moment we started running as fast as we could nearly about tripping over roots until after a couple of minutes or so we finally made it back to the truck packed everything in the back and sped off we came home and went straight to sleep but before I saw his knee which looked like it was hit by a big rock or so I'm not sure what we encountered that night but I'm positive it was nothing of this world that we know of I think it might have been a Bigfoot but I can only speculate I grew up in Albuquerque New Mexico my mom would often take us camping in the summers this particular camping trip was somewhere in the vicinity of Shiprock New Mexico my mother took my older brother Chris who was 10 and myself who was 8 camping often in those days and preferred dispersed camping on BLM and NPS land two campgrounds managed by you know just companies so she'd usually find us a spot and make herself busy by setting up the tents and pit while Chris and I would scamper around and explore the area and be generally unhelpful little shits on this particular trip we arrived in the middle of the day and as mom started setting up camp Chris and I started to explore the area around our campsite we wandered off into the woods around our campsite being in the desert it was really just stunted trees and sagebrush so I hesitated to describe it as a forest but the trees are bush and they're taller than me and provided a decent screen I wandered down into a goalie he came face to face what I can only describe to my mother later as a wolf kangaroo it was crouched low with long slender arms reaching down to the ground enlarged pointed ears like a deer the fur covering its body with sandy brown and patchy as if it had mange it had large orange gold eyes and a snout like a wolf or a coyote it bared his teeth at me and stood up its full height was probably easily the biggest animal I had ever seen towering over us and the sagebrush I had never been and probably still have never been as frightened as I was then Chris and I started to scream from mom to come up to our rescue Chris regained his senses before me taking off running back up the embankment to the campsite the wolf kangaroo thing turned in sort of I don't know speed skated away from us through the brushin screamed its legs were backwards like a dogs and his stride took it far away and fast and definitely faster than any deer antelope I'd ever seen after a split second of staring in horror I follow up my brother up the embankment screaming bloody murder for my mom we were so frightened that my mom packed us up into the car moved camps conceding four wants to stay in a managed campground Chris and I were too scared to sleep in our own tent that night and clung to our mom at the smallest tweak snapping in the brush so that's my story I hope you guys enjoy it it is kind of bored compared to most other cryptid kind of stories but it is 100% true me and my brother Chris have never been able to find an explanation for what we saw that day in the bush I used to work at a local coal mining company on the Navajo reservation as an operator for a coal haulage crew I drove haulage equipment and it was one of those crest 240-ton coal haul belly dump trucks if you seen those trucks they're pretty huge they're about two to three stories high in about 1/3 length of a football field they're massive I remember that I was working the night shift which started at around 11:00 p.m. before we started the shift we were required to do a pre start inspection on our equipment I walked around my truck and I went to the rear of the truck lowered the stairs that gave me access to the engine bay I walked up the stairs and started my inspection I found a pretty bad coolant leak on the truck I climbed back down I went into the cab and called my haulage supervisor he answered being asked if I can drive the truck back to the main shop for repairs so I left the ready line and drove the six to eight miles back to the shop and I called the shop maintenance supervisor and he instructed me to drive around the back side of the shop and park the truck there I drove around the shop part of the truck and I wanted to see how much coolant I had left I climbed back down from the cab walked over to the back side of the truck and lowered the stairs I checked the coolant level and I had significant loss of coolant I called my supervisor over to the radio in Assen to pick me up as I started to walk away from the truck and towards the shop by his seen it it was black like a bull mastiff it walked weird and had patches of tan fur missing blotches of black skin and its head was massive the head was as large as a pumpkin in a bobble like it was unbalanced I had unnatural look like nothing I had ever seen this thing walked on all fours and was about 4 to 5 feet tall it was about a hundred feet away and I was walking toward me my first instinct that it was a sick dog mange infested and malnourished it continued to walk towards me and I thought this sucker might be sick and have rabies I took out my flashlight and signed it right at it yelling at it to stay away it continued to walk towards me it was then that I noticed that it wasn't alive its eyes did not have a reflection its eyes were black and solid it was it wasn't natural I reach for my pocketknife and yelled it to stop and I drew out my knife it stopped by then it was about 20 feet away I was still walking towards the shop in a parallel I never looked away I thought it could attack me by the time I got to the shop door entrance it started to walk towards the east I went inside and got to the shop supervisor and we both came out it wasn't about a minute later but it was gone we walked to the east and my supervisor just drove up now there is only one way into the back side of the shop and my supervisor should have seen it but he didn't I explained to him what I seen and he said that he didn't know what it could be my supervisor said that it could be a skinwalker and that it usually was seen around the shop the rest of the ship I stay with my supervisor I think he was scared too I wasn't scared and nor did I go into shock like some people described but it was an experience I will never forget you when I was about 11 or 12 we lived in a small house made of mud and stone a lot like our house now it was two of my brothers and I in the house everyone else had gone to James feast unless sussed attend to the sheep we were getting ready for bed when we heard the dogs going crazy outside thinking it was nothing more than coyotes howling in the distance we told them to be quiet we began to drift off in his sleep and the dogs would not shut up somehow I was able to fall