Strange Things I've Seen As A Park Ranger | Creepypasta *COMPLETE SERIES*

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the following our accounts of Park Rangers strange happenings experienced while on the job some accounts are extremely graphic grisly discretion is advised case one Washington I just wanted to say thank you for your time please state your full name and then proceed to tell us your story from your view feel free to get as detailed as necessary hello my name is Jim D winters and I work for the Park Rangers on this particular date 3rd of May 2012 I it's ok Jim take your time well John I guess the best way to put it to you and anyone who hears this I'm quite sure I met someone who is dead I was working my normal patrol and was at the time assigned around Federation for State Park we saw all manners of things naked homeless folk occasional people going missing sometimes we find drug deals going on but nothing was quite like this it really began a couple days before when some folks told us they had saw a woman wandering around the forest catatonic they would follow her and eventually she disappear the description was a red-haired woman with pale skin blue eyes in a torn white dress we put together a search team and went looking for ourselves I was a lead on that team for the Rangers we searched day and night and didn't seem to find or see anyone now by the third we begun to believe this woman could very well be dead another part of the description given about her was as she seemed to be scarred and bleeding quite a bit that's the part that was so strange though we went out to where she was supposedly seen and there was no blood to be found the park closes at around dusk and normally we don't work nights but I decided I'd stick around and do my own search that night it is about 9:00 p.m. when I hear a voice while patrolling the forest it was very distinct and sounded like a young woman help me that's what I heard then while I looked for the person behind the voice I heard it again there standing upon a hill was a woman shaking bleeding as she fit the description given by the passerby the other day to a tee I naturally go up to this young woman but as I do she turns it begins walking away I of course call out to her telling her I want to help her and I'll lead her back to the station and won't take things from there I get to the top of the hill and she's gone I'm talking vanished I say I'm slowly moving my flashlight did the force want to hear her voice again help me she says I look further ahead and she's walking a West from behind a tree I rush on over and repeat to her who I am who I work for and that I'd like to help her I get to the trees where she's is and just as I'm about to catch up to her she goes around a tree next thing I know I turn and she's gone help me the voice calls once again from further away now now I at this point nothing is making sense to me I'm starting to feel pretty uneasy by self but this young woman clearly needs my help and so I keep following your voice and continue my pursuit of her help me I hear her voice and again I continue deeper to the forest I'm very well-versed in the area and I'm not worried about being lost but this poor girl I'm beginning to notice she seems to look more and more wounded every single time I see her finally after she vanishes again I hear her voice and continue out into a clearing upon arriving there I see her crying now you gotta understand this woman went from partially bleeding to near ripped to shreds bleeding heavily and now her face is nearly unrecognizable crying uncontrollably I see her lift a finger which I can see the bone through some of the cuts on her hand now and point down help me she keeps crying and as she does she grows more desperate and afraid she's shaking uncontrollably at this point and as I get closer I can see the wound she has she appears to be stabbed I'm just about to reach the young lady where my foot hit something there's a bit of a crunch as I looked down towards my feet you got to understand where I am now it isn't on any path or anywhere near where anybody would be visiting the park pulling some leaves and debris out of the way I see something sticking out of the ground and so my shock and horror it appears to be a skeletal finger III did carefully but quickly now and what do I find a corpse in a tattered white dress dried blood all over it I call the local authorities in explain I found what I believe is the corpse of a woman we've been searching for it isn't until later it really sets in what I saw was the ghost of this poor young woman she was trying to lead someone to her body I was in shock and I've never experienced anything like it I kept this pretty close to vest at first eventually though I did try to tell some close colleagues of mine how I actually found the body you could imagine some of the reactions most of them I'd known for a while so they wanted to believe me but mean you try to explain to anyone you found a murder victim because they're ghosts led you to them and see how their reaction will be at any rate we did get enough forensics to find the killer eventually and she is behind bars now for life it was the young woman's best friend could you imagine betrayed by someone you trusted the most the murder was savage it was personal when you asked why she did it she'd only say the [ __ ] deserved it hearing that just really pissed me off what could she have possibly done to deserve that there were no hints or clues as to what went down between them no guy nothing to suggest that they were fighting personally I believe the best friend was just evil she probably never truly cared about her friend but why waits 15 years before murdering someone I suppose we'll never truly know [Music] case to Texas thank you so much for your time please state your name then proceed to give us your story my name is Gavin R West's and I work for the Park Rangers it was 1990 and I was working at Lost Maples State Natural Area in the areas surrounding it you're told some things when you first come on as a park ranger at any Park people have stories about ghosts local legends stuff like that I didn't really believe any of that in so July of 1990 I'd come on as a park ranger replacing a man who I learned was missing this was a topic of debate among many of the Rangers as many of them were considering the guy odd but still a good friend the man in question was named Jonathan Williams and his disappearance is still unsolved to this day it was probably my third month on the job and I gotten pretty used to it I'd helped out people when they went missing but I'd also patrol the parks help preserve the natural wildlife and habitat the area I worked in was more about preserving the park and its beauty and less about missing persons on this particular morning I remember going out to make some rounds make sure no one was doing anything they weren't supposed to be and that anyone that shouldn't be there was removed from the park that sort of thing was rare back then but you'd occasionally get a homeless guy or gal that tried to make the park their home it was while making the rounds that I saw something off it appeared to be some sort of writing I couldn't read it and it almost looked like red paint was used to write it assuming someone was committing vandalism I proceeded to take a few pictures and prepper reports as I continued taking pictures I noticed more of these symbols strange writings as well as streaks of what I believed to be paint leading deeper into the park eventually I found myself and here's some cliffs and is this is where I found the body rip distress it was the most disgusting and disturbing thing I had ever seen in my life looking around I saw a wolf in the distance it simply stared my way and didn't think much of it because nature and you know I report the body and we investigated the cause of death it appeared to have been ripped to pieces by some sort of animal perhaps maybe the wolf I saw there was a problem however you see the heart was missing from the body an animal could have taken it of course but the way the organs were displayed almost seemed to suggest that the murder was planned the organs were splayed out in a manner to suggest a pentagram and the way they were displayed didn't seem like something an animal would be capable off we closed the park while we investigated further and eventually we found a staging area there were rocks and more strange symbols in the red pay which turned out to be blood in the center of a pentagram made of sticks and circled in salt there sat the victims hearts turning away from the scene I've looked into the distance and saw a wolf I couldn't be certain but it seemed like the same one turning towards the animals directions I began walking after it as I did it quickly turned and darted off into the woods I thought it was strange but continued walking in the direction as I got deeper into the woods I noticed the wolf's paw prints they'd gone on for about another hundred feet when things suddenly took a strange turn the wolf's paw prints were suddenly human feet I took photos and continued following the tracks until out of the blue the tracks vanished altogether I looked for any sign of anything in anyone and did not find us I eventually headed back to the station and made my report on the matter a few weeks went by and the park reopened at this point and the mystery behind the dead body we found still laid without any answers the media had jumped every conclusion imaginable from a cult to some demon out of the forest it only served to add to the popularity of the area of course one Friday morning I got up headed to work and saw some of my colleagues waiting for me they looked to be in a state of shock and when I asked them what had happened they took a moment before telling me they'd seen someone swear without it that Jonathan Williams was there I was going to dismiss it until they showed me a picture they'd taken of the man and then showed me a comparison of the one of the old photographs of him the resemblance was striking and we were at a loss the Ranger said he tried to speak to his former colleague but they only turned and bolted apparently they moved fast because he said he'd barely blinked when the man was almost out of sight whereas a few seconds before he was a few feet in front of them where he took the photo we reported our findings and after our initial search we found nothing that would help the photograph is displayed to this day in the station know where the sighting of the man has been reported since we never solved the murder of the Jane Doe I'd found my round years ago either I'm not sure if it's a cult or some kind of unknown species but let me tell you this something strange is going on out there [Music] case 3 New Jersey please state your full name and tell us your story we'd like to thank you in advance for your time my name is Jack Dee Clarkson and I work for the State Park Rangers here in New Jersey it's not a secret we have plenty of strange happenings and missing persons that sort of thing around here happens a lot we have local legends and one of the most popular is of course the Jersey Devil I'm going to tell you right now I'm not here to tell you about the Jersey Devil no I'm here to tell you about something completely unexplainable and stranger than that I'm calling it the echoes you might be telling yourself what's so strange about Necco allow me to further elaborate for y'all it was August of 2014 and I was at the station near High Point State Park it was late and we were closed but I decided to work on some things off the clock late into the night there I am catching up on some writing reports about vandalism and repairs that needed to be made to park etc when my radio comes to life there's a laughter coming from it I picked up the radio and chuckle to myself asking who's on the other end and trying to prank me again only a low laughter in response I couldn't quite make out if it was a male or a female but there was definitely a laughter on the other end my weight then a response is more laughter but this time it is less playful and sounds like it is multiple people silence I'll go back to my paperwork when suddenly I am jolted by the sound of a loud bang on the front door of the station [ __ ] I said out loud as I headed for the door I'd spilled my coffee into my paperwork and would need to restart my latest report as a result pissed off I rip open the door only to find nothing there was no one there no one near the door or anything I did a quick search around the station and found nothing as soon as I went back inside and locked the door and cleaned up the mess I had made starting a new report I wrote away when I heard the laughter coming from the radio again the radio was more distorted and almost sounded half like laughing and half like crying after a few more minutes the radio fell silent and two more large bangs came from the outside of the door I jumped in fed up decided to grab a weapon a flashlight and headed out of the station opening the door was nothing locking the door behind me I continued looking around until I heard a scream I turned and rushed into the forest as I can hear more screaming I couldn't quite tell where it was coming from until I heard the sound voices crying from