Easy YouTube Shorts with GPT-4 (No Experience)

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Creating short form videos is easier than it  ever has been before. We can use GPT 3.5 or   GPT-4 to generate the script, and super simple  software to edit it all. And I don't think I   need to tell you how powerful video content is.  It's one of the best ways to build an audience   from scratch online. But it does take a little  more work than tweeting or writing blog posts,   right? And that's why I'm creating this video. My  goal is to take out as much work as possible out   of the video creation process. And I'm about  to share a bunch of tips and tricks on how to   do this as a beginner. But first, we need to  talk about the plan. Because the videos that   you create are only as good as the idea that you  start off with. It's the most important part of   the entire process. So let's talk about how to get  a quality idea. And as per usual on this channel,   we're not just gonna beat around the bush. I'm  going to start by showing you two short video   niches which you could start creating today.  And this is the first one I discovered. I   consider it a good idea if you're just starting  out. Very simple to make and effective. Have   a look. This is what a salary of $100,000 looks  like after taxes in Austria. Gross annual income:   $100,000. Income tax: $27,111. Sickness:  You get the idea. It's about finances in   a particular country. And he did some research  on the taxation there, which you can always do   just by using Google. And then created a short  form video around that. The reason I think this   is a good idea to pursue is because you could do  it essentially for every country in the world. It doesn't matter if you're in North America,  Australia, or Africa. It's always going to be   interesting how different countries handle money  and how the taxation looks there, right? And in   a second, I'll reveal the exact prompts we'll be  using to craft a video like this. But before that,   I want to show you another niche, and that's  actually what we'll be creating for today.   Just because I also want to use the video  that we'll be crafting step-by-step today,   and that is in my niche in AI, right? You probably realize that it's a super   hot topic right now, and although the supply  for videos has been going way up recently,   there's still a lot of new opportunities  as people are building new apps every day.   So you can talk about apps and shorts  from videos like this one. Artificial   intelligence has come a long way. Here are  three AI tools that you never knew existed.  Number one, SuperMeme.AI. You can now create  meme teams with the help of AI, and look at that,   this guy's killing it with simple shorts like  this. He's getting hundreds of thousands of   views by following a very similar recipe to what  we'll be doing here today. So, before we move on   to planning and scripting this video, I want to  show you two tools that I actually use to do this.  So, if you go on YouTube, one of the  best tools if you're creating shorts   is simply checking out YouTube search. If  I go ahead and search for free AI apps… Look, even pops up right here, and I could review  some of these shorts and see what did well and   what didn't do so well. And by looking at the  view count and the comments, I can get a feeling   for what has a content market fit. So I'm not out  here spending my time creating videos and hoping   for the best. I'm gonna use this information  to enhance my decision on what idea to pursue.  If you didn't know, another fantastic  one is Google Trends. You can just go   to trends.google.com and, for example, if  you look for ChatGPT, we're gonna see how   many searches happen for this worldwide. All  I gotta do is change this filter to worldwide,   and we're gonna see that the topic is only getting  more and more popular. So it's still a good idea   to create content around ChatGPT as they keep  introducing new topics. And down here, you   could see OpenAI is a breakout topic that is also  trending right now, so you can create around this.  Okay, now let's talk about the GPT 3.5, the  model of ChatGPT that was used up until now,   against GPT-4. Generally speaking, GPT.4 does  a better job with the same problems as GPT   3.5 did. And if you go to the deep end  of its advanced capabilities, you will   find GPT-4 yielding way better results. It's more  creative, sometimes the outputs make more sense,   and as you'll see soon in this video, when it  comes to generating ideas, it is simply put,   superior to GPT 3.5. But no worries, we'll be  comparing these two as we move through the video.  Okay, but now it's time to hop into ChatGPT  and create scripts that we'll be using here.   So I'll provide this in the description below,  but for the finances in particular countries   niche that I outlined, you would want to use a  prompt like this: Write an emotionally engaging   script for a 30-second YouTube short about the  cost of living in Switzerland. Make the content   data-driven and controversial. Emotionally  engaging is a keyword that I really like.   