"I Know Why People Don't Explore The Woods Of Scotland" | Creepypasta *COMPLETE SERIES*

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Scotland is an ancient and wild place it's there that the unstoppable expansion of the mighty Roman Empire was halted firmly in his tracks Lygia near veterans hardened by years of bloody conflict on the savage frontiers of the Imperium turned back once they reached a land they called Caledonia it's always been somewhat of a mystery to historians as why Rome ceased its conquest just short of complete victory wise general chose to build a 73 mile long wall that stretched coast-to-coast across northern Britain some scholars note the lack of natural resources explaining that the Empire had nothing to gain from subduing the Scots but thick ancient forests would have viewed admissions of tons of lumber to fuel the Empire's war machine not to mention the abundant red iron ore buried in Scotland's fast rolling hills regardless the answer to the age-old question actually does reside in the land seemingly infinite impenetrable forests for there is something that exists in the dark damp woodlands of old Caledonia something that was once worshipped before slipped into rumour and legend something that was here long before humanity and will be here long after we're gone I grew up in the Boston neighborhood of Charleston the son of a moderately wealthy set of parents who were still very much in love my dad would take me to Red Sox games followed by big greasy pizza slices in the North End mom ran a small Italian pastry place sometimes bringing home a batch of all the cannoli in Napoleon's that weren't sold that day it was a happy childhood but one that was about to be cut short one bitterly cold Christmas Eve shortly before a graduated high school it was one of those frigid New England winters thick fog hung in the air water pipes froze and burst forming patches of black ice traffic to a crawl my father was headed home from the local bar after a few festive beers with his work buddies but just a block from his house he slipped on a patch of sleet and hit his head on the sidewalk the doctor said he suffered a brain hemorrhage and that we'd be lucky if we would talk to him if he ever woke up from his coma a month later on the 30th of January my mother made the decision to have his life-support turned off I don't think she has ever forgiven herself it was then that a relationship began to deteriorate she grew depressed and spiteful she started to self-medicate with vodka and Valium she never ever said it brand new I reminded her of my father I had his eyes she used to say his nose all that anger frustration she held for him choosing to walk home instead of getting a cab like she told him to it was all taken out of me and broke my heart but in a twisted way I understood so by the time college applications came around the University of Edinburgh in Scotland offered me a place to study contemporary history as a part of an exchange program I jumped at the chance I had to get away it was definitely what I needed it was what she needed to as an American abroad I was often on an object of curiosity viewed is practically exotic by many of the local populace I made friends with a fellow exchange student who was also from the u.s. forming a kind of not so homesick Americans Club who saw themselves of a duo of adventurers from the old colonies exploring the land of their ancestors unlike myself my compatriot was a country boy much more accustomed to hauling their hunting rifle through the swamps of Florida than hauling back book bags along grimy city streets so it only took a few months before my southern friend was conspiring to take me camping determined to share the peace and bounty of nature he missed so very much so together with one of our English friends Morgan we planned a trip to the largest forests of the United Kingdom galaz forests 300 square miles of lakes hills and woodland with only a handful trails dividing it up even now I find it hard to bring myself to write its name I'll do us a world of good to take a break from the city said Morgan stepping off into the rail Rea platform of a small Scottish town okay so fresh air in the lungs get back in touch with Mother Nature I hear you man no responded proudly sporting his Miami Dolphins hoodie even somewhere is awesome as Edinboro after a while I just start to feel suffocated you know I just think it's going to be kind of weird going camping without a rifle I feel like naked or something here horns are gonna thank you later I remarked with a laugh I went hunting with my uncle wants that Remington got real heavy after carrying it for a few hours besides I think no bears or Gators here it was a chill October morning as we made the short hike out of town paying no mind to the locals who either suspiciously from grubby windowpanes not even a half hour had passed but already I was regretting having packed so much in my rucksack the straps dug into my shoulder so hard it felt like they were cutting off circulation I had to rest my thumb's under them just to keep the a cat bay naturally it was a great relief when a livestock wagon came trundling around a Ben Noah instinctually threw up a thumb drawing the intention of the driver who stopped his vehicle smiling as he gestured for us to hop in the back it smelled terrible one of the sheep even tried eating my jackets but I have never been so completely relieved to be off of my feet now after almost an hour on the road in the back of the cramped stinking wagon the vehicle reached his destination and brought up near a set of farm buildings we thanked the farmer and he wished us a safe journey and his nearly incomprehensible accent before we began to make a way along the road again the autumn Sun was in the afternoon and it was declining as we continued to trudge along the narrow country lanes the strain of lugging my heavy pack had beads of sweat forming on my brow a dull ache now present to my shoulders and feet it had been hour since we had seen any cars or people and it was beginning to show in our environment foliage at the sides of the road grew progressively untamed dry stone walls crumbling as twisting vines began to reclaim what was once mankind's we were getting pretty tired at this point we've been walking all morning and it didn't seem like we were getting any closer to the actual forest the narrow country lanes flanked on each side by wildly overgrown hedge grouse they were beginning to all look identical as frustration grew Morgan and Noah began to argue over which route we should have taken it was so here that they didn't even hear my remark about someone watching us from further down the lane I had to raise my voice to even get their attention they stopped shocked into silence by the sudden appearance of a solitary figure I was pointing toward the man stood have decided the road wearing tattered clothes and a long white wisp of a beard he stood perfectly still staring at us with wide curious eyes hello hi there we're just wandering if you know Morgan cut himself off as the man began shaking his head nervously in a small rapid motion look we made some directions no the man hissed his voice was hoarse almost weak sounding as if it had been a very very long time since he had last spoken we tried to get any kind of information out of them remaining perfectly polite the entire time but he still - shook his head struggling to make eye contact with us he didn't say another word not even as we said our goodbyes and passed him in the road the man just stood there watching us march toward our fate after a day's worth of walking we had finally reached the end of the road the tarmac was cracked in weather grasp routed through the tiny fissures in the surface it was here that the road literally and physically ended swallowed up by nature as the vast sprawling forests opened up ahead of us it struck me as deeply unnerving seeing a road so inexplicably abandoned it was premiere all millions of huge dense Pines that spread out before us like an ocean of dark green I'd never seen anything quite like it in my life by this point the Sun was beginning to sink towards the horizon transforming the skies deep blue into magnificent shades of pink and orange despite being hungry thirsty and disgustingly sweat soaked from our excursions we decided to push on we had to after all darkness was drawn near moving through the forest itself was hard work pine needles dug in to exposed flesh while small biting insects