25 Scary Cryptid Horror Stories

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welcome back to the swamp my friends today we're going to be doing somewhat of a new topic I've read stories about hunters and I've also read stories about cryptids in the past but I haven't read too much on cryptid hunters so today we are going to be reading some really strange creepy and anomalous cryptid hunting stories if you have a story that you would like to share in a future video whether it be a cryptid story a hunting story or even a cryptid hunting story be sure to submit it as swamp Weller dotnet or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp the stories like yours to help keep this channel going now let's get into these creepy stories and find out what these hunters have caught in their traps a few years ago my best friend went missing he was a good man a kind soul kind of guy who would give his only food to someone on the street who needed it more even if it meant he would go hungry the guy's name was Brett Brett really loved hunting and said he'd be out for a week or two to get some delicious future deer sausage as he liked to put it the man was a saint and so when he was a few days late from the trip we all got concerns when it hit a week we dropped everything and went looking for him ourselves for the record we reported Brett missing a few days prior the group on this search was myself and three of my buddies who we'll call Tom Jim and Daniel I won't use my name but you can call me jack before we go any further I should mention we live in Mississippi small details out of the way let's get on with the story the first day or night rather that we went on a search we arrived late and set up our campsite the night was cold it was November almost December of an unseasonable cold fall we were tired we knew we wouldn't be able to do much searching at that moment and so we decided to sleep so we could get up bright and early and truly begin the search we slept for a time but at about 3:00 in the morning I heard a completely strange sound I'm not even sure how to describe it but it woke me up out of a dead sleep it was loud that much I can't say loud enough to rile up most of the camp and have us looking out of our tents Daniel was the only one who was still sleeping but that guy could sleep through literally the end of the world anyway those of us who were awake I bawled one another before deciding to get up and listen for a few minutes more when we heard nothing we figured we try to get another hour or so shut-eye going back into our tents we slept the alarms went off at 5:00 in the morning we immediately took some provisions in our rifles and headed out into the woods in search of Brett there wasn't much chatter in the morning as the Sun crested the hills the woods were cold we had a mission and we were intent on completing that mission the woods were also quiet it's something I didn't really know at the time but I probably should have as we searched in silence we came upon an orange beanie now it could have been anyone's but it was the right size and looked an awful like the warm Brett would have worn the thing had what looked like blood on it this was an unnerving find to say the least but we weren't about to make assumptions and perhaps all of Lee we wanted to think and believe that Brett was still okay we continued our trek through the afternoon and it was then we found something very off and something that was no mistaking as breaths his trucks had abandoned in the middle of the woods this was exceedingly odd as he wouldn't have driven his truck into the woods at all under normal circumstances stranger still was the fact that it was wrecked pretty badly there were no signs of blood but there were huge claw marks cached into the sides of the wreckage it was at this point we began to fear the worst we weren't about to give up on her friend but the evidence before us presented horrifying possibilities that said it also presented completely confusing possibilities what could make such deep and large claw marks into the side of the truck the marks were massive like a bear but if it were a bear it would need to be huge we searched the truck and realized Brett's weapons weren't in it this gave us some hope that maybe he was still out there and still okay this combined with the fact that there didn't appear to be any blood at the scene gave us all the hope we needed to press onward we continued our search well into the evening before deciding we needed to head back for the night we also decided to pick things up earlier in the next day so we could take on more land and we'd pack up and take our camp with us so that we can make a better headway on future days as the first day was only planned to be a preliminary search of sorts and wasn't meant to be as extensive as it wound up being so we returned to camp and we slept there were no strange noises on this night and we awoke at 4:30 in the morning and ate before packing up our things and heading back in the direction we found Brett's truck it didn't take us long as we had a real direction to head in this time and we weren't aimlessly searching we looked over Bret's truck one last time and having found nothing new of interest we headed further into the woods as we continued our search of the woods they once again were silenced this was something we actually noticed this time and Tom even remarked on he asked if we'd noticed how quiet it was and we all agreed it was rather strange I didn't say anything at the time at least to me it also felt as though someone was watching us we had weapons though and we didn't exactly scare easily also we had a decent group with there being four of us so I didn't bring up the feeling at all as it didn't seem to bother anybody else and I didn't want to warrant any you know nauseating thoughts by the time the Sun was ready to set we hadn't found anything new it seemed like the trail to Brett had gone cold it also seemed as though he'd simply vanished altogether this was disappointing and when the next couple of days turned up nothing as well we were beginning to grow frustrated the fourth night of searching ended in a cold wind rain in general feeling of disdain as well as discouragement it was on the fourth night we agreed we'd search at least three more days before presenting what we found to the authorities and hoping for the best keep in mind we had jobs lives families and we weren't of - heading back on weekends to continue the search on the morning of the fifth day it was still raining we packed up our gear got into some more weather appropriate clothing and continued our search by noon we had found nothing we were frustrated but we pressed on by around 4:00 we came upon tracks in the mud they looked like a bear but much much larger it reminded us a breast truck at least in the size of the markings but another thing worried us as well these tracks were in the mud and these were fairly fresh they led over a hill and it was there where we were shocked to find Brett he was bloodied had some marks we couldn't quite recognize but he looked cold and terrified we set up camp and got him out of the rain we tried to give him food but he said he wasn't hungry after a short while we all turned in Brett stayed in Tom's tent and we all dozed off it was about 1:00 in the morning we woke up to the terrified cries of Tom we got up grabbed her weapons and ran to his tent in the time to see him being dragged out by something huge in the darkness worried for Tom we continued our pursuit of him and whatever had him the screams coming from Tom were horrifying but even more horrifying was the massive size of whatever was dragging him away add to the fact that I had unnatural speed and you can understand how confused we were how fearful we were at the time we chased as far as we could but this thing was fast about a half hour into the chase we were gassed we paused to breathe and that's when we heard Brett's voice screeching in the distance we got all the energy we could muster up and ran up the hill to catch up with him exhausted we found Brett shaking cold and stammering while pointing a shaky finger at a horrific sight it was Tom he had been torn open it was clearly dead we were all sick at the sight of our friend laying dead haven't been drugged away and mauled in the night by something we still couldn't identify we tried our best to calm Brett and warm him up in the rain when we got him back to camp we tried to ask him what happened but he just looked catatonic he was clearly lost in his mind and shaken by whatever he had witnessed we slept in shifts the remainder of the night although if I'm being honest none of us really slept the next morning we all had some coffee except Brett who said he didn't want anything increasing his anxiety at the moment after the previous night's events I understood and so we didn't press him on but we did ask him again what he witnessed shakily he explained how he heard Tom screams and then saw this massive shadow drag him off he gave chase immediately but the thing was fast and by the time Tom made it well at that point he trailed off and stopped speaking I certainly understood why he would have you know dropped the subject the next thing that came up was what to do next after some chat we decided it was time to go to the police and then at home we were all tired from the search traumatized by what had happened to Tom and we certainly didn't feel safe spending another night in the woods we quickly packed up and began to head back it was noon when Brett said he needed to pee we told him we'd hang back but he insisted he should at least go up the hill so he had some privacy we did so but we didn't stray far it was when we came over the hill that her blood ran cold hanging from a tree splayed all over and heart missing was the torn and tattered body of my best friend Brett before we could even question how this was possible a dread induced in cold mocking laughter came from behind us it started in Bret's voice but soon became a guttural nonsensical roar of sorts turning around we saw a creature I can only describe as a massive bear but honestly I'm not even sure if it was even a bear at all fearful for our lives we pulled our rifles off our shoulders and emptied everything we had into this thing a few of those bullets were placed between the eyes of this thing and yet its that they're unfazed not only was it unfazed but it appeared to be smiling at us its teeth were massive and fearing being eaten alive by them we all ran for it we were terribly far from the woods entrance at this point but we'd already seen how fast this monstrosity could move and we knew we were basically running on prayers Daniel myself and Jim ran as fast as we could probably faster than any of us have ever ran in our lives but as we ran we heard this thing begin to pursue and what seemed a near blink of an eye it was on top of Jim and he was screaming we stopped and tried to go back for him but it was too late this thing was eating his insides in seconds it was eating almost as quickly as it moved and it was at this point that Daniel and I left we couldn't do anything for Jim and why you can label with cowards if you wish there was again nothing we could do we ran and ran and prayed and prayed and yet we reached the entrance Jim screams still in our minds we are no longer pursued by whatever had killed our friends we got in our truck went straight to the police and did our best to explain the situation as you might imagine we weren't taken very seriously as a search was done for the bodies and if they were never recovered whatever this thing was probably ate the bones or did a damn great job of covering his tracks Brett's truck wasn't even around anymore distraught and horrified the search was given up after a time Daniel and I lost touch after a bits and never went back to the woods again I'm not sure what we ran into in those woods but I never want to meet it again my name is Jonathan and I'm going to tell you about my search for Bigfoot in the woods of Oregon I am my friend Donnie have always been into unexplained things and cryptids and such well around where we live there are always people talking about Bigfoot sightings now Donnie and I have always been intrigued by Bigfoot growing up we always said we'd find proof of Bigfoot one day all that said we decided to take some vacation time one summer and go looking we figured you'd never know we might just find something also if we didn't it'd be okay because hanging with your best friend is always a good time so we set off with a strong sense of adventure in high hopes the first day we didn't turn up much but we had a wicked awesome stick fight and we shared some recreational goodness amongst one another full disclosure we smoked weed but unlike what Hollywood tells you unless you laced that stuff with something special you're getting some grade-a amazing weed you aren't going to be tripping balls if anything we is relaxing anyway the first day turned up nothing but we were still happy and having a good time sometime around 5:00 in the morning well you we were like awoken by some sort of sound that made us excited we were pretty certain we heard a Bigfoot call we got some breakfast packed our stuff up and continued in the direction of the call it was pretty sweet out in the woods and the mountains and all Oregon is a great place if you stay away from the cities so we trekked for most of the second day talking about stuff like you would like who would win a fight between Superman and Goku an age-old question I know and what would happen if we were rich