10 Weirdest Things on Amazon - part 10

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what's up everybody welcome back to my laboratory where city is number 18 today I'm going to show you 10 real gadgets I found on Amazon let's see what I got this time but the first gadget this is one of the weirdest one I'd hear its neck caca or something like that you pretty much stop your head on the door and kind of a hint yourself but not really my neck hurts a little bit right here so hopefully it will help okay so what I would recommend putting some kind of thick material in here because it will scratch up your door unfortunate let me I learned that the hard way almost stops over here and there goes nothing guys how does it go welcome obviously gonna go under my neck you know what you guys cannot see me let me move the camera you know first of all I could probably count myself up okay I'm also too tall for the door thing I need a much taller door oh my gosh you know what I think I'm due holding it upside down stayed like that because it's way too much on my chin oh my gosh it kind of feels good wow the whole pain is going away that looks super weird oh wow don't listen like that okay crank it back up hit right on my head I'm all stand on my knees I think that's it he's supposed to do it the Rope is definitely tall enough to go spinning a little bit ow okay I think underneath is the way better that's why I'm not cheating oh wow it actually helps so much my neck really does hurt and their pain going away but really template II will go away we'll find out that's just gotta funny I mean imagine you just doing this thing and then somebody walks in on you in your own Monday look just freak out honestly you know what it doesn't have to be stuff on so good cloud anyways but I put a blanket on it because it did sketch up a door but yeah it definitely helped in my neck where's my Opie let jig it some more oh wow okay guys don't do it too tight let's say listen just make sure you hold it when you erase it or it hit your head oh yeah this is very nice I always have neck problems at least every like six months my neck hurts a lot so this is kinda cool I might do this you know what I thought it'd be so scary in dangers this seems actually pretty cool what they think okay now let's take it off how dare take it off ah oh wow no way no no it's still there you know what my neck still hurts but my my pain is Malacca muscle pain ight now kind of stitch my neck a little bit anyways guys let me know in comments below what do you think about this super weird neck stretcher I don't know like crack or something whatever it could I like it very funny next I help you a whole box of this one box but there is lots of little boxes inside yeah whoa this is a lot bigger than I thought sometimes whenever you buy stuff online you never know how big it's going to be so this is and I'll stand right here as you can see this is unicorn let's see what it does whenever we put the candle in and light it up I also think I have another huge candle let's find the ductwork wow this is huge how Muslim don't wanna use it whoa look at that force but what's inside of it there is a skeleton and whenever this thing burns out the skeleton will pop off you know what this is a lot bigger than I thought I thought it's gonna be this big when I was over there and this is another unicorn and you light it and then the skeleton will pop out whenever I don't so you know what I probably saved this one now you know what it does but this one we will light up to see what happens because it's kinda usable so while it's burning we'll come back to this and let's see what else we have oh you know what I know what this is this is you go to the chicken coop and this is egg holder you just put your heads inside here and stead up carrying a bowl you just put it over your waist and one two three four five fifteen eggs I only have ten chickens if I go there every day that will be enough for me and that way I don't have to worry about putting it in one of those egg holders your both hands are free to fill them up I thought this is just kind of funny will demonstrate with chickens in a little bit another stage Gajic over here I don't know why would you want people to think that you can bottle of wine kind of a label was sticked on very horribly oh my dear Abed Gajic but you open it and this is actually elbow amber wha that's it looks like very cheap on borrow what's happening yeah wow this umbrella doesn't even work looks like I have to and spin it like this and boom you got an umbrella but just in case for some reason you don't want anybody to know that you have an umbrella so that waits hygienic it looks like a bottle of wine will it feedback what it's supposed to be after opening it one time let's find out okay somehow I did fit in back inside there they go where does gadget ever but I won umbrella okay let's see what else we have here so this is led G something like that you can actually see those oh I seen on TV infomercials where is that here use decoys I'm keeping that but this is a flashlight over your neck and stuff usually I'll move my head lamps but they go there's a neck cursed you put it over your neck oh wow look the butter is still alive and there is a double and then you got your flashlight check this side you see on the table it's lights up I think the infomercial was about it now you can read the book and whatever it's actually kind of cool can a stiff a little bit you will have to adjust it to make it comfortable you know what I think I'm gonna stick with my headlamps anyways this is just too weird and not super steady either I'll help them they follow you everywhere you look so it would be just as easy beginning so I don't know why they come up with this idea thinking that maybe it would be better but yeah super beauty neck flashlights okay what else you got here oh there is another one I should have done a whole neck gadgets first one this