asleep for a few hours then I woke up very late in the night it was very quiet and still in the house safer my brother snowing and breathing I realized I need to use the outhouse to wake up my brother to take me there he teased me about being scared which I certainly was we went out with our flashlight to the outhouse the dogs began with their crazed barking out in the sagebrush going from one place to the next my brother went first and I waited for him outside while waiting I tried to follow the dog to my flashlight suddenly there was a very loud whine from one of the dogs then everything went quiet again it was really too quiet for that time of year not even the sheep were making noise suddenly I heard a few of the dogs going completely mad by the truck when I looked over there was this man he was unbelievably tall winning one arm on the cab of the roof truck he was looking at the dogs for a little and then suddenly kicking one of them they all scattered in different directions the thing looked up at me and I saw its face it had a pure white face like a full moon two burning red eyes and a slight smile that was pure black I could not move or make a sound it began to walk toward me with long strides until it finally towered over me all I began to see was a dark red like a color of blood when you cut the throat of a sheep I kept getting deeper and deeper into his eyes I can faintly hear my brother coming out of the outhouse this the thing looked up at him reality came rushing back to me I noticed that my brother was too distracted with his buckle to realize what was going on I also noticed this thing's long hands hovering just inches from my head his skin was black ash and he smelled like a bloated dead animal in the summer I was still unable to move or speak the thing moved in he went towards my brother finally noticing this figure my brother became paralyzed as I was closer and closer drew reaching an arm out towards my brother's head something finally snapped in me and I became unbearably angry I broke from the trance to lunged at it raising my arms like a wild animal and baring my teeth at it a growl came out that I never knew I could make I became more and more angry or at the thing that it was trying to hurt us it kept that smile at first but the angrier I got the more the smile faded finally with everything I had I began to make a primal roar at it if fell backwards and ran away into the night looking back at me its eyes were dim and all his smile was gone now the next morning my family returned to the feast after laying my story to my parents they quickly went and hired a medicine man so first some background is required I live in a small forest town technically a village in Massachusetts just north of Boston the elementary school had this event every fall called the fall fun down there's always food and stuff there for kids to run around outside it used to be a super good time anyways my friend who's a couple years older than me told me how five years ago this girl wandered off into the woods by the baseball field behind the school those woods are huge as [ __ ] and she was in there for like hours nobody knew where she went and there was a mini panic when she finally came out she was crying and couldn't talk about what happened she literally hasn't been the same since not even now in high school she changed in a huge way so here's the other parts there have now been two sightings of a strange creature scampering up the tree and disappearing one by the same friend on his own a couple years ago in this woods that that girl got lost in he described a dog looking creature with primate arms it climbed up a tree super quick and he couldn't find it again a couple months ago I was walking in some nearby woods with my friends and we solved this massive widest gray blur run up a tree and disappear it was way bigger than any squirrel or something we could have mistaken it as and we thought it looked doggish that was before I heard the stories from my other friend we always hear howling in both woods areas as well which was probably coyotes but it kind of makes you wonder you know I'm very very sure there's something out there but I have no idea what it could possibly be definitely not someone's pet or lone coyote I have one more story if you're interested I'm just less sure on that one because we've we saw two shining eyes watching us in the woods at night if you guys have any ideas please share them you I'd love to tell you about an unsettling experience I had about four years ago in the fall I was born in and still live in Louis Barre Pennsylvania my younger years were spent back near the old observatory around Moores mountain road and Observatory Drive even then I could sense that the area was a little off the woods were just not quite right open field seemed eerie and the roads never seemed to go to the exact places you thought they did Moors Mountain Church boasted spook Hollow which was a logging road that just kind of petered out in wreaked of being creepy but let's get to the presence most nights than not I will drive down to New Cumberland for a cold beer and some darts and one night in October 2012 was no different on the return trip not long after midnight I was on route 382 headed east towards Lewis berry as I was approaching John Brenneman's place up on the right just before Brennaman Drive I saw someone walking towards me along the side of the road true it was late but it was rather mild for October so it wasn't out of question for someone walking on the side of the road what was odd is that he was quite tall six six or taller and really really thin in the few seconds that I was looking at him or it I noticed that he or it was either limping or having trouble walking it seemed to be dressed all in black with black pants in a tight black trench coat a very very dark skin and short dark hair as I debated slowing down maybe someone had an accident he dropped down to all fours and quickly scampered across the road in front of me it has this face that was as I said coal black with the cross between human and canine and then it was gone when I got home I hadn't really thought about it much until the next day or two it really started to give me some creeps I didn't say anything to anyone for a few days and then told a few close friends being self-employed and figuring decision that I was going to get some kind of bad reputation I was reluctant to talk about it although I had always been enthusiastic apparent or mo cryptozoology ghost in the like I have always been such a die-hard skeptic I can't explain what I saw or begin to postulate what it was I only know that I saw something and