it was good times and Goku would win hands down by the way day two came and went and there still wasn't much going on other than the call we heard early in the morning day three we were woken up at 3:00 in the morning to another call it sounded like multiple big feet out in the woods but we thought this was pretty crazy but also totally rad as we didn't expect to hear this sort of stuff so quickly if at all we took our gear and continued our search once again in the direction we heard the calls this time we thought we'd found something we saw a rather tall hairy humanoid looking creature but we couldn't get a good angle so we tried to move closer as we moved in this thing must have heard us because it darted off into the woods it was fast like one second it was there and the next wasn't we were there a tad upset because we couldn't get the footage we were trying to get but we thought it was all good and continued our search I mean we might have seen it with our own eyes but what good is that if you can't get it on camera plus we were a bit far away so it was hard to say first sure if we were seeing what we thought we were seeing so in that way it was a bummer but this vacation was turning up a lot of good times and we couldn't be too bumped out of by that long story short it could have been the weed but we were pretty chill about the whole situation the next few days there wasn't much to go on or see it was mostly a lot of walking and us beginning to debate if we should just head back and go home or not it was probably around a week out that we made the decision to turn back the vacation was nice the scenery was great but we weren't any closer to finding the proof we wanted a Bigfoot heading back was a long kind of boring process I'll spare you a lot of those details we were both tired and ready to go home get a shower in chill we were kind of over everything at this point that said we did eventually make it back when we got there though we realized her keys were missing to the car this was the worst possible feeling as we had no idea how we would get back home and we just wanted some sleep still we need to search so we left our stuff sitting next to the car we weren't really worried about being stolen as there was nothing really valuable or that couldn't be replaced and no one was around this time had a deeper to the woods we backtracked as much as possible looking at the ground and eyeing things pretty intently I was beginning to feel kind of pissed off when I heard the sound of jangling in the distance it was pretty loud as things were rather quiet and it wasn't too far off so we headed in the direction of the jangling and that's when we saw something I'm still in disbelief about we saw the creature from before but this time it was much closer naturally we didn't have our camera but in that moment I didn't really care I'm positive I saw Bigfoot to her a Bigfoot out there yeah it was jangling her keys like it was curious I was pretty stoked and as we approached we stepped on a stick and a thing turned and looked at us there was a brief pause and probably a bit of shock on all of our parts before the thing darted off into the woods leaving the keys behind I remember feeling pretty stoked and extremely happy in that moment sure we didn't get our undeniable proof for the world of Bigfoot's existence but we did get our personal proof for ourselves not really worried about people's beliefs nowadays if you believe our story awesome if not that's cool too we know what we saw and I've never been so happy to have temporarily lost my keys before I've been sailing the Seas for many a year I usually do so as a fisherman that said about 20 years ago several fishing boats in the Atlantic had gone missing while fishing we fishermen are a tight group and we captains like to keep in close touch both on and off the waters there aren't many people who understand what it's like on the waters well to make a long story shorter I volunteered to head a crew out to sea while these boats were missing well to make a long story shorter I volunteered to head a crew out to see why these boats were missing now there is a lot of superstition that runs through sea captains we hold a lot of beliefs that most who spend their lives on land simply wouldn't hold so while we figured it was something to do with the inclement weather or the like there was still that creeping part of me that wondered what it felt more I mean 10 boats had gone missing in a short span of time a few weeks really a lot of the missing crew and captains were well seasoned much like myself it would stand to reason that there would have to be a reasonable explanation or something else we sailed the seas for about a week in search of what might be responsible for the disappearances but we hadn't found anything yet that said at night there was a strange feeling I describe it as ominous for example if you could breathe fear that was the level of dread that hung in the air for what seemed like no reason at all there was just something about the nights around the waters in the area that just felt off three weeks into our investigation one of our crew threw himself off the ship we tried to go back for him but once he was in the water he never came back up he just sank if that wasn't sorry if that wasn't startling enough there was once or twice where our course had been altered by something that bumped us from underneath the waters we weren't in an area with any land and we weren't in icy waters so something was in the waters themselves I still remember the fear felt by myself and the crew both times that happened it wasn't a massive shove but it was enough to change our course and enough for us to notice with a fairly large ship so it would take something rather large in the water another week goes by and I'm out on the deck one night to check a report one of the crew members had been seeing a large eye in the water apparently I am superstitious but I had to check this report out for myself as the guy giving it sounded stark raving mad I checked on the man and he swore to what he saw I tried to assure him I believed him but internally I wasn't sure what to actually think I mean my crew would think I was crazy if I had said that I believed him I kept a close watch on the waters until it was time to drop the anchor and sleep for the night this is where things got really strange much of my crew had begun to lose it they were skittish and I could hear many of them pacing the halls I kept my quarters law because I felt unnerved this is saying a lot as before being out here I would have trusted these men with my life that feeling of drag came over me again and that was a very unnerving quiet on the waters themselves then just as suddenly as it was there it was gone the men calmed and everyone got some sleep I eventually passed out from exhaustion myself but was abruptly awoken by something in the night pounding at my door I answered and found my second-in-command telling me he lifted the anchor and he was heading back as he saw several the crew walking wilfully off the deck I ran outside to go see what was up and sure enough about half the crew had gone one of the men i caught glimps up was smiling as he did so shocked and disturbed by this I gave the order to turn and head back home the only thing stranger than the men willingly going off the side was the fact that once they did they never came back up it was like they hit the water and sank into the great beyond as we were pulling away though I saw it once we had turned and we were leaving the waters I saw a huge eye in the water and it followed us for a short time before turning off and leaving on its way off and out I swear I saw large tentacles not sure what to really make of it all but we eventually made it back home and reported our losses no one believed us or took us seriously within law enforcement they believed everyone had gotten spooked and came under some kind of sickness in hysteria those of us who were there well we know better I'm a retired Marine who has seen my fair share of combat I've had plenty of close calls in my lifetime and some crazy stories to go with them that said I've never encountered anything quite like a Wendigo to preface this story I want you to understand I'm very familiar with cryptids I spent years studying them as a hobby even while in the military so when I found one roaming the woods in my area you can imagine how excited and shocked I was all at the same time my first run-in with one was while driving home late one night I rounded a corner and nearly totaled my vehicle by hitting something massive the thing left the scene quickly and unscathed but not before I saw its body and smelled the stench of rotting meat being it was so close to where I was living I made it a point to be wary I didn't want myself or anyone in the area to be in danger so I readied myself to go looking for this thing the next morning I got a bright and early prepared a few things I went looking for any sign of this beast I knew they were more likely to come out at night but I wanted to see if I could find any clues as to where it was holed up at as I searched the area I noticed that I couldn't find too much going on so I get my gear up and prepared to camp for the night I had a few things up my sleeve should I encounter the thing I loaded my weapons with silver bullets and made sure to have plenty of flammables on hand I waited in the first night was tense I could hear a ton of rustling in the woods and at one point I saw the thing staring at me from the darkness i sat by my campfire and drew my weapon but before I could do much it was gone it wasn't long after that that I decided to turn in as I headed to sleep I felt the presence of the thing I was quite sure it was stalking me now and as such I laid down gun in hand prepared to Fein sleep and fire the thing never made its move either I had an idea of what I was planning or it was waiting possibly trying to simply intimidate me into leaving or even trying to drive me mad with paranoia the second part of that thought is what concerned me the most I had my fair share of trauma from the days in battle all that said I wasn't too concerned it's best not to panic in battle situations the next morning I got some sleep and waited ate a little bit before I fell asleep once again I did my best to lure out the creature at this point but I didn't even sense it on the second night the third night however I could hear it stalking me again it moved almost in step with me so it wasn't easy to keep up with where it was that said there were a few moments where it felt like it would intentionally step slightly out of concert with my own steps as a way to say I see you and I'm following you right now again it felt like a way to intimidate me I was a Marine I don't get intimidated easily but I will admit this was slightly unnerving nothing overly so but enough to make me think for a moment if I really wanted to keep hiss this hunt up at all like honestly like maybe I should quit you know as any good soldier does though I continued I had a mission I wasn't about to just give up on it and I felt like my neighborhood would be in danger if this thing was just left out here nothing else happened that night the fourth night however I awoke to the sound of an animal slowly dying I knew it was that damned thing doing the killing but before I could figure out where it was for sure I heard a loud thud and my tech caved in on top of me I could smell rotting flesh and spent a few rounds fearing this thing was now on top of me when I finally got out however I realized I had tossed a dead deers carcass that I had just eaten part of at my tent it seemed the Wendigo for sure knew that I was there and it wanted to play games and it knows that I wasn't going to put up with it I got up and began to eye the trees closely I couldn't see the thing but I knew it was out there watching me I reloaded my weapons are prepared to go further out this was a night I wasn't going to just let by I was going to make something happen I was going to find this thing and I was going to kill it a familiar Stead's filled the air and the woods grew quiet I scanned the area when I heard something from behind me I turned a fire but then I heard a voice it was the voice of a dead friend this thing clearly mimicked it to scare me but all it did was pissed me off even more I headed as fast as I could toward the voice gun drawn and that's when I saw for a moment before it sprinted deeper into the woods angry I continued pursuing the thing but as I did I realized what was happening this thing was luring myself into a trap I prepared myself and slowed my pace it was too late though as I came into a clearing I noticed an old cabin that's when I was ambushed by wolfs I turned and fired away at them I felt the thing had somehow influenced them and I wasn't going down that easily I killed many before the rest stopped and slowly backed away into the woods that's when the thing stepped out stare me down I was almost overwhelmed by the stinking rotting stench of the creature but I kept the contents of my stomach in check as I ready my weapon I aimed and fired at the thing which moved so quickly that it looked as though it had vanished the next thing I knew I was hit and sent flying from my side into a tree I felt my head aching as I struggled to stand before something stabbed me through the left side of my stomach I looked down to see a stick pinning me down I raised my weapon and fired off a few rounds before I felt my gun knocked out of my hand the thing was standing before me with one of my hands in its