How to Become a Speed Learner with ChatGPT(AI)

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what's good you guys today I want to show you how you can use chat gbt to 10x your work I'm going to show you guys how I use it as an undergrad student and how you guys can apply it to your learning I've actually found myself with a lot more time on my hands and getting in better study sessions so a little bit about me I'm an undergrad student in CS I'm taking my last three CS courses this semester and then I'm starting my masters in Fall cha gbt has helped me with my studying so much this semester and especially preparing for tests and understanding new Concepts all right so let's get into it okay so here I'm going to tell it I have an upcoming exam on JavaScript functions coming up can you give me a set of example questions and then it'll generate the questions and then we can respond and it'll grade it for us sometimes the responses don't come out like you wanted them to and what you can do is respond and then refine the results so you could say something like Hey Taylor your response more to this subject or give it in this context you can also feed it a bunch of data like a bunch of bullet points or information from slides and then say build me a quiz off of this data so you can also tell it to generate flash card type questions and that's super helpful too I'm taking this causal inference class and it's really textbook heavy and theoretical so what I've been doing is grabbing the paragraphs and putting them in chat TBD and saying summarize these paragraphs or give it to me in one sentence so here's some notes from that textbook and what I can say is sunrise and I'll paste it all there and then what's super cool about this is you can even tell to give you examples of it so then what you can do with this is say explain this in one sentence obviously you're going to lose a lot of information when it does this but you're just trying to get the bulk of what it's talking about you can do it or you can tell it simplify your answer so you can also say give me an example all right so the personal tutor this one's super helpful if you need to learn something from xero or you're trying to understand A New Concept and you want to explain in detail so I haven't used this one personally but I can see how it's totally useful so if we write something like act as a professional tutor teach me what JavaScript query functions are wait spits out the answer is way more friendly so let's say you're studying for a chemistry exam you could write something like this or if you're setting for your Physics exam or if you need help understanding rotational kinematics and physics or if you need a tutor for Spanish so here it gives us an introductory lesson on Spanish so my wife is learning Spanish right now and we've been trying to have conversations so that she can practice so that's something else you can do with chat DBT you can ask it to have a conversation with you in Spanish she's also used it for example sentences so like it'll give me an imperfect sentence in Spanish with this context so remember when writing these prompts out you need to be very specific so for this one I said help me practice my French by having a basic conversation with me wait for me to respond and then you respond correct me if I get something wrong remember it's still a computer and you need to tell it what to do very specifically here I respond with je ever Beyond altering messages this one's been super helpful for me too when I want something to sound more professional like an email or I want it to be more tailored to a specific audience I've used it a lot emailing professors so I recently needed some recommendation letters for my Master's Degree and I had to reach out to two professors so you could say something like this [Music] and then chat gbt will make your message sound more professional so you could also say tailor this message more for kids or make this sound more slogany or whatever you want those are just some examples of how I've used chat gbt in my studies it's increased my learnings by so much because I can study a lot more efficiently and understand concepts with examples it really is an amazing tool for studying something you need to be really careful with is you need to fact check it it's not always a hundred percent right I've actually seen it output incorrect responses several times use this as a tool and don't take it for 100 true they already have plagiarizing software for chat gbt so they can differentiate between Ai and human written responses so I hope you guys found this video useful I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Joshua Aragon
Views: 9,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, learn, speedlearner, education, chatgpt, openai, learning, college, fast learning, fastlearner, fast learner, productivity
Id: lKmR-pHGxI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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