it creeps me out to this day I did some research and the closest thing I came to was like the Texas stilt walker so I am from Southern Illinois I'm about 28 now but this story happened when I was 12 let me start off by saying that I've always been interested in the paranormal and cryptids but I'm not someone who imagines things I live in a very small town it doesn't even show up on the map anyways I was across the street from my house at a friend's house he was a year older than me I planned to stay the night over there and play PlayStation all night and make fun of Max after dark as we always did yes people I am practically an old man now anyways he had a huge backyard a slope down quite steeply but at a slow incline so it didn't look so much like a big hill unless you were on top of it his deck was looking down or at the very edge of his backyard looking up this matters later anyway he had a neighbor spread far out on both sides with huge yards beyond this back yard was a small valley with a house at the top of each side to the left side of this valley was a small field with prairie grass about an acre in size the right side was a small wood also about an acre in size with me and ruin creeks running through both parts separating Aaron's property from Ryan and his brothers we used to ride our bikes through it play manhunt and search for crawdads this summer night we were hanging out in the clubhouse where the kids would hang out on the top of the hill to the right of this valley they actually own the woods as well the clubhouse was a small cabin with a loft it was about 10 feet by 10 feet with a window and east side and the entrance of the front facing their house so we are just chilling there when we hear this loud rustling off in the bush it is dark outside but we are all junior high kids so we thought we were tough guys we looked outside the window and you could see something moving in the brush close to where the woods in the fuel begins now I was not one to get creeped out for easy reasons but this time I kinda was we were no stranger to opossums raccoons coyotes stray dogs and all the creatures that were out there no big deal once we were outside of the clubhouse and moved closer to the house again I would say about a hundred feet to the edge of the woods trying to see in the Twilight and creep up on whatever it was we heard a growl and a violent movement at the brush we nope the [ __ ] out of there and we're treating back to the deck of Ryan's house his younger brother got their stepdad and we told him there was something or someone out in the woods he had a searchlight foreboding he plugged it in and scan the woods and there was nothing he told to come the hell down and stop being [ __ ] and we went back inside Ryan and his brother decided to call it a night it was beyond dark at this time so Aaron and I hurried to our bikes and made the jump on the ramp we all built across the creek we parked our bikes and went inside his house we quickly forgot about the incident while playing our PlayStation and chugging Mountain Dew now his house was your standard mid-century ranch house they used the connecting room between the garage and kitchen has a little TV room for him to play video games in this room was a set of French doors that led outside to their deck which is about 10 feet off the ground around 2:00 we stopped playing video games and started talking about school girls and whatnot then we started talking about what it might have been out in those woods at some point during our conversation we heard a thump outside it sounded like it came back Stan I was low to the ground it was enough to make us stop and listen then we heard it again the room was dark except for the glow of the TV and the volume was so loud that it was almost inaudible Aaron got up in the couch and went to the doors which had those 1990s long vertical blinds covering them he peeked at one side and I picked out the other from there we saw a slumped over dark figure by the bottom of the stairs leading down from the deck at first we thought it might be a person trying to break in Aaron's stepdad was gone working the midnight shift and his mom was one of those sensitive must be protected types so we decided not to tell her as she would probably be hysterical we chose to keep an eye on things to see what happened we left the French doors and went into the kitchen to get a better look from the kitchen windows whatever it was was a bigger than a man by far but it was hard to make out any detail from it being so dark and us being about 15 feet above it we could tell it was on all fours in facing the steps up to the deck it began coming up the steps but it paused Aaron's dog Damien a medium-sized month that looked like a black version of lassie was slightly shorter hair in a white spot in his chest began growling at the doors at the deck Aaron's mom took sleeping pills and a couple glasses of wine so she would be out like a fat girl playing dodgeball plus she hated to be bothered so we still figured we wouldn't get her you could tell Damien was angry but unlike how he would usually go after something he was kind of scared but being protective we got some courage and flipped the back deck lights on and whatever it was took off like a bat out of hell then we crept outside onto the deck with a flashlight and scanned the yard we didn't see anything but we yelled out to whatever it was to not come back we had Gon's a dog and we would [ __ ] it up dumb kids rights so we go inside and it was hard to get to sleep but in Aaron finally did I still laid awake on the floor petting the dog all of a sudden I got a weird feeling like being watched I guess the hair on my arms stood up and even though I didn't know what I might see I went to the French doors and picked out there was this dark animal in all fours by a tree at the left of the property on the hill I could see it because there was nothing but a stump in the small hill I was taken aback I quickly got Aaron and he came to see mr. can maybe minute toss but by the time we looked out there at the figure was of a man now and not an animal anymore it was about 4:00 a.m. and it was morning Twilight so we could easily tell it was a man we couldn't believe it we turned to each other and we're like what the hell is going on we looked back out and she was walking into the field and disappeared into the woods we talked about it for an hour and then we went back to bed to this day I haven't had an experience like that ever again and I don't know what it was I thought that maybe that this time it was a werewolf or maybe some shapeshifter but nowadays I just wonder if it wasn't some creepy