grip it smelled so foul that I could barely breathe and I began vomiting with what little sense I had left to me I reached for a flask of gasoline I had on me through open into the creature before pulling my lighter out and lighting the sucker up it head on to me as its body began to burn before finally letting go reeling in pain I was feeling dizzy and grabbed the stick and pulled it hard enough to get it free from the tree and then I picked my lighter up and walked over and set the cabin on fire after that I hopped out of the woods in pain and somewhere near home I collapsed I was found by a neighbor and a good friend who saw me coming out of the woods while looking to see the source of the smoke he took me to a hospital and I woke three days later still alive I don't feel great about the hunt to be honest I probably wouldn't do that again if I didn't have to I almost died and I was foolish to believe I could easily handle a Wendigo I still have nightmares of the thing and my encounter with it to this day my name isn't important to the story so for privacy reasons I won't be sharing it or my exact location all you need to know is I own a farm in the Midwest now things are rather rule where I live and it's the kind of place where if something is wrong you got to protect yourself as the police aren't going to be there very quickly I say all of this to inform you that I am NOT hesitant about owning guns or my two-way rights a few years ago I had some problems with cattle and such going missing now sometimes you get some idiot who thinks they might steal from your livestock I've had some run-ins with people like that and I've always put a swift end to it I didn't kill them relax but I did scare these types away still as I said every now and again some numbskull thinks they can get away with it and some of my livestock will go missing so when some went missing a few years ago I didn't think a whole lot of it as I figured I'd already solved the mystery I just needed to wait around and prove it and rid myself of the hooligan stealing my animals it was this mindset that led me to happily camping out on my own farm one night and it was this mindset that led me to a discovery that was both horrifying in intriguing now you got to understand my farm is rather massive in size you aren't going to see the whole thing without walking for quite a while so when I say I camped out I was in a mobile camp of sorts I had plenty of animals on my farm I keep pigs sheep goats horses all manner of animals I tell you this to help you understand that I don't own whatever the hell was attacked my animals on that night I was stalking out in the farm I would patrol my farm under the assumption that I'd find the hooligans running off of my animals rather soon and handle even more quickly as it turned out that isn't when I found at all in fact I was extremely surprised when I saw this hulking doglike animal running on hind legs and stealing sheep out of my pen before starting off into the woods now I'm in my 60s and I've seen a lot of stuff in my life I've never seen a thing like this in all my decades on this earth seeing you grab my sheep and run off to them to the woods made me pursue it this was partly out of curiosity but also I worked my butt off to provide for these animals and I don't need some creature running off with animals and using them as food upon searching further it became evident rather quickly that food was what this thing wanted it only took me a few minutes to find what was left of my sheep a leg here lots of blood and some organs outside of that there wasn't much of anything left I looked around for any other sign of this bipedal dog but I found nothing of the sort there was no trace of this thing outside of what was left of my sheep I very slowly and cautiously made my way back to the house and locked the place up nice and tight I slept with one eye open that night and I'll admit and I was pretty scared but I had to protect my livestock the next night I set out some bear traps and waited I watched as this thing cautiously stepped around the traps and came upon some of the pigs I pulled my rifle and fired off several rounds I'm not sure if I actually hit the thing but it immediately darted off with my pig I was angry and disarms the traps so as not to get myself before keeping my eyes out watching the treeline I thought I could possibly lure this thing out and kill it but traps weren't going to do it realizing I wasn't going to get anywhere tonight I got some sleep feeling comfortable and the fact the thing at least didn't seem to be coming anywhere near my home I fell asleep a bit more comfortably this night that was until I heard something bust my door open I wasn't sure at the time but I grabbed my Magnum it had enough time to turn before this huge doglike figure stood over me I fired out a panic and that heard this thing Yelp I got it in the body and it ran out of my own this thing left quickly and it took me a moment to realize I was still pulling the trigger on my empty weapon I replaced and reinforced all my doors the next day I was terrified and I wasn't sure if this thing was going to come back the next night though I washed for quite a while I didn't see anything when I finally went to sleep I slept hard it was five nights later that I caught this thing trying to take a horse I was half in shock at the fact we'll try to do something like this but also this thing was big enough to pull this off I rushed over in my truck and chased after the SOB it caught sight of me and ran off but I slammed the pedal and came after this thing I was pissed off and terrified as I tried to keep up with it in my truck it made it to the tree line which I stopped the truck jumped out and poured out my rifle it was gone I was angry but I went ahead and headed back home I wasn't happy about the situation but ii had to find a way to kill this thing or get rid of it another two weeks went by it wasn't comfortable I barely slept and was in need of some serious rest my old bones ached when I patrolled my farm I was at the point of fear and exhaustion I barely was able to communicate suddenly I was hearing a commotion I drove my truck to find nothing my animals are clearly scared and I got out of my truck to have a look around as I began walking I had an uneasy sense something was wrong I was right I heard a loud noise and my truck went flipping I turned around and saw this hoping figure in the clear sight uh it must have been ten maybe twelve feet tall it lunged for me I tried to draw my Magnum but was quickly knocked off my feet into the mud of the Pigpen I tried scrambling to my feet I was disoriented and struggling to catch my breath I grabbed my knife and time to swing out which made the creature back up for a second I slowly stood up knife in hand and ready myself to attack this thing at any moment the thing let out a loud growl and then lunch for me I drove boar with a knife and I felt it snap off in the things chest the thing began breathing very raggedly I'd be and and trotted off into the woods that was the last time I ever saw that thing I've gone on hunts since and looked for it but I stopped after finding no trace of anything my farm is quiet again as it should be I live in a small house near some woods where strange noises are pretty standard one day I was all alone with my girlfriend we were watching some movies when we heard something strange coming from the woods we quickly paused the movie to listen to the sound outside I initially didn't think much of it at first we live in the woods and like I said before strange noises are pretty common here that was until the noise continued getting louder I told my girlfriend to wait while I go look through the kitchen window unfortunately I couldn't see anything so I grabbed a flashlight and went outside I know that is always the wise choice right stepping out to hear a soft whisper calling for help I call out and as I do I hear the same voice again curious I continued following the sound of the voice until I saw someone laying halfway out of a tree I stepped closer and when I finally arrived to the source of the sound I almost threw up there was this I don't even know how to describe it this creature of sorts it almost looked like it was a half man half deer terrified and disgusted I looked frantically around when I see glowing eyes peering out from a tree freaking out I think is there another one there I point the light at it but as I do this I hear an ear piercing growl honestly at this point I was frozen to my steps until I snapped out of it and ran towards the house as I busted through the door my girlfriend looked worried I told her to turn off all the lights and to lock all the doors after we did I looked out the window one last time and saw a creature I've never seen before standing and staring at me with those same glowing eyes I saw in the woods my heart racing yeah I waited for my girlfriend praying nothing ever came of this I didn't want my girlfriend and I to turn up dead or in any way like what I have seen in other stories thankfully after much hiding and praying the strange creature eventually went back into the woods to this day I don't know what it was but I've never seen it again and I sure to hell hope I never see it again [Music] so this isn't a long story but this is exactly what happened from my recollection so me and my friends John Steven and kilby went to play airsoft since we are lazy we decided to play it at my friend Stephens house behind his house he has a huge forest we always played airsoft in his backyard the area we play airsoft in is near a big line of powerlines it has two sets of woods on either side of it and a hill on the edge the area is also boxed in by cow fences the area right under the powerlines was perfectly flat with no grass we started at about 4 o'clock ish we played about three or four battles until it started to get dark since we aren't easily scared we continued to play for about 30 minutes until it was pitch black I was deep in the woods my friends were on the hill shooting at me and my friend Stephen for about 10 minutes so my friend Stephen finally got hit so it was just me kill B and John I got very close to the ground so they couldn't see me then I got that weird feeling in my stomach you know the feeling when you feel like you're being watched first I ignored it that's what the feeling got stronger I stood up and turned around I saw what looked like a 10-foot tree man had like a leaf like face and two bright blue eyes so at first I thought met it's just like a tree with holes in it or something but then I realized it was dark out so I turned back around and it was closer this time it stepped forward and it had a huge smile I then realized that it started looking at me that's when its mouth open it was just horrible I wish I could say I charged it but I screamed like a girl and ran I was screaming in trying to alert my friends my friend Kilby is a very paranoid guy so he provided covering fire and was yelling to me to run faster we all ran and just continued running I have never run so fast in my entire life even until this day my friend John turned around and unloaded his gun and screamed we finally made it to Steven's house we booked it into his house and locked the door as we were in the house we started hearing tapping and banging on the windows and doors we shut off the lights and barricaded the doors we played in the dark for about 45 more minutes the noise stopped we waited for another hour a painstaking horrifyingly long hour I swore it felt like I had been up there for days then we heard a knock at the door we stayed quiet then my phone rang it was my dad I picked up and he said son will you please come open the door I went upstairs and opened the door sure enough it was my father I pulled him inside and closed the door he looked at me and said it's time to go so I grabbed my things and ran out the door and hopped into the car my friends and I kept in contact the entire time but nothing seemed to happen after this my phone died and when I got home I charged it to make sure no messages were there I only had one and it was one of my friends saying stop messing with me but of course I wasn't there messing with them I called him and he sounded pretty calm he said it was probably just somebody messing with them and they just wanted to forget about it but honestly in the back of all of our minds I think we know what it was I know this seems silly but it has had me terrified for many years after hearing some of the stories in her channel I got the courage to finally tell mine I've never opened up about this and I've never told anyone this happened a couple of years ago in mid-october in northern New Mexico my brother and I went up to our ranch to do some coyote hunting as we had just lost some calves to them on the way we picked up some fresh roadkill to help get the attention of the Coyotes we throw this dead rabbit in the middle of the field and we sat in a high formation of rocks overlooking the property we were sitting about arm's length away from each other but facing different directions I was watching the north side glancing through my scope to watch the treeline my brother was watching the south end and after about an hour of waiting he tells me look something just spooked the cows they're all running away I turned to face the same direction and we both got prepared to shoot if it was a coyote once the cows cleared the area the only thing to walk out of the treeline was this deer this wasn't just any deer though it was a monster of a buck the body and antlers on this thing were