20 Scary Cryptid Horror Stories

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it seems many people all across the world including myself have an infatuation with cryptic creatures whether you live in the city or you live out in the middle of nowhere it seems you're bound to see something if you have a story you would like to share in a future video whether it be a cryptid story or something else be sure to submit it at svant Willard net or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your stories with everyone here in the swamp it stories that yours that keep this channel going now let's get into these creepy and downright strange cryptid encounters I always get goosebumps when I think of this encounter I had I live in a village of around 200 people in Alaska it was a small village so we knew everyone we would always walk around day or night it didn't really matter to us living in Alaska the fear of bears or wolves was greater than the dark one night I was visiting someone with my friend it was winter if you don't know it only gets dark at night during winter my friend asked if I wanted to walk I rarely turned down a walk so I said yeah the road we were walking down had light poles going both ways but the road leads to a dead end while we were walking I wasn't paying attention to another one of my friends who was running like an ape at us as a joke we were laughing while watching him not expecting what he would tell us next while he was running like a gorilla he had his head hunched down he finally stood up when he reached us as soon as he looked up at us while he was catching his breath he said whoa what is Staats and pointed behind us the light poles were around 50 feet apart but there was one area I'd say a hundred yards away two had three of the lights off in that one area of darkness stood this thing I still don't have words to say what it was the worst part was it seemingly Sauce the exact same moment we saw it and it stopped at the distance we could only see a silhouette from the lights behind it the body was thin as a tree and furless all of the limbs were the same size the head was over halfway to the streetlight despite the fact it was slightly hunched over I'd say the damn thing was 11 to 14 feet tall we all stared at this monstrosity for about seven or so seconds then I turn to my friends and jokingly said Slenderman we were still checking if we all saw the same thing as we looked back you could only see the arm going to the side of the road we looked at each other agreed to stay up all night and went to a community building where we stayed for the night to this day I wonder how such a thing can exist in Alaska during winter at negative 50 degrees without fur I've always felt differently about walking at night by myself after that I stopped taking lightless shortcuts I just don't want to see that thing for the rest of my life to elders around her village talk about shamans a long time ago I've always thought that maybe that had something to do with this monster you're not supposed to tell people about someone who was a shaman so there really isn't any history I still think maybe this was something created our culture doesn't have any rituals or anything we dance I know many are sacred though you cannot record them or take pictures but I haven't seen any of those dances perhaps thousands of years ago a shaman or salman's had other intentions I wouldn't ever want to be able to find a reason to create something like that though some background to start I was raised on a 200 acre farm in Virginia and I've always been sensitive to my surroundings I do not 100% believe in the paranormal aspect decrypted but I do believe in spirits the farm house was built in 1775 and it was always active beautified day and creepy almost um welcoming at night I cannot go outside at night on my 13 acres in Georgia nor my family farm when I visit in Virginia I have always been outside exploring but can only achieve this during the day I taught rock-climbing at the age of 14 in Virginia for seven years completed an eight-day outward-bound course in North Carolina when I was 14 and I get out as much as possible Namath 35 years young and I am a squirrel that will randomly pull over on road trips to explore new sights rock structures cemeteries historic sites etc on the way to and from any destination I am constantly camping swimming hiking kayaking fishing exploring I am not afraid to go outside but always cautious and usually armed this happened in North Georgia on a Sunday December 16th of 2018 it was sometime around 10:30 p.m. I was traveling down the road bringing yet another car load from our old house to the new one the day was in the 50s and a gibbous moon which was 60% illumination no rain from what I can remember I was driving about 50 miles per hour no other cars on the road nor were there any streetlights in my peripheral to my left I saw a 10 to 15 foot long dark brown to black object flying over the field very very fast I do not see wings but what I did see was it did not have feet it had to be flying as it was at least 10 to 20 feet off the ground by the time I look over it was gone I even swerved due to turning around several times and slowing down I have driven this road for years now multiple times a week and I still look when I Drive by I do not know what this was but I have spoken with the owner of expedition Bigfoot a few times and he mentioned to me that last year that there were four reports of pterodactyl like creatures being seen in my immediate area I spoke to him around October of 2018 and this was prior to my sighting and I spoke with him again last month as he happened to be a local park I was fishing at I had more information but I don't know how to express what I saw because I have never seen anything like this before and I feel or did not see enough to complete the picture later that night though the coyote screened for almost 30 minutes straight and in the past and to this day I have only heard them call for five minutes max we have owned this property 13 acres with a creek for over two years camps many times on and just finished our home build in December of 2018 since we moved 80 percent of the time we are outside whether it be night or day I feel like I'm being watched at a close distance there has only been one time where these creatures stopped singing at night and needless to say I was inside within a few seconds I am not afraid of what is out there I am afraid of not being able to see what I feel like it's almost stalking me and do not know what I saw and I know it was not a toad dirts leaf debris or anything like that I have tested his theory and like I mentioned I Drive by this area multiple times a week in different weather conditions rain moonshine and Sun I look every time I have never seen anything and I cannot recreate what I saw nothing even comes close believe it or not I am a hopeful skeptic though but one who wants to