10 Scary Skinwalker & Wendigo Horror Stories

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welcome back to the swamp my friends today we are going to be trudging through the swamps in the woods to try to find some allegedly true encounters with skimwalkers and wendigos now as always it is up to you whether you believe these stories or not i'm not trying to convince anybody but if you have a story that you would like to share be sure to submit it at swampdweller.net or the email you can find in the description down below i would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp the stories like yours to help keep this channel going now without further ado let's get into these creepy skimwalker wendigo stories that'll keep you up tonight as i write this i'm still not sure what i truly saw but i believe it was skimwalker or something like that for clarification i live in north australia i hope this helps i was invited to go on a short camping trip with a friend of mine who i'll call alan i met up at his house early around 9 00 am and we talked and watched some tv for a few hours before heading out the place we were heading to was a deep forest high up in some mountains i didn't know the area that well since i had just moved there so i was not sure what the place was called the trip there was quite pleasant as i and alan talked and enjoyed each other's company it was nice to catch up with a friend once we arrived we parked the car and started unpacking our equipment we started setting up our tent and getting ready to start a fire to cook our food at around 11 pm allen said he was probably going to head to bed as he got up early that morning and was getting tired i wanted to stay up a little longer and just take in the fresh air and view of the forest after about 10 minutes or so i had to go to the bathroom so i decided to go out into the woods and do my business i didn't wander too far but far enough that i wouldn't attract any animals or lose sight of the camp once i was done i started to head back to the camp and then i saw it a very skinny looking dog-like creature was standing in the middle of the campsite the thing was unnaturally skinny and his limbs seemed contorted like it got hit by a car however the creature walked as if it was natural it walked on four limbs and was very graceful with this movement it was extremely slow and lanky i didn't know what to do other than stand at the tree line and watch it the creature then started to head towards allen's tent i was feeling incredibly uneasy at this point not sure if this creature was dangerous or not but by the way it looked i would believe that it is the thing sniffed at the entrance of allah's tent for just a few moments it suddenly started to scratch softly as if it wanted to get in then with one swift motion the creature stood up on two legs it must have been at least eight feet tall this thing was massive then it just ran away in the opposite direction of where i was standing straight into the woods i probably waited for at least five minutes before deciding to come out of hiding and go back to my tent as i got in and tucked myself into my sleeping bag i heard a loud screech that sounded like a combination of a man in a pig it sent chills down my spine i barely got any sleep that night in the morning allen can tell that i was bothered by something and asked me hey man are you okay seems like something's on your mind i asked him if he had ever heard anything at night near his tent and he told me that he slept through the whole night he of course was curious now and started to ask me if something was outside our tent i knew he wouldn't believe me so i just said that a stray dog was snooping around the camp i still don't really know what i saw i know for sure it wasn't some stray dog if someone could please tell me what i saw at least give me an idea of what it could be i would really appreciate it after some research i think it might be a skimwalker but it does kinda sound similar to a dog man i don't know [Music] my mom got a new place in lake travis texas and we have a big backyard so i wanted to ride my dirt bike as such i got some gas and started riding it we have some old cars right in front of our fence that has a track behind it and at this time i was already getting a strange feeling but i shrugged it off and continued writing until i did my final loop around the house and that's when i saw it there was a dark figure just behind the fence looking at me i was in total shock realizing what i was looking at i almost started to cry and so i turned my dirt bike off and dropped it before running back into the house i told my mom and her roommate and they told me that before us there was a crippled old man that used to own this house and he killed himself and they said that it might have been him my room is kind of weird when you walk in you see my bed to the left and to the right is my brother's bed with a window right above it i wasn't allowed to have the dogs in my room but i said to myself screw that i'm getting my dog so i went to go get my dog and as i did there's a clear glass sliding door that leads out to the porch and there it was looking at me i grabbed my dog and went into the room shutting the door i didn't have a lock so i put a chair in a small nightstand to keep whatever that thing was out of my room later that night i forgot all about it and then i heard taps at the window my heart sank i knew what it was my dog bolted up looking at the window growling and barking up against my bed i ran into my closet with my dog i locked my closet door before using my phone to call my grandparents that lived up the road they came and got me and i told them about the encounter my grandma doesn't really listen to me but this made her listen she then told me that i was part navajo and i more than likely just encountered a skimwalker and that i should never go back to that place my mom moved out about five months later it was nighttime and i was with some friends of mine and we were in a dark neighborhood with very little light i have no idea what we were doing there or what we were planning to do and i don't even remember really what was going on before one of my old friends we'll call her emma started telling us all of this weird story of hers that a skinwalker inhabited her body and i guess it comes out if not taking the right precautions she said it was kind of like a possession type of thing she was still emma but there was apparently a skinwalker too she said something like i kill myself all the time so don't stare don't blink and run and don't look back regardless of who emma was in her human life the skinwalker inside her had given her a sense of immortality i don't know what blinking had to do with it but in my dream i couldn't stop like there was something in my eye then we all heard this terrifying loud gut-wrenching scream and we all knew what it was so we all took off running in different directions i ended up in a house i was completely dark inside but i could see the screams were like these horrid screeching sounds but you can hear emma screeching as well inside those screams this made this dream even more terrifying i remember running in the house looking for somewhere to hide and i ran into the skimwalker it had found me and i just remember seeing the glowing yellow eyes it got me and that's it i woke up right after i don't know what this dream means it was oddly specific i haven't spoken to emma in years i wasn't reading or even talking about