further inside the forest without hesitation I followed the echoes until eventually I found a cave inside was a woman she was bleeding next to a fire and I rushed to help her she was crying struggling to breathe and I immediately called the authorities and waited with the woman eventually the EMT in the AQAP's showed up and brought the young lady to the hospital it took a month or so but outside of samskara she made a full recovery upon giving her side of what happened the woman spoke about a man who it's doctor while she jogged he'd eventually caught up with her knocked her out shortly after she awoke she said he cut on her and tortured her she said she could still remember the whole thing and she could remember his laughter the wound was also shocked that she had been found she said she screamed and cried but the louder she cried the louder the man laughed I did eventually compare my story with hers and she seemed that a lost as was I I only came because I heard laughter and crying all over my radio which soon continued into the woods the strangest part about all of this she wasn't near radio and there was no way the voices I heard on the radio were hers or her killers a couple more months went by and I found a man claw open and dead in the park he was identifiable by his stomach had been ripped open and a huge claw mark was on his face DNA in a personal identification by his would-be victim that the woman I'd saved would reveal that he was the woman's attacker that night I'm not sure what led me to the woman but I'm grateful I found her and I'm grateful for the things I call the echoes for leading me to this young lady before it was too late I'll probably never have to finish of answers about what was speaking through the radio or the forest to get my attention and lead me to the young woman ice age but I'm grateful regardless case 4 Montana begin whenever you feel ready my name is Darren J Wendel and I believe I am ready to speak about the things I experienced on the night of December 5th 2002 an ACME Lake State Park I used to work for the Park Rangers until this day have never experienced what I witnessed that night I wasn't on duty when it happened but having been rather used to hanging around this park and sometimes camping I took my family out for what was supposed to be a night of relaxation under the stars sadly this is how the sounds are you sure you're okay with sharing your story we don't have to do this if you don't wish to or we can reschedule for another time if need be no people need to know the truth people need to know what the hell is going on out there I'll admit I wasn't exactly camping where people might normally I being a park ranger for 20 years at the time knew the ins and outs of the State Park the lake as well as any of the surrounding areas so my family and I camped away from the public and a little area I'd scouted out and we'd camped in previously it started out wonderfully it was cold but we were well prepared with the fire some hot dogs and marshmallows and the casual camping stuff like tents and creepy tales of things that supposedly happened around the park late at night the tales we shared weren't real of course the one I'm sharing with you now I wish wasn't either I say was about 10 or 11 p.m. by the time we decided to put out the fire and sleep for the night at approximately 1:00 in the morning I awoke to the sound of screaming I shot up and immediately went outside to find my eight-year-old daughter and seven-year-old son staring at a deer hanging open and blood pouring out from the tree the thing looked as though had been turned inside out and the sight was a Polly scared for my children we decided to pack up as quickly as possible we can trek back to the car and head home as we arrived back on the proper trail we froze in place at the sight of strange entities wearing dears calls and black robes standing around us startled I pulled out a gun and told them to move I didn't know what sick [ __ ] these people or things were into but I was going to not have any part of that [ __ ] it was shortly after that and I saw them beginning to vibrate and things got really dizzy I heard my wife and kids crying and then I passed out when I woke up it was about 3:00 in the morning and my family was nowhere in sight I was left on the trail alone panicking frantically calling out for my family there was nothing I ran everywhere looking for any sign of them scrambling to find any clues as to where they went and I found nothing still I was scared alone in desparate as I continued my search eventually eventually I heard a dripping sound from the trees above me looking up I saw my wife for what was left of her she skinned alive and I was only able to identify her by her wedding band continuing my search I found a heavy blood trail leading further away towards the lake itself it was here I found my son's body she was burns alive I didn't have the hearts or the will to press much further I tried calling the police but I couldn't get a signal I remember feeling sick to my stomach even throwing up a few times before I heard another scream it was my daughter's voice God Mabel I thought to myself please be alive you know how they say be careful what you wish for you you might just get it well she was alive at least for a bit she was standing near the lake when I noticed something around her waist I ran towards her and just as I reached her it was then that I saw her highs were missing she she said daddy why can't I see you daddy help me please and then just like that she was ripped into the lake and I'd open immediately and swam looking off and as soon as I could but I found nothing no one it was too dark to see and it was only after hours of searching it hit me as the lake wasn't frozen or seemed odd it was almost six when I realized the sky seemed dark I couldn't see the moon at the stars there was an eerie dread that hung in the air as I was about to give up my search coming up for air I noticed these strange figures with skulls standing around the center of the lake they they they look towards the sky and I felt the nauseating vibration occur again looking up towards the sky now I saw something that made even less sense than everything that had happened at this point to this day I'm positive I saw it but part of me still wants to believe I was seeing things in the sky above space opened I saw giant I stared down at the lake below I remember the nauseating fading and distinct fear overtaking me the next feeling I know I was awoken by police on the edge of the lake they said they got a call about a naked man laying on the side of the lake they took me to a County for processing then spoke with me about what happened they didn't believe the things I told him I mean could you blame them they asked me about my family and what happened to them I told them everything it was pointless but I tried anyways after a while and locked up in a long investigation they eventually found nothing linking me to the missing family or anything that could stick at least I was let out but forced to do community service for public indecency I of course retired from the Rangers after that before retirements when I would have taken regardless there's never been any further evidence of what might have happened to my family or any things that I told the police that I saw and pretty much considered the local crazy now my life is ruined but I know what I saw up there and I know what happened they have no clue why my family was murdered or why I was spared but there are things out there and I can't explain or imagine I'm sorry I can't speak on this any further additional notes on case four after hearing Darren's claims I have to admit even I had a hard time believing them so I decided to dig a little deeper into his story and ask some of the locals and law enforcement what they thought I should be no surprise most people did think and crazy that being said the surprising majority of those I asked to not believe Darren had anything to do with this family's disappearance they said up until whatever happened to his family it was very loving caring man who the community respected and overall he and his family were very well loved I realize a Darren's case isn't about someone who saw something strange on a job as a park ranger but the other stories to this point have been but upon reading about his story online and realizing he was still a park ranger when everything happened I thought it'd be important to include his story with the others cases presented it is easily the strangest of the stories I've interviewed for this cast but there's another even stranger one that would much of this world is familiar with and I will investigate further in a future episode that story is none other than the mystery surrounding a certain park ranger who burned down a forest in Bienville as well as some new mysteries cropping up around the area why did Tim burn the forest down what do the people of Bienville believe actually happened also and possibly more importantly why is only a month or so after a fire that ravaged a town and burned its wood to the ground have the same woods recover 25 percent these are questions I'll tackle along to several other mysteries in future episodes but stay tuned as they give my final thoughts and the mysteries presented in this episode and give you a preview of the next episode my final thoughts on these cases if there's one thing this episode shows it is the strange things that are happening more and more in these parks of forests around the nation case one presented the ghost of a woman who simply wanted to be found out in Washington is this proof of ghosts if so how does that change our understanding of what we believe we know about the world today case two brought us to Texas were an unsolved murder and the seeming reappearance of a missing park ranger left more questions and answers was it really the park rangers as they're occult out there is this some kind of shapeshifter could it be something else altogether next was case three up in New Jersey where a park ranger has told us about what he dubs the echoes a series of mysterious audio mimicking x' that led to a life being saved out in the woods what were these voices is there some sort of guardian spirit out there protecting certain souls wandering in the wilderness what is it and was it what killed the killer who stalked those woods could it be the past victims who died in the forest or is it truly a single entity finally we have case four which I honestly am not sure what to make off while interviewing Darren I feel he was telling the truth but it's his truth really what he believes it to be I can't think of many reasons he would dream up what he did and it's very clear he believes his own story we have wound up in parallel universes before at least so we have run about so maybe that could be it the more I think about it the less sense of makes perhaps some things will forever remain a mystery I'd like to thank everyone who listened to this first episode of the tree factor podcast strange things I seen as a park ranger series my name is John Milligan and I hope you will stay with us as we delve deeper into these mysteries and more in future episodes next episode we investigate possible demonic activity in Delaware strange disappearances in Arizona a possible close encounter with Bigfoot in Oregon and finally a strange case of a park in Alabama where people believe the weather is sentient have a safe night everyone and remember you are never truly low hello my friends I hope you're safe from well tonight this is the creep factor podcast and my name of course is John bill again tonight we have episode two of our special on strange things Park Rangers saw on the job and boy do we have some interesting stories tonight before we get to that though I want to ask for your opinion what you think of this podcast in this special the reason I ask is that I got some pretty warm reception during the previous special and we were thinking of making this irregular more frequent staple of the podcast I guess you could say loved it hit it let me know as I always love to hear from you comment down below so tonight first story comes from a park ranger in Delaware by the name of Dana Hanley listen closely viewers as she tells us her experiences around Clay Creek State Park [Music] my name is Dana Hanley and I've been working as a park ranger for roughly five years now this experience happened in my second year as a ranger so back in 2014 around May I want to say I was just reporting in for my shift when I was alerted to the fact there was a capitated deer near the creek I know a wonderful way to start your shift in the morning right anyways I went out and helped clean everything up we weren't quite sure why this deer had been decapitated or who had done it but it was obvious it was meant to be seen as there was a stick with the head stuck on it like a pike one of the thoughts that crossed my mind was that this could have been some kind of ritual by as time went on it got stranger we cleared the body and let people back in that area of the park as soon as we were able the rest of the day things are fairly normal and I go home the next morning we find another decapitated deer another pike another head-on said pike at this point we're thinking okay