huge it looked like a small elk other than the side there was nothing abnormal about this deer I have to guess we washed it for a few minutes grazing at least 250 yards away I whispered to my brother to take a picture of this buck so we can show our friend since we had a deer hunt coming up in the next few weeks and this buck would make an amazing trophy this is where it gets crazy it was like the deer heard me whisper he looked straight at both of us holding the stare for a few seconds and then it began to grow while its body was changing a contorting it let out this gut-wrenching roar that made my ears hurts it felt like my heart had stopped all of a sudden this deer was now standing on its hind legs I stayed and more shocked when the deer started to yell at first sounded like gibberish just making weird sounds but eventually it started to almost sound like words it was never distinguishable though a branch of the dead rabbit and grabbed it while it cleared the whole property in just a mere second there are several hundred acres of land but that thing was out of sight in the blink of an eye my brother nice that they're trying to figure out if we were going crazy and if we were to seeing things we decide not to talk about it with anyone in fear being laughed at or being accused of drinking or being on drugs which honestly we both don't do any of those things now fast forward to our hunting trip it was my brother two friends and myself we took a camper to the ranch in the first night one of our friends kept seeing red eyes in one of the camper windows and said he could hear breathing next to the window while he was laying down my brother and I pretended like it didn't happen and told our friend who was just excited for the hunt tomorrow but we both had a freaked out look on her face and we were constantly checking out the window once the morning came we split up in groups of two my brother and a friend decided to take the public land a few miles away from the ranch while our other friend and myself would circle the property we returned to the camper with no luck at around lunch time while we were cooking I noticed my brother seemed a little nervous and was acting funny and our friends just thought he was sick before we started eating my brother asked if he can speak to me alone for a minute we walk away and he started to tell me what happened after we split up as the two drove away from the camper our friend got out of the truck to open the gate he told me that as he was waiting he just happened to turn his head and saw antlers behind some bushes that's when the thing stood up and my brother realized that it was the creature again it was standing on its hind legs and that I had smiled with fangs showing he continued by saying that I didn't walk or talk during this encounter but he could somehow here at spots he claimed the creature was able to communicate telepathically and he was told that our land is cursed and that our lives are in danger if we are not careful because he would be hunting us and will kill us at the first opportunity it gets just by hearing my brother talk you could hear the concern in his voice and it really shook him up we both decided to leave that night we just told our friends we got called into work and we had to show up due to an emergency we would have to use any excuse we would have used any excuse to leave it's been around three years since this happened we haven't seen the creature but we know it's still around we have lost multiple cattle throughout the years and I've been noticing that they have died in some really strange ways like full-grown balls hanging from trees or entire carcasses left but without a drop of blood we obviously still go to the ranch but we are all well-armed although I have a feeling a bullet wouldn't kill this creature anyway we just don't feel comfortable in the mountains anymore I know it sounds crazy but there really is strange things out there this is my first time writing this story down though I have many more I could tell you this isn't my story but a story told to all the kids on my hauler to scare us into not going off on her own especially on Halloween night so some details if you don't know what a hauler is it's the valley in between the mountains with lots of houses you see I live in West Virginia where a lot of creepy things happen all the time from ghosts to creature sightings to people just disappearing in the 60s there was a massive flood that killed a lot of people so you can imagine the ghost activity around here anyway the holler is long with one bridge in or out and yes our roads are paved with the road turns to a four-wheeler trail pretty quickly now when this happened which was in the 50s at the end of the hauler they had what everyone called a community gate which was basically a fenced in area that went halfway up the hauler and people brought their horses cows and pigs etc in the morning they would bring them in at night they would have to take them home and there was always someone watching them but these two coal miners had to work late one night so everyone took their animals home but the two men's cows it was two cows and a calf my dad would always get serious at this part and leaning closer to us kids and say it was pitch black because there were no lights but the light of the coal lanterns they carry when the men went to retrieve their animals they were gone they figured the cows wandered off so they got their buddy and his horse and they started riding up around the holler to try to find them they made their way up and soon they ran into the first cow who was torn to pieces being experienced hunters like everyone around here they knew no animals around here could have done this it looked more like the killing of us some sort of satanic sacrificial sports or something they were enraged maybe even rabid so they grouped the rifles tied and continued on to find the mama on her calf they were almost to the end of the gate when the calf ran past them they were still on their horses a one man jumped off and ready to rifle they inch closer when their horses started to buck and threw one man off the other got down and the horse went running off back to the front of the gate one of the three Lancers was their only light due to the horses freaking out and the man was thrown from the horse he lost his gun scared to death they were ready to go back and that's when they heard a low deep growl sounded like Panther but they were rarely spotted this far down the mountains they quickly turned to see red glowing eyes staring at them with the body of a cow underneath it the creature was hunched over but you could easily tell that it was a large black mass this was something neither of them had ever seen it wasn't a bear or even a Bigfoot it looked demonic it just stared at them seemingly forever it were too frightened to move then this thing smiled at them it was an ear to ear type grin it was almost like I don't know if this makes sense but if you've ever seen the smilin man's grin one of the men finally snapped out of the shock and shot this creature it made a god-awful blood-curdling scream which made the other man shoot his gun the creature ran up the mountain it took them a while before they walked back down to the gate they picked up the calf and horses and then went home for the longest time the three wouldn't speak a word they just said they saw something that will haunt them to their last day eventually one of them finally told this story I'm not sure if people actually believe it but it kind of turned into a legend around here the older folks tell the kids to make them believe the demon Haller will come and get them if they don't behave I know it's kind of brutal right of course as kids we used to go up there and see how long the others would last till we got scared we did it in our teens and heck we still do it as adults we will tell the kids today the same story and most likely they'll tell their kids West Virginia is pretty known for being creepy seeing a hellhound usually means bad luck right what if it was protecting you though so this happened seven years ago yet I remember it like it was yesterday I was a normal seven year old boy my parents started moving and our first trip was to a two-story house in the forest I kept feeling like something was following us as we drove but I never saw anything so once we had gotten to the house I ran inside it was pretty much a normal day that night or her growling when my parents went to sleep I slept on the second floor I saw a large black wolfish creature it was like the size of a polar bear there was a white creature slightly larger than a wolf as well and I think it might have been a wolf too I'm not sure there were many dogs and other mammals surrounding the house the black wolf had its back to the house and it looked like it was in a defensive stance like it was protecting us or something so the white creature ran towards the black creature causing the mammals to move closer to the house the two creatures wrestled for a while barking and growling as they fought the black wanted one as I was watching the white creature ran away into the darkness followed by the army of mammals the black creature turned around and stared right at me it had glowing purple eyes it nodded turned around and ran jumping over the trees disappearing I was scared and confused the next morning I ran outside saw ashes where the black wolf was standing and more tracks with ashes in them in the direction it was running the footprints stopped in the place of jumped five years later I found out what a hellhound was and there was one protecting me so my life has been pretty normal ever since he slept outside during the night seeing that same L howl and guard the place I stay it always nodded and ran away once it noticed me I'm 14 years old now and that creature I still think about it all the time what do you guys think about my story though I would like to recount this story from my childhood what I must have been around thirteen years old on a New Year's night in the southern English countryside I grew up surrounded by countryside and was no stranger to being out late at night alone or with my dog I felt comfortable being outside at all times after all the English countryside is supposedly predator-free from the occasional you know fox or badger or a rutting deer there was little to fear I and my parents were visiting with my mother's parents who lived in a country house surrounded by fields near a farm it's a beautiful place full of lush greenery in rolling hills and fields in every direction broken up by thick hedge grows and small areas of woodland a couple of my aunts and uncles were at the house also along with my cousin's visiting from Wales they were all busy inside chatting away after having a big dinner my best friend at the time had come along with us and we had retreated back to the back yard to chat and do whatever young boys do when they're bored it was pitch black across the fields and the back of the yard largely separated from the front by a thick hedge although to my side and behind where my friend was standing was a narrow pathway that led to the back sheds in the rest of the yard which was fenced off from the farmers fields sometimes during the day the farmers dogs would run along the fence line barking and carrying on as farm dogs do they were Colley's a medium sized and commonly kept farm dog energetic and intelligent they made good sheep dogs I and my friend were talking about some usual nonsense and I was standing by the old concrete Col Binns kicking lumps of coal back into the pile the country was very quiet but since I had been there many times I had a little interest in what was going on around me and was concentrating only on what I was doing and the conversation we were having although the country around us was totally dark we stood in the light of the kitchen window lost in our own little world my friend suddenly stopped and asked what was that I listened for a second and after hearing a faint rumble replied must be a car I continued kicking the coal back into the bin watching it roll back down and kicking it back again and carrying on with the conversation my friend carried on also for a moment but then stopped again and asked did you hear that what the heck is that I listened again half-heartedly hearing a rumbling off in the distance and replied impatiently it's just a car he idiot I shook my head and went back to kicking lumps of coal then the noise came again but this time closer and louder and I stopped and my body went stiff it was a deep guttural growl much too deep and loud to be any kind of dog especially not one of the farmers Colley's which I had her growl a few times before and mostly had a yapping type bark the growl came again loud and threatening and my friend and I looked at each other with that wide eye look a fear you might see in a horror movie right before someone's head went rolling to the ground that's when I looked behind my friend into the deep darkness between the hedge in the side of the house where the path was leading into the fenced off back yard I saw two huge glowing eyes they were much lower than a man but much higher than a dog could have been and set too far apart to be a dog either the pupil a slit like a cat in the irises shimmering bright red I do not recall seeing any other detail in that pitch blackness I saw no nose no whiskers no part of the body just those two huge red eyes hanging in the darkness without further hesitation I ran inside followed instantly by my friend bumping into the back and struggling not