skinwalkers at all it was just an odd dream all around i hope dreaming of a skinwalker doesn't mean anything but if anybody has some insight i would appreciate it i also live in southern arizona so these stories aren't uncommon whatsoever and everybody knows about these things i figured this would be the best place to share this so this isn't one of those stories that involves a near-death experience but to this day i still can't explain what i saw for context i am a six foot male who weighs around 150 pounds and i'm in my early 20s i am also an avid outdoor enthusiast i have been hiking and backpacking for over a decade and i enjoy rock climbing and mountaineering i spent about seven years in search and rescue and have some stories from my experience but nothing really creepy or unexplainable from my time there anyways i have spent a fair amount of time outdoors and over the past year had taken up solo hiking and backpacking normally i would try to go out with some friends but i honestly enjoy the solitude and self-reliance that i have often neglected even asking my friends to go unless i absolutely need more people on a rainy november day i decided to go hiking up to green mountain lookout in the cascade mountain range of washington state i had intended on spending the night there in an old fire lookout i checked the map and the trailhead is rather remote by washington standards and it involved something like 26 miles of driving on a partially paved old forest service road i drive up the road and i'm surprised to see just one other vehicle there to call it a parking lot would be an overstatement it was really just a wide spot on the old road that could probably fit maybe six vehicles in total the road meandered past the parking area and curved while it was a weekend the weather is rather foul and above 5000 feet the rain should be turning to snow so honestly i wasn't really expecting to see any other people i park and open my door and start getting my pack ready there is a light drizzle and i notice how quiet the woods are normally there is a fair amount of ambient noise if you listen for it in any forest the only noise i could hear was the water dripping off the leaves and trees i chalk it up to being late fall that most of the birds have migrated to warmer climates the bugs were hiding due to the rain and it was daytime and the other animals would be seeking shelter from the elements and sleeping from a night of foraging i start hiking and i am enjoying the gradual uphill climb of the trail now because of my time in search and rescue i enjoy tracking anytime i'm on a trail i usually face the ground and like to track other hikers animals and other things like that to keep my skills sharp i notice that there are two sets of trail running shoes one larger and one smaller after the first mile or so that trail leaves the confines of the doug fir and western hemlock forest to open up to lush green alpine meadows in the summer the alpine meadows bloom and you can see verdant green indian elebor yellow asters and red columbines white glacier lilies bright blue lupines an orange indian paintbrush in the fall though these meadows are just green with the dying brown stalks of once beautiful plants right at the interface of the alpine meadows to the forest i meet the two other hikers a man and a woman coming down as is customary for hiking on the west coast you swap trail condition information i give the hikers a once over and notice they both have trail runners on they tell me that it gets snowy up past the first section of alpine meadows and that it started snowing at around 3 am but they had the trails for themselves today no bear sightings which makes sense as there are no mountain blueberries in november we wish each other well and i continue hiking the trail opens up to a beautiful valley flanked by alpine meadows forest slide alder and other mountains when the view is clear you can see the north face glacier peak to the south the trail switch backs up the alpine meadows and through a few corpses of trees i hike up another mile and a half or so and then i reached the snow level it is the first snow of the season and the snow level was about five thousand feet just as predicted i continue hiking a bit more until i notice more tracks in the fresh snow there are two sets one set of tracks is of a very large dog likely a mastiff or a bernese mountain dog given the size the second set is of a pair of morel hiking boots or shoes around size 15 or larger normally i wouldn't care too much about these tracks something did not add up first there was only one other vehicle in the parking area second i had not noticed these tracks before in the mud and surely would have if i correctly identify the other hiker's tracks thirdly why did these prints just pop up in the snow halfway up the trail i know that there are no trails on the back side of green mountain that intersects with this trail that i'm on as it is rather remote it could be a hunter but that would be unlikely given the difficult access to this particular point in the trail and the fact that the two hikers i encountered said they were all alone all this gives me a weird feeling at this point i am reminded that the forest is still very eerily quiet there are strange tracks that should not be here it is snowing wet and i could not actually stay overnight in the old lookout because it is locked the aura of the area just feels ominous i listen to my gut instinct and decide to go back to my car so i turn back i hike down about a mile and i am on one of the last switchbacks before the trail re-enters the forest when something catches my eye and i stop i am looking down in alpine meadow enjoying the view when i spot something maybe a thousand vertical feet and a less than a kilometer away from my location i squint and see pure white down in the meadow as i am looking at this white shape my mind is trying to fathom what the shape could be my initial thought is that it looks like one of those 2010 winter olympics inukshuks statues which resembles a man all i could see is the head and shoulders part as the rest would be obscured by the underbrush of the alpine meadow this thing was standing on a 40 degree slope the more i stared this thing the more confused i become i rationalize that it cannot be snow on a tree or something because this was the first snow of the season and it was 2 000 vertical feet above this thing i guess it could be a sun bleach something maybe a some bleach white tree stump but this is unlikely as this area has not been logged before and this spot was in an alpine meadow not the forest it really stuck out and given the size of this thing and at the distance it would have to be an ancient stump to be that large my guess is that it would have been about 10 feet tall to be that large in this distance i shuffled in my pocket to put on my gloves and when i look back it appears this thing has moved ever so slightly on the head i can make out two black spots that were eyes at least i think where i should be and a black slit where a mouth would be i freaked out because in that minute i was watching this thing it had not moved and the five seconds i looked away it seems to look toward me i feel chills running down my shoulders and back what the hell is this thing it is a half mile away from me i am still well over a mile from the car it feels like i am now being watched i feel an uneasy sense of dread in my stomach now as there are black bears in the cascades i always carry bear