Craig Ferguson and Dianna Agron Interview Breakdown (How To Compliment Women explained)

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compliments can be very effective to make any women attracted to you but they have to be used in a very specific way and in this video you're going to learn how to use them effectively by watching how Craig Ferguson compliments diana agron very well how are you are you being nice to me cuz you just saw a clip of me beating up a boy this may come as a surprise to you but I am often nice too beautiful in the beginning of the interview Craig immediately establishes the frame by saying that he is often nice to beautiful women he's telling her that he considers her beautiful but you have to pay attention to the way he says it he's not creepy about it he's not looking for validation he doesn't need anything from her she's just being congruent with his personality and his feelings about her something very important is the way Craig uses tone and gestures you will notice that Craig can get away with all his compliments because he has a funny positive relaxed tone and this is crucial when complimenting women most people when giving compliments sound too serious they don't know the importance of being funny and relaxed being serious while complimenting women is a recipe for disaster so keep this in mind and watch the clip again and pay attention to the tone try to use the same tone Craig uses and you will probably notice a huge difference between how you normally talk and how Craig is using his tone to communicate and is very powerful to practice using more emotion in your communications I'm very well how are you are you being nice to me cuz you just saw clip of me beating up a boy this may come as a surprise to you but I am often nice to beautiful he then immediately tells a joke about Diana hitting him with a tennis racket and he uses a really sexual tone saying and I may enjoy it this little comment is very powerful because he manages to insert a mental image of the two of them in a weird sexual fantasy and it's funny because it makes no sense at all well that's nice I am also European though so you can hit me with a tennis racket and I may enjoy when you make a joke with a women about the two of you in any kind of sexual role is a very powerful thing because it gets her picturing you having sex with her and almost nobody will notice it and Craig is a master at using tones to communicate in a sexual and playful way in the next clip diana talks about visiting amsterdam and this is a great opportunity for Craig to tease her sometimes in a conversation an opportunity will arise and Amsterdam is a great example what do you think when you hear Amsterdam everybody thinks about drugs so Craig immediately makes the connection in his mind and takes the opportunity to tease her and so the front door is her friends you could only really go Amsterdam as well oh yeah min there did you have any baked goods when you were announced I don't know what you're talking about well you'd know what I'm talking to me a little cookie also taiwanís so be alert in your conversations for stereotypes making fun of the stereotypes is a great way of teasing a girl and making her laugh in this example the stereotype is people that go to Amsterdam tried drugs other stereotypes for example our doctors always have bad handwriting so if you are talking to a girl and you find out she's a doctor you can tease her about having the worst handwriting in the world although a stereotypes for example is women can drive so think about all the girls you know in your life and try to find some stereotypes that they feeling that you can make fun of in the next clip Craig demonstrates again his greatest skills for delivering great compliments he says you have to go to the dentist twice a week with those teeth this makes your laugh and makes you feel really special it's a great compliment why do you think that you've got nice teeth oh I was at a dentist today actually my mother but her tea I haven't gone in years you can't look at you that's not possibly true you you have to go like once a week with teeth like that then Craig asks her if she rides horses and described squirrel riding a horse with the typical clothes which are very sexy clothes Diana says no and Craig tells her to just say yes and she agrees buying into his frame wanted to make him happy wanting to go with the flow because by now she's totally attracted to him boobs do you do you ride horses I went riding yesterday did you really I did what kind of horse riding do you do do you do that a like weird little black outfit and a top hat no you say yes yes okay thanks and any other type of horse riding then they talked about her experience with Tommy Lee Jones and tells her that she must think that every man is well-behaved this is genius because he's letting her know that she's beautiful and that he understand that most men out there are giving her special treatment because of her beauty this is powerful because it means that Crick understands social dynamics and he also means that Craig considers her very beautiful well he grumpy with you Tommy Lee Jones is very grumpy no he wasn't yeah with you may be noisy depends on who you are though you probably think men are really nice and well-behaved quite a lot of the time I doubt the last crave of this interview is not about compliments but I thought it would be very helpful to watch Craig using a technique called cocky and funny where you make a comment about yourself that sounds very cocky but you say it in a funny way and this is an excellent example of how to use this technique to generate massive amounts of Attraction you might have acne by now did you ever get acne when you were a girl yes really of course how was that racist acne embraces all those things really well I was I was beautiful when I think so Creek is a really charismatic guy he's a genius at giving great compliments if you watch any of his interviews you are going to see how easily he gets every women laughing and attracted to him very quickly he is doing some very sneaky things that are really really powerful and I'm going to be making more videos breaking down Craig Ferguson interviews so if you want to see more go ahead and subscribe now but if you want the really powerful techniques click the link right now and you will take you to a page where you will put your email and you will get a free report where I go really deep into the most powerful tactics Craig Ferguson uses to attract women constantly and you can start implementing these tactics right now i'm gabe from sub communication mastery and i will see you in the next video
Channel: Subcommunication Mastery
Views: 35,738
Rating: 4.8099351 out of 5
Keywords: craig ferguson, craig ferguson and dianna agron, dianna agron, craig ferguson charisma, craig ferguson seduction, how to compliment women
Id: L0MjKl8M9cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2016
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