to be left behind for fear of what monster could be snatching us away we burst through the door of the old country house and ran through the kitchen into the next room slamming the doors behind us we were terrified and out of breath but I remember laughing and asking my friend what the hell was that feeling bold in the comfort of the lighted house we took to looking out the windows but could not see anything whatever was out there have slunk back off into the darkness of the countryside due to the shape in color of the eyes in the deep guttural growl we concluded it must have been some sort of big cat it coincided with a recent story we had her from kids at school who had recently been in the local newspaper with a similar story of seeing a big cat these kinds of urban legends tend to go around in the quaint countryside of England but you don't expect them to actually be true in fact I remember mocking the story thinking they must have made the whole thing up what bothers me to this day is the fact that it was not the pupil of those eyes that shone as you have undoubtedly seen cats do what bothers me to this day is the fact that it was not the pupil of those eyes that shone as you have undoubtedly seen cats do with that bright greenish hue as light shines across them but it was the irises that's shown in a deep blood-red color as far as I know there are no big cats with slitted pupils even though at night it might change they will still shine green and they are around like a human I tend to think this was some huge cat we have witness in the darkness that night but those blood-red slitted eyes still haunt my imagination and I do not take going out into the woods at night for granted any longer my family owns a lake house in North Georgia we've had it as long as I've been alive about 28 years now it's off a secluded Road in a small Cove and the neighbors only visit during the summer and spring seasons our lake house has been robbed before as have our neighbors and we didn't even know about it until weeks later to pit perspective and to just how secluded this part of the lake is for as long as I can remember I've always had the most vivid nightmares and experiences at that lake house most of them including having a cryptid of some sorts I didn't know if these dreams had some real weight to them or not into a few years ago I used to go up there before I moved out of my parents house to blow off steam and spend some time alone and occasionally smoke I always went in the offseason during fall or winter for that extra effect of complete seclusion the lake house itself is two storeys and down a large hill the tin roof is a steep a-frame and impossible to climb save for a small partition over the master bedroom itself you can only access that by a ladder on the left side of the house to clean the gutters the front of the house has two large floors to ceiling windows facing the lake and leads out to a two-story deck over the water if it wasn't for the seclusion there would be little privacy due to these open windows not to mention at this time if there was no internet here and a cell phone signal is very limited unless you climb to the top of the quarter mile long driveway I believe this was about four years ago I went up to the lake sometime in late September to work on writing my novel and to spend some time alone it was a normal day gloomy misty and the water in the cove was all still as glass at night I could hear the remaining crickets and tree frogs of the season chirping in the night just the way I loved it there it was about 2:00 a.m. when I decided to go to sleep in the master bedroom I'm a sound sleeper but allow bang on the roof above my head tore me out of my dream state heart racing it was like a gunshot on the tent above me but I had heard that sound before especially in storms I assumed it was a large acorn striking the roof and calm my nerves in order to fall back asleep then I heard that in bend and wobble as something large had stomped upon it or landed for that matter it was still for at least five minutes long enough for me to attempt to rationalize what it could have been I then noticed the chirping outside had stopped the metal warped again over my head something very large was moving across the roof I could hear each dent in the tin another sound I can't quite describe mixing with the sound of the tin if I didn't know any better sounded like hoofs I had never seen a deer at the lake house despite his seclusion and for a hooved animal to reach that area of the roof would have been impossible since it was eight feet off the ground I laid absolutely still in bed hardly breathing as I struggled to rationalize and swallow my fear I always had a huge interest in the unknown and have experienced many strange happenings some of the others which I will share in the future but it always faced them and with interesting confidence never an ounce of fear I consider myself to have good survival instincts and in this time my instincts were shouting danger to me the metallic sound of the tin roof being compressed from a large weight continued as it approached over my head and then I heard scraping it was like nails on a chalkboard I regained the ability to move as my instincts told me to get out of there and I moved in a slow motion as I slid out of bed and stepped on the floor careful to not step on the creaking old floorboards and alert whatever was out there I got on my hands and knees to crawl out of the bedroom into the main for a passing by the fireplace to do so the sound was almost amplified as I crossed the open fireplace a chimney and I think I heard growling it was very low and didn't exactly sound threatening more so like a purse of sorts or a trail but it was like nothing I had ever heard before I crawled between the sofa in the coffee table attempting my best to avoid the large windows the meadow warped again a loud sound as the metal popped into place as if the animal had jumped off from the couch I could see from the open kitchen and the clock over the stove that it was nearing 4:00 a.m. I waited until twenty minutes had passed and I didn't hear anything else at that point I had time to use my rational thought and remember the times we had been robbed as had her neighbours knowing no animal could have reached the roof I assumed too had to be a home invader I climbed the ladder I remember my dad kept a BB gun in the tool closet on the other side of the lake house my fear and left me and all I was left with was adrenaline in a rage an instinct to protect my home I got it from a hiding place and located the 20 year old BB gun the gun itself was rusted beyond belief and I couldn't even load the damn thing but it looked real and that was all that mattered at this time I gathered my courage and unlocked the door to the patio deck and slowly creaked open the secondary storm door stepping out into the clear night it was too quiet for my liking but at least whatever it was seemed to be gone I tiptoed barefoot to each side of the patio deck peering over to my neighbors dark homes and up the driveway I used my phone flashlight to check by car in the driveway no slashed tires a broken windows thankfully I turned off the flashlight and allowed my vision to adjust to the darkness before it gathered enough courage to raise the BB gun and slowly make my way down the dry-rotted patio stairs to the left wing of the house the roofing above the master bedroom was empty the latter was still in place and nothing was there I was relieved and decided I needed to call it a night the anxiety of the previous vents wore me out I walked back up the steps and went to re-enter the home when chills crept up my bare arms and hair was standing on end a feeling paralyzing me in place as I suddenly felt like I was being watched I held my breath inches away from the door the large a frame of the house towering above me and I felt I needed to look up I wish I didn't as I backed up to get a better view of the steep a frame a black figure came into view perched on top of the steep roof a black triangular head was attached to a large body much bigger than any man I had ever seen the purring or trilling noise returned and my heart thumped wildly in my chest as my horrified gaze met a pair of glowing yellow eyes I whipped open the storm door and pushed my way into the house I slammed the door bolted the lock and ran to the guest bedroom on the other side of the house the only one not having any windows I shut the door and crawled into the lower bed of one of the bunk beds in the corner clutching my phone and the BB gun to my chest I don't even know how or what I managed to fall asleep I woke up at 9 a.m. my neck aching and stiff from my awkward sleeping position of being huddled in the corner against the bug bedpost I hardly remember why I had the BB gun but when I did the familiar chills and adrenaline struck me I found a more comfortable position in the bed and laid for at least an hour wide-eyed wondering if there was still anything out there I finally had enough balls to leave the bedroom my walk through the hallway required me to approach the large windows it was a sunny morning and I could faintly hear birds chirping to my relief I didn't need to go outside again to confirm that whatever it was had gone I made myself breakfast and turned on the TV to watch a comedy movie on the VHS to calm myself even further it was time to pack up and go back home and I consider telling my parents about what it transpired last night knowing the previous times I had told them about the lake monster I believe resided in our Cove and the experience I thought I had a ghost never went over well so I decided to keep this story to myself until now this really happened it still gives me chills to think about before I left I cleaned the house and loaded my car I locked up the house and passed by the ladder on the slanted tin roof I cleared the least from the rungs and climbed up the eighth foot and climbed on the tin hardly caved under my feet I weighed about 150 pounds at this time as I examined the roof there were no dents and no scratches I was about to leave when I saw it my heart clenched in a vise as I laid my eyes upon a large muddy print on the edge of the side gutter each the size of a breastplate oblong rounded and each split down the middle in a pair of cloven hoofs I had told the story about encountering a possible cryptid on a hundred and thirty acre ranch while out hunting personally I cannot say I know exactly what kind though skinwalker Wendigo maybe something else I do know exactly what happened when I went hunting for it a year later though before I start I would just like to warn those who think it's a good idea to go looking for these things it is absolutely not a year after my first encounter almost to the day I returned to my friends hundred and thirty acre ranch we will call my friend Dee as in the last post since my first encounter with the towering humanoid figure I was determined to find out what it was I am the type of person that if something scares me I tend to confront it so I will no longer be scared or just to prove to myself that I'm not a chicken this was one of those moments I arrived at the ranch around mid-afternoon my bags full of ammo and my trusty thirty-six and a 45 in hand I told Dee about my plan to go hunting for this so-called Wendigo or whatever and asked if he would like to go being his land he was curious to see if there really was anything unusual happening on it he believed I had seen something as we were good friends and he had never seen me so shook up as I was after my first encounter so we agreed to come along we waited until about 3:00 a.m. to head out almost immediately the spook factor was greatly increased as an extremely thick fog rolled in also it was a super moon so between the fog and the super moon it was a perfect setting for a horror movie we left the house which sits at the front of the land and made her way through the various pastures and trees looking for the main road that goes all the way from the front of the land to the back past the thick forest to the left of the road keep in mind we had no flashlights I know stupid I had previously seen this thing on my way to the woods so we headed that way it was extremely difficult to see the fog as a was so thick you could barely see anything right in front of you just silhouettes of cows and tree like shadows passing by us as we walked suddenly I here help me I turn and could barely make out D laying on the ground writhing in pain I know down to ask what happen he said I stepped in a cow track and twisted my ankle I can't go any further being the awesome friend I am I helped carry him all the way back to the house being incredibly brave or stupid I traded him my thirty-aught-six for his 12-gauge loaded with buckshot and headed back out alone no flashlight I got back to where I thought we were before and continued on I moved slowly because it was hard to see and I did not want to end up like D shotgun loaded and ready to rock I crept through the fog taking a step and pausing listening before I check another suddenly I hear the sound of cows moving as a herd they were moving away from me fast as though something spooked them I assumed it was just me that spooked them and I kept moving then I noticed the sound of the cows had faded fast and it was now dead silent no crickets frogs owls or any known creatures of the night the quiet was almost deafening then I heard a voice help me I won't lie I just about soiled myself I heard it again and realized it was d how did he get back out here he couldn't walk as his