spray with me my only other weapon is my pocket knife which is deep in my backpack smart i know i unholster the bear spray and i slowly make my way down the trail at this point i was really wishing i had brought my 357 magnum but it weighs 6 pounds i just can't justify bringing that at this point i feel like a fool for neglecting that crucial essential before i reach the forest i keep my body facing the area this thing is in once i reach the forest i am reminded just how silent it is the forest started out quiet now it was silent no wind and just the occasional drip of rain water it feels like there's an apex predator in the forest and it isn't me i still feel watched at this point my own nerves are starting to get the better of me and i pick up my pace to a jog downhill i was cognizant that you should never run from a predator as it will trigger its instincts to run down prey i felt like prey and i didn't like it but i did rationalize that i had maybe a 10 minute lead on this thing assuming it moves as fast as a person i start running as silently as i can down the trail constantly looking over my shoulder while trying to keep my eyes on the ground and not trip over the wet roots and rocks i never heard any sounds of pursuit from this thing but i was scared and in full flight or fight mode and i was flying out of this place as i as fast as i could after a long 15 minutes i finally reached my car and it is the only one in the parking area i throw my backpack into my subaru jump into the driver's seat and peel out i have been stalked by mountain lions hiked through bear country and had been shot around by hunters on one occasion but none of my previous experiences can compare to the soul crushing dread i was feeling once that thing turned and looked at me i went hiking back up to green mountain looking for more information that following summer i went to the same spot that i saw that thing and while the underbrush of the alpine medal was higher there was absolutely no white shape in that area while i could have brushed off the feeling of dread as my own paranoia at the quiet forest in a weird dog in human footprints in the snow i can't rationalize how that white shape was there one day and gone eight months later that disparity is what still gives me the chills to this day this happened when i was 17 years old i am now 30 and it's the first time i've talked about this in 10 years after listening to some experiences on this channel i've decided to share mine i'll start off with some background information i've always loved the outdoors and grew up always playing outside and exploring up in the mountains for fossils wildflowers or anything i could find that interested me my mom loved flowers and gardening so sometimes i would go just to find her as many wildflowers as i could to bring back to her i won't give my exact location away for privacy reasons of course but we lived in a very rural community away from town in the heart of the appalachian mountains when i say away from the town i mean everyone who lives here is about a 20 minute drive from even the nearest gas station or grocery store as if that isn't far enough we lived away from our neighbors taking a gravel road off the main road up into the narrow valley in between two mountains the school bus only ran on the main road so i had to walk this gravel road early in the morning to the main road to catch the bus it was pretty far away from the school so i had to catch the bus really early in fall and spring it was always still dark when i got to the bus anytime i went up into the mountains or walked down my road to the bus in the dark or any time when it was dark for that matter i'd always take my dog with me he was a beagle mix and was very intelligent he would walk right by my side or a little in front of me if he got too far ahead of me for my comfort i would yell him to wait and he would stop and look back at me until i caught up with him he would also sit beside me to let god on my bus and then i would watch him through the windows walking back up to my road he was my dad's hunting dog and my guardian although being a pretty small dog he didn't scare easily i've seen him chase coyotes out of our yard and wrestle raccoons bigger than him and bark and snap and bounce around at a bear that used to come around sometimes all that being said i'll get into my encounters the first time wasn't really an actual encounter but more of something that was very strange and left me rather uneasy my dog and i whose name is fred were walking down my gravel road to the main road to catch the school bus we made it to the main road and i was waiting for the bus when fred and i heard some type of weird shrill screen come up from the way in the mountain on the other side of the main road it was very loud but still sounded too far away from me to really freak out i just looked down on my watch and looked at fred who is now standing up looking in the direction of the scream with his ears pinned back so he had heard it too luckily just a minute or two later the bus came and i got on and sat down and watched my dog start back up our road it was a pretty long drive to school so i sat and thought about what i had heard now i've lived in the middle of nowhere my entire life and i've seen and heard many different animals and it didn't sound like anything i have ever heard before which made me a little unsettled after getting to school and being around my friends and doing my work the thought of it left my mind that was until the next morning i was waiting on the bus again fred by my side when we heard it again except this time it sounded closer than the morning before which freaked me out a little more i looked at fred again standing up staring towards the noise with his ears pinned back again but this time he got up and sat in front of me rather than beside me thankfully the bus came and i hurried on and sat down looked out the window to see fred still sitting there staring up in the mountains instead of walking back home so later that evening when i got home from school i was relieved to see that he went home after i had gotten on the bus this went on every morning that week and each time it sounded like it was a little closer than before then after like four days it just suddenly stopped a couple of months went by without hearing anything so it left my mind and i didn't give it another thought by now it was summer and i usually walked up in the mountains in front of my house about once a week when it was warm it was going to be a really nice day out the next day so i play the night before to go to the mountains and make an all-day thing out of it rather than just a few hours so i got up and the next morning at about daybreak and proceeded to pack my backpack with some sandwiches and drinks my pocketknife which i always took with me and i wasn't allowed to mess with my dad's guns so i just took his hunting knife and a makeshift spear i had made which just was a thick sturdy stick i used for walking with a tip sharpened down to a very narrow point i woke my mom up before i left and told her i was leaving and the area around where i was going and that i would be gone all day not to worry if i wasn't back in my normal two to three hours this was in 2006 and i didn't have a cell phone because they didn't work in my area anyway because of the mountains so she just told me not to you know get in any trouble and to obviously not forget to whistle if i needed help which as far as i intended on going this day