3 Unsolved Mysteries that Belong in