25 Scary Cryptid Stories

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this was a story told to me by my father who has lived in New Hampshire his entire life he is 48 years old he's a well-known fireman and there's a lot of people and knows New Hampshire fairly well this story he told me reminded me of one of the stories on one of your recent videos about some big creature spotted by a group of campers in northern New Hampshire so my dad grew up in northern New Hampshire in small towns one thing people know about those areas is that it is haunted I guess it's a popular spot for people to go to for adventures and stuff as well to see if they can get any paranormal activity when my dad was in high school so about 30 years ago he was dating this girl that was into adventurous things and wasn't down for doing about just about anything my dad was never fearful of anything but this story really seemed to get to him so anyways him and his girlfriend at the time decided that a cool date idea would be to go to the mica mines and explore and see if they could experience anything on the way there they took a wrong turn down a long dirt road this dirt road led to an abandoned sawmill the sawmill had been abandoned for quite some time and was known for paranormal activity and also known for coats to go there and sacrifice animals of worship the devil knowing this my dad didn't want to stick around not because of the paranormal aspect but he didn't want to be the next coal sacrifice as he went to do a three-point turn and leave the front doors to the sawmill swung open and slammed and out walked an 8-foot tall creature he described it as alien like swaying it's huge red glowing eyes and big black body he swung his truck around and sped off still able to see the creature in his rearview mirror luckily he was able to get out of there but he had no clue what this creature was and claimed he has never felt that scared before not even running into burning buildings he never told many people about it as he didn't want to be considered crazy and where he knew everyone in that small town he grew up in he didn't want to ruin his reputation or his family's reputation the few people he has told have never seen or heard anything like that creature no one knows if it was a demon an alien or undiscovered creature or what it was I know New Hampshire has a lot of forested areas and abandoned order places so who knows what could be out there [Music] back when I was in the Boy Scouts we took a trip to the Pine Barrens I was around 11 or 12 years old I always remember these kinds of trips to be memorable with all the hiking and fishing we would do my troop and I finished setting up the side around dusk when we started making food for all of us when it started to get late everyone gathered around the campfire talking I decided to take a walk to the latrine it was about a quarter-mile away from the site illuminated by a light post I went inside and did my business I knew it wasn't too far from the site and the scouts to feel any sense of being alone but I just felt like something was off as I was about to finish my business I heard something else I at the door it sounded like something walking on the gravel trail I said to be a bit brave and look outside what I saw is burned to my mind for life it was a creature hunched over sniffing at the ground it looked like a deer on two legs but this was different it had a forked tail it had large bat wings and its head was like a horse but with horns more like antlers had hoofs and claws to its eyes were glowing red unnatural for anything I've ever seen i sat there looking at it for no more than thirty seconds before it stopped and stared directly at me I immediately closed the door now it was nighttime but I knew what I saw and it was standing underneath the lamppost I was far too young to drink or do drugs and the skies were clear I kept thinking to myself that if I stay in there it may leave then I heard a walking the sound of its hosts coming closer to the latrine grew louder I tried peeking out the small hole in the wood but I noticed a shadow covering it i sat frozen I started scratching at the wood door my heart was beating out of my chest I could literally hear it breathing then I heard a sound that I will never forget a blood-curdling scream ripped through the air it sounded like a bat but louder or a woman screaming but more distorted I felt tears running down my face the sound of a Toves on the gravel started stomping away I looked out the door one more time and saw open its wings in a full sprint and leap into the air it disappeared into the night I waited about five minutes before I ran back to the sides everyone was wondering what that sound was and they started laughing thinking it was me trying to scare them I couldn't even think to sleep I stated my tent holding my pocket knife in my hand I heard the scouts outside telling stories by the fire then I heard them tell scoria about a creature with wings a horse head hoofs in red eyes as I ran out of my tent and told them that's what I saw that's what made them scream they all looked at me like I was crazy I started crying and telling them and was true all their faces turned white and they started freaking out the Scoutmaster told everyone to pack up and we were leaving I found out that that creature was called the Jersey Devil after seeing it with my own eyes before knowing the legend I can tell you it's real I will never enter the Pine Barrens of New Jersey ever again this story happened about four months ago and I swear I'm still completely freaked out I don't expect you to believe my story because I can't even believe what I saw for myself sometimes I secretly still hope that what I saw was just a loose branch or some shadow but I highly doubt it I'm a 14 year old male and every year I go skiing with my family somewhere in the mountainous usually we stay for about a week with our camper on a campsite the campsite is only a few minutes away from the gondola that we used to ride up to the top of the mountain I know the area very well we have been skiing there since 2013 so for about five years now and I have never experienced anything like this every year there's a big partying concerts and a mountain at the top of the gondolas the party falls on the week where we always visit this is very important for the story the party is always in the evening and on this day you can go skiing until midnight usually the slopes close at 7:00 in the evening my brother sister and I always love this night because skiing in complete darkness is totally epic so like every year we grabbed our skis and snowboards it head up to the gondola station at around 9 o'clock two hours before the concert started so that we still had time to go night skiing I had a snowboard accident only a few days before so I couldn't snowboard for long periods of time without my knees hurting like crazy so my parents siblings and I headed up to the station with the gondola it's already dark outside was still light enough to see something I remember rubbing my knee and hoping that I could enjoy the night without too much pain but by the station many people were already gathered around two to three hundred people and some bands were already playing on the big stage my siblings and I started to head down the slow I was on my snowboard and my brother and sister on their skis my parents were listening to the band's while drinking some beer they didn't plan to go skiing that night we were skiing for about one and a half hours and more and more people gathered by the stage my siblings and I took the lift up one last time to be there for the beginning of the concerts about 1/2 an hour after the beginning of the concert I noticed that my knee was hurting a lot I was tired and stuff and I was also freezing my parents offered to take me to the gondola and to go to the campsite to get a good night rest I agreed my parents and civic stayed up on the mountain because the concert was still a few hours long and it had just started so I grabbed my board and stepped onto the gondola that would take me back to the valley the trip down to the valley with the gondola took about 20 minutes there were not many people in the gondolas around me because most people were still up there enjoying the concerts I got out my phone and started playing some random stupid game after about 15 minutes on the gondola I heard a low thud from the gondola behind me I looked up from my phone and was completely confused because I was sure that nobody had gotten on the gondola behind me I turned around and squinted into the darkness I could see the gondolas behind me but it's not very clearly I had no idea where the third I come from or what it was until I looked at the bottom of the gondola there there was a creature hang on the bottom of it I could only see the outlines of it so I wasn't sure if it was an animal or a person or something else I stood on the top of the bench in the small gondola and open the small window on the side of the doors to get a better look I turned on my phone flashlight what I saw then almost made me drop my phone out of the gondola first glance I thought it was a coyote but a second glance I noticed that it definitely was no coyote the creature was about as big as a dane and was covered in black grey fur with patches of fur