probably would have done not much of any good anyway but i took it so she wouldn't worry as much so fred and i set off up the trail i had up the mountain and when i met mountain i mean having to literally climb a mountain you need to have a walking stick or hold onto trees to pull yourself upward and keeping my feet sideways to avoid sliding down the steep hill it was a beautiful day and it wasn't miserably hot out i could hear birds and squirrels scuttering about as we were making our way up the hillside off in the distance i spotted a skunk fred acted like he was going to run towards it so i told him no and to stay away from that and he just sat down and looked at me disappointed we kept our distance from it and walked away we kept going on into the opposite direction once i was sure we were out of this thing's stink zone we continued up the hill to where i knew it leveled off a bit so i could sit down and rest and get a bite to eat about 45 minutes later we came into a clearing of a wide level spot where the trees weren't so thick i sat down on a tree and got my backpack and pulled out my food and had lunch having it with fred i had found a big leaf importing some water for him to drink we sat there for a while after eating and seeing a couple of does come into the clearing but when they noticed us they hurried back off into the brush this has always been as far as i've been and is usually where i head back i decided since i still had some daylight left i'd keep going up the hill since i've never been further than this we started going farther up the hill and took my time this time and kept in mind the way back to the clearing since i'd never been this far before and watching my steps because there were a lot of mountain breaks in the area we made it almost to the top of the mountain fred went over to the big pile and sat on my backpack and i began to look through my backpack i found a lot of cool fossils so this got me excited there were a lot of them so i was there for a few hours breaking apart layers of rocks looking through them i was there longer than i realized and when i looked at my watch it was about 7 30 pm so i would have to move quickly if i was going to make it back home before dark so i put the fossils i found in my backpack and started down the hill i didn't go straight back down towards the clearing and decided to go back down a different way to learn a new path and now i regret it going down at a side angle rather than straight down was taking longer and with the heavy cover of the trees it was now almost pitch black i did bring my flashlight in continuing my descent it just hit me that it was completely silent like dead silent no birds no squirrels and cicadas like before just silence now i knew this was weird but i just brushed it off thinking that maybe it was because i was there so i kept walking i should have heeded the warning for silence but i didn't about 15 minutes after i noticed the silence i noticed fred was acting strangely like he was in hunter alert mode he ran a little bit in front of me and stopped and looked back at me like he wanted me to stop so i did i also had this feeling of dread just take over me we weren't far from the clearing where we ate earlier just we were a little parallel to it he was staring in his direction and his hair on his back and his neck was standing straight up and his ears were pinned back and every time i would try to walk towards him he would growl at me keep in mind this dog never grouted me before or showed any sign of aggression so i knew something was near that he really didn't like i stood there for maybe another minute or two waiting for him just to keep going but he never moved a muscle that's when i started to smell this ungodly stench i mean it was unbearable my first thought that it may have been the skunk we seen earlier but this wasn't a skunk smell this smelled like more like a weak old rotten carcass or some sort of meat that had been dead long long ago it made my eyes water and burned the back of my throat every time i took a breath it made me gag so much to the point that i threw up i tried to move on down the hill to attempt just to get away from the thing but oh my gosh it was so hard to get fred fred ran back in front of me and growled at me again and started walking towards me growling as it pushing me in the opposite direction seeing his reaction and hurrying my pace i lost my balance on the steep hillside and tripped over a large protruding tree root before hitting the ground i tried to catch myself on a small tree when i grabbed it it snapped because it didn't support my weight and i pretty much just went straight to the ground i started to hear tree branches breaking and twigs breaking as if something had hurt me and was coming towards me after about three snaps it stopped i listened for a moment and didn't hear anything else so i figured whatever was stopped and i brushed it off as a coyote or something although it sounded like it was a lot bigger than a coyote and at this point i just wanted to get home because i was completely scared and it was dark now so i picked up the flashlight that i dropped when i tripped and started to take a step when fred ran right out in front of me and didn't growl but nipped at me so i wouldn't like keep going i just kept wondering what his deal was then about that time i heard the noise again but this time the steps were much closer and i started to feel the fear rush through me now when fred usually sees or hears something he books it right towards it this time he was standing completely still except for shifting from left to right as if to say in between me and something else i showed my flashlight around where i was standing frantically looking for whatever had him in guard dog mode but i didn't see anything then i heard another crack and whipped my light beam into the direction that it came from and my light wasn't bright enough to see any details but in the distance probably about 50 feet or so in front of fred was a huge outline of some kind of thing it did look like some kind of animal because it was on all fours but it was just too dark to make out anything else really still seeing something this big and i'm thinking bear at this point i started backing up very slowly but every step away from it would just make it come closer i don't really know how to explain this it was just so nerve-wracking at this point i was getting really freaked out so my instinct was to just run like hell so i turned around and started running down the hillside as fast as i could without falling and fred flipped he ran right behind me growling and barking at me he nipped at me and caught the back of my pant leg and i fell i stood back up and not 15 feet in front of where i was falling was this thing i looked in front of me where it stood and realizing what i thought it was it just made me angry for fred acting the way he was it just looked like a huge deer like a really huge deer so i yelled at him fred that's a damn deer dude chill out after i said this it raised up on its hind legs i thought to myself wait hold up so when i show my flashlight on it i got a better look at it and now i wish i really hadn't because what i saw is burned in my mind it did look like a deer but it looked like it was dead long dead i could see pieces of skin and hair missing it had legs bent like a deer but a misshapen deer like they had been broken and healed back all wrong its face its face scared the unholy hell out of me more than anything