10 Deeply Disturbing TRUE Stories [Feat. Corpse Husband]

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hey guys lazy here before I start the video I'd like to say a few big thank-yous firstly thank you to all members of the lazy legion to helping me reach 200 thousand subscribers I never imagined the channel would grow this big and it's really really humbling that so many of you have chosen to support me secondly I'd like to also thank Anthony but all of the artwork he has provided me he's an amazing talent and you should really check him out if you haven't already and finally thank you to Corpse husband for working with me on this video he makes a lot of awesome horror content so make sure to check out his channel after this video where you'll find another collaboration between the two of us now on with the stories years ago I was traveling solo on a cross-country trip to a family reunion I was supposed to make it to a friend's house but the weather was so horrible that the traffic was slow moving then a terrible accident happened just ahead of me and I was stuck for quite a while all told I was five hours behind schedule I was exhausted and in need of the bathroom and a shower so I pulled into a little strep motel off of a fairly backroads State Road it was obviously small and dirty but it would work in a pinch there was a window to the outside where check-in was I was a girl college-aged the guy at the desk eyed me up and asked if I was traveling alone I went to hand him my ID in credit card but he insisted cash only red flags were going off at this point but I scrounged together just enough cash and he tossed me the key the room was dirty barely bigger than the bed the first thing I did was go to the bathroom then I flipped up the mattress dirty signs of bedbugs a moment later I spied a cockroach that was it I was out I decided I would use the parking space at least and sleep in the back trunk hatch of my SUV I curled up using a suitcase for a pillow and random clothes for a blanket and I fell asleep for an hour I woke up aware of someone talking on a phone outside I glanced out to see the guy from check-in standing just outside this must have been around 3:00 a.m. he finished up his call and then walked quickly to my room unlocked the door and walked in the lights didn't turn on and a minute or two later he came back out slamming the door behind him and cursing with another guy I hadn't seen the second guy enter so I still have no idea where he came from they angrily talked for a moment then checking guy walked over to my SUV I covered up my head quickly with a shirt after he tried the locked door he peered in the back seat but between my tinted windows and blending into the general mess he didn't notice me in the hatch the two guys walked away to the far side of the lot talking more and one of them gesturing across the street to where the diner was while they were distracted I climbed up to the front seat and started the SUV they turned around and surprised as I pulled away I called my friends back home and told them but I didn't want to why my family so I said nothing to them when I got back home some three weeks later we figured out the name of the hotel thanks to Google Maps and called the local police the place name was something like mountain top or mountain side Motel they told me the place had been closed down only days before I called my little sister used to tell me stories of the evil truck driver as she called him she was around seven I was 10 maybe 11 years old she told me he had stalked her friend and that he was now stalking her my sister had a rather crazy imagination at the time and I dismissed it as fiction and so did my parents now they really did have a very good reason to dismiss it my sister made up stories like this almost every day about strange people aliens and teddy bears coming to life she was a strange kid to say the least anyway one day we're playing outside in the front yard and a truck drives up the street it's one of those old Mercedes trucks falling apart from all the rust and it looks like it's been in service since World War two my sister completely freaks out and starts shouting that that's the evil truck driver I look to the street and sure enough there's some seriously evil looking dude behind the wheel just pointing at us and then reality hits me like a brick in the face she didn't make this one up this shit's for real I grabbed her hand and pull her into the house crying and locked the door my mom was at the store she didn't come home for another ten minutes so we're alone in the house I called my mom and she came home we never saw the driver again until a few years later we discovered the identity of the driver turns out he was a repeat offender child rapist and committed suicide after being charged for another assault this story isn't about what I've seen it's about what I heard it was early one morning about seven years ago me and everyone else in my house were awoken by the sounds of someone screaming it was much more agonized than anything you'd expect the voice sounded raged as if it had been screaming for days we lived out in the sticks so naturally we assumed it was a bear attack upon calling the police we found out that they had been receiving calls about the same sounds almost nine kilometres away from our house as such an animal attack in our area was unlikely it wasn't until later that we found out that the screams were coming from a gas station attendant who was being dragged underneath a stolen car up and down the main highway by two arseholes high on something who ran him over simply for trying to get them to pay for their gas the victim's name was grant to pay t that main drag was a ways away from us people aren't meant to make sounds like that I was sitting in my room watching TV you know typical nine-year-old stuff all of a sudden I hear moaning and faint cries for help I didn't quite understand where it was coming from since it was so foreign to me at the time at first I thought it was my brother playing perfect dark because my dad always joked to my friends that people would scream bloody murder in that game much to the annoyance of my brother I wanted to see this in action so I ran in to my brother's room all excited only to find that he wasn't there I still heard it though and still couldn't grasp what was going on I followed the sounds through the house and stopped at the door to the garage right then my gut twisted as I realized what was happening and what would be on the other side of the door I opened the door to find my mom on the ground with a puddle of blood around her head she was up in the attic moving stuff around tripped and fell through an uncovered part to the garage floor 12 feet below I walked up to her and couldn't say anything the only thing she could let out was get dead and once it clicked I ran downstairs to find my dad watching a movie with my brother at a blaring volume level I told my dad mom's hurt and he responded what what do you want I yelled mom's hurt go into the garage and my dad's eyes widened and he sprinted upstairs I had never seen him run that fast before she ended up being alright just a broken collarbone into concussion the experience itself was scary but the thought that I may have saved her life is more scary to me