guy being very creepy but why would it be on all fours and how would he have some sort of fur but then again why would he look so large and why would the figure be on the hill and all fours look so large and why would it be on the floor is it all I still can't decide what do you guys think skinwalker werewolf or just some creepy guy this happened about two years ago this may not have been a bigfoot-type thing and I personally feel like it was some quick background first there have been Bigfoot sightings in my part of Alabama one only two hours away few years ago my mother who does not believe in the paranormal at all once told me that she heard some strange noises in the wood behind her house it was early morning and she was outside with the dog when she heard what sounded like a news coming out of the woods what she told me as she heard like a monkey but deeper very deep hooting sounds rising and falling so with this in mind here's my story it was about 10 and 9 and I was walking down our fairly long driveway to get the mail our house is surrounded by both sides by fairly thick woods suddenly I heard a deep hooting sound coming from the woods down the road it sounded like what I've heard a howler monkey try to sound like this creeps me out a bit and I immediately thought of what my mom heard so I walked quickly back up the driveway I stopped right there before getting into the garage and walked towards the woods I wanted to know if I could hear it again suddenly the hooting sound happened again this time only a few feet into the woods in front of me it was very dark at night and I had no flashlights I stood there for a few minutes listening to these deep ape-like hooting sounds suddenly I heard a second one answer with the same sounds on the other side of the woods behind the house the trees in that area also began to shake violently I'm in just disbelief at this point of what I'm hearing not just that but when I realized that the first one I heard must have moved parallel to me through the woods to be close in front of me a shiver went up my spine ahead of him watching me I ran inside to get my brother he's more level-headed than I am and I felt that stepping outside and hearing these two creatures hooting and shouting into the woods he would completely have an answer but instead after hearing these sounds he went silence we stood there quietly for several minutes listening before he finally whispered what the [ __ ] is that I just answered I have no idea I haven't heard it since that and it still bothers me it bothers me even more knowing that it's gone there are no more sounds and we haven't heard a sense I have kicked myself since for not having my phone so I could record it it was a long time before I felt comfortable going outside at night again again I've had people try to tell me that I heard owls or monkeys or something but I can't explain you the size of what was making those sounds especially the second one it just sounds so huge and it was at least large enough to shake the trees I don't go for night or early morning jogs anymore either which is something I used to really enjoy [Music] so this happened in Melbourne Florida a while back school had just ended and I missed my bus to get home I called my dad and asked him to pick me up because I didn't have a car at the time and she said he would but since he was at work it might take a few hours I was upset but took this as an opportunity to get homework done and sat down at a bench facing the fence of the school across the street there was some sort of clinic in front of it there was a pail four legs thing sprinting full speed like a dog except bigger I remember that it had really big hind legs this part sounds really weird but I swear to God a car of some sort went by and as it passed the front the creature just vanished I think most likely it went it hid somewhere or maybe even latched onto the car the people who I had told this to said it was probably just disappeared or teleported or something but honestly I don't believe that I don't know why but that just doesn't feel like what happened I never saw anything like this again and I'm honestly just searching for an explanation so anything you can provide would be greatly accepted so what is it do you think that I saw [Music] you [Music] fifty thousand subscribers now maybe nickytree fifty thousand shots of bleach I just want to congratulate swamp-dwelling on reaching 50,000 subscribers it's not really surprising since he puts out videos every other day they're like 30 plus minutes long he really doesn't have a life he spends all this time working on his YouTube channel 24/7 I mean he's not doing that he's stirring up something on Twitter he always accuses me of being jealous because I have a bigger subscriber count' but our view count is pretty much the same but I'm not jealous I'm not jealous I'm jealous who do you think you are swamp coming onto the scene you and your crack addict upload output and you're fluent reading skills who do you think you are buddy you're making the rest of us look bad I first met Swamp when I was 13 years old he saved me from a crack overdose at my first swamp rave I guess you could say he's not always gay [Music] thank you guys very much for 50,000 subscribers I never imagined we would amassed this many people dwelling in the swamp so sit back relax and enjoy these tales of Terror tonight and much thanks to unit 522 southern cannibal and my good friend Joseph sour list for helping me out with the intro I saw something on Monday night that still has me totally shaken to my very core I have always loved nature I love the woods I love hiking and camping fishing and everything else I'm really into my ecology so I'm out looking for mushrooms and various types of fungus whenever I get the chance the weather was absolutely beautiful on Monday for this time of year so towards the evening time I decided to round up some of my walleye gear and head down to an old train trestle crossing on the Mahoning River in Niles Ohio I had parked my car about a mile and a half from the trestle so I could walk by the tracks and hit a few with the spots along the river on my way down there by the time I reached the trestle it was pretty much dark I was wearing a headlamp at the time so I could see at this location there is a lake directly crossed the river which the two are connected by a small overhead dam I was there for 15 minutes when all of a sudden this overwhelming feeling of dread came over me and I switched my headlamp on to turn around to start back up the riverbank and right behind a big sycamore tree I saw what looked to be a very very large animal it was