someone is probably screwing with us but what is happening is illegal so we decide will hire an off-duty officer to kind of patrol the park at night another night goes by and this time when I report to my shift I head out to check on the officer he tells me he didn't see anything on patrol so I told him thanks and head back to the station I'm the first person in that morning so unlocking the station I head in and what do I find a deer head in the middle of our break room table and a giant eye drawn in blood I'm gagging at this point because of the smell and quickly call the police they do an investigation look for prints DNA anything unfortunately they came up with nothing I'm of course thinking naturally that's what would happen because I'm not sickened or creeped the [ __ ] out enough yet right it gets stranger though we checked the footage and we saw nothing the deer was dragged into the room the stuff was written in blood but there was nothing doing this that we could see we thought surely the camera is malfunctioning but when looking at our current footage we were all visible on the monitor in an effort to end this we brought on another off-duty officer to watch the park overnight and I volunteered to hang around the station and see if anything or anyone turned up this was a mistake in my opinion the night started off relaxed enough for the longest time there was nothing but quiet the occasional sound of walkie-talkie chatter back and forth as I checked in with the officer and they checked in on me and lots of coffee being made I want to say it was about 11:30 when I heard a large thud on the roof I jumped as it was rather sudden but didn't initially go out and check the roof five minutes later I hear dripping and another thud it gets quiet but I'm curious so I head for the door before I can unlock it though I see a deers body comes swinging down and breaking through our station window a high flat dough got on the walkie and called the officer it takes a couple of minutes and they arrive together we both went up to the roof where we found the eye drawn in blood and the deer head above it now I'm at a loss at this point I'm debating quitting my job and I'm freaked out when morning comes my boss gives me a few days off I go home and in time I begin to relax all goes well until the final night off that night I go to sleep peacefully enough but upon falling asleep I have a nightmare that even talking about it now scares me I'm in the park it's late at night and I can hear a low voice it's almost a growling nothing being said makes sense eventually I start to see people in the shadows around me they have no eyes and they're trying to cry but only blood is coming out their voices are off because they appear to have no tongues on the wall across from me there's an eye painted in blood I feel terrified there's just this odd feeling of unease and darkness the people begin falling to the floor some convulsing others reaching and pain to the sky then I see my mom I haven't seen my mom since I moved out of her house she is crying then blood pours from her body the next thing I know I'm hearing a growling and the blood-soaked eye on the wall appears to widen I wake up right after that the sound of my phone going off it's about 3:00 in the morning and on the other end is a detective he tells me my mother is dead she was found brutally murdered she called 911 they arrived she was dead she had no eyes her tongue had been cut out her head was removed sitting in her hands and a deer head was placed where her neck was well on the wall above her bed was an I painted in her blood my mom lives about an hour from me and we weren't the closest but she didn't deserve what happened to her at all to this day that case and the strange happenings at the park are unsolved I'm not sure what the heck was going on at our park or how it got to my mom but I'm convinced it wasn't human I kept my job as park ranger though I kept my job as a park ranger though I did almost quit I hoped I could find answers I never did the strange happenings at the park stopped sometimes though one I sleep I see that I in some of my dreams well listeners what do you think is whatever killed Dana's mother human some things to note that weren't addressed in her story but I later dug up was security footage from the night she stayed in the station at the park at one point it almost looks like a shadowy mass is walking around the station as she's making coffee and keep him watch another thing is that she's leaving the station to go home after talking to her boss it appears like something leads with her also of note was other than her mother's blood in the deers blood there was no real DNA evidence found at her mother's house this all makes me believe that whatever was going on at that Park followed Dana home why or how it eventually made its way to her mother's I couldn't tell you like most mysteries though whether we have all the answers or not they are likely out there somewhere one final note I find a bit strange the I what does it mean also if we go back to case four on the previous episode Darren said he saw giant I peered from the sky are these links somehow or is it something simple by a coincidence our next case takes place in Arizona and was actually sent in to us by a park ranger by the name of Jared Mills his story goes as follows case number 6 Arizona hello John my name is Jared Mills I worked with the Park Rangers at Lost Dutchman's State Park for 40 years before retiring I apologize in advance for not being able to meet with you in person but I'm old not very mobile and don't have much of a voice nowadays at any rate I wanted to tell you about something strange going on in my Park when I work there if memory serves me correctly the first time I encounter what I'm calling the Arizona vanishings was about five to seven years into my time as a park ranger we get missing person cases out there quite a bit you have your fair share of people who go off out of their way get stranded lost dehydrated died and that sort of thing however most of them are found in some way manner or form eventually at least those near or around the park itself we got a missing person case on a John Wick's me who said he was gonna hike and a camp over the weekend well by the time we got the report he'd been out there roughly three days heading off on a search we eventually came upon clothes a backpack shoes and everything except John the police ran DNA in a mask John it was his gear and everything was just sitting there in a clump almost as though he'd been raptured or something this was certainly strange but in my mind that's all it was at the time I chalked it up to being a missing persons case we probably never saw off in a joint effort with local law enforcement we searched for John for the better part of a month but sadly that was never a body or anything we dug we tried high/low everywhere but nothing eventually we gave up on the search a year to the day after this happened a woman by the name of Anna Daley disappeared we searched a week for her and so eventually we found another spot with clothes shoes gear everything but Anna there were no external clues no hints as to what may have happened to her much like John Wick's beat It was as though she just up and vanished into thin air what was going on who knew but the local paper started speculating between the paper and locals there were theories of everything from these two being spirited away aliens taking them to them simply going crazy from heat exhaustion and wandering off into the desert six months after Hannah's disappearance there was another a man named William Penn Dale went hiking with his family and camping over the weekend some relatives reported them missing a day after they were supposed to return home and after a couple of days of searching we found all of their clothes and personal effects but once again no bodies to speak of keep in mind this was a family of seven people you don't just make seven people vanish or it shouldn't be very easy to say the least at this point tourism was growing because of the mystery we were at a loss of course we given out the word to stay in groups and hikes and such but a family of seven just vanished so we're groups are really going to help at this point after the hen Dale's disappearance we had a few more one was five months from the hen dales the other month after that another year after that in another three years after that there was no rhyme or reason to the disappearances there was no pattern nor were there a set amount of disappearances or set time apart it was simply baffling in every single case only close and whatever personal effects the missing had on them were there no bodies were ever found and no one seemed to have answers for it at all the most recent disappearance was that of a fellow park ranger back in 2014 I was there for this one we were searching for the park for someone who gone missing a week prior a Kyle Lenihan when Mark Winslow a ten year veteran of our Park Service's one of a hill while I turned and searched further down it been about 10 minutes when I decided I wasn't going to find anything where I was looking I got on my walkie and radio Marg to see what he had found and told him I was heading his way we weren't that far apart to begin with I got nothing on the radio so I tried again still nothing heading up the hill I reached the top when I saw all of Marc's clothes his walking everything laying at the bottom I freaked out because it was in broad daylight and I was just talking to mark a few minutes earlier now a few minutes later he simply vanished was one thing to hear the stories and search for the missing it's another entirely different thing to witness it firsthand on a search what the hell could taken him there wasn't anything strange in the sky it was clear as could be in the Sun was shining bright I eventually retired from the park ranger business and grateful for the time I spent there and I truly loved it wish I had answers as to what happened to mark and the other one went missing that is a table that defies explanation in my opinion viewers what do you think though is it aliens are they being spirited away is there some other explanation let us know what you believe happened to mark and the other missing persons in and around Lost Dutchman State Park I believe it would be one thing to search for the missing but another entirely to experience someone you work with disappearing firsthand on a different subject though I want to take a moment to give an update on the ongoing zat Bienville there has been reported a 50% regrowth rate for the woods over there locals are reporting strange happening such as raining rose petals in the town itself and weird nightmares along with something believed to be lurking in the mirrors of certain citizens homes I am working my way there and hopefully will be able to give you a live update sometime by the next episode or two moving on now we have the story of a park ranger in Oregon who swears he encountered Bigfoots his name is Blake Johnson and we are lucky enough to meet you in person for the follow in the interview k7 Oregon hello my name is Blake Johnson and I've been working with the park ranger since 2012 in July of 2017 I had a close encounter with what I believe to be Bigfoot my story goes like this I work at Bates state park here in Oregon most of my shifts are the run of the mill repair work and keeping the park well-maintained orderly that sort of thing on the 11th of July however I was called up by Mike another ranger I work with and he starts chuckling and tell me I'll never believe what he found I tell him to try me and he goes on to say he found a footprint about 14 inches long by five and a half inches wide he says come and see for yourself if I didn't believe I head up there where mike is half laughing at what he says and so I come up to this footprint myself the size is about right but I start looking around in chuckling and asking him how he created the footprint Mike was known to be a prankster so I thought surely he had gotten with Josh another Ranger and made the footprints looking around however Josh Josh wasn't there Mike had a very serious look on his face now I told him he had to be kidding me it wasn't going to fall for one of his pranks but he swore up and down that this was real I laughed and told him sure before deciding I was probably going to go back to work that's when my radio went off and Josh was on the other end telling me and Mike to follow the prints I didn't believe it for a second I didn't think that Bigfoot was actually the one who left these but decided to go ahead and follow the prints with money it didn't take very long to reach the end of the trail and when we got to the end Josh looked on in shock I mean the antenna of his walkie-talkie I don't towards the distance he told me he swore he saw something sitting about 10 feet tall walking off in the distance I turned for Josh and Mike and told them to stop bullshitting me and started to turn when I heard what sounded like a loud groaning or more like a howling in the distance it was loud and very distinct and I froze in place of the sound of it it happened two more times before stopping they looked at Josh and Mike and both of them looked scared shitless it was becoming