10 Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test - Part 11

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What's up, everybody? Welcome back to my kitchen, where safety is number one priority and today I'm going to put to the test kitchen gadgets. Let's see what I got today You know those Keurig machines and Keurig cups like that. So, what if you don't want to buy that expensive Keurig machines? But you still want to drink this coffee because it's pretty convenient to use it. Well, there's a gadget for that, BOOM™ Let's see how it works. It comes with this three pieces like that. It puts inside here, BOOM™ and then three legs goes into these three holes, and you put a cup under there. Just like that. But first we're going to grab the Keurig and stick it inside like that, BOOM™ Then we're going to grab this little thing and stick it right on top of it, and I'm boiling water, and then I'm going to fill it up with boiling water Stick a cup under and it's ready to go. So then we got here boiled water and then we're going to pour it right on top of it like this And that here is ten ounces, it's measuring up, and then I'm gonna close this right here, then I'm going to push it through. Just like that. Woah it's being so fast, it's actually turn out to be like espresso Woah did you see that steam? That's epic. By the way you see there is a needle right here. That's how it makes a hole from over here boom BOOM™ Very epic! Whoa! Look at that! It's actually almost better. It's like espresso maker. Turns out to be really foamy, which is Keurig machine cannot do But wow that's a strong coffee. Definitely works, and definitely thumbs up for me, especially if you live somewhere, maybe in Alaska or somewhere deep deep in the woods where you don't have electricity but you still want to use these little things. You can probably still also use one of this one's: refillable coffee. That way you can use this gadget which is filling up coffee from the bag, and that way you don't need electricity to make Keurig coffee. Let's see if it fits. This one actually fits, the other one doesn't. Definitely a cool way to make coffee. You can just use fire to boil the water and make coffee really fast way. Very cool! For this gadget, I got a food processor that doesn't require electricity. Let's see how it works. So, let's open it up, twist it, open it, BOOM™ Look at this blade! You put it in first. And let's say I need to blend up a bunch of carrots. I'm going to cut it in few pieces so it blends easier in there. And then what I'm gonna do is pull it like this Whoa, that's pretty easy; it's like starting chainsaw, and it doesn't start. Woah, look at that. That's amazing and I chopped up my carrots really really well Look at this! That's addictive! Let me try an apple. I'm just going to cut it in half, maybe four pieces so that way it fits better. BOOM™ Close it. Wow, this is amazing Who needs electricity nowadays, we can make coffee without electricity, we can chop up a bunch of carrots and apples Probably should do it a little bit more It's like workout at the same time look at that amazing well chopped up Very epic Next one is pretty similar Kinda like this But let's open up its dual By the way they also come with this little piece if you want to make ice cream or something or maybe pancakes You can put those on But I don't know why it's dual maybe you can chop up two different things at once It's pretty cool Put carrots in here and We're going to put apple in this one I'm just going to put a full ear pieces so it's easier to fit it inside this little things But look it fits It fits a whole apple, then we're going to close it and let's see what happens. Let's see how it works It's hard to start it Probably should chop this carrot in half Okay, let's try this Look at that That's pretty cool, actually Let me show you from this side. It's actually really easy Let me show you from this side you see those knives spinning Really cool. Okay, let's open it up boom look at that take out the knives and And then Here you go. Well chopped up carrots and apples right here. Definitely never seen gadget like that so dual thumbs up for me, so the next gadget I got here a jar opener looks really cool, but does it work? Let's find out. This is a handle right here, and you push it up and down, so you pull it up like this Let's see if it's big enough Yep, and then you tie it up very tightly Boom push it down that way and keep slipping Okay, it makes sense. It's pretty good. Look, it even "stucks" there. Let me close it Yeah, turn it up a little hard Again, you can open smaller jars and even the bigger ones put it on Tie this up hold it twist it Ah, it slipped Hold it like this Tie this up hold it then turn this down and turn it Kind of feel like it's still slipping. Yeah, it just slips way too much not the most user friendly You know what I honestly had high hopes for this thing, but it's kind of made from plastic I wish it was more rubbery So it would grip better, but it's a little bit slippery, but it looks like a great idea Well, they just need to upgrade it. So it works better. For this gadget, I got a tea maker or a coffee maker. I really love drinking