see something someday but not see something at the same time if any of you guys have any thoughts or insight as to what this flying thing was please let me know in the comments and thank you for sharing my story [Music] this happened when I was 10 I think before my mother passed this was the mid 80s in a small town in Texas I was allowed to play outside in the summer - my mom turned on the porch light at around eight or nine if I could not see it there would be hell to pay I never knew a dog I could not pay even the ones that my older brother was scared of I always would walk up to them so I never had any fear of strays I was also known to often bring home dogs when I found them I was playing in the yard one night watching the fireflies and playing in the sandbox when I heard a bark outside my fence it was a deep bark from what I thought it was a big dog I looked from the glowing fireflies wanting to see the dog I saw a shadow of a large dog outside our chain-link gate it was massive fluffy and blacker than the night around it the dog's head was down and I could not see its eyes at the time I hopped out of the sandbox I was sitting in and walked towards the gate as the black dog stood there and opened the gate that is when out of nowhere my dog Bambi and I named her when I was five so please give me a break a mid-sized mixed breed came out of nowhere snarling and getting between me and this other dog Bambi has only acted like this one other time dealing with a creeper and that's a whole different story as soon as Bambi showed up the dog raised its massive head growling a low guttural growl that I could feel as much as here I could now see two glowing red ember staring at me I was scared and I could not move my dog snarled still and let out a loud bark my mother blesses my dog all the time and for some reason I think that may have played some sort of role in this it's very unlike her but out of nowhere my mom came out the front door right behind me she saw the black thing in front of me and saw Bambi between us as she yelled is a house blessed by God and you are not welcome here then in speed that I have never seen in my life my mom grabbed the back of the dress of my dog by her collar and yanked his both and threw us into the front door but that thing did lunge at my dog as my mom pulled her away it bit her leg and a gash was made blood was trout into the house my mom went to work stopping the bleeding and cleaning the wound the whole time praying the Lord's Prayer and Hail Mary she also after the bleeding stopped went and placed salt lines down at the windows and doors that were outside I did not sleep that night instead ii sat with my dog in my bed and waited till morning we took her to a vet as soon as the store was open it did need stitches and she was sick for a week when it did it healed and I left a little bit of a scar and the fur never grew over but she is okay from that day on she never left my side unless I was in school I think she saved my life my mom also gave me an old small Silver Cross I still where to this day I've seen many more things over the years but that one scared me so much though I still work with stray dogs and still do not fear any normal dog that's demon dog or hellhound whatever it was definitely freaked me out [Music] you back in 2012 I was at an Aboriginal camp at Wolong B New South Wales I had been there for five years prior to this experience and this was my last year there we had heard stories of these creatures called the hairy man aka yo E's from my best recollection he told us that they were short has six fingers and completely covered in hair however one thing I had not remembered hearing was that they were said to take children through solid objects never to be seen again I was told this from my cousin when retelling him this story well behind the camp up a short trail there is a cave where we could see where a one or a few I can't recall had put its hand print and some sort of paint on the wall you could clearly tell by the structure of this handprint that had not been altered and as it was a perfect hand with one extra finger throughout my prior five years at this camp during the first night we would be told of the story of the hairy man then they would take the bravest of the kids up to this cave and spend a few minutes in it either alone or with a friend I would go up during this time period however never alone then on my last year in 2012 I decided that I wanted to get over my fear I was sitting in the cave near the back wall with the only a slight gap in a bit from the entrance with my friend and a new kid they were about to leave and I told them that I was staying to get over my fear no more than 20 seconds later I felt a hand rest on my back there was warmth and pressure so I was certain it was a hand I could clearly see the entrance and knew no one else was with me I froze up instantly and with a chill running down my back which seems like forever had passed but it was likely no more than twenty or forty seconds and so my ex appeared in the cave still feeling the hand on my back I bawled my eyes out de manatee got a teacher an elder I got out of the cave safely but was visibly shook I was always skeptical of the stories but that night I knew they existed it wasn't until my cousin told me about them taking kids that I realized I was incredibly lucky that night to even make it out of there if it wasn't for my ex entering when he did I'm positive I would have been taken this wasn't the only bizarre thing I encountered in that cave but the only one that was an urban legend one of my earliest memories is really really weird I've had a few humanoid encounters throughout my life but this one never fails to unnerve and confuse me especially now that I'm living out here where it happened I'd really like some input on this because it affected myself for my cousin and my aunt and mom one day when my cousin and I were both very young my mother and aunt set us down outside with them as they caught up they were on a bench and holding on to us both we faced the woods from where we were and they faced the driveway from our position my cousin and I watched a pale creature emerge in the woods around this huge rock formation absolutely named the big rock by us we often played on it then it seemed to realize we were watching and slipped around the other side very quickly it was pale thin and shaped like a person with arms and legs just like ours and sort of crawled around instead of fully walking it was also quite tall but it could have been the size of a fully grown person many things are tall when you're that little I can't say for certain anything else about it because then I think I'd be fishing for details I can't totally confirm those things though are what has always remained clear and consistent in my memory if we had a good look at his face that detail would be lost to the ages I know according to my mom and aunt now we made a very