A 911 Operator's Disturbing Paranormal Call | "A Police Dispatcher Warning You to Stay Safe"

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it's kind of a running joke in my office that I always get the weirdest calls and it's true one of the more interesting ones I got was from a drunk guy who meant to call the cops and was trying to file a noise complaint about his own party while some of my calls can be pretty strange they're usually fairly tame I've been pretty lucky because I haven't had too many disturbing or sad stories to tell from my years working as a 9-1-1 operator if you're looking for something like that i can point you to several of my colleagues because unfortunately there's no shortage of those in this industry the call that particularly sticks in my mind is one that i had about a year or two ago I can honestly say it's one of the most frightening experiences of my life and I think it's going to stick with me forever it had actually been a fairly slow afternoon that day I know it sounds kind of insensitive but if you're not taking a call this job can get pretty boring I got stuck covering my friend's evening shift and I didn't expect things to get more interesting I was counting down the minutes until my shift ended when a call came through my line I put my headset on and ran through the usual script 9-1-1 what's your emergency I think there's someone in my house the voice sounded like it belonged to a young child my heart sank calls from children were always the worst we're trained to get as much information from each caller as possible and this makes it easier to more fully understand the situation as well as figure out which Emergency Service to dispatch what's your name sweetie now I keep my voice calm and upbeat there was no need in scaring them any further than they undoubtedly already were Elizabeth she said softly I think she might have been crying that's a beautiful name even though I didn't show it I was beginning to get nervous this is very important can you tell me what's happening right now the line was quiet for a moment but then Elizabeth started talking I think someone's in my house where are your parents I asked they're not home I'm not sure where they are I was pretty angry when I heard this what kind of parents leave a little girl home alone this late at night is there anybody else there with you yeah I think they're looking for me Elizabeth began but her voice abruptly stopped at the very end of her sentence had it not been for her quiet frightened breaths I would have thought she or whoever else was there hung up they said my name she was definitely crying now where are you right now I heard a door closed in my parents closet she spoke a little louder now probably thinking that the intruder wouldn't be able to hear her from in there I hoped she was right I was glad that she knew to hide a lot of kids freeze up in dangerous situations like this especially if their parents or an older sibling on their I asked her for her address which she gave to me but for the sake of privacy I'll only say that Elizabeth's house was in a fairly nice neighborhood in my area and it wasn't far from the police station which was very helpful Elizabeth just focus on my voice I need you to try and relax I'm sending the police to your house right now and they should be there in about five minutes can you hold on until then even though I would usually try to get a little more information about the intruder I always tend to err on the side of caution when children call nine-one-one I'd much rather send someone and have it be a false alarm than risk their safety Elizabeth didn't answer my question and it took her longer than I was comfortable with for her to respond when she did it was only one word listen I heard the phone crackle as she brought it away from her air and held it out in front of her at first I didn't hear anything but as I focused on the background noise I noticed a lot of whispering I couldn't tell what they were saying but it definitely sounded like it was coming from more than one person I hoped the police would get there on time as much as I help people with my job and as many lives as I've saved it's always so frustrating that I can't do anything myself rather than wait and talk Elizabeth's voice came out in hushed sobs he's coming up please help the police are almost there I need you to be quiet so he doesn't hear you you're gonna be okay sweetie I promise she seemed to calm down a bit everything was quiet for a moment save for the whispering which was much louder now I still didn't know what they were saying but I was sure it was coming from multiple people I could pick out at least three distinct voices when I heard a door creak open through the phone my heart let Elizabeth screamed and I knew that the intruders had bound her I was so scared for her and I desperately hoped that someone would be there to help soon are you ok I need you to tell me what's going on I was trying and failing to stop my voice from cracking I couldn't let her know that I was afraid there's a man Elizabeth whispered he has really long legs and a really big smile my imagination was running away with me I pictured this poor girl alone in the closet as an impossibly tall man towered over her I heard another bang coming from somewhere in the house and someone yelling police thank God I could hear Elizabeth crying as the whispers intensified I still didn't understand how she only saw one person there had to have been more than four he isn't touching the floor the line cut off I frantically tried to re-establish the connection but no matter how many times I tried I was met with only silence on the other end I would like to close with a message to any parent hearing this please please don't leave your young children home by themselves I haven't heard anything about Elizabeth or her family in the year since this happened the police only found the phone the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 499,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, creepypasta, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, new, best, most, long, long video, relaxing, study music, how to, police, 911 calls, caught on tape, 911 operator, lazy masquerade, video, scariest video ever, horror, disturbing, horrifying, corpse husband, nightmare, dead, death, top 5, top 10, ghost, ghosts, haunted, skinwalker, halloween, love, romance, crazy, unexplainable, mysterious, 2chan, 4chan, reddit, search and rescue, native american, deep web, from hell, blood, trump, obama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2016
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