it had an elongated like snout but i could see a lot of the skull was protruding like it was half rotted its teeth were long and sharp and looked like it was too big for its mouth it had no lips almost like it had knobbed them off itself i could see the teeth roots and all in its mouth its eyes were sunken back into its sockets but glowed a bright yellow in my flashlight this thing also had an incredible set of antlers they were huge but they didn't look majestic like a deer elk they looked uneven and just unnatural the height of this thing scared me the most i think it had to be easily nine to ten feet i'm five six and it was twice the height of me as if the rest of it wasn't frightening enough this thing had hands on the front legs no hooves but hands like a person but at the end of each finger were dark colored claws also this was what we smelled this thing smelled awful we just stood there for what felt like an eternity staring at each other i was so scared i felt like i couldn't move and i felt like my heart was in my throat fred was in between me and this thing he was barking and growling and snapping and this thing didn't seem the least bit bothered by him but just continued to stare at me which scared the living crap out of me even more i finally snapped out of my trance for a second and started taking a couple of steps backwards slowly and for every step i would take back it would come forward and back fred closer to me i can of me it was available i quickly scanned the area with my light and didn't see it anymore and although fred was still going nuts i decided to make my chance and run for it so i took off as quickly as i could and i made it about a hundred feet from the bottom of the hill which led into the driveway of my house the whole time i was running i could hear this thing running with me parallel to where i was it was clearly a lot faster than me and moved through the trees and steep hillside with ease i knew there was no way i could make it down in time without falling or this thing catching me and doing god knows what so i stopped and looked around trying to figure out what to do when i spotted it behind a tree about the same distance from me as before i was trying to think of a way to get away when it hit me that i had my walking stick and spear i knew it wouldn't do much as i was probably too far to even pierce his skin but it might at least buy me some time to get off the hill and into my house so i waited for it to step out from behind me but it just stayed there with its head peeking out staring at me so i took a few quick steps and i stepped out my direction here was my chance i figured this was the only way it might at least give me a chance i reared back as hard as i could and looked at fred and yelled as stern as i could fred come now and i threw the spear at the thing of course it just bounced off but it looked away from me and down at the stick and spear so i took off as fast as i could and as soon as i turned i heard this thing let out that scream i heard a couple of months before but being this close it was ear splitting i could hear it start moving in my direction that's when i heard something growling and biting it and then it hit me fred wasn't in front of me i looked back over my shoulder and seen him lunging at this thing and i heard it let out that blood curdling scream again then i heard something land in the leaves on the ground i knew it was probably fred that he had slung off but it was too late to look back running down the steep incline was tough and i lost my balance and slid the rest of the way down on my back till i hit the bottom and got up without looking behind me and took off up my driveway and ran into my back door and slammed and locked it behind me i stood there for a second with my fingers still on the lock and my head leaning against the door then race to make sure my front door was locked and let the shades down my mom was in the room just standing there confused she was sitting there on her bed and she started to scold me for being gone so late and then i realized how freaked out i was she ran up to me and walked over to my bed and sat me down on there she started asking what happened and i couldn't say anything i just held my arm which was bleeding from sliding down the hill and stared at the floor she went into the bathroom and got some things to clean the bandage up on my arm while she was wrapping it she was glancing around and then she asked me where's fred i looked up at her tearing up and didn't say anything i couldn't she yelled for my dad who was in the living room and told him to get his gun and walk outside to see if he could find fred immediately i sprang up and grabbed his arm and begged him not to go outside at least not until morning now i usually don't scare easily so seeing my concern he agreed to go in the morning i finally snapped out of it after a few hours and told my mom exactly what had happened of course she told me it was probably a bear or a rabid buck but i knew it wasn't it was something else it had to be i took a nap and i woke up a few hours later to the sound of my dad returning when everything came rushing back to me and i realized it wasn't a dream suddenly i remembered fred i got up and ran to the back door where he was and asked him if he found fred he just put his head down and looked at the floor and solemnly nodded he had gone back to where i was last night when i made my run and seen blood and fur but no fret he noticed a drag trail in the leaves and up the hill to the clearing where i always went that's where he found fred or at least what he thinks was fred he said it was pieces of flesh just thrown around like something had swallowed a bomb so i asked how can you be sure it was him maybe he just ran somewhere else then he sadly reached into his pocket and pulled out fred's collar which was stained in black now i lost it after that i have never been back up in those hills and a few years later i moved to a different area for college this thing whatever it was killed my dog my best friend my guardian i think fred saved my life that night had he not lunged at it and took attention off of me who knows what would have happened i might not be here today i never heard the scream again and i've never saw it again but after that i didn't have fred i never went out after dark and i started driving to school when i was about 10 i started going to a camp called ymca camp saint croix it's located on the saint croix river in wisconsin this camp has had a few good stories but i can't remember all of them off the top of my head as i just found this channel and remembered these things i wanted to share what i could remember back when the camp was first being used a native american tribe leader slash chief i'm sorry i don't really know the definitions came to a camp and told the owners and counselors that this wasn't their land and that they shouldn't be making a camp on it they ignored him fast forward to when i started going there there were a few old stories passed down about old counselors and stuff from years before even a really scary one that doesn't really have anything to do with skimwalkers i might share it later anyway one of the stories is of the slenderman or shadow man because slender was really popular around this time they said they were long skinny black figures in the woods that screeched or something one day a group of five to seven kids and a well-known counselor went out to the woods and came back scared pretty bad these