Scary Stories | True Scary Horror Stories | Reddit Let's Not Meet And Others

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g'day mates it's me Buster here and before the episode begins I would like to give best fiends a shout-out for sponsoring this video so as you guys know true crime and horror is my passion but even I need the occasional change to keep myself sane so when I feel like I need a bit of a mental palate cleanser my go-to refresher is best fiends best fiends is a great little game that features an array of puzzles with an engaging story and it's just a really fantastic piece of entertainment for casual gameplay I've been playing it on my phone at night when I can't sleep and I'm at about level 50 now and I've really enjoyed the fact that I don't have to invest huge amounts of time into the game to see progress and have some fun and I guess that's the really great thing about best fiends it's just a great little casual game that you can pick up play as much or as little as you like put it down and come back to it at your convenience I also really love the aesthetic of the game in that you can engage your brain with fun puzzles and collect tons of cute characters - it's a five-star rated mobile puzzle game on the Apple App Store and Google Play as well and you can download free on the Apple App Store or Google Play today and remember guys that's friends without the best fiends I was 11 at the time and living in a nice suburb area we had recently moved into this house and my parents had built and it was our first home first rented house in a sketchy area and it was actually a pretty nice neighborhood now the whole family made friends quickly with lots of neighbors but especially the ones three doors down they had a daughter my age and a male by the way and a daughter five years younger which was the same age as my sister our parents got along really well too and we began hanging out quite a bit for barbecues at their house or parties at our house etc friendships were formed quickly and seemed to be very strong after a year or so I started realizing things just weren't what they seem I remember seeing police cars at their house a few times in the evenings and when I asked my parents what was going on it was always nothing just checking in on them type answers I was no genius but at 11 had obviously still didn't add up I mean why didn't the cops ever just check up on us anyway one day I'm at the house playing and hanging out and the daughter goes across the street to get another mutual friend which left myself and the father alone in the house this was really no big deal as it actually happened before but then he approached me and just seemed off I still don't know what made me feel this way but I was really uncomfortable and started thinking about leaving in fact about five minutes later he tells me that he has something cool to show me I don't remember exactly what it was but I think it was something like baseball cards or something which I was very fond of at the time I excitedly started following him and he pulled the Attic ladder down and asked me to follow in which I did without hesitation at first but then something happened and I still can't process what it was but he was ahead of me on the ladder and when he looked back to help me into the Attic there was something just really wrong about the whole situation something about his eyes his face his grin or something it just wasn't right it looked evil I can still see it clear as day and can't recognize exactly what it was that set my alarms off but whatever it was was plenty because I jumped off that ladder and ran out the door so fast as I could I sprinted all the way home and was choking back tears when I bursted through my front door mom was there when I came through and could see that I was obviously out of sorts and immediately started calming me down as I came to my senses I explained what happened and my mom was obviously concerned with how scared I was but mostly brushed it off to me being scared young and silly and all that and I kid you not that same exact night I was woken up at around 3 a.m. it was my mom sitting on my bed and as I woke she just held me like a baby I remember how she smelled and how tightly she held me and I remember her tears hitting my cheek eventually I saw at the window to the neighbor's house and it was surrounded by police and fire trucks the neighbors dad had killed himself and his daughter in the attic after a standoff with police there isn't a doubt in my mind or my mother's that that would have been me had I made it into that attic I still get chills thinking about it [Music] so there's this girl that's been stalking me and harassing me since October of 2018 we were in the same class in high school six years ago and she was super shy never spoken class and barely had any friends I can't remember speaking to her more than once or twice through all of high school to me she just didn't even exist and then suddenly many months ago I woke up to a message in my facebook inbox that read there for white people she's Asian from what country I don't know and I thought it was just really strange so I tried to reply back with what's going on but she'd blocked my messages so I I decided to just ignore it and go on with my life about a month apart and I woke up so yet another message in my inbox but she had sent me a screenshot of an Instagram account in my name no posts or followers just an empty account with my name I kind of freaked out a little and tried to reply but yet again she just bought my messages I tried to find the account on Instagram but I couldn't my name is very uncommon too so the possibilities that this was another guy's account was very slim it certainly wasn't my account that's for sure I was just really confused and kind of scared that's she had created an account with my name would post things pretending to be me or something so I contacted one of her high school friends and asked if she could deliver a message for me since I had no way of reaching it and to my surprise they weren't friends anymore and hadn't spoken in months I told my closest friends about what was happening and they told me that they had received some strange messages too I was just so confused by this point a this one girl who nobody talked to or had any kind of relationship with was sending pictures of Instagram accounts weird memes and just three word sentences that made sense to me and many of my friends I tried to think of why she would have done this have we treated her badly at some point but I just couldn't think of anything that we had done I remember giving her a piece of gum one day in fact but that's about as close as any communication happened between us so I've decided in the end that's I would just try and ignore her and hope that she wouldn't send me any more messages but then around Christmastime I I woke up to my Facebook exploding with notifications and messages I think I had around a good hundred plus notifications she had been just sharing all of my profile pictures and posts I'm seriously freaking out at this point and hoping my messenger I've received 56 messages that all read kill yourself I tried to message her again but surprise surprise she had blocked my messages at this point I was becoming really angry too so I clicked on her Facebook profile to block her and get rid of her for good but before I went to block her I scrolled down a wall and she had been sharing literally hundreds of posts and pictures of me my friends and some other people too that's I had no idea who they were I did some further detective work and found a sister's Facebook profile and decided to send her a message - I took screenshots of everything that she'd done and sent it to her asking why she was doing this but she freaked out when she saw what a crazy stalker sister had done the stalker had deleted her sister on Facebook because of an argument they had around October or something when this all started so she hadn't seen anything that she'd done she promised me though that she would talk to a crazy stalker sister and try and make a stop at least I received a message from the sister a few hours later that she had talked to the stalker and promised that she would stop man she apologized I was just happy that this was finally going to be over and I thanked another few months pass and when air in February of 2019 I hadn't received any messages since I talked to her sister and I had honestly just forgot about everything that had happened but two days ago I was playing some games with my friends on my PC and talking on discord my phone was on the table and I saw it light up once and I'd received a notification I wouldn't bother to check it before the game was done but a few seconds after I I got another one and then another one and I can see my phone in the corner of my eye notifications just came swarming in and then I remembered the crazy stalker girl and I just got a really awful feeling in my stomach praying that this was not her I stopped playing and picked up my phone a notification still swarming in and the stalker was sharing my pictures and post you again and all had a caption like kill yourself warm I hope you die I instantly blocked her and a few minutes later it happened again someone with another username was sharing my pictures I blocked the account instantly again and she had created at least 10 accounts and I was desperately trying to block all of them as fast as I could as soon as I saw a notification I sent her sister a message again and told her that I was going to report this to the police if she wouldn't stop she told me that she would talk to her again and angry and confused and that kind of scared as well I went back to the gaming session to talk to my friends about it and I went to sleep a few hours later I woke up late the next day and it was hard to sleep after thinking about all that was happening but my cousin had received some messages from my crazy stalker as well and she had told him that's I heard her money or something I kept my calm and told him about everything and said that he should just go with it and I wanted to see where this was going she thought that my cousin was actually my father and he's a lot older than me so I guess that I could see why she would think that but they had a long conversation where she claimed that I had both stolen and hacked a phone and lent money away from her or something and that I was the reason that she lost her scholarship and had to move she said that I owed her 10k which later became 50k and then again she raised the amounts of 100k later in the conversation all of which of course was just crazy lies I'm just so confused as to why she's doing this to me I have no idea what I've done to her and in fact I'm gonna go and report this to the police tomorrow I'm actually really scared of what she might accuse me of next door if she's going to show up on my door saying after the last time that I saw her so a little bit of backstory beforehand my parents are divorced and I live primarily in Australia but travel back to see my father his family and my extended family in the UK every chance that I can spend and this story revolves around one of those visits at the time of the visits I was 13 years old and due to scheduling conflicts who would be traveling alone without my other sibling like Ali most airlines and airports worth their salt Morpher Assistance Programs for unaccompanied minors that program includes an identifying tag escorts through the airport help with check-in and priority boarding I was bored at first my chaperone sagged it by and handed me off to the flight attendants so far so good nothing of any real significance happened for the first few hours of the flight but I couldn't help but just feel a little bit uneasy I kept feeling this sensation like someone was watching me but every time I glanced around I I couldn't see the source so I I chalked it up to being a little bit nervous about flying alone and just tried to watch them in flight movies to count myself down the next significant event though was when I got up to pee you know that's something caught my eye that hadn't before there was a man about four rows back in a middle aisle seat who was just staring at me he wasn't making much attempt to hide the fact that he was looking at me too and out of shyness I'm I just kind of looked down at Burke a stare and tried to ignore him as I walked by I'm I felt almost like he was gesturing me to look at him as if he wanted to ask me a question in that moment I've made the decision to ignore him and pretended that I hadn't seen him gesture to me my mother has always been very safety conscious and I credit her with giving me a healthy suspicion of strangeness she made it very clear that's while I was traveling alone I didn't have to answer to any other adults but my chaperones and that if someone tried to talk to me or made me do something for them that I had permission to ignore them or report them to the airport staff and so that's what I did I walked past him went to the bathroom and walked back to my seat with my head down I can't verify whether or not he kept trying to get my attention because I was a little freaked out and just kind of looked at the back and all I can say is that my creepy you're being watched senses kept on tingling as the flight went on these bad feelings all came to a head during the sleeping hours of the flight though but for those who haven't traveled international long hauls the sleeping hours are for people to sleep by stimulating night time in the plane this basically means no trolley service dim lights and all the airline screens are shut off I was really drugged and sleep-deprived at the time and I probably should have tried to get some rest but I just couldn't get comfortable and was just trying to ride out my time watching movies and this is when he approached me he put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed and then he said something that I didn't hear with my headphones on so I removed them and turned to give him my groggy but full attention I said sorry and he said will you come to the back of the plane with me please I totally confused by this question I said have I done something and he said no I was just like for you to come to the back of the plane with me he crouched down to be at eye level with me at this point glancing back to the end of the plane which is dark behind a curtain and the only bathroom is vacant I just kind of looked he said I have money and pulls out a wallet and shows me a wad of cash if you'd like some I just want to talk to you at the back of the plane he said it'll just be for a moment obviously being young and mind you looking very young I'm just very confused as to what to do when this is happening looking back I'm I remember feeling annoyed less afraid of danger and just more irritated of being asked to stop watching a movie and do something juda my tired state it just wasn't connecting then so I might actually be in danger here I was just being asked to talk to this guy about something random I wondered if he might have convinced me with a little more product too but luckily he didn't get any further because a woman behind me who I realized later was listening in for the entire conversation pulled down her eye mask leant over between the seat gap and said she isn't interested you need to return to your seat right now or I'll call the flight attendant and I've never seen a man move so fast he tucked his wallet away and scurried back to his seat slid on his eye mask and rotated away from us so that we wouldn't see his face she turns her attention to me and says if he comes back over to you wake me up or call for the flight attendant ok if you need to use the bathroom use the one in the center of the plane because it's more well-lit and she reaches through and rest a hand on my shoulder I give a thank you and she leans back into a seat but keeps her eye mask off shooting looks into the man's direction near the last few hours of the flight I I didn't feel uneasy or like I was being watched anymore the woman who was traveling with the two kids keeps leaning in and asking me questions about where I'm going who's picking me up from the airport etc etc when she discovers that I'm meeting extended family at the terminal her face clears and she offers to walk out with me to the baggage claim wheel and get off the plane and when I saw my father in the arrivals lounge my wave her phone goodbye say thank you and I walk off as for the guy I have no idea what happened the encounter was just so bizarre and kind of forthright and short that's I might have just discarded it from my memory immediately looking back though I always feel apprehension and raddest one of his intentions exactly were I have some theories and they probably line up with your theory too but I'm just glad that's I didn't get put into a position to find out so to start this off this all happened at a decommissioned power plant now on this property there was a cemetery that the company had bought with the property they were digging up Graves and transporting them out at the Simons we had to have to security at the main gate and - at the cemetery while they were digging up the bodies and bringing them out they did this at night because of the heavy truck traffic on the road from leading out of the main gate during the day no - had to be at the gate because we had to check off names and make sure all bodies were accounted for and not missing the other two guards had to be at the cemetery because of grave robbers who if the coffins were left unattended would crack them open and steal everything except the body and also meth heads getting in there to get high and so we always had two guards at all times they a company finally broke down and got us a shotgun that week after one of our guards was shot by a meth heads he did survive by the way in one of the outlying buildings but everyone carried some sort of firearm after the guard was shot for instance everyone carried handguns except the LT who kept an eye on him out of the symmetry now this was a pretty normal night I was in the shack watching Star Gate when the radio starts going off with people from the dig site freaking out our response was what the hell is going on out there and they said that someone was going into the facility so the LT and the guard with him followed and demanded that we followed and so I grabbed our 12-gauge and we bolted in they described the person as a tall woman with short hair walking in this wasn't totally unusual because there was a neighborhood around where teens would get in and hook up gross I know but that something just said everyone in the dig site into a panic well we hooked up the respirators so that we could go in we had to have them juda asbestos and entered taking every step with a grain of salt because none of us wanted to get shot we were about four floors up when we see it and it's going up the stairs I was about to confront her when the other main gate guard grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back and said dude look at her I didn't think anything about it until I looked back and the person was gone a presumedly up the stairs the LT was shaking hands I thought that he was going to have a heart attack and everyone was just ghost white the main gate guard looks at me and says bro she wasn't moving her legs and it was at this point that the LT may just pull out and go back to the shack he called the digging company and sold them to get the hell out here now and we tried to gather our thoughts before the company got on the radio and someone said that guys she's on the roof we ran out immediately and saw that there was a woman on the far side of the roof other side without a roof access area mind you we all looked at each other and after that I I made the decision that it was time to quit this was one of the most terrifying security jobs that I'd ever worked and at this point I was done the two other guards did the same and we took off our shirts threw them in the shack and we just left that night I found out later two from one of the guys that the LT he quit after turning in the camera footage of the incident and his personal body camera footage to corporate the next morning we had a whole host of stuff that happened there over the short time that I'd worked there but most of it was just a small gates opening on their own knocks on doors and windows some handprints on cars I think truck being pushed into a ditch and a whole load of stuff like that but this this was different because when I saw her on the roof she didn't have any legs [Music] in November my two roommates John and amber and I moved into a two-bedroom one-bathroom apartment located in Sacramento it really isn't the greatest area and miss right next to the railroad tracks but the rent is decent but from the moment that we stepped foot under the property though something just felt very wrong with this place I brushed it off though as the moving started because I was already in a bad enough mood having to haul everything up the damn stairs to the apartment so the first nighttime I didn't have my bed with me there's a long story that goes with that but I won't get into it although the three-inch memory foam topper that I had it arrived the day before movie and so I had something to sleep on instead of just bare carpet it took me a minute to get comfortable beds I was so wiped out from moving that I pretty much passed out instantly just before 11:00 p.m. I slept for maybe two hours before I began to just feel really uncomfortable I had tossed and turned around a lot before turning around to face the RAI wall in my room and when I opened my eyes I showed back on the topper seeing just a pale face of a woman there wasn't a figure around it just a face looking at me with a strange smile but once I set up to grab my phone for more light there was nothing there anymore and I I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched the rest of the night and nothing else happened for about two weeks another night in the beginning of December I had stayed up rather late hanging out with John and amber we'd been having a fun night just playing cards against humanity' and it was about 1:00 in the morning at this point when we all finally decided to head to bed and I climbed into mine I should also mention that we have three animals that live in the house before now but and the fourth wasn't there when this happened John and amber have a cat named Lego and I have a small Chihuahua mixed dog named Jake and a fat jerk of a cat named Jedi I normally have to sleep with my door cracked open otherwise Jedi way well how about one ting in or out he likes to come and go as he pleases now let us note it to the bathroom area is right outside my door it leads to the sink and counter with a large mirror on the wall and around the corner is the door to the toilet and shower we have a nightlight on the wall by the outside sink area just so that we can find our way to the bathroom during our maid sleep bathroom calls at one point anyway I was exhausted and I felt myself just melting into my bed once again enjoying the comfort but for some reason I I just couldn't manage to fall asleep right away though I can't explain it but something just felt really off well I got the feeling of just being watched again about two hours pass by I have me tossing and turning trying to get myself to fall asleep and I was laying on my back when I noticed a black shadow emerge from the bathroom been moving out to the mirrored sink area my door was over halfway open so I could see clearly now to just a humanoid shadow that was standing in the bathroom area and now it seemed like it was looking at me there were no eyes though or any other noticeable features but before I could say anything that figure just charged at me in my bed running so hard and fast at the foot of the bed that I thought it was going to crash into it so I jolted back in shock and I blinked just