kind of kneeling beside it in behind it as I locked my eyes on it I completely froze I knew I was definitely seeing something there but my mind couldn't process it what was I looking at it didn't make any sense the thing that I kept saying to myself is animals aren't supposed to look like that right as I'm thinking this it's as if this thing read my mind stood up and made itself perfectly visible in the most pretentious way possible it almost had this vibe like yeah now you see me you know I'm real and I definitely exist what are you gonna do about it as soon as it happened it kind of hunched over and made its way into the brush it was out of there in like a flash as soon as my feet hit the tracks I ran and I ran the entire way back to my car without stopping by the time I reached my car I couldn't breathe both my legs were locked up I was vomiting and somewhere in between the encounter and running away I had pissed myself it's early Friday morning now and I think I've only slept for about six or seven hours altogether I've been consistently searching YouTube and all kinds of stuff listening to eyewitness accounts and it sounds like these things are encountered quite often I've heard of the dog man before but never really took it seriously before the night of this encounter anyway I would always picture a dog man to look like a skittish coyote looking creature man I love the woods and I love nature so what's for me have always been a safe haven that I could venture into to escape stress stress at work builds relationships etc I could always take a nice long hike go fishing or foraging and come home feeling 75 percent better now I feel like I was threatened and kicked out of my second home the only thing I can do is just try to understand what it was [Music] I am open to a lot of things and was not at all skeptical when my friend told me that she saw shapeshifter on the local Reservation near where she lives she delivers newspapers and I helped her out for a month after she had some surgery done we would walk and talk about folklore and the customs and traditions because I've always been interested in that sort of thing but never knew much about this particular tribe due to a lot of different things she would tell me about seeing this big black dog on occasion and when she would blink or look away and then look back it would be a woman always the same woman just different ages if it was anyone else telling me this I would have thought it was a trick of the light or being tired or etc but from her I believed it one night when I was with her we put up to a man and woman we always offer paper to the homeless or people walking around because we always offer papers to the homeless or people walking around because you'd be amazed at how happy some people get just by the gesture of it alone they both accepted the paper and when the woman grabbed hers my friend teased and I just froze she was very nice in the 10 second interaction we had it was almost like she had sent a tendril of energy up my friends honor and around the cab of the truck as if to say I know you know but don't mess with me but not in a Mastan manner just to pretty much like a warning shot of a gun after they have walked away we were heading up my road and my friend has stated that she was the wolf woman and if I had felt that she did and I nodded to her we spent the next hour at silence still feeling it roll through us my friend got the full brunt of it and I'm sure that I got a pretty foul pole kickback as well it was like a light electricity arcing and dancing from nerve to nerve creating goosebumps and shivers on occasion it wasn't overall a bad experience at all rather the opposite just not really something you'd expect to happen as casually as it did I really miss going out on that route always something interesting but that was the first time in a long time that I was reminded of the universe's being bigger than we think it is I used to work 30 miles away from where I live one night I had been stuck in heavy traffic coming home I take lasix so after a while I really had to go to the bathroom I kept telling myself that I was almost home and tried to hold it until I got there by the time I got to my exit I knew I wasn't going to make it to my house so I pulled up to an area where Fidelity Investments is located and found an area that was isolated this area is heavily wooded with walking trails and a lot of game but it is also in a very populated area I pulled up a little side Drive off of one of the main routes the little drive is about a hundred feet long with only room for one car it went up in elevation and had bushes on the right side facing the main road on the left side there was a guardrail and a view of the valley below the area up there is huge and isolated with several buildings that are all spaced out the place is dark at night because there are intermittent streets lit up up there at night it's pretty deserted too a few cars go through that area though because it's a shortcut people used to go from Taylor mill over to 3l Highway where there are stores restaurants etc when you're up there you're above everything around this area when I stopped I got out of my car waited a moment and looked around to make sure there were no other cars it was winter so the bushes between where I was and the road below me didn't have many leaves on them because of that you could see right through them I was up on this little rise about twenty or thirty feet above the drive which was four lanes wide to the left of me was a streetlight in Moore woods that went down another hill to the main road I went to the back of my car and did what I had to do when I finished I stood up and all at once every hair on my body stood up I knew him wasn't alone I scanned the area in front of me it must have heard something behind me because I turned around and there were three deer standing there all hunted up together between my car and guardrail they were looking at me they were looking across the road and I looked back over there and that was when I saw a figure standing between the bushes in front of it and the tree line behind it it was huge I stand at five five some of those bushes were about six feet tall but they only came up to about the collarbone area on this thing due to the street light to the right of it about 20 feet away I was able to get a pretty clean outline of his thing it had a large dog shaped head and pointed ears I couldn't make out his neck but I could make out massive shoulders that's when it growled it was of deep vibration I could feel it in my chest my body just took over at that point I have to explain part of it to you