missing its face was completely weird the snout was way too long for a normal coyote in the teeth or sticking out both upper and lower jaws the eyes were yellow reddish the creature was holding onto the gondola with its long skinny arms it had long looking claws I stumbled back and pressed myself against a glass window I looked down hoping that I would be in the valley soon but I had about five minutes left I could already see the station I kept my eyes glued to the creature behind me on the other gondola I stared right back at me in dreams not a kind of dog grin now you know if it's panting or sometimes looks like they're smiling but no it was a full-on grin wide mouth and showing its teeth then it started to rock back and forth still holding on to the gondola the entire thing started to rock and so did mine in the one in front of mine and behind me all because this thing was swinging they were attached to one long steel rope I started to get scared I tried to calm my breathing down to get rid of my anxiety attack the creature flung itself forward Oh to my gondola it tried to pad the bottom of my gondola I was completely shocked when it jumped because the gondolas are about 20 feet apart from each other I heard a large clang as the creature held on to the bottom my gondola the valley was only a few minutes away and I completely freaked out and started crying I heard a loud pitched scream from under my Khandala and I hovered in a ball on the bench about a minute away from the valley I heard the creature let go and drop to the ground which was about fifty feet away with a loud thump I peered down and saw it sprinting away into the woods below after I got off the gondola I could barely walk or speak now after I made it to the camper I locked all the doors and windows curled up in a ball and cried I didn't go skiing the next day and didn't tell anyone what I saw because I knew they wouldn't believe me I live in eastern Pennsylvania my friends and I were hunting coyote at night at about 2:00 a.m. we were going up an unfamiliar logging trail we had reached declaring it eventually ran across a log that lay across the road we stood around for a moment talking when we started hearing a sound he said it sounded like sticks breaking I think it sounded like someone hitting a dull axe against the log the sound was by my estimate 150 yards away I being the more experienced one said it was just the wind but it was extremely irregular like one knock every 30 to 45 seconds it wasn't coinciding with the gust of winds and that changed location of bits but remained in the same area we also heard the noise a few times off to the side and the trees and it sounded like it was approaching us as if two separate things were making the noises we felt uneasy and began to leave that is when the sounds all stopped after that we left in my car he pointed out that the woods became definitely silent while the noise is being made and I pointed out that I stopped once we left I remember people saying Bigfoot would break sticks to communicate or warn people I looked up the noise in his called tree knocking it perfectly fit the description of what happened to me being a skeptic I would like to know if anything else may have been making that noise and did anyone else have any similar experiences and do you think that I ran across a cryptid I live on the west coast to British Columbia in Canada about midway up the coast I was driving my girlfriend back to her granddad's house two towns over for mine about a two and a half hour drive on the highways I had driven her home and spent the day visiting her family this town she is from is right on the coast it's a port city not super important but the point is is that I spent the day there and was now getting ready to drive back home about 25 to 30 minutes into the drive I'm on the highway that runs parallel to the mouth of the river in one side and the cn tracks on the other so it goes rail on my left and then the road I'm on and then some sort of mini channel where the river ends undriveable or drowsy at all there are a few rest areas along the road on my right on the riverbank I need to piss so I start slowing down at the first one and some thing scurries across the road yeah that's almost all that happened it was four legs at least from what I saw black like black is night like unnaturally dark no texture or anything to it almost like a void of light or color and the shape of this thing it ran out of the bush over the rails I was going slow enough that wind and highway noise was gone and I heard it out of the brush came this sound like metal tapping it seemed like it was running over the the rail then the sound if he took a rod or rebar and stabbed it into the ground then metal again as it ran in front of me across the road its body shape was like how people described a UFO almost a flat disc shaped like an oval stretched out with his legs protruding from the front and back had no features no eyes no face or mouth that I could see anyway it ran across the road limbs stretching out as it ran then it ran into the rest area over the bank and I'm guessing into the river I kept driving I didn't piss until I got home two hours later I lived alone and in this remote location that we don't have cable or anything so the only option is satellite TV it was a humid summer night in July and the TV was acting up so I needed to go out and readjust the satellite like usual I took a flashlight out and a gum with me when I went outside it was unusually quiet like so silent it was unnerving I brushed the thought off then went to the dish which was in the corner of my yard I went to work making sure all the wires were all right and pointing it into a different angle suddenly I heard a small snap of a stick to my left and turn my flashlight to the direction and I saw a creature standing there I got a good look at it for what seemed like an eternity but it was probably only about 10 seconds I slowed and backed off and ran back to my house and locked out the doors windows the creature was unlike anything I had ever seen before when I shine the light at it the first thing I saw was the head it has cropped ears that pointed upwards it's now twas narrower than a bear's and longer then I could imagine a canine I could make out large teeth protruding from the jaw its eyes were a deep red shade that seemed to reflect off the light as I was pointing at it the body was muscular and huge had long arms and appeared to be longer than its legs broad shoulders had tapered into a skinnier waist it was slightly crouched over when I saw it with one hand wrapped around a small tree I can make out the legs which were similar to a dog's I had an obvious hocks in even with the crouched position I could tell that his height was probably 6 feet or more standing up to full height this creature could easily be seven and a half feet tall fur was black and thicker around the neck and chest and the bottom half significantly less so almost like it was balding I don't know if it was aggressive or not what I do know is that that feeling of dread and like I have ever experienced before was it just observing me or stalking me for a creature this large it was deceivingly silent it got within 15 yards of me without ever noticing I'm Aboriginal and we have our own name for what Americans call skinwalkers I am from the central Australian desert karate cha our skinwalkers in the Native American folklore and they are eerily similar to Aboriginal folklore my great nan used to tell me stories one was when she gone picking berries and looking for witchetty grubs honey ants and bush bananas with her sister back when she was younger one had followed them to where they were camping during the evening as the Sun was going down they heard something crying it sounded near when hearing sounds it has the opposite effect if it was near it would sound far away but if it were far away it was definitely right there they migrated nan and her sister stayed where they were and acted as if they were asleep alert but paying no attention to it the dogs they took with them were barking but didn't move it was on the outskirts of the camp just out of the light of the fire crying it was there by the faraway cries it was near and was trying to lure them away from the light she had told her sister to not look at it or try to speak to it it sounded like a child crying she said it didn't move away until the Sun has started coming up guess it got bored as soon as the Sun was up they made it home as fast as they could this story always stuck with me in my culture whistling at night can draw them talking about them by word of mouth also draws them thankfully have never seen one but I do believe they're out there I've always known the krodha cha has an evil spirits it could very well differ between tribes even tribes so close together it could even be derived from the gaddafi man but looking back on the stories told to me the latter is also described as the feather foot man this happened two years ago I was in England with my Boy Scout troop for a weekend in February everything was normal until the second day when it had started to snow really heavily so me and my two friends let's call them Matthew and Lewis decided to go and play hide and seek in the snow I've got all my warm clothes on and snuck out which wasn't that hard because