kids all said the reasonably same thing they said there were some black figures in the trees of the woods they were there pretty close to them and suddenly they noticed a large man shape one flew over their heads and the ground shook like it was an airplane nobody really believed them including myself at first but i happened to be really good friends with the counselor who was with them because i had been going to this camp for a long time he told me the same thing as the kids did but with a little more detail such as the thing flying above being man-shaped he began to tell me that he saw these grotesque people in shadows in the woods sometimes i asked him more about the people not the shadows and he explained that he would see them at the corner of his eyes for only a split second i remembered hearing about skimwalkers and told him about them when we went to bed we all brushed them off a few days later my group and some voyagers went on a canoe trip to a campsite where we would stay for two nights on the second night me and two other kids were on our way to the outhouse which was on a gravel path when i saw it's him i only really think of it as a man not the man or cryptid just man we all stopped and stared and it stared back it was so obviously not a human that it left a sinking feeling in my stomach i don't think i've ever felt so scared then just as fast as it was there it was gone maybe it was a deer standing on its hind legs in the dark or just another camper but when i think about it it's just kind of a missing space in my memory or a cutout where man should be we didn't sleep that night but one of the kids that were with me needed to use the bathroom so he just kept walking towards the outhouse and went when i got back from camp i got very scared whenever i thought about skimwalkers because i thought if i thought about them then maybe they would come and try to get me or something the more i thought about it the thing that i saw seems more to be like the shadow people and the older counselors and kids talked about what when i think about that moment now i don't feel scared but instead this peace or serenity because for some reason i don't think whatever it was wanted to harm us or scare us that's why i think it may be a ghost or some sort of ancestor that got left behind i think what i saw could be a skimwalker but it could be something else i have a sense that it could be something along those lines i don't know i thought the best place to share this would be here on this show since you share so many odd stories like this you seem to know a lot about native american beliefs and may be able to help me figure out what i saw you might be able to at least find a connection between the tribe leader in chief in the shadow people and this creature of sorts thank you for sharing my story before we start i will preface this with the following i have always been interested in cryptids occultism the paranormal and all that but until about two years ago i was skeptical about it about two years ago i started to really look into this stuff with a friend called z they had a lot of luck with that kind of stuff i have experienced a lot since then including the story that i'm going to share with you i have continued to delve into the unknown one final note i'm not ingrained in the culture much anymore but i am about one-third the one-fourth native though not navajo now about a year ago i and my friends had decided to go camping up in northern arizona near flagstaff we chose this spot because we all wanted to escape the hell that is the rest of arizona's weather originally the plan involved more people but by the time we actually left we were down to me my friend z v and p this worked out though as it meant we could just take one car something that may have saved us that weekend now we are by no means experienced campers or anything but we had the basics a tent flashlights fire starters and i had my motion nagging not the best i know but a big round that i could fire fairly simple i had ample ammo at the time as well we chose a site based on reviews a bit north of flagstaff and followed our gps there through some windy back roads eventually we hit a y intersection and went left as the gps told us to go by the time we eventually find a parking area and get out looking for a good campsite it's well past 10 pm so i take my rifle and flashlight as it's so dark z and v also grab flashlights and we head off we trekked through the woods for about 15 minutes looking for a good place but to no avail we were all feeling tense as we searched something felt off and we all vocalized it almost like we were being watched we start to head back through a clearing we passed to the car but about three-fourths of the way through i asked kazee a question and get no response finding this particularly odd i turn around to find him about halfway back in the field watching behind us shuffling in place like he wanted to walk back from where he just came from i called out to him and he snaps out of it and swears he only looked back for a second and catches back up with us now before you say that it tried to get him with some sort of mind power i doubt this because of what happens later and that he has acted completely normal and looked normal ever since we get back to the car without anything else happening and decided maybe we should have taken the right path at the y instead so we drive back we arrived at the y and take the right path this time but get a whopping 30 feet before we stop there's a ditch in the road and we aren't sure if the car can make it over so z gets out to check it takes him less than a minute to figure out that it couldn't and walks up to the driver's side window to tell us it's only after saying the car can't that he freezes in his tracks and starts to stare behind the car he simply says look in a hurried voice we all can torch ourselves around the car looking through the mirrors in the back window but we all see it a tall figure easily eight to nine feet tall standing beside a tree watching us once confirmed zee isn't just seeing things he basically vaults over the car and dives into the back seat slamming the door behind during the commotion we lose sight of the thing for a moment and by the time we look back it's still there but in a different stance just stalking us we quickly get a flashlight out of the sunroof while i rapidly load my rifle during this time it moves again slightly deeper into the tree line but it's still watching us we are stuck in a staring match for what feels like forever as we are too concerned backing up will make it strike and currently it isn't for whatever reason eventually something broke our line of sight with it i can't quite recall what i believe i was trying to get people to move so i can line up a shot through the back window but i can't be sure and knowing what i do know now it probably wouldn't have done much of anything regardless in this time frame we lost it as it presumably fell more into the woods we wasted no time slamming into reverse turning back to where we originally came from and gunning it i kept my window down with the barrel out facing the woods it went into and while i never fired i swear i saw something dart around in the darkness i am sure that it chased us because of that and from the scream we all heard while driving away it sounded feminine but not quite human and the way it was it was it was just so loud so piercing the way it sounded was just so so unnatural it couldn't be anything