5 Things That are Ruining Your Natural Hair #naturalhair #natural

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what's up guys it's dejuan aka curly guy here and i am back with another video and today's video i'm just going to be giving you guys some tips on some things that we could do better some things that you're probably doing and don't actually know that it's doing more damage to your natural hair than good um so what i'm basically going to do is i'm going to be styling my hair throughout this video as i share with you these five tips um so obviously my hair is a mess right now it's a dry haystack and that's on period but i'm about to wash and condition my hair i'm going to shampoo my hair with the mesh moisturizing and cleansing sulfate free shampoo and then i'm going to deep condition with their protein deep conditioner and the shower i believe you leave this one on um for 20 to 30 minutes and i'm telling you this because this is an important uh point that i'm going to make in this video so i'm going to go ahead and wash my hair and all of that and i'll come back for the styling process so if you guys want to hear those tips and see me stab my hair once again then just stay tuned okay guys so i am back and i have already shampooed and conditioned my hair and all of that i also went in after the protein treatment with the three minute miracle by aussie just to add a little bit of moisture and softness to my hair and this side of my hair is completely styled i put the leave-in in and i put my gel in and i did that just because i didn't want to be um falling behind it does not take me that long to style my hair and i didn't want to you know fly through all the points and didn't have nothing to talk about throughout the remainder so that's what i did um so i do have my points here right now let me just go ahead and tell you what i'm doing though i'm using this suave nourishing strengthened leave-in conditioner i've never used anything from this swab line before um i don't know if that's gonna be too washed out but i've never used anything from this line before so i'm really intrigued to see how this is going to perform on my hair the application so far on this side went seamlessly and i'm really excited about the results so we'll see but anyway jumping right in you guys know my norm is to stab my hair in four sections and my hair has already been detangled and all of that good stuff so you guys know i'll go ahead and apply my leave-in and then i follow back with the gel so that's what i'm gonna be doing okay so starting with the first topic and the reason i told you that it took 20 to 30 minutes the deep conditioner with that um protein deep conditioner is because one thing that i see a lot of naturals doing and i was even guilty of it at one point is deep conditioning overnight you do not need to be deep conditioning your hair overnight and i don't care how low porosity your hair is you do not need to deep condition overnight that is just something that people you know thought about started up and then people just hopped on the bandwagon and just continued to do however there is no research that says that your hair is more moisturized or more penetrated or anything like that from deep conditioning overnight in fact fun fact our hair has a moisture threshold and once i have reached that moisture threshold it's not gonna retain any more moisture it's not gonna absorb any more moisture it's just going to sit on the hair until it's washed away whatever the product is and also it does not take 12 hours or however long overnight is for you the max these days that i deep condition my hair is 45 minutes to an hour it's just it's just unneeded you don't need to do it like just let's just stop doing that um because you're wasting time you're waking up with a snotty nose and it's not doing you any good any benefit to your hair so let's just stop doing that okay let's stop deep conditioning overnight throw your heat cap on really to even break it down even further throw your heat cap on and deep condition about 15 to 20 minutes and you're good to go i'm telling you guys first hand i don't see any more improvement in my hair deep conditioning overnight than i do with my 30 minute deep conditions so you can take that with a grain of salt if you want to but i'm just telling you i have not seen any difference like it does nothing more um moving on to the next tip and this is one i kind of go back and forth with it just depends on who you talk to really also you guys my hair isn't dripping wet you guys know i used to stab my wash and go on soaking wet hair and sometimes i still do but i find that it's not necessary i don't have to especially depending on the texture and the consistency of the leave-in this leave-in is a little bit more runny and watery so i feel like i don't need my hair to be soaking wet during the application process but um anyway the next tip is stop trimming your hair on the schedule and i know a lot of you guys have like a schedule you get a trim every six weeks or every three months or whatever and i relatively trim my hair around every three months but that's not set in stone you guys so one thing that i have learned is that you can with trims you can do more harm than good if lymph retention is your goal if you're trying to grow out your hair you can definitely do more harm than good because sometimes i'll get to the three month mark and i'll you know dust my ends a little bit but i realize wow my hair does not need to be cut like i don't need to be cutting off inches inches and a half and all of that it's just unnecessary and i don't need it now do what works for you if you're one of those people who can cut your hair every two months and then still see you know six inches or more of growth at the end of the year by all means sis do you but that's not me i don't need to cut my hair that much my hair does not benefit from being cut that often so like i said if i get to that point or even before where i see that my hair needs to be dusted a little bit on the ends or i'm getting a little bit of extra snagging then i will go in and cut accordingly but you don't need to cut on a schedule you guys it just because you could be cutting you could just be cutting healthy hair i mean sometimes if you take care of your hair and maintain it as you should you won't have split ends or you won't have enough for like a cut so just be mindful of that your hair only cut your hair if it needs it okay that's that's a big one because you say a lot of naturals say oh my god i've been natural for years and my hair isn't growing that's because you're cutting away all of your progress your hair is growing but you're cutting it as fast as it can grow out so instead of you seeing six seven inches at the end of the year you sing four or three because you've cut away three or four so just be mindful of that be mindful of the cutting and don't do it unless your hair needs it y'all i'm kind of obsessed with the way these two products are going on my hair and if you didn't know i'm using the wetland extreme gel you guys know that's my go-to um and i'm really excited about the way