It's a little less strong than clickbaity,  and I found this to induce just the right   amount of interest when you're writing scripts. Then, with 30 seconds, we put a constraint on   it. YouTube short, we give it context. You  could also use the name of other platforms,   but in my experience, the outcome is  identical as it really understands this. And here we have the topic: "Cost of Living in  Switzerland." If you were to go with this niche,   you could just switch this up to any country  in the world, and it will keep going. Just make   sure to fact-check all the numbers in the end,  because ChatGPT sometimes messes up on that front.   By adding "make the content data-driven and  controversial," we add a certain style to this   which I found to work quite well in some of the  shorts I researched. Controversial just gives it   more potential to go viral, and data-driven means  that you're bringing some value to the table,   although people might not know your face yet. And again, let's compare this prompt in   GPT-3.5 versus GPT-4. And here's the difference  between the two of them: it is quite visible,   but I don't think I could definitely say that one  is better than the other. They're just different   here. So, GPT-3.5, in this case, goes more with a  fact-driven and general point of view. It followed   our data-driven approach but picked a neutral  voice for the voiceover presenter. In GPT-4,   it went more into the story side of things, which,  depending on your goals and storytelling skills,   might be a better approach. But I wouldn't dare to  say that this is just flat out better every time.  But again, we could change all this by  going into the prompt and actually adding   the characteristics of the storyteller. And  overall, I would just say if you have both,   there's no reason not to try both  and see what you like more. Ideally,   you can even take inspiration from the route GPT-4  took, and you can always add to the GPT-3.5 prompt   and make it talk like more of a storyteller.  But for my testing throughout the last week,   I'll just tell you, if you're trying to  tell stories, GPT-4 is your friend here.  For this video, we'll stick more with the factual  and data-driven approach that GPT-3.5 gave us   here, and it brings me to the next topic:  Do you want to use your face in this? Well,   look, the reality is ideally you do. Nothing  communicates as much personality as a human. But   if you don't feel comfortable, I understand this.  You can get around it by making your script even   better. Just realize that by not using your face,  you're facing 10 times the competition that you   would if you're using your face, because literally  anybody can create anonymous videos. And secondly,   it's going to be way harder to build a  community. So you need to make up for those   facts with better content quality. And that's  why you need to listen closely in this video,   because I'll be sprinkling these little tips that  I learned over the years all across the video.  Okay, now let's run this prompt  in GPT-4 and compare the outputs. Okay, now that we put these side by side, you  can see just how much more creative GPT-4 is. And   when you look at the results here, you can really  see that most of the second half here just starts   with "the most epic," "the most addictive," "the  most something." Whereas, if we look at GPT-4,   it really maintains a variety within the ideas.  Look at that! Every single one of these takes   a completely different approach while still  perfectly matching our request of giving us   30 ideas for YouTube shorts about YouTube shorts  based on previously viral YouTube content. So,   as you can see, for generating ideas,  especially many ideas, GPT-4 is simply better.  Okay, but in our case, we're going to be  going with the AI niche because I want to   post this short too. And let's be smart about  this. Let's not just go with the typical "here   are free AI apps" approach. Let's go a step  further. Let's talk about an AI apps database,   and I happen to know of this site called  FutureETools.io, which belongs to a fellow   AI YouTuber called Matt. And he actually does  an excellent job of curating all different types   of apps. And by talking about this in our short,  we're not going to talk about free apps, but we're   gonna talk about a tool that helps you find as  many apps as you want. Actually, it features over   a thousand apps, which is going to be excellent  for marketing purposes. We can just list 1,000+.  Okay, so let's customize this prompt together  to fit our script: "Write an emotional, engaging   script for our 30-second YouTube short." That's  fine. About, and here we switch it up: “About..." An AI application database called Future Tools,"   and we'll provide even more details:  "That features 1,000+ AI-powered apps or   applications." And for this niche, let's switch up  the second part to let's say, "Give examples of,"   and we'll pick three niches that are popular  right now. One is definitely speech-to-text,   and I happen to know this because I do my research  on a daily basis and I use YouTube search and   Google Trends to follow what is popular right  now. Alright, you can do that too. The second   one would be prompt guides, and then text-to-video  is a topic that is really heating up right now.  Okay, and now we're just going  to hit enter and get the script.   Okay, so it's kind enough to give us a visual  description plus what the narrator, aka me, should   say too: "We all have big dreams, but sometimes  the path to achieving them can be difficult to   navigate. But what if there was a tool that could  help you along the way? Introducing Future Tools,   the AI-powered application database with over  1,000 tools to help you reach your goals." Okay,   so that's not ideal, but definitely not how  I would speak. But let's work with this.  