5 Weirdest Things on Amazon Part 26

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good idea fireball fire extinguisher check this out but this one's a bunch of different design even a custom one so let's see what this one is all about this is supposed to be a really good brand and i picked out this color right here very unique don't you think i think the way it activates there's a fuse maybe anyways the idea i guess to place it somewhere uh above the possible fire hazard just places and where does this go maybe like that yeah maybe like that i don't know there's couple of screws over here anyways the point of it you can attach it to the wall to where it sits like that you can easily grab it um and there is a fire extinguisher sign that you can install as well or you can set it down in a case of fire you can grab it and throw it into the fire so very unique piece over here but this one is big all it is is just uh plastic over here that make it different color i haven't put to the test the this bird it's supposed to be really good fireball brand a little bit more expensive than the other one but hopefully it will work even better so what i will do is just throw it in the file and see how it works okay i'm gonna start the fire inside of it and i'm all place this thing in here so this will be placed in a possible areas where there might be a fire just like that so we'll let it burn out and we'll see what happens once it switches to the some far away as you can see right now it's not touching the ball the flames so it's not going off once it starts touching the flames and will be hot enough it will go off looks like it won't be that long so let's just sit here in the back and wait you see the way i laid it it's so it's not touching that ball i'm surprised it's not going off yet i guess the flames are not touching this thing yet but it will go off in a minute oh my god that fireball the biggest ever seen that's insane that is cool so yeah definitely way more powerful than they put to the test the other ones and you want to be very very far away from that oh my gosh so little bit pieces of foam over here left over and as you can see it's that uh powder that the fire extinguisher has inside of the form but this will definitely has some kind of boom stick inside of it so definitely want to stay away from this one far far away kind of wish i put the camera way farther away because that was huge got it here another weird charcoal over here so it comes with the fire starter i got two of them boom so this one pretty sure made all out of wood and this is a piece of charcoal stamped together and dilled out bunch of holes for the ventilation or whatnot so anyway so there's the fire starters over here oh wow this is like some kind of wax and also we'll compare it to this one this one is really easy to light with one much okay let's try to light it with the lighter first of all this one impossible so that's why you will have to have one of this fire starters i guess i'll just put it on top of it because it will just melt i don't know too windy over there but i guess that's kind of cool fire starter it's uh molten into this thing so it's gonna start it up hopefully soon but i should probably put it upside down so burn it better so i'm giving this one quite a few of a head start the five starter is good melting pretty good but you know what let's start this one there you go it's parking up that's it ah it went off but it works like a fuse there you go you see it probably much not powerful enough you need some good whatever you called good lighter but yeah look how powerful that is that's crazy so yeah i had a huge head start on the other uh charcoal and look at that one burn it a lot faster and it's gonna go on the inside too so i don't have to worry about it it's gonna be burning for me inside out so yeah all of a sudden with this one way ahead and i gave it this one five minutes head start and check this out it's already hot and look it's burning from the inside so yeah this one is way better because it's already hot you could almost cook on it but i would wait till it stop hissing and get a little bit hot you have two hours on this one this is might be stay hot longer but it is a bit harder to get it going let's flip it over oh yeah it's finally got it going too so you just have to sit there and wait maybe i would have put couple of five stars after they get it going but yeah now they're both burning it's just a lot easier to get this one going it will get hotter much much quicker okay fire start over and out oh it is hot on one end though so i probably would put two fire starters in so let's do one more to just kind kind of try to catch up to the other one you know what i greatly underestimated that log because look it's hot on that one side so maybe i should have put two or three of those things to get it going a lot faster this one's still lighting up so i actually overestimated this one but it's still very easy to light it up imagine how fast this one will light up if we put a fire starter on it too so even faster but it is all hot as well this one is hot too so i'd say they both awesome this one comes with plenty of fire starters this one doesn't even need one and if you do use one it'll be even faster you see how it sparks up slowly so looks like they're burning a pretty similar heat now this one i would say for my inside mainly this one too halfway but should have put maybe three five star tests on it but look there's actual flames coming out i gotta be careful not to melt my cameo it's a little hot and this one too very very hard look at that so yeah both of this very very unique charcoals i never seen anything like that before just wanted to show it to you too got it here five log by kfc fire chicken scented fire log when i opened it up it actually smelled quite stoned i didn't expect it so i had to keep it outside and i think i'll test it on the outside it's limited edition item so let's see what's in here oh it smells way too stoned but all you're gonna do is set it on fire and it's supposed to smell the kfc let me open it a little bit to see what it looks like looks like it's all made out of paper yeah it smells so stoned and not good hopefully it doesn't smell as bad whenever you're burning it i have a little fire already going let's see kfc fire log burning up pretty quickly wow see that