for a second and when I opened my eyes and looked around there was nothing there in my room I laid back down hoping that it was all just in my head but when I saw it in the bathroom area again it seems a bit more bulky and tall and it just loomed there in the hallway it actually charged at me once again as I was in my bed this time coming all the way up to the side of my bed into my face before it just disappeared right before my eyes I felt the rush of air hit me as well as I was trying to scramble to the other side of my bed looking up it was gone and to this day I I still can't explain what happened I looked in my closets and under my bed Jen's by this point I'd made some noise screaming so my friends were awakened we just couldn't find anything and so I I just closed my door before turning on my TV in my room for some light and I didn't sleep at all that night so I'm currently living with my grandparents in a really old house that was originally two separate houses belonging to two brothers after the two brothers died the houses were joined together and sold as one I actually grew up in this house and have had a ton of experiences in it both when I was a young child and now even as an adult for now though I I just wanted to share a short one that happened pretty recently so my room is upstairs and my desk is against the wall that has an attics that only gets open probably once every ten years if that I was sitting at my desk playing some grand theft auto with a few friends and my phone jumped off the desk and onto the floor it wasn't charging so I know that I didn't just hit the cable and drag it down or anything and this actually happens quite a bit so here didn't scare me too much again I grew up here and I've had far scarier things happen but nevertheless I I like to share everything paranormal that happens with my grandmother so I took off my wireless headset and just set it on the desk while I went downstairs to talk to my grandmother when I come back up a few minutes later sorry my headset back on and I start talking with my friends and nobody responds so I I sent a message to see what was going on a moment later I can hear everyone talking again and they had muted me while I was gone they kept asking me to if I was screwing with them and I told them about the phone and also let them know that I was just going downstairs for a minute and initially just thought that this was what they were referring to someone else assures all the others though that I was just messing with them and I asked what they're talking about and they tell me that they muted me because someone was breathing heavily into the microphone while I was downstairs they went through the process of muting each person to see if it was someone else trying to screw with everyone but it was only coming from me my friends also said that's lasted at least 2 minutes or so and it was a pretty deep and heavy breathing but when they found out this it wasn't really me most of them just got off line for the nighters they were genuinely freaked out by it at first I honestly thought that I was the one getting pranked but I've asked several times since then and everyone in the party swears up and down that's it really happened and they actually don't like it when I bring it up too this happened to me about six months ago now I think I'm originally from a town in the north of the UK but I was living in a different part of the country at the time for university I was just going into my second year so I'd moved from student accommodation like halls to a house share with four other girls we're in a pretty nice house and a small dead-end street and all the shops and the bars are at the end of the street I was in a bedroom that was on the bottom floor and at the front of the house it had originally been a living room but had been changed into a bedroom for student housing because it used to be a living room the window was a huge bay window that took up the entire length of the front wall the house had a big driveway in a front garden both with fences around and this meant that you couldn't walk past the front of the house without intending to be there and you would have to walk up the driveway so I've been living in this house for about some two weeks I think when this happened on this particular night there was only two of us Ian as Mara are the three roommates had gone home for the weekend the other girl that was in had a second-floor bedroom also on the front of the house it was around 2:00 a.m. and I was sat in bed just watching Netflix I didn't usually stay up this late but I was talking to a new boy at the time and I would often stay up late just to talk to him sad I know but new relationships are exciting rights anyway I remember wanting to go to sleep at about 12:30 and decided to stay up for a bit longer to talk to him and now I'm really glad that I did at the time I was quite naive and didn't really think much about the dangers of not locking doors and leaving windows open I grew up in a really nice area where no we didn't even really have to lock our doors and so I still wasn't out of this mindset but this experience has definitely changed that though because of this I had one of my windows slightly open and my curtains were open to the curtains didn't matter too much because the way the house was built the garden and the trees were right in front of my window meaning that no one could see in unless they stood directly in front of it being naive the way I didn't think that there was a possibility that's anyone would try to so I was halfway laying down and half sitting up in bed with my laptop in front of me I didn't have my laptop on too high volume is although she was upstairs there was another girl in the house and I wanted to be respectful when all of a sudden I'm I saw a shadow go past my window like a person walking past I froze immediately is like I mentioned earlier there was no way that someone could just walk past unless they walked down my driveway and was specifically coming into my house I thought though that's maybe someone had walked down the wrong driveway or was possibly cutting through and was going to jump the fence to another house or something but something just didn't sit right about this at all so I left my laptop running and I just looked at the window for a second I couldn't see at that we know at all since it was so dark outside but I could make out shadows on the wall just next to it for a second there was nothing and then a shadow of a man went past and then the shadow of another man about two seconds afterwards and it was at this point it's I knew something was very wrong and I shot my laptop immediately in the hope that if they looked in the window they wouldn't see me a bit of time went past maybe like a minute or two and my just sat in the pitch-black waiting to see if I saw anything else after this bit of time went by another shadow of a man went past my window in the opposite direction it was as if they both walked in front of my window and to the back of the house but only one came back and I was certain at this point that they were doing something wrong but for some reason I I couldn't move my brain was trying to process a million things at once and I was so scared that I think I just froze I felt like if I move that they would know that I was there and I had no idea whether this was a good thing or a bad thing but for all I knew they could have been hoping for a young 19 year old girl to be inside and I didn't want to run the risk of letting them know that I was there I was also completely naked under my covers and they definitely crossed my mind that if I got up and they could see in the window that's they may see me naked after what felt like an eternity though of just sitting and waiting name I heard of that bang on my window it sounded like someone had hit something like a rock off the window with force or something I assumed that they were trying to break the window and panicked hugely but still couldn't move I can't explain what was going through my mind but it was almost like I was waiting for a completely definitive thing to happen before I got up as if I was being overdramatic or something but after the loud noise I would say that maybe 30 seconds went past and then all of a sudden my curtains started moving and I see a hand come around the side of them to get them out of the way and there would be curtains and my opening windows were on either side of the big window the meaning that you were slightly blocked even by the open curtains I then look over to the curtains and I see a figure of a man climbing through my window and he was halfway through my window with the top half of his body inside my room and this is where my mind finally decided that this was a fight or flight situation and I shut up and I ran towards my door on the other side of the room it was locked so I had to fumble for the key and turn it and then open the door and run all the while making a huge amount of noise I ran up the stairs and knocked on my roommates door still completely naked I should add so the image that she must have got when she opened a door is pretty amusing to think about but anyway that she opened the door almost immediately which I found odd for it being 2:00 a.m. but I was thankful none the least I told her what had happened and we looked at door and started panicking but neither of us knew what to do is that we had never been in a situation like this before being stupid and young I decided to ring my mom completely not helpful to the situation but I wasn't thinking straight and she told me to bring the police immediately obviously too so we rang the police and because we didn't know if the men were in the house or not and they arrived within two minutes as it may have been an active burglary I had left my laptop and all my possessions in my room mind you other than my phone because it happened to be in my hand when I ran so if there were in my room I would have had plenty to tank the police arrived and we threw down the keys from the top window to them so they could let themselves in they searched the whole house top to bottom and they didn't find anyone I went down and they reassured us that it was safe and checked my room and nothing had been taken I knew for sure then though that they must have even come into my room at all as my laptop was clear as day on my bed and it would have been the first thing that they should have taken if they had seen it but the police agreed that I must have scared them off by getting up as they must have been expecting anyone to be in they must have thought that the room was a living room as it made sense for it to have been and would have been expecting to rob the house while everyone was asleep upstairs I had this crazy thought process through all of this where I started wondering if I had seen what I thought that I had seen and started doubting myself and wondering if I was just coming insane but when I went down to check my room my window had been completely opened to its fullest extent - and this just confirmed that what I had seen was completely real all I learned a valuable lesson about leaving windows open that day for sure while the police were there they actually got radioed about another attempted robbery just a couple of streets along from mine and they suspected that it was the same two men nothing ever came back about that though so they must have caught them unfortunately they told us that if they did catch anybody engaging in similar crime that they would get back in touch but to this day they still haven't so either they've been caught and not connected to my case or they haven't been caught at all CSI came the next day and actually managed to get a fingerprint from my window but they said that the person must have been sweating or something as the fingerprint was too smudged to get anything from I am so glad that I decided to stay up later because if I hadn't been awake for this they would have physically been in my room by the time that I noticed that they were there or they noticed me but the thought of waking up to two men in my room is just terrifying and I'm not sure what they would have done if they got into the room before realizing is there was no easy escape from them for me they would have had to have climbed out the tiny window again or unlocked my bedroom door and then the front door to get out this might have led to a violence and nasty situation if they had realized that they were stuck in a room with an eyewitness and it doesn't even bear thinking about also my roommate told me after the police left that she actually woke up for some reason about five minutes before I came flying up the stairs and she said that she heard the loud bang of my window when she was already awake she started to get a bad feeling after that and had waited for a bit sitting on the end of her bed next to the door just in case I came running up it's pretty interesting too that she actually woke up during this as the men were not loud at any point other than when they hit the window and maybe it says a lot about the body's ability to detect danger I unfortunately ended up not being able to sleep in that room after that without having all the lights on and soon after decided to move back home for university because I felt just so uneasy at living down there and whatnot in the end I think I was pretty lucky and it was a bit of a narrow escape so last August we began relocating to another city because my fiancee was offered a position at a company that's he wanted since he graduated and I was okay with it because I'm a private shooter at a small Institute and I was lucky to be able to transfer to their ever branch which happens to be in this current city yeah after we made sure everything could work smoothly my fiancee started moving us in in August as I was able to do my transfer in September so I had to wait although because my schedule is usually more flexible in the summer we did make a couple of rounds together so he found a house that was new a little out of town but on the cheaper side nevertheless and he's helping me pay my student loans so although we had to go to mounds we have to save most of it for that and we've decided at this point that's we would get married once we were both debt free and he had some credit-card debt that's we're also working through now my fiancee mentioned the first time that he'd began moving things that the house had some problems with electricity and he wasn't sure what it was but they just stopped working out of nowhere I told him to contact the realtor to complain as we were told the house was perfectly ready to move in and excuse my language but although the rent was cheap we did pay a buttload during the whole process of moving and deposit and whatnot so I didn't think it was fair that we had to deal with this we never did talk about it again he did call the realtor and someone went and checked I guess I don't know the specifics I just know that it wasn't a problem again and then I'm fully moved in in September started my new job and everything was good on the 28th of December we were gonna go drive to the old city to go to my fiancee sister's birthday that was the next day and stay for the weekend unfortunately though I had to stay until late Friday at work and told my fiance that I just take the train in the morning and he should go so I came home late that night maybe 11 or 12 I'm not too sure all the lights are on TVs were on and my fiance's desktop computer was also turned on it's not a big house but it does have many rooms so someone would have to have intentionally turn them all on one by one you can't just forget to turn them off - so I texted my fiance to ask and he told me that he didn't do it it could be a problem with the electricity again since the door was locked and there was no sign of anyone entering - I I just let it go also we have an alarm system not a motion detector but it's on the windows and the doors if they open after the alarm is on they go off so I just directly went to bed put my phone on the charge next to me and put like 20 different alarms to make sure that I would wake up and even put the ringer on the loud set so the next day I wake up had to check my phone and it's not next to me I honestly had a small heart attack to say the least and I got up started looking around and it wasn't anyway we don't have a landline so I don't know what to do at this point and I ran to my laptop to check the time and it was around 11 a.m. and while I was extremely anxious and upset that I missed the train and the birthday I was more anxious that my phone was missing yeah I messaged my fiancee on Facebook and told him what happened and he wasn't angry he was just annoyed and I was almost certain that he thought that I was making up an excuse I then asked him to call my phone so that I could find it and he did and there was nothing no noise he said that I must have it on silent or something which I never ever put my phone on silence when he's in another city especially because I want him to be able to reach me at all times in case of the worst so I I started to make myself believe that maybe I'm got up at night or something and put my phone somewhere else and and then it just ran out of battery but and how come my fiance can call it maybe I really did put it on silent after all my fiance told me that I could skip this weekend I was tired and clearly not in my right mind that night I ordered some takeout and my fiancee is a vegetarian so I don't get to be in junk food burgers and stuff much when he's around the order came and I started watching Netflix on TV I went to the kitchen to get a napkin came back and I suddenly heard my ringtone I stopped everything so look around and my phone came out of a takeout McDonald's bag and I swear at that point that I began sweating and I just felt extremely uneasy also the phone was at a hundred percent battery and no notifications no calls from my fiance nothing just absolutely nothing I freaked out and called my fiance again in which he kind of got annoyed with me again and told me to calm down and get some rest after that though I decided to call my sister which she didn't answer and I seriously started freaking out and turned on all the lights and decided to sleep in the living room if I had to sleep at all I knew at that point that something was going on I spoke to my sister the next day though and she said all the things my fiance said after this nothing happened for about two months as well my birthday's in November but I had to work that day unfortunately so my fiance decided to come home early than me and cook for me you know if you're also over 25 then you know that birthdays just like any other normal day you have to work and so I was absolutely thrilled that I didn't have to get dressed and drag myself out I came home we ate we did the naughty and my fiance fell asleep and then I heard his phone ringing in the kitchen it was quite late so I thought it must have been important and so I went to fetch it but when I went there but the phone wasn't there when I entered the kitchen the noise stopped and the fridge doors were open like wide open but the doors of our fridge automatically closed unless you open them to the max and put this stopper thing in that the fridge has so it was put on that and also it starts making this stupid beeping noise after you leave it open for too long and it wasn't on so that meant that it was just opened I freaked out again call for my fiance he ran inside probably thinking that someone's about to murder me and I told him what happened and he said that my phone is on silent and that's it son charge next to me you must be dreaming and you must have forgotten to put it on you're tired and whatnot I'm a logical person minds you and the logic that he was saying was right so I accepted it and I just tried to move on and besides the TV turning on by itself sometimes there was really nothing again which at that point my fiance had decided the problem must have been the wiring with the TV yes the electricity was fine so I accepted it again I mean it is the logical thing to believe right two days ago I came home from work early as I had nothing after lunch I decided to clean a little maybe cook some stuff for the week and whatnot but first I wanted a warm bath because I worked my legs slightly too hard at the gym so it was pretty sore so I approached my things I even put my laptop on to catch up on my shows nice coffee and whatever else I filled the tub with hot water which is important it was quite hot and I had to slowly get in to not burn myself but that's how I enjoy it just when I was about to start my pampering - I I heard the door I had some Amazon orders that I was expecting so I got up put on a robe signed for the packages and got back it was a maximum of about 3 minutes I'd say but when I got back the water was ice-cold not just cold I mean like freezing cold the type of cold that's actually burns your skin and everything else was the same but the water and because I didn't expect that I just put my leg in directly and with the shock I have my slipped and fell in the tub and now I have a small bruise in my butt I didn't tell my fiance about this though because I know that he'll just try to justify it with saying that I'm tired again I just told him that I fell but I swear to you that the water it was hot it was so hot that I left the door open in the bathroom and cracked a window to stop her from getting extra steamy in fact and honestly yeah I don't know what to think and I don't know what to do I've never experienced something like this and I've never believed something like this and none of it makes any sense but it's as real as anything that's ever happened to me and I've read some things here before writing this and people told other people to check the history of the house and the problem is is that this is a new house I mean an old early couple boarded as the first owners of it after being built and then just rented it to us literally it's as new as it can be I don't know who to talk to about this and I don't even know what to say if they'll let me talk and actually yeah I don't even know why I'm writing this and I guess that maybe I'm just hoping for some sort of miracle cure for me or something that's I just don't know [Music] I've been dating my girlfriend for about two and a half years she's a small blonde with a positive attitude about pretty much everything well we both go to college too so we only get to see each other so much her college is in New Hampshire and mine is in Massachusetts since she doesn't have a car I usually drive up to her in my old little red car that I got from my grandmother I'm not a huge fan of the car buts I basically got it for free so I guess I can't complain also away I've never had any issues making this hour-and-a-half Drive but a few weeks ago I I got more than my film so I was visiting my girlfriend and it already was becoming a rough day we wanted the dorm room to ourselves but a terrible roommate wouldn't leave us so we just hung out in the common room and after spending most of the day together we finally called the time for me to head back to my own college so I said goodbye and that I would text her when I got back it was six o'clock already and it was getting pretty dark outside given that it was winter - no I normally take the New Hampshire backroads for a more scenic route and also to avoid traffic it doesn't affect the time of traveling at all either so that's a plus most people who live in or visit New Hampshire know that most of the back roads are really not well lit lit at all with street lights this isn't too much of a problem because I can just put on my high beams about thirty minutes of driving I turn down a road that it looked as if it was just a wide path the GPS said that I'd be going straight for about seven miles and Judah knowing about the way New Hampshire roads could be I I didn't think much of it the street was like how I mentioned before and