feasted on us causing huge itchy welts walking behind someone meant that thin spikey branches would whip back into your face it was agonizing even the country boys were beginning to complain so upon reaching the first real clearing in the thick pines we began to set up camp at this point I almost want to tell you that we heard scary noises coming through the trees as pale moonlight cast ominous shadows around us but we didn't aside from the ghostly calls of a few owls the first night was actually pretty serene the guys are right this outdoor stuff really did bring some sort of peace if only for a short while looking back I almost wished something had happened on that first night maybe then we would have just turned back while we still had the chance started the next morning the brisk Blue October sky had become a ceiling of gray clouds we packed to wear a camp opting for a meager breakfast of trail mix before pushing deeper into the woods we were worn out so hacking our way through the pines was even more exhausting than yesterday sometimes we would find a little clearing somewhere the trees opened up a little we would get a good look at just where we were it was an ancient a cereal forest beds of moss spreading out before us no remark that we must be 15 to 20 miles away from the nearest piece of farmland even further from the nearest village this place was truly untouched or so we thought as we traipse through the almost impenetrable forest I began to notice bright artificial colors pushing through the pines into another small Glade we came across an empty campsites two vacant tents with a small burnt-out fire between them there was nothing obvious or unusual about the setup but upon further inspection we noticed a few small details that made us very anxious indeed mess tins filled with rotten food were sat near the charred logs and ash that made up the extinguished campfire half-full plastic bottles of murky stagnant water lay nearby Wow someone had a rough time walking out of it Morgan said with a chuckle reaching into one of the open tents and producing a pair of ladies hiking boots they were small purple with pink straps of plastic around the lacing why would someone leave their boots I asked nervously scanning the area the forest was completely silent aside from the calling of a distant Raven I don't know blisters maybe no replied nonchalantly I've seen weirder stuff in the woods but he fell silent something was bothering him this camp looks like it was abandoned in a hurry like they just took off for some reason not everyone could stomach camping in Scotland Morgan remarks smugly maybe they just didn't have the minerals anyway there's nothing of use to us here well aside from that tinned food and we could always just come back for it true let's keep moving no one nodded making his way back into the pint as Morgan and I began to follow but upon our departure I noticed something about some of the trees surrounding the camp on many of them the bark was torn away in one side a pattern of deep gashes marking the raw timber beneath trails of sticky SAP I let down the trunks appearing as sticky shimmering trails of Dahl in the morning light it reminded me of what black bears do to trees during the mating season back in New England only there are no bears in the UK and these markings were much much bigger after another hour or so of walking the trees thinned out until we found ourselves at the top of a steep hill with a commanding view of the entire area it was impossibly vast the area of wilderness that stretched out before us was unfettered with artificial construction in the distance we can make out the dull blue of large freshwater lake our designated water source for the camping trip that's it right I remember asking that's Lough aber Noah took a pair of binoculars fiddling with the zoom before bringing them to his eyes Morgan and I took off our packs lowering our aching bodies to the dirt to recoup some energy no observed the terrain for a few moments muttering complaints to himself suddenly he fell silence his mouth dropped open he only took the binoculars away from his eyes when his hands began to shake what the f is that dude no was pail thrusting the binoculars a Morgans direction with a distinct hint to panic in his voice look look over there do you see that Morgan took the binoculars directing the telescopic lenses to where our friend was pointing I see a lot trees my very little else ah no crowd grabbing the binoculars trying to relocate what he had seen I did not just imagine that [ __ ] I swear to god dude it was it was he struggled to find the words falling into the dirt with his head in his hands well what did you see no bloody out Mike talked to me Morgan was trying to laugh off the tension but it was obviously forced no one never acted like this he knew something was wrong as I listened to Nolan Morgan begin to argue again a flash of movement in my peripheral vision caught my eye I turned to look but there was nothing only the silence and stillness of the woods I told myself it was a rabbit or a squirrel but I couldn't shake the feeling that something else was watching us to the trees something larger something order at first no refused to continue the journey insisting that he had seen something that was not a trick of the light we pressed him for more information but he only seemed to grow increasingly frightened as he tried to describe the thing he saw almost as if he couldn't comprehend it it took a while but we did manage to calm him down convincing him to rationalize whatever he had seen in just a move-on nineteen hours of walking and you just want me to turn back now man the F up this seems do the trick we had only just arrived in Galloway to turn back now would be a monumental waste of time and efforts reluctantly he agreed to move on we were beyond drained by that point physical and emotional exhaustion is set in so heavily that I had to force one foot in front of the other in order to keep going one more step I kept telling my stuff one more step and we can rest for a while my hands and neck throught run the incessant itching of insect bites my neck back and shoulders were aching from hauling my stone heavy pack through acres and acres of wild woman all of a sudden I felt my foot snag on something hidden by the blanket of greenery underfoot I remember hitting the dirt hard and the impact knocking the wind out of me for a moment as I struggled again to get my footing Jesus you okay back there one of the guys asked I just gave them a nod still fighting to catch my breath Morgan walked over to the patch of foresight tripped over his eyes narrowing as he spied something hitting amongst the moss he touched down took a grip of something straining as he attempted to wrench it from the earth what the hell are you doing Morgan no aside shaking his head as we continue to walk I'll be it at a much slower pace with a grunt Morgan finally freed the thing from its shallow grave wiping away cake dirt from a section of it it was worn jaggedly broken but it was unmistakable it was steel clearing away more soil revealed what appeared to be a partially decomposed ivory hilt this this is a bloody Roman sword it's a Gladius look at it he was transfixed the thought of an untapped source of Roman artifacts was evidently making his head spin oh he got to keep going there could be more of this stuff we could be great I mean seriously [ __ ] guys the fear in Noah's voice made my blood red cord you better come see this I had no idea back then that there are things the human mind is almost incapable of comprehending many of our natural reactions to stimuli have been trained and redefined by our ancestors almost as if were programmed to react in a certain predefined way however when eyes present the brain with images that it has no pre-programmed reaction to the system stutters the body has not told how to react we wandered towards the clearing pushing through the trees that concealed Noah from us there we found him frozen to the spot quaking before something I still see in my darkest of nightmares there were huge pine trees twisted into forums their roots and limbs winding together into a kind of arcing cradle beneath them a large shallow pit had been cut away from the earth every inch was filled with bones entire rib cages jutted out from the soil like animal traps long femurs yellowed and broken with age were arranged into intricate patterns into the earth beneath us centipedes and lice crawled out of the open eye