apparent of these two were pooling one hell of a prank or something was really out here I turned around very slowly beginning down the path and in the direction the house when Josh asked me what the hell I was doing I told him I'd have my walkie on but turned down I was going to check out the source of the sounds coming from the woods Mike said I was crazy but I told them the only way we were gonna know is if someone was gonna check it out obviously reluctantly the two of them agreed to stay put and kept close their walkie-talkies while I went deeper into the woods as I got further for my co-workers I began to feel the sense that I was being watched every step I took I heard nothing but I felt like there were eyes on me the entire time there was a slight fear running through me as I continued to make my way forward until through the trees I'm pretty sure I saw what Josh had spoken about was covered in hair stood about 10 feet it seemed almost frozen in place I began to take steps closer so I could get a better view of the figure I was watching when I heard another loud howling from much closer behind me I freaked out and turn around and see a similar-looking figure about nine feet tall and up hearing angry standing before me I coward a fear a hand raised to the creature and a shell of submission when it let out another loud howl this time towards the other creature who then returned the same howl thinking I was going to die I closed my eyes and pray with all my might and just like that I heard a large footstep behind me the ground followed by another step further away this lasted only a few seconds before everything fell silent again I'm not a same say I pissed myself just a bit during this finally felt safe again to move I opened my eyes to find nothing around me I looked in the direction of the other creature only to realize they were both gone the footprints however we're still there so a radio josh and mike and had them come down take pictures of the footprints and soon after it got a change of clothes and went out for drinks with both of those guys to this day I'm at a loss as to where the Bigfoot creatures went but some part of me feels they just wanted to be left alone one of them could have easily killed me but instead they let me out with a warning and kept moving needless to say I never went back to the tracks after that I've come to accept that these creatures are indeed out there I've gone from being the greatest Bigfoot cynic and critic to becoming a full believer of their existence there are a lot of things we don't understand in this world and a lot of creatures we have yet to truly discover I know what I saw that day and I don't care if any other soul believes me I'm here to tell you Bigfoot exists well listeners what do you think does Bigfoot exist if so do you believe they aim to harm people or do you believe like Blake there just want to be left alone have any of you experienced Bigfoot sightings feel free to let me know and do be sure to be so kind as to share your experiences with us we're almost at the end of our broadcast folks we have quite possibly the most out there and unexplainable story for last this final case was sent in by a ranger working in Alabama and it'll make you question everything you believe and know about the world around you case number 8 Alabama [Music] hi John I just wanted to send in my story about a particularly strange phenomenon that happened in 2012 at wind Creek State Park here in Alabama my name is Dale Simpson and I was with the park rangers for about 20 years during my career with them my story starts simply enough it was June and it was fairly hot out the forecast called for clear skies and Sun all day long that forecast couldn't have been more wrong it started out hot and sunny but by the time nude we noticed quite a few clouds beginning to appear overhead thinking nothing of it we went out about our day working around the park and also watching as people enjoyed their summer then we heard the first rumbles of thunder this was a bit of a strange rumbling though it almost sounded like it was vocalizing something a few concerning vacationers asked if it was supposed to rain today I told them last I checked no but I'd go ahead and check again but their minds at ease pulling up the weather on my phone there appeared to be nothing appearing on the radar stranger yet the forecast still said sunny skies and clear skies I told the locals that was still showing sunny and we all had a laugh of how wrong the forecast was we thought that maybe a fast developing storm was getting ready to hit and they didn't have the chance to update things so we advised everyone to keep an eye on the skies and if need be pack up and go home or find some form of shelter we even offered to open up an unused rec area to some if things got too crazy it's about 3:00 p.m. when suddenly a large bolt of lightning strikes a tree and it catches a fire this quickly followed by an abnormally loud booming Thunder die and a few other Rangers quickly rush people inside and even offer to open the ranger station to a few of them for shelter the sky is getting dark and gray and parts are starting to look greenish in a hue of black in most other areas I checked the weather again and notice there appears to be nothing appearing on the radar what the hell I think to myself no sooner do I do that does the rain begin to pour and the wind begins to pick up the good news was the fire on the tree was put out quickly but the bad news was often the distance the funnel cloud was beginning to form it wasn't forming slowly either it was dropping towards the ground quickly we got everyone inside and at this point locked down everything we could I was in the ranger station and a few of my crew were barricading in rec buildings or whatever they could find decent shelter and it wasn't long before a loud resounding boom rang out normally you'd be hearing a freight train sound at this point as the tornado was clearly on the ground but God is my witness that wasn't what we heard no we heard screams of pain and anguish followed by the sound of loud guttural growling likes you've never heard I just pray I never hear it again the sky was no longer black but completely red and peering into the monitor I watched as a building next to us hits there were screams of Terror and looking at the storm from the window I swear I saw facing this tornado the tornado was blood-red in the screens continued on for what seemed like a lifetime when suddenly it faded just as quickly as it came the red vortex shot to the sky above and a bolt of lightning struck the earth before another boomerang out the skies return to normal the clouds parted in the building all along everyone who had been inside simply wasn't there anymore the Sun had come out you'd never know the horror we witnessed had ever happened and that was that in a tornado there should be debris left behind but and this there was nothing nor anyone consumed come back again and there were no bodies It was as though the building had just vanished nothing ever appeared on radar and further investigation into the matter left it unexplained I saw face and I saw arms reaching in a vortex instead of Thunder I heard human screams I swear to you I'm not crazy go ahead and check with some of the loads of locals and ask them what happened that day assuming they'll talk about it at all I was a follow up to this case it should be noted I did contact residents who were there that day and the ones willing to speak with me on that matter didn't deem claimed to have witnessed similar events a sudden tornado that seemed to scream and rage it was blood red had a face and there were many other arms reaching from it and faces seemingly screaming in pain strangely though anyone who tried to record what was happening turned up nothing on the recordings it looked like a sunny day in the footage so what happened I'm inclined to believe that this strange phenomenon has something to it as there have since been ice storms where there has no recorded activity and rain on sunny days Sun on rainy days and odd disappearances after these events others have come out claiming to hear voices in the wind and all those who have experienced any of the strange phenomena that come with these hard storms where the weather itself is sentient there was another case that same summer where a weather forecast showed a tornado warning for specific areas to be safe and the tornado itself seems to defy all logic by constantly moving outside of the predicted path as the forecast was happening focusing however on the events Ranger Dale & Company which seemed to be the strangest and most terrifying of them all of us father lived through you have to wonder where were the debris where were the body sucked up into that storm why isn't anything appearing on the footage I can't begin to know what happened myself but I'd imagine if I'd experienced something like that I'd probably be afraid to go outside again my final thoughts so to wrap things up here we've covered some very out there and some downright disturbing cases tonight the first case of the night saw a ranger lose her mother to a mysterious entity that appeared to follow her home why kill her mother and not the Ranger herself is the entity still with her now what is up with the eye is it linked to last episode's final case or am i speculating too much what do you think of it all tonight second case followed a former Ranger named Jared Mills and his complete loss as he watched many around his park and his own workers simply disappear over time were they raptured was it some sort of alien life former UFO did something else happen the third case tonight follow the Bigfoot skeptic turns true believer as he followed the trail of a Bigfoot only to come face-to-face with another one what are your beliefs about Bigfoots are they good evil indifferent do you think we'll ever have solid proof of them have you ever seen one yourself and the most perplexing and possibly scariest story of the night we were told about sentient weather that seemed to spawn a blood-red tornado with a face consuming a large group of people it simply vanished leaving no trace behind those consumed had never been found nor has anyone found any wreckage from the building or anything what do you think happened to the loss in the storm what caused the storm has it even actually the weather or some kind of unknown monstrosity that can somehow control the weather there are so many questions we could ask ourselves but sadly we are out of town tonight I just like to take a moment to say thank you to all our listeners and viewers for your support for the warm reception I've received from many of you as I continue to work on this podcast next week we have a longer show and it will revolve around a single case case 9 will definitely leave you disturbed my name is John bill again and I'm signing off for the creep factor podcast I hope to see you next episode you have a safe night everyone and remember you were never truly alone [Music] hello again folks Joan Billiken here once again to bring you one of the most disturbing cases on this podcast yet I will warn listeners in advance that this one is not for the faint of heart tonight's cases take place in Devil's Lake State Park out in Baraboo Wisconsin normally I give updates on previous cases but in the interest of getting into things I'll just go ahead and begin tonight's case and save the updates for after so without further ado we present case 9 it bleeds their sorrows hello there James feel free to begin when you're ready ok ok forgive me I'm a tad shaken I'm not sure how long this is going to be but here we go honestly I'm not sure how long this has been going on but the first time my bore witness to these events was in the fall of 2000 I was trying to work that morning like any other I believe it was October first and after reporting in I made my rounds around the park I was supposed to do a morning cleanup check for trash make sure things are working that sort of thing that's all well good but at around 9:00 of this morning I began to hear the cries of a baby confused and obviously concerned I walked towards the sound of the crying the closer I got the louder the sound got until I finally stood a few feet from the edge of the lake at the lakes edge was someone in a black dress back to me I step closer and remember feeling a bit sick something wasn't right and so I did the only thing I knew to do I asked if everything was all right there was no response only louder cries of a baby I asked once again if things were okay still no response and so I approached the figure the closer I got to her the more nauseous I became I was hearing that baby cry louder but now it sounded as though it was in my own head this in turn changed it became the cries of more children I was just about to reach the woman in the black dress when I grew dizzy and suddenly she vanished and it was daylight I was wandering out on the lake at around 9:00 in the morning when I heard those babies crying now it was suddenly 11 a.m. and another ranger Jack was tapping me on the shoulder asking me if I'm all right I took them I'm fine but in truth I wasn't sure what to think Jack asked me a why I was staring at the lake he claimed I've been doing so since he showed up at around 