I worked security for years in California and the music business as a woman I have to really work out and train and defend myself I kick boxed for eight years and worked out every day I also trained dogs mainly Anatolian shepherds and German shepherds sometimes I have to establish who is the Alpha and to do that I get them down hold them into place and grab them by their ear and growl until they submit then the training can starts so when this thing rat at me and wishes pure instinct I dropped down to a crouching position and groud right back at it when I did that it's dog growling I started sniffing the air the snout went up and it turned his head slightly as it was sniffing then it took a few steps forward I was still crouched down on all fours and move forward still growling at the thing when I did that it stopped I stood up because staring right at it I never broke eye contact with it then it slowly stepped back into the tree line until I couldn't make it out as clearly as before and it started to move to the right of me the deer were still behind me they were so close I could have reached out and touched them I waved my arms and told them to get out of there when I did that they went back over to the guardrail and took off down the hill that's when I jumped in my car and got out of there as fast as I could I felt that this thing was trying to circle behind me and I wasn't going to wait around for it to do that do I think I scared it no not at all but I do think I confused it for a couple of minutes and that gave me time to move I told my husband about what happened up there but I didn't tell him exactly what I saw he would think I was nuts and to be honest I thought I was a little crazy myself - I saw a picture of one of these things that people call a dog man I know there are other things in this world that can't be explained I've seen them but this was beyond any of those things since this has happened I can't take that shortcut through that area anymore my husband took me back over there once and I was freaking out I'm begging to leave the whole time I thought I was going to throw up the wildlife up there has almost totally disappeared I have never seen anything like this there's nothing up in the hills anymore the street I live on is only about a mile or so down the hill from this place and lately we've seen coyotes on the streets like they have been chased out and pets here I've started to go missing we've also seen a large black figure moving through our backyards down here the dogs try the neighborhood go crazy regularly now people were calling the cops when we saw that large black figure jumping fences I'm concerned that it has come down the hill after eating everything up there you father told me the story when I was a teenager I'm 52 now my granddad grew up in the woods of central New Brunswick in a very remote area where only survivalists go now their whole family lived out in the sticks and they lived by hunting fishing trapping and some logging granddad said when he was a teenager he and his older brother Duke were up in the early hours checking trap lines on an old motorbike it was early fall and there was frost on the grass it was early in the morning mist and they still hung around the forest edges he was still rolling cigarettes with his brother and they were out of matches so they dipped a bit of cloth and gasoline and ignited the coil wire while Duke kick the bike over the sound of the bike being kicked over without an ignition is sort of like an animal call that's how my granddad described it anyways just as they started smoking their cigarettes my grandfather noticed something bounding through the tree line toward them my granddad said it ran up in a way a bear did but it stopped several yards away from them and stood up on its hind legs it was still too far to tell what it was but they assumed it was a black bear because they were very common in New Brunswick that's when it began walking upright towards them as it got nearer granddad said it looked like a huge wet wolf his family origin was German so this was not a known it got as close as 20 feet away from them and then began to eye them closely it sniffed their smokes and then turned and hopped and ran back to the trees grandad said they were not scared he said they were only shocked that such a creature was living in the woods granddad said it was taller than any man and had a huge head evil eyes long upright ears hands with long claws and had hair all over its body I can't remember what color he said the fur was but he said I had wolf like legs after a stressful day at work I had gone over to a friend's apartment to shoot the breeze he some food and play a few games on my friend's ps4 it was getting late and I had to be a fairly early the next day my friend walked me to the parking lot to my car there was no one else in the parking lot just us two as I was unlocking my car a dog walked out from the side of a nearby building about 25 feet away it came fully into view and stopped to look at us it was a little bigger than a standard Great Dane it was all black with long hair that appeared to be falling out in clumps had long ears in a long scraggly tail I remember making eye contact with it it had dark maroon colored eyes and in the moment we locked eyes it smiled at us but instead of a dog's lips going up and back the lips went slightly sideways and I saw white human teeth I recall suddenly getting a feeling of dread and fear I felt like it was something disguised as a dog and pretending to be a dog but it wasn't a dog I'm certain of it the energy coming off this thing didn't feel doglike I don't know how else to describe it but my hair went up on end it turned around from us and began limping slowly back around the corner from where a head stepped out from it seemed to have most of its weight on his front legs walking with a hunched back and then it was limping away I noticed its rear left foot was wrapped in a blue gauze and it looked very odd the heel was actually parallel to the ground I'm unsure if my French saw exactly what I saw but she suddenly said it's leaving let's follow it and she ran after the damn thing after it disappeared around the corner I remember being scared for my friend so I went sprinting after her I rounded the corner to find my friend looking around confused the dog thing was gone at the rate that it was walking and limping and given the close proximity to us which again was no more than 25 feet there was no way that it could have disappeared that quickly the air was suddenly extremely cold even for South Texas in January my teeth were chattering and I told my friend to quickly go