these two products are mixing together um so i love that and what i'm also doing i did this on the other side as well i do have my den in here you guys know i don't use the denman really as a detangling brush for the most part i use the demon to style and it just gives me all this extra definition on the ends of my hair um now if you're someone who is really worried about like shrinkage then i wouldn't necessarily recommend you do this because this is going to cause more shrinkage but you guys know i do stretch my hair um most of the time anyway so i'm not really concerned with it and this just gives my hair a more uniform curl and i find that when i do this i also don't have to use like as much product to get the desired look so that's pretty much how the hair looks the third thing is over manipulating and this is a big one guys because so many people over manipulate their hair and don't get me wrong if you know your hair you know your hair but people who like style their hair every day or wash their hair every day that is overkill um especially if you fall in the three to four range you do not need to be washing conditioning doing a full thorough detangling on your hair every day like that is just too much for our hair out here cannot take that manipulation it's overkill so if you're somebody that's doing that you need to stop it now i'm not gonna tell you what to do with your hair because like i said you know your hair better than me hopefully but my hair would be i would have half of the hair that i have now if i was washing and conditioning and doing all of it to my hair on a daily basis like my hair just can't take it over manipulation causes breakage detangling in hair that is in the full range especially um is going to cause a degree of breakage i don't care how careful you are or what technique you use or what brush you use or what conditioner you use you're going to sustain a degree of breakage regardless so to minimize that do not be combing and raking and pulling and shaking in your hair every day it's just not necessary it really is just not necessary um and that's just on me had a little lamb um so yeah let's just stop the over-manipulating because it is damaging your hair it's causing breakage that you don't really see because you think like oh this is just regular wash day shedding no it's breakage so let's just cool it down let's calm down a little bit with all of that which brings me to my next uh tip people who wash their hair every day and i'm not talking about like a little co-wash but people who actually go in with shampoo and do the full nine every day stop doing that if you are natural and you have natural textured hair um like curly hair your hair needs time for those oils to you know recoup you're not washing away dirt every day you know you're washing away your natural oils you're washing away that moisture that you just put in your hair you're just washing away all the good and it's really not benefiting you you're washing you're wasting product because you just put those products in your hair and now you're washing them out you're just doing too much so if you're somebody that's washing your naturally curly hair every day please i beg of you to give that a break because it is not benefiting your hair and as you guys can see i'm doing the little denman technique again and um yeah please stop washing your hair every day and then my last tip for you guys and this one should go without playing but this is also a very big one stop following your favorite natural hair guru natural hair influencer stop following their wash and go routine or their natural hair routine or their hair care routine whatever you want to call it stop following theirs we are here to influence and yes help and give you tips and tricks that will help you that you can incorporate into your own specific routine for your hair do not do exactly what i say like i can't tell you guys how many times people have said in the comments oh my god i did exactly what you did and my head didn't turn out like yours well let me tell you something for one we probably don't have the same kind of hair so there's that that's number one and for two even if our hair visually looks the same on camera or through social media our hair may look like it's the same texture we may have different porosities we may have different densities um our genetic makeup is completely different so do not do exactly what i do to my hair um on your hair just because you think our hair looks similar um because it may not work and i'm just telling you that here first hand because people love to tell me i tried what you said i did exactly what you said and my hair did not turn out that way now i don't know about y'all but this is looking good to me like i know this is going to be a bomb wash and go um but yeah those are my tips right there and i'm sure you guys want to see how this washing goal is going to turn out so i'm going to go um let my hair air dry i'm actually going to go sit by the poo because it's really nice outside and i'm just going to let my hair air dry and i will come back and show you guys the final results so if you want to see that then just stay tuned okay guys so i'm back and this is the final results of that wash and go and my viewfinder is over here my mirror is also over here but you guys look at this wash and go like my hair looks so good um and another thing that i really love about this combo is that my hair dried so fast look at this definition and shine and you guys i know this video wasn't really about this wash and go but i'm here to tell you suave they might be onto something and i know this product has been out for probably over a year now but this right here i'm gonna see how the moisture maintains over the week throughout the duration of the week but this product is curly guy approved for me and if you guys want i will do like a full review on that product if you want but this is the results um my hair is 98 dry there's just a few damp spots and all i did was went outside i drove around a little bit i had a few areas to run i actually left my debit card at the bar last night so i had to go pick it up and by the time i got back here my hair was pretty much dry it was probably like 90 dry so i do love the quick dry effect but my hair still feels very moisturized like i can feel the moisture in my hair and so yes you guys let me know what you think down below but also comment any tips that you guys know that people do to their natural hair that probably isn't helping their natural hair probably doing more harm than good and if you enjoyed this video definitely give it a thumbs up because that helps me out a lot also remember subscribe if you have not i mean why not you're already here and just remember guys if you can't keep it currently keep it classy bye guys i'll see you in my next one
Channel: Curly Guy
Views: 206,261
Rating: 4.928277 out of 5
Keywords: natural hair, curly hair, stop doing this, ruined my natural hair, curls, natural, 5 things that ruin your natural hair, recover your hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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