good it had to be evil we decided to stay in a motel that night in flagstaff and went back to phoenix the following morning that's how the story ended until earlier this year for those of you who live in arizona you probably heard last winter flagstaff got hit pretty hard with a big snowstorm naturally i went up right after the snowstorm ended to have some fun with friends in the cold sled that kind of stuff i hate the never-ending heat the rest of arizona has to offer so flagstaff is my getaway whenever i want to do cool stuff to cool off and it's easier now because i have some friends who live up there and go to nau we'll call them l and w i went up with two other friends r and q most of the trip was fun and i did experience some stuff though mostly unrelated to this the second to the last though we decided to go sledding on a particularly good hill before it was near the sports center around the arena and stadium both it sounds too grim but it's like where you play football or something i don't know i'm not really into sports the sledding was fun and all but after me and elle who like z was also very uh cold and ready to go inside we we felt off meanwhile elle told me once we were in the car he did see something pop its head over a hill and stare at him before retreating back away he said he couldn't see all of it but it seemed like it was big from the silhouette he could see this one i'm not so sure of as i couldn't see myself but it definitely felt similar to a year ago so take the second one with a grain of salt i suppose do you guys think both one or neither were skimwalkers because i still can't explain the first night no matter how hard i think about it thank you for sharing my story before i start i need to give you a bit of background about myself i'm not willing to give out my name or the county here but i live in colorado i'm posting this simply because i'm not absolutely sure what is happening this happened when i was six but now i am at least five years older our family was taking a trip up the mountains specifically in a cabin owned by my aunt near this cabin was a discontinued railroad project which even tunneled through a mountain when this happened it was the near end of the winter months the result was me spending much more time researching cryptids alright now to the actual story the entire day had felt off to me we went on a hike and i i couldn't hear any birds or animals and when we were turning around i started getting excited because i smelled something coppery and thought it might be copper and the only thing that deterred me is that it felt like something was watching me i also had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that if i went to go find it i probably just wouldn't come back for me it was like a sixth sense i just felt it i don't know what i would do if i didn't feel that i didn't think it was blood or anything related but i felt it wasn't safe to chase the smell this hike was to the eastern entrance of the discontinued railroad tunnel then back to the cabin my parents wouldn't let me go in the tunnel whatsoever as in the second i stepped within ten feet they were getting uneasy and were telling me to get away from there that rocks might fall they weren't looking at me they were staring at a pile of rocks taller than the others illuminated by the life on the other side the walk back was tense and quiet i was the only one trying to initiate conversation as we were leaving the edge is when i smelled the copper as we walked back my dad kept glancing behind us at random intervals it was only that night that i actually noticed anything while i was there there was one bedroom perfect for a family of four but it had only one window i never trusted that window and i was right not to that night my parents were up much longer than usual but stayed silent after they fell asleep i was pondering on their weird behavior and that what i would guess was close to 2 am or so i felt something off the room cooled down and i felt horribly cold for a moment i felt pure dread and along with the chill i could almost feel what seemed like hunger of some sort burning my face at an angle from the window whatever it was it knew i was awake and it knew that i could tell it was there then i felt it that same feeling of if i don't do this i won't get a chance to correct that mistake so i got up as high as i could and jumped off the top bunk where i was supposed to be sleeping then i turned on a lamp and pointed it at the window while it was in my hands whatever it was we had a mutual feeling of no i don't like this one it was pale in the light and my fear probably made me the same color all that i could see in the window was a nearly white head with pits for eyes no lips slightly larger and sharper than normal blood stained teeth as well as a thin yet broad shoulders and a single blood red hand with abnormally long fingers that ended in needle-like points which were hovering poised to shatter the window a few seconds after the light hit it it opened its mouth and let out a muffled scream blocked slightly by the window then vanished to the right the screen woke everyone up and i was still standing in the dark pointing a lamp at the window looking absolutely horrified my parents finally got me to sleep i don't really remember how they managed to do that but the next day while we were heading out i looked out that window from outside and realized something even more horrifying this thing had to be at least eight feet tall just to have been able to look at the bottom of the window because there was a ditch around the edge of the cabin we took one last hike at around nine am when we look back in that tunnel the rocks in the tallow's pile had shifted there was now a deer antler sticking out near the top and there were no pools of shiny liquid in the cave the scent of copper was prominent in the area and now even the fish in the nearby stream wouldn't surface for air or insects i would like to some some sort of like reassurance on what i saw but i'm not sure next winter me and three friends are going back to that cabin to go i guess you could say uh hunting this is a story from africa and most likely the only skimwalker story from africa my uncle cousin and i try to go to mana pool as often as we can as we don't like the generic game parks such as the krueger national park in south africa all the tourists go there and it's always packed plastic and fake with all the fences it makes us feel caged now we all have been going into the bush for years and have most likely been out there for months or years without giving it much thought just too bad we have lives and work the bush is our home away from home mana pools zimbabwe though is special in its own you have lions and elephants walking through your camp there are cabins as well but we like the campsites this one time we had a nile crocodile take a zebra not more than 20 meters from our campsite yes it's the rio africa and not africa you're shown in your local travel guides so this happened when we took our friends from the states to show them the real bush i as always took my hammock in my 375 rifle and colt 1911 handgun i still need to protect myself from the hippos and stuff once we got there to the campsite and we had to set up i went for a walk looking for abbey tracks for our friends from across the great lake nothing bad a few lions a cheetah zebra and an elephant had come across where we set up camp okay cool i thought they're going to have the fright of