big deal about it after the whole thing happened that my cousin and I became immediately unsettled and that both adults may have seen something but refused to acknowledge it I would like it if someone could help me figure this out I am 100% sure we saw something that day it was a big enough deal that we assigned immediate importance to the big rock and we even named the creature we used to call it old ma'am bony for background this happened in the Adirondacks in New York near Lake George sometime in the early 2000s it was during the summer the area is relatively quiet now and was even quieter then with a fewer vacation homes on that it is also a wooded area [Music] I would like to share a story about an encounter and it would be awesome if you had any insight that he could possibly shed on this so this happened to my mom when she was a child around six years old she has a very vivid memory of it and told me several times in the past as well as we tried to investigate but couldn't find too much my mom's family lived on the outskirts of our capital city and not far from their street was a huge corn field where they used to play as kids as she ran in there one day she came upon a figure squatting in the corn as she described it the creature looked like a man except his head resembled more that of a dog's head it had pointy little ears in a flat face with a kind of flat nose a bit square shaped head and some small eyes a dark bluish gray skin with only an oily texture and it was wearing blue clothes which reminded her of an overall with a policeman's jacket at the time this happened around 1965 in Eastern Europe she has never heard of aliens and the family didn't have a TV or radio so she had no idea what she saw she just ran out of the corn screaming when she told her parents they said it must have been the neighbor boy with a mask but my mom said that she is pretty sure the neighbor boy doesn't have bluish grey skin and even though no one took her story seriously she could never really explain what she saw but never forgot it fast forward almost 40 years I was already around 12 years old I had already heard the story but Internet was still pretty new to us in 2004 and 2005 so we didn't really look for stories about dog headed aliens in the books my father had on this topic we're all about big eye tall or small grey creatures so my mom's experiences felt like something marginal one day around 2005 my mom comes home in kind of a shock and gives me a magazine and opened at a page with an article about types of aliens urging me to read it it listed a number of alien species among them the ones with doglike faces and gave almost exactly the same description as my mother did it was a general magazine so not really authentic if we don't remember the researchers name since then I tried to look it up on the Internet I either come up with myths about sinus if a lie or something else and none of those really seem to apply to what my mother saw you I've seen this creature for a number of nights now my way home from work the first couple of times I just saw the reflection of its eyes by the side of the road before skitters away out into the woods at one time I saw peeking its head over the side railings along the dark mountain road I drive home on if I am to try to describe the creature I would say that's about 40 to 50 centimetres tall with a big round head and large green eyes reflecting the lights from the car it looks like a small monkey without a tail and I think it has dark brown or black hair that covers its body and head the thing is that there is no wild animal in Sweden that is known that fits that description of this creature my best theory is that it is a troll or some sort of goblin I have heard stories of goblins that live in the woods and burrows along creeks but I never thought that I would see one or at least I think it's a goblin that is the only thing that makes sense about this for as much sense as I can make of it it's hard sometimes to believe your own eyes when you're faced with something you never thought you'd see or something you didn't think could exist at first I thought it was a cat or something smaller because the first two times I saw it I only saw its eyes thinking it a cat in this situation is something any rational person would think however as I saw more more of it I seriously started to doubt that it was a cat today I was driving home on the same road and my doubts were proven right I saw sitting on the side of the road just as I came around a bend and had to brake as hard as I could when the car came to a halt the creature was about 4 meters away from my car and I could see its eyes were staring straight at me I felt like I became paralyzed by fear and I could feel my heart pumping it just sat there for a minute or two just staring at me with those big green eyes like it was trying to figure out what to do next then it turned around and ran out into the woods and I lost sight of it I sat there for a while trying to understand what I had just saw but I couldn't wrap my head around it I don't think I will be doing much sleeping tonight I will probably just be thinking of that creature and if I see it again I'm not sure what I saw tonight but I think it might have just been a troll or something like that there are many stories about trolls and goblins living in forests around here and if anyone has encountered a similar creature here in Sweden or in any other country please share your experience or knowledge about what it might be I'm genuinely curious to know if any of my theories are potentially right I was in my car one day heading towards a campsite it was just me my mom and my brother when we arrived it was pouring heavy rain and it felt very cold I also felt if I was being watched in the woods this is an uncommon feeling but this felt different it felt like it wasn't an animal watching me it felt like something else entirely I kept looking towards the trees and I felt something watching me the whole time as we were putting up the tent when it stopped raining my brother wanted me to come and explore on the woods with him but if I'm honest with you I was very nervous I eventually got the courage to go with him though we were walking and as we were about halfway through the woods I heard a crackling sound behind me in some trees I thought it was my brother but I noticed he was in front of me I turned around into my horror this thing gazed upon me it was a very skinny and deformed looking gray-haired wolf I wanted to run but I couldn't I was paralyzed with fear I just stared into its greenish eyes while my brother kept taunting me to go there was something very off about the creature it kept me fixated on it it was much larger than a normal wolf it just stared at me at first but then it stood on two legs and that's when I knew something was wrong because I was pretty sure wolves cannot do that my brother ran first and then I eventually ran behind