was narrow enough for a car and a half I'm surrounded by the woods and was not lit with street lights pretty much at all so I got about three or four miles in and I saw a guy on my high beams just standing in the middle of the road he was waving down my car asking for help and the road wasn't big enough for me to pass around him so I had to stop the man then came around to my driver side window and gestured for me to put it down I wasn't fully thinking straight so I put my window down about why he looks like an average 40 to 45 year old man but he gave off just a disturbing presence he told me that he was having car troubles and asked for me to get out of my car to help you know I'm a 19 year old and have an average build with brown surface style here and none of my physical qualities him to me knowing anything about cars so a way I told him that I knew nothing about cars and that if he really needed help that I could call him a mechanic or a tow truck or something he kept gesturing to his black rusted pickup truck and insisted that I got out to help him though and this started to give me the chills because I didn't really know what to do at this point and that's when I noticed that there was someone crouching behind the truck the man couldn't tell but I began to internally panic my fight-or-flight senses kicked into gear and I chose to do something risky I then told the guy that I'd pull over on the side of the road up ahead and get out to see what I can help him with but this seemed to work too and the guy began to smile he backed off of my car and the minute he did I stepped as hard as I could on my gas pedal I sped off and looked into my rearview mirror to see both men run out into the middle of the road and they just stood there I kept driving as fast as I could until I got off the road into a nearby gas station where I finally stopped to call the police I told the dispatch my experience and then asked if I needed to stick around for questioning and and they told me that that would send some officers had to check the street and I was fine to continue driving I then called my girlfriend and told her what happened and she was just happy that I was safe to this day I'm I have no idea what those guys intentions were I don't know if they were actually having car troubles or if I was going to be carjacked or potentially worse needless to say though after that night I will not be driving the back roads alone at night anymore my sister has been married for several years now but this is the first time that she genuinely felt unsafe in her own home her husband was finishing up school and they just had a baby so as she was pretty sleep-deprived she had gotten sick and my brother-in-law wanted her to get some decent rests he stayed with the baby in the living room into the nursery to take care of her while my sister slept my parents wanted to see the baby so my brother-in-law came over to our house for a bit and just let my sister rest it should be noted - this my brother-in-law is extremely paranoid even though we live in a low-crime area he's from a sketchy Midwestern town though so it makes sense so he makes sure the doors and the windows are locked before leaving then half wakes up my sister up to let her know that he's going to our house with the baby and that he'll pick up some dinner on the way back my sister sleepily agrees and then just falls back to sleep fast forward a couple of hours and my sister has to wake up to breast pump because her chest is starting to hurt but she prolongs this though and tosses and turns for a while because she was still exhausted and didn't want to get up once she starts coming to though she realizes that the house is super cold and once she actually opens her eyes she is the front door shutting but she's super out of it and just assumes that it's a husband she calls out his name but gets no answer but the room is pitch black and all of the other lights in the house are off so she can't really see anything and suddenly she gets just a really horrible feeling that she can only describe as stepping into a freezing shower she gets up and checks the thermostat which was fine and she assumes that she just feels cold because she's sick she turns on some lights and does a quick turn about the house and realizes that no one else is home and the front door is still locked there's obviously freaks her out a bit and she takes a husband to ask when he'll be home he gets home not long after and they have dinner and he stays with the baby in the living room and sleeps on the couch my sister notices that one of the windows in their bedroom is open and she says that she doesn't remember opening it but that would explain why she was so cold earlier her husband makes sure to check that all the windows a shot and the door is locked after my sister explained to him that we had feeling that she got earlier too later she wakes up again at her aunt's who am - pomp and that disgusting feeling creeps up again she shoots up out of bed and can barely make out someone standing at the foot of the bed she thinks that it's a husband a similar height and build so she asks him to bring her some water while she's prepping the pump the figure doesn't move or speak though and she repeats herself and what she describes as the most terrifying moment in her life he answers her no no go back to sleep I like to watch you sleep the voice definitely does not belong to my brother-in-law and so she turns on her side desk lamp and starts screaming as this creeper wearing all black is just standing there he starts giggling - and her husband jolts out of his sleep and as she scrambles for the knife that she has in a table and the dude just books it at the window he had opened it and climbed through and she knows for sure that he was watching her sleep earlier when she was napping and that it was probably him that she had seen shutting the bedroom door earlier they call the police and file a report and nothing ever really comes of it because he technically didn't do anything besides trespassing because they said they couldn't be sure if they could charge him with breaking and entering because my sister doesn't remember if she opened the window or not idiots I know they have no idea how he didn't injure himself when he jumped out of the window because when my brother-in-law ran out of the back to give chase he had already disappeared it's been five years and nothing ever really came of the investigation and they just had the windows and the locks replaced [Music] it's all started during my first class one day a group of us was walking together along campus and slowly members began branching off and ended up just myself and a guy who I was not a client of a friend and they knew his name but I didn't want to be rude and not keep walking along with him he asks me where I'm going and might tell him that I normally take a nap between classes and was going into my dorms and he asks if he can see my suite normally this would be a no-brainer red flag but my particular building was renowned for being fancy and others frequently asked to see inside so I I say sure not wanting to be mean and thinking this guy I will just take a quick look around and give the typical jealous comments and then just leave we go inside and I show him the basics when doing so in a way that's we ended up back at the entrance of the suite this whole time he's not saying much and I'm and the announcing things dryly so when I give a confidence and quick it's pretty nice see around I thought that he was just going to take his leave I turned around and went to my room at this point I did not show him any rooms or say where anyone stayed and a few moments later as I'm sitting my stuff down I turn around and he's there in the doorway and he's silent I don't say anything because well I don't want to invite him in I just want him to go and so I I just look at him and then stop picking stuff up and moving it around trying to look busy he slowly walks a couple of steps into the room and asks have you done the coursework yet and I tell him no but by this time I assume that he's trying to hang out and I tell him again that I'm planning on napping he doesn't even skip a beat and says that's okay I can watch you sleep and help you with it after I smile no tone and then silence again I immediately tell him that he needs to leave and follow him until he's actually going at the lock doors and I know that he can't follow me back in I also told a lot of our friends about this and they were pretty creeped out and made a point not to leave us alone again never we finished the year out and I haven't thought about this guy in a long time I didn't know anything about him at all as well still only knew his name flash forward a year though and some change to the next summer when I'm taking a bus ride home from a different part of campus so it's not my normal rounds we get to one of the points with the bus stops and waits until a certain time before I can leave again and everyone else who had been on the bus gets off at this stop at this point the driver starts talking to me just asking lots of questions I didn't think anything weird at first medicine what I thought were idle chat questions so which apartment are you in and what classes are you taking stuff like that but then as more and more questions just kept coming I'm I started to feel uneasy with his mannerisms and became extremely vague in my answers I still don't know if he always intended to tell me this but he then stopped peppering me with questions and began spilling a story of how his son was in my maths class the previous year and he knew all about me and started giving me a lot of family details it was at this point that I realize his son is the guy who wanted to watch me sleep all the details fit but I had to know for sure so I asked if his son is called the name and he smiles and says yes he then mentioned how he would like to start riding bikes with me and what I ride bikes with him and his son I was gathering my stuff by this point and had decided to get off the bus there are two doors one in the front and one halfway which was closest to me the door stay open while the buses at these stops so people can hop off and on and the driver normally gets off and takes a break as I'm getting my stuff though and getting up the half way door shut I look again at the driver and all the men but larger than my petite frame and build that's for sure he's now standing facing me too but the front door is still open he asks again will you ride bikes with us I obviously went off this bus at this point and think that the only way is to pacify him I say yes and make my way to the front door not knowing how to get around him and he looks pleased but asks where I'm going I try and tell him that I've decided to walk home but he still blocks my way and tries talking me out of it I'm firm in that I want to walk from here but he still won't move I'm standing in front of him wishing to move but my body is frozen in place slowly he says give me your number and I'll let you go obviously I I really really don't want to do this but I also want off this bus immediately my first thought is to give a fake but I'm so glad that I did enters he immediately dials the number it was obviously a test seeing my phone ring and watching me save his contact he moves just enough that I slide by and make it off the bus after making it home I go to block his number and I already have multiple missed calls and a voicemail of just him breathing the situation was reported and I don't see him on route for a long time but around a year later I was getting on another bus and noticed that he was back I have never covered my face and backed off public transit faster than that day so I was 15 and my mom was out for the night and I was just home studying I had my headphones on so I could listen to music while I was working and I guess it was around nine ish I think when my pencil just rolled off the table so I bent down to pick it up and as I did I am I look toward the front door and the doorknob was turning slowly back and forth now it's an old house and the doorknob is old but I know the way it unlocked from the outside and with the key in the doorknob it really turns one way so I moved to the kitchen and called 9-1-1 at this point it was almost eerily calm too and I told them my name and address that I was home alone and that someone was trying to come through my front door dispatch stayed on the line with me and said that they were routing a helicopter to fly over or something and did I have a dog I did and she told me to call the dog to the back door and then open the door and bring the dog in because they were going to use infrared on the back yard I asked if that was safe and what if he was in the backyard and her advice was to scream and she would notify the police on route that an assault was in progress so I I called my poor little cocker spaniel to the door and pretty much threw him over my shoulder and into the house before slamming a lock in the door but not that that would do much good because that door had a single hung window in it and there was a large window next to it - and a huge picture window in the living room I mean if someone wanted in but the deadbolt wasn't about to stop that anyway once I had the dog in she told me that she was going to hang up and call back in five minutes I mean that five minutes I was to call the place my mom was at and get her to come home I called and she was playing darts or something I think and so I told them to give the phone to her boyfriend and I told them what was going on apparently he walked out to where my mom was playing grabbed her and walked out of the bar when the dispatcher called back she gave me the names descriptions and badge numbers of the responding officers and that as she had informed them that there were to hold their badges to the front window before the door would be unlocked for them they showed up showed me the badges and my open the door my mum was less than five minutes behind them which I'm considering Kelly traffic means her boyfriend broke a number of traffic laws to get there and that's when the police showed us the cigarette butts and the footprints by the front window and the kitchen window and the mud scraped off at the top of the gate that separated our front and backyards which means that apparently he'd been watching me through the windows for quite a while before deciding to break in [Music] I lived in Sydney as a child not hustling and bustling inner-city but that kind of Southwest and what you would call a more family based environments look close enough that my dad could commute fairly easily considering the traffic in peak hours but far enough that my mom still felt safe when she was home alone with us of the day Sydney City is pretty dodgy and normally any of those who can have cashed a splash can consider themselves probably safe anyway this was in the early 2000s nothing is sophisticated as widespread and easy to access video feed doorbells and once again only those well off have the monitoring systems at this point now my family was young my parents were mainly considered too young to have two young kids and hard-working to provide for us but we lived in a two-bedroom unit or apartment that for the most part of my early memories was pretty amazing but we had plenty of friends in the neighborhood that parents would set playdates with us and it was a nice area but at nights as I've since learned you can never be too sure of anything growing up I was always an inquisitive kid my older brother even with the extremely small age gap between us it was leaps and bounds ahead of me though it would be what you'd call a classically book-smart kind of kids I love him a lot but the fellow just does not have common sense or straight months from whatsoever even then I remember my mother worrying about him and so I was always very protective of him because although it was older he was smaller in a way my mom never worried about me I was always down to make a scene if something was wrong and a very heavily relied on my gut instincts which she knew about me my brother had really bad asthma as well and when my mum and dad got bunk beds I mean I didn't get too much about an occasional call from him and the noid but as we continued to sleep like that me on the bottom bunk because I was clumsy I began to become more aware of his coughing at night and the fact that he needed his inhaler and whatnot I would get it for him and just sit on his bed until he felt better and so it would wake me up some nights like this one in particular so it was a pretty usual night nothing to double-take at my parents were in bed and it must have been around 1:30 in the morning I think when my brother just started coughing it woke me up instantly and I was aware of what I had to do to help him out a run-of-the-mill night kind of thing except this time when I went to roll over I I stopped myself there was someone in the room figuring my dad had heard him i i simply looked up at the bottom of the mattress and asked did I miss the coughing this time dad and there was no answer and instead her figure in all-black slowly bent down and signaled to me to shush as he stood back up I got out of bed and just kind of looked at him and he was standing bolt upright but his head was cocked to the side as if it was a fascinating thing that my brother was coughing his guts out eyes fixed on him the whole time just shifting the tilt of his head every now and their name I got a gut feeling that this wasn't normal or safe and the dread finally washed over me and I screamed for my dad the man didn't even break his stare and just stood there until my dad rushed him with the bat he gave one more glance at me and then he just took off weasal past my dad who couldn't get the angle to swing and he just bolted my dad took off almost in step with the creep and I kind of adrenaline blurred the next bit from my junior memory but my next memory is watching my dad walk back up the street dragging the bat apparently he had chased him fueled with anger but just missed when he swung at him for the record I'm a regular remember that dad wasn't very convincing I'd say I think he just said it to calm my mom and us down a bit but he was really fit and quite a muscular guy too and he probably got a couple of good ones him before it was over obviously we went through the regular steps with policing and statements but nothing ever really came of it and we ended up just moving along after that incident several weeks last year I was asked to cover and supervise a warehouse team on a an evening shift working until midnight one of my duties was to check the whole warehouse at the end of the shift for security and health and safety reasons ensuring that everything was good for the morning shifts who started at 7:00 a.m. you know I'm not really one for measurements and couldn't tell you the exact size of the warehouse but think of a large supermarket over three floors and that will give you a pretty good idea of how large the place is one night I was running late in the way house alone at around 0:45 a.m. on the top floor and the top floor was laid out in a long narrow picking aisle but much like a supermarket with a small packing area where I was stood collecting paperwork all the aisles were in complete darkness as the lights were powered by movements at the only lit area was the packing bench where I was stood I was standing square on some one of the house and could see down to the very far into the top floor from where I was I just finished my paperwork when I heard a click and the line at the very far end of the aisle came on I knew it was the one at the very end as it illuminated the door and wall I looked quite surprised because I knew that there was nobody else in there because they had all gone home about 45 minutes before I mean I'd watched them all leave seconds later I click again and the next light came on then the third light a few seconds after and by this point I'm starting to get pretty scared as one by one the aisles begin to just light up section by section as if something or someone was walking directly towards me but the hairs on the back of my neck stuck up and I was frozen as the whole aisle just clicked and lit up till that eventually reached the end of the aisles just feet from where I stood I looked around pretty carefully and I can assure you that there was nothing there that could cause these lights no rodents no animals no cockroaches nothing and it's safe to say that I never stayed that late again in the warehouse on my own and it did freak me out I told a few of my colleagues too but none of them believed so it's 1982 and Ronald Reagan is turning the u.s. Navy from 400 ships to 800 ships because of the Soviet Union the Navy takes a lot of old ships they mothball in Bremerton Washington and tow them over to Tacoma to refurbish them and bring them back into service I'm pretty sure they did this everywhere they had old Navy ships so I I get a job as the security guard with the company being contracted with sukima boat to have a huge contract with the US Navy I can't remember the name of the ship but it was an electronic warfare ship which means that I have no idea what it was for probably a spy ship that listened in to Soviet ships and submarines or something but I'm just guessing so I was not in the Navy I was a civilian security guard with a total of eight hours of security guard training under my belt a sign to walk the entire freakin ship every couple of hours it was me in another guy and the other guy was honestly crazier than a squirrel on meth but hey when you're paying your guards $3 15 per hour you can take what you can get we took turns walking the ship as we called it and had to go all over the ship to make sure nobody was there but the workers go there at 6:00 a.m. and left by 7:00 p.m. lots of overtime because Ronny what it is six hundred ships fast lots of expensive tools lying around as well as paint brushes paint guns and not the toys but the actual sprayers Sanders all sorts of things that one could sell if you ripped them off so that's what we were for now nobody was supposed to be on the ship at all but me and the hyperactive mental fellow security guard we took turns I would walk the ship one hour and then he would walk the ship next minute me next until my shift was over at 6:00 a.m. the ship appeared to be pretty much gutted of just about all of its electronic equipment I was told that all the equipment was being replaced with new equipment but they had to paint it all inside and out first and they were still in the painting phase also they were also working on the engines below or something hence all the tools that s are in the engine so I worked there for maybe five days at most I think maybe not even that even and it was a long time ago but I would always hear these voices I'd be in one room and the voices would come from the corridor I'd be in the corridor and the voices would come from a room just the voices of men like they were talking to each other or something obviously I would go into the corridor when I heard the voices I'm thinking that somebody had broken in or something and their night see nobody and me nothing but then voices would come from a certain room and I'd rush in there and again nobody there and just silence I concluded that there were radios on the ship or something at the time and some kind of PA system that I was not familiar with I told the other guard about the voices and he said man that's having wild I mean I don't know what it is he was either crazy or high and I can tell which and I asked if he was playing a joke on me and he laughed and denied it I still wasn't convinced or sure though because he looks pretty crazy and this was long before drug testing the last night I was there it was the same thing just the voices all over the place one of the mechanics who worked on the engine came in early about 5:00 p.m. and was sipping on coffee in our guard room