their life tonight i kept on walking around when i saw these strange tracks in the soft sand maybe about 30 centimeters long by 15 wide looking almost human but with cat-like imprints my uncle came from behind me and asked if i had found anything i showed him the print asking if he'd ever seen anything like this he shrugged it off and said it's probably one of those big baboons we laughed and walked back to the camp the week was pretty uneventful we saw some guys downriver fishing remember that will be important they were so far from us we didn't bother about five days in i went paddling down river to find a good fishing site drifting down i saw some hippos and some lions on the riverbank they didn't look right though almost like they were scared i thought this was odd this isn't normal behavior for them i ended up where we saw the other camp i paddled ashore the guy who greeted me seemed shaken i jokingly asked if this was their first time out here he said yes and they were leaving tomorrow when they get their car fixed something about an animal wrecking the engine i said i'm sorry and asked him if the fish were biting here he looked at me pale and said it's time to leave the way he looked at me and said yeah manna isn't for everyone you never know what's around you just sent shivers down my spine when i got back to the camp i was telling my uncle what happened and he seemed a little perplexed but tried to reassure me that you know some people just aren't built for this kind of stuff i jumped into the truck to go on a game drive taking my friends along with me my friend's sister is quite uptight and is scared i'm saying don't panic if you see one of us panic then get scared she laughs and we carry on we carry on talking and she asked if it was her last night that she was dreaming or did she really see a big animal outside i said most likely as we are in the bush that it was probably a big animal but i told her not to worry as we have guns that can take down most things night came we were all around the campfire telling scary stories of the bush monsters of africa i noticed that people down river are running around frantically i stop the stories and say hey guys watch closely i looked through my scope and what i saw however will forever haunt me this beast was about three to four meters tall tearing the guy i spoke into that morning another beast eating what seemed to be a human torso i i put my rifle down slowly i said calmly that we need to go looking at my uncle my cousin they saw the fear in my eyes my uncle grabbed my rifle and looked through my scope i heard him saying what in god's name i remember thinking these things haven't seen us that's why we are still alive our friends suddenly catch on and see the fear my uncle and i are caught by my friend's sister looks through her camera and screams a few seconds later she says with a scrappy voice it's looking at us suddenly the fear washes over me i turn around and see my uncle loading stuff into the truck my cousin and friends are running around grabbing stuff within minutes everything was mostly packed when we heard a branch break the only sound we had heard i stand dead still everyone else freezes on the spot listening the river was to our backs i slowly gestured everyone to get to the river on to the kyanins the only thing i thought of what could save us were the crocs and hippos we all slipped down the riverbank while these things were just outside of the light of the fire all of a sudden this thing cries out like a hippo had been eaten alive while giving birth going on for what seemed like forever we managed to get into the boat and softly paddle away from the bank what we saw standing on top of the riverbank's clear and in full view can't be described blood running from its mouth my cousin shot at it it seemed like it didn't even feel it it stood there tall pacing up and down the riverbank for the night we couldn't sleep daybreak came and that thing walked back into the bush the park rangers saw us on the boat and were worried that we were poachers it was a relief to see other humans guns were drawn in us and we explained it all the police said we were the only people in the park camping we went to the other campsite and it was empty other than those strange tracks it's gotten me thinking are the rangers feeding this thing or don't they care or are they covering it up or what's happening i never heard anything of those other campers one thing i'll never go to the same part of that park i still go to the park itself however i know it's watching me and next time we meet i'm going to try to take it home dead hey swamp this is a bit shorter than most stories you read but a very interesting skinwalker story so at my uncle's funeral we were telling stories about skimwalkers now keep in mind right now we are in oklahoma but the first part of this story took place in arizona so further on we were telling stories about my mom's boyfriend my mom's boyfriend walks up shortly after this and starts telling a story he said one time when he was about 17 he was partying with friends out in the middle of the desert and then his ex-girlfriend got upset at one of his friends so she walked about a mile down the desert road and he felt bad so he drove to her in his old camaro he hopped out and said hey you want to just walk around for a minute talk about it just us and she says yes so they walk around for about five minutes he says have you ever heard of a skimwalker and she says yes and so he told her about how they are attracted to you if you talk about them apparently and she just laughs it off they decide to walk back to his camaro when all of a sudden this funky looking man walks out of the middle of nowhere in the pitch black desert and says hey can i get a ride he said he'd never hopped in the car and drove off faster than he did that day so that was end of his first story part two he told us about the big black dog that used to come around and throw his mastiff and saint bernard around like rag dolls he said one day he shot at it and that dog never came back the very next day we were driving in the middle of nowhere like where houses wouldn't be for miles in oklahoma and all of us saw this big black dog on the side of the road staring at us and boy did i almost pee my pants thanks for sharing my story swamp i appreciate you if any of you guys know what this could be please let me know in the comments thanks for listening to these creepy skimwalker and wendigo stories if you enjoyed these stories please hit that like button as it helps me out a ton if you have a story you would like to share in a future video whether it be a skinwalker story or when to go one or something different please be sure to submit it at swantweller.net or the email you can find in the description down below i would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp it's stories like yours to help keep this show going if you're new to the swamp why not join us hit the subscribe button and turn on notifications to 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will see you guys soon with another creepy video you
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 140,996
Rating: 4.8342271 out of 5
Keywords: Skinwalker Stories, Wendigo Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration, Horror Stories, Podcast
Id: 3wynIzH5xuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 1sec (4321 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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