ankle had swollen up three times his size and he didn't take the truck I would have heard it or seen the headlights I spun slowly in a 360-degree circle scanning the milky darkness help me it came again this time closer and followed by the smell of what I could only describe his running flesh I noticed there was something off about DS voice though it sounded synthetic like someone was trying to mimic his voice through a speaker but couldn't get the tone right it sounded more like a question than a demand at this point I was absolutely certain that whatever was looking just outside my range of vision was not D I pointed the shotgun in the direction I thought the last cry came from and pulled the trigger the gun kicked in the sound echoed across the pasture slowly dying out I waited for a moment nothing but quiet then I felt it a rumbling that started in my feet vibrating up my legs something heavy was running an impact in the ground hard my first thought was great I'm gonna get stay impeded by some cows this was no cow from behind I was hit hard knocked me off my feet I landed on my stomach but instantly rose again just in time to see a black dark figure disappearing into the fog there was a pause and then the rumble began again this time I could clearly hear what direction the sound was coming from as it got closer I braced for possible impact I was expecting a mad cow or a big hog but to my shock and dismay that is not what I saw this thing moved unbelievably fast but I was able to make out a silhouette I had to easily be eight feet plus ran on two legs it had almost a skeletal body it hit again knocking me back about three feet onto my butt I rolled onto my stomach and pointed the gun and fire I must have hit this thing because it made a sound that caused me to drop my gun and cover my ears it was that loud the sound was like that of a squealing pig a screaming woman and nails on a chalkboard all coming from this thing at the same exact time without delay I stood up and started to run ankles be damned I made it back to the house by then D had already gone to bed in the house was quiet i sat there until the Sun came up in total shock did I survive a possible Wendigo attack or something else my grandfather told me a story about he saw one of these cryptids face-to-face once I never had heard such of a thing until long after he died I was drinking with some friends and we were swapping creepy stories my friend whose native then told me it was actually a legend amongst the tribes that she grew up around my grandfather is it native we're Hispanic but not of any direct native descent and to my knowledge he didn't have any native friends so thinking back on the story he told me I now think he was being truthful this is what I remember my grandfather used to be a grunt out in the oil fields which means he basically does maintenance on the rigs and odd jobs well his shift was overnight and he said that it was already very lonely an eerie out there on a normal night out in the hills in pitch darkness the sound of the rigs were super dissonant sounding he said sometimes it sounded like babies crying other times it sounded like someone was whispering his name just really creepy stuff so one night he gets out of his truck and climbs up onto a rig like normal when he stops because he's face to face with this thing he said it resembled a bird but it was a humanoid creature it stood super tall much taller than he was its whole body was covered in black feathers and they were like square patterns its face was long and pointed but it wasn't exactly a beak like it was just part of its face it was not hard like that of a beak of a bird its eyes were bright red with massive pupils and it just stood there staring at him he said he was frozen and so was it they both just stood there staring at each other he said it felt like the thing was just as surprised by his presence as he was of it and as he he was trying to you know just get out of that situation he caught it off-guard and it was to standing there rigid with its arms he couldn't tell if they were arms or wings pressed firmly against its eye after a few minutes grandpa regained control of his legs again and started to walk back down the rigs ladder as slowly as possible the thing seemingly stayed put didn't move a muscle and didn't blink he said as soon as he touched the ground he booked it back to his truck and got the heck out of there the story always freaks me out like any other Latin grandpa mine had countless stories about creatures and ghosts and stuff but this one I feel like this one was too weird to be made up years later my friend basically confirmed that this thing is real about five years ago when I was in high school we started seeing a cat with no tail around my girlfriend's house it was drained as I have read cats lose their balance without their tails regardless this cat moved like any other cat I've ever seen and he was always around around the same time I started hearing weird noises in my backyard at night and having frequent nightmares one night I finally decided to take a look at what was making those weird sounds and what could it be but the tailless cat mind you I lived three miles away from my girlfriend and even if a cat terrain spread that wide what are the odds he would wind up in my house one day at school a buddy whose father as a pastor was telling us about all the weird happenings in his dad's temple and I told him about the cat to my surprise he told me he had also seen this cat he lived at least six miles away from my house I didn't believe him until he perfectly mimic the sound the cat made outside my house now myself and this guy had no relation and the only things we had in common is that we were Hispanic high school students so we have a cat who covers an area of at least 10 miles can move perfectly without a tail and apparently only appears to Hispanics sure this was weird but what I will never forget is the last time I saw this supposed cat my girlfriend and I were heading to her house after wrestling practice it was dark out since practice ran late and we decided to cut through some clinics to save time I jumped down a little ledge and landed right in front of the cat this was the first time I saw it up close and I kid you not this cat had the face of an old man just a cat body in an old man face I didn't know anything about cryptids back then but regardless I was terrified I ran into my girlfriend grabbed her hand and just booked it I swear as we ran away I heard those noises behind me now years later that image burned in my head I have tried to research and I think I may have found what it was at was a skinwalker an a-hole or a shape-shifter skinwalker mostly since apparently whatever animal they turn into never have tails I have also read the skinwalkers hate cats so I don't know any input would be appreciated lord knows I would love some closure and thank you swamp for sharing my story on your show hey Swan dweller my name is reine and i am a 25 year old male living in Missouri I will state that I am an atheist and the dog man is the only thing that I can say is not supernatural my first encounter takes place on December 20th 2017 Anna M Adams river access my first trip was alone in November or October of the same year if you're leaving Lebanon Missouri on Highway 32 and continuing to Falcon you will come up on highway K on your left there is a sign there with a raccoon on it that has the access name on it turn down K and continue to Don Road it is the first road on the right the whole turn here is surrounded by tall pine trees Don Road is an uncapped road that leads through dense forest and then a big farm afterward I recommend a vehicle of 4x4 especially if it is rained or snowed in the past few days past the farm continue straight you will pass a house on the left before a sharp turn with a guardrail the turn left before the sharp turn right is the driveway to the access parking lot I put out the directions for other investigators and warnings for those stay away can't stay away if they don't know where it is that's any time of day this is an eerie place dead silent the river the access is connected to is a DASCO not a river my first time here was to get a feel for the area I enjoy conservation centers and I was curious about what this place was like how peaceful it is very peaceful but an uncomfortable level going down the driveway you will see a fence and if you follow it with your eyes you will see a red cattle gate sort of hidden I took pictures of it and the rest of this area to show Renee my girlfriend in the pictures the red gate was closed and looked secure in place this changes later I got the feeling I was being watched and the idea that I should not go down to the riverfront I quickly left without panicking to keep myself from scaring myself fast-forward to December 20th I was following some dog man sightings and stories from the area in the past 20 years I found a few and a herd of one Falcon by the river in the summer of 2017 it was just some day that I wondered about werewolves being real and watched some horror films I came across her YouTube and that sparked my interest anyways there were snow and ice everywhere and we were surprised at my little car a 93 Subaru justy survived the trip to and from Renee was with me and as I was showing her the place I found the ride through the mud talked about the s and once of the Dogman sightings in the area and what we would you know expect in that we should respect the woods and territory back then I was a bit of a nut about it but I don't think my superstition has anything to do with my psychedelic encounter when we pulled up we have both forgotten what we were talking about on the way some more back story Renee didn't think it was serious in real I'm schizophrenic and I would understand she thought that I was delusional I wasn't the first to have the being watched feelings we went down the concrete ramp and began to compete on who could throw rocks the furthest onto the ice the river was frozen over I then stopped and told her that I have had a very bad feeling that we were being watched and Renee said that she had started before me but didn't want to spook me the idea of something someone or anything watching was a horrifying idea and it didn't help that we talked about the dog man on the way here we quickly walked to my car trying to seem as relaxed as possible it could have been a mountain lion stalking us we really didn't know the truth but we were still assuming the worst we tore out of there as fast as I could drive without sliding into the mud and wrecking me the entire time we both felt like something was all around us watching us and closing in on us we were very vocal and informative with each other it was only until we got on the highway 32 that we started to relax and the feeling started to go away at that time in our relationship she still lived with her parents at 19 so I took her home and then I went home and thought long and hard and what had just happened and if it was Regal before bed I was able to distract myself with my music and video games so I was doing that and napping I have this dream of sitting in my living room with Rene then she starts to wig out twist expand and then turn into the dog man I pulled out my knife to defend myself and ran myself into a corner I was freaking out and crying my dream ended with the dog man standing in front of me with his arms high and now in his head coming down I remember the hair and the smell of this thing I'm freaking myself out now just by talking about it I am then seeing my home from the outside before jolting awake I probably fell back to sleep 10 or so minutes later I get up at 6 a.m. and call my girlfriend to tell her about my dream she had one to tell me as well hers was almost exactly the same only it was in her perspective of changing into becoming a dog man she described the look of my face and the fear she too woke up at 3:00 a.m. that same night as I she didn't think that it was real until then we are both straightforward thinkers and logical she then told me that the red gate from the picture had changed it was more broken when she saw it at the access my third trip there was with my friend Alex who was sceptical and then was when I saw the red gate for myself and it was all distorted anything could have happened to it but nobody comes out here everything looks untouched in legend and other encounter victims it is said that dog men are telepathic and many have had nightmares following their encounters many say that they dream of seeing what the creature sees as a ride-along and is unable to direct themselves as we are stuck in some sort of trance they run with it through the forest and come to an opening with our houses and they can see some sort of distorted version of their own home I have done my own research and got a lot of evidence and theories of what may have happened the dry knob access which is the first access you come to a cross on highway 32 if heading from Lebanon I found claw marks in shaving of trees big patches of disturbed grass and dirt it if something had jumped and landed we have deer in that area and I could see their path through the very tall grass dry knob is a much bigger place than Adams access and is more popular for picnickers and fishermen there is an old clear trail from the gravel driveway into the woods when it rains a lot this area is always flooded and it is obvious that the way the plants have grown and how it looks that it hasn't been touched for a long time I found a stack of medium-sized branches and a tree that were