sockets of cracked skulls their jaws hanging open in a silent scream of death there must have been hundreds if not thousands of human remains half buried in the earth before us as my eyes returned to the twisted mass of trees and branches and roots above us I noticed a dull glittering among a network of woven tree limbs withered steel helmets still with a few slivers of red plumage brash jewelry had been intricately stitched into the patchwork of dry branches roaming coins more than a thousand years old were pressed so harder to the dying timber that the trees were growing up and around them half consuming the small pieces of bronze they were stunned completely an utterly awestruck by the horror of what stood in front of us apart from the rhythmatic cawing of a distant Raven a terrible way to silence hung in the air for a moment or two as we tried to compute what we were seeing this copy real Morgan blurted out his lip trembling his face pale and clammy that thing Noah hissed his voiced barely above a whisper the thing I saw in Treece we turned to him body stilled by terror eyes wide with electric fear the this this is its nest a thundering noise echoed through the trees around us something that broke the ominous stillness of the Deaf saturated clearing a deep otherworldly how unlike anything I had heard before or since assaulted our ears I felt nauseous with fear like I might regurgitate my measly breakfast all over the forest floor as the roar died down that horrible silence returned once again we could hear the rustling of Pines the crunching of dry twigs and pine Eagles in the near distance something was coming for us rah Morgan didn't scream or shout his command was hushed dampened by the raw blinding terror that course through us so we ran we ran blindly through the pine to stray branches and bramble thorn scratched and sliced every exposed flesh exhaustion didn't seem to be a factor anymore neither was the weight of our backpacks we tore through the forest at breakneck speeds fear and adrenaline providing strengthing stamina that seemed almost impossible Noah ran ahead of me instinctually looking back over a shoulder for a second to see if the thing again tin us never forget the horror and dread in his eyes it was the same thing the heat saw through the binoculars the thing that we told him wasn't real was crashing through the forest towards us and it was angry he helped like a terrified dog somehow managing to increase the speed of his run as he heard the same eldred's ha cut through the trees it was close now really close this why Morgan cried darting off to one side he too had seen something but it was not the thing but pursued us we followed beginning to notice the familiar straight lines of man-made structure hurtling towards us we squeezed through a narrow gap in the rusted chain-link fence and sprinted towards the nearest building it was coated in ivy and other creeping vines so completely that the entire construction appeared to be nothing more than a mass of vegetation Noah and Morgan occupied themselves are trying to wrench open the heavy steel door but my attention was drawn to a painted sign that was attached to the concrete wall close by it too was partially concealed by wild greenery that I tore the vines away more and more of the letters became legible Minister of Defense it read gallows Forest Research and Development Center authorized personnel only freaking help us Noah cried his voice breaking from all the consuming terror that gripped him I barely had a time to process what I had read before I was helping loosen the rusted iron door handle one more pair of hands was all it needed it groaned as we dragged it open revealing a dark cavernous space within we had no choice we were to enter the pitch-black room or suffer the same fate as the millennia-old corpses we had just fled we would be torn apart and our bodies would be taken as morbid trophies just as whatever was hunting us was about to burst through the treeline the slam the iron door closed sealing ourselves inside the decrepit abandoned building we thought we had escaped our grisly fate we thought we were safe inside such a heavy steel and thick concrete but we couldn't have been more wrong the horror had only just begun darkness pitch darkness so inky black that it felt like we have been locked inside some ancient subterranean to the only sound with a ragged breasts of my terrified friends in the muffled furious howls of the creature outside I didn't move I couldn't I was paralyzed with fear as I crouched on the cold concrete floor of the bunker listening as the creature shrieks grew louder and louder Oh God I heard Noah whisper in the dark his voice breaking with fear it's coming the thick steel door shook as something slammed into it from the outside terror stabbed through my guts the sound echoing around the stone walls at the bunker until it felt as if it were rattling my skull Jesus please no God please help us tears of raw panic filled my eyes my trembling hands reaching for the small pen knife in my pocket it won't do a thing it won't do a goddamn thing I thought to myself it's going to break in here and rip my arm from its sockets before I can even try to stab this freaking monster I'll bleed to death watching it tearing my best friend's inside out and there's nothing I can do not a freaking thing I can do I fumbled for the blade in the darkness ready for that hideous thing smashed at the door ready to die trying but nothing came whatever that thing was it stopped trying to force its way aside we heard its house grow quieter and quieter as we waited terrified in the darkness waiting to die after what seemed like an hour of us remaining still as statues in the dark silence of the bunker a single torch beam shot out from the direction of Morgan and backpack pointing squarely at the bunker steel door instinctually I began to rummage through my own pack for ting away the penknife and searching for the small LED torch I had packed Noah however did not rush to retrieve a torch his first thought was that the burner cell phone he'd brought for an emergency a small but reliable piece of technology that had a battery could be used at least a week without needing to be recharged oh thank god I remember saying a warm feeling of hope spreading through my chest frickin concrete is blocking the signal no accursed a first chance we get I'm calling for rescue we're going to be fine everything's gonna be just fine rucksacks off boys Morgan hissed grab your torches phones food and first day kids everything else we can leave behind he was running on pure adrenaline millennia old survival instincts kicking in hard we need to move on we need to move fast wait what Noah reacted as if Morgan a completely lost his mind and go back out there are you goddamn serious right now no I don't mean go back out there Morgan barked in reply I was saying there has to be another way out of here there must be and what if there isn't that thing is probably out there waiting for us I'm not going back out there no huh have that no goddamn way no way in Morgan continued to argue back and forth as I shined my torch around the darkened room the walls were evidently once painted white the color now faded to an almost sickly pale yellow filing cabinets at resting next to large data computer equipment a thick layer of dust having settled everything around us the place reminded me of the reception area in a doctor's office what is this place I asked out loud as no and Morgan ceased their bickering peering around his torch beams scanned the environment for clues or without a word we each rose to our feet tossing our heavy rucksacks into a cobweb infested corner before we began to explore the abandoned bunker studied together Morgan whispered leading the three of us down a long dark corridor we silently stopped at the first half opened doorway we came to exchanging nervous looks as we prepared to head inside slowly Morgan pushed on the clammy rotten wood and shone his torch into the filthy room row upon row of hospital beds line the small dank interior all were empty in a made black mould festering on the damp mattresses all except one on this bed in the very far corner of the room a motionless shape was covered by a grimy once white sheet Morgan began to approach it Morgan Noah hissed his fear tinged with frustration what the hell are you doing man Morgan didn't listen ignoring the questioned as his footsteps were punctuated by the crunch of dust and old masonry we simply