How To Stretch & Shape Your Wash-N-Go! (2 Ways!) | Natural Hair

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[Music] what's up guys it's your girl brianna aka mini marley and i'm back for another video today i'm going to be showing you guys how i stretch and shape my hair so in one of my last hair tutorials i kind of skipped over that part and you guys were like what the heck show us how you stretched your hair because that's such an important part of my wash and go or twist out to really get the volume and the shape that i want i have to stretch my hair so that's pretty much what i'm going to be showing you guys today i'm going to take you step by step through the entire process so i hope that this video is really helpful to you guys and let's just jump right into it alrighty so i am starting with a wash and go of course and a lot of times i do my wash and gos pretty late at night and then i'll just let them air dry for about an hour and then i go to sleep and see what happens in the morning so this is where we're at my hair is not completely dry so i'm taking out my dyson blow dryer with the diffuser attachment and i'm just going to use that to finish up drying my hair mostly the roots are wet so i'm just hitting the roots sectioning off my hair with my hands just to make sure that i can really get in there and this blow dryer is really good i do recommend it it is pretty pricey this isn't sponsored but i did just want to let you guys know that i do love this blow dryer it works really really fast so my hair is pretty much dry at this point but as you can see it looks crazy and it needs to be stretched and shaped so i'm applying a another nozzle onto the front of my blow dryer this one is more of a concentrated nozzle so that i can focus the heat or air on a very specific section of my hair so to begin the stretching process i'm just separating my first section of hair which is this back bottom section right here and i'm just going to go ahead and section that bottom section into three parts starting with this first part right here so as you can see i just took a section of hair and i kind of stretched it out i'm holding on to the ends because i do not like to add heat to the ends just the roots and as you can see that just really stretches the section when you see it compared to the other hair you can really tell the difference so again let me show you how to do that go ahead and hold a section of hair i like to make sure that i'm protecting the ends and then i just hit my roots with that concentrated nozzle and just apply some heat there it looks like there's a lot of smoke and the heat is super high but i actually do turn down the heat when i'm doing this part and i just hit it really quickly just a good 5-10 seconds on the roots and it makes such a big difference as you can see my hair is much more stretched out so i'm pretty much going to repeat that through all of my entire head and i just like to take pretty small sections so that i don't have to use the heat on it too long if you take a bigger chunk of hair the heat might not get to disperse evenly and it might take a little bit more heat to get your hair to stretch out so just go ahead and section off your hair use your little clamps as you can see me doing here and then pick small sections and stretch out your [Music] hair now it's definitely really important that you make sure that you don't stretch out the ends of your hair we want to make sure that the ends are still super nice and curly don't disturb that curl pattern you can focus mostly on your roots when you're stretching your hair because that's pretty much going to give you the shape that you are looking for so when i'm stretching my hair i'm not just focusing on making my hair look longer i also want to create a shape as you saw when i first did my wash and go there was no shape at all and it's funny because you guys are always asking me about my hair shape what kind of cut do i have and when i do this it really helps to accentuate the actual length of my hair so one of the problems with natural hair is that we all have different textures throughout our head and it can be really hard sometimes because it makes some sections appear shorter than others especially if you cut your hair when it's straight versus curly so whenever i get my hair trimmed i like to blow out my hair and cut it evenly all the way around but when it's curly it doesn't always look even unless i stretch it out so that's another benefit of stretching your hair it's just going to make your hair look a lot more even and you can really create the shape that you want so as you can see i've just been repeating these the same exact steps throughout my entire head just using my clips to help me section off my hair making sure that i hold on to those ends and keep those protected stretch out my hair so that the roots are nice and pulled and then i go in with my blow dryer and hit the roots with some light heat and it's going to stretch out those [Music] curls [Music] when i get to the top sections of hair at the front i don't like to do this for too long because my hair at the top is already a lot more stretched out than the back and middle sections of my hair so if i apply too much heat right here it'll just really look straight and it won't look curly at all so keep that in mind if you have problem areas where your hair tends to be a lot more straight you don't have to apply as much heat to those sections just hit it really quick just for the shape and not so much for the length [Music] alright so i'm pretty much done using the blow dryer to stretch my hair and this is what my hair is looking like but don't check out just yet i'm going to show you another way to stretch your hair if you don't want to use heat but first i'm going to go in with my pick and just fluff at the roots we stretched out the hair but now i want to make my hair even bigger and more voluminous so i'm just going in just at the roots again just like with the blow dryer you want to avoid the ends of your hair you don't want to mess up those beautiful curls at the end we want to keep those intact and looking perfect and then just hit the roots with this pick and it'll really create some extra volume and make your hair look big which we all love once my hair is all fluffed out the way i like it this is about the time when i start to work on my edges and i just take those clips back out and pin my hair back and then i like to go in with these two products i'm using eco styler olive oil gel and the style factor edge booster pomade that is my absolute favorite edge control of all time it works so well and i go in with the eco styler gel first and kind of just create a blueprint for the edges that i want to create and i just go ahead and start slicking that back smoothing it down with my edge brush and then i'll go over that with a little bit of style factor edge booster to really seal it in and it makes it a lot more defined and neat looking as you can see so once the edges are all slicked down of course we have to tie those down with a scarf so that they can just dry and set in place and that's how i get it to last all day long all right while those edges are setting let me show you guys another way that you can stretch your hair this way is completely heatless if you are trying to avoid putting heat on your hair so this is called the banding method and you basically just use your scrunchie to band your hair from the roots down to the tips as you can see me doing here so i usually like to section my hair into at least four or five sections if i'm doing this heatless so for example if i had not stretched my hair with the blow dryer and i just wanted to use the banding method i would use smaller sections than this and i would do about four or five sections and i would also make that first scrunchie at the root a little bit tighter and close to my roots but this is just to give you an example of how the banding method works you basically just apply those scrunchies down the length of your hair and it will basically just stretch your hair out even when i'm doing this method i still avoid the ends of my hair as you guys can see i don't stretch out the very ends i just strand out the middle of the shaft of the hair and it also really really helps this works very very well all you have to do is leave this in for maybe an hour so and your hair will be nice and stretched out so i went ahead and beat my face and now i'm gonna go ahead and take down these scrunchies so that i can show you what my hair is looking like [Music] now once you take down your bands you can just fluff your hair again go ahead and use that pick one more time create some volume and you definitely don't need to do the blow dryer stretching method and the banding method you can do one or the other i just wanted to show you guys the two options but doing them both really really stretched my hair and i just took off my scarf and my edges are looking bomb just in case you don't see the difference let me give you a side by side as you can see on the left my hair has pretty much no shape it's kind of all over the place it's very small and on the right girl we have arrived the curls are looking so good and my hair just has a really nice shape to it and so much volume so doing this process is a must if you guys have made it this far into the video i just wanted to give you a little bonus because i know a lot of people check out early but since you made it this far i also just wanted to show you guys my nighttime routine so this is what i do to maintain my hair at night i go ahead and clip it back with those same clips i've been using and then i take my big favorite silky scarf and i'm just going to tie it back then you can go ahead and pull out those clips out the side once you've gotten the scarf over it and then just tie this at the top and that is pretty much it super easy to do and this really also helps me maintain my shape throughout the week i only stretch my hair one time right after i do my wash and go and that is it for the rest of the week this is how i sleep and it keeps my hair really nice and in place [Music] all right guys that is it for this video i hope that you found it helpful i've never done a video just on this topic so hopefully it will really help you out with your wash and go or twist out if you enjoyed it please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel so that i can see you back here for the next video peace out guys [Music]
Channel: Mini Marley
Views: 273,363
Rating: 4.9831481 out of 5
Keywords: minimarley, minimarley12, kinky, curly, coily, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b, 4c, natural hair, stretching natural hair, shaping natural hair, stretch, shape, banding method, hair stretching
Id: f4oxFgJOzPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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