a part of a trailer and he actually said I'm hearing those voices again all over the ship it must be some kind of radio and the mechanic swallowed hard and shook his head no back and forth and said no there's no radios on the ship anymore they gutted the whole thing and took them all out and they're going to install new ones but they're not here yet and to be quite honest I was stunned I remember saying to the guy in fact are you sure and he took another sip of coffee and nodded yes and after that day I just never went back and today I regret no going back because I would have loved to a found out warrant maybe even tried to communicate with these things [Music] since I was a kid around 12 I think I've always seen these dark shadowy movements in my peripherals when walking around my house watching TV or anything else I used to think it was just my imagination as I was self aware that I was on the youngins my mind could be making this up I'm seeing these movements though soft when I was around 15 but came back as I turned 17 I'm 18 in a few months and some other stuff has happened since then I should also say to this I haven't ever seen anything like this anywhere else or have been afraid like this in other people's houses I should also disclose that my house is exactly a hundred years old this year and I even found an old World War One helmets in the garden and I don't know if that has anything to do with this but I think it might anyway since the shadowy movements have come back a few things have happened so one day as I was getting into bed I I heard a female voice say my name I thought it was my mom but she had gone to bed hours earlier so I replied with something along the lines of yeah what do you need and I got no reply I didn't think too much of it though and I just kind of shrugged it off and then I heard my name again seconds after but this time way I was too afraid to answer that night too I couldn't sleep so I just laid in bed thinking about what happened and this is when I heard my bag start to move I know it was my bag - it was the only thing in my bed at the time the noise I'm talking about is like that the shuffling noise is something is being dragged across a competent although the dragging noise was very gradual after a while it stopped but obviously I didn't get any sleep that night months have passed since that happened and since then I I don't think too much of it but I remember thinking at the time that there was a hundred percent something else in my room now the second thing was I was home alone playing a game on my ps4 and I actually heard my sister walk up the stairs and into a room and walking up the stairs for a minute or two I also could hear her muffled voice of her talking to someone on the phone or something and I should point out too that I actually saw her in the corner of my eye as the living room door is slightly visible from where I was sitting and has a large glass pane in it and about an hour later my dad got back home and told me that he was going to pick up my sister from work I didn't tell him or anyone that I thought I had seen my sister walk up the stairs but it has definitely made me feel different about the house so I used to walk around the farmland that I live on for exercise my sleep schedule was pretty messed up for a while and I slept during the day so I decided to walk at night but nothing around but the Coyotes and the occasional weirdo which by the way I I'm not saying that I'm not a part of that group so I get about 40% of the way through the mile walk when I see something heading towards the crossroads in front of me it's just a shadow under the moonlight which is weird considering it was a full moon but from my 62 perspective it was taller than the almond orchard tree line so it must have been at least 9 feet tall and at this point I'm pretty terrified to say the least and kind of developing up a primal fear and despite actually carrying a weapon at the time it served my headlamp off and I run nearly half a mile back to my house feeling like I was being chased the whole way there once I get back to the lights of my house I instantly feel safer and I stand around watching the darkness for a while but there's nothing so I go back in and I relay the story to my family the next night I go back out again and I see the biggest and most unnatural print ever on the same road that I was running and here's an actual picture of the print now this is definitely not a bear it's not a mountain lion either and none of those even makes sense from my area beyond that my boot size is 11 wide as well the coyote prints are usually 2 and a half inches wide at most this print is nearly 5 inches wide I've been told dog men by 5 different people now but I'm just an absolute skeptic whatever it was though it was big and it definitely was on the path that my eye was on so this happened to me around my freshman year of high school in 2011 I was around 13 or 14 years old at the time and my sister was four school grades younger than me every day I would come home on the bus arriving at my house at around 2:20 p.m. or so and it was about a 10 or maybe 15-minute ride from the high school to my house I lived in the countryside so my stop was a ways away from the other neighborhoods that kids lived in my house was directly next to a farm and we only had a few neighbors all older folk you stuck to themselves pretty much juda living in a rural area and having an extremely long dirt driveway when I got home from school I had to walk a few minutes down the driveway before I got to the back slider door I would enter my house lock the door behind me and put my things down and every day it was the same routine when I got home I would check out my dogs food and water and watch TV in the living room for a little while you know my living room window has a perfect view of the front yard of my house as well as the driveway and where the bus would stop at the end of their driveway - and here's where things started to get interesting so well I would watch TV in the living room I would keep an eye out of the window to watch what my sister - arrived home from middle school and make sure that she got off the bus and up the driveway safely she would get out of school around 2:30 and arrived at my house closer to 3:00 p.m. and I would keep the door locked until I knew that she'd be home in a few minutes and then I'd unlock it so that she could get into the house when she gets into the back door I did that same thing this day just like every other day and I'm all in the living room I saw my sister's bus pull up to the end of the driveway stop and I wish to get off the bus I remember she was wearing a North Face jacket a scarf and she had a fairly large teal backpack on jeans and boots she was walking up the driveway and went out of my view and I heard the backslider door open close and lock as she came into the house from where I was sitting in the living room I could see a walk past a doorway he did in the hallway to a room and I yelled out her name and asked her how school was but I didn't get an answer I got up to follow her and repeat my question because I thought she didn't hear me and as I walked into the hallway the very same hallway that I just seen her walk down I noticed that there were no lights on the hall I was darkened her room at the end of the hallway was also dark I said her name again and I didn't hear anything I turn the lights on and went into a room and she wasn't there either I I figured that maybe she went into another room in the house but I couldn't find her anywhere I went back out to check the back door and to my surprise it was still unlocked and slightly open which didn't make any sense because I just heard my sister closed and locked the door when she got home it confused I closed the door and locked it and went back to the living room to grab my phone and as I entered the room the strangest thing happened out of the window away I saw my sister's bus pull up stop and I watched to get off the bus and woke up my driveway again but when she came in the house I I told her the weirdest thing just happened and I saw you get off the bus and come inside and lock the door but you weren't anywhere in the house and then I looked outside and saw you get off the bus again and when I checked the door it was unlocked and opened and she responded saying that's really weird because the door was unlocked when I came inside and you usually leave it open for me I explained how I locked it because I thought that she was in the house and I thought it was really strange that the door was open and unlocked without either of us manipulating it might I add to that my sister was wearing a t---shirt scarf leggings and boots but a totally different outfit than i saw the first time i didn't know what i was seeing or what just happened and i've had paranormal experiences in the past stories that i'd be happy to share but this one this one was weird and it really takes the cake at the time I I didn't know if this was some kind of entity mimicking my sister and trying to get my attention or if this was some kind of a glitch in reality or something but I would love to hear some theories and stories that similar to mine if you guys don't mind sharing in the comments so my parents told me this story some years ago but I had forgotten about it until well recently so to put some context to this I was born via c-section in a fairly decent Hospital which at the time liked to supervise two parking lots having instead er an open parking space whose sole guards were a group of people that would often clean the cars for a fee not that the c-section was bad but my mum had to stay some days in the hospital after I was born because she got sick and I must say that my dad has yet to this day to forgive any of my mother's family for barely showing up to I the visits or care for her as well he never left us alone as it was sadly very common back then to have kids snatched away by our medical staff for just random strangers not that it no longer happens but it was just rampant back then now but the time my mum and I were given the green light to go my dad walked her to the parking lots and my mum was holding me in the blankets and everything was going normal safe or the fact that it was getting pretty dark but suddenly they noticed a man approaching them one hand inside of his jacket well the guy I was walking towards them at a seemingly slow pace but my parents knew right away that there was something off about this dude my mum was obviously in no condition to run and my dad refused to leave her behind should this guy attack but they silently decided that it would be best if my mum let my dad run away with me if the situation arose as they were still somewhat separated from the guy my dad pushed my mum into another direction trying to go back into the hospital until this guy in a raspy voice said you've got a pretty baby girl in your arms may I see her this raised all the alarm bells in both of my parents and they said that they had a feeling that they were done for I was covered from head to toe in at least two layers of thick blankets and only my mum could see my face and they even hadn't talked to them me and so that meant that he must have been following my parents from inside the hospital to know that I was a girl that they had little time to react as the guy started approaching at a fast pace and they knew that they wouldn't make it back to the hospital on time no other person was seemingly around the area to hell and they thought that they were done for at least until one of the guards came rushing into their a just screaming at the creep and the dude was old but still had strength to beat this Widow and what's better the ruckus begins to attract other guards who shielded my parents and forced the creep to run away chasing him even until he was nowhere near the hospital it turns out that the guard had seen this person from a distance but it wasn't until he spotted my parents that he realized what was going on my parents are forever grateful for the interference of those men who not only saved them from being potentially killed but also saved me from being either sold to another family illegally or other shady business that's I don't want to even think about so the seven last night as I was coming home from work I'm a 23 year old woman and I don't have a driver's license so I take public transport or uber it looks I've had several people give me general bad vibes and make me feel them a little bit unsafe but this is the first time somebody has crossed the line from creepy to scary with me on my commute I stayed a little later than usual at work yesterday because well I'm trying to learn After Effects and I wanted to spend a little bit more time on the practice project I'd going on I left the office around 5:45 and walked ten minutes to the bus stop the Sun was going down but there was still light in the sky so it wasn't too dark yet I didn't have to wait long to for the bus and the driver pulled up and was very friendly as he scanned my ticket which is on my phone I took one of the seats that faces the inside aisle which I prefer not to do but it was the only place to see it where I didn't have to sit directly next to somebody who was already on the bus because you know my value personal space and all that after a few stops we made a stop near the major university in my city and a young guy got on there probably younger than me but not by much and and unfortunately sat directly next to me he smelled bad but not as bad as some people I've encountered on the bus so I didn't think to move or anything and right away he made a sound like ha and I thought that he was going to comment on the music in my headphones but he didn't he just looked at my phone he said like you on facebook I said ah no I'm on Twitter he said never understood it you ever sold anything on Facebook I said no and he kept asking me just really weed questions like that like he just wanted to talk to me and he didn't care about what it was at this point time I figured he was just trying to flirt and was just bad at it so I politely answer these questions and tried not to be too friendly about it he asked if I was a student I'm not and whether I would rather live in a mansion or an apartment obviously a mansion I said and he said his goal was to have a house big enough to put a skatepark in it I said that's a good goal but thinking that this guy was probably not playing with a full deck but not wanting to be a jerk about it either he said you're awesome and he asked me are you looking for her best friend I said no that I have a best friend and we've known each other since I was about eight years old and then like it was so casual he said to me if you tell me where he lives I could kill him I honestly didn't know what to say to this eye I looked around for someone on the bus to intervene but but nobody had heard what he said so I just said probably not then he kind of laughed in a really weird way and said you smell good at this point I just put my headphones back on and just tried to tune him out there were no available seats for a couple of stops so I just had to sit there with him talking in my ear as well obviously I couldn't hear him I was listening to Pedro Fernandez as far as I could and as soon as the seat was opened I moved away from him into her a forward-facing seat and put my purse next to me in a defensive position I started to get worried about whether this guy would get off the bus before I did though and my destination was pretty far down the line but I didn't need him following me home or even know where I usually get off the bus right I mean what would have stopped him from waiting there for me so I I texted my roommate to pick me up at the Hooters halfway home and right as I did this thankfully he got off downtown and lucky for me because my roommate was busy and couldn't actually pick me up also just for the record my childhood best friend as a girl but I wasn't about to tell him that though [Music] for some background I've grown up in South Africa my entire life and I live in a generally safe area many medical professionals in South Africa doctors physios etc they have to complete a year of community service where the government places you in most likely a rural area where you're expected to work in a public facility and around the community so being a medical professional life moved to another province equivalent to a state in South Africa for a year to complete my community service how I mention the area but it's considered more rural than the regular South African city needless to say not living there for very long I wasn't always sure which hangouts what we considered safe and which I should rather avoid fast forward a few months into living in the new province and my boyfriend came to visit me he drove around and noticed a huge park enclosed by a fence and there were tons of families walking around on the grass rying male version of a barbecue sitting on benches and all that stuff but we thought it looked pretty safe so we chose a spot on a bench and sat down to talk but my boyfriend still lives back home so we were doing the distance thing I was sad that he was leaving again in two days and I started crying relevant later but he calmed me down and we sat looking at the people walking around next thing we know there are two guys walking from about some 20 meters away straight towards us they looked extremely sketchy too close mismatched and torn and the typical kind of gangster walk we thought they might walk past us but they literally walk straight up to us and being from South Africa my boyfriend and I both had a bad feeling about the encounter to come they approached us and we froze in place and instead of getting up and walking away we just kind of sat there with one of the gangsters covered in gang tattoos crouched down next to me well the other one went around to my boyfriend stood close to him the idiot on my side had some weed bandages or some type of white glove on his hand they asked if we could help them with some money because they just got out of jail yesterday we said we don't have any but they were persistent and wouldn't leave us alone I started freaking out at this point because I've been robbed before and I knew that persistent behavior cord and probably would escalate to violence they told us that they didn't want to hurt us but just wanted money or whatever else we have to give my boyfriend realized this too and took out his brand-new phone at the timer i won plus five in the hopes that they'd just leave us alone they took the phone and glanced it over a few times and this brand is not common in South Africa and because they couldn't recognize it they said they didn't want the phone they kept surrounding us though and walked behind us and crashed down which we assumed was so that the other people around us didn't see them I tried to hide my car keys in my pocket because I was scared that they try to take the car so I kept looking into my pockets to be quite honest time I didn't know what to do so I just kept crying I told the gangsters that we just found out that my boyfriend's dad passed away and can they not see that we're very upset luckily as said before I was already crying before they arrived so it didn't seem like a lie the one of my boyfriend's side's demeanor immediately changed and he apologized and gave us his condolences really anyway the other gangster crouching beside me didn't seem to care and reached into his pockets and at this point I was very sure that something bad was about to happen like he was about to pull a gun or a knife on us or something if we didn't leave so I grabbed my boyfriend's hand and we just tried to run away they just stood there watching us and luckily they didn't follow for anyone wondering South Africa's crime rate is super high but one of the highest in the world in fact and whilst most areas are fairly safe you can never escape situations like this but for anyone thinking that we might have been prejudiced because they didn't actually do anything I can promise you that when you see a South African gangster you will definitely know they are also known for being just cold and ruthless here so I'm glad that we made it out of there harmed physically anyway I really don't want to know what could have happened if we didn't get out when we did this happened to me a couple of years ago while I was still in high school my dad and my stepmom had gone out with the neighbors for lunch or something and they asked me to take my little sister who was around four at the time and go to the grocery store for them while they were out I had just received my license and my first car a few months ago and so my frequently brand errands for them but we lived in a pretty remote country town all we really had was a a grocery store or Walmart and McDonald's and two gas stations and it was usually pretty quiet I had no problems with going out of my own even at nights to run errands and I had never had any issues in the past so I go to the store and had gotten the groceries with no trouble and I put them in the trunk of my car and was strapping my little sister in a car seat I Drive a VW Beetle and I had to move the driver side seat to get to the back where her car seat was I move my seat back into position and I got in and I had turned my key into the accessory position but I had not started the engine yet when I noticed movement in my peripheral vision I turned and I saw a man leaning over my car and the passenger side with one arm braced against the window and my car is little obviously and this man was really tall like at least 65 and he was straight up looming over my car now me being a small town country dumbass at first think that this man just needs help I'm just about to turn and roll the window down when I noticed two things the hand that isn't braced against my car is trying to open the door and the second thing is that the hand that is braced against my car is holding a pair of handcuffs my stomach drops straight to the floor if I were a man my balls would have probably retracted all the way to my throat but for about two seconds I'm just frozen staring at this guy he isn't looking at my door handle less he tries to open it - he's just staring straight at me with no expression on his face the passenger's side is locked thank God because I need to hit the unlock button on my keys twice in a road to unlock both sides of my current I hadn't needed to do that because my sister's car seat was on my I finally snap out of it and I turn my key into the ignition my engine starts and I shift into reverse and I had just floor it I turn and shift into drive and practically fly out of the parking lot if there had been a car or pedestrian in my way I would have almost certainly hit them I was going that fast for just a second as I Drive the hell out of there I I glanced into the rearview mirror to see if this guy is still trying to chase me and he isn't he's just standing there watching me go with one hand in his pockets and the other hand twirling the handcuffs I speed all the way home and my little sister asks me what happened when we finally get there but she hadn't been paying attention until I started driving like a maniac I was still shaking but I didn't want to scare her so I told her not to worry about it and handed her a popsicle which swiftly distracted my parents got home about an hour later and I told my dad what happens and he goes gray and just packs me into his car and drives me to the police station I gave them my report but as far as I know nothing ever came of it the guy either didn't try again with someone else or he just simply moved on to another location after that night I refused to run errands by myself almost half a year as well my dad was a freshman in high school during the time and he was active in sports and was in a football season back in that day he said that he would have to walk to and from school and that they used to use what they