10:30 I told him I was lost in the beauty of the lake I made up some mumbo jumbo about appreciating the view and enjoying these sorts of sites in life his life can be short he laughed and said he was glad I was okay as he was worried I didn't speak to him about what was really going on as I didn't understand it myself the rest of the day was normal I thought I clocked out and headed home and around noon that's forward to that night I'm laying there sleeping while sleeping I'm taking back to the lake of my dreams and the woman in the black dress is standing her back to me once again while a baby cry somewhere near the lake I assumed she was she must be holding a child maybe but I never saw for sure just as in the situation itself I will get close become nauseous grow dizzy hear the cries of an innumerable amount of children and then I was awake in a sweat I looked at my watch and it was 11 p.m. I took a moment to breathe and ponder what the hell was going on I looked up for a moment and in the mirror on my wall I swear I saw the woman in the black dress back turned towards me and the lake but then I rubbed my eyes and saw nothing by my own reflection again I didn't sleep the remainder of the night and left for work again at about 3:00 a.m. mind you the park doesn't officially open until around 8:30 during the fall but I wanted to check out the lake I arrived at work at around 3:30 in the morning and began looking around the grounds it was when I neared the same spot on the lake I saw the woman in black once again her back turned toward me a crying of a child I tried to move closer but the sound of the child's crying was overbearing suddenly I felt myself crying I wasn't sure why but it was sudden and as though the child sorrow or my own this was when it got weird I go to brush the tears from my eyes and suddenly I noticed my tears are not tears I'm bleeding from my eyes freaked out I fall back on the ground and suddenly it's daylight jack is there again calling my name he told me it's 8:30 and I should probably clock in I turned towards him shaking a bit when he asked if I'm okay I recollect myself feeling my face and noticing no tears or blood I then smile and tell him I'm okay I just didn't sleep much last night I head back to the main office and clock in when my radio crackles to life it's jack he tells me I better come over quickly I rush over and when I get there he's holding onto something in a towel suddenly the police are there and when I see what he's holding it's a dead baby the child looks as though they drowned I see the flash of the woman and then I'm back to present day the next while is a bit of a blur the police questioned me and I wasn't sure what to say I wound up telling them I hadn't seen anything I mean I hadn't in a way I certainly didn't see a dead child watching up in the lake shaken I returned home we closed the next few days while the police ran their investigation the child was a woman named Tamara Harper she was found later on drowned in the lake as well the police ruled it a suicide and Tamara had postpartum depression which drove her to murder suicide that seemed like that I couldn't make sense of it though why would I have been seeing that was it a sort of premonition is that even a real thing I was off a bit the next few days of work but I recollected myself and things seemed fine till the 15th the night of the 14th I had horrid dreams I saw the woman in the black dress her children crying and I woke up in a sweat at around 2:00 in the morning all that entered my mind is that another mother may be drowning her child I drove to work in case the ground until it was time to clock in 8:30 I saw nothing no one was around nothing was out of the ordinary at all the lake had been silent and things seemed to be okay the rest of the day was completely uneventful it was the morning of the 18th when I awoke to a call on my day off to come down to the lake there was another mother in child round the news was shocking and we closed the park again the investigation was quick and we reopened the park by Monday the 21st the park asked for volunteers to walk the grounds at night I volunteered to take the first night I spent the night on the 21st walking the grounds and searching nothing happened in the morning I head to my truck and go to get some shut-eye I have another dream I'm at the lake much of the events occur as they typically do in these dreams there's the woman in black back to me the baby crying there's the sound of thunder this time the rushing of the wind and the rain begins the rain isn't normal I can hear the baby's cries I see lightening up in the night sky as I look above I noticed how the rain is blood the lake is now red the sky is red as well I'm overcome with the crying of children and justice is about to overwhelm me completely I see the woman in the black dress turned my way her tears are black her face is shockingly familiar one of our Rangers Annalise Anders was recently a mom she'd been off work while she raised her three-month-old I freaked out as the woman's face began distorting and she turned away I hear a burst of dark laughter it is female but I've never heard it in the past I shoot awake and rush towards the park I noticed about 2:00 in the morning and I'm trying to call Anna over and over again with no response I just keep getting her voicemail I'm panicking by the time I get to the park I quickly head towards the spot on the lake that we always find the bodies at that's when I see Jack passed out on the ground I wake up and he explains he isn't sure what happened he just suddenly tired then all of a sudden he just fell I guess I then rushed towards the waters of the lake and reel back in horizontally is floating face towards the sky wristlets in the waters then well her child the antlers it's okay take your time I'm not even sure how to say it or if I should the child the innocent baby girl wasn't whole she was in the water in pieces it made no sense it makes no sense annalee was a happy woman she was no murderer she certainly wouldn't do such an evil act to herself or her child but damn well not to her child if that wasn't bad enough things got worse the park was closed indefinitely for her time science would put up warning visitors not to commit suicide there the lake itself was beginning to draw murder-suicides to the news and the police investigation confirmed an elite chopped up her baby with an axe before laying in the lake and slitting her wrists do you know do you even want to know what's even more messed up about it all she was smiling while she was floating in the water smiling it makes sense and it didn't add up on October 30th I was sorting through my mail when I found an unaddressed handwritten letter and it said the sky bleeds their sorrow the sky sees their pain it understands the suffering of innocence the lake bleeds away a sign of their end the read a sign of futures trend the blood of the innocents won't soon ehn it bleeds their sorrows I immediately called up the police and they came down and checked it out but they couldn't tell me where it came from where who sent it I slept that night uncomfortably to say the least I was at that godforsaken Lake again the woman in black had her head turned back to me once more babies cried but no nausea overcame me as I got close I soon arrived next to see the woman to see a child in hand I couldn't see her face this time I did however hear her laughter a peal of laughter that soon resonated from all around the lake I saw many woman some I recognized some I did not while standing in black dresses smiles on their faces I heard the sound of gunfire one by one as they blew out their brains I heard the bodies fall and one after the next I walked screaming I called the police in the park and I floored it to the lake by the time I arrived it was too late it was about 2:00 a.m. Halloween morning and I arrived to find hundreds of bodies floating in the blood-colored Lake babies and mothers all dead I was in tears at a loss and in a daze the police questioned me I tried to explain the dreams I had and everything leading up to that point they wound up drug testing me I was obviously clean they weren't sure what to think of my story after that but I was ruled out as a suspect they closed the park for a remainder of the year nothing else happened that year there were no more murder suicides no more deaths at the park in any way January rolled up and around and the lake was frozen I went back to work no one discussed with me my story to the police or even brought the subject up you could tell they wanted just to continue on as though nothing had changed in some ways house grateful no one brought up the static to the deaths for my story to the police in other ways I was sick at the thought of trying to pretend everything was normal we'd put up signs and hired a regular security detail around the lake at nights everything was normal except for when I'd go by the lake I'd see the innocent and senseless deaths and I could hear the baby's cries of sadness I was sure this wasn't actually happening the memories of the events were still very much there in my mind and fresh the sounds and emotions from it all echoed like a ghost in its own right fast forward to the 3:00 a.m. October 1st 2001 I set that night like any other but was awoken to a phone call the night security officer was found dead she hung herself from a tree just outside the lake and there was no baby involved in his death or so we thought but someone camping said they called the police as they heard someone screaming and crying cards beneath the body at the same tree at the security card hung herself from was a poem I saw their pain I heard their cries I felt their deaths she slowly took their lives she is a devil she lives upon the lake the woman in black a devil one waiting it would later come out that the carbon was done by the security officer just before she hung herself a fingernail was missing from her finger and had chipped off while she clawed the message into the wood it was later found that the security guard was 2 months pregnant they don't believe she was aware she was pregnant at the time after these events I asked my superiors if we could close the park again they disagreed at least they did into the fourth of October Road around the night of October 4th would be the site of the largest mass suicide at the lake I tried to sleep that night but I slept poorly I had a nightmare about the woman in black the nightmare when it follows I was at the lake and it was red the woman in black stood the lakes edge she seemed to smile her eyes were black rain began but it was it wasn't what you would expect instead of rain I saw bodies falling from the sky the bodies of babies their moms smiling as they dropped in as well the lake shook and the woman in black stepped forward soon after she turned she hovered above the center of the lake a devilís smile crossed her lips the woman held something wrapped in her arms I assumed it was a baby as she sank under the red stained Lake there was a laughter so sinister has shook me awake I woke to a message on my phone the park was closed through October and would be closed every October on account of the most recent deaths the news final number said there were 24 deaths that night mothers with children and future mothers carrying children inside they came from all over the states they were all murder-suicides I felt sick to my stomach and wondered why during my time off I looked into ways that this could possibly have happened I was convinced that whatever we were dealing with it wasn't human I contacted a priest and I had a long discussion with him eventually I convinced him to come to the lake I asked him to bless it cleanse it and do anything he could and so he did the remainder of the month nothing happened we reopened in November and things seemed fine I remember feeling elation as another year went by and into November of 2002 we had no deaths no murder suicides of any kind happened as a lake in that time span my dreams were no longer torturing me and I slept peacefully fast-forward to October of 2003 we decided it was ok to reopen the park during October we split shifts with ourselves and local law enforcement to be sure things were fine it was a beautiful October I was so happy as it went off without a hitch Baraboo soon forgot the tragedies of the past I was quite thankful for that things were normal and I even met someone her name was Evelyn and I was smitten with her we'd hit it off on most immediately I began to go to church more frequently since the blessing and that's where I met her it was October of 2004 when we got married I felt like the luckiest guy alive my job was great the deaths had stopped and I'd fallen in love and now I was married to the woman of my dreams life couldn't have been more perfect or so I thought I wish this is where the story ended was sadly it isn't it was March 2 2005 and my woman and I had just gotten to the most amazing news she was pregnant I spoke with my bosses and was able to pick up some extra shifts I wanted to be ready for our child's arrival May of 2005 I got up in the middle of the night to use the restroom Evelyn was sleeping and I went into the bathroom I thought I heard laughter it was only a split seconds worth so I shook it off I