there was a window in our room when I got out they decided that I should be on so I gave them three minutes to hide after that I ran in vaguely the same direction that I heard them go in after about four minutes of looking I was about to give up when I heard a weird mumbling noise I ran over and shouted at the top of my lungs found you but to my surprise instead of finding a boy wrapped in winter clothes I found a small white humanoid crouched over next to a carcass of what looked like a large dog I quickly jumped up and ran away I could hear right behind me jumping from border to border eventually I could see the hut we were staying in then I did something I wished I hadn't I turned around I saw this thing stand up and realized that what I had originally thought to have been small was about the same height as me I could see it's big yellow fangs dripping with warm blood in his eyes were deep red and behind the door opened it was my leader I turned around and he was mad and asked me where I had been for so long and it turned out that I've been gone for about a half an hour I went through with them exactly what had happened and as expected no one believes me the rest of the trip is normal but three months later I was shocked to find out that the exact same place I had been have been closed by police after a twelve-year-old child have went missing for two days have been found on a river totally mutilated apparently his throat had been ripped open and his intestines had almost been eaten along with half his leg all I can say is I'm never going back to that place again [Music] this happened when I was around the age of seven I wasn't alone when I saw it oh just call them cat Riley and my sister Lily it was years ago so my memory may be a little hazy but I still remember a lot from that day Riley was our next-door neighbor and cat lived up the street remember we live in Montana in a countryside have seen many spiders like the barn spider and hairy brown spider the four of us were playing that very day but then we went into the house that me and my sister lived in at the time I don't remember exactly why but we went outside for a little bit my mom was speaking to someone and we were heading for the door we opened the door then one of us closed the door only a few seconds after we then realized the spider was not in our view but then we all stood there in fear it wasn't a normal spider its body must have been almost the size of a baby while his legs were much longer it quickly went away out of sight then my mom only half a minute later or some seconds later said she saw the big spider crawl from the back door I think even up to this day that it was literally on the door but I'm just glad none of us got bitten by that son of a [ __ ] it was massive not sure exactly what to think of it [Music] just to clarify this didn't happen to me it happened to my girlfriend a year or two ago nevertheless I always get freaked out whenever I'm in her woods there's been two incidents so I'll try to make them quick one night she had a few of her friends over laughing drinking and having a good time in general they did all their little parties in her dad's garage which was a few yards away from the house beyond the garage was an uncapped path that led into the woods behind her house across from the garage was an old trampoline that was too ripped up to be able to jump on they decided to head back in when it got dark my girlfriend has a big black dog I'm not sure of the breed but they definitely knew she was inside at the time right before entering the house my girlfriend looked at the trampoline saw a pair of bright yellow shining eyes almost cat-like she caught friends over and they saw it too her dog Jasmine was right behind them in the house when Jasmine leaded her bark the thing took off at an inhuman speed the morning after they found Long claw marks on the side of the garage the second time was when my girlfriend was taking a walk on a small trail through the woods she has schizophrenia so she does hallucinate a lot but she swears that she knew that what she saw was real about halfway down the trail through dense shrubbery she saw a grayish thing it was walking on all fours its limbs so looked wistfully looked human to her she waited for whatever it was to pass before running back home we never go out to her woods alone anymore especially at night or without a weapon she believes her woods belong to Wendigos or maybe skinwalkers she couldn't tell very well one thing is for certain something strange is living in her forest [Music] my mom grew up near northern Wisconsin she told me some of her old stories a while back which happened to her her brothers and their area and some of them I feel are worth mentioning I've had my own paranormal experiences which I feel are quite difficult to talk about and I've talked about a few of them in the past maybe I'll share some more for some backstory on my family my mom grew up rather poor on a junkyard in the country in northern Wisconsin for anyone who isn't familiar with Wisconsin this is the part of Wisconsin that tends to have long stretches of forest and a lot of beautiful nature and scenic views one of the stories my mom told me was something that happened to a family that apparently lived nearby there was a family driving through the forest and eventually their car broke down this would have been in the 70s or 80s before cellphones were widespread so they ended up going out of their vehicle and making the journey home on foot eventually however they started to notice sounds from behind them as if something was following them through the woods or perhaps more aptly put stalking them through the woods when they ran it ran when they stopped it stopped eventually they were able to get to their house however when they quickly entered slam the door locked it whatever was following them gave them a bellowing scream apparently the family had alerted my grandfather as to what happened and he told them to look in his fields according to my mom he had apparently came back into the house wide-eyed and alarmed but he didn't elaborate on what he saw I vaguely recall my mom talking about seeing some sort of glow in the field though I'm unsure if it's related but my orders uncle went horseback riding with a friend and they apparently came across a thing apparently it was white and when they saw it ran off it stood up on its hind legs bounced on a fence and it was gone apparently it left behind some fur which my own call apparently collected but this would have been many many years ago and my uncle died when I was about four years old in a bad accident so I'm unable to ask him about the story I'm unsure if both of these stories are related or not and there could be some natural causes to this black bears wolves dogs etc all could be in would be living in the area however judging by the tone of the story and the fact that such animals are rather commonplace and it was apparently during the day I'm not sure if it would be mistaken identity or not what does interest me though is the stories of the Windigo which I have heard some depictions being somewhat furry from Canada skinwalkers and the Wisconsin's Michigan Dogman could maybe be related I don't know if it was not a case of mistaken identity I don't really care to find out either just be careful in the woods Mother Nature can be a cruel mistress and there is darkness in this world be is supernatural or the very very real death of human depravity and cruelty protect yourself and your loved ones I work as a paramedic in Louisiana needless to say after being in this profession for a while you'll see your fair share of creepy things however nothing I've experienced Kitab this the unit that I work on is quite rural compared to most others in our fleet it was a busy night so we were posted at a halfway point between our station and another in town to cover both parts of the area we'd like to post off the road about a quarter of a mile into the woods so we would not be bothered while we were there it was late so my partner and I down to the back of our unit because there is much more room to stretch out and relax in the back My partner was asleep and I was messing around on my phone I felt something bump into the side of our unit shaking the whole truck now our trucks are heavy and it would take a substantial amount of force to shake it like I had felt I woke my partner and told him but he brushed it off thinking I may have been dreaming or something then it happened again he immediately shot up and looked out the window and I did the same we couldn't see a thing outside and it was too dark we made the decision to cut on the unit flood lights which illuminate the entire area around the truck I moved from the window to hit the button and my partner stayed behind looking out the window as soon as I turned them on my partner gasped and jumped back from the window I could see it as well the light from the back of that unit illuminated an approximately seven-foot tall creature it looked like it was turned around but I could not make out a face most of it was hairless but I did see some matted patches of hair here and there on its body it had extremely long skinny arms that appeared to drag the ground behind it the parts of the body that were hairless appeared to be gray and wrinkly it wasn't moving