called the stinky tunnel to transport because it eliminated the risk of crossing over the train tracks this tunnel was approximately 50 yards and a lot of homeless people and drug ease would stay in that tunnel overnight for some kind of warmth for cover for the winter in autumn nights one day my dad went to school as usual and then had football practice after and they were getting ready to play a big game so practice lasted a while and it was around seven o'clock when he finally got out and had at home the walk back home was approximately 372 feet I know this because I've measured it myself since then he got to the stinky tunnel which he decided not to take because there were already people down there the druggies and homeless and he decided to walk across the train track instead he said that he had just crossed the track when he heard the loudest crying just a really emotional like something was wrong he looked everywhere to see where it was coming from but it was to no avail since it was so dark out only the fast street lights were barely illuminating the dirt around him he started to walk faster at this point and the crying began to follow him my dad's arm hair was standing on end and he was developing goosebumps at this point so he started to speed walk but the crying was increasing in strength and volume but my dad at this point just started to run and he was already tired so it was not as fastest but the quicker he ran he said the closer that the crying got too terrified to turn around he just ran as fast as he could and he didn't dare look back he said that he'd followed him all the way home and that the last thing it said was mejia he got inside and collapsed to the floor in tears and my grandmother running to him to see what was wrong and he didn't say a word about what happened and just simply got up and went to his room he actually had to take a break telling me that story saying this it took a lot out of him then and he's just a really big skeptic so I actually believe in interestingly enough my mom has also had an experience like this so when my mom was 10 years old and lived next to a small ditch next to a highway she stayed at a friend's house which was a little closer to the ditch the day went normal just riding bikes playing typical girl stuff and their night came and they knew it was time to go home since the streetlights came they were sitting in the friend's bedroom radio on listening to music and playing a card game it was already dark out and the music from the stereo filled the room now my mom's friend lived with her mom and grandma who both spoke fluent Spanish my mom understood it but she couldn't really speak it well then all of a sudden my mom just developed this overwhelming sense of anxiety and terror and then there was crying the girls both heard it but brushed it off as a cat or a drunken neighbor and soon the crime began to become louder and more obnoxious like it wanted to be heard the girls paused what they were doing they're staring at the window and once they looked at why either crime became ear-splitting so now that it was resonating over the stereo both girls having hands over their ears fearful of what was happening the grandma burst into the room holy water in one hand and a rosary and the other she was screaming over the crying praying in Spanish and my mom says that when she did this the radio started to static and the lights began to flicker both the crying in the praying were booming extremely loud until it just went quiet and it all just stopped the grandma then said a prayer over my mom and her granddaughter and made them go into the living room instructing them not to return to that room for the night and not to look at the window my mom returned home in the morning not speaking of what happened and even when she tells the story now just a an overwhelming sense of fear takes over and she gets goose bumps this story comes from my dad who was a security card for the hospital in our small town the hospital was built in 1908 established in a mining community and then turned into a nursing home for miners my dad had the responsibility of just walking around and looking up the offices and making sure no one else stood around after 10:00 p.m. this was a three-story building and the bottom is with the basement in the old morgue was the second floor being the meeting offices kitchen gym dialysis center and visitor bathrooms and the upper floor was where all the elderly residents stayed and were taken care of he says that he was walking around on the second floor just locking up the bottom visitor door and checking offices for people around 11:00 p.m. and he walked by the woman's and men's visitor's bathrooms near the gym as he was walking by the women's restroom he had a woman who hacked a very loud obnoxious cough ripped a paper towel from the dispenser and then it just went quiet he waited by the door for someone to come out but no one ever did he waited a little bit longer and still nothing he finally knocked on the door and said ma'am and there was no response back so he slowly opened the door and the lights were off and there was only an echo that filled the hall when the door loudly squeaked open he turned the light on and there was no one in there he checked the two stalls and the small shower that was inherent it was all empty he glanced near the trash and he noticed a piece of torn paper towel shriveled up and thrown into the trash well he quickly walked out of the restroom and left and to this day he swears the COFF was as clear as day loud and eerie he can't explain it and he's a pretty big skeptic there are many other stories of personal experiences that I've had in that building when visiting my dad but I'll share them another time so this happened about nine years ago when I was fifteen me and my school class went on a twenty day vacation trip to USA where Brazilian and we visited New York Orlando and Miami and we grouped in rooms of three so my room was me and my friends a and B we stayed and ate at the Hilton Hotel in Miami before our weight I'll never forget it for only one night and and there were these strange things that happen there so it was about 9:00 p.m. and I didn't have any plans for the night so we thought of just renting a movie on TV and watching it and then just going to sleep so they went in for a shower to get ready but suddenly I'm a and B hear the sound of glass breaking come from inside the bathroom it was one of those glasses normally found in the u.s. hotels near the sink so we thought that I had just broken it somehow so we just laugh to ourselves thinking they just messed up but then a he comes storming out of the bathroom asking why the hell we entered the bathroom and broke the glass like that by the sink so me and Bieber like dude there's no way we entered and you didn't see us right so how could it have been us we never reached an agreement but we all just moved on a bit later that night all of a sudden B turns why does a sheet and is scared he claims that he just saw a dark figure rapidly entering towards the bathroom but neither me or a believed it because we didn't see anything he swears that he saw something but again we we just moved on about 30 minutes later and the phone rang and I stood up to pick it up well one of our friends in the other room was calling nothing strange about that but it was then that I saw it a dark figure moving quickly toward that bathroom I got pale and dropped the phone on the floor and the three of us freaked out we didn't know what to do and it honestly scared us half to death so we just gathered in the same bed and we just stayed there a few minutes later we hear knocking on our door as well so a and B got up to open it well I stayed in bed praying and it was nobody outside and all the lights were out in the hall and they were those sensor lights that go on when someone walks by so we just try to relax and find any possible explanation for what just happened but none of us got any sleep that night to this day we we still talk about that night there not knowing what any of that was so I'm not the only one in my house who has heard their voice replicated by something that resides in my home at first sounded like my arms my mom heard her talking in our dining room she said that she couldn't quite understand what she was saying and assumed that she must have been just having a conversation with my grandpa who was the only one awake at the time around 12:00 in the morning however my grandpa was on the patio it's directly behind the dining room and had assumed my aunt was talking to someone else as well my aunt had recently moved out of the house though and has no keys to it so it's just not possible that it was her months later and my grandma wakes up at around 2 a.m. because she can hear my mom talking behind her bedroom door she said that she was talking for a while and then it just got quiet and went inside a room my grandmother didn't think that there was anything unusual about it but when she scolded my mother in the morning for waking her up my mom said that she had spent the night at a friend's house and hadn't come home until about an hour before and now whatever was imitating my aunt and mom is started to sound like me as well they had first started two weeks ago when I left for school and my mom stayed home she said that she was doing her makeup in the dining room and her talking from the direction of my room she said that it sounded just like me so she responded with what and then it clicked her that I was not at home she told this thing in my room to behave and didn't hear it again until this week my brother was home with my mom while I was at school and they had music on as they got lunch ready and they say that they heard me shout for my mom and they turned the music off and then heard it again in the direction of my room my mum told my grandma her and now I apparently have a blessed Bible wide open on my bookshelf that a week ago a dispatcher who would answered multiple calls from the residence did a ride-along with me and talked me into taking him to the house he had read every post that I had made he is he was up to date with the latest spooky stuff going on there and wanting to see some creepy stuff as he put it we waited until around 3:00 a.m. before going at first I was going to walk him to the front of the house and take a look and then just head back but that wasn't enough for him we walked up to the porch and saw old hymnals laying open on the floor just outside of the front door which hadn't been here the last time that I was there walking into the house I checked the spot where I had put the pack of cigarettes and they were still there unopened covered in dust and in the exact place that I had left them having someone there with me I I started feeling him a little bit brave so I tried to recreate the circumstances when I heard the footsteps upstairs I walked under the stairs and into the back room and not I showed him the nope stairs and wouldn't you know it we climbed up and there were old newspapers all over the floor now very old mattresses on the floor which had folded over itself in the master bedroom it actually looked like it was covering something so we flipped it over and to our relief it wasn't anything under it but a few seconds after that the creepy stuff began downstairs we we heard a very loud noise and it sounded like someone had a large stick and was dragging it across the wall or something I'm not sure how long it lasted but it felt like a an unnaturally long time we looked at each other and I could tell by his expression that we had heard the same thing we went back downstairs and looked in each room butts found nothing that could have made the sound we checked around the house thinking that they might have been a limb that had fallen but again nothing that could have made the sound deciding that we had had enough paranormal activity for the nights we started walking back down the trail just like my first night I I felt something was following us and before I could say anything I saw the dispatcher quickly looked behind him and he said that he felt like someone was behind us I don't know why I keep going back but I feel like if I keep antagonizing whatever is there it's going to be a bad day at some point I know in previous discussions that everything from demons to squatters has been proposed but with everything that's happened up to this point it's getting harder to dismiss the supernatural here one this time two year 2002 I was in a residential nationwide high school which is in Washington DC and everyone knows that DC or any other major city it can be dangerous I was invited to visit one of my friends home for spring break I met with some local students boys and all of them are pretty cute they invited me on a night out with them and one of the boys borrowed his mom's van but wanted to go cruising around Phoenix and show me the sights I was the only girl in the group of boys and there were nine of us hunkered down in an old Dodge white van but one of the guys had a brilliant idea of doing drive-by eggs rows at some point so they go an eggs and kept the van door open as they tossed eggs at pedestrians this actually wasn't what got us in trouble and after all about dozen eggs were tossed we shut the van door and we're getting ready to go home and this is when things went down so I was sitting in the back of the van and we were at a red light then a silver Honda Accord that pulled up alongside outside I saw two men in the car just kept looking at us and immediately one of them rolled down the window and actually showed his gun and was saying something that's we couldn't understand the light turned green and the boy driving his mother's van tried unsuccessfully to dad ahead or even dodge and how it wasn't happening with nine high school students in the van but we were chased by the silver Honda Accord and we tried slowing down and speeding up making quick turns but there was no luck the Honda Accord was easily able to keep up and it wasn't helping that the streets were empty at this hour we ended up accidentally cornering ourselves in when we pulled into a water s of wine trance that's had a dead end two guys came out of their Honda the headlights shining into our eyes and they both had guns they had two each as well and we're using bandanas on their shaved heads they were surprised by how many people came out of the van and even more surprised that we were all deaf and was signing they realized that we weren't throwing up gang signs at them and then they just said my bad and they just left being deaf saved my life that night it was Sunday afternoon and my boyfriend and I had just got home from a weekend camping trip we unpacked quickly and we went to the shower right away before we had to leave for work I anxiously kept unpacking everything and hated the fact that I'd be alone in the house until around 11:00 p.m. when he got back home now house is old and creepy and kind of secluded too but after he left it was my turn in the shower and I always made sure to shower when it was light outside so I wouldn't be as paranoid about every noise I got out of the shower wrapped my hair in a towel and threw my housecoat on laying on my bed I was just playing on my phone and I heard the front door handle jiggling loudly I waited for a moment and heard the front door jiggle more aggressively again feeling irritated I immediately assumed my boyfriend forgot his work keys or house keys or phone or something and had to turn back meaning that he was going to be late for work I got off the bed annoyed and went to open the door for him and when I got to the door I am I saw a strange man staring back at me through the window he was holding the door handle and turning us in we made eye contact him his eyes went why didn't he just took off running and I ran to the back door to make sure it was locked and I grabbed my phone and frantically checked every window to see if the man ran to the back yard but we don't have any fences and we live in a wooded area I couldn't see him or find him any way around at the time I I didn't know if he came because he knew that I was home alone or if he'd been watching the house and saw that it had been empty the past few days or something either way I've grabbed my car keys scooped up the dog and I just got the F out of there about a month ago I moved into a house near the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia it's very secluded everything was great though up until about a week ago I'd say when just some strange things started happening not like paranormal strange just a strange in general so I knew moving in that's I would have about one acre to myself which is nice the acre itself is just about full thick dense woods but towards the back you can't even go any deeper because the land is too rigid and the trees just block a clear path of sight into anything no I live alone in this tiny house at the moment my brother and his dog are moving in in a couple of weeks but the house is pretty small and it has a basement with a sliding door to the backyard which has a little tiny Piketty fence that could be knocked down completely if someone was to let's just say and blow on it I decided I'd start fixing it up though my brother's dog until he becomes well trained enough to know when to come back home and stuff and this is when the first creepy thing happened I left to go to Lowe's to just buy some basic ward for a fence just enough to make sure the doc couldn't leap over it if he tried and as I was coming back home I noticed a man on my doorstep looking inside my house through the side window even though any person could have heard me pulling into the driveway he he didn't even flinch at all even when I slammed the car door shut eventually at this point I am I kind of uneasily said can I help you to which the man replied I'm just your neighbor and I wanted to say hello well I went out of my way to put the wood that I was carrying in my hand down on the ground and went to shake his hand and he didn't even move again he just stared at my hand now after this wheel encounter I was more of just done with him so I said that I was very busy because I was fixing my fence and that it was nice to meet you he stayed at the front of my house for about another two minutes just watching me put all my wood inside the living room of my house looking into and around my house in the process creep down at this point I I just kind of closed the door in his face and went about my business about two days later into fixing my fence another woman this one looking nicer and putting a little bit of effort into her appearance she kindly greeted me and told me about herself know mrs. H was just explaining how people don't normally move around here and I was the first in about 11 years or so she went on to explain that the rest of my neighbors whom I knew are around and that most of them like to just stay to themselves after a pleasant talk with mrs. H I asked her about the man from two days ago you know this guy was about six feet old was not too old probably mid 50s if I had to guess brown eyes and in decent shape and had some gray hairs mrs. H went on to explain that the person who lives here before me was a widow and her teenage daughter who she homeschooled had left because this perv started to stalk her daughter more stuff like that was said and she eventually left and that was just pretty much that last night though I I heard tapping on my window at exactly 237 huh yeah I know this because I looked at my clock know my window was a good 4 feet above the actual ground below it and I figured it was just a bird or something so I went back to bed not less than 2 minutes after the silence the tapping became three really loud bangs and immediately I ran to the closet and grabbed my hunting rifle and hid behind my bed the peeking over I saw a figure looking into it though and after being scared half to death for 30 seconds their familiar voice of that perv shouted I need your help not knowing what to do I throw my curtain open and the only thing between his forehead and my 22 was the an inch thick glass of my window and then he didn't say a word not please don't shoot not I still need help just nothing and then he pointed behind him to the fence that I was building I went outside to see what he wants it and this time with a gun on me I I said what's wrong and he said nothing but pointed to my fence again I looked and I saw that the fence had seemed to be run over by a car or something with my tracks just stopping then and being reversed into the grass I looked at this guy's car of which the tires were dirty and had tracks coming from my backyard and I was pretty upset at what I saw and I yelled at him what the hell man and then put my finger on the trigger of the 22 to which he replied your fence and then he got back in his car and just left all the while I'm I still had the 22 pointed out here it's currently 3 p.m. on March the 2nd and I've scraped the entire fence idea out of sheer exhaustion and to be honest fear this is what really happened and is currently happening and I'll keep you guys updated with the situation but I haven't contacted the police yet because I don't know if he meant to run into my fence or not or if it was an accident or what what but either way I I have no idea why he was in my driveway let alone on my property so I live in Illinois and I've posted about other haunted locations before such as Bachelor's Grove Cemetery but one of my friends and I were discussing an experience we had in the woods and we're kind of looking for some answers so the first event happened in late August of 2016 while we were running late one night we both ran cross-country and track in high school and still do to this day my friend worked a job that wouldn't get out sometimes until 10:00 or 11:00 at night so we would typically go running very late at night this had been happening for a couple of years at that point so we knew our paths pretty well and on the local running path down 2.5 blocks into the woods that butt up against a large creek at some points in the path in the woods you can see houses in a park but other times it starts to get a bit more secluded but we aren't talking like the wilderness here though there is wildlife in the area mostly raccoons skunks at too many close calls there random beaver and the occasional deer and whatnot and over the years we've seen more and more coyotes around the streets - that's never in the woods given our location there isn't a local bear or wolf population as well and this is pretty critical details to the story anyway we need to go running one night around 11:15 or 11:30 or something and I'm not entirely sure of the exact time but it was pretty late and thunderstorms are on the way according to the weather and for this reason both of us left our phones in the car the one time we have and we both regretted it ever since and decided to run pretty fast to make it back before the storm in the woods it's mostly a woodchip trail until it gets to about 200 meters from our turnaround spot a water pumping station as the town has had flood problems recently and at that point it turns to ash fault we run to the turnaround spot and start running back and this was about a quarter of a mile from the wood chips to the turn around and back I would estimate it took around the two to three minutes given a slight stop at our turnaround on our way back though we noticed what we can only describe to this day as a an upside-down trashcan with a fuzzy or blurred outline in the middle of the path right before it transitions into woodchips if I had to guess I would say about three to four feet tall perhaps on the shorter sides again I I need to stress that this was only two or three minutes after we had just run by and come back to that exact spot and this thing just appeared there in that short time period we stopped running as this was obviously rather peculiar and not there when we first ran by but