watched our torch beams flickering around illuminating clumps of old cobwebs and the carcasses of decaying vermin he took hold of the sheet slowly dragging it away to review a time-worn Gore encrusted skeleton a faint gasp echoed around the room as we stared awestruck at the side of the cadaver the bones a muddy brown as mold feasted on what little remained then the smell hit us not as putrid as an actual rotting body but pungent in the last Jesus Noah exclaimed covering his mouth and nose with the sleeve of his jacket get away from that dude at freaking reeks but again Morgan just ignored him studying the bones of the corpse intently under his torch beam I began to approach the occupied bed as well my eyes locked on to something hideously strange about the skeleton structure the skull ribs and pelvis bones all displaying some kind of abnormal growth lumps of what looked like bubbling calcium deposits sprouted painfully from the skeleton itself as if undergoing some kind of mutation are you seeing this I whispered in Morgan's direction shining my torch onto the most affected areas I've never seen anything like this before Morgan remarked in disbelief it almost looks like the initial phases of Proteus syndrome but no one has ever just developed the disease later in life now here's a birth defect although a variety of elephantiasis can be transmitted to the body via parasitic worms parasitic worms then get the hell away from that thing dude Noah exclaimed his voice tinged with disgust Jesus who cares what it is guys we need to get the heck out of here and we need to do it now he's right Morgan let's get out of here I said but Morgan's eyes were still fixed on the skeleton I had to reach across the bed and take hold of his arm to get his attention Morgan okay okay whoo we're going we retreated from the room slowly edging out into the corridor again as our torch beams proceeded our every movement I kept looking back towards the blackened skeleton half expecting it to slowly sit up with its neck bones crunching as it turned but it didn't without a word we left the unburied corpse to lie for god knows how much longer lost to the world the corridor had a few more rooms leading off from it just administrative offices as far as we could tell with all computer equipment and files piled high on the desk not one yielded us any form of escape however one thing I did notice was the huge amount of shredded paper that was in the process of rotting into mush it was piled on the floors overflowing from dusty trash cans whatever information this facility had collected an effort was certainly made to destroy it we kept going feeling like dead men walking The Green Mile our torch beams quickly United at the end of the corridor each illuminating a pair of hospital style double doors that blocked our paths on the left hand push panel with single human hand print it was darkened with age dried and flaking but we all knew that it was blood with trepidation we inch closer and closer to the door with no bloody handprints the light of our torches fixed to the dreadful omen as we reluctantly crept towards it not one of us spoke to afraid of what might be behind the door afraid it might hear us it was Morgan who finally placed a shaking palm on it before beginning to push what greeted us on the other side turned my blood to ice twisted broken shapes covered the floor of the next corridor along not a single inch of the tiled floor was visible to us just a mass of jutting angles covered in fabric when I focused my eyes on the bright torch Bream's in the darkness I began to understand what they were there were bodies a carpet of dead bodies all wearing the same distinctive camouflage pattern the smell of raw hit us almost as soon as we passed with the double doors a stench of decay so ripe that I had to stop myself from gagging our torch light crept over the massive bodies catching or bone rips through uniform there were so many bullets had been fired that the brass shell casings twinkled in our torch beams the soldiers weapons were utterly destroyed broken pieces of rifles laying among the corpses the tough sheet metal cleaved in two by some ungodly force what the hell happened here I whispered to myself covering my nostrils with my sleeve to keep the toxic stink at bay they were trying to kill you they were trying to kill in it slaughtered them the see of skeletal corpses was the only thing separating us from another door at the end of the corridor a single threshold our only perceived means of escape Morgan took a deep breath stealing himself for what was to come then took a single step onto the mass of bodies with a sickening crunch he shifted his weight finding a foothold among the forest of Bones he took another step almost losing his balance among the carnage as he began to advance slowly down the corridor we followed leaning on the walls for balance as we edged through the piles of butchery I tried not to look down I tried not to acknowledge the skeletons of men who died on natural deaths were being ground to bone me Oh beneath my boots yet as I tried to set my foot down on one particularly raggedy patch of human remains my boots sank through the ribcage of one unfortunate soul causing me to slip and crash into the festering debris below with a nauseating crack I remember my hands sinking into the flesh soup that congealed on the tiled floor the gluttonous remains of liquefied flesh in organs that felt like a cold jelly on my palms I panicked rolling around among the bodies if a jagged piece of bone had cut me open if even a smidgen of decaying human slime that wreaked beneath me had gotten into a fresh womb I would be doomed Shh [ __ ] help help Morgan reacted instantly scrambling back among the bodies leaning against a wall as he held a hand out to me I was covered in it rotten slime oozes sleeves of my jackets the stench was unbearable i gagged as I pulled it off for me flailing desperately to free my orange from the sleeves when I finally did I followed Morgan enou along the edge of the corridor driving myself forward with all the will I could muster when we had at least cleared the final few corpses the ground once again became stable under our feet I couldn't hold back any longer my stomach flipped sending out hot bile spilling out from between my lips bent double and still leaning against the faded paint of the walls I emptied the meager contents of my stomach onto the grimy tile floor I felt a solitary hand against my back a futile attempt from NOAA to calm my nerves but he knew better than to speak there were no words to console any of us by this point now all that seemed to stand between us and our freedom was one single door Morgan tried the grubby metal handle the theme rattle butts wouldn't budge he became erratic trying with all his might to pry the handle open eventually slamming fists into the thick reinforced plastic Morgan look Noah directed his torch into a small rectangular object that was fixed to the wall near the door itself it was a card reader at once we turned back towards the mass of bodies realizing with horror that we need to be forced to go through it again one of them has to have it one of them has to have to go damn cake out all we have to do is find it simple I'm not so sure who Morgan was trying to reassure us or himself and so began we were traced our steps among the stinking skeletal remains rummaging through camouflage combat jackets stained black with decay it was filthy work who coughed and spat trying to rid ourselves of an odor so foul we could almost taste it check that ranks if any of these poor bosses has the key card it's an officer Morgan Rast and his voice restraining from the efforts holy crap you guys check it out no exclaimed pulling an old revolver from the remains of one of the Dead he snapped the chamber open revealing three unfired bullets out of the possible 6 with the expertise of a frontier cowboy noah freed the empty shells from the chain spun the revolver cylinder and snapped it back into place this might just save our lives man for real I almost cried out in joy when I spied a symbol on one of the uniforms that contrasted to the others a singular star shape instead of the usual Chevron's enthusiastically rummaging through the dead man's jacket I think I almost wept when I felt the distinct regular shape of a plastic key card got it I held the small piece of plastic above my head a trophy that made every high school hockey medal seem worthless in comparison magnificent bastard I