assumed wash my hands and when I looked up to grab a towel I saw the smiling face of the black woman I jumped back for a second before rubbing my eyes and looking again I studied the mirror for quite some time I was terrified for a second but eventually I laughed to myself assuming I was just seeing things as I was still half asleep I went back to sleep and awoke up later that morning to head to work I had arrived at work and was heading toward my desk where I saw a red eye on it it looked as though it was written in blood I was the second person in that day - checked if he had knows my desk he said no as he'd pretty much clocked in and headed out and was only just now getting back to the office I showed him the eye and underneath was also a message the message was two words always watching this so nerve me and when we had the police come down they discovered it was written in dears blood we had the police take the desk and soon moved in order one from the storage into my office I tried not to think about what had happened or jump to conclusions as I filled out my paperwork and then went out to check around the park stepping inside I found myself with this odd need to go to the lake I walked that way and back to the spot with a security officer at hung herself years ago I'm staring out at the lake when I suddenly see her hanging from the tree it happens quickly I'd say as quickly as one might blink because of the nature of what happened I thought maybe the desk thing and being around the area was making my PTSD act up from years events I had been doing great I'd been seeing a therapist side quit drinking and has time to gone on I'd occasionally have an episode I was mostly at peace with the situations in the past though they'd happen and I knew I needed to move forward going to church more and more often and meeting Evelyn really helped me get past the weird stuff that happened a few years prior so again I just thought this was a minor episode and decided I'd head back to the office the moment I turned around I hear a baby crying and I'm taken aback by it I spin around and see nothing the trees blue and a light breeze and the lake seemed mostly unsettled I headed back to the office and spent the rest of the day doing paperwork and that was that the early morning hours of August 1st I was sleeping for work when I had a dream in it Evelyn was crying there was so much blood I saw that the devil in black was there too that horrid witch she stood there laughing she walked into the mirrors reflection before fading entirely I woke up to the sound of baby crying I was sweating and screaming Evelyn woke up and we spent from about 2:00 to 4:00 in the morning talking about my dream she assured me everything was fine I felt her belly and that day we scheduled a checkup for my wife just to be sure the doctor's visit was reassuring they said that she was perfectly fine and our soon-to-be baby boy was healthy my mind at ease I volunteered to look over the park overnight my wife called me in about 4:00 in the morning to check up on me claiming she couldn't get back to sleep and she just wanted to talk as I'm walking the grounds we talked some more she eventually tells me she had a dream about an angel in black she said she couldn't see his face but she felt comfort while around her I asked her well the age of war and she told me she had a long black dress I grew cold with terror and asked her if everything seemed okay she said yes everything was fine shortly after she told me she loved me and then that she was going to try to get some sleep after she hung up I felt a cold sweat over my brow it couldn't be right I shook my head and tried to brush this off my wife didn't seem concerned so why should i right I went back to my office and clocked out I was walking out of the office when Jack showed up he greeted me and asked to find out anything strange going on while watching over the park I told him no and asked why I asked he shook his head and explained on his way he noticed a sign had another red eye painted over it it was dry and he would take care of it and didn't want to bother me too much I told him to call the police and he did and on my way out I noticed the eye under it were the words always watching this made me feel unnerved and upon driving home I talked to my wife this was where I began to think something was really off my wife greeted me happily she seemed well-rested and offered to make us some breakfast I accepted and when I spoke to her about what happened she smiled and said sure everything is fine Evelyn then went on to say it was probably just kids trying to be creepy I explained the first time it was in tears of blood and it was likely the eye was painted in something similar what kid do you know that his normal is going to kill a deer just to use its blood to spook people Evelyn looked me in the eyes and smiled it's fine I'm sure of it there was a moment during that conversation just after she assured me it's fine that I thought of her laughter again I brushed it off and said you're probably right I thought maybe I was just spooked I mean I definitely was unnerved at the thought of everything happening it gets worse when I'm at work the next morning though I was working on installing a new sign when it hit me I had gone over my dreams previously with Evelyn she knew this woman in black looked like so if the woman in her dream was the same that I had seen before the deaths and in my dreams why wasn't she worried I took a quick break I had to call my wife I confronted her about the dreams but she claimed it wasn't the same woman she claimed this woman had a warm air about her and she was always comforting I nodded and took a breath I apologize for my worry but Evelyn laughed and said it was okay she was happy to have a husband who was concerned for her and also our future child hanging up I went about the day normal everything was fine I had heard some of some things around the lake that were a bit off but I figured I was just stressed from my previous worry over my wife and child the rest of August went fine September came and went and by October I was keeping a close eye on my now seventh month pregnant wife Halloween was tomorrow and I wanted to be sure she was well-rested before I headed off to work I was going to watch over the park again though no real death had occurred for quite some time we still wanted to take every precaution besides if we could we wanted to also catch the vendor who kept leaving the eyes on trees and around the park that night was the night things began to change for me it was a sadist night of my life it was 1204 am Halloween morning when my radio came to life on the other end was my wife's voice and she was crying I asked her why she was out here and if everything was ok she said she wanted to check on me but she didn't see me around the office she decided to head to the lake this was the point where her entire demeanor changed the pain and her voice was no longer there and she sounded at peace Evelyn said it'll be all right James he'll be at peace in heaven the radio went dead and I immediately bolted to the lake I'd never run so fast but upon my arrival I felt sick my wife was standing at the edge of the lake and my vision was blurry in and out I heard a cries of children I ran forward and I was quickly overcome with a searing pain in my gut I looked up and saw my wife smiling as she pointed towards the lake and I heard her asking me if I could see the angel I looked to headed there she stood in the center of the lake the woman in black I cried out to Evelyn telling her to stay with me she smiled and said it would be okay we'd meet again in heaven someday I screamed in horror and tried to call the police I couldn't stand from the pain and I was into the oh my god I was in so much pain I could not stand it was this it was so hard to even try to get my phone to work and this battery was being drained by whatever force was around me the most horrific sound of babies crying continued rattling within my mind slowly slowly my wife began to walk towards the lake I tried to stand but every time the thought crossed my mind I felt to Klong from inside my gut I was horrified at what I was witnessing and how hopeless I was I screamed for help but no one seemed to come I was desperate and alone all I could do was watch as my wife's feet touched the water I wash as she waded through the water I saw her turn her head around when she was chest high I watched her pull out a knife smiling one final time before the gutting began it was overcome with sounds of a single which I was cry I'm quite sure it was the sound my would-be son as his mother stabbed him my wife continued stabbing and she smiled as she died eventually she plunged a knife and pulled up this time cutting her belly completely open I felt myself unable to stand and I ran toward the waters of the lake the cries of my child that previously resonated within my mind fell silent as I watched my wife slit her throat then fall over dead I remember holding her lifeless body in the lake most of the rest of everything was a blur that day police questioned me I took a ton of time off work I tried to continue to die I tried to continue months later but I just couldn't I quit in the end I could I couldn't handle the grief and I just found other work I became a facilities guy at a local school few towns away I enjoyed the peace and I enjoyed being nowhere near a lake the people in the area didn't bother me about the lake I'm still sad to this day I know internally I'll always be alone I'll never forget about the devil on the lake it roamed sometimes I still have nightmares of her and my wife I wake up crying but I've never seen her in waking life since I had a dream once where my wife and child reassured me it'd be okay they looked so at peace I couldn't help but feel comfort by this that was until my wife said don't worry my love we'll meet in heaven someday I followed up on this story in the police of Baraboo and they're still at a loss they informed me that the park remains open to this day and while at times there are deaths the activity is greatly lessened they had the waters blessed once again in it says custom now for them to do so at least once a year James still works at a local school in another town but for his privacy we won't divulge where our hearts go out to him and his family if you're listening to this James were very sorry for your loss I do not wish to be so insensitive so that's why I took a pause I'm moving forward we have some updates in news most notably the updates come from our next stop Bienville anyone who's been listening to this podcast or following happenings around there is quite familiar with this place the update is simply to report that the forest seems to have fully regrown this makes little to no sense and is one of the many things that we plan to investigate the next episode that's right friends we are finally making it to be in Ville ourselves for the next episode of this podcast we plan to do some interviews of the latest goings around the strange town as well as do our own investigating into what is going on within the forest itself how has it grown so quickly does a certain devil still lurk within it what is up with the mirrors as of late within the town for those new to the podcaster simply need a refresher people have been reporting a woman in a mirror as of late I've got more info that suggests this leading to strange death and mysterious disappearances what could possibly be going on out there here are my final thoughts tonight tonight we listen to the case of a ranger named James because of the dark nature of the case in length I decided to make it the only case for this episode why did so many mothers commit murder or suicide with their children was the land cursed is there really some sort of devil or a witch out there influencing this woman to commit these acts if that's the case how do you explain the mass murder suicide event that led to people coming from out of state coming into town to commit such tragedies yes some out-of-towners were simply visiting but there were a few that actually just came to the lake minutes before they committed the horrific act this in my opinion suggests that whoever or whatever is causing these things clearly has reached beyond the ton of self then again perhaps the case of news spreading and everyone seeing this as a suicide Lake I believe the former seems more likely however as the further I dig into these things around this case the more seem something is truly reaching these people and causing them to commit horrible crimes to many of these woman word is perfectly happy prior to their murder suicides at that that Evelyn who clearly was a happy expectant mother she and James had a perfectly happy life until the judge again James is more excited than ever about becoming a father and finally somewhat moved on from his past experiences then there's the final part of this case I'd like to note the eye has made another return I don't take this lightly and refuse to brush this off at this point this is appeared in three cases that we spoken on at this point I've looked into other sightings and it has appeared in a quite a few others which we will be hopefully addressing in future podcasts what is up with the eye what is this connection