continued just kind of walking closer at a slow pace we thought maybe someone moved something in front of us as a prank as the only people that frequent the woods other than us at the time they're teenagers smoking or drinking but they're loud and can be heard from pretty far away but this thing was completely dead silent and we continued to get closer until we were about fifty feet away and then it started to move and when I say move I mean that it was standing still but it was as if it was swaying a part of its body completely left and then completely right we had seen a red glare on either side when it turned its head to like the end of a cigarette or something when someone inhales not a very bright glow but enough to be seen in the pitch black is her in her lights in that area talking between us we began to become pretty uneasy at this point as this was unlike any personal and normal behavior that's we had ever seen this thing made no sound and we were worried it was some sort of dangerous animal so we started backing up slowly and then we just made a run for it and it didn't follow us but stayed in its place moving in the same manner he ran as fast as we could back to my car and we actually drove over to this thing arriving approximately 25 to 30 minutes later as the storm started to come in no rain just lightning but looking around we found no trace of it whatsoever no broken branches in the woods no footprints nothing this would lead you to believe a large creature in the woods visited us neither of us could explain it and after failing to find any more evidence we just kind of tucked it away fast-forward to the end of December that year though and we're on another run with one of our first at night since the incident and we got to the pumping station and we found a disturbing signs but we found what appeared to be a a dead deer leg launched into the chain-link fence pretty much completely picked clean with the exception of some skin and hair and the who's at the bottom the whole thing was intact from thigh to hoof shortly afterwards I decided to bring a different friend in these woods who has the ability to see spirits or something I've mentioned him in other stories before and I wanted to see if he could discover anything as we walked by the spot we saw the trash cannons he was startled and focused towards the woods I asked him what he saw and without telling him any other information prior to our arrival besides having some sort of experience here he described a cloaked figure around the same height as what I saw with beady red eyes just staring us down he said that once it noticed that he could see it it ran away quickly into the woods now obviously I take everything my friend says with a grain of salt but in the week afterwards my running friend was back on the trail only to discover multiple other bones that we believed to be missing parts to the dead deer but he first discovered a mass spinal column with ribbons just laying in the grass next to the pavement in the woods he carefully moved it to be with the other D leg to keep track of them all in one place three days later and the exact same spots he discovered what appeared to be a neck vertebra and then a few days after that in the exact same spot again he discovered another bone one which we don't know what part of the body it came from now at first we were thinking it was just a wild animal when we experienced this creature the first time but these other occurrences leading us to believe that there's something else going on in these woods does anyone have any explanation for what may have happened here I can't find any answers and I'm desperate for any info whatsoever oh and one more thing too there was also a forest access to the creek as well and mean a different friend were recording a video there one time when we heard this odd scream in the backgrounds when we were reviewing the footage we were obviously both pretty startled as we hadn't heard anything in real life and it was only picked up on the video that is the video if you guys are interested [Music] so this happened earlier today at work and as honestly just left me shocked we're probably not overly scary but it was certainly enough to freak me out so I work at a well known Funeral Home in DFW the Texas area is a secretary and PBX operator my answer all the incoming phone calls and direct them to the right apartment I do everything from answering general questions to death certificates and obituaries overall I work in a very vague position and I have a lot of knowledge of the industry we get prank calls every once in a while but most calls are genuine no matter how odd or creepy the call might be I get calls from family members who have just lost someone on someone who is going to pass soon or something so that being said I'm I'm pretty immune to the weird qualified by now that being said here it goes so I answer a call with thank you for calling my name is so-and-so how can I assist you I waited for the caller to reply and an elderly croaky man's voice chimed in on the other end yes miss I was hoping to ask you a question I took note that the person sounded him a bit mentally handicapped which isn't something too abnormal for my line of business yes sir I would be happy to assist you today what's your question I say he says miss can you understand me I'm sorry I was in a car accident some years ago which left me unable to communicate properly sometimes oh yes sir right I can understand you just fine very good I was hoping you could help answer some questions I had I'll try my best sir if not on I'll get you to the appropriate person he then says well even though I was in a car accident and he disabled me greatly I would like to medically preserve my brain when I die is this a service you offer I was obviously a bit put off by the question well I know some famous people have done something like this the science just isn't there yet for there to be a good reason so I tell him unfortunately so there isn't a service we offered with that you might want to try contacting the medical examiner they might have some more information he says oh well I know that I'd like to do this for me and my children and such does anyone there have any more information on this I say no sir unfortunately no one here would have any kind of information on that again you might want to try the medical examiner's office I was honestly a little bit creeped out at this point but it wasn't beyond anything that I've ever handled before but this is where it started getting pretty freaky he says well miss I think you should look into this because I'd like to do this to keep my brain and my children's brains around in a jar or container of some songs I would also like to keep yours as well to preserve your life for me to watch when I please I was dumbstruck by this sure we get prank callers but you can feel those are a bunch of goofy people just trying to play jokes you know that they're fake and be a tone or how they talk or something but this guy this guy was full-on serious about keeping my brain in a jar for him to observe I could feel his sincerity I caught my breath and tried to remain professional and not lose my cool and hang up on him but for all I know he could be suffering from Alzheimer's or something so I say thank you for your consideration sir he says of course miss I'll contact the medical examiner's office thank you so much for your time I say thank you but he cuts me off and he says we'll speak again about your brain and then he hangs up I hang up the phone pretty slowly and just feel myself kind of trembling I spoke to my friend about it the best way to describe how I felt was this did you remember the first time you ever watched a scary movie how you knew there weren't monsters in the closet but you still checked how you knew that there weren't monsters under the bed but you still kept your toes under the blanket how it takes years to get rid of the fear that just shouldn't be there these are rational but primal fears well that's exactly how this felt so I'm a guy and a teen at the time and I was planning on moving out of state for college and didn't want to pay the ridiculously high price for student housing's me and my mom turned to Craigslist for better options we found a lot of places near the school and for a reasonable price too but the one that we did find would always living in for me for me so we found a place for $500 per month in an area near the school so we instantly took it on the day before my school's orientation me and my parents drove down to the school and rented a hotel room for two nights on the way down I was texting the guy about the room which he gave a description as well as the address to where I would be going note that I was the one that was filtering through the options while my mum sent links for any new openings after texting back and forth for quite some time he asked for me to send a picture of myself right after he sent a picture of himself so why I sent him one but by examining his pic I began to feel them a bit uneasy about this whole thing especially after he failed to respond to any of my texts after the pic was sent even the one way I asked him what time would be good for me to come and check the place out that night I talked to my dad about it and we decided to go to the address while my mom was asleep in the hotel and it was then that my suspicion has proved to be true as we were greeted with a trashy looking trailer home with a white pickup truck parked next to it thankfully it was like 2:00 in the morning so he couldn't have seen us but the next day after orientation me and my dad explained our findings to my mom when we decided that my enrolment at the school would be pushed back to the fall semester I was starting mid-quarter until I could find a proper place to stay so from what I can guess the guy I thought that I was an eighteen year old female looking for a place to move and that I'd be checking out the place by myself so when it was revealed that I was a fully grown man I'm six-two by the way he must have realised that his plans to prey on a teenager weren't coming into fruition no I didn't catfished him it was his own assumption as in I'm that I was male in my email though the name J must have made him think that I was a girl so I thought I'd share some experiences from my short time as the night watchman at a very very old historic Cemetery I worked the 4:00 p.m. to 12 a.m. shifts the cemetery generally closed at 6 p.m. so around 5:30 p.m. I'd look to main gate and then would start driving through the cemetery to notify any visitors that would be closing soon I'd instruct them to park in a line in front of the locked main gates and when my drive through the grounds was complete I would unlock the main gate and everyone would leave and then I would lock the gate behind them so one day now I'm in the middle of the final drive through and I see an old lady slowly walking the sidewalk alongside a mausoleum the mausoleum was hundreds of feet long about 20 feet tall and had no breaks in it it was one long stretch in other words the road ran directly alongside the sidewalk of it and so I pulled up behind the lady to tell her that we're closing get out of my car take my eyes off her for just a split second as I'm getting out of the car and then when I shut the door and look up she's gone just completely vanished I didn't think anything paranormal at first I just thought that maybe I lost sight of her or something and the sidewalk in the road were completely empty I ran all the way around the back to check to but no one was there my cross from here to was a whole field of graves and my eagle eyed the crap out of every row but there just wasn't a soul in sight and after that I I finished up my round and I just sat in my car the rest of the night you know a well-lit area I know that I saw a fully visible person I know it there were no tricks of light no hallucination it was plain as day and this encounter seemed to break open just the proverbial damn because after this I had numerous unexplainable occurrences and I want to share a few with you guys now so normally my then girlfriends now my wife would drop by around 8:00 p.m. and bring me dinner since I couldn't really leave I never told her about my experiences because well I didn't want to freak her out but as I'm walking her back to her car to leave I see a reach back and touch a pony to hell and then look around with a look on her face I asked her what's wrong and she says nothing I must have got my ponytail caught in a tree branch because I felt something so I'm pointing out to her that the closest tree was 20 feet away and that that was impossible and then she gets really pale and says that it felt like someone ran the hand through a hair front to back and then pulled on the ponytail we were both pretty freaked out by this and as she just left after that and she never came and brought me dinner again after that - I was also originally hired because the cemetry had a period of time where they experienced some some grave robbers and people breaking in to perform satanic rituals or something I was 21 years old at doing this as a side-job mind you with no gun and no weapons or anything like that I was given a barcode scanner and was told to drive through the entire cemetery every hour or so to patrol and to scan each of the pre posted barcodes to prove that I was actually doing it now this cemetery was massive pretty much broken into three parts the newer part the historic part and the famous part with celebrities and other famous people are buried I did this routine once and never did it again going so far as to break the damn barcode scanner so I didn't have to do it because while I was driving it was pitch black and coming around a long curved road and my headlights picked up what I could have sworn were a pair of legs just walking across the path but only up to the knee there was shoes pants and knees then just absolutely nothing I obviously stopped dead in the road and just watched these pair of legs with nobody cross the road ten feet in front of me I put the car in reverse immediately did what felt like the longest K turn of my life and just hoped it's straight back to the parking lot a couple of strange other things have happened - like hearing noises and seeing floating lights in the cemetery after I know for sure that everyone is gone a weird animal sense - that I couldn't recognize also the guy who worked the day shift there which was 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. I think was a pretty grimy dude his name was Bart and part of our job was to go around the cemetery and check the graves for personal effects left by family members and whatnots and removed them that many people left things like toys for children who had passed away birthday cards mementos and all sorts of stuff I personally hated this policy and I actually refused to enforce it I mean it was like I take a dead child's toy fire engine and throw it away right but Bart had the habit of scaring the cemetery for things that he deemed valuable and would take them home instead of throwing them away or bringing them to the office to be picked up by the family and in the short time that I worked there Bart's mental state really deteriorated he started spending hours there even after his shift was over walking around the cemetery and drinking heavily he seemed attached and even more out of it than when I first met him eventually when I didn't see him for a week or so I asked about him and my boss said that's he just know called and no showed and never heard from him again I often wondered if he developed some type of a attachment from bringing so many objects I mean that he really shouldn't but once Bart stopped showing up I picked up his Saturday morning shift it was a quiet day so I pulled my car around the back of the old chapel to take a nap the chapel was surrounded by 12 foot high hedges I figured it was a good spot to park for an hour and just shut my eyes I fall asleep and I wake up to see my car completely surrounded by dead people it was so real and so vivid in just so much detail that we're all pressed up against the glass and the windshield and they had on the outfits that they were buried in suits dresses but all dirty in in different stages of decomposition no one spoke and no one moved and they all just kind of stared like I was some sort of zoo exhibit and then I woke up my I'd been asleep and it was a obviously a dream but the thing is is that it just felt so real I've never had a dream so real and so vivid before or even after that so I I took it as a message and after that I called my boss and I quit as soon as I left at 4:00 p.m. these days I'm I go back to that cemetery from time to time because I actually have three grandparents and an aren't married there I never linger too long though and I always make sure that I'm long gone before it gets dark [Music] I'm a bow hunter and I like to still hunt which is a when you dress in full camo and to walk through the woods rather than sit in a tree stand last October I was coming down a hill into a marshy area and it was kind of late enough so that the side of the mountain was covered in shadows at least I live in PA where I mountains are completely covered in trees and it gets dark pretty fast out here when I get to the bottom of the hill I'm notice that it was completely silent no sounds at all and I felt the hairs just stand on my arms but I've been creeped out before in the woods so it wasn't too big of a deal so I kept on I've been hunting in this general area before but I've never went down this hill so I continued creeping through the woods my mind you I'm walking pretty slow at this point so you can barely hear my footsteps because deer are pretty hard to sneak up on and then I hear a voice call out for me from behind a thicket of small trees the voices help come over here please I'm in trouble help and I swear to you that it was my brother's voice but my brother lives in Nevada so it couldn't have been my brother and he'd even said my name it only took me a second to realize that something just wasn't right and and when I did I ran faster than I've ever run in my life only my dad knew where I was hunting that day and the area is huge and no one would have found me there and he's to also have played any tricks on me but something something yet they knew my name and it sounded just like my brother I don't know what the hell that was but I don't think I'll ever be going back to those woods again maybe I'll move to the desert with my brother where at least I can see everything around me so I was raised in the suburb of Ramsey New Jersey I was around ten or eleven so this probably happened around the summer of 2002 I think anyway now my arm would go grocery shopping in the main shop right of town but it was also in the same parking lot of this pretty big strip mall the parking lot was small waste packed - and it was a hot summer day this day and now I must have been out for school for summer because I distinctly remember spending the day at the pool with my heart which was right down the street from the shop right she had to do some like grocery shopping but of course the parking lot was packed so she parked all the way to the side of the shop ride so it was all the way in the back of the strip mall but pretty vacant I asked if I could stay in the car but she said that it would be too hot but I said that I'll just keep the windows rolled down so she agreed and said that she'd only be a few minutes no I can't remember if this van was already there when I pulled into the sport or if it pulled in after but I can only describe it as a dark-colored van similar to a typical mom car and men whose features who have been totally wiped from my memory opened up the sliding side door and just sat on the edge of the opening I remember noticing him just kind of sitting there and smiling in my direction and it made me a bit nervous he was wearing normal summer clothes nothing about him was particularly frightening but he was just sitting there staring at me I wonder if that's why his face is lost to me because I tried not to look in his direction because it was just really awkward by the way he started to go phew and fan himself dramatically it really seemed like he was trying to get my attention but I just kept ignoring him I had one of those cheap water toys where there were shapes like a mini Gameboy and you would push a button and a ringer or a shape would be pushed up and you had to aim it into a little basket and I was just playing that when finally he addressed me and said oh it's so hot outside can't imagine how hot you must be i awkward ly knotted and he said did you go swimming he obviously noticed that I was sitting in my Beach Thailand all I had were my shorts above my one-piece swimsuit I said yes and walk would Lee try to focus on my toy he leaned himself on our car and the windows were almost all the way around in and then he said I have air conditioning why don't you come and wait in my car are you waiting for your mom I said no thanks to this but he kept insisting that it was hot in my car and I must be so miserable if I like forever that he was just trying to convince me to get out of the car and he also kept asking me who I was waiting for I kept saying that my aunt will be back she just needed a few things and eventually he must have gotten bored with me and shrugged and said I hope you don't overheat in there and close the passenger side door and just sat in the front seat he turned the car on and sat there for a little bit more before he pulled away and I remember feeling just so incredibly nervous and had that distinct anxious butterfly feeling my stomach a second after he pulled away I saw my art not far up with a lot of her groceries and I told her that a man asked me if I wanted to sit in his car with the AC and wait for her and it was really annoying she was obviously like what you're lying and I insisted that it happened but she just looked confused and said that I made it up in my head to this day she doesn't believe me too and things that the heat must have really gotten to me that day I usually jokingly tell her that she's lucky she didn't get arrested for leaving a kid in the car and I had some a day I still don't understand why the man didn't try harder to physically take me out of the car I don't know if I understood what he was trying to do back then but as an adults the memories pretty chilling but the windows were rolled down and he could have easily unlocked the doors I wonder if it was the busy parking lot that literally saved me if I had been forced out i 100% could of course de'cine and for sure someone would have at least noticed but all I know is that some guy back in 2002 thought that he was smooth enough to convince a kid to jump in his minivan to enjoy his air conditioning I'm just grateful that's for whatever reason I decided to not get out of the car and hopefully he was never successful with whatever he has intentions were so a little preface before I start this I've always been on the sensitive side of the paranormal ranging from just knowing something that I shouldn't have to seeing stuff I don't usually talk about this kind of stuff since most people around me just kind of dismiss it as my imagination or the fact that I was just dreaming or something anyway when I was in the Marine Corps I was deployed to Afghanistan in October of 2011 I was on fo be a Forward Operating Base Hansen for the first few months men fo beat Jackson for the last few months before getting moved to Camp Leatherneck for the last month ish when our replacements showed up my job was to operate the laundry service as well as provide clean water for the showers and technically not clean enough to drink but you could if you need it to for us and Afghani troops after the first month or so on Hance and whenever I tried to sleep I swear that I could feel a hand grabbing at my calf and slowly work its way up I immediately