could kiss you hey my Masha Alva Morgan said a wide hopeful smile on his face we were elated we felt like survivors like we could get through anything but we were wrong to feel like that wrong to celebrate prematurely oblivious to the nightmares that awaited us on the other side of that locked door Morgan started to look nervous as he began to examine the key card the plain white plastic bore nothing but the metallic information strap no details no information there was nothing to identify swooz even the correct key please walk but he's got just booty work for us Logan hissed reaching slowly to place the key card into the readers receiver for a second all our hopes hinged on this one single action he swiped the card silence he swept again still nothing oh no oh no why why did why did we think that would work Noah's voice was frantic as he began to hyperventilate this freaking [ __ ] hole hasn't had power in 20 years the freaking door runs on electricity of course it freakin does we're stuck man were freakin trapped here in this freakin crypt with that goddamned abomination out there waiting for us Noah look at me buddy look at me just calm down calm down you want me to freakin calm down you know what the last thing I said to my mom was well it wasn't frickin nice I'll tell you that much and that's how she's going to remember me as some bratty freaking teenager instead of instead of this hit me hard I to remember the last thing I said to my dad how I just do just about anything for a chance to get a proper goodbye with him yet as I tried in vain a consoled almost hysterical Noah Morgan took a moment to think flip the keycard around his fingers and tried swiping in another way we were instantly silenced by a loud buzzing sound a small green light on the card reader shining out in the darkness silently we watched as Morgan once again took a hold of the heavy door handle and pushed it open revealing the unfathomable horrors within at first it wasn't entirely obvious that the function of the locked room was that was until our torch beams began to wander around the chaotically messy interior bell jars filled with murky fluid containing shapes too unfamiliar to recognize expensive looking equipment add some unrecognizable purpose test tubes beakers syringes of every size it was a laboratory what what are I Noah was lost for words completely dumbstruck as the light of his torch traced its way along a line of specimen filled jars the formaldehyde in the fluid giving the jars an ominous green tinge rats guinea pigs it was impossible to tell what the species were the orange ins of these monstrosity z' they were hideously deformed mutated beyond all recognition 'soon join noah staring at horrified things and silence at the rows of twisted broken creatures as their tiny jaws hung open frozen in their final moments of pain and confusion holy crap dude look Noah's torch darted over to one particular specimen it's light jittering on the wall as his torch shook from pure fear taking over his body it looks it looks almost like I know my voice dry with terror they created that thing here didn't they that thing that chased us however that thing came to be the people that ran this facility spent their final moments trying to kill it now help me find a way out of this goddamn room the laboratory had no obvious exits saved the door we entered by but there was one thing another lone card reader built into one of the bare walls one by one after finding no evident means of escape we centered on the card reader Morgan held the plastic key card in his grip once again sliding it through the card reader as we watched the small green light flicker on a huge rush of air sounded causing each of us to panic as a laboratory began to faintly vibrate we waited for a moment half expecting the room to fill with poison gas or for some sci-fi self-destruct sequence to activate but only a few seconds later a large wall panel began to sink backwards shifting sideways to review a secret passageway bathed in darkness once again Morgan was the first to step foot into the unknown leading us down the cramped narrow passage as we began to reach the end I could hear our footsteps echoing around a large open room surely escape was close had to be but hook treated us at the corridor widened out into a huge atrium style room is something that drove me to the brink of sanity in the center of the large empty hall said a huge obsidian monolith so intensely black that it seemed to absorb the light of our torches it must have stretched up into the air for almost fifty feet dwarfing us as we approached the dark textured surface what the Noah whispered under his breath reaching out with a shaking curious hand to touch the mysterious object no don't touch it I mean we have no idea what this thing is do we Janey says Christ just look at it it's it's beautiful but what is this thing it's like nothing I've ever seen before Noah echoed withdrawing his fingers from the surface at the monolith Co symbols these acuity runes belonging to a tongue that was archaic even to the ancient druids it's not out of the question that it'd be the oldest written language on earth more get pointed towards a series of tiny engravings it dawned on me that this point that almost the entirety of the huge obsidian tablet was covered in these tiny runic engravings symbols so tiny and intricate that it was baffling to me how such an ancient people could have managed to create such a sophisticated work I really don't like this man should be looking for a way out of here not fawning over this prehistoric freakshow no it began to grow erratic again shining his torch around the large hall and so his torch beam settled on what appeared to be a ventilation duct bingo his eyes lit up as he rushed over to the middle great setting his torch down before hooking his fingers into the grill he strange for a second feeling the thin metal begin to cut into it flesh of his fingers then drew his hand away with a grimace ah a little help guys Morgan and I threw our gloves on watching as Noah followed suit cursing himself for not thinking to do so none of us would be making it out of here if we had sliced up fingers okay okay three two one pull we grunted and strained in unison pulling on the ventilation grate with all our might before it finally dislodged with an ear-splitting metallic screech Noah immediately lowered his head towards the darkened opening inspecting the arterial tunnel with his anxious eyes are you not going in there are you I asked him unable to believe he was contemplating such a thing you've never been good with enclosed spaces you got a better idea he responded squeezing himself into the narrow vent let me just check it out if it's nothing well at least we tried it took mere moments before he called back guys I see light I think this leads up to the surface Noah's ecstatic voice echo back towards us and you're sure we can all fit in there yeah man it's a little cramped but it's the way out isn't it he's right this could be our only chance if that thing we saw in the woods is watching the bunkers entrance this might actually be the only way for us to make it out alive my heart was in my mouth as I squeezed myself into the tiny tomb like ventilation shaft it was intently jabal I felt trapped my palms sweating as my pulse began to quicken with Morgan in front of me we crawled along the freezing steel of the tunnel worming our way through what seemed like a mile of the damn thing before the shaft began to jerk upwards back towards the surface I felt like a short of breath like we were running out of oxygen but the deeper the breaths I took the less I felt like I continued to squeeze along the vent Morgan I waste feeling more panicked with every passing moment Morgan I think of stuck keep pushing Mike we're nearly there Carrie and beers are on me tonight we just have to keep going a little bit further he tried to reply in his typically casual manner but I could hear that it stretched it was thick in his voice no really the edges of my vision are becoming a fuzzy white I felt like I'd pass out any moment I'm stuck dude I can't breathe I'm gonna pass out I can't freakin breathe you got a frickin help calm the [ __ ] down you having a panic attack just breathe you're gonna be okay everything is gonna be okay I promise you'll see you'll see all this was worth it just keep bloody going man come on Morgan's voice cut through the panic I tried to focus on the sound of Noah bashing his gloved fist against the