I have a follow-up prompt that you  can use here too. It goes as follows:   "Now, list the visual description and the  voiceover script separately while delivering   the voiceover script in one paragraph  containing just the spoken words." Enter.  And now we got the voiceover script separately.  Now, look, what I would usually do is get a   bullet point script, start editing that myself,  adding touches, researching more. So let's just   open a text editor right here and edit that  script a little bit. Let's just start with the   app right away: "Future Tools is an AI-powered  application database with over 1,000 tools to   help you reach your goals. A lot of these AI  tools are all about increasing productivity,   so let's say 'be more productive' – very  simple. Need to transcribe a conversation?   Browse the speech-to-text tools." And  then say, "Struggling with ChatGPT?   The prompt guides will keep you on track. Want  to create a video but don't have any footage?   Our text-to-video tool has got you covered."  For that, I just have to check the category to   see what kind of apps are in there. I know most of  these, that seems accurate, and I'll just remove… I'll just remove this part in the end. We'll  just end it with 'Future Tools - it's all in   one place.' Perfect!" So we have a script that  we like here and a visual description to go along   with that. And in the second half of this video,  we'll be looking at a tool that allows you to   edit without knowing how to edit. And I'm happy to  announce that that app is today's video sponsor,   InVideo – exactly the type of app that I wanted  to use for this tutorial. But more on that later.  Now, the next step will be recording this, which  is a little tricky because I'm already recording   here, but let's just use OBS. I think my  computer should be able to handle this,   and the audio is going into this already.  Honestly, your phone should be good enough here,   but let's give it a shot so you can see my  process. I'll just say "Start Recording."   And again, I usually don't do scripted things,  so I don't even have a teleprompter here. Oh,   and it's not AI-powered; it's just an AI  application database. But let's do this sentence   by sentence and then cut out the parts in between. Okay, so the first one: "Future Tools is an AI   application database with over 1,000 tools to  help you be more productive. Need to transcribe   a conversation? Browse the speech-to-text  tools. Struggling with ChatGPT? The prompt   guides will keep you on track. Want to create  a video but don't have any footage? Their   text-to-video tools have got you covered.  With Future Tools, it's all in one place.   You can find a link in the comments." Alright,  stop recording, and that's how this would look.  Now, you might have seen that some parts I  just read off, and that's because I'm going   to be putting a screen record on top of those.  All I need is the screen record, and for that,   again, we're going to use OBS. Just because  it's so simple, I'm going to keep in mind that   this has to fit on a phone, so we're going  to do this and again start recording. So,   the first thing is just Future Tools itself.  Maybe let's get a bigger recording here too,   and maybe let's get footage here of 1,050 tools.  You can always zoom in like this. Perfect! And   then let's get the three categories we covered,  right? So one of them is text-to-video, the second   one is prompt guides, and the third one is  speech-to-text. And I think that wraps it up.  Now it's time to edit it, and look, this can be  a complicated process. And I'm lucky enough to   have a browser-based tool called InVideo sponsor  this video. I wanted to create this in a while,   and they came through and said that they're  interested in partnering on this idea. Because,   as you might know, there's a lot of steps  that go into editing, right? You need music,   you need footage, you need titles, and it all  needs to look good enough. And before you go   out there and learn a complicated software that  takes time, you can start today by using InVideo.  And look, honestly, from my experience, the  most important thing if you're trying to do   this is just getting started. Nothing  is going to get you more results than   starting as soon as possible because a lot  of these lessons that I talk about here,   you're only going to really understand by doing  it. And in a second here, you'll just see how easy   it is to use InVideo to edit your videos because  they have over 5,000 templates, they have all They have all the stock footage you need, music,  and the editor is super intuitive. My favorite   part is that you can create an account for  free and just try it out. But this is not   going to allow you to export the video. So if  you actually want to use them, you're going to   have to at least get the business plan. Here, this  is the yearly pricing. If you go to monthly, it's   $30 a month. And if you use the code AI25 during  checkout, you're going to get a 25% discount on   this. But hey, enough talking, let's do this! So once you create a new account, it's going   to look something like this, and you can go over  here on the top right and say "Create New." Then,   we go to "Editor," and we want "Portrait" here,  right? And right away, it's going to say "Upload   your media files." Alternatively, you could start  with stock footage here, but in this case, we're   going to be using the video we just recorded.  