dismissed it as just being a result from stress or sleep paralysis type thing and it would kind of subside since it wasn't a very strong feeling at all this happened for a night or two a week but eventually stopped fast-forwarding - when I was on Leatherneck nothing happened when I was at Jackson or even my short trip - no Leahy so I forgot about what happened at this point a lot of real life stuff had happened I was having issues going to sleep so I would play music and some ear buds or I would read watch a movie in my head but basically anything to get my mind off the day's events and I slept in a room with 2 to 4 other peoples depending on who was the error would try to be considerate especially with the not ideal layout of the six or so bunk beds also I need to mention it's an important detail that there was an emergency exit sign above the door that glowed a soft orange II kind of red color so one of the nights I was running something in my heads a hundred percent awake my eyes closed though no headphones and I heard two people male and female talking this is not something that I would have imagined at all but I was curious since I could hear them quite clearly in the conversation when something like this so someone says hi and another male says hello and then someone says what are you guys up to and a female says we're just looking around another person says where are you from we work for so-and-so and then you work for someone so and then the female says no silly and then I felt a slap in my sleeping bag I immediately prop myself up on my elbow and look down at my sleeping bag and there's a physical handprint in the fabric the old three part poofy sleeping system and it was where I felt the slap and it was at an angle that's no one in the room could have gotten that the other two were pressed out with headphones on the other side of the room and there was no one else besides the three of us in there at this point I I just nope the heck out of there for smokings when I returned I put in some headphones and I just eventually went to sleep two nights later I I had the worst dream to date though I hope it was a dream anyways so I woke up in my bed and notice that the normal orange light was blue there was a faint electrical buzz and there was a figure standing in the light it was a solid black figure no discernible facial features but it looks like a British boy from around the early 1900's based on the outfits but when I looked at it I I just felt the worst sense of fear and dread that's I've ever felt - I mean you could tell me that I had to go and drive over a landmine and I wouldn't have felt like this after a few seconds though I I just kind of blacked out and after that nothing occurred for the rest of the time that's I was there my father was somewhat of a skeptic in the paranormal however one of the few stories my dad would share about his childhood always stood out to me so he was born in Cambodia and around age 14 is when he experienced what war was like the Kimura is described by my grandmother and parents was ruthless often families got separated and because of that my father's parents knew that they had to get my father out from what was going on you know there was one night when they were rudely awoken and someone was trying to get into the house my father could hear his parents constantly shouting at him to just run so that he wouldn't have to see what was going to happen if he stuck around longer so my dad told me that this is one of the hardest things he's ever had to do in his life but he did it and he ran from the thickest forest of Cambodia to make his way to Thailand and about the halfway mark between Cambodia in Thailand a few monks spotted my dad and asked him where he was heading by himself at this time of night my dad who understood time told him about his situation and so they decided to walk with my dad where they would take him in to get some food and whatnot as you can imagine the forest is pretty thick and the sound of gunfire is echoing throughout so it was pretty scary but the monks would casually stop at times to pray because they'd find dead bodies and my father was freaking terrified by that sight and it was a lot for a kid to take in as moments like this racked up bits and it felt like forever my dad said and the son was barely breaking through the clouds and my father heard a faint female voice in this pitch-black forest he looked up at the monks and noticed that they started to chant and pray because they heard it too my father decided to stand in amongst the monks because it was a little bit worried at this point and this this is the bit that my father had a really hard time explaining to us but this is what he said so as the monks are chanting and praying they noticed that there were some movements coming above them the tree started to shake and my father told me that he saw what he believed was a lady with just super long hair kind of like The Grudge looking lady the monks decided to continue chanting and the monks told my dad to not look at her or pay attention to her they told him to chant and pray with them so he did not knowing any better and as they started chanting louder the trees around them started to shake violently at this point the monks told my dad to just run for it because the border of Thailand was just up ahead and my father was like you don't have to ask me twice but as it was running the entire time he said that he knew that something was chasing him he felt like something was nearly at his back but it was just out of reach his feet were hurting but he numbed out the pain from his feet and just continued running in fear he said that it felt like an eternity but he finally spotted some sunlight and pushed through the last few steps of the forest and whatever was chasing him just stopped and my father decided to turn around and take a look he spotted the monks coming out and he said that it kind of looked like they were fighting someone or something like wrestling and pushing and kicking and shoving and whatnot my dad asked the monks if they saw what he saw and they said yes and that they thought having him run ahead would keep whatever it was away from him but they said that once my dad took off running that this thing was actually chasing him the entire time like I said my father is a huge skeptic in fact he's I'm willing to say that this thing that was chasing him was actually a ghost or a demon or anything like that but what he does stand by is the fact that this is actually a true story [Music] so I was working in a large assisted living facility for a few years I absolutely loved my job too and I worked with the elderly mostly buts I'd become a highly requested assistance and got moved around to the dementia ward the short-term rehab Ward the stroke ward just all over the place being a people person I I loved it I liked going the extra mile in my job and getting to know my patients and their families and a more personal level I felt like it made a a better CNA of me and it wasn't uncommon for me to be assigned to the more difficult patients because I could typically handle them no problem so it was a regular day my charge nurse had mentioned that we'd be getting a few new admits and I didn't think much of it everything went routinely and we got them all settled into their rooms and stuff but one patient in particular was already being a handful and tried to escape a few times so but we needed to move him to the secured unit I could hear him yelling and cussing out everyone telling them that how idiots and that it was unnecessary to be doing all this a few of the nurses suggested I try to calm him down so of course I I said yes I put on my most charming smile and waltzed on over asking him what was wrong he immediately took a liking to me and calm down he told me that nobody there knew had to do that job and he wanted some food already here I told him that dinner would be served soon and I'd make sure to bring his tray to him he cooperated with everyone as long as I was around and took his meds and took a shower settled into bed no problem once my shift was over though he started acting up again and ended up needing one-on-one supervision different staff members would just take turns monitoring him and eventually I had to as well it was an easy day's work though get him his ice cream here and there watch some TV I didn't mind at all he told me about his old life and asked about mine and mostly if I liked what I do and how come I never worked in the secured unit I told him that I usually had my own group of patients in the front that I had to look after of its might make an effort to drop in and see him when I could at first the rest of the staff thought it was great they would call for me if he started acting out and everything was fine but then he started to get a little too attached he started saying that he wouldn't do anything unless I was there at all times which of course I couldn't do since so I was needed elsewhere well I did float two different wards the security unit was one of the ones I spent the least amount of time in he started getting mad at me saying that I needed to make more of an effort to see him and that's I wasn't trying hard enough I explained to him that technically he wasn't my patient and I couldn't spend my entire work shift just hanging out with him and that's when things started getting really bad he started lashing out yelling and screaming and everyone he was becoming violence with not only the staff but other patients he was a just a complete liability I had to drop something off in the secured unit one day - and one of the other CNAs told me that he was asking for me so I popped my head in and he started saying things like there's my girl I felt uneasy about this but I remained calm on the outside if he was in a good mood then I didn't want to be the one to ruin it for everyone else right he gave me a huge hug and a kiss on my cheek and it immediately made me feel a bit queasy I kind of laughed it off though and got myself out of there as quickly as possible and after that time I avoided the security in it pretty much at all costs he started telling the nurses that he wanted only me to take care of him and when they said that that wasn't possible because that wasn't my ward he started going to my bosses and the heads of the facility saying this he only wanted me to look after him luckily my bosses had my back and told him that there was no way that I could be assigned back there due to my high demand in the other wards I mean I was already running all over the place and the security unit was completely out of my way he didn't like hearing that of course and started threatening everyone saying that we'd be sorry and this was in the end of this so on and so forth my boss has called me into the office as soon as I walked into work the next day and explained that I wasn't allowed anywhere near that wing and to avoid any contact with him honestly I had no problem with this and I just went about my day but he would just start banging on the doors to the security unit demanding to be let out and saying that he needed to see me my anxiety was through the roof at this point and I had even called out a few times because I didn't want to see him the facility was working faster getting me out of there because they had reason to believe that I could possibly be in danger with his violent behavior as well and on top of all of that it didn't help that some of the other staff members were whispering behind my back saying that I had let this all happened and I was always flirting with him and a bunch of other just really ugly things eventually they got him discharged though and I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders other than people still talking about me behind my back I I felt like I could just get back to my job properly and get on with life I didn't let the negative and disgusting comments change the way I treated my patients with open arms and an open heart and the things started to go back to normal or so I thought I'm one of my days off I am I got a call from my coworker she told me that he had called the facility asking for me she told him that I wasn't in for work that day and he started to ask for my schedule no I dealt with someone stalking me before so I immediately started to shut down she told me that she had already informed our boss in that I should go to the heads of the facility when I come back to work the next day so I did I expressed my feelings and told them that it made me nervous that he called for me and the head of the facilities face just fell she told me that it wasn't just the one time that he called but they were receiving phone calls non-stop from him asking when I'd be in and that if they didn't tell him my schedule that he was going to go over there himself to find out we had to make a plan of action in case he did actually show up and they even suggested changing me to a different shift time because you know I worked mid-afternoon evenings I wasn't allowed to go anywhere by myself and had to be picked up and dropped off at work and all sorts of things while I waited for my ride I had to wait inside the building as well and have someone escort me in and out the calls continued though and finally they had to threaten legal action and had a huge meeting with the entire staff at the facility I felt humiliated and just totally small knowing all the whispers and snide comments would come flooding back but luckily I had a bit more support than hate the calls eventually started to slow down and my true friends at work stood up for me when I wasn't there to defend myself to the people who didn't believe me I started to get back into my normal routine once again and started feeling like my old perky self but then one of my bosses called me into the office one day with a huge smile on her face and she told me that he won't be bothering you anymore he's in jail for violating parole well obviously I was over the moon I I felt like I could breathe again I know at me it was finally coming to an end but a month or so later this is a while ago so I can't remember exactly how long it took but I was at work getting people ready for bed and suddenly everyone started talking and whispering like crazy my phone was ringing off the hook so I finally took a call from one of my charge nurses and she told me that the guy had been murdered in jail and to check out the article that she sent me and I learned that he had an incredibly violent history including child abuse neglect other unspeakable things domestic abuse robbery a few other things too and my bosses asked how I was feeling and I told them that I couldn't say I was the least bit sad and I wasn't surprised his temper and mouth got him into trouble but and this guy was really dangerous I just had no idea this whole time that he was like this I mean sure he was stalking me and that was creepy but other than that time I thought it was fairly harmless anyway I've left that facility since then and moved on to bigger things and my sleep soundly at night knowing that someone like that can never bother anyone again so I've never actually experienced anything out of the ordinary when it comes to the paranormal or otherworldly happening this but I do believe in it there very much so in fact and I never thought anything like this would ever happen to me and even if I did encounter something for the first time that it just wouldn't be anything like this I'm 23 female and pretty much the only one in my family who hasn't seen or heard anything according to the topic but this I'm about to tell you I've just cannot explain so I recently moved to the southwest of the US and decided to rent a room in a nice home that I found up on a hill a really nice view and the rent was just ridiculously cheap so I thought man this is a steal I'll take it I met my roommates go comfortable settled in just fine and everything was great right a couple of months pass by and I didn't think the house was too scary considering that the house was just generally abnormally dark despite the time of day it isn't I never felt a bad vibe or pretty much anything for reference I'm I live in a two-story house but it's kind of the opposite of what you'd think when you walk in the front door you get to the living room the kitchen the bathroom the dining-room area and you have to go downstairs to get to me and my roommates bedrooms I should also mention that there were no windows in the hall downstairs and no lights at the time no it was roughly about 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. I think that day and I just come home from work sometimes I happen to arrive first hence being home alone for quite some time to my roommates get home at sporadic times so I never know when they'll come for sure well I was upstairs in the kitchen preparing something to eat for dinner on the counter while just watching some top fives YouTube videos when I swear I heard some faint footsteps ascending up the stairs in a a really slow way and I mean really slow too like way too slow to be human every creak on the stairs was just really elongated and it didn't help that I was watching these creepy ass videos already so I was pretty freaked out and I'd like to admit so oh I I paused my video to listen closer to the steps and I tried remembering if I'd seen any of my roommates cars in the driveway or anything but because I'm so used to my routine I I kind of just cancelled out being aware of my surroundings and I just couldn't remember now with the way the counter in the kitchen is set out by I only have to turn my head to the left to see the first few steps descending down stairs and into the living room and the bathroom I kept my eyes on those first few steps just waiting to see which one of my roommates it was so I can stop being scared the steps continued until the head of this thing pops out I couldn't see past their neck because they never fully came up the first floor and it was as if they stopped Midway I need to see who was in the kitchen and this part is the one that I just can't explain and I think about it all the time as soon as this thing's head comes into viewing I noticed that its face is just pitch black like a void I could tell that there were no features no nose no eyebrows and no cheekbones just nothing mind you the kitchen light was on and I still couldn't see anything apart from actual eyes it saw me and for a brief moment it made eye contact with me - its eyes opened so wide and it made this kind of smile it's kind of hard to describe what this smile was like because obviously I couldn't see anything but its eyes but you know how if you wear like a stocking over your head or something like that you can't really see the mouth anymore but you can kind of still see the imprints from where someone would be smiling well that was what this was like and quite honestly I I just froze my mind just drew a complete blank and I surprisingly didn't feel much only shocked and the thing was just looking at me still smiling I remember thinking what the hell is that and it turned around and made its way downstairs as slow as it did before only once it reached downstairs I I didn't hear any doors open or closed indicating that it was one of my roommates the whole thing took only about five minutes but it felt like a lot longer and I didn't know what to think and so I called the cops and nothing ever came from it well I can speculate is that I felt like it was letting me know that it was there in that it always will be after that I refused to go downstairs until my roommates got home as well and I stayed in the living room just feeling paranoid at every little sound but I was not about to go and check it out no way in hell I mean I didn't know what it was going to do to me if it would do anything at all but after seeing this I I gotta say though that so those that do the chasing after things like this you guys have some real balls man and you've earned my full respect and two years later I still have never seen anything like that since then [Music] I was a senior in high school going through a rough time with school and home life as well my dad and I had her fired about one thing or another that just cut point out of proportion and I went to stay at a house owned by some relatives who we're not currently living there the bedroom I stadium was attached to a bathroom that had a door at the other end which opened into a small hallway connecting to the kitchen and living room and another bedroom that night I got a bit of a strange feeling it just felt heavy I guess and I felt afraid and just uncomfortable there this was the house that I spent a good amount of time in and even stayed the night in before now be it not alone I just chalked it up to stress from everything that had been happening you and because being alone offered the first piece that I'd had for a while I'm still not sure that that wasn't the case as well but considering what happened in the morning it may have been my subconscious warning me here so I took a couple of benadryl and I went to bed early that night the feeling was still there when I woke up the next morning and I was standing at the mirror in the bathroom just getting ready for school they put the door into the hallway about two feet to my left and that's when I heard a door slam at the other end of the house I jumped but my brain tried to reason that it was just the air conditioner kicking in or something along those lines but then I heard something running up the stairs loud heavy footsteps definitely two legs definitely very large as well but something was just really off about it in my head I'm I kind of imagined something with really long legs because the amount of time between each step was quite big it ran through the living room in the kitchen to directly outside of the bathroom the whole time making this clicking noise that didn't send the least bit human it paused outside of the bathroom about three feet from me cackles for several seconds and then ran back to the other side of the house slamming another door before running downstairs and slamming a final I was honestly terrified and I was too afraid to look away from my reflection scared that I would see something eventually I gathered enough brave to bolt out of the house and I ran through the bedroom grab my backpack and just ran through the living room and at the front door without ever looking away from my target or processing anything in my peripheral I have since blocked out a lot about the occurrence and I can't remember all of it but here's what I do remember the noise isn't made just send a chill down my spine that's I never want to feel again and something about the noises too just made me feel targeted I knew that it was enjoying my fear somehow interestingly - it definitely slammed the other doors it passed but it didn't touch the bathroom door it's I could knew that I was there and everything about the experience just felt really personal but my belief is that whatever this thing was and I do believe that it was demonic just saw my weakness I felt incredibly alone in the world at the time and by only letting me hear it I wasn't able to really confide in anyone but no one understood the sheer terror because they couldn't understand what I heard I know this is going to sound weird but I felt like it was just trying to alienate me more it was trying to make me weaker when I realized that - was when I started kicking myself in the butt again and started focusing on the positives in my life and after that I've never had any other experience like it also the house had been built within the last 20 years by another relative and had no dark past and no deaths my parents actually moved into the house two years after this as well and nothing else has ever happened I've stayed there even alone several times since then and I've never even felt the same heavy feeling again the house has just simply felt very open and inviting I don't know exactly what happened back then but