just standing there with its back towards us we decided to radio dispatch and told them to get a police units to our location as it was a large animal outside of our units about five minutes later we saw the lights from the police unit come from down the road the creature looked in the direction of the lights turned its body and very calmly walked into the woods the officer walked up to our units and opened the door we explained to him what was going on he said that he didn't see anything as he was pulling up and whatever it was was gone now it's been a few months since seeing this creature and I've never seen or heard anything like it and I have not seen it since granted we don't park in that area anymore needless to say we have stayed in the front of the truck now in posting rated floor and drive away if anything like this happens again here in Canada I have in-laws way up north in a place called the Northwest Territories their native and have a lot of weird tales from their community they have family spread all over the north a lot of them whom are in Alberta as well and we'll play into this story so it was a typical winter night maybe 10 ish years ago at my in-laws grandparents house not that late or anything but very dark due to that time of year and it was way too cold to be outside at least negative 45 Celsius or negative 49 degrees everyone was just hanging out and watching TV kids were playing in typical average kind of night you know suddenly there is knocking at the door hard persistent knocking this was immediately strange as they live away outside of any town with kilometers between neighbors and unannounced guests are almost and heard of their grandparents are visibly concerned and tell them not to answer the door the knocking became harder and the guests began to speak loudly stating that they were auntie so-and-so and that they had been invited over the kids wanted to answer the door to see their auntie apparently it sounded exactly like her so their grandpa had to block the kids from going near the door and tell him to get away from the door in the windows as well the knocking became the pounding and the guests started yelling and screaming angrily to be let in eventually it stopped and the guest was gone the next morning there were no tracks outside in the snow and no signs of a vehicle had been in the area this auntie lived in Alberta and had made no plans to visit anyway that's about it not much for excitement but that kind of [ __ ] is weirdly common out here in some places believe it or not Wendigo is a major piece of folklore in that family as well and they refused to talk about it out of fear of drawing one in I grew up in Flagstaff Arizona many times when you would ask natives about skinwalkers they would get upset and were mostly refused to even mention the word my aunt went to a basketball game with the team my uncle was training she stepped in since he was out sick the game was on a reservation and they were on a dirt road heading home around 8:00 at night and she said an old woman started floating next to the van and everyone started to scream she told everyone in the car to pray and she said that's when the old woman floated off into the dark nobody stopped praying until they got to the meeting line where she dropped off the kids another story was from my friend Raiden he told me that they were at his grandma's house watching TV at night we heard knocking on the door he went to go answer it and his grandparents she ought to him not to saying that nobody comes out this late except for skinwalkers he said after that they heard knocking on the walls and windows and the windows had boards that you could shut from the inside so he never saw anything he said the next day he heard the Walker get on top of their trailer outside and start stomping on it next day they came out the roof was dented to hell my friend Anthony told me a story of how him and his brothers were outside with their uncle and they saw skinwalker with blood-red eyes and pale white skin but the face looked like a pig's they said they sat there frozen and they said through their own coal also frozen a spot after making direct eye contact with the Walker and the walker started walking towards them and they said that they grabbed their uncle and dragged him inside and locked everything in the inn called the cops some pretty terrifying shits I wouldn't go searching for any of these things [Music] it was around 11:00 p.m. at night we wanted to visit a graveyard so we ended up going to double Butte Cemetery near South Mountain and Phoenix as we were pulling in a coyote dashed across the car and ran toward the mountains it looked weird like one of those over bred incest German Shepherds that are all short and hunched over but I didn't think too much of it we parked and walked away from the car and explored the graveyard the were no sign of people or coyotes but whenever we walked near a bush or a tree we heard rustling but we figured it was just some sort of rodent or bats when we were done we walked toward the car to leave but we saw a cool little gated sanctuary garden type thing so we went in there and sat for a little all of a sudden we heard what sounded like a weird mix of a laugh scream and howl I was confused to what this humanist scream was at first so my mind immediately translated it to multiple coyotes a pack we were about to leave and then we saw four sets of glowing eyes crouching and coming toward us fast I still figured an angry coyote pack so he ran to the car after being safe in the car we got a little more ballsy and tried to find them they were nowhere to be seen I saw three maybe four shadows of human figures on the other side of the graveyard from the car I thought to myself wow there are people here this late I wonder why we didn't see or hear that it's a pretty small flat in treeless graveyard basically just dirt in deserts so I'm pretty positive we would have known if there were others their shadows disappear for a while but I'm still looking toward that direction that's when I saw the weirdest figure hunched over walking in the most Awkward way the way its body moved was swift in unnatural it was the same direction where I saw the people we drove over to that direction and found nothing and left we get home when we noticed the car scratched up everywhere like a coyote was going crazy on top of the car the scratches were long and dragged in different directions and a few dirt paw prints all over the car we had a car wash the next day and the car was completely untouched before and I'm pretty sure of that we also left a McFlurry in the trunk of the car which was untouched and not moved if coyotes got on the car it definitely would have been destroyed considered how dramatic the scratches were so yeah I'm wondering if what we saw were skinwalkers the graveyard is also near reservation and it seemed like a lot of Hera zona pioneers and natives were buried there [Music] back about ten years or so ago my good friend and I would occasionally take trips to her family's property out in the middle of nowhere it was fairly remote you'd had to drive up a dirt road a few miles and couldn't access it unless you had a key to the chain on the gate there wasn't anyone around for miles all that was there was a trailer they had towed up and left to sleep in the fuel out there was always a little off one day we were wandering around the property not really thinking of much and so about 20 minutes later when we realized we had actually been walking out into the middle of nowhere we had no water with us and had no clue where we were luckily we found a way back after a while but neither of us could explain why we did that I'd also take my voice recorder and we caught up quite a few strange things on it one day before heading out there we were talking about skinwalker ranch it was only about a 40-minute drive from the property so we thought hey why don't we go try to find it we thought it would be cool to say that we had been there after searching the internet we found fairly good direction is there and headed out for the night we had a bit of trouble locating it but after a bit of driving around we pulled into an area that was spot on from the descriptions we had read we stepped out of the car and the first thing we noticed was the mass amounts of bug swarming us only a few short seconds later we had huge dogs barking growling and running at us we immediately jumped back in the car took off we ended up staying in the area for a little longer exploring whether that night back at her property we were sitting around the fire talking all of a sudden we started hearing barking it was rather startling and she immediately frozen said she had never heard barking in this area before she isn't one to get scared easily so her uneasiness put me on the edge not too long after that there was more barking very slowly we were being surrounded by what I assumed were coyotes we both tried yelling jumping around and throwing rocks but that didn't seem to do any good never seen coyotes act this way we were terrified and had no clue what to do not really wanting to stick around and find out if they'd get any closer to us we doused the fire and flipped on our flashlights she grabbed my hand and we booked it back into the trailer we were both shaking by the time we made it in and she