Either way, as I said, if I was starting out,   I would simply use a phone camera and hold  it closer to me so the mic quality is decent.  But this is the clip we just recorded, and  all we need to do is drag and drop it into   here. And then, while it processes it in the  background, we can already drag and drop it into   the bottom so we start editing. Just say "Add."  Alright, then with this little slider over here,   I can zoom in. So, step one while it's processing  is going to be scaling this up to fit the frame –   simple enough! I just drag  the corners until it fits.  Okay, once I'm centered, we can start editing.  And once I find a good spot I want to cut,   I can simply click the scissors or even easier,  just press "C" right there. Now I can delete this,   and by selecting that part, I can delete that  too. Okay, this looks like a good spot to cut,   so I'll just press "C," come on, backspace:  "Future tools is an AI application database   with over 1,000 tools to help you be more  productive." Perfect! Let's set a cut here.  And as you can see, there is no  need to get this perfect on your   first try – you always have the power of editing.   Here's a little pro tip: if you drag this  downwards, you can actually overlay them, and   you can do a so-called J-cut. What that means is  that this second clip begins before the first clip   is ending, and therefore they overlap a little  bit. This looks like a J-cut. And what you get   by that is higher engagement because not just that  we cut out the pause, but we're hopping right from   one point to the next. Just be very careful with  this and make it very subtle, but it can help.  Check it out: "Need to transcribe a conversation?  Browse the speech-to-text tools. Struggling with   ChatGPT?" Okay, so I'll just keep doing this, and  I'll see you when I'm done. Okay, so now that I   have an edit of the message that I'm pretty happy  with, this is also referred to as A-roll. We're   ready to roll in the B-roll, which is going  to be sitting on top, and this is our screen   recording. And while this processes, one thing is  clear: we want to start off with a strong title.  Okay, and this is where InVideo is really  strong. I don't need to be a graphic designer   to pick something that looks good. And we'll  go with this one, which kind of looks like the I don't need to be a graphic designer to pick  something that looks good, and we'll go with this   one, which kind of looks like the default on many  of the short form platforms. And by me doing that,   I'm gonna be able to distribute this to YouTube,  Tick Tock, and Instagram without having to edit   anything inside of those apps anymore. Maximum  efficiency. What you want to do here, though,   is double click this little Zoom from out icon,  which is the in animation, and set this to none.   And now you have to be aware, usually on these  platforms, you have all these buttons on the   right and the comment section on the bottom. So  if you're going to place it here, it's going to   be invisible. Somewhere close to the middle where  it's not covering up my face is a sweet spot. And   I'm gonna double click this and I'm gonna pick a  cache style title, which yet again, ChatGPT could   generate. And I'm just gonna say, 'Now generate  between emotionally engaging titles.' And this   is where I'm gonna start pointing out a critical  fact in all this. You need to start thinking in   terms of batch productions. We're not creating one  short here. This is going to be one of a hundred   charts for this channel, okay? Because for you  to do this successfully, you're gonna have to   do this consistently over a period of time. And  the best way to do that is batch some of these   contents. So when I was thinking about the ideas,  I was already thinking, 'How am I going to create   the next 20 episodes of this format if it catches  on?' And ChatGPT obviously is a massive help here.   For example, here we have these 10 titles. Let's  pick one that we like. These are a little long to   put them into the video, so let's just say, 'Make  them shorter.' So I definitely like this '1000   plus apps.' So what if we just keep it simple and  we say, 'Future tools: 1000 plus AI apps.' I kind   of like that. There's no rules saying you have to  use one of these. Let's just combine it. We can   even switch the font up here. So I kind of like  Helvetica Bold. So I think Helvetica should do   the trick here. Perfect. 'Future tools' is an AI  application database with over 1,000 tools to help   you be more productive. You need to transcribe  a conversation, okay? And for the ending,   we're gonna right click and say, 'Duplicate,'  and we're gonna do the same thing. Double click   foreign comments. Okay, now I can  drag and drop the screen recording.   Select the part where the tools  are loading in. Let's take this   I highlighted. That's going to be our first clip.  And this should be quite good for the intro.   I'm just going to scale it up so it fits in here  nicely. And first, first clip. Let's do something   fancy. And I'm actually going to make myself  smaller, so I'm on top here. How about that?   