is saturated with something that's for sure instantly but of course it's paper paper gonna burn off quickly will the other paper look get on fire pretty good and let's try to smell it oh yeah i smell it for right now i'm smelling more like candle and fine starter like wax but i'm tired to stand in front of this smoke and it's not bad actually if you could probably burn it inside of the house it does not make it super stinky and that's what the log is made of it is definitely giving off a lot of fire so yeah not bad doesn't stink too bad but let me blow my nose hopefully i can smell it better well the quality of the flame is really good i'm trying to smell it really sniff it i cleared out my nose and it does smells like chicken and wax so it's definitely saturated with some wax and it's not very strong so i could probably burn it inside of the house and would it be that bad as long as you like uh scented chicken smell so it's just super weird the but i'll tell you what that look is pretty nice it's gonna burn for a while you know i put some other sticks on it and it's actually smells way better smells kind of sweet chicken or something very cool it's just so weird to smell fire with like food it's been good 40 minutes and i just broke it apart with this stick and look at this flames this thing is pretty amazing those logs just one log i know what they saturated with but they burn really good as you can see the dog's definitely smelling the chicken you see them sniffing and holding up the nose they're like you're gonna give us chicken that is uh ultimate cheese i guess but yeah that one fire looked burned in a long time look at that flame too pretty cool got it here airsoft eg18 wire pull smoke looks like this one should be green they say approximately 100 seconds so you open up there's a wire pull you wait till it starts smoking so you don't start the fire and there you go you have your 100 seconds of smoke people use them for lots of videos youtube videos photography this one of the coolest smokes check this out this is a heavy heavy smoke right here love it it looks like a genie so heavy and it looks like 100 seconds so you can just count for yourself how long is the video wow right now there was sometimes gushes so wind so far we didn't have any so just go and stir it up beautiful signal oh there's such a thick smoke beautiful you see how the kind of covered it up big signals over here hopefully there's no helicopters so they don't think i'm trying to signal a helicopter but i don't think so i don't think there's any wow that is a heavy smoke check this out unbelievable it looks like animation love it that is so cool so yeah this is the best smoke grenades for cinematography i know maybe even baby whatever you call it whenever gender party people use them for so many different things but they meant for airsoft that's it pretty awesome i think it was around 100 seconds easily 100 seconds a little bit less than two minutes boom love this thing gotta adhere a bunch of fused color smokes let's see how they work so you got here yellow white green and blue [Music] that's pretty cool quite windy [Music] mixing right now a little bit yeah this is a rapid smoke for sure cannot see nothing whoa that's crazy oh wow it's long-lasting nice okay there you go wind is in my favor now that's beautiful so it's quite nice i thought they would just burst out already and will be no more smoke but actually looking good i made a lot of smoke white one was the first one light up it's out green one has a pulse it's weird but yeah pretty consistent for some reason green and blue way way longer and a blue is such a unique smoke just uh maybe more consistency of a smoke but last longer that's weird green one lasted the longest but yeah there you go that's what you can expect from this little things yeah i bought it years ago i had it for i don't know maybe four years now 2016 i bought it they still work got it here next level charcoal dragonfire let's see what i got so instead of having pieces of charcoal you have pieces of sticks like that with the hole inside of it some of them kind of broken off i guess it's normal some of them a lot taller but you probably could broke it off easily and set it up so you could even stand them up like that or laying down highly ventilated so let's start it up see how they're going to build also it says it made from blood or woods let's try it out will it stand up yeah it will if you stand them up enough of them they can stand up and have a nice air flow yes you can lay one down for the support a couple of them down the taller ones and the rest stand up also you can break them up into smaller pieces what not okay let's see if it starts with the much probably not yeah we need some kind of five starter let's see if one of this will do it so i think what i'll do is just take the middle one out and drop it in there it's still going cool put it in let's see if it's gonna get on fire i love how the flame coming from that hole so highly ventilated that's good so it's actually been 20 minutes and nothing super fast about this charcoal i would say it's pretty similar to what i had before but i do like those ventilation holes um so you still need to maybe one of those charcoal buckets to start it up it's pretty unique i'm sure it really emit heat even better because it has this unique holes but yeah i feel like it's starting pretty slow anyways because we've been waiting on this thing for at least 15 minutes now so we need one of those charcoal starter gadgets anyways i actually ended up leaving for a couple of hours i just covered up the lid and it is very very hot still i can't believe it whoa that is super hot even touching that to the side so i don't know how it's possible but this is a very very long-lasting charcoal over here that's for sure i can't believe how long it lost that's crazy so this is definitely a very different charcoal i really like it a lot i'm gonna put this basket right on top of it to show you how hard it is instantly just a regular basket gets on fire instantly so you can tell this is a very very hot charcoal
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 649,015
Rating: 4.9048452 out of 5
Keywords: gadgets, crazyrussianhacker, russian, unboxing
Id: iqwiY0iJfJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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