him I didn't look back once I was way too scared to do that but when we returned to the camp my brother told me that it could have been a skinwalker or some sort of Wendigo I didn't know what that was so I searched it up on my phone but when I did I only had a purse had battery left so I was only able to see a little bit before my phone died I saw the pictures and a couple of stories and I knew that the thing I saw was definitely a skinwalker I was so terrified and after perfuse begging I was blessed with my request to go home the vision of that deformed thing haunts my mind to this day [Music] you this happened when I was around six or seven I believe I used to live in North Carolina near Cherokee when I lived there I was often up at my grandparents house my grandparents house sits on top of a hill surrounded by a lot of forest as well as a cow pasture off to the side of the road going up to their house it was sometime during winter and I was with my grandparents helping them shovel snow out of the driveway I believe one of my aunts were there as well but I can't remember if she just got there or if she'd been there helping us because this happened quite a few years ago anyway I remember that I put down my shovel at some point and ran off as I had found some rabbit tracks I went down the bank to one of my grandpa usually parked his truck following the rabbit tracks when I saw another pair of tracks now these tracks these were different than any other tracks I've ever seen before they were that of a human but instead they were kind of different instead of having a rounded human toes they were more triangle-shaped it was also bigger than what a normal human footprint would look like now me being one of those kids that watch shows like Finding Bigfoot I thought perhaps it was a Sasquatch footprint but the triangle like toes or whatever they put me off of that idea I remember running up the bank to my aunt and grandparents and I immediately told them what I had found but I don't think they really believed me even though I had shown them the prints a few years later I remember bringing this up to some of my friends that I had at the time I even went as far to draw a picture of what I remember the tracks looking light but all of them suggested maybe it was a bear I knew for a fact there was no lay this was a bear track I knew that bear footprints looked like and that whatever made those were not bear because first of all the footprints looked like whatever this thing was was walking on two legs second of all it couldn't have been a bear because my grandma lives in an area where there are no bears around and there haven't been for years as they had been hunted or chased her in the area I'm still not sure what those footprints could have belonged to for sure but over the years I've had a few more strange encounters while there nothing quite like this one they're still intriguing to me and they keep me thinking about what could be lurking out there in the darkness just beyond my grandma's house I live in Massachusetts and I work at Six Flags it was around 10:30 p.m. on a Saturday when this all took place well that night I was getting off work and was sitting out in the parking lot area waiting to be picked up now there are two rows of streetlights on each side of the driveway where you enter into the employee parking lot it's a long driveway and it kind of does a little s turn at the end then when you get to the end you enter into a big parking lot with rocks and gravel on the ground I was sitting underneath the pavilion which is a rather long distance from the actual entrance I wasn't alone but there weren't many people around so I just sat there waiting to be picked up I was on my phone doing typical teenager things and I happened to look underneath one streetlights I thought I saw what looked like a person in a black hooded jacket with black pants and black shoes standing underneath the light they were not moving at all they just stood there it looked like it was wearing a ski mask but its eyes were covered almost like how slenderman's will look but the height of a human let's say it stood around five six or so and I was sitting there squinting my eyes I thought maybe I was just seeing things being tired and all because I am getting off on a late shift I knew that wasn't the case though because as I rubbed my eyes to try to wake myself it's still there strangely well my mom picked me up it was suddenly gone I was looking around to see if someone was walking themselves home but no one was and I was a little freaked out I don't know what I saw but I know that it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me it wasn't one of the co-workers because well if you haven't been to Six Flags you definitely know that workers were dark blue windbreakers and tan pants at the time I was scared but I've grown more comfortable since I've never spotted the thing again [Music] about a year ago I was on my way home from purchasing xand groceries on a quiet dark night the way back home was fairly normal and nothing of note really happened when it was time to home load and move everything to the house I got this weird feeling that is hard to describe now let me explain the way my Street is set up I live on a quarter sack in the suburbs we also live across the train tracks so it's usually fairly quiet unless the train is passing through and blaring because we only have streetlights on the main road every other road is left to be engulfed in darkness unfortunately as I'm offloading my groceries my garage door is open and is the only light to be seen amongst the dark housing area observing the sky around me I notice a figure walking off the street it's merely a silhouette from the darkness and the contrast the light denies any fine details to be shown but for some reason I felt fear whatever this thing is it was walking on all fours the thing has skinny and tall slender legs it may be seldom but not surprising to see animals wandering out as we do live by the woods as well but I thought it was weird as I had never seen an animal like that in this area before the figure was unsettling to see being alone in the night now still curious I saw the silhouettes neck move up and I could tell it also had turned to look at me creeped out even more I was ready to pack up as quick as possible but then the freaking thing starts approaching me I want to say it ran and I feel like that might be more of an exaggeration regardless I shut off the light and closed my garage as quickly as possible and headed in for the night I really did not want to meet whatever that freakin creature was this happened two days ago while my brother and I were metal detecting at an old homestead it's deep in the snowy Minnesota woods near to the Dakota Indian Reservation if you know the climate it's extremely cold the thick dense woods made it hard to see my brother and I both are fairly familiar with these woods and both