7 Celebrities Who Have Clearly Lost Their Minds - The Spit Take

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hello the internet and welcome to another episode of the spit-take my name is Jack O'Brien I'm the editor-in-chief of cracked and despite what that magazine tells you stars they're not just like us they were at a certain point but then they got so famous that people stopped telling them the truth and started telling them whatever they wanted to hear for instance watch this interview with Alicia Silverstone who participates in the controversial parenting technique of birding what's birding you ask the horrifying possibility is slowly dawning on you so the good news is she does not try to teach her children to walk by pushing them from the highest branch of a tall tree the bad news is you're gonna wish it was that first one silver stones practice of pre chewing her son's food feeding it to him like a mama bird that's right she chews up the food for her child and spits it directly into his mouth which has been commended as a good way to pass on healthy enzymes by silver stone while actual nutritionists have called it gross this air view is actually a great study and how celebrities go from normal to banana sandwich seemingly overnight a silver stone explains the horrifying story of how it started her son coming at her mouth with his mouth open watch what the interviewer does and basically how it started was simply that bear when he was about five months old he's sort of would I'd be eating and he'd come at me with his little mouth open and beyond my mouth trying to get the food out of my mouth and then after a while I started to think about how wow you know so many parents complain that their kids never eat vegetables and here my kid is basically trying to detect my mouth other than making this face she makes a face like you said it sister I am right there with you see that woman wants Alicia Silverstone to like her so she tells her she's bravely starting a conversation I didn't expect it to do what it did but it started a conversation yeah instead of inventing the creepiest image of a mother feeding her son since that nursing twelve-year-old in Game of Thrones and we don't tell the truth to people we want to like us except behind their back you know like cowards so with that in mind here's a bunch of celebrities who have completely lost their grip with reality and who I would abandon every single one of my friends to hang out with jerry seinfeld is furious about how pc america has become in the time since he was funny which is weird because his best jokes have always been about airplane peanuts and chopsticks on the seth meyers show last year he explained the joke that has him so riled up i do this joke about the way people need to justify their cellphone i need to have it with me because people are so important right you know i said well they don't seem very important the way you scroll through them like a gay french king well yeah i did this line recently in front of an audience and you get your comedies where you can kind of feel like an opinion and they thought what do you mean gay what do you tell my gay what he said gay what do you do what do you what do you mean you know no see i think they're legitimately confused see it's a safe joke about the way people scroll through email like kings picking a court jester to have beat up for their amusement bit of a false premise since this isn't how people actually scroll through email but you gave us seven great seasons of comedy so i'll pretend that's how they do it but the french king in question needs to be dismissive and bored neither traits associated with gay people it would have been equally confusing if you'd said they scroll through their emails like a tall french king in an episode of comedians in cars getting coffee Seinfeld says isn't it just a matter of time before transgender is just an airline you get on one sex you get off the other not a great Seinfeld but anyways clearly that sentence is supposed to be a joke because they use it to punctuate the scene whose cars at the wife that is my daughter's are you daughter my son let's exchange that's we don't know is it just a matter of time before transgender is an airline you just get on one sexy you get off urine the other one and if you told that to a crowd of people you wouldn't get a laugh because again there's no joke there there isn't even a smart observation it's just gibberish that there's a creepy PC thing out there that really bothers me it's not that people are being too PC that you're edgy material is too incoherent there's also this thing his daughter said to him that he calls creepy I don't play colleges but I hear a lot of people tell me don't go near colleges they're so PC I'll give you an example my daughter's 14 my mother my mother my wife says to her well you know in the next couple years I think maybe you're gonna want to hang around the city more on the weekends so you can see boys you know my daughter says she says that's sexist isn't that you know it's amazing that they just want to use these words that's racist that's sexist that's prejudice they don't need talking about look teenage kids say stupid it's just that most people aren't courageous enough to throw their own children under the bus to prove their kid as a creep but you showed her for maybe not wanting to spend her time chasing boys around New York like some sort of speedy Irish Prime Minister it's a matter Seinfeld my Irish Prime Minister joke too real for you 300,000 people gathered in Philadelphia to see the Pope in person earlier this year and someone was like you know who should emcee that event Mark Wahlberg guy from Boston who's super awesome at pretending to be a dumb guy in movies and claiming he could have stopped the 9/11 hijackings in real life that guy that right there was truly the voice of an angel but then he whispered in my ear that he loved the movie Ted and I I told him that was not appropriate for a boy of his age holy father please forgive me I've always hoped that the good Lord has a sense of humor when it comes and pertains to many of the movies that I made it's matter not a fan of raunchy r-rated comedy franchise Ted the Pope to be fair to Wahlberg it's not totally absurd for him to assume the Pope is a huge fan of his movies since when the Pope came to America somebody asked Mark Wahlberg to emcee the event it's especially weird that Philadelphia City he's not even from was the one who asked him since his biggest connection to Philly is that football movie he starred in nine years ago once again earning their nickname Philadelphia we can't tell