definitely broken in an obvious way when it gets me through it is on the path near its entrance I found a shotgun shell under the old leaves you're not supposed to hunt here since then I have calmed down on my research and set it aside I felt that I was going to get into uncharted territory that is best left alone so my friend my sister and I were exploring this abandoned mill near my house last night we climbed in the first house and we're climbing up the stairs to the second floor when we heard a noise my sister was at the top of the steps and I was somewhere near the middle I pointed my flashlight around the middle of the room and we all saw this big grey furry creature that looked like it was hunched over I saw tail and my sister says she saw had big meaty shoulders humanoid hands in glowing yellow eyes we quickly realized whatever this thing was it was probably not too happy with us being in his territory we swiftly got the heck out of there what really sent chills down our spine was the fact that when we walked around the house we noticed that there was a ladder going up to the second story in order to get into the house we had to step up on this barrel and climb up onto a metal pole to hoist ourselves up to the entrance which was about seven or eight feet off the ground that means whatever this creature was probably could not have gotten up there the way we did if he used a ladder it was definitely something humanoid it messed up once we got back home we did our research about possible animals that could have been and living in Virginia there were not many animals that resembled the creature that we saw it was too big to be a fox or a cat had different fur than a wolf had a tail so it couldn't be a bear this led us to do more research into cryptids we came across the stories of dog man and when we looked at the pictures that came up it seemed to resemble what we saw I read some stories about dog man and stumbled across the swamp dwellers channel from these stories it seemed that people who saw usually formed obsessions over it and my sister being the only one that saw its eyes was ranting and raving about how curious they looked she kept saying she wanted to go back and see it again my sister drew a sketch of what she saw and was drawing some tarot readings after we got home she had her cards stacked on her sketchbook and a bug crawled into it and started going crazy running around into it stepped in the middle of the deck and then it stopped moving my friend picked up the top car and it was the Wolfman card we're thinking of going back to investigate soon but I just wanted to tell the story to let you know that there may be dog men in Virginia hi swamp Weller my name is Glenn I live in southern Louisiana all the way south I won't give an exact location but it's about an hour from Baton Rouge in two hours from New Orleans I have lived here all my life I grew up hunting and fishing ever since I could hold a gun in a fishing pole I thought I had seen every animal that they had to see in the woods never believed in dog man or Bigfoot well now my friends I can tell you with 100% certainty they exist where I live I own 50 eight acres of about half hardwoods and swampland well my encounter happened around two years ago see where I live in it's in the woods in a trailer behind my mother's house I have no driveway it's a dirt path that runs through a small section of woods that separates my house from my mom's well anyways it was 4 a.m. when I got up to go to work I got dressed and was getting ready to leave I went to let my dog out to do his business he is a hundred and forty five pound pitbull named bear and he was acting very weird he would just stand in the doorway inground wine he would not go out and when I went to leave he kept trying to get between me and the door so I just pushed past him and started walking up to my truck it was still dark and all I had was a keychain light and it was not bright barely enough to light up the path as I started my way up to the path something just didn't feel right it's hard to explain it's like the air was heavy if that makes any sense at all and all I could smell was this musky piss smell I kept walking and kept going forward trying to brush it off it's about two 175 yards away from my house at this point where my truck is parked about halfway through the wooded parts I could hear something walking behind me crunching leaves every time I could stop I would hear it abruptly stop as well I would shine my light and I could see these two greenish yellow eyes about four and a half feet off the ground the hair instantly stood up on the back of my neck and this wave of fear came over me like I said I have hunted and killed everything around here I don't by any means scare easily I have even jumped in the water on a seven-foot Gators back slit his throat but this thing scared the hell out of me I can't explain why at this time but all I could see was its eyes and didn't know what it was I just knew was big and somehow projected fear I was so scared I slowly just realized I couldn't move at all as I'm standing there shining my really crappy light on this thing it starts to slowly come my way it took everything I had to get my legs to work I turned around and ran as fast as I could as I am running I can hear this thing behind me its feet making a loud pounding sound I know this sounds crazy but I could feel this thing hot rancid meat smelling breath on my back of my neck I don't know how but I made it out of the wooded part of the path I had about 45 yards to go to get to my truck I'm fumbling to get my keys out of my pocket thank God the car was unlocked I jumped in my pickup truck and immediately hit the lights it was parked facing the woods when I light up the path I just about peed my pants if I would have needed I would have it was a creature out of my worst nightmare just thinking about this thing is giving me chills as I'm writing this this thing was at least 7 to 8 feet tall it kind of looks like a werewolf from the movie Silver Bullet it just stood there on his back legs looking at me this thing was huge it would make any heavyweight bodybuilder jealous I grabbed my phone to try to get a picture but by the time I got my phone unlocked and on the camera had backed up into the woods I snapped a picture but all you could see was a blurry black shape I called my mom and told her to make sure the doors were locked and she had the shotgun by her side I couldn't tell her what I had really saw I said I saw someone in black creeping around I've only told this to one other person and they didn't know it but I know they think I'm crazy so I just keep my mouth shut about it now I know this beast could have caught me but it didn't I think it just wanted to scare the crap out of me or something I think it's somehow feeds off the fear it causes it's been 2 years since this happened I haven't seen it since but a few times I have heard of scratching on the side of my trailer sometimes I hear the Coyotes howling and yipping then I hear this deep wolf sounding howl and the coyote shut up and there are no wolves in Louisiana so I know what it is I'm just starting to go into the woods again but never before daylight and never without a rifle or a shotgun or at least a pistol anyone who wants to seek these creatures out I beg that you don't it could ruin your life be safe in the woods and God bless [Music] my story takes place four years ago when I was just fourteen years old I wanted to go hunting out on our property which is about 370 acres in total it took some convincing but my old man finally agreed that I could go hunting on my own when it was time to go I was absolutely excited I grabbed my Molly bag and crossbow before jumping onto the dirt biking setting off on my hunt it was about 8:00 in the morning when I got to my grandpa's property and saw all the no trespassing signs I ignored these and sprayed dopey on all of my stuff to make sure nothing would smell me I rushed off to my favorite tree stand I'm on my way up to my tripod when suddenly I hear a loud thump a tree fell but I thought it was going Cedeno at the time I continued my climb another tree in soon Falls and I stopped I'm actually worried at this point and looking into the distance suddenly there was a high-pitched scream in the distance I couldn't describe it too well as I'm pretty much deaf and have an implant in my ear that helps me hear it was when I was almost at the top I see a monster buck running for its life I quickly slide down and grab my crossbow when I suddenly see this huge doglike figure staring me in the eyes it's now standing on its back legs I was too afraid to move when my great grandfather shows up on an ATV and yells at me to get on I hop on Andy and I leave later on my hunting pal I'll keep his name private mentioned to me a story about a black doglike figure that would prowl the woods I believe it was the dog man if you ever encounter one just run in Roscommon County Michigan a few years back I have what I believe to be a Wendigo were possibly a dog man encounter I was biking down an old quiet two track near my home scoping out 100 acres of land that had lowered immensely in price it was 1:00 in the afternoon when I caught sight of a figure about 10 to 12 feet tall taking roughly three steps about 50 yards ahead of me across the property line I quickly stopped my bike gazing ahead for a better look the figure had backward hind legs its neck was strange and his eye was a distinct yellow the neck was so long it looked as though the thing could swallow an entire human in it when it walked there was no up or down movements but more of a gliding this figure seems spiritual not physical and it soon disappeared I went to check for tracks but I seemingly found none the land eventually sold and when it did I was back to check out an RV someone was selling the land the RV was on was the same land I'd witnessed the creature six months prior seeing this made all the memories of the creature flood back to me I wanted to ask the elderly owners if they'd noticed anything strange while out here but I also thought that might be bizarre I was there on business so I had to be careful on my wording knocking on the couple's door they opened up I told him I knew the land well and was curious if they'd seen any wolves or wildlife around the area the couple smiled and went on a heavy rebuke of wolfs I then changed the subject and went inside the RV to find walls covered in wallpapers of wolves pictures of wolves everywhere there were also many references to Indians and dream catchers I never did buy the RV but I believe what I saw six months prior was a dog man or maybe a Wendigo in spiritual former something it was 2007 and I was 18 years old at the time I grew up knowing about the dog man and really didn't believe it was real I played in the woods a lot as a young kid one warm fall day my boyfriend myself and two friends went out to see my grandmother at her family cabin when we got there my two younger cousins were there as well they wanted to walk down to the river so we all went leaving my grandmother to have some alone time without the two young boys as we walk up the hill the boys wanted to race the two older boys so when we got to the start of the trail going to the river all four boys lined up and I yelled ready set go as the boys ran down us girls were yelling run faster who's going to win just then a huge buck came out of nowhere my boyfriend grabs one of the young boys out of the way I saw the buck and looked to see where I'd come from my family is very into hunting and we hadn't been quiet by any means this deer should have heard us long before we were close and ran off before we saw it as I looked to where it came from I couldn't believe what I was seeing it was like my brain and I were fighting to make sense of what was happening a huge black dog standing on two legs was standing there it looked like a man with the dog's head it wasn't looking at me it was looking at my boyfriend it looked to be out of breath like it had been running I look at my boyfriend and he was looking at it as well but the others were watching the deer when I looked back I saw it run back down the hill I ran up to my boyfriend his eyes were wide and he looked at me all I could say was yes I saw it too the young boy and our two friends didn't see it so we went to the river and back to the cabin we left and my boyfriend and I really didn't talk about it later that night some more of our friends came over and all the boys wanted to play guitar hero as they played I took a picture of them now my boyfriend and I live in a very old farmhouse the windows are floor-to-ceiling windows they are about six maybe seven feet tall in one of the pictures you can see my dog laying on the floor asleep and all the boys are in my picture well it was about a week or two after the picture was taken and my friend wanted to see all the pictures I took that night so I put them on my laptop she was looking at them and she yelled for me and my boyfriend to come she zooms in and the top corner of the window was a dog's face with its mouth open we couldn't believe it after she left my boyfriend and I sat there looking at it had this thing followed us or had it found us somehow was a mad about the deer it was terrifying when I was a boy of just 16 years old we lived way back up in a hollow in a farmhouse about a mile back into the woods up a steep gravel road it was the only house in that Hollow one night it was winter my dad woke me up in the wee hours of the night handed me a 12-gauge single shotgun three double-aught buckshot