back to her apartment lock the door and stay inside I warned her that that thing was not a dog and told her that I'd text her when I got home once safe at home I texted my friend and thought that everything was going to be okay and that would be the end of it but even as I settled into bed my heart was racing it didn't help that at around 12 a.m. there was a low whistling right outside my window my neighbor's house isn't too far from mine but they're good people and there is no logical reason for them to be that close to my window a night whistling I didn't make any indication that I was aware of the whistling it wasn't even musical just the sort of whistle when someone is trying to get the attention of somebody else eventually the whistling stopped and it heard nothing else I had trouble sleeping I haven't seen anything or experienced anything like that sense and my big question is what was that thing for a couple of months I was hanging out with an online community that often had lots of an ominous users and registered users speak about paranormal experiences being scared and asking for advice obviously some were intentionally fake and some were real or the user thought it was real most of the topics were about I think this person might be a werewolf vampire etc etc or I think I saw a shadow person fairies ghost since Thunderman I often tried my best to give realistic explanations while at the same time giving them suggestions for what they claimed was 100% true so quite often I research common complaints to find out more about the supposed monsters or creatures and then I came upon the Topa effect explanation for Slenderman being possibly real personally I think the topo effect is BS for if it could really create an entity based on belief where is the Abrahamic God as in why isn't he interacting a lot more with people so I was pondering what if the Topal effect was real and Slenderman was powered by it what would simply not believing in him do to him and a few days later I was still pondering it was late probably about 12 a.m. so I thought it was time for bed I have a presentation I have to give tomorrow I definitely don't want to be sleep-deprived though as I was laying in bed I was just getting a weird feeling from my window almost as if something was following me I couldn't see anything at the time it was too dark and I wasn't about to get up to check it out so I continued to try to sleep after a few minutes later my eyes are open and I see Slenderman in my room I say to its face or lack thereof you aren't real and then start to think as strong as I can about him not being real so at this point he turns into a black mist and starts to choke me things go black the next thing I know I am unconscious or so I thought I looked around my room and saw nothing there but the dread remains I'm not sure what happened next though I remember waking up again and at this point I am concerned since I am logically thinking that this is just a dream but I don't know what's going on and I am having these weird seemingly random blackouts and awakenings so I go to the washroom and then back to my bed to sleep I think Slenderman appeared again but this time a woman appeared and drove him off almost as if it was scared of her I didn't get a good look at her so all I know is that her hair was black as black and be she ended up grabbing my back as I laid in bed and held me it felt like she was trying to shelter me almost like when a parent holds their child in bed trying to make them feel safe I think I ended up falling asleep during that later that night I woke up again there was something eating a snack I think some other weird stuff happened with a few more awakenings and false awakenings but it was just plain weird I have literally no clue what happened that night there is only one thing I can't confirm is that I was actually awake and especially when I went and got a snack since there was a wrapper left behind but aside from that I honestly can't say for certain what was a dream and what wasn't you I live on an acreage and to get home I have to drive down the main road past farms subdivisions and other acreages it was a month and a half ago in August that I was driving home from work at midnight and one of those ditches when I was maybe about 500 meters away my high beams illuminated a wolf's head and eyes it was moving slightly as though we're eating something or sniffing for something but my lights didn't show me what we have coyotes out where we live and everyone has dogs but the Coyotes are too cowardly to be that close to the road and a few people at their dogs roam loose at night most importantly it was too big for a coyote or a dog it was even too big for a wolf it looked like the size of a bear as I got closer it stood up to about the height of a man maybe a little taller and moved towards me and at this point I passed it at a hundred kilometers and didn't look back too scared to try and to think of what it really was this sighting was only about three kilometers from my house it's why noped inside the moment I pulled into the driveway I am fully convinced I saw a werewolf the location was in the middle of Alberta in Strathcona County which is east of Edmonton you [Music] this was about a year ago a few detail was out of the way first I was living on 44 acres of mountain land there are several buildings on the property but the main two are currently my parents house in their guest house they are only 20 feet apart or about the distance of a single lane gravel road I was in my parents house cooking something my house was the guest house it doesn't have a kitchen or anything so I used my parents house for cooking and showering and stuff no one but myself was living on the property at the time okay to the story I was cooking I had heard the house shake I'm not sure how to otherwise explain it but it sounded like the corner of the house shook kind of like a dog just shook off after getting out of the water well coincidentally there is a creek right next to the house so I walk into the living room from the kitchen on my way out the front door to check what's going on I don't see anything I looked outside and didn't hear anything moving I was about to close the door and the cat comes in huh strange I thought but at the same time I didn't faze me too much because it's a cat they come in and out at all hours of the day well sooner than later my food was done and I wanted to go back to my house so I could watch TV as I was walking across the road I noticed a figure to my left so I turned to look at it and there stands as five foot tall you're stood straight up and we're about shoulder high on me and