locked the door I don't think either of us slept that well I heard a lot of weird sound and felt the sense of dread the entire night as soon as the Sun started to rise we decided to pack up and get out of there we'll need their car and what we saw send chills down my spine on the driver's side car window was a huge handprint made with mud it was easily twice the size of our hands we looked at each other and silently agreed that we need to get the hell out of there I'm not saying it was a skinwalker but neither of us have been able to explain it and I've never been back some background I live in a rural county in Texas I live in a rural suburb about a mile and a half away from my grandparents who live on an expansive longhorn cattle ranch my grandparents are currently on trip to Michigan and they needed someone to watch their house take care of their diabetic dog and water the garden for a while I loved being alone in the country and I wouldn't be that far from my mom and stepdad so I agreed to do it for them the first two days were fine it was on the third day that this began it was about 8:30 at night I had just made myself dinner a lunchable and was ready to sit down in the living room and watch TV for a couple of hours and so I went to bed the recliner I was sat in and my grandparents living room was directly beside their large glass doors and I could see into their backyard and into their ranch from my seats just past the fence at the backyard were about a dozen deer which was an odd considering there's an insane amount of deer where I live I watched him for a second when all of a sudden I felt a wave of fear rush over me it was like my brain stopped seeing the DRS something harmless and instead it became a very imposing sight I scanned over the deer and my eyes landed on one in particular I noticed him because even though it was a doe it was a good bit taller than the others it seemed to be oddly bulky and slightly misshapen I washed it for about a second before half know where his head shot up in the grass and it stared directly at me I hadn't been moving and both my dogs were inside with me asleep but I knew that it was focusing in on me we stare for about a second before it started to whip its head around in a really unnatural motion the closest analogy I could make is one of video game glitches and the head of a character starts moving around wildly it did this for another second before putting its head back down into the grass like nothing had happened at this point I knew something was very wrong and I knew I had to get out of there I called my mom who was out fishing with my stepdad and told her I was going home early because I was freaking out I suffer from anxiety and can sometimes have panic attacks so she understood and I hauled ass to my car all I grabbed was my phone my Lunchables in an Eeyore blanket that I had brought from my house I don't really know why I grabbed the extra two things besides my phone but I wasn't really thinking clearly I'm usually a very careful driver especially on my grandparents shoddy gravel driveway but I knew I had to get off their property or else I would be in real danger my car is shitty with the driver side window permanently down the entire time I drove up their half mile long driveway I heard a sound coming just off from behind my car it sounded like if a mammal tried to replicate the sound of a cicada very throaty and unnatural and it was the same constant distance from my car the entire drive off the property right in front of the gate before going back out onto the road were a few of my grandparents cows I laid eyes on a black figure amongst them and almost like an optical illusion it changed to be a full front profile on a long horn I wouldn't have thought this with my eyes playing tricks on me because I was in a panic if it wasn't for the Horner's when I saw the quote-unquote cow it was a black figure with no horns but within a second I spotted it and suddenly had two giant horns on either side of its head I managed to drive home but I still felt extremely unsafe my instincts were telling me that if I went inside I'd be cornering myself at this point I was sitting in my driveway near hysterics and on the phone with one of my friends who I'll call hope hope is extremely knowledgeable with this kind of stuff and a true believer in the supernatural and I knew she would be the only person who wouldn't think I was losing my mind she talked to me and calm me down and I explained the dear to her and she got pretty freaked out and told me she knew what it probably was I told her that I didn't want to know because I already had an idea as to what it might be and her confirmation would only freak me out more at this point I made up my mind to go to my closest neighbor's house I knew if I stayed alone I'll be putting myself in danger so cue me crying and clutching an Eeyore blanket as I stroll up to my neighbor's backyard weeping and apologizing profusely thankfully my neighbors are Saints and they took me inside and called me down they stayed up with me for a good hour until my mom is stepdad got home from the lake and I felt safe enough to go home because I had finally fully calmed down I decided to go back to the ranch with my mom to clean up the mess I had left when I booked it out of there but by the time we were there even remotely close to the ranch I felt the panic returned we got halfway down the driveway before I told my mom I couldn't do it and I had to go back my mom was still planning to go back after she dropped me off at home but I knew she'd be in danger if she went back alone so I told her about the deer and I told her I really don't want her to go back there that night and she agreed hope has an older sister who is extremely well versed in the supernatural and when she informed her of my experience her advice was for me to never go back this wasn't entirely realistic to me since they are my grandparents and I did leave most of my stuff there but I tried to take her warning as seriously as possible and decided to greatly limit my time there and not to go back alone into my grandparents return the next day which is today at about noon I had to go back to gather my stuff and check on my grandparents diabetic dog and let the bigger outside dog in so he would be safe in the heat the feeling of the place was still tense and strange but not terrifying later at about 8:00 I had to go back again this time to feed the dog let the other one out and want the plants I was way more hesitant about it but my mom forced me to go I was keeping my cool pretty well until as we were going down the driveway I saw a deer standing in the road I immediately felt the fear of the previous night and started freaking out telling my mom that I couldn't do it and that she had to turn around as I was freaking out with my mom distracted trying to calm me down this [ __ ] deer arched his back like when a calf stretches that tipped me over the edge into full hysterics but my mom still refused to take me home a mom went inside my grandparents house and I stayed in the truck and caught hope again I told her what I saw she tried to calm me down but nothing really worked as I was freaking out on the phone I saw a black shadow dart into and then out of the rearview mirror that was it I called my mom and was screaming for her to come back inside and take me home even during normal panic attacks it never reaches this point my mom was screaming so harshly at my vocal cords hurts she tried to convince me to come inside and eventually she decided to take me home and I was hyperventilating and sobbing until the moment I arrived back at this point I'm terrified and I don't know what to do I've never experienced anything like this before and although I hope this is going to be an isolated sensitive occurrences I can't be for sure for now I'm going to try to stay away from my grandparents ranch that really isn't realistic I could use any advice you're willing to give it was around 10:00 at night off the little waves from Ocean City Maryland it was mother her friend and my sister and I we were driving home from our vacation and I asked if we could take the back roads I always love seeing the woods at night and it was the scenic route we were driving down and although I was one who asked for the trees I was ironically on my phone texting and listening to music we eventually came to a stretch of road that I didn't pay much attention to it was boring but I occasionally looked up every now and then as I did the entire ride it was a straight path forward with nothing but street lights so we were driving and driving as we crossed under the lights it was almost relaxing I went in to a half sleep trance then I suddenly woke up and everything was fine more lights as we drove by no one was talking my mom's boyfriend wasn't asleep but there were no muffled conversations everything seemed calm but I had this sudden awareness we were in the middle of the West it was dark again around 11:30 or 12:00 without streetlights you couldn't see anything but the Stars I immediately felt very paranoid I turned my phone on and listened to the music then we enter back to another stretch of light and drove on and I started to feel a little bit better this part is strange because it was as if something told me to go to my phone as if there was a notification