shells and a flashlight and told me to go out and shoot whatever varmint was spooking the pigs so I got up and quickly pulled on my clothes and boots and went out the back door I made it as far as the back porch then froze in my tracks when I saw what was after the pigs i shine my light unto something right out of a werewolf movie it was bent over the rails of the Pigpen grabbing at the pigs as they ran back and forth and squealed when it saw me it stood up and bared its teeth and growl at me it was at least seven foot tall maybe even taller it had the upper body of a professional bodybuilder it was covered in black hair and had a head like a huge German police dog I will never forget those pointy ears and snarling snouts I raised the shotgun holding the flashlight against the barrel and shot it right in the center of his chest I was about forty feet away from it and seen the hair part on its chest with a buckshot hit the buckshot didn't seem to affect this thing much at all my sister came out behind me to see what was going on she had turned on the porch light on her way out she gasped when she saw the thing she said gee what is it and a shaky voice I said I don't know go back in the house I broke the shotgun down ejecting the spent shell and dropped another one in the barrel click to shut the Beast went down and snatched up a pig with one hand and with the other hand pushed the pig's head back and I heard a loud pop it had broken the pigs neck killing it instantly the pig went limp and the Beast threw it over its shoulder then it bared it's much too long teeth that mean crowd again as I raised the barrel of the shotgun towards it it turned and leapt at least fifteen feet in one bounce it ran towards the tree line I fired at it aiming for the center of its back I think I hit it again but I can't be entirely sure then with another impossible leap it vanished into the trees my dad came out and said what was it a coyote I said dad I don't know I just know that it was big I don't know what it was but it got one of our pigs dad said didn't she hit it with your shot I said yeah dad I hit it with a shot I think I hit it at least once but it ran off anyway I don't know what it was dad my dad said well unload the gun hang it back up and go back to bed she was visibly scared as he told this story he said he and his sister had talked about it at the bus stop the next day they decided to keep what had happened to themselves as they figured no one would believe them anyway he told us that we were the first ones he had ever told about the encounter he swore that every word of it was true and I don't know if this thing Jie saw is real or not but I do believe that I saw something and shot it I think it may have been a Bigfoot that through those small trees and made that god-awful screaming that we heard I think she may have seen a dog man when I wrote of my encounter to the BFRO they called Nass permission and then sent to field investigators to my house within a week of getting the report they didn't seem to care about anything they wanted to go back to the spot where we had camped I took them close and pointed them in the direction but we would not go any closer than a few miles of that spots also before I end the story I do need to mention that there was a military presence seen by many who lived up there that year both on the ground and in helicopters but anyway these accounts are entirely true thank you for your work and keep up the fine narrations my encounter is very brief but I hope it's interesting to you nonetheless I was deer hunting and I kept hearing something rustling around my stand kind of like in a circling motion I kept getting glimpses of something through the scrubs I thought it was a hog or something like that then I got a horrible stench like a skunk mixed with a wet dog and something dead what I saw next I would never forget this thing was like the biggest dog I have ever seen it stepped out of the bushes it was on all fours and quickly went back in I saw this thing for only a split second but I know what I saw honestly I wasted no time after this I I was pretty sure I had just seen the Michigan Dogman that I'd heard about all my life I packed up everything I could as quickly as I could and I hauled ass out of there I don't hunt anymore and constantly I'm aware of things around me since we live in the woods when I saw no man could stop if it wanted to thank you for sharing my story I know it was super brief and I only saw it for a second but I'm positive it was the dog man there's no way any natural wolf or dog could be that big even on all fours hey swamp dweller here's a story that my daughter shared with me so what happened was my daughter who was still at home in her first year of cosmetology school and a friend had gone to Wichita to a show and on their way home driving on a country road to cut over from a highway to our house came around a bend in the road their headlights swept across the road in front of them and standing by the side of the road near the guardrail the concrete bridge was what they described as a werewolf the girls were so frightened when telling me that it took them a bit to calm down enough to get some sense out of them the road is a north-south road the sighting was a quarter mile from town the bridge is just a small one that goes over a runoff Creek and my guess is the dog man was too big to go under it but had to go over it instead and was coming up the draw from the creek bottom they were in the wrong place at the wrong time my daughter's car was small a Chevy Cavalier and she said the lights didn't reach this thing's face so they didn't get any eye shine but it was huge it was black and the height and width of a cow on all fours all they could focus on was the muzzle and the huge razor-sharp teeth when it peeled its lips back and snarled at them she said it could have reached out and touched their car if it wanted to but it didn't she screamed as she stomped on the gas they were both looking behind once they got into town because they were so worried that I was chasing them she wiped her eyes and said I think we saw a freaking werewolf mom I seriously remember the hair standing up on the back of my neck after asking her if she was sure she hadn't seen a sasquatch and her saying mom you don't understand it was the biggest wolf I had ever seen in my life it wasn't a Bigfoot it was a werewolf I just had no idea what they saw but they were very scared and I told her to never drive on that road at night again I felt kind of hopeless flash-forward 10 years and I hear a story on YouTube on your YouTube channel called dog man and the light bulb came on I was like oh my god this is what those two girls saw here in Kansas of all places i centered the YouTube video and she was pretty shaken up but relieved to know that this was a real thing if it helps to know this area is about two maybe three miles from a river which is east of the road they saw it on they didn't get a good look at it as it was pretty dark outside that night all they saw was the front shoulders chest had an apparently teeth those were the details they gave me my family comes from the Dominican Republic and you don't usually hear about a lot of supernatural stuff going on around since they have a low belief in the supernatural a little background on my dad he is 6 foot 1 and is very athletic and loves fishing until one night my dad came across what I believe is a dog man him and four of his friends went out one night fishing to a rural location where one side of the road is for sugar cane and the other side of the road is where you can see the ocean and if you're not careful you can fall off and die my dad says that everything was quiet it was one of those times where you could hear anything you could hear a lot of dogs barking and animals walking he said he had this strong gut feeling like someone was walking or watching him he looks around everywhere and sees nothing about ten minutes later and he goes to check around again and nothing is at a place his friend a says hey the nearest gas station is about seven miles away and it's really dark to go on foot so they decided to take the motorcycle they had mounted at the back of the Jeep my dad says that half way back to the gas station he sees this black figure running through the hard sugarcane like nothing and he starts to think it's his imagination so he leaves it alone at first about five minutes after his friend a stops the motorcycle shuts off the engine and tells my dad to be very silent because there's a black figure on four legs following them he first thought it was a dog but once he noticed the long human looking legs he knew it was something very dangerous my dad says the creature or thing got on the two legs and looked straight at them for what felt like an eternity he describes it was seven eight feet tall muscular with a gray dark fur had long human looking hands and a German Shepherd looking snout with sharp teeth from the beginning to the end of a snout he says it had a humanoid looking face and I see blue eyes but the most creepy part about this encounter was the deep chill growl and deep creepy howl before jumping back to the sugar cane my dad says he spent a week with high fevers and chills every time a dog Hal at night he says that to that encounter he had never been fishing at night again either I probably sound crazy to you but I have seen this thing twice within a three-month span after that I moved from that area thank God I was 16 and had just got my license and my brother sold me in 1989 t-top Camaro I was told about an auction house out in the middle of nowhere I was asking around because I was bored and needed to people were hangout with it turned out to be one mile behind where I lived which was convenient if you want I could send you the Google Map picture of the roads I was on at the time - the two encounters you will see that they are only about a three mile radius and have woodland on either side of them so I went to the auction and made friends with a guy named Bob for the purposes of this video he asked me for a ride home because he was trying to hook up with the auctioneers daughter he let his ride go without him so we were staying over late because he was trying to hook up with a girl like I said after the auction had closed it was about 11:00 p.m. and pitch black when we finally left as I was going down the road the auction was on we came to a curb that was closer to the wood line than the straightaway as we started to go to the curb Bob screamed to stop so I slammed on the brakes thinking he was crazy then he said under his voice look to the right I did spot a pair of glowing red eyes about two feet off the ground I said is that a coyote Bob said the eye shine reminded him of one but coyotes were orange not red I said well do you have a weapon do you have a coyote permit he said yes to both it is not uncommon for people to carry concealed guns in the countryside of Kentucky he pulled out a 22 long revolver from his coat then stood up out of the t-top he draws his weapon and shoots firing all six rounds into the spot with the eyes he then replies to go grab our supper jokingly I bent over to get a flashlight out of the glove box as I bent over I saw the eyes again but they had gone from 2 feet to 8 feet tall at that point I smashed on the gas pedal while still bent over towards the glove box and Bob screams what the hell man I replied we will come back and get in the morning we went back to find no blood and no dead animal what we did find was one large dog looking footprint and limbs broken off at about 7 feet tall it's insane to think what could have been there I've never told anyone about this afterward but I know it was a dog man thanks for listening to these creepy dog man encounter stories you guys have been requesting for a long time now that I rerecord some of these classics that have been deleted so I finally did it if you enjoyed these please hit that like button as it helps me out a ton and if you want me to record more classic dog man encounters let me know in the comments down below if you have a story you would like to share in a future video whether it be a dog man encounter or something else be sure to submit it as swamp dwellers net or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp as stories like yours are help keep this show going man it felt good to record some of these classic stories that I haven't read in a long long time some of these stories were some of the first ones that were ever sent to me so feels good nice nostalgia if you guys aren't aware you can download your favorite swamp dwellers scary stories on iTunes Spotify stitcher radio and just about every other major podcasting platform out there if you're new to the swamp why not join us hit the subscribe button in turn on notifications to never miss a new video as I upload them almost every single day and all things natural and supernatural if you made it all the way to the end of the video the code word for today is oversized Dawg comment that down below to confuse everybody who didn't made it to the end and it also lets me know how many of you do since the end see you guys soon with another creepy video
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 381,430
Rating: 4.7062635 out of 5
Keywords: Cryptid Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration, Wendigo Stories, Skinwalker Stories, Dogman Stories, Bigfoot Stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 13sec (7813 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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