of us got very athletic we were about five miles in the woods when I found a dreamcatcher hanging from an old white pine with a deer skull carved into the tree the reason I believe this was a deer skull is because had large antlers about an hour later it was cold and about to go dark so we decided that we would go home but that's when we thought we heard our names being called in the wind it was almost like a person but it was warmups it was almost as if it was a voice sped up and slowed down at the same time my brother thought it could be my mom and so he called out her name no one replied to this call though this made me scared knowing someone or something could be out there with us we turned off the trail and started to head back towards the homestead and it was dark but not too dark to the point to where we could not see about a hundred yards in front of us there was a clearing with one tree in the middle in this clearing we saw a deer or what looked to be a deer me being a stupid fifteen year old boy I picked up a stick and threw it it almost hit the deer when I heard a blood-curdling scream come from behind us I quickly snapped around and let out a scream but no sound came from my mouth twenty feet of the clearing where the deer had been was an oak tree the deer hung from the tree its limbs severed from its torso there is no way any animal I know can drag a deer into the tree that quickly and if it were to attack we would have heard it clearly so my question is what killed that deer that night right in front of us it was only six to seven when this happened but I remember everything my mom had gone to work so I stayed at home with my dad and little brother my brother was playing with toys in the toy room while my dad and I were taking turns playing plug and play controllers you will likely know what this is if you grew up in the early 2000s anyways my dad had fallen asleep so I ended up playing by myself I was playing map II a game about a mouse collecting artifacts and avoiding cats I was pretty far into it but my brother came up to me and wouldn't stop bothering me about something cool that he saw and he wanted me to see it badly I lost focus and ended up losing its what said fine show me the stupid cool thing already in the most annoyed tone a kid could give now the one thing I left out about the toy room is that my dad had taken the door off and spun it around so that he could lock us in when we were bad it was a pretty creepy room mostly because it felt so empty and the light in the room was dim my brother took me in the room and closed the door I expected him to show me what he planned but instead he just turned around his smiles I yelled at him over and over to show it to me but he just kept smiling and then eventually the smile turned into a creepy laugh I got tired of it and tried to leave the room to get back to my games but it turns out my little brother locked the door I yelled at him once more but more aggressive this time he just kept laughing I started pounding on the door to wake my dad up then I noticed my little brother had gone quiet I turned around he was now sitting on the toy sly we had in there it was a small slide for babies but he had a much more serious face I actually got scared at that sight he'd never made a face like that before then he looked up and I did as well he was looking at the vent on the ceiling then I noticed something slowly starting to poke out it was white like paper whites and it was all wrinkly and veiny if I had to describe it better I'd say it look like the forehead of a bald old man slowly poking out but the skin was just too white to be human my eyes started to water my brother began laughing again allowed her than before I started pounding on the door rapidly and screaming as loud as I could for my dad I didn't dare look back again but I heard it I knew it wasn't human from the horrible sounds I had been making my brother stops laughing at that moment but after that moment of me just pounding and nothing else my brother's let out a scream louder than I had ever heard like he was getting tortured I still couldn't look back though I was too scared my crying embedding for the door to open just became louder my dad then finally opened the door and I burst out only then did I look into the room but there wasn't anything there just my little brother crying and holding his leg my dad went to check it out and yet a large do you cut on the side of his leg I told my dad what happened but he just gave me a hit in the back of the head for trying to lie and my little brother I could have sworn I had smiled at me again but I didn't look too well if I'm honest I grew up starting to think it was just a nightmare like I've been told every time I speak of this memory and maybe it was but my brother still is a scar on where I remember he had gotten cuts but I don't know if I believe it anymore one time when I was about 13 or 14 I was living in a small town in southern Ohio I was a scared kid and didn't like the woods after dark I hated it when I had to take the trash out at night because I always thought that something was lurking there one night my Terrace came true I had stepped outside to return to my garage as I was having a friend over and that was where we were sleeping I had a large metal Rob with me because I don't like to be without a weapon outside I have no where I heard a low growl it sounds like a large cat specifically a bobcat I started to walk faster at that moment but that's when I saw something fall out of the tree then I heard my sisters voice say that she needed help I ran inside to find my dad and uncles and asked them of this encounter they all got their guns out and Hots into my uncle's truck they searched for about 15 minutes and found nothing I was shaken from my encounter and was more worried when I heard they found nothing later on that week though I saw a pale looking deer running on two feet down the road into the woods opposite of my house I haven't seen it since but I swear it looked at me and it spoke the same voice that way I heard that night I have seen many weird things and I hope to share them in the future as for my friend we went inside for the rest of that night honestly I really don't know if these things are connected but I can't explain this weird bipedal deer that seems to sound like a little girl this story happened me when I was a little kid around four or five years old when I was this young my family and I lived in Dallas Texas at the time I was acting up and being really annoying as I was really hyper as a child my parents told me if I didn't calm down they would send me to the monster in their closet as I was skeptical at this point not believing them I continued doing what I was doing I can't remember what I was doing but now I wish I had listened to them being fed up they told me to go to their room and to keep the light off I was afraid of the dark but at this point I still kind