tea, and those things usually really hard to use. This looks promising Let's see how it works. So that's your coffee Let's open it up boom we put coffee inside of it Just like this. *boom* I put coffee in there filled it up, then screw it back on and Let's see what this does first of all I'm going to fill it up a cup With hot water and let's see how it behaves in there So what this is to get the water going back and forth and boom look at that that way It's actually joining block a lot faster. Wow. This is such a good idea This is my favorite coffee or tea infuser that's for sure and then I can just squeeze all the water out as well boom awesome thumbs up for me and to get rid of all the junk you just take it out and Put this into your compost pile and just wash it off and ready to go for the next one for the next gadget I got your food saver. Let's see if it works Let's say you only eat half an apple And then you wanna save the other half I guess this somehow is supposed to hug it I Don't know. What do you guys think? Wow, cool. I'd have to stretch it up push it into it and then close this I don't know guys is this is how it's supposed to go looks weird But I guess this is what you use to keep your I guess apple from going dark Let's start with something more on let's say. I only use half an onion and Push it like that. Cool. I guess it filled it up What do you guys think looks cool? There you go This is how it's going to look like that looks so weird But at the same time really cool. It just have to be really really round for this kitchen Gadget I got here egg microwave cooker. Let's see if it works nothing too fancy about this gadget, you open it up boom put one egg in here second one egg in here Here you go close it up. Put it in the microwave for like a couple minutes. Let's wanna see what happens Let's do thirty minutes and watch it. Maybe a little bit longer. I think I only put it for like 30 seconds Oh, it jumping around in them. Oh It's exploded but that's okay. It has the cover on so I think it's good now Let's find out easy are supposed to grab it like that, but this two little flaps whoa - two perfectly cooked eggs epic Yeah, you know what if you want it not well done if you want it over easy, or whatever, sunny side up You can cook it for less, but let's try it out Wow Very good honestly the fastest way to cook yourself couple eggs Hmm delicious For this gadget it's a garlic slicer picks up up like this boom very sharp blades so I would watch out for that and then here I'm going to use my Garlic Peeler stuff it in boom peeled the Garlic super easily as you can see Wow, that garlic Peeler is amazing Need to use that more often Super easy Then we'll put it in here and then I'm just going to slice it up I Guess so maybe I should do one at the time Yeah, one at the time work the best put it in the next one wow that's really cool In case you need to slice up garlic Don't use a knife. You got yourself a garlic slicer Just be careful that knife is so very sharp. Okay. Let's see how this comes off or both. Here you go Just like that and look all that garlic sliced up really really tiny slices You know what, I like this gadget a lot thumbs up for me. For this gadget, I got here water bottle clip. It's actually sent to me by a company let's see if it works so first of all you clip it in like that for any kind of Bottles and as you can see it holds like this So that way you can hang it on the side of your pocket and hangs like that looks pretty good you can hang it on the back of your pocket too looks pretty good too - let's see if it fits on a belt too Pretty awesome I like it. You know what not as much kitchen gadget, but still thumbs up for me pretty cool gadget You know when you boil water and you put the eggs in the hot water you don't want to just drop it They might break so with this egg spoon you could put eggs very carefully in a boiled water. Let's check it out Looks beautiful doesn't it? And then as you can see the water is starting to boil I'm just gonna put it in and release it without dropping it in And to pick up an egg you just lift it like that very easy Otherwise there is no way for you to pick up an egg I guess you can use a regular spoon, but it's not as easy as using that also when you put in an egg Let's see what happens. If I drop it you see it kind of bounce yep, and it collect look at that So definitely a cool gadget. Alright guys that's pretty much it Let me know in comments below which Gadget was your favorite don't forget to give this video a thumbs up Follow me on Instagram, link's in the description, and I'll see you next time. you
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 9,723,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Gadgets, Gadgets put to the Test, Gadgets, Gadgets test, kitchen gadgets test, 10 Camping Gadgets put to the Test, 10 Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test, 5 Umbrella Gadgets put to the Test, 8 Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test Part 9, 3 Satisfying Science Experiments, Testing Czech Republic MRE
Id: GP_nxsGeX4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2017
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