is the second one and this is the third one maybe I'll make the work inflation over here USB charger and this is ice all over Japan this is actually pretty new Gajic this is a neck fan unless he I was just a Disney oh wow look at that and it is so very hot even in or they both lock already spinning awesome and they're really easily adjustable and yeah it's a little bit hot and they sell all over those handheld fans who needs a handheld one whenever you can grab it put it on your neck and adjust it wait adjust it this way and now you have a little bit of air going out into your face this actually wow this is actually fills to breathe much much cooler except like makes me one of my eyes whenever there's too much wind into your eyes it's gonna make some water this is so awesome oh wow check this out they light up too if you want to be cool you see they change light you pass it and they change the yellow red green or maybe a couple other colors blue this is super cool so at nighttime it will be amazing and you know what even like putting it down to your chest but section cools you off - I like it I mean I feel cool and I feel cool you know what I mean oh wow purse it again it spins faster I didn't know that Oh even faster whoo this is definitely gonna one of my eyes but yeah this is insane let's test it up on the MUX it's probably 30 second side here and you know the cool oh my gosh this is called the coolest part about this thing it's a chargeable don't even have to worry about bodies I love it so bring with yourself power bank you got here unlimited neck fan okay there Satan's beautiful definitely going to use it won't put embark on amazing gadget out here that Kendall is not even halfway we got to keep waiting what's gonna happen to find out oh no I just put it to the finale yeah this Selena slime type of stuff Universal dusk cleaner you see I'm saying and it's supposed to be like a slime and it's supposed to be usable last one was totally fail this is looks similar and look at that already super slimy and I thought maybe mind went bad because I had it for a while but you know what no this is pretty much same material it's pretty sticky and oily I can feel my hands of super super oily yeah you know what I'm just gonna stay away from that maybe if it gets dusty a little bit it will stop being so sticky and oily but in the first place you know let's clean my tape we'll see what happens this is a dark table we can really see there is a lot of dust I mean it kind of work whenever you keep going and maybe it make your hand slimy maybe wear gloves when you use it but the table actually stays clean and dust free and I think whenever it gets a little bit of dusty it won't be so sticky that crazy sticky once you're done with it put it away in the ziplock bag for next use not the best part about opening these boxes I haven't forgot what I ordered oh no way this is so cool check this out so out heavier than I thought but yeah I guess you'd cared with yourself around but whenever you need the chair all you have to do is grab a light here and idea what a cool let me show you guys close up you just pull it out you see how its transforms and then it locks in but to lock it back in list it place it in all this not so common side don't need a chair anymore and you got a handle right here and I think they said here you got over the shoulder stuff it's a justice very well want to make it over the shoulder remember ooh wow this is nice I wouldn't joltin it but it's pretty comfortable go fishing or whatever this is super cool very unique innovative and you can supply some friends to be like cool I see Ella I'm just gonna leave it out here I guess I'm we all call it the last item let's see oh I know what it is man so many good thumbnails I don't even know which one to use sir which one is which over here that's definite too big for this got a beat I guess it's pretty tight fit nice on a big one nope this one is bigger wait what it just kind of goes sideways that is funny okay this one's gonna go into here no this one don't even fit I guess they give me a random set of knives awesome so that's how deep it's going to go in then this one goes into here no there's chemistry oh I know if this knifes actually made for this board obviously not because they don't even feet all the way they kind of sticking out halfway so again all this knifes penetrating and stop to the shield but did not hit the guy but the coolest part about this knife holder it's kind of steady kinda wanna fall over but I think it steady once you put the sharpener in to the magnet boom and look at that he's actually attacking us with the sharpener you know I mean like a Spartan and this is nordia magnet I do not think it's ever gonna form of unless you bump into it okay finally okay I'll help it out make it look a little bit from the side so about half way in if I think it's going to start leaking and look at that looks like this Pony is crying well in this case is green are tears that is just hilarious they would be read the day and over here hello wanna see this is just strange I guess you just put it in a washing machine or wash it with a really hot water and the box will come off once you want to put a new different Kendall would you guys think and it would go from both sides if you let it just burned by itself I thought it was your super-stretch you wanted to put it to the test well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below which weirdest gadget you well guys that's pretty much it let me know in comments below which will discourage ik was your favorite don't forget to thumbs up this video subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 1,565,668
Rating: 4.8897848 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Strange Things on Amazon, gadgets, funny gadgets, Amazon, weirdest gadgets ever
Id: enoAWozjcMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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