surface great feeling the wave of relief washing over me as with one final effort he smashed through the rusted metal grate from its meanings there you go son of a [ __ ] he sounded a jubilant euphoric I never forget crawling towards the light seeing his gloved hand reaching down to greet me it was hoofer finally we were safe as I climbed out Noah was already switching on the burner cell phone the sole source of our hope for survival he punched the air with delight when he saw that despite the cold it still had a full charge on the battery yet his face quickly dropped again when she saw the lack of signal bars in the top-left of the small monochrome screen come on come on this freaking thing he growled raising the phone high above his head as it searched for a signal come on work work please God just yes yes there we go that's my girl thank God we had bars but just as Noah began to punch in the emergency dialing code just as we were about to make our way for freedom we heard something that made us feel sick with despair that same familiar howl epilim through the trees oh crap a hissed spasms of fear sending agony through my guts it's it's hurt us it's coming with a beastly terrifying speed it was upon us charging through the trees ripping branches from bark with violence of its movement Noah used the freaking gun on it shoot it I screamed feeling the front of my pants growing warm and wet Noah poured out the old six-shooter from his waistband cocking the hammer and aiming it squarely at the rampaging beast it halted just feet from us but not at the sight of the gun its eyes it's it's many many eyes all differing in size and shape were all fixed on just one of us Morgan should it Noah frickin shoot it I continued to scream but he didn't with absolutely show shattering horror and dismay I watched the last few dregs of Noah sanity slipped away before my very eyes he shook uncontrollably the grip on the grubby old revolver going limp at once Morgan jumped into action wrestling the revolver from his grip frantically trying to pull the weapon from his friends impotent hands in a last desperate attempt to save our lives suddenly he had it Morgan raised a revolver in his shaking hands aimed it and fired the sound of the SHA echoed around the deserted forest around us the sound reverberating off the trees until it was swallowed up by the forest Noah foul blood trickled from a single hole in his forehead as his brain showered the forest floor behind him only then did Morgan turn back towards the stationary abomination taking a few shaky steps toward it as it studied him with his countless gelatinous eyes the previously furious creature let out a deep otherworldly groan of what seems like sadness father oh yeah at last Morgan said finally the word eating away at my sanity as a born to my brain with that Morgan turned to me bringing the revolver Zion grip smashing into my skull for the second time that day my world has plunged into darkness [Music] it is cord so cold I can't bear to cast off my blanket to faced another freezing Boston morning I roll over burying my head under a pillow to block out sunlight filtered through iron gray clouds footsteps out my bedroom proceed to the sound of my door frame creaking open time to wake up buddy you're gonna be late for school I ignored my father's voice pretending to be asleep if you're up in the next half hour I can drop you off on the way to work I remain quiet the blanket rising and falling in time with my breaths it is so warm and comfortable here I don't want to leave come on buddy I know it sucks but you got to wake up I don't want to face what I know I'll have to wake up son come on wake up a dull ache throbs in my skull as I awake to being dragged across the forest floor I still feel numb my eyes drifting in and out of focus one of them feels sticky and warm gummed up with clotting blood I remember the head wound I remember where I am there's an intense pressure around my ankles as dry twigs and pine needles scratch at my face and hands twisting my body I try to look up at the living atrocity that hauls me through the woods the creature has me in a vise grip a ghastly mess of flesh and bone that almost resembles the claw of a lobster his clamps so tightly that I began to lose all feeling in my feet the pale molted flesh on his back has stretched and ripped by hideous bone protrusions that gleam with what I can only realize are spent bullets abnormal organs pulse and spasm beneath skin that's tracked with blackened blood vessels which pump a dark vicious fluid around in its body I panic twisting in its grip again my fingers digging into the dirt trying in vain to find any kind of way to get out of this thing stops turning toward me I can see its many eyes of my peripheral vision gelatinous masses of shimmering jelly but I can't look into them I won't I won't lose my mind like Noah lost his Noah oh God what did they do to you I feel the things grasp begin to tremble with fury grunts of wild rage sounding in its throat as its nostrils flare like some beserk primate vicious tendrils of drool begin to slip from its Ma landing hot and slimy on the waterproof lining of my clothes it is hungry father mo now father oh yes Morgan that treacherous conniving bastard heat blooms back in my heart tempered only by grief for my fallen friend I don't want to believe it I don't want to believe the horrific sparks of memory that light up the void of unconsciousness I turn again shifting my prostate form until he comes into view his eyes ringed by black circles of exhaustion they stare back at me unfeeling to my infinite disgust I actually see him smile but not the smile I had come to know over the past year or so not the smile of a friend this this is the smile of a predator morgen followed as the creature dragged me back into the bunker facility down the long dark corridors until we were once again in the large Hall containing the huge druidic artifact there it stood dwarfing the three of us with it's ungodly size as the creature tossed me down onto the hard steel floor before disappearing into the darkness once again the impact knocked the wind out of me a sharp pain in my chest now accompanying the door ache in my head it took me a second to pull myself up onto my hands and knees summoning every last ounce of strength as I desperately prepared to make it or break it don't get any ideas there might morgan's flashlight blinded me the metallic black as he pulled back the revolvers hammer what what the hell is going on Morgan I suppose you do deserve an explanation you're gonna give us so much the least I can do is give you a few answers with the same smug smile on his lips Morgan sat down on the cold steel floor next to me still aiming the revolver squarely in my direction do you know the story of the Roman Ninth Legion I made no reply imagine you're a Roman soldier living in a shining beacon of civilization one of law and order tradition and piety and then you're told you're going to Britannia dark and miserable wilderness on the very far reaches of the Empire II heard the stories ancient land Oh monsters and savagery where the elders consume poison to commune with their barbaric reasonless gods you just joined for three square meals but now you're off to god-knows-where to fight God knows who suppose some things never change Morgan chuckled and in the dim torch light I saw the madness in his eyes his ship lands on a barren rocky coast he wondered just how anyone can live in a freezing Sun wasteland that barely knows the sun's warm you don't understand the local people you start to see him as something less than human you wait your sword at Caracara docks letting it taste the blood of tribesman yet further north you travel the wild of the land and that people become until you're in a place so far from the lie of Rome that you wonder if such a place can ever be truly civilized here in the land they call Caledonia you encounter savage naked warriors screaming as they tear through the forest with tattooed faces of painted flesh their weapons crafted from carved bone I charged into battle unafraid of death gives for them death in battle meant more than just reaching the peaceful fields of Elysium it meant immortality for the overlords of these men had filled their empty heads with unholy ideas of Resurrection fortifying them with groundless beliefs in an unending cycle of life and death these were the Druids the Druids Hal Garrett mushrooms to commune with their gods you know the kind the little