I checked and there was nothing there and then I noticed something in my obscured vision they were about four lights up ahead that were turned off in an area where the road kind of turns it was a fairly wooded area you couldn't see much without the light so we slowed down I didn't pay much attention to it but this next part sticks with me as we slowly approach the next light that was on something crawled out from the woods and into the light I looked up and thought it was a deer at first but it kept moving out it was limping but when it fully emerged what I saw was truly bone-chilling a naked ash white skinny man crawled out on all fours it stopped and as I saw it it turned its head at us its eyes were deep charcoal black we sped it fast and started driving it wasn't human as we drove past it it jumped over our car weightlessly defying physics my mom's Mercedes had to sunroofs it although was a blur I got a close look at it as it passed over the car landed behind us and faded into the back the scary part was when it jumped over our car our sunroof was open my name is Carlos I am now currently 14 years old the sighting happens while I was backpacking in rural Arkansas high in the mountains me and my friends which for confidential reasons I won't say their names but let's call them Jerome John Caleb in my crush who I will call Laura went backpacking with my fellow church youth on the very first day backpacking I noticed how quiet it was I mean like the force was empty kinda it was just silence but I ignored it and put it off as maybe it was just very quiet here but being a country boy should have known better after long and tiring five hours of walking we finally decided to stop and rest for the night I will explain how the surrounding area looked like because it is important we were separated into two groups guys and girls a skies we slept in a clearing near a massive hill well the girl slept under a ridge of a cliff and on the right of both camps was a river also in between the camp's was a ravine us guys being young and stupid decided to explore before it was too dark we ended up finding this cave around 30 feet away from our camp after exploring the cave which was empty we decided to go eat dinner for some reason we didn't make a fire after eating our counselor told us that we needed to have a buddy system when we used the bathrooms because it was hunting season after the meeting we went to bed that night I woke up with a strong urge to pee being the good friend I am I didn't wake up any of my sleeping friends as I climbed up that massive hill to pee behind a tree or near the top now I know that was dumb but hey you rather go pee in a ravine now what sounds better as I was going up I heard a branch break but I brushed it off as some kind of nocturnal animal during mid PE I heard a low growl it was like a guttural growl I was in mid pee I couldn't stop as soon as I finish peeing I raced down the hill and made the mistake of turning around I saw a massive easily six foot tall very pale humanoid looking creature with huge black eyes which were fixated on me I immediately ran to my tent and passed out from fright the next morning as we were leaving I saw in that cave a pale looking face peering out at me my friends didn't believe me but one of my friends came up to me and told me that he saw it because he takes medication for his depression and he thought it was hallucinating a few months back I was on a routine third shift I work at the police officer in a very small town in Ohio it is currently the middle of fall I'm not going to say where people can find it pretty easily anyway I was on night patrol driving in my patrol car most nights we are required to get out of our cruisers to check areas our cruisers can't fit there is a super long almost two mile bike path we are supposed to walk down well one night as usual I got out and walked the path usually we do this to make sure no one is hurt or overdosed my flashlight was dimmed during the walk since I forgot to put it on the charger earlier that day about 1 mile into the walk I start to feel very strange not a typical gut feeling a feeling that you know something is wrong or something is about to go wrong I began to hear leaves crunching turning in every direction the leaves would break my light to so dim it is hard to see much of anything I continued trying to get this walk over I start to speed up in doing so I must have triggered somethings instinct everytime I sped up the breaking of leaves would get louder and continue with my pace I get to the point where I know something is there so I just stop and listen I waited for five minutes hoping to catch some kids playing a prank or a fellow officer trying to get a laugh but nothing the sounds have stopped I began showing my light all around me slowly turning my life from the tree to tree then I noticed something odd I passed by it the first time I shined my light back in the direction I noticed from earlier I can see something but at the time it was hard to make out the only difference I noticed was the contrast in colors old gray and black with red and orange leaves in a brown tree I shine my light up from it then two huge glowing eyes nothing like I have ever seen before I have seen deer wolves and other animal eyes that reflect light but nothing like this I hesitated almost drawing my firearm but I stopped myself knowing that I could get myself in trouble if it was a prankster this thing took one step out from behind the tree I got a whole body view it was covered in feathers extremely tall and didn't appear to be completely human I noticed it had hands like a human but at having feathers that looked almost forced into the skin I start to back up thankfully and never moved more than when it did earlier I was frozen in fear too scared to move but I snapped out of it when dispatch radio police one check up the sounds of the radio snapped me out of my trance I started walking backwards very quickly not taking my eyes off this thing one time it felt like forever but I finally got back out of those woods my cruiser was in the clearing I bolted as fast as I could to it not looking back into I got back in I looked into the wood line from where I came in then I could see this things whole body had shaped like a demonic owl head laying tilts just staring with its huge eyes its body covered in some parts by feather either by skin that appeared to be falling off like it was rotting then a terrible odor came through so powerful it is engraved into my memory I unlocked my cruiser crawled in and locked my doors I attempted to shine my spotlight and brights at it but it ran back into the woods letting out a scream that was like no other I could feel the creatures below rattle my insides leaving me almost sick to my stomach after it ran I drove back up to my station sitting inside to recap what had just happened they asked my fellow officers about us some time later but got very odd responses I was being told to never look where the noises came from it would be better if I just ignored them altogether I was confused at this point wondering if they had seen it themselves but I was never given a definitive answer just told to keep my light charged in my eyes forward I've always loved the outdoors history mystery adventure and exploring where I live is the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia an area steeping in long history for the last 15 years I've been learning about various undiscovered locations of interest my personal focus being caves chasms and similar geological structures I've spent hundreds of hours in the woods both deep and shallow hiked about 1,500 kilometers in search of such things and in the end I am successful for the most part around 2010 I read a spot in the book about two men finding a cave in artifacts along a river named bloody Creek near bridge town and after having read over the details of their find in the area I took it upon myself to hunt this point of interest down bag it and tag it so I let the proper people know and I set off I grabbed my dollar store flashlight in case hauls out after dark a bottle of Pepsi and my walking pole hopped into my car and drove along to where Bloody Creek passed under the highway I parked and got out and started searching for what I might be some incredibly old relics of old local native or French origins and thus began the first steps into a new world I explored along the river climbing down the embankment to Riverside through the trees and past a bunch of animal bones I was going from the highways edge in following the river to the South checking behind any clumps of trees rocks and anywhere a cave might be found before I knew it it started to get dark so I started back towards my car intending on just walking beside the creek which was 20 feet wide but shallow walking back it became dark and before I was half way back I started hearing splashes him something stepping on the rocks and scuttling off as well is what sounded like a frog and a bird had kids a kruky chirp I figured it was raccoons or weasels or other critters coming out for nighttime activities and kept on walking along until the sounds of little feet and the bird frog sound became too distant and close behind me so I turned around imagining some cute animal being curious but since the flashlight was crap all I seen were