And luckily, there's a crop tool in here, so  I can take out the toolbar on top and make   this cleaner. Look at that. Perfect. Now  all I have to do is move this title, '1000   tools to help you be more productive,' need to  transcribe. Nice. Let's just make sure it cuts   off struggling with ChatGPT. The prompt guys  will keep you on track. Want to create a video   but don't have any footage? Their text-to-video  tools have got you covered. Let's just not forget   to go to the volume here and turn it down, and  we'll do the same for the three next clips.   And here, we're actually gonna full screen.  This will look fine once it's rendered.  Okay, I'm actually quite happy with that. Now,  all we need is some music in the background,   but luckily, NVIDIA has a library too. Optionally,  if you want more work, you could go into the app   and pick some of the popular music tracks there  and latch on to some trends. That's not a bad   idea. But in a video like this where all we need  is background music, I would go with one of the   tracks here, and maybe let's go with 'Playful.' [Applause]  Okay, this sounds good. Let's try it out. What  I want from this is to drive the video forwards,   so it needs to be progressive in terms  of structure and interesting enough to   maintain the viewer's attention. Okay, just trim  a little bit off the beginning here. 'Application   database.' Okay, we just need to make it  a little more silent. Right-click volume,   and by turning on ducking, which essentially  means that it lowers the audio volume in the   parts where other sounds are playing, for example,  my voice, and we can bring this to, let's say,   -22 DB and see how it sounds. 'Future tools' is an  AI application database. With nice, great track,   this really helps. 'Future tools' is an AI  application. Maybe let's do a little more because   it's shorts and it can be a little more dynamic.  'Future tools' is an AI application database with   over 1,000 tools to help you be more productive.  Need to transcribe a conversation. And here,   the rule is always just listen on proper  headphones, and you'll figure it out.  Okay, that sounds good to me. And as a last step,  I want to actually consult ChatGPT one last time.   If you remember, it gave us a list of things that  would be useful on here. So because we're using   our face, we don't need as much b-roll. But NVIDIA  has a lot of these templates and stock footage,   right? So in this case, we didn't even use  the template. We made everything from scratch,   but it's this person speaking into a microphone.  We have that person using a tool with prompts.   Maybe we could include ChatGPT, but I don't think  it's needed. Person typing into a computer with   text appearing and transitioning into  video. Closing shot of 'Future tools'   logo. I like this last two, so let's just go to  videos. Let's just write 'frustrated computer.'   Perfect. This is even more relatable and  engaging than showing a ChatGPT screen record.   Which is scaled it up. And let me just say here  objectively, NVIDIA has a fantastic stock footage   library. With the free plan, you already get a  sea of stock footage to pick from. But that sea   turns into an ocean once you upgrade. Working  with ChatGPT, the prompt guides will keep--  Okay, then last but not least, let's  include the website logo here. Let's   just save it to the desktop. And here  we can simply go to logo, upload logo,   and you know what? The ending is going to be a  perfect spot for this. Let's just place it in   an area where it has a little bit of contrast,  like so. And that wraps it up. We're done. We   can go to export, 1080P, and export. And  if you want to start doing this yourself,   no editing skills required, you can use the  link in the description below. And if you get   one of the plans, make sure to use the code  'AI25' to get 25% off. And if you want to go   even deeper and learn about more tutorials on  the software, you can check out their YouTube   channel. And there's one more thing which  is going to make all of this even simpler,   and it's another reason why you should start  today. Because they're going to be releasing   an AI Video Creator which is going to allow  people to create shorts like this in even less   time. Have a look at this. What if all you  need to create a video is an idea? [Music]  Pack a giant bubble wrap suit and roll into  the black hole and explore your own private   planet. [Music] So this is going to write the  script, generate the voice, pick the footage, and   edit it for you. The same goes for graphics. Okay,  perfect. The short is done. Let's have a look.  'Future tools' is an AI application database with  over 1,000 tools to help you be more productive.   Need to transcribe a conversation? Browse the  speech-to-text tools. Struggle with ChatGPT?   The prompt guide will keep you on track.  Want to create a video but don't have any   footage? Their text-to-video tools have got you  covered. With 'Future tools,' it's all in one   place. You can find a link in the comments. Dude,  amazing short. I'll just add captions and post   that to YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram today. Alright, so if you enjoyed this video, you're   guaranteed to like this one which also talks about  creating content with ChatGPT. I'll see you there.
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 190,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, gpt3, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, machine learning, shorts, gpt-4
Id: 0Qs29IFXbNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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