5 Shady Tactics Reality Shows Use To Trick You - The Spit Take

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hello the internet and welcome to another episode of the spit-take my name is Jack O'Brien I'm the editor-in-chief of cracked and unless you time-traveled here from the 90s you probably realize that reality shows aren't actually realistic like some sort of David Attenborough nature special about people with personality disorder but it turns out even if you know therefore the most popular reality shows are so completely fabricated staged and manipulated they're more like well actual David Attenborough nature special for instance you probably know that survivor isn't totally authentic since nobody's ever starved to death but probably didn't realize they've used body doubles to reenact some of the challenges unfortunately a lot of the lies make reality stars and contestants look like some of the worst people on earth when they're just regular bad people but producers have to jizz up the proceedings because they know we don't watch these shows to see which vaguely famous person can revive their career through the magic of ballroom dance watch them to see metaphorical car crash and ideally they'd be literal car crashes but the voice doesn't have the ball to answer my email well a lot of it boils down to getting teenagers drunk and just setting them loose on each other there are some cunningly cynical tricks producers on many shows used to tell the story they want instead of you know what actually happens tricks like this probably don't have to tell you that shows like Amish mafia and Lizard Lick towing consist almost entirely of staged setups and amateur acts oh yeah you don't put your hands on her husband smokes calm has been annoyed enough by Amish mafia that just generally declare the entire show false but because of their emphasis on humility the Amish won't appear in the media to call bull and the Discovery Channel uses their silence to invent bizarre stories about their culture that make them look like idiots that predatory model of preying on the voiceless is sort of a microcosm of how reality TV works and sometimes even seemingly straightforward shows like Last Comic Standing and American Idol will use definite editing and staged footage to make an unsuspecting participant seem like an idiot long after their involvement with the show is over and they can do anything about it take Jessica Whitely of American Idol who had gone through a series of auditions before she made it onto your TV now that's worth noting actually before anyone on American Idol ever made it to your TV they've been through multiple auditions that weren't even filmed every single person you see even the ones you see in the early parade of Freaks rounds have been handpicked by producers to appear on television in front of Simon and Stephen and JLo so you think the judges would have their together enough to be prepared for whatever fully preconfigured [ __ ] walking through that door and served up to them on a treat but either because they don't have the balls or a single to give judges apparently won't put on a performer until well after they've left the room that reaction didn't even happen during your audition we had that we're going to show his reaction right now so take a listen awful after Whitely made it through several rounds of vetting by local judges she found herself in front of the real judges where she finally choked on her performance in the song which is now admittedly that is not a great audition as this clip shows she's actually an okay singer so she probably just got nervous or something but at the risk you take appearing on American Idol it's not like they manipulated her vocals to make them sound like they just let her sing four times and only showed the one where she sounded like but here's how national TV audiences saw the judges respond to her performance maybe this is not your vodka not your groove right I don't know you got the ball and got the shot you go on your shoot and she's not quite going through the net can I sing you another song yeah if people say that you can saying that you what happened which must have come as somewhat of a surprise to her when she watched on TV because I thought what actually happened in the room no there should they work Steven Tyler never said the basketball analogy yes he called me a street girl which you know I appreciated the flurry judges were apparently nothing but polite during taping and even allowed her to sing a second song yes actually they did they didn't really show that ITV and when they didn't have enough comic relief for the episode they apparently went back and edited to look like Randy was coming up with those sick burns off the dome they could change your voice they can change the video you know they can do whatever they want with you apparently cynical as that is the most shocking implication of that revelation is that Tyler's answer isn't the ramblings of an aging rock star fumbling for eloquence after years of prolonged drug abuse someone wrote that last comic standing did a similar thing with this bit by up-and-coming professional comedian ben kronberg for his first joke he gets up on stage messes with his phone for 10 to 15 seconds until the audience is at their breaking point of what is going on in this men says what like you guys start working right when you get to your job he open this Comedy Central half-hour with that joke and it killed and he did it on Last Comic Standing it him an applause bracelet when the show actually aired it seemed to bomb I think he wasted a lot of time up there what did you say like I didn't feel like you were really respecting the people in front of you you didn't respect your audience did you guys feel that do you feel okay with Roseann speaking for you they couldn't just show the joke succeed because TV needs conflict so the show used editing to make it look like the audience cheered rose in for saying you've wasted the audience's taught and then cheered even louder when Kronberg ask the crowd if that's how they felt about yourself everybody JA actually happened was Kronberg ask them if they liked the joke in the audience cheer Zoe expect me to believe at least live reality contest like Last Comic Standing have to use the raw material of genuine in-room reactions of an audience filled with real people unfortunately those audiences are coached and paid to say exactly and do exactly what producers want them to I guess biologically speaking some of those people are real but even on animatronic audience members are met with applause signs and some poor bastard whose entire job is to jump around and amp them up like his life depends on her how else do you find an audience member this excited about anything there's literally nothing that should elicit that reaction we actually landed on the moon and elected the first black president and no one had that reaction to either of those huge things because that's not a reaction that a human being would ever have anyways America's Got Talent's producers and crew members tell the audience when to boo a performance including paid plants to lead the boos or cheers as instructed people are also encouraged to follow suit if they see others giving the X gesture which looks like they're saluting the Emperor and come sci-fi dystopia it actually means they want the judges that cruelly eliminate the performer they reportedly begged one circus act to appear on the show for seven years only to lead the crowd and booing them offstage I know a show starring Howard Stern brought people in just to publicly humiliate them it was a disaster of unbelievable proportioning yet the only person I can work up any anger towards is this guy let's briefly move on from how reality shows prick Hughes John has been pivotal reality shows work to trick the participants themselves hugs more heartwarming than seeing people in need have all their dreams come true on TV unfortunately a lot of the time once the cameras went away so would the dream for instance things kind a lot less sweet for the people who got free cars from Oprah and free homes from free Makeover Home Edition when the cameras left and the reality set in that they were on the hook for thousands of dollars in utilities and taxes this is especially problematic since to qualify for either of those acts of charities you had to be too poor to afford the things they were giving you in the first place maybe the most blatant baton flicks was on The Apprentice where a bunch of attractive business e-types by for the chance to hear Donald Trump say your hired killer Trump winners were promised the prize of a top corporate position chrome compass this is a chance to work for me at a huge dollar this is going to be the dream job of a lifetime there people who truly had other job prospects they turned down that participate in the show in the first place some have their PhD or a Harvard MBA they own restaurant where they're one of the top real estate professionals in the country and a few of left their successful small-town companies to come to New York City for the very first time the ones who actually won say their jobs consists of being a spokesperson for the Trump brand so basically appearing on z103 the morning at Siloam to tell James the pig Rammstein and his sidekick slimfast about how Trump bottled water changes the weapon game that is Apprentice season one winner Bill Rancic wondering if that's enough water to drown News feeling more candid Trump says a little bit too much to ask someone to be the president of an 800 million dollar building when they haven't had that kind of experience which makes sense except that's the entire premise of the show I'd be like American Idol saying there's a bunch of professional singers out there why should we give a record deal to this random amateur for singing well a few weeks in a row you're a white guy you know that the TEL statement I was just asking if you know how to dumb statement yeah no but you are wise good there's no question about it here the kind of trusting soul turning over one of your most valuable possessions and main form of transportation to a show whose name references the sexual exploitation of women is a good idea you probably deserve what you get and what usually got was an expensive paperweight since pimp my ride consistently turned out vehicles that were actually unraidable which is to say nothing of how uncompromising lead offense they were amazingly adding a pool table arcade game or even a washing machine doesn't actually improve the performance on a fifteen-year-old vulva even worse were the additions that it first seemed nice but the more you think about them the stupider they become we got the car the backseat was off toro we have got rid of it we hooked you up with a 15-inch monitor so watch what's going on in sure you could just replace those seats allowing you the drive friends around in your car but now you have a huge stereo and a TV that you have to sing your neck backwards to actually look at a lot of the new features in pimped cars functions just enough to look cool exactly once for the camera somewhere legitimately dangerous like LED lights that got unbearably hot if left on too long or at all one guy had to spend 1,700 of his own dollars to pay to have his car fixed after it's pimping because the extra weight of the new features damaged the wheel suspension and engine oh and remember those shots that made it look like the car was being transformed in a single day have a slight exaggeration people who got on the show where without their cars for 16 months sure didn't even help them pay for a rental car it was all worth it because when it was finally done you had a car that was almost definitely harder to drive got pulled over by the cops more often and let's not forget was god-awful looking that's assuming you even got to keep the editions according to participants a lot of the time stuff was removed as soon as the camera stopped rolling one of the producers said that sometimes we did things for safety reasons the kids on the show interpreted as us taking away some item maybe that's because you installed things told them on camera they were there and then literally took them away but when every other manipulation just don't pack it reality shows remove any room for error by also removing any and all reality from their reality show by straight up having amateur actors improvise contrived setups up top we talked about shows like Amish mafia and Lizard Lick towing urban Tarzan would be another good example as wood duck dynasty here's what that family looked like before their reality show but it makes sense that such and sanely over-the-top shows would require such extreme measures so you wouldn't expect shows with much lamer premises to be completely staged shows like say help hunters house hunters it means never flipped a switch Andreea of any second of any day follows a person couple or family on their search for a new home that's something that happens every day in every city in every country on the planet and yet the show is entirely fake not as in the producers pull a few strings to heighten mistake as in the producers make the people on the show fake everything and then send them the videotapes it's not like they don't have rules they're not lazy for instance house hunters actually rejects contestants who are genuinely in need of a new house they only build episodes around people who've already bought one then it's the participants job to find the other two houses they're considering now because most of us don't have three houses that our immediate disposal increased we one day end up on a totally fictional show passing itself off as real life the unchosen houses usually just belong to neighbors or relatives crazy enough to move all their belongings out of their home so their friends can pretend to consider moving into them and since these are the houses they don't end up moving into that involves contestants and all over their friends homes on cable television I hate the color it's a gross color you're a gross color I hate the bland brick color I really feel we're going to have trouble matching accessories for the house to this color producers finally admitted all this in 2012 but they swear the show still has value got it take such incredible balls use the phrase authentic emotion when describing your show which pays people who have never acted before $500 that pretend they're trying to decide whether to buy to friends houses or one they already bought let's see what $500 worth of amateur acting buys these this overwhelming you know like I'm getting a headache I can't even decide just so stuck on the log cabin you know I kind of knew you would be I know it's an emotional thing for you yes I'm Willy compromising items right out and I'm willing to go slow at the changes that I want to make a house hey guys thanks for watching that if you know about other reality show tricks of the trade please share them in the comments like and subscribe if you liked that video and that's it today her agent Amy is showing them a historic home in the heart of beaver the beaver market right now is there's multiple showings and sometimes even multiple offers
Channel: Cracked
Views: 1,115,025
Rating: 4.8918815 out of 5
Keywords: Reality Shows, Reality TV, The Apprentice, American Idol, Duck Dynasty, Survivor, Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Xzibit, Pimp My Ride, Amish Mafia, cracked, cracked.com, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, humor, satire, parody, Jack O'brien, Last Comic Standing, Roseanne Barr, Steven Tyler, America's got talent, Howard Stern, house hunters, spit take, the spit take, 5 shady tactics, the spit, spittake, 5 shady
Id: MeUFvXo05Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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