it's never left me a few years ago I was watching a movie at my mom's place who at the time was actually staying on site in an animal rescue the place was a house on a couple of acres that had been converted into a rescue the house itself more or less functioned as a normal home with the exception of a few rooms that had been converted into kitten nurseries or to keep hutches in them stuff like that but the backyard criss-crossed with pens for the rescue animals as well there were surrounding properties but it was kilometres away from the nearest station and very difficult to reach without a car so it was about 9:00 p.m. post dinner and all manner of creatures were sleeping soundly in their beds most notably to dingo across gila dogs these dogs belong to the owner and had the run of the property sleeping on the kennels on the veranda they were little darlings once you got to know them but quite intimidating when you first met them growls and all that sort of stuff opening onto that same veranda was a laundry that function is a second kitchen as this laundry opened from the backyard the rescue staff kept the food the dishes and utensils for the animals meals in the laundry rather than tracking muck through the house on their way to the kitchen anyway we were watching a movie on my laptop and about 15 or 20 minutes in someone knocked at the front door my mum immediately told me not to answer it but when asked why she didn't have an explanation my mum has pretty great intuition but since the dogs weren't going off I I answered anyway I swung open the wooden panel door both left the flyscreen locked is a bit of a concession to her and a soft male voice came out of the dark the porch light apparently needed replacing at this point but I could make it his height five nine the body shape was thinnest heck a Bearden's not much else he asked for someone whose name that I'd never heard and when I told him this there was no one here by that name he said that he was waiting for a taxi but then he said that he needed a taxi and asked to come inside to call one and his speech was really meandering by this time my mom had joined me at the door pointing at the window and the door was one of those those single panels with glass windows from door to ceiling beside heads as we had the lights on inside and it was pitch-black night outside we couldn't see the caller but he had to have had all the time in the world to see us worried she gave the call the directions to a payphone down the street the caller insisted that he needed to come inside to call the taxi I insisted that he used the pay phone instead and at this point he became quite angry and demanded that we let him in afraid about being the only ones home that evening my mom finally snapped and told him that she called the police if he didn't go away already dialing triple zero on her mobile eventually he stopped arguing and the prolonged silence suggested that he was gone not wanting to return to the couch which was in full view of the doors glass windows as well as from the veranda the back wall was floor-to-ceiling glass panels we occupied our time in the kitchen just waiting we heard another knock on the door and nervously we peered through the glass until we could make out blue and red flashing lights we open the door to two offices and started relaying the story and suddenly the officer closest to the door asks is this yours we peered around the doorframe and there's a knife laying on the windowsill a knife that my mother immediately recognized is being used for the rescue animals meal prep the officer said that the description reminded them of a a local homeless man who was known for drinking far too much and sleeping and often people sheds as such they were quick to dismiss it as a a serious threat but afterwards my mother and I kept making just really creepy realizations but that knife came from the laundry in the backyards so how did this stranger get in without setting off the dogs without setting off any of the rescue animals well I'm going to been hanging around in the backyard I'm getting to know the animals it he'd been watching us too and more importantly what exactly did he plan to do with that knife if we open the door [Music] it all started when I was 14 in a middle school I was stopped by someone that I recognized and they said here it is from Kevin I was flattered but I mean who was Kevin I have been the letter and my gut drops before I read written in black and red ink there are drawings of fangs and hearts I thought that it was a love letter but it turned out to be something very different the letter read I'm in love with you I always have been i watch you every day and I think you're beautiful and then describes my physical characteristics in a really perverted way but then the letter said I want your blood all over my hands I want to kiss you and taste your blood on my lips and then mention some really weed vampire anime character and doing something to another character and then I want to see your insides and feel them all over you I want to meet you in person please let me love you I'll give you everything just please let me be with you and if you don't meet me I'll go to your house I know where you live and I know when you take out the trash I know your bus number it's bus so-and-so and I know your friends I know when you leave your house and when you get off the bus I know when you get the mail and I've seen you from your windows you can't go anywhere that I don't know about so meet me at 4 by the library so we can meet and if you don't meet me I'll go to your house and you'll talk to me love Kevin after school I gave the letter to my dad straight away which he dismissed is and he was just too busy to deal with it I owed him to call the police because they let it felt like a threat to my safety but my dad said that they just won't care so in desperation I talked to a counselor at my school but they demanded proof so I went to get the letter which had mysteriously gone missing at this point my dad searched for it and admitted that he left it on his desk so I pretended that I was sick for a couple of days so I didn't have to confront him especially since I told his friend that I wanted nothing to do with you my older brother Carly that door and called for me at one point and he said guess who it is and I put on a brave face and I said that I don't want to talk to you Carl I'm a little bit ticked off yells and get your butt over here and talk to the kids but I just ran scared Carl apologizes and says wait here oh I'll get it for you and I'm sorry she stood you up man that's not right my face turns red with anger at this point but my brother demands that I go to the kid is his silhouette watches me from outside the porch window looking in through the blinds and the sheer curtains I ran upstairs screaming no I'm not talking to that ugly sicko I was trying to actually hurt the kids feelings obviously rejecting him and not meeting him wasn't enough to make him leave me alone though he shuts the door and I explain everything to you know my brother Huff's some guys don't know how to express affection just give him a second chance and with that I I just ran upstairs and didn't want to talk to my brother for a week the weeks had gone by and he kept sending me these messages on line two I told him to leave me alone and in an attempt to be nice I I offered some friendship he message back no that's not enough I love you too much we can never be just friends at this point I didn't know what to do or who to go to that is until an old friend asked me to sleep over she went to the same elementary school but not the same middle school as me well of my friends his mum showed up at our house and asked if Kevin and I were dating my parents forbid dating at this point and the mum shows messages saying how much I loved him my parents see my myspace profile picture which raised questions for me and when I got home I was in huge trouble for not talking about my boyfriend but I didn't have a boyfriend I explained that he wrote the letter so my dad calls the mother and explains my sight and that's when she spilled the beans he had a web page dedicated to everything about me with people's comments saying how wonderful it was that we found each other and also a concocted message from my fake profile to his friends to make it real he also had a shrine apparently with pictures from my profile just printed all over his closet and letters and gifts from me which why do i I never gave anything to him there was also dried blood among other things on just everything she explains very vaguely that he has a mental illness which caused him to see things that just weren't there my parents and my brother are finally concerned and contact the principal to ask for a solution which resulted in his transfer to the first High School in the district and I was going to the second when we both start our freshman year first day of high school and his sister approaches me she says hi how are you doing and I say oh hi kind of confused because I'd never really seen her before she says it's me Chelsea here and because I'm really confused she says we used to talk all the time and my brother used to date you but confused I said I've never met you and your brother is who and she tells me that she's the sister of Kevin and my stomach instantly sinks my face contorts into just disgust and then she says my brother says that he's still in love with you by the way you should give him a second chance and I was like what the hell I'm will this end so I say no and tell him that I never want to see him he's a weirdo and a sicko but then her head [ __ ] to the left is she's smiling and she says what do you mean at this point I conclude that this chick is secretly laughing at me or she just doesn't know in the end I I tell her don't ever talk to me again and you and your brother need to stay away from me she stares at me as I walk away and continues to smile and says he misses you I'll let him know that you're doing fine anyway so I'll talk to you later and after this I I never spoke to her or received another message from her or her brother and I've never seen them again this story takes place when I was at my cottage at the age of 12 I live in Canada where there's thick forests just everywhere and one of my favorite things to do was drive a side-by-side four-wheeler through the woods normally I would drive during the day but I'd been asked by my aunt to grab some things from the cottage for her now the road of my cottage has three families on it all related now cottage is in the middle with my aunt's directly to the left and my cousin's a four minute drive down the road but that night we were at my cousins so it was just a short drive away to my aunt's but they wouldn't be able to see me or anything yeah I got back to a camp grab some marshmallows and started to head back to my cousin's down the road and that was my first mistake across from the cottage is a a trail and it leads out onto the road near my cousins and here's a nice little shortcut the only issue is that it's really tight it was only about a foot wider than my side-by-side didn't my had driven it at sunset before so I decided that there was no harm in doing it at night I just take it slow so I mended the trail and once I was in there there was no going back but I didn't expect that needed to it actually looked really cool as well well the way that the headlights bounced off the tightly packed trees along the winding path and everything was fine and so I hit the end as I turned the last corner that should leave me staring at the exits I saw a very deliberately made wall of just large cut branches it kind of freaked me out but my tum twelve-year-old brain told me not to worry and so I turned off the engine and began to step out to take down the wall and that was the moment that my year caught something off the trail to my left there was a slight whisper and the crack of trees and when I look I I saw a metallic shine coming from just behind a tree and at this point I couldn't have gone faster if I tried I got back on started the engine and just gunned it through the wall I heard someone get up and then a whistle just barely over the sounds of my engine and I just gunned it back to my arms when I got back as well I didn't really tell anyone because everyone was pretty drunk at this point the next night though the bonfire was at my aunts luckily so to get there we just walked through a forest so for the thick barrier of shrubs and trees I had calmed down from the night before and it was 3:00 in the morning and I gone to my house to get a coke as I step through the shrubs I looked back and saw in the bush across my yard someone pointing a a dim flashlight at me it was a tall man with long black hair and a slender face just standing there I couldn't make anything else out through the contrast of the flashlights of the night but I'm pretty sure that I made eye contact for about three seconds and he just not at once before the flashlight clicked out and the trees around where he was moved I ran faster my aunt's that night and once again I I didn't say anything which I know was stupid but I was young and I was scared [Music] this is technically both my parents story but since my father doesn't want to talk about it I'll call it my mom's story and strap yourselves in because this is a weird one so this was back in June of 2016 my mum and dad had taken a trip out west and they'd entered muir woods and we're not in very far Minoo more than half a mile of course they're both admiring the huge trees taking it all in snapping photos and asking in the general magnificence of the towering woods so the mum says that both her and dad are just standing in front of this one huge tree at some point there are tourists bopping around closeby feet away and as she's looking she notice this movement coming from the bark I asked her how I happen she says it was approximately eye level before and a half to five feet my mom is pretty short five foot nothing she said that this all happens in the span of about five seconds moving in the bark directly in front of her and then she sees it take to the the shape of a face first the brows and then a nose eyes lips chin she says that the face is protruding out of the trunk and my ask how big this face is and she says about her by foot tall from chin to forehead as the face is continuing to bold she lets out a small but involuntary gasp and just like that as if the face realized it was noticed it shrunk back in and the back returns to normal not looking away from the tree my mum said Ron did you see and my father completes her sentence with the face in the tree yes not a question it was a statement another woman who was a couple of feet away stepped up to where my parents were standing and said I saw it too and then moved away now my the majority of the group were already moving out or my father just began walking away on his own accord but they both leave the tree at this point mom said that she started asking my dad about what he saw to see if he was matching what she saw and he was not comfortable discussing it right then too harsh and that people could hear them and they would think that they were crazy so they leave it alone but later during the trip he still doesn't want to discuss it now even though my dad has had his fair share of wild experiences and he will usually humor bizarre conversations he has handled this whole situation like a maternal Hank Hill maybe since he just can't fully understand it he just rebukes it I don't know but he's always been particularly sensitive on the topic of the paranormal he almost rejects it but I know that he believes in it enough that he's afraid of giving it power by acknowledging it like he thinks that giving it a thought is the same as giving an energy and room to grow and whatnot I feel like I know this because I actually brought my mom dowsing rods once but she didn't think I could find them and this was 10 years ago and she didn't understand the vastness of hammers on shopping capabilities and I took it as both a challenge and there's a Christmas gag or gift my dad had went into town and the rest of my family started playing with the rods I'm asking you questions and whatnot and dad walked in the door and saw the rods and said I don't want those in this house and man was he pissed he equated them to a Ouija board which was absolutely off limits in her house so what did my mum see I'm not sure what would it have done if it had not been seen I don't know was it a an entity from another plane has this been mentioned before in muir woods I don't know but if you guys have had any similar experiences I sure would like to know to preface this this happened a little while back and we haven't had any issue since but it's always kind of bothered me but we live in an apartment complex area that has been known to have some hauntings in the area the area was built on a Chinese POW camp for him a lot of people died along with some old samurai battlegrounds I have not had any paranormal experiences before this point my wife has had some weird stuff going in her life before and our friend has wanted to experience some things but we invited her over and decided to do some spooky stuff at 2:00 in the morning it was my wife and our friend just sitting on a couch doing her own thing chanting calling out a typical horror movie white people stuff and I was sitting in a chair across from them just watching after a couple of minutes of just sitting in my chair I felt so weird presence and I saw a flash of a Japanese kabuki the white mask with the red markings and a really that female scream I think female horror movie off in the distance of the haunted house type I shook it off thinking - we're just getting the better of me late at night lights out trying to be spooky man continued watching my wife and buddy another couple of minutes go by and I feel like someone lightly pushes on the back of my head then the image of the mask in the same screen flash into my head again at this point I'm definitely a little bit freaked out but two times could still be coincidence though right and then after another minute or so I'm I start to feel like I'm about to black out my vision narrows and I feel the same presence but much stronger this time almost like hands in my head the same mask and scream and flash in my head and I decided at this point that enough is enough and now I turn on the lights and say that I'm done both my wife and my buddy turned to me and asked how long I'd been standing before I turn the lights on I asked why because I just gotten up and they said that they thought that I'd stood up about 10 minutes prior in that there was a black shadow figure standing directly where I was sitting well we wrapped up for the night and didn't think about it for a couple of days and so my wife started having sleep paralysis she described a lady with long black hair with a mask that had red markings that came into our room and just stared at her for a long time and then vanished the mind GUI hadn't even told her about the mask or why I'd said I was done with our spooky Artie over the next couple of weeks she'd see her either through sleep paralysis or kind of out of the corner of her eye - it really unnerved us and we spread salt looked into vanishing spirits in the house just a bunch of different Japanese rituals that we could do and none of it really helped it all stopped though after we started talking about having a kid and starting a family all of a sudden there was just no more sleep paralysis no weird feelings in the house and nothing since then we looked a little more into the area and found out that the children around the area have described the nice lady that they play with and protects them stops kids before they run into the street and get hit by a car keeps them away from a hornet nest or centipedes and stuff like that she apparently plays games and sings to them as well and we're not sure who she is but it sounds a little bit like the same lady to us there may be anyway they do any of you guys have any thoughts on the matter when I was nine I asked my dad for piano lessons my dad was a professional musician so he knew a pianist and set up for me to start getting lessons Scott was actually a great teacher as well patience and compassionate and I learned a lot he was also a really fun guy he would regularly have weekend bonfires and invite our family so the adults could drink beer and play rock music and the kids could just roast marshmallows and run ourselves ragged on his property but my dad has three daughters me the oldest and was seeing a woman who also had three children so every weekend there were six of us Scott loved to play with us and we thought he was the funnest lifer always taking time to hang out with us all between about 5 and 12 he would let us dress him up and pounce on him and he loved to tickle us I know you're seeing red flags go off now but we didn't at the time we just liked at an an old thought that we were fun I actually have a cassette tape of us recording a fake news broadcast when he barges in for a tickle attack I can't find the cassette player to listen to it but I'm not sure I even want to anyway as I started to get a bit older their oldest girl at 11 or 12 I started to notice Scott was showing me favoritism he loved when I draw him pictures liked having me on his lap when he took all the kids in a short ride around the block and his motorcycle I got the longest ride he took me all the way to Target and bought me a dress that was way too short and showed my legs off when we were sunbathing at a beach party once I could feel him just staring at me through his sunglasses and he's the thing the thing that creeps me out the most is back then I loved the attention I was in constant competition with five other kids the older rowdy teenage boys and younger girls I didn't cause any problems for my dad and his fiancee so I didn't need any special attention but Scott paid lots of attention to me and it made me feel mature and interesting at some points he and my dad drifted apart the bank got a new pianist and we stopped going to his bonfires I had already quit taking piano when I was 11 and started learning the clarinet instead I didn't really think about it for a while but then one day when I was 16 my dad called me and my sisters in for a family meeting and Scott was apparently in jail and he had been arrested for taking advantage of a twelve-year-old girl he made her promises not to tell her parents but she did and dad said that he started to suspect that Scott wasn't someone he should have his family around when he bought me that short dress and suddenly it all made sense I didn't know how to feel and nothing happened to me but he'd thought about it for sure had I wanted him to think about it me my twelve-year-old desperate for adult approval was I actually surprised when I heard that he'd been arrested not really that was an adults my sense of sexuality is pretty messed up and I have little trust in people I wonder what if this is really related to me if any at all and occasionally I'm still pretty devastated that someone I'd like so much could have been thinking such evil things about me and my developing body
Channel: Be. Busta
Views: 683,901
Rating: 4.6715851 out of 5
Keywords: scary stories, true scary stories, be busta, true horror stories, scary horror stories, scary horror story, true scary horror stories, scary storytime, scary stories to tell in the dark, scary true stories, scary story, true scary stories to keep you up at night, true scary stories reddit, scary stories animated, scary true stories reddit, true stories, horror stories, ghost stories, ghost story, scary, horror, stories, r/, r/letsnotmeet, r/horror, r/horrorstories, r/reddit, r/nosleep
Id: lWm_iVVYTew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 21sec (12441 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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