OpenAI CEO, CTO on risks and how AI will reshape society
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: ABC News
Views: 1,615,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Altman, ChatGPT, Jarvis, OpenAI, Rebecca, Sam, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-97949497
Id: 540vzMlf-54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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It’s amazing to see the issues we have talked about for years begin to seep into the mainstream. They are just starting to wake up to what is coming.
The CEO just discussed risk more openly than most AI optimists do and for that I give him credit.
So, I can't help but notice that even Altman dances around the question of employment and was disappointed how he too gave the tired "there will be jobs created in the future for people that we can't even imagine right now".
That's reddit grade fluff that could have been taken straight from r/futurology word for word.
It's worse because that's not what she was really asking. What happens in the intermediate between now and this lofty future? What happens to the displaced? There is not going to be a 1:1 transition into these "jobs we can't even imagine right now". As it stands now, at least in America, if you fall behind you are abandoned. There WILL be employment in the future, but the question is for whom? and How many?
I know that Altman knows that this is going to be a major issue and pretty soon, and I'm not buying that haphazard handwave he just pulled out of his ass.
He lives in America just as I do, in what universe does a capitalist enterprise not take the more cost-effective path? If AI can do what a human can do and for cheaper, guess who's getting a spiffy new pink slip? They don't care if you or I have a livelihood, they care about the almighty money-line.
I doubt society is ready or even willing to make the changes needed to accommodate what's fast approaching. Our technological advancement is exponential, but our societal evolution is glacial and the current society doesn't care if you can make rent or not, that's up to you to figure out.
"we finished GPT4 a very long time ago! err.. uhhh, I mean that it feels like a long time ago (what did we say the official date was again)... it was months ago or something, haha.. nevermind"
When companies start integrating the GPT-4 API into their existing software it'll disrupt plenty of jobs.
It might be infection or something, but I had a weak moment of 'this is AGI' hours ago. AI in 2030 might fool us more often. I don't see how AI will create jobs though. Prompt engineering, AI babysitters... If governments start buying shares of AI companies, we could have some control. But if AI stops growing, it will cost us more. The idea that closed companies can disrupt society without any external influence is unacceptable. We can't trust Altman. We can't trust OpenAI.
You took the 10 billion , it’s not in your hands anymore buddy.