my mom told me after how when I found her she was just about to lose consciousness had I not found her when I did she would have lost consciousness and not been able to yell my dad and brother couldn't hear her with the movie on so it would have been at least two hours before anyone found her now it's just one of those things where I remember it and think oh yeah that did happen but every once in a while the memory makes my heart skip a beat sometimes when I'm going to sleep I like to keep track of how weird my thoughts get right before actually falling asleep usually within a few minutes before I calm count my thoughts are just a bunch of non sequiturs stuff that doesn't make sense but it's sort of fun to listen in a year ago I was going through a pretty bad time my girlfriend dumped me for another guy work was terribly stressful and I only found a new apartment a couple of days before my lease was up and I had to move out a day or two before I had to move all my stuff was moved out and I was sleeping on an air mattress in the living room because my bedroom had no lights and felt really empty I was falling asleep and paying attention to how weird my thoughts were getting nothing too strange just a bunch of random thoughts and phrases popping through my head when all of a sudden clear as a bell I heard what sounded like a voice just a few feet away from me I remember him saying well [ __ ] it just cut him open oh [ __ ] he can hear us in a flat monotone voice I snapped up and of course there was nobody there it was just a creepy auditory hallucination but it felt absolutely real for a few seconds made all the worse by how strange my home felt at that moment on my 12th birthday I was on the way to the bike shop to get a new bike I was with my dad and his girlfriend and my brother we were still about 10 minutes away from the town center so nowhere near the bike shop some random old creepy looking guy came up to us looked down at me and said you buying a bike I looked at my dad confused and kind of scared we told him that we were on our way to buy a bike he then started going on about how I must get a helmet and wear it all the time we were a little freaked out but we just assumed he was a weirdo and just forgot about it a few hours later I was riding through the park on my new bike and I fell off I didn't fall very hard and landed on the grass so it was fine as I went to get up and brush myself off I looked up and he was just standing there looking disappointed and shaking his head he then pointed his index finger at me and said I told you to wear a helmet at this point I just [ __ ] myself and rode as fast as I could home what is even weirder though is the fact that I have moved about 40 to 50 miles away since then and I still see him every once in a while I don't believe in guardian angels or anything like that but it just creeps me out I once watched the Domino's delivery woman died in my driveway while seeing stuffed animals and a world's best grandma sticker on the back of her van two teens were hanging out in front of our house they ordered pizza to be delivered there shot her and stole 22 bucks there was a third teen who wasn't involved directly with the shooting from what I understand he talked them into it they had robbed delivery drivers before but this was the first time they shot someone they were 15 16 and 18 years old they were all caught and all found guilty I have a friend who lives about 90 minutes north of me and he comes down to spend the weekend at our place every couple of weeks we do a thing on Friday up near his house and then drive back to my place together at about 1:00 a.m. one Friday night we're driving down the bypass to the highway and he suddenly startles in his seat in comments for a second I thought we'd both died and we'd be driving down the bypass forever uh well that's a [ __ ] morbid thought but I just laugh and tell them that it would suck to be driving down a bypass for all of eternity he comments something to the effect of yeah well I wouldn't just want you for company forever so I'd probably start haunting other cars jumping out in front of them to cause an accident so we can have some company on the bypass we drop the subject not long after and by this point we've turned on to the highway about ten minutes later I go over this crest on the road and have to slam on the brakes because there's a man that has just jumped out on to the road directly into the path of my car at first I think I plan to stop and then I guess I either got spooked by or realized I couldn't stop in time to avoid hitting him and I pulled into the other lane to go around him instead I look in my rearview mirror to see what he's doing preparing to speculate on it I think I started to say something like wouldn't it be creepy if you just disappeared and then realize that he just gotten into a car and started driving he ended up tailgating us down most of the highway until I got freaked out and took a random exit he put his blinker on as though he was going to take the same exit and then he pulled into the other lane instead and sped away I don't know what was going on and it was probably not nearly as spooky as it seemed to be at like 1:30 a.m. but I didn't sleep well that night when I was a youth there was an explosion at a chemical plant down the street from my house it wasn't a massive environmental ruining explosion but it was still kind of a big scene I remember being on my porch playing my gameboy and looking up to see two men on fire their skin practically melting off their bodies running down the street and shrieking like banshees one of them collapsed and died on the spot and the other one kept running for god knows how long I had nightmares for weeks I was riding my bike home late one night and coming my way is a big guy with sunglasses on he gets me to stop and says do you mind if I ask you some questions the fact that he said questions weirded me out so I said no sorry I have to go and I started riding away at the next block there was a red light so I stopped I looked back and the guy is running towards me he is about 20 feet away and I freaked out and just go he got as close as five feet from me before I pulled away so I'm pedaling on my bike and like three or four blocks later I think I'm far enough away and I look back he's still chasing me I never pedaled so hard in my life all the way home hey guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening don't forget to check out corpse husband he makes some great horror content leave all your experiences and video suggestions down in the comments and you'll hear from me again very very soon stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,005,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 Deeply Disturbing REAL Experiences, Reddit, 4chan, scary, creepy, disturbing, real, true, banned, Corpse Husband, romance, love, caught on tape, ghosts, haunted, top 5, top 10, Halloween, Valentine's day, best, new, nightmare, blood, crazy, fail, drunk, obama, minecraft, Freddy's, fnaf, audiobook, list, countdown, unexplainable, death, dead, before bed, creepypasta, lets not meet, ghost, meme, deep web, internet, story, stories, horror
Id: 2r2d5zRvxBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2015
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