I'm 511 German Shepherd it was standing regular like a dogwood but its eyes glowed red it was a complete silhouette of an animal so I didn't see any features but it had the build of a German Shepherd it didn't move it just stared at me ten feet away from me and I darted into my house to grab my shotgun and I came back outside to find that it was gone no sign no sounds nothing it was just gone I fired off a couple rounds in case it was still round somewhere off but it was gone my parents want me to believe it was a coyote coyotes aren't built that beefy and this thing was freaking huge and buff like pitbull bred to kill buff most accurate description of the animal that I can think of with glowing red eyes a vertical pointed ears a thick head round like a pitbull but German Shepherd shape a thick body I couldn't see anything below the chest I was too focused on the eyes but it did look like I had legs that was standing on the ground and it was unnaturally still [Music] me and a group of around five or six friends and family all older teams who were camping overnight at a private campground on a small lake in the Kettle Moraine State Forest region of Washington County Wisconsin the year was approximately 1970 in mid-summer the nearest town was kawasan it was very rural farmland mixed with Dissidia sin pine forests we chose to relocate our campsites a little bit further from the main campground and a secluded natural practically circular clearing we liked the spot because of the unusual shape and the fact that it contained a sort of carved out depression in the center here we wish to build a fire and hang out the Sun began to set as we built our fire roasting hot dogs and singing someone happened to her mark upon the primordial setting it's how we resembled a group of ancient peoples who have done just what we were doing thousands of years ago time pass in the hour was 10 p.m. so we began to exchange spooky stories the sky was very clear and there was an abundance of shooting stars also the moon was bright so we could actually see quite a bit of what was going on around us there were crickets of course but no other folks were around only us suddenly from off in the distance in the woods we heard the sound of something coming towards us breathing heavily this area had long ago become devoid of any large wild animals pieces of wood were crackling and breaking as a walked we could hear large trudging footsteps in the underbrush you know loud snarling huffing puffing breathing sound it did not sound like an animal but more human soon we also heard twig snapping in the creature whatever it was getting closer and closer to the edge of the woods and nearing our clearing it let out several blood curdling growls and was so close we were terrified that was who all it did that's all it took for us to be shaken we gathered up all of our gear and ran out of there as fast as we could so the creature could not get us it really was trying to chase us out of its spot I believe none of us slept the entire night I have been in camping situations where young men try to scare you but they were usually in groups are drunk and end up showing himself this was one creature against several of us and it showed no fear I am sorry to say that we did not get a solid glimpse at the time everyone knew about Bigfoot so we assumed that's what we encountered we talked about it but never found out what was actually out there until I heard of the research on something called dog man could this possibly have been the man dog let me know what you think I want to tell you about incidents that happened in Northern California about ten years ago I did not see this I interviewed the woman in her son about the sighting and an eyewitness that did not know her or her son this happened about the same time that there were a lot of Chupacabra sightings elsewhere the middle-aged woman with her 16 year old son was driving in her new to them a used car it was a convertible they live in the foothills of the High Sierras at about 2,500 feet elevation they were going to the store she and her son were driving from their home down the only mountain road towards town the road drops off to the left into the canyon and dropped down from the road at 1,800 feet on the right as a trail then tapers off the canyon to the west she suddenly saw what she called the dog from how she described it as the ugliest in the weirdest-looking dog she ever saw it was black and the dog's neck was 2 feet long between his head and shoulders I named it the snake dog I reported this to other people and at the time I did not have any photographs so I did not go any further she said as fast as it appeared it had gone to the right of her car and disappeared the car was going no more than about 35 miles per hour she swerved her car to the left to avoid hitting it the car swung around and now was going backwards toward the side of the road as it shut off the road and over the canyon the car flipped over upside down they had their seatbelts on the car flew out at about 100 feet it landed upside down about 90 feet down and slope from canyon wall she said that's when they hit the ground they heard the sound of breaking glass when all of the movement have stopped they were both alive so upside down the engine was still running she reached for the ignition key turned off the engine the only injury was her son Shawn had a scratch in the back of his hand they both crawled out from under the car after releasing their seatbelts by that time help was arriving you could not see the crash car from the road going either direction it turned out that the car behind them witnessed the whole event the driver happened to have a cell phone and called for help I talked with that driver and confirmed the whole story that driver had also seen the snake dog but by then it was gone and had not been seen again so what do you think have you ever heard of any creature that looked like this alleged snake dog I just wanted to say that for one month only I have exclusive swamp dwellers summer emerge you can get t-shirts and tank tops but after that month I will no longer print this design I do have some new designs coming as well this summer that you can get so be sure to jump on that and get this exclusive summer design you
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 343,361
Rating: 4.6806474 out of 5
Keywords: Cryptid stories, state park stories, missing 411, paranormal stories, swamp dweller, true scary stories
Id: cYRcFvsXlXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 44sec (6464 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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