to the case it's a ten is this some kind of a cult symbol is there something more to it I get chills just thinking about the eerie nature of its continued appearance what is with the eye anyway I'm John bill again and I'd like to say thank you to all our listeners for your continued viewership support and your patience I know there are ports where we have gone a while between episodes but the truth is it takes some time to put everything together in some cases Travel effects these things as well thank you so much and we look forward to reaching you from Bienville next episode at the creep factor podcast I'm John bill again and I'm signing off till next time hello folks this is John bill again of the creep factor podcast tonight I have a special many of you've long been waiting for we are interviewing residents about the goings ons of the area around Bienville where some of you may remember almost a year ago several strange murders and missing persons cases took place these cases were followed up on by the state park services and law enforcement officials to keep a very long story I'm sure many of you are familiar with shorts it ended in the entire force being burned to the ground by a now deceased park ranger by the name of Tim Evans Tim was convinced there was something demonic in the forest and that it led to the death of his daughter as well as the death of his partner Wayne some believe he died saving the town but many others believe every bit as much that he lost it after losing so much and snapped killing himself and potentially trying to take down the entire town with him theories aside what has been going around the area almost a year later well folks that's what I'm here to find out now tonight we are going to be doing things a bit differently normally we interview folks with Park Service's about strange happenings on the job while we will be doing that tonight we are also going to interview some towns folk not with the park rangers who have compelling and strange stories about things going on since the great fire our first interview will be with the current head of the Park Rangers here Thomas wind chuck so without further delay how are you tonight Thomas I'm doing quite well John thank you all right Thomas walk us through some of the odd things going on currently in the town feel free to start anywhere you'd like well to start I want to mention the strangest thing going on out here the forest I don't know if you've noticed but it's fully grown back and stranger still it appears to be bigger than before it's been roughly six months since the fire itself and I don't think I need to say it's strange for something that burnt down completely and even took some of the town and the fire to grow back completely in such a short timeframe and even overtake the area's burn to the ground within the town so to start I'll say that's beyond a natural not only in my opinion but in fact there are other things though John please feel free to share at your own pace I believe you mentioned you had some things you wanted to let us in on within your job when I talked to you a few weeks back yes that'd be a great place to start so since Tim's death there have been more missing persons popping up initially this wasn't the case but as the forest has regrown so have the oddities around the town and the missing when I first took over and I looked into the case files linked to the strange goings-on around the area it was while sorting through some of the notes Tim left behind Wayne an agent Sawyer that I found a file marked one 20:19 the file was shoved within the notes hesitantly I opened the file to find a message it read blessed be they who see this message was at the bottom of the paper but after reading it the paper itself began to well bleed once the blood stopped pouring there sat and I I felt drawn into it as I stared at it and I simultaneously had the sensation that it read every thought and even my life my fears and worries the lies I had told I felt I knew everything about me this was unnerving to say the least but I had nothing on what happened next the day grew dark and the windows bled in a red hue I stood for my desk and looked outside the sky around me was red and I didn't understand it and I was afraid looking into the distance I saw something I can't even put into words it cannot be described but the emotions I felt during this time can be fear dread hopelessness I felt myself wanting to rip the flesh from my body and run my mind began to make less and less sense and just as I thought I was going to lose my mind completely I felt something touch my shoulder it was at that point I jumped out of my chair and fell onto the floor in pain I could still hear a language I didn't understand whispering inside my mind as I looked up to see Dale my new high are looking at me perplexed he informed me that he'd been trying to contact me since yesterday to let me know he had some business to discuss Dale wasn't in town till Wednesday the thing is I opened that file on Tuesday afternoon I was missing a decent period of time between the time I opened the file and the time Dale came into my office I didn't feel as though I'd slept at all the transition from what I was seeing in this I guess dream from when I opened the file was seamless It was as if it was happening in real time not sure what I was seeing but I took the file shoved it back in the folder and locked it away this time went on I could hear the voices whispering something incoherent Lee what would I'd sleep I'd have nothing but nightmares and see images and often didn't understand and wake up in a sweat I brought a copy of the message I think it's safe to look at it as it seems to have no effect in comparison to the original I've tested it on myself and that's all I can say about that keep it for your own records anyway to get on point again I got a call about the woods on Friday sometime in mid January if I remember it right now supposedly a local named Arnie had gone to the woods and her family hadn't seen or heard from her in a few days since we scanned the woods and found nothing no trace of her or anything of the sorts having nothing to go on we checked out her home it was there things got much stranger stepping in you could feel the difference in the air the closer you got to the house the more off things felt once inside however it felt downright suffocating and honestly oppressive I walked in and found all sorts of symbols I didn't understand there was a painting in the dining room of a rose the painting appeared to be done in black paint a few weeks later after testing the material it turned out to be Marnie's blood I'm aware of how little sense that this makes since people don't believe black right as we continue to look deeper within the home we found more disturbing evidence that Marnie had potentially lost her mental faculties Marnie was a single 32 year old woman who was very religious and very close to her family she seems perfectly fine mentally and was at church every Sunday according to many of her family friends and even the other locals stepping into her bedroom though told a much different story written on the walls and what was clearly blood were the words always watching once would have been strange enough twice stranger still this was written hundreds of times and in some cases written again at different angles over previously written messages of the same thing stranger still was her bed was sat in the corner of the room after moving the bed there was a secret hatch painted on it was the same red eye I felt the whispering grow inside my head the moment I saw it I felt sick and keeled over the world had changed around me in the red hue had filled the room once again looking up I could see bodies intertwined some had no eyes others no tongues some sat with mouth sewn shut but I could hear all there are voices within my head the bodies were contorted and seemingly melted together they all formed that damned eye and for a moment I believed I saw the eye blink there was a shrill screaming in about the time I felt my head was going to explode I felt a hand on my shoulder I jumped back but came back to Dale was there once again I told him he scared me and not to do that again to be louder next time when he wanted to approach me Dale chuckled and then with a concern he asked files okay as he mentioned he thought the floorboards creak plenty and he was sure I'd hurt him shortly after that we went back to the station should be mentioned we did contact the police and from that point forward they worked in conjunction with us for Marnie I attended to do the less pressing matters for the remainder of the day and headed home that night to relax and get my mind off of anything related to the case I was watching television that night when the lights went out the television then turned on and went to static I searched in my house and tried the lights but nothing I then went back to the television which sat at static confused I am plugged with TV but the static didn't stop it just kept going it was audible at first but it was soon drowned out by the sound of dripping it felt as though I had lost my hearing but I could hear the dripping there was a flash of an image and then another they flashed so quickly I couldn't quite make out what they were the power suddenly came on and then I came to the light working fine but it was midnight I'd lost two into half hours I didn't sleep while the remainder of the night the next morning I loaded up on coffee and headed to work the following work day things got stranger yet every time I blinked I'd see the flashes of some things none of them made any sense there was no pattern to it the only recognizable thing was there was an eye in some of the images and someone in one of the images that image that stuck with me deeply was a woman hanging this one stuck with me because while I saw it while blinking it wasn't like the others instead of happening once and a new image might happen another time it was like I blinked into the image itself I know how that sounds I know how crazy it seems but just the best way in the only way I know how to describe it imagine staring at a picture enough and then suddenly you're in it seeing it play out like a movie that's basically how it was but I blinked into it I recognized the woman in the image it was it was Marnie I watched her in this memory or image or whatever the hell you wish to call it watched her hang herself I saw her breath or laugh breath and soon after that she held her palms open Marnie's palms were bleeding the drops of blood made the same dripping sound from my experience the night before I was snapped to once again by a call from the sheriff she told me they'd found Marnie hanging from a tree her arms open bleeding and two crosses seemingly cut into her hands I went down to check out the site and I was at a loss it appeared to be a suicide but evidence said something different I just felt something was wrong no something wasn't right here I don't know what it was unfortunately I haven't figured out exactly what happened to Marnie I wish I had but I still hear the incoherent whispers even as we speak now the nightmares have gotten much worse and I'm presently on leave from my job with Dale taking my place I'm lucky to get an hour of sleep at night it doesn't feel right I'm terrified if I sleep whenever the hell of this thing is that I or whatever it represents well I'm terrified I'll end up like Marnie there's something strange still going on in this town and I'm of the belief that Marnie didn't commit suicide I'm of the belief that she was murdered thank you for your time Thomas and we ask that you stay safe anything else you'd like to add before we end this interview nothing other than to say thank you Sarah for hearing me out and covering this seriously a lot of people think I'm crazy now but I know what I see at night and I know what I've seen since I initially took over have a good night and if you are wise you'll leave this town as quickly as you came of course Thomas have a safe night well listeners thankfully we won't be staying here too long however we do have some more interviews to conduct tonight and while our next guests get ready we'd like to deliver some updates on strange happenings elsewhere the main one beam that we'd like to give our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Dana Ann Lee she went missing shortly after her interview with us and was recently found sadly deceased we're not allowed to go into any more details but rest assured we will keep you updated as we learn more and more unfortunate news Darren J Wendel you may remember as the man in case four of our first strange things I've seen as a park ranger episode has vanished the details behind this one are strange in his home or strange symbols to what you had just heard about from Thomas that was also an I painted on his front door and blood since his disappearance in February people have claimed to see a naked man sometimes floating around the lake at the park he used to work at those that have reported on this have been dead set on what they saw and some are even claiming to have nightmares involving the ever-present I I liked listeners to understand that I will be updating you with more information as we get it and if things aren't solved soon