How Iman Gadzhi Makes $500,000+/mo in Sales on YouTube

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demon gazi generates multiple six figures in sales for his online programs for YouTube every single month but how is he able to do that if he claims he's not even promoting them in any of his videos look if you clicked on this video I guess you already know who him and gazi is and you probably know he's the fastest growing entrepreneur on YouTube right now only in the last six months he managed to go from 400 000 to over 1.8 million subscribers and he's not looking to stop anytime soon at the point of recording this video Iman makes around 120 000 per month from YouTube as Revenue alone but that's only a small portion of what he makes through YouTube as majority of Revenue comes from the back end which basically means selling his online programs Iman is the founder of grow your agency an educational company that helps people start and scale their own social media marketing agencies they have two main products Addis Navigator and copy paste agency which are priced respectively to my knowledge at 1.5 and 5 000 but that's not his only business he's also a co-founder of a software company called agency flow and only one solution that replaces many softwares and helps any is the owners run their businesses and if you look at it from a perspective you will quickly see how smart Iman is every client he gets for his entry-level program is for 5.5k but everyone that is doing well in this program can be easily upselled into a higher tour program called copy paste agency that is priced my knowledge at five thousand dollars what's more many of his students are signing up for his software company called agency flow increasing its recurring revenue and drastically increasing the valuation of the company so for his online programs he actually creates clients for his software company that's why the lifetime value of every customer that enters into iman's ecosystem might be easily a few thousand dollars but let me answer your question from the intro of this video how does email managed to attract so many clients for YouTube If he's not even promoting his online programs in almost none of his videos well he's a genius he implemented what I call a YouTube vsl he actually calls it like that as well if you take a close look at the link in the description of this video if you don't know BSL stands for video size letter and its definition is basically a video that pictures your product or service to prospects its only goal is to grab Prospect attack mentioned discuss their pain points showcase your product as a solution and basically make them buy it's not a New Concept though people have been using video sales letter for years now however even is the first that took this concept and applied to YouTube if you take a look at his channel and his videos every video points to this one video called best online business to start as a beginner in 2023 and if you watch it until the end it's basically nothing else but a vsl posted to YouTube he just discusses different business models claim starting an agency is the best you can do and promotes is only a program that teaches you exactly how to do it because look in the past Iman was focusing mainly on creating content for people that want to either start or scale their marketing agencies which was a huge bottleneck when it comes to attracting more people and getting more clients but he knew that in order to scale he needed to attract more people into his YouTube channel people that are interested in self-improvement and making money online but have no idea they can actually start their own marketing agencies that's when he changed his content strategy and the video is about how to get clients or how to press your marketing Services because replaced with videos like 17 life lessons for teenagers or seven ways for teenagers to make their first one million dollars now his content appears to a broader audience and combining that with other things like hiring multiple full-time family designers and overall having an amazing growth strategy in place enables him to grow at an incredibly Fast Pace at the moment of recording this video Iman gets around 7 million views every single month and he's a master at converting views into money basically the goal of every video he publishes is to drive more people to his YouTube vsl how does he do it in a very smart way he mentioned it in the video as well as latest Link in the description or uses end cards here you can see few examples of that and that's how this video gets on average 15 000 views every 24 hours and as I said its main goal is to convert these views into paying clients think how genius it is now people don't even have to leave YouTube to get someone the idea and this video already got almost 4 million views so even if 0.001 of people that actually watch this video would buy his program that's ladies and gentlemen close to 6 million dollar in sales for agency Navigator alone so if you're an entrepreneur selling your products or Services through YouTube there's a big chance you can implement this strategy as well just create video that would be your YouTube vsl and keep in mind the only goal of this one should be to convert your viewers into paying clients then drive traffic from every other video you create through direct call to action Link in the description cards and end cards to your YouTube vsl the more reviews you bring to this video and the better converting your vsl actually is the more leads and clients you will actually get and if you need any help with creating your YouTube vsl and actually growing on YouTube you might want to check out the link in the description and book a free strategy call with my team where we show you exactly how to do it and what you can do to build an audience and effortless to get high paying clients for YouTube that would be it for this video please comment down below what you think of human strategy and hit that like button if you enjoy the content See you in the next one
Channel: Grzegorz Mirosław
Views: 244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iman gadzhi, iman gadzhi youtube, iman gadzhi youtube strategy, iman gadzhi content strategy, iman gadzhi agency navigator, agency navigator, growyouragency
Id: JCwdlhylaJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 43sec (283 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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