of am so i sat there on the bed bawling my eyes out I start to hear a sound coming from the closet I wish I could tell you I wasn't scared to be honest I was terrified at this point the door slowly swung open revealing a human-shaped figure it looked like a human but thinner and it looked to be wearing a really old mask like thing it was grunting and growling at me moving with inhuman steps I tried to scream from what I was seeing but no sound left my mouth I backed up to the window as it got closer hoping it would go over the bed and not block the door so I could run out before the thing got any closer to me I started to run as fast as I could much like a cartoon my feet were running in place before I was finally it would have moved to the door I flung the door open and ran out crying and I asked who they had helping them and a panicked voice as I was a skeptic at the time they looked at me puzzled and had a slight look of panic as their little girls saying that there was another human in their room then they chuckle saying that there was no one here but us I must have looked pale and panicked so they went to check there was absolutely nothing there but their closet light was on it was a walk-in with the light switch on the wall by the door I never saw that thing again but I kept hearing sounds of light pounding on my walls and ceiling this has anti-climatic as it is is the end of the story thank you for listening hello there this is my first time sharing a story with you in probably my last I live in northern Oklahoma in a small town I've read the stories about skinwalkers and all those things that go bump in the night and I've even listened to stories here and there on YouTube now I guess it's time I should tell you what happened to my encounter I was walking home on a moonlit night nothing seemed out of ordinary I made it to the train tracks when I heard a tree branch snap I looked in the direction of where it came from and I saw it about 20 feet away I saw what appeared to be a deer crawling in the open field now one thing you should know about me at the time is I was a huge gun fanatic so I always carried a small firearm I did the stupidest thing I shot at it with my pistol I missed it oh my god it stood up on its hind legs it scared the absolute heck out of me because I knew after it stood up I just knew what it was I ran as fast as I could to my house the one thing that scared me the most was that it was chasing me screaming my name I finally made it to my house and I looked back and I was walking back to the tree line it kept going until I couldn't see it the one thing going off and my mind was should I go look for it tomorrow I couldn't sleep that night because well how could you sleep after being chased by something so demonic I honestly thought that it was gonna come back at any time I know it's pretty straightforward but that's my story and I hope you guys can give me some advice on what I should do should I be hunting it or I should I leave well enough alone also do you think this was a skinwalker or is this some other kind of beast I'm sorry I don't have a description more than it just looked like a deer that was walking bipedally there isn't much going on in Pennsylvania at least in the rural areas where most of our pastimes include drinking oneself to sleep and driving trucks at a highly suspect speeds down narrow roadways generally speaking though I keep preoccupied with hunting there's just something about chilling in nature that I love I find a certain serenity there that is impossible to find out in city or urban areas if you don't live in the country I don't believe you'll ever understand that sort of peace or why we love it out there anyway on to the hunting season the story takes place while I was hunting out and about in early November in a forest in the foothills of the Appalachians I wasn't very far from my home only a few minutes it was late fall and the leaves were beginning to stop falling the writing of harsh winter wasn't clearly written on the wall so to speak I was hunting whitetail deer on this particular day as I hid around in the foliage and scan the area with my Winchester 3006 and Tao the gun was most certainly overpowered for a deer but when you're in Bear and elk country you can never be too safe the trail was a new hunting ground for me it was refreshing as the spawn site hunt in the days of yesteryear were now becoming increasingly encircled by subdivisions and civilization as I continued walking my path I began to become more engrossed with the beauty of my surroundings and less interested in what was happening with the wildlife around me this ultimately led me to rip over a tree root that was winding along the path in front of me the tree it belonged to split down the middle and massive in size now the story you should have ended there I wish it would have I wish it was just another beautiful hunt sadly that just wasn't the case just past the tree I was gazing at what was a rather unique smell it wafted its way past my nose and I initially believed there was a dead animal nearby which likely also meant a bear could be close I searched behind the tree but to my surprise that was no carcass there was also no predator or animal that I could see in the area the scene was a sight I wished to see all around were matted clumps of fur which spread across the area there was also vicious black fluid which led into a hollow which was overshadowed by Titanic route that led deep underground I'm familiar with sickening scenes and brutality of death within nature but the smell in the air was so nauseating it was almost like it was unnatural it was a thick coppery scent like pennies and death I felt myself fetching involuntarily at the smell and then the den a head left me deeply disturbed although shaken a bit I decided to continue my search for the deer I believe was still out there as the day drew on and the Sun beat upon me and became less ardent in my quest for this possible deer I was about to sit down and eat some lunch when I was overcome with in almost paranoia I wasn't sure why but something just didn't feel right not even thinking I looked around and examined my surroundings I saw nothing and was about to take a bite of my lunch when it dawned on me that something was bothering me there was no sound no bugs animals wind anything it was deathly silent out as the realization struck me and I began to get up I heard the snapping of a very large branch roughly a hundred feet away which was then followed by an ungodly screeching it was an impossibly deafening and terrifying screech it was as though the earth itself split and hell opened up just long enough to sum up the suffering of the Damned to one ear split and roar I was scared out of my mind and immediately acquired my firearm and scanned the undergrowth slowly something huge was moving across the forest floor I however could see nothing through the falling foliage and so