we will be going back to Montana to check the case out ourselves in strange but less grim news residents in California Alaska Delaware New York and South Dakota thus far have reported running into a man on the roadways at night he was performed strange miracles in return for a ride to a specific destination one man Walter Dan Lee of Deadwood South Dakota claims he has been giving a winning muttering ticket in return for a ride to the next town over and some food he never got to see the man's face but he says he was incredibly grateful to the man and it's thankful he didn't ignore the man's gift this may be strange but possibly explainable we are going to be heading out to an interview with a woman in New York and a near-future who claimed to have had a run-in with this man and says he cured her terminal illness all right dear listeners our next guest is ready to go please stay with us as we speak with Hannah Winston is it okay to proceed with my story yes ma'am you may real quick I'd like to add the Hannah doesn't work for any Park Service's she does however have an incredibly strange tale share with us forgive me for the interruption and please proceed all right so I live near the force to question I say it was about the beginning of last month when I awoke to the sight of rose petals raining down upon my house not sure how to explain it other than to say that the petals were black and while looking at my window I noticed a lot of people just standing in the distance I didn't recognize these people and they lasted as long as the storm itself the moment the petal stopped falling people vanished I lived near the wood as I stated previously and all the people I saw were in the woods these people didn't seem to cross that threshold of the woods now this and them vanishing before my eyes once the petals faded was strange enough but later that night it got weirder I began receiving voicemails these voicemails were from random people I didn't even know the caller ID was filled with numbers I didn't know I thought someone might be pulling a prank or some kind of scam on me so I looked the numbers up they were numbers of real people when I attempted to get into contact with these people they'd never answer I tried to keep her as I was fairly freaked out by this only to find that the people in question leaving the voicemails were all missing or deceased about a week later I'm still getting these odd voicemails I'm scared and local law enforcement just suggests I changed my number which I did but I still got the voicemails every time it go like I'd get a call it goes straight to voicemail even if I picked up there'd be no one on the other end but I still got a voicemail anyway I'm getting ready to go to work one morning and as I'm heading out to my car I see someone seemingly in my car I call the police who come down to find no one I'm screaming my head off how can you not see him he's right there the officer suggests I take the day off and try to relax so I call him to work and use a sick day I don't work the next two days after that so I figured it would be an extended weekend and hopefully I could relax it's still eating at me that there was clearly a man in the car I look outside and he's not there now but he was tailing the police search but for whatever reason they didn't see him I couldn't see the man's face just his clothing he had pretty standard clothes and looked like he had to be about six foot at least all weekend I get calls they're usually around 2:00 in the morning but at this point I'm ignoring them and I have my phone on silent one late Saturday night I'm relaxing in bed and I'm woken by a feeling of breath on my neck I am frozen at first but I eventually grow brave enough to turn to see who might be there just to my horror the man is there and trying to say something but it's coming in all jumbled and I can't understand it looking closer I noticed he has no tongue I'm just about to call the police when he fades before my eyes I'll be the first to admit about and none of this makes any sense I still have no clue how the voicemails are being left or why I'm not sure what's up with those rose petals or the man last week was the first week I stopped receiving strange voicemails I haven't seen the man either I have however been having nightmares in them the what's call out to me thank you for joining us tonight and I hope you find answers but more importantly peace in the future while listeners what do you think of these oddities are they attached the woods themselves could there be something else 2-foot let us know your thoughts moving along we've got one more guest tonight now this gentleman could not be here tonight but did send in his recent experiences so I'll read them for you and they go as follows hello John my name is win Rick I wanted to say I enjoyed the show and also tell you about my own experiences near Bienville I'll start out by saying I knew Tim outside of his work and he was a good and honest man as such if he believed there was some unnatural or unexplainable threat to our town I believed him and I'm saddened by his and many other deaths around the area my experiences around the area definitely lend credence to the fact that something odd is still happening and has been happening in the area the thing I like to address most is the lady in the mirror shortly after the fire and when it was safe to return to town again I began hearing things in the night I'd be laying there in bed perfectly relaxed and listening to some of the crickets and such when I feel like I was being called at first it was just that a feeling as time went on though that feeling changed to a soft voice the voice simply said I miss you unsure of where the voice was coming from I looked around this is what I saw her in the mirror a woman who looks maybe 18 to 20 years old blue hair a light complexion almost like a tall she wore a black dress and as I gazed upon her I felt a compulsion to move closer you got to understand I'm a 68 year old man I don't get up unless it's to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night once I'm snug you're lucky to get me up even if someone were breaking into my home that said in the blink of an eye I remember suddenly finding myself in front of the mirror and wasn't the woman's beauty that compelled me forward though she was beautiful it was more like a need on the deepest levels possible to follow her I felt if I did all would be okay I'd be young again my aches and pains would go away and all my woes would be gone for a moment I swore I could step into the mirror if I'd want to that said just as I'm about to come closer I was jolted by a phone call my first thought it was maybe that damn Irene from church always trying to get me to sign up for Sunday prayer meetings even though I told her I'd spend more than enough time at church especially on Sundays and I didn't need to spend any more time in there if God wants me in heaven now he can take me during my morning coffee as easily as he could from the church I'm certainly not in a hurry that's neither here nor there though it turned out to be a wrong number and when I look back the young lady in the mirror was gone speaking of church when I finally did make my way there the following Sunday I asked some of our congregation about this strange occurrence sadly this only got me weird looks from just about everyone except for ironically Irene she told me she had a similar experience and she believed this blue haired woman to be an angel Irene said she'd never felt such warmth from someone and I agreed at the time that's the thing about time though it's a tricky thing and it does change people and circumstances as luck would have it Irene said she'd been interrupted by her timer going off on some late-night cookies when she was making I began to question if this was lucky for us or if we'd missed some kind of rapture like event I'm an old man and I've seen some crazy unexplainable things in my time my questions would be at least somewhat answered two weeks later when Irene didn't show up for church service I'm not sure if you've seen the news but around that time Irene's family left her grandchildren with her that night before as it turned out when they went to check on Irene and pick up their kids as well as get her up for church they found well let's just say they found Irene at home cooking and no grandchildren after a further search of the premises they found Irene in a room praying she was asking where the grandchildren were and answered that they were part of a meal for the family in celebration of God's angel coming to visit Irene when later questioned by the police Irene said she prepped the children as God's angel told her to in order to appease God this feast required she take part in it as well as to which she gleefully pointed out she ate as much as she could hold in now I've known Irene for years and while she is a bit weird she'd never have done something like this under normal circumstances she was a very loving I don't be it an annoying woman at times who had nothing but love for her family until one Saturday night when it was proclaimed by an angel as she make a feast in God's honor Irene also tended to keep a journal the police found this journal at the dining room table full sorts of lovely things about knitting bingo night church in oh yeah the angel the stuff about the angel all involves some sort of devilry about how to sew skin and being taught how to preserve meat and how to appease God there were varying things about how to prepare for heaven lessons about life death in happiness those usually involve six things I'd rather not mention I've been sleeping with noise cancelling headphones and I've thrown out my mirror blocked all the others in my house to be safe you won't find Alwyn Rick getting nabbed by some psycho angel nope no way there have been missing persons since and most of those have vanished completely or have been found dead all of them seem to have one thing in common the fact that they kept records of an angel that appeared to them in the mirror some wrote about it like psychos in their own blood in a journal or on a wall while others simply had files about it in the computers I'm not sure if that means anything or what the reason is for it all but I don't ever wish to find out myself wow that may be strange enough I've also seen weird flowery petals raining from the sky every now and again experienced my fair share of weird knocks at 3:00 in the morning part of why I also got the headphones and even noticed a strange increase in Ravens around the neighborhood take all that for what you will and thank you for listening to my ramblings there is something strange going on out there something strange enough that I'm glad I'm on my way out of this long road we call life good night well listeners it is almost that time again I find a fascinating and also tragic to see the strange things played in this area after the fire it seems like it's gotten stranger than pre-fire around these parts all that said I'd like to wrap up the show with my final thoughts and then address where the roads will be taking us next tonight we're three tales of very odd things going around in this area an area I might add already played by other sinister and strange happenings previously what do you think is going on with the woods how has it grown back at such an alarming rate and is it something within to blame for the previous strange occurrences as of late what might be most alarming is the I what does it mean why is it here why are so many people encountering it why are they disappearing or in some cases dying how about the strange rose petals that sometimes rain down in town something I should note that wasn't mentioned in these interviews tonight was that some people were getting sick when outside while the pedals are written down it isn't everyone and we don't have enough evidence to suggest with certainty that the pedals are the sole reason for it but records from the hospital show if there is some kind of link between certain sick patients and the pedals even its light I suppose my final question tonight is who is the woman in the mirror is she an angel serving a higher purpose a ghost a demon what do you the listener believe her to be sadly dear listener that is all we have for you tonight I'd like to thank those who I was able to interview tonight and also you the listener I and everyone here working on the creep factor podcast are grateful to you all for the kind messages you send and for your input on the show next episode we are going to be heading over to Denver Colorado to investigate a haunted park then it's on to Canada or some claim a creature lives and feeds on your mind and we'll wrap that up with something exceptionally terrifying going on in Japan thank you all for listening once again and this is John bill again signing off have a great night
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 136,468
Rating: 4.711566 out of 5
Keywords: Park Ranger Stories, Missing 411, Search & Rescue Stories, State Park Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Creepypasta, Narration
Id: wE_aIo46XJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 45sec (7545 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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