about a set of five eyes that reflect blue white and black spaced wide apart him blinking over the edge of the rock at first I thought rabbits I want to look closer and whatever they were ran off into the dark I went back to my car kind of freaked out because I needed a new flashlight for the next time I was going out there in a better parking spot a few days later about mid-september I decided to go back looking again a bit better with a high-powered spotlight headlamp and a hatchet for the branches in my way since I had better light I had the idea in my head that I would go after with my wife when she got back from work I had looked at maps and seen there was a road that ran closer to the spots that I wanted to be so I could cut out a portion of the walk that wasn't much of interest and had animal bones and treated blocking the way the new spot was just east of the creek alongside a road that left two gravel pits and I had to walk along a dirt trail for a short distance before cutting through the treeline past a pile of apples used to bait deer down a small hill strung with rocks and shree debris and to back beside the creek not far from where I'd turned around the last time this time I searched the river sides right up to the gravel pit before turning around as the darkness had fallen an hour before the sound returned I kept my lights low intending I'm seeing what animal was following me as I heard rabid animals follow people whatever it was seemed to have become bold as I started walking towards the small hill to walk up past the Apple pile to the trail even leaving the side of the river or safety was something did not feel right the pieces started coming together up until this time let me tell you I was an absolute skeptic and told anyone who mentioned Bigfoot's and UFOs that they were a [ __ ] idiot and should get checked maybe even in a lobotomy and neutered so they didn't pass on the stupid I was an absolute skeptic prick the pieces came together in such fashion the Croke chirps were exposed like a words like someone saying words but just in that weird sound the footsteps sound like they were bipedal the eyes were or too round and far apart for any animal I know of and besides the light reflected didn't look normal the final piece went into place when I turned around and let my fool lights hit the area at the hills bottom these people were sneaking up behind me using rocks and tree debris as cover but they were in for view now [Music] standing roughly 12 to 18 inches high their skin was a dark brown like rich wood their arms and legs were thin and long attached to a shorter athletic looking body but the heads were rounded and looked oversized for their bodies the eyes were high up on the face and whitea parts the noses little chimpanzee noses those slits sort of in the mouth was wide as the head with thick rubbery looking lips they all had a gray brown colored hair that was shorter on the top of the head and grew into what looked like a cloak but looking closer it was a longer hair that grew all the way down the back attached to the back of the thighs in the back of the upper arms after jacking the little bastards and getting a good look I heard a snap of a twig behind me and turn to see another one on the hill about five feet away with a stick in its hands it ran to hide behind a large tree the others that were now behind me started walking and skittering towards me making those sounds again so it turns around again and watched them hide this time their coloration was almost perfect camouflage as they ducked and hid beside the trees and stones and realizing just what I stepped into my blood ran cold the apples were piled too close to a road to be a bait for a pile of deer the small animal bones from roadkill around the small clumps of pine trees the larger bones like deer jammed into rocks and random places the little pass beside bones I had wandered into their feeding ground those apples were a food gift I would later learner I somehow knew if I had tripped those little things they would have swarmed all over me popped my eyes out and probably killed me with those sticks they kept getting closer to me as I ascended the small hill and when the sounds turned in the shrill squeals of hate I knew even at 200 pounds and six feet tall these things would eat me alive the fear hit me like a wave and I ran as fast as I could got in my car and floored it out of there on my way home it finally hit me that I was wrong creatures exist and for some reason they are kept from the mainstream my world had changed forever and I am no longer a skeptic but I just have no idea what those things could have been [Music] I'm 20 no that I was 8 or 9 at the time that was late spring I left at 1:45 corny Avenue she was saying Marie Ontario just off South American my mom had just put me into bed around 9:00 p.m. and opened my Wendel to kill off my room I laid awake for the next few hours tossing and turning I was Restless than felt uneasy I opened my eyes to get up for the drunk but to my surprise I saw a tall man and scraggly clothes pacing back and forth by my beds looking down at me that was dark but I could tell I was in the shape of a man I told my blank is up to my nose and I was terrified I was frozen unable to make a sound I'm barely able to move just moving my blanket felt like I was left in a sheet of wet cement as he or had to continue to pace I could hear popping and crackling sounds unlike anything I had ever heard before up to this point in my life suddenly that I seemed to gain eyes shame like a wild animal and the legs began to bend and he grew tall almost passing its head on my ceiling the face of this thing also began to distort if you see in the movie he'll last head the legs looked and if you've seen the movie Harry Lange the face began to look like the creepy dude with the Far Court of the colony as this thing continued to shape-shift I began to cry and as I began to yell and started to reach out towards me let's start my mother who woke up began to get up and come to my room the creature stopped reaching for me I looked over his shoulder sneering then it quickly made his way to the bundle it looked back at me still transforming and flashed me a toothy grin then it jumped through the window out into my yard my mother thank goodness humans my room and asked me what was wrong as I frantically tried to explain what I saw she chalked it up to too much sugar before bed even though she even stepped in the wet footprints left by the thing she just figured the lay rain must have packed up and come in the window she doesn't even bother to turn on the lights to see if it was footprints she picked me up and as I looked over her shoulder I saw the thing they fully changed they say it in the yard and now looked like the werewolves and the movie dog soldiers which hadn't even been made at the time but there was just staring back at me like he knew I could just start gaming if it wanted to I yelled and told my mum to look but before she could see it had run off her and the large eight feet tall fans in her yard and to the brush between my house my neighbors she walked over and closed the window she told me the monsters aren't real but I knew it definitely since this time I began to ask my father of a fascination legends began looking into other belief systems that had shape-shift and lycanthropes I'm no 28 and have researched a lot about werewolves skinwalkers bizarre cars like guru and jagira man and all things of this nature I've even begun looking into how to become one like winning a wheel scam bail or drinking from the paw print of a Wilf on a film in I now have a bear and a wolf corn necklace a wolf pelt I wear on occasion philmont's the ping trance gets an audience with my father's friend who is a chief up near ypq Marsh nation reserves in the James Bay lowlands but my father says he won't speak of such things as he sees talking about them draws him to you and pitch you and your family in danger when I was about 12 my dad decided to go to Holland with my grandmother and other family members my mother and two siblings and I stayed home I'm the middle child but him the oldest boy with my dad being gone I had to do the chores it was winter and I live on a farm so I had to tend to the animals since it gets cold in the night the animal water freezes we raised to beef each year for meat I got up at 4:00 as I had to do the whole time my father was gone because I had school I got dressed and headed outside this was my fifth day or so of doing this it was still dark out there was a clear sky allowing me to see the moon and stars through the trees I could see me brief as I walked to the barn I noticed that it was unusually quiet normally the cows Moo at me when they hear or see me I walked into the barn and fed them the grain and alfalfa hay and went over and broke the ice in their water trough I fed the three cats we had at the time only one is around today I then went around the back of our barn to look at the moon the sky was just starting to show signs of approaching morning all of a sudden the cows flew out of the barn and ran straight through the damn fence they continued running into the pasture along the creek I then saw this six to seven foot tall creature run the same direction but along the creek in the opposite direction it made its way into the woods