backtracked in the direction I had come in hopes to get a better view of whatever was stalking through the forest it was as I ran I decided against a notion of getting a better view and instead kept booking it as I realized I had not provoked this thing at all and it was not stalking me that left me feeling a little bit more vulnerable I'd finally outrun the creature or so I believed and was beginning to hear the sound of nature again I felt comfortable right up until I realized the sound dead ahead was now gone whatever was out there it clearly circled around I wasn't outrunning it at all it was intelligent enough to try to cut off my path of xscape terrified at the thought of what might be waiting beyond the tree line I scrambled off into a different direction down into a rock goli I eventually slinked in a way near a cave and waited hoping to hide my fear from this creature it was at that point I heard a demonic snarling above me the creature was above me and I was terrified out of my mind praying my heart would grow silent long enough for the creature to move on after what felt like an eternity the creature began to move on but my gun slipped off the rock wall it was mounted against and fell making plenty of sound for the creature to notice I fear this thing's footsteps heading back as I painstakingly crawled toward the rifle I reached for my gun as I did the creature did the same instead of the smooth shellacque of my rifle stock my palm at a coarse ragged fur caked with mud and attached to a lanky sinewy arm the Beast screamed and as I shouldered my rifle and fired blindly out of the opening I caught a glimpse of a yellow Fang and one blood-red eye an eye that reflected a hatred more ancient than man a hatred that said this is my forest you have altered it through your presence corrupted it and I was here before you and that will be a year after human willpower paled in face of such uncompromising malice and I shrank back against the rocks robotic Li cycling bullets out of the cave i sat there dead I doing this for a long time overnight and well into the next morning over 18 hours of working a bull and pulling the trigger by the time I snapped out of my adrenaline fuelled haze my mouth felt like a desert and my fingers felt as though they were made of canvas stretched over dust shaking I reached for my water bottle and gulped it down spilling most of it down my front praying the Beast was long gone I instrument way out of the cave and ran as fast as my rickety legs would carry me the two odd miles back to my truck leaving most of my gear behind nothing pursued me but the feeling of being hunted remained I drove back to town at 80 miles per hour on a dirt road my eyes were wide with fear and my hands gripping the wheel with white knuckles unable to bear the thought of my secluded home I spent the night at a motel within town and a bottle of cheap whiskey and every light in the room turned on the thought of the creature would not exit my mind was it a demon loosed on earth by some divine mistake or just an animal a cryptid lost time and the memories of the trees I didn't really know what it was but I couldn't and still can't let it go the fear eventually subsided but as I sit at home writing this I swear and to God that I can hear a howling echo through the trees and across the mountains telling me that I may never arrest and I may never forget first off let me say love the channel keeps me entertained at work so I was told that I have a some sort of attraction for the weird maybe like I'm some sort of paranormal magnet in my life I have seen so many paranormal events that it's hard to remember them all but there are a few that I remember like they happened yesterday one of these events happened on a 130 acre ranch outside of Houston Texas my buddy who we will call deep the sake of privacy inherited this ranch from a family member who passed it had been in his family for well over a hundred years it had a long dirt road that went straight from the front gate through pastures of cows and then past a thick forest off to the left that was great for hunting hogs and deer we would go out and shoot guns and drink in the pasture closest to the back of the property I know it was not the most responsible pastime one morning I woke up before the Sun was in the sky packed up some ammo my 45 and my thirty aussicht rifles and headed out towards the woods as I began walking from the house I started hearing footsteps behind me all I had for light was a small mag light that was apparently dying I thought maybe the footsteps were that of a dog perhaps it got out and I didn't even notice I would stop for a couple of steps out of synch with mine and then it would stop shortly after I was swinging the flashlight around skinning the trees and grass and I would see nothing no dogs and no animals at all I finally came to the dirt road that led to the back of the property and headed down it all the while these footsteps continued to follow only having light enough to see about seven or eight feet in front of me I moved slowly something white on the ground on the left side of the dirt road caught my eye I stopped a note down to see a ring of small white pebbles in a circle on the ground I thought it was odd as it was private property and the only people want it were me and D and D was back at the house passed out I don't know if this was anything to do with that but I saw something a couple of minutes earlier I walked another couple of hundred feet and suddenly got an eerie feeling like I was being watched there was about a small 8 foot tall hay shed to the left of the dirt road to the left of it I noticed a shadow moving I pulled my 45 and crept closer this thing was taller than the shed by at least a foot skinny and almost looks skeletal it was humanoid in appearance if only for the presence of its arms and two legs that made it stick upright the legs though the legs bent backwards like a dog or something its head was bulbous like this they described aliens and as I crept closer now about 10 feet away my gun was still drawn I flashed the dim beam of light in this direction in a flash this thing around the shed and in two long strides leaped over the entire road and disappeared into the darkness this road is as wide as your regular neighborhood road so needless to say it was quite the jump I wish I could say that was all this and it was gone but it wasn't I wasn't brave enough to make a shot either because I was so shocked and trembling so bad that even if I had shot at it I probably would have missed so order this thing gave off was pure evil I stood in shock for what seemed like forever I finally called D on my cell phone who was still sleeping at the house in front of the property and frantically whispered dude come get me right now there's something out here with me and it's not human d came out as fast as his hangover self could muster from where I was I could make out the headlights