The Talk 2014 02 18 Craig Ferguson

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yeah has done so many things it's hard to believe he's just one man he's been a drummer a dancer a bouncer and actor and an acclaimed author whose first novel between the bridge and the river is being released on audiobook today he also keeps us up wat laughing way past our bedtime every night as the hilarious host of The Late Late Show take a look that's a fantastic story yeah there's a little things that you can throw throw people into you know in fact though I'm I'm gonna say that's what it does it goes nowhere wait we move it no let me stop have you ever seen this you see tomorrow this is where we yeah he's gonna be very nice to be here you know I was a dancer I heard you saying into I was a dancer I was in fact a Fly Girl let me tell you know what happened was well I I actually when I first came to America and I was in New York and I went into a bar because I didn't know anybody and I thought I'd meet friends in a bar and a deadbeat friends ya know a guy came over to me and said have you ever danced and I said no and he said come and join my dance troupe so I did to meet friends and I did about modern dancing wearing spandex everything was much higher there um so many pictures in my head now so um we were talking earlier about Simon Cowell and not being a nappy changer but are you what kind of debt I mean there's more cows than there's another cat Nevinger dinner yeah okay would you see where you would not be changing dad yes I have two boys I actually kind of this is probably a bit weird but I kind of like the smell of my kids poo there's a couple of poos I remember fondly one of the boys I won't say which one but the one of the boys it was oats a the toys arose and just like it was one of those I guess excitement took hold I remember falling the gate thing down in the back of the car and taking off a diaper good Oh have you been drinking Guinness this and I still think back in it no goner it's kind of rode in somewhere that big it not only it was almost like a hobo Hut's no dad used to say my dad said you know God rest of me used to say I had four kids I'd never changed one they call them nappies and scholars I'd never changed one and I think well you missed out because it's kind of fun to do that I kind of like doing this again is it yeah and and and also when they stop you get a sense of relief a hard left turn here you did not end up spending this Valentine's Day with your wife cuz you were on the road performing so was it hard breaking it to her that she was getting stood up for stand up no no first of all I don't do stand up for nothing so when actually that's not true I think emotionally I do do it for nothing and but the travel you pay me for so so no I said I have to go and work and she's like okay money yeah you got to pay for diapers okay with it I don't really do I don't believe a Valentine's Day as a British thing I don't really go for the same in America it seems to be much more my it's a much more on big deal like uh of course my wife's American so maybe I should pay more attention but I know it didn't seem to be that big a deal I don't think cuz like the kids do it you know they all the kids give all the other kids Valentines I don't really understand what that is yeah you're an American citizen now yeah yeah you're gonna get with the program they go when I took the citizenship thing you didn't see it now how do you feel about Valentine but Craig discussed your stand-up shows were part of your hot and grumpy tour yeah I have to ask what makes you hot and what makes you grumpy I think there was more a description of what I found in the diaper okay I just sounded two words that sounded kind of funny to me poor grumpy is like I get I get when I get hot I get grumpy I'm not talking about her as ladies no when I was dancing yeah okay expand a loss yeah I miss those days your son Liam just turned 3 yeah youngest boy here in LA people can get a little carried away with children's birthday parties very over-the-top did you find yourself falling for that going overboard with no no not at all I um I don't really kind of people go crazy in LA for lots of reasons and any reason they can find they like let's have an enormous event and I an enormous event not unlike the one outside the Toys R Us I'm starving but no I don't we had a little say we had a cake and candles and he got a toy car and photographs and he sang happy birthday and then we had to do you know 25 times but just the family is fine I don't think you need you know everyone who's got movie coming out red carpet yeah just a small red carpet just you know a couple of paparazzi TMZ we're having a party for Liam Furguson now Craig let's talk about your audiobook okay right yeah right now it's cool so it's a proper book and then I read it I didn't rate it as an audiobook I didn't think you know you did it some time ago yeah I wrote about seven years ago and so now you've done the audio oh yeah right yeah well I'm not quick it's cool between the bridge between the bridge is never about yeah now just say you were pitching it for a screenplay how would you how would you describe it I wouldn't pitch it for a screenplay and I'll tell you why the reason I wrote it is because I just made a movie which I had written starred in and directed and I looked at the movie and I hated it I mean I still hate it years later I was like this is not the movie I wanted to make it all yeah I wrote it started as directed what what is it he what happened and what happened was I felt that with because movies are big and a lot of people are involved and because of that I I blame myself I don't blame these people but I I kind of lost sight of what was going on so what I won't do is write something which was a totally one person deal so I wouldn't even take an advance for the book I wouldn't make a deal with a publisher I wrote the book on spec so that when you know when I was pitching the book to be sold they would they you know they ought to be published they would say we'd like to change that snuggle now I'll take it somewhere else then so the book was finished I wouldn't picture it's a screenplay and I had a bet with John Peters there that and he said that any book could be turned into a screenplay and I said okay read it and he he rarely went you bastard it but what is it about I don't really know I think it's a boat I was a very odd state at the time I mean it has a story it has a narrative it's about a disgraced television personality from Scotland and and somebody else Jennifer lópez's mp4s I would warn anyone though it's very dirty book it's no no it's more dirty than that real yeah it's like oh that kind of dirty can I be in a movie more coffee now well my feeling is that women prefer to read their porn than see their porn anyway so it's okay women women are quite happy yeah well women are cool with reading there is when you show direct stuff women like women I don't think so but but if you read like some of the stuff you read the Fifty Shades of Grey I'm like oh please oh I don't know I'm not a woman we want to say congratulations on your show being you've been the host for ten years learned an odd fact on your show from Kevin Bacon yes that's right tell everyone what I haven't said he's gave me this fight Kevin Bacon's always got something interesting to say and he he said that when dogs poop they always face north this true and I don't know cuz my I get three dogs by dog you know I go out in the yard in the morning I don't know where they're facing I know something happened you can't tell from the evidence but where they were facing it there's no Kenan I don't suppose you thought about it it's noe that apparently there's some scientific research that dogs many dogs certain breeds of dog will face north when they prove I know I do Craig Craig is didn't everybody weeknights at 12:35 a.m. right here in CVS for information about price stand of poor and how to purchase his audio book between the bridge and the river which cannot be made into a movie go to we'll be right back
Channel: Being Hitler
Views: 150,418
Rating: 4.7846155 out of 5
Keywords: Craig Ferguson (Celebrity), The Late Late Show (TV Program), The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson (Award-Winning Work), The Talk (TV Program), Comedy (Theater Genre), Between the bridge and the river, Audiobook
Id: rf3CtnUrEMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 04 2014
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