in a matter of seconds once it was in the woods I could kind of smell a nasty smell but maybe it was just the cows or something I mean I was right behind the barn one thing that is crazy about it instead it was almost completely silent the only time it made noise is when it stepped into the puddles along the creek I began walking back to the house when I realized there was something in the barn I slowly snuck over I looked through the crack in the door and I couldn't believe my eyes this thing was eating the corn out of the cows grain one by one and free grain of it he then looked towards the door and stood up he looked around he then grabbed a brick my daddy uses to hold the tarp down over a grain because our barn leaks and threw it towards the door where I was at I jumped and started to shake I was in such disbelief that I actually hit myself in the head hoping I was hallucinating I could feel the adrenaline in me rushing like crazy I decided to peek again I looked through the crack but everything was dark soon realize that I was looking at this ugly [ __ ] in the face I scooped gravel off the ground and flung it in the crack and ran I turned and looked at the barn this thing jumped out the window on the side and ran towards me it jumped the fence and was gaining fast I ran to the house and the damn door was locked I ran to the garage and it was open I managed to get in and I waited there for about five minutes I slowly opened the door to peach our garage was separate from our house so I had to do a Big Ten's dried run to the back door I sprinted and made it inside thinking God the door was unlocked I looked out the window and turned the garage light on I about died when I realized it was only ten feet away I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think they would believe me I've only told my sister and the only reason I told her was because within the last year she started going in the woods she has found footprints she has also had glimpses of them I never let her go alone anymore whatever I saw I'm sure is a big fuss if the natives have any cave carvings and paintings of them including many legends then why can't they exist I don't believe I know we find in the same painting as a saber-toothed tiger and the woolly mammoth [Music] my story starts as me my cousin were home alone on a warm summer's day she and I were setting on the living room floor soaring as that was the only interesting thing we could do it that day we had to find an open window as it gets really hot and Mount Shasta during this summer the found was blowing cool air into the overheated house I could remember that it was not a windy day whatsoever remember this detail because it is very important throughout the story me and my cousin were just sitting there having a conversation about something that I can specifically remember when all of a sudden the fan falls out of the Wendell that was one of those box-like fans that if I think about it now even if it was went I don't think it would have been strong enough to knock it over me and my cousin that think it was a wondered first so it hit the fan back up and continued sawing not that long after I heard a crash and looked up to see the fan had fallen over by itself again once again we chalked it up to the when's and put it back up but then happened again then again we started getting a little skeptical I went to see if it was the wind but there was no wind or nothing it was a nice really hot summer's day right after that all of a sudden all the doors and say the house started opening and closing constantly we knew for a fact this was not the wind as even the doors in the house hit the house were opening like the bedroom doors the laundry room door the front door and the garage door etc we got a lot of spooked out so my cousin ended up calling her ex boyfriends mom your according to my cousin was a spiritual person in Europe area this kind of stuff this Liddy ended up answering the phone and we quickly explained to her what was happening she told us that we had to go find a Bible our bid only went into my grandparents room because I knew they had a few different Bibles in their closet once we caught the Bible the lady on the phone told us that we had to open it to a random page then join hands we joined hands then the lady told us to repeat after her she then started seeing some type of prayer that I never heard before we did as she asked and repeated the prayer the door started opening and closing faster and more violently as we kept seeing the prayer in all of a sudden the strangest thing ended up happening the second we said the final word of the prayer everything just stopped got quiet everything went back to normal thus a fan has impacted me in quite a few different ways I started becoming way more interest in all things paranormal and supernatural I researched and found out all the information I could and all things paranormal from all the research I have done I have concluded that what was in that house was something called a portal gazed a poltergeist is a type of ghost that is able to move or throw things and is also capable of making really loud noises this is the only tape of course I could figure out they can move all those doors I have since been back to that house but also with equipment I have rather made or purchased online I have also experienced other things from doing this type of stuff I think this experience will impact my life forever [Music] my name is Matthew and I'm a hardcore biker I own a GSXR motorcycle a pretty fast bike in case you didn't know I live in Grant's Lagoon Trinidad today was my second cousin's birthday and my other cousins and I kept a little get-together for him my encounter started when I left my home around midnight to get some snacks as the ones we had gotten before had been dissipated the closest mini marts was located out of town about two and a half hour drive under the speed limits but being a biker I loved speed as I was about half a mile outside of town driving on about a hundred miles per hour I accidentally hit the kill switch on the bike and it came off I cautiously pulled over to the side of the road and hopped off I then laughed at myself for making such a rookie mistake it took me a few minutes after laughing at myself to realize something really odd the entire area was completely quiet not just any kind of quiet the type of quiet that makes a ringing sound in your ear I stood there looking around contributing to the surrounding quietness but it was everywhere nothing was out tonight usually you hear common bugs like crickets and so on but there was nothing memory soon kicked in as I remembered overhearing my dad and his friends conversation on hunting his friend said always remember when out there if the woods get quiet be cautious it means there's a predator around I quickly got quiet and paced myself and walked back to the bike feeling rather threatened but there was nothing here my half to my bike can turn the key watching my dashboard light up and that's when I heard it I heard the sound of heavy footsteps on the road in front of me the hairs on the back of my neck stood up his chills ran down my spine signaling for me to get out of there I stood there paralyzed with fears my body denied the signals from my brain and at that moment came a low growl I stood there overthinking what to do as it growled once more I quickly snapped out of it and pushed the start button on the bike and turn the headlights on that was the biggest mistake of my life because the sight that presented itself to me could never be unseen fifteen feet in front of me stood this thing I'm saying thing because I've never seen anything like it before nothing on this earth resembles this and I would consider myself an animal planet freak it's didn't his hind legs about seven feet tall with pale white skin and yellowish eyes now first I thought it could have been a bear but there are no bears where I'm from its arms and legs were elongated and weird-looking it looked as if it were wearing an old tattered black fur coats it was hunched over in the middle of the road looking right at me it stared at me as if it saw a human for the first time what are you I asked with a frightened voice it stared at me for a few more minutes and then said what are you in the same exact context and sound my heart dropped as this thing took a step towards me at this point I was too scared to think of anything this thing literally just repeated what I said in my own voice they quickly kicked the bike in the first gear turn the bike back towards the road it started riding as I rep the throttle it let out a blood-curdling ear piercing scream as I rode off I caught myself watching back after so often making sure I wasn't being pursued I made it home safe that night but now I never go out after midnight especially not on that road if any of you have any idea what this could have been please let me know [Music]
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 208,286
Rating: 4.7296433 out of 5
Keywords: Cryptid stories, swamp dweller, state park stories, wendigo stories, skinwalker stories, true scary stories, paranormal stories
Id: t9uIsLjeawM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 57sec (5757 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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