from his truck in the far distance I booked it he picked me up and took me back to the house I was shaken up for weeks always scanning the darkness outside hoping to not see it again a year later I decided to face my fear and go looking for this creature that I believe is still out there that however is a story for another time this happened when I was still about 5 years old living in a country in Southeast Asia urban legends are common things here but what I saw back then is unheard of and only my family knows about it when I was still a baby my parents didn't have their own house my grandparents agreed to provide us with the house that was located in an open field village with only three other houses built in our about 500 metres away from each other even though the house was a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by tall grass in the middle of nowhere we had no other choice five years had passed and we didn't encounter any problems my parents always remember to lock all the doors of windows especially at night however one night around 4:00 a.m. which was still really dark out where I live I was suddenly awoken for no reason our room was facing directly at the living room and for some reason my parents didn't like closing our bedroom door because of this I had a full view of our couch TV and windows all facing my direction I noticed someone or something sleeping on our couch it was still dark and the only source of light was from our bedroom lamp and the moonlight so I thought it might be my dad I looked over to my left and then saw that both my mom dad and sister were all sleeping beside me this sent chills down my spine since whoever was sleeping on her couch shouldn't be in her house at this moment I was wide awake I looked at the thing again and squinted my eyes to have a better examination of whoever was sleeping on our couch as I did this I concluded this thing wasn't human it was big like really big about the height of a six-foot person and the width of a grizzly bear maybe even wider I also noticed that this creature had really sharp edges around his body then my gaze towards that thing stopped as the creature started to move in an attempt to stand up I was so scared and didn't know what to do so I just closed my eyes and tried my best to pretend that I was asleep not even 1 minute later my three-year-old sister started shaking furiously out of nowhere I immediately looked back at the thing sleeping in our couch and was shocked to see that it wasn't there anymore my sister's shaking woke up my parents as far as I know she was having some sort of seizure the shocked and confused my parents since our sister didn't have any illnesses around that time regardless my parents called an ambulance as the ambulance arrived my dad carried my sister outside the house when we reached her house front gate my sister stopped having a seizure instead she stared to something something was on our front porch as I looked at what she was staring at a cold sweat started dripping all over my body and I was just shook at what I saw it was the creature this time with its visible red eyes full of Rage destroying my bicycle parts I ran outside the house as we all rode to the ambulance we still lived in the house for another three years after buying our own home as far as I know only my sister and I had seen whatever that thing was up to this day I still have no idea what it was and I still have questions regarding that thing what is it how did it enter our house and was all in our imagination and was it the reason behind my sister's sudden seizure 13 years later and the questions are still unanswered I was a 15 year old girl at the time and had recently just turned 15 and I was also very very dumb my story begins at home it was around 10:00 at night my friend and I decided we were hungry we thought we could just walk four blocks down to the gas station to grab a quick snack although it was quite dark out as we were walking we felt as if something was watching us so we walked a bit faster until my friend looks at me in a stutterer do 2dc that I turned around to see something crouched over on the sidewalk a few feet behind us it didn't look exactly human it was shaped differently and much much bigger we are now keeping our eye on it as we walk backwards when it starts to stand up at this point I see a big shadowy figure growing and coming towards us we ran as fast as we could to the store and calm down as we began our walk home we took a different route but we still felt very unnatural or Denari we were sitting down trying to understand what we just saw until we heard my cat make a deep growl in the hallway we turned to see that she had her hair standing up and was hissing she saw something we didn't see and it was very clear she ran around in a panic and that just freaked us out even more finally I decided to give up and knock on my bedroom wall toward the door my cat was mostly avoiding I heard these three knocks come back that being said my friend left my house crying and I no longer lived there I have had many many experiences in the house but this was probably the craziest one because it happened in front of somebody else so we could actually validate that I was not crazy and something creepy was definitely following us home that night now weather was a cryptid or a ghost or something else I don't know but thank you for sharing my story thanks for watching this video if you enjoyed these allegedly true creepy encounters with cryptic creatures be sure to hit that like button as it helps me at a time if you're new to the swamp why not hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications to never miss a new video as I upload them almost every single day and all things natural and supernatural honestly these were some pretty good ones some of them are a little short but I think they were all worth in the end there's some creepy stuff and I don't know if you guys have noticed but we're very close to episode 25 which is the next video which is gonna be a very very long one I don't know if you've also noticed but there seems to be a lot of creepy bipedal deer creatures out there let me know your thoughts on that in the comments down below if you have a story you would like to share in a future video be sure to visit swamp Willard net and submit your story there I would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp it's stories like yours to keep this channel going I appreciate you guys so much and thanks for always supporting this series I'll see you guys soon with another creepy video
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 91,766
Rating: 4.8492346 out of 5
Keywords: Cryptid Stories, Swamp Dweller, Skinwalker Stories, Wendigo Stories, Scary Stories, Narration
Id: BU-gtrEfMMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 8sec (3908 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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