red ones with white spots famous for their hallucinogenic properties during the crisis that was the Roman invasion religious ceremonies went into overdrive the druidic Shaymin began rituals that would last for days weeks even constantly consuming mushrooms until they either lost their minds lost their lives never had they known horror such as the legions mass crucifixions ingeniously unpleasant forms of torture captured warriors ripped apart by horses to the local tribes it was the Romans who were savages nor them it was a catastrophe all hope seemed lost whole tribe became refugees fleeing north into the highest evade the cruel hand of the Emperor they begged and pleaded with their gods but none responded again and again the Druids invoked their silent gods crying out for them to cease their indifference then out of the great vast void they call into something called back something they didn't recognize something that unlike their fabled deities didn't have an A and here's another thing the history books won't tell you around the same time that Agricola led his troops across the Caledonian frontier a twin tail Comet hurl through the skies smashed into the forests inhabited by the Western tribes when they went to investigate the disturbance this is what they found Morgan nodded towards the huge black monolith towering over us in the center of the darkened room it must have been buried in the earth maybe only a few feet protruding from the Earth's surface but I didn't matter it didn't dampen the thing's pungency the jurors began to communicate with something far more powerful in their own media collection of gods he told them to read the runes inscribed on the otherworldly black stone and when they'd learned all their new dark masters had to teach them they were offered a gift a gift I gave them the power to take the forces with a mightiest Empire known to man and crush them into dust but the only way to receive their new gift was not by another comment nor vice and warp or tear in silent space the doorway would be the one thing on this earth that truly straddles the material world and the one just beyond it's a human body the strongest warrior of the Western tribes proved to be an unworthy tribute he was torn asunder in a powerful display of the new masters displeasure all they wanted was not a vessel of great strength but one of great wisdom one with a mind capable of comprehending the great and terrible secrets of their creation the oldest and most scholarly of the Shaymin step for offering his body as a wound for the child of what they came to call the old ones very found him adequate and throughout the night of the ritual his body was slowly painfully disfigured something not of this world was birthed into him women danced in drug-fueled reveries men beat their goatskin drums all as the shaman's screams of tortured joy rang up into the nice car his body was being torn apart broken down and rebuilt but the things he saw the visions are sprang up behind his eyes made him roar in orgasmic bliss a fate worse than death yes but those visions that knowledge I'd tear my eyes out to see such things you're sick i hissed the pointed revolver the only thing stopping me from choking the life out of him Morgan ignored me continuing with his morbid tale the following night the creature headed up a tribal war ban to the ambush to McCammon of the Ninth Legion soldiers were slaughtered as they slept each one taken by the Beast fresh tribute to the old ones but the thing that used to be a Shaymin needed a refuge of his own a place to rest in between feeding frenzies so I built a nest unless the deck RAID with the trophies of his victims we we saw that place didn't we we did know I wanted laid eyes on that place for nearly 2,000 years no one could ever get closer but waited and now you know listen to yourself what are you even saying what you're saying is impossible it's insane you really think that goddamn thing is your father why do you think we're still alive father was watching us this whole time he didn't kill us because he remembers me it's been almost twenty years of playing and madness but he still remembers me his only begotten Son how how can you possibly expect me to believe any of this how the hell did you why did you Oh God the vision of Noah's brains being splattered across the forest floor made my eyes burn with tears why man why Noah I couldn't have him a hurting father especially not before something is so important I supposed to explain how father came to be like like that I have to tell you another story have you heard of the hundred hour war it's what some people call the first Gulf War it took a little over four days to subdue the entire Iraqi military machine four days later hasn't been able to break the backs of a few Afghan goat herders in 18 he's a you honestly think they routed half a million men and thousands of tanks in just four bloody days come off it mate you're much smarter than that now the reason they call it a hundred hour walk is because of that Morgan nodded towards the great black monolith once again the British government spent billions exploring that thing secrets failure after failure brought them steps closer towards a successful something until one day it worked the Beast they brought forth was sedated and dropped into a Kuwaiti desert 24th of February 1991 a few days later the war was over but there was a problem the British Ministry of Defence has lost all control of their top-secret bioweapon resulting what we now call the highway of death coalition command and initially I decided to allow a huge convoy of fleeing Iraqi soldiers to safely escape from Kuwait City the war was practically won the enemy in full retreat there was no need to continue the killing but word had spread that the asset they caught project Hadrian was rampaging towards that convoy ignoring the biochemical commands of his handguns that night for ten whole hours the coalition bombed and strafed that convoy into oblivion thousands were killed both why allied warplanes and the rogue a said that their bombs were meant for but eventually project Hadrian was subdued and liquidated yet another casualty of the world's first truly modern conflict so your father that thing just the next generation of test subjects like the wise druid before him he was one of the few men capable of understanding the crushingly cynical nature of our universe but sadly to say he too went rogue for the call of the old ones is far stronger than anything man can hope for how could you possibly know all of this I've dedicated my life to it father disappeared when I was young they told me he was dead but I knew otherwise I could feel he was still alive he left enough clues in the books he left around our family home books on trading rituals theoretical physics and runic translation I learned all I could was accepted on a scholarship to University and well that's where we met isn't it you mean you've planned all of this of course I did what two years years of grooming the right people seen if they had what it took to get me this far but also to see if they were capable of what's to come what what are you going to do I'm gonna bring father back but to do so I need a person of the right Constitution the right intelligence we need you mate we need your body to transfer the gift what me you do care it I thought you'd understand you two lost your father when you were young you know all that pain and loss all the unanswered questions questions you will never get answers to yours is gone forever but I have a chance to bring mine back to save him from what he's become when you won that wouldn't you do everything you could to bring him back his words cut like a knife I remain silent just as I thought besides you can take comfort in the knowledge that you'll be part of something greater what are you going to do not more questions it's time emplaced his torch on the ground pointing it at the mana left to illuminate his path towards it with the revolver stone his grip he rose to his feet approaching the huge stone artifact with awe and his eyes for just a moment he was distracted the thought to rush him flashed through my mind and I prepared to launch myself with the man I had once thought of as a friend the man who murdered Noah as I did so something moved in the darkness beside me I heard the creatures low growl it's hot breath on the back of my neck as it stood guard just a few feet away as Morgan drew closer to the monolith he reached out laying a hand on him whispering something under his breath I strained my ears to hear the words but it was like nothing I had ever heard dark guttural noise sounding from the back of Morgan's throat as he spoke a language that was clearly not meant for human tongue it was like nails on a chalkboard I winced as I began to piece together syllables my body wracked with nausea head aching as the unfamiliar words echoed around my skull yet I didn't have time to reflect upon the intense discomfort my sanity was almost shattered by the madness that began to unfold before me the black monolith started to glow each of the tiny intricately carved runes each tin to its surface began to pulse with a grim green glimmer Morgan's incantations became increasingly more intense the dreamlike low and brighter and brighter into the whole surface gleam so strongly that everything was bathed in the hideous green luminosity morgan grass as his body became rigid his eyeballs rolling in their sockets as something reached out and spoke to him from beyond the void he exclaimed a mad kind of wonder in his voice I'll save him cause as big a surprise the creature roared as a two approached the monolith bathing in it's sickening Averett radiance as Morgan was overcome I'll see them causes bigger surprise but the old ones had made their decision it was the creatures turn to go rigid frozen in his place as its many many eyes burned with the same green glow that festered on the monolith its limbs twitched and dangled like some hideous marionette as the old ones began to reclaim what was theirs in a flash the creature threw its huge clawed hand into Morgan sending him curling across the hall before he landed with a thickening crunch please he groaned a freshly broken wrist flopping grotesquely as he tried and failed to find his feet it's me you son I beg you it doesn't have to be like this no please oh do this there was no mournful groan from the creature this time no deep sorrowful whimper from the thing that was once Morgan's father it made a sound that for the first time made me see how the abomination before my eyes could once have been human it laughed it laughed as it tore into him puncturing Morgan's chest cavity with his clawed hand as it used the other one to tear off its legs at the hip a shower of blood almost black and the green glow erupted it from his raggedly torn thigh as it was flung across the hall organs were pulverized by devastating blows flesh shredded and poked by the creatures terrifying strength when only the head was left intact the creature cradled morgan's blood-soaked cranium in its grip for a moment before it cracked open the skull and feasted on the method side as the hawk filled the nauseating sloppy shucking sound that emanated from the creatures ma I saw the one thing that could give me a way out it was the one single thing that could save me from a fate as hellish as morgan's the revolver with the creature momentarily distracted with his meal I crawled over towards the old sidearm stretching my arm painfully to grab a hold events I was surprised at how clear the answer seemed to be in the moment how easily I found myself cocking the hammer putting my finger on the trigger placing the barrel to my temple when people talk about how your life flashes before your eyes it's not entirely untrue my heart was pounding as I felt the cold steel of the revolver my hand trembling as I thought of all the people I owed an apology to all the people that would forever wonder how I disappeared in the force of Scotland how cruel it seemed to be on my mom as she could lose both her husband and her son within just a few years but then I thought of Noah of the dopey look in his eyes as he laid dad among the fallen leaves I thought of my father too how peaceful he looked in the hospital bed the steady beeping of the heart monitor the gentle hush of the life support machines pumping air into his lungs I would be seeing them both again very soon and with one quick jerk of a finger I pulled the trigger noting the hammer fell with a dull click I poured again and again still nothing the round in the chamber had misfired it was a dud I poked down hearing the creature slinking over me for a fresh meal but I couldn't turn to it I couldn't watch it I simply surrendered to my fate and hope that when death came it wasn't too excruciating but the pain was unbearable the burning sensation of the thing beginning to peel the flesh from my cast as a shrill scream of agony erupting from my throat I could feel it's using its hideously malformed mandibles to probe my blood vessels but it was draining more than just blood I could feel it taking everything I twisted in place aiming the revolver at the creatures many eyes and one last desperate attempt to save my life [Music] the bullet in the final chamber of the revolver was still very much functional the booming report to the side aren't echoing around the huge hall as the half-inch chunk of lead ripped into the things d4 and features a Hal strange luminescent fluid pouring from its ruptured eyeball the green glow of the monolith suddenly erupted burning so brightly that the entire structure seemed to be consumed with Bra eldritch energies I was blinded throwing my hands up to my face as a booming cacophony seemed to vibrate through my very core it was a voice the voice of the old ones suddenly it's hard to breathe I gasped for air but my chest was wracked with pain from the lack of it blinded panicking and half mad I once again slipped into unconsciousness when I finally awoke I was laying on the fourth floor even in the state of semi-consciousness I sensed how incredibly weak I was how drained and withered my body felt as I tried and failed to pull myself up onto my feet it had only been a day or two since we had ventured into the woods but my hands looked emaciated the hair on my arms had turned a kind of salt-and-pepper grey when I finally did drag myself in the dirt walking was agony my knees hurt and my back ached doubtless from the loss of blood caused by the rampaging creature yet as I checked the leg had easily torn open there was no wound only a hideous ragged collection of scar tissue on my dry wrinkled skin it took hours for me to get out of the woods hours to find a road that even looked like it might head back to civilization but when I did and I almost wept with joy as my blurry eyes managed to distinguish the dark concrete among the greenery I prayed for rescue I prayed I would see someone anyone on the road back to town they could call an ambulance the cops anyone who would have saved dying young man the lone survivor of a nightmare to protest to recall then I saw them a small group walking towards me on the narrow hedge rims lane I tried to cry out but my throat was bone-dry my voice is raspy and weak I tried to way but they didn't see me too busy arguing amongst themselves they stopped stunned into silence by the sudden appearance of a solitary figure in the road before them I simply stood there near the grass verge still wearing the filthy tattered clothes that looked so different a few days ago yet as I took a few more steps towards them I froze in horror and what I saw before me it was us it was Morgan Noah in me no no I my voice hoarse weak sounding as if it had been a very very long time since I'd spoken my mind refused to compute such an impossible revelation had to be some kind of fever dream a nightmare hallucination brought on by trauma of my experiences it was me that was the skittish old hermit we met on the way in the forest here I was watching my younger self about to walk off into the force and repeat the unholy cycle all over again a crushing inescapable cosmic loop a joke played on us by the ageless beings that slumbers in the deepest recesses of the universe beings that as Martin said sauce is little more than maggots feasting on a rotten corpse I couldn't bring myself to say another word not even as they said their goodbyes and passed me in the road I simply stood there watching them trudged towards their doom my doom as the final few shreds of my sanity begin to unravel and slip away and I too was lost to the void
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 104,889
Rating: 4.7647767 out of 5
Keywords: Scary Stories, Swamp Dweller, Narration, Creepypasta, Dr. Creepen, Nosleep, Complete Series
Id: GI8VNq2gCW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 37sec (5197 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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