the difference between sports movies and reality look I don't expect Ethel eats to be super bright Blake Griffin is probably the funniest player in the NBA and he ended a rolling stone interview he was totally nailing with this exchange Griffin I believe in creationism for sure interviewer oh so you think the earth is only six thousand years old Griffin I don't want to do the math but somewhere around there and interview yeah that's one of the smart ones still I have to take issue with Reggie Miller being given a job as a basketball commentator because I watch basketball and I've had to listen as he says stuff like I think Anthony Davis is starting to recognize you know I may be the best player on the floor no pun intended Steph Curry I do a little bit more for my team he doesn't follow that up with a pun he's not at that time running across the court serving someone named Stephanie a bowl of courier or something Reggie Miller just doesn't know what puns are and that's not an isolated incident here he is during derek Fisher's first game back to Utah after begging out of his contract with them to be closer to his daughter's cancer doctors in New York he sends it to me it shows someone of ignorance because this is a guy that's trying to do the best for his family after Utah granted his release Fischer signed with LA which you might recognize as not closer to New York people from Utah were pissed since they don't like to admit what a boring replace Utah is to live and boot him in his first game back now here's Miller trying to make sense of the fairly straightforward story I just told you let's take a way that he gave up eight million dollars if you have to get anyone in here would they go to the lengths do whatever it took for the best care for your daughter everyone in here would jump on that bandwagon and that's why I think it's a little bit ignorant for these fans yeah for being one of the best talkers and NBA history Reggie Miller is really theouttalk on the echo-chamber of racism and insanity that is the view Kelly Osbourne was trying to make a point about Donald Trump's stance on immigration let's see how she did if you kick every Latino out of this country then who is going to be cleaning your toilet Donald Trump oh that's in a sense that no you know what I mean like what I'm saying but more there's more jobs to be in LA they always come on you guys know what she means Mexican people don't exist when they're not cleaning our toilets guys don't twist her words they don't know they'll not only know if they didn't mean it like that come on no I would never mean it like that okay I'm not part of this argument now you might have seen that back when it happened but what I didn't realize at the time is that Rosie Perez got brightly offended but by the end of the episode the rest of the panel had guilted her Rosie Perez into apologizing for being mad and I apologized to Kelly because I am Latino and I'm just very sensitive when it comes to that issue I was so offended by what he said I so I need someone number and quite didn't call him I should have all ended by boys yeah everything he says is offensive but when I've met him he's nice so it's a it's interesting we're gonna go on it's the matter with you making that poor rich white girl feel bad about being racist they don't bring you on to stir up trouble they bring you on to make them feel okay about their racist beliefs it's called the view not the views la is actually a diverse multicultural city with a burgeoning foodie scene and some of the best restaurants in the country which they enjoy on the two days a year they're not in the midst of a juice cleanse where you eat only paprika and lemon juice between April and Christmas the hallucinations begin in July and that's how you come up with your child's name when if Paltrow proved that she was about as down-to-earth as those people who believed they could catch a ride on a comet passing earth by drinking Sinai when she posted this picture on Instagram with the caption this is what $29 gets you at the grocery store what family's on snap ie food stamps have to live on for a week those poor families having to subsist on just seven limes a week you know mothers with more experience making a dollar stretch would probably have gone heavier on rice and grains at the expense of the ingredients for fresh guacamole you blew half your budget on this Barbara Walters interview with Sean Connery is from the 80s back when America was homophobic transphobic racist and still knew that you shouldn't say this years ago you didn't interview which may come back to haunt you whatever you know I'm gonna say right oh okay you didn't interview in which you said not the worst thing to slap a woman now and then as I remember you said you don't do it with a clenched fist it's better to do it with an open hand yeah remember that yeah yeah I don't love that I haven't changed my opinion if you have it no not at all you think it's good to slap a woman no I don't think it's good I think nice I don't think it's that bad I think that it depends entirely on the circumstances and if it merits it yeah what would merit it well if you have to tried everything else and women are pretty good at this they can't leave it alone nobody has ever so utterly failed to follow the advice of their publicist the amazing thing is he actually appears to be choosing his words carefully like how can I put this the most politically correct way possible okay I like Hitler Bush did 9/11 the guy is gonna be the one that's got to go out and do the work to feed everybody so that they can have the kids or go to school or have a car or whatever then he has they have to get him a primary consideration No or more likely he's thinking how do I explain this in a way a woman will understand it fun hey you guys we have a live podcast coming up on February 3rd a great waste of moviemaking right an art that has been with us for generations we're gonna fix the Oscars the Academy Awards we're going to make up new categories that are better than the ones we have and here are the nominees for the better Awards where's your podcast gonna be Oh UCB theater that's right thanks Dan
Channel: Cracked
Views: 1,785,241
Rating: 3.3184378 out of 5
Keywords: Alicia Silverstone, birding, cracked, cracked.com, sketch, funny, The spit take, jack o'brien, Entertainment Tonight, Jerry Seinfeld, Seth Meyers, Politically Correct, Sean Connery, Mark Wahlberg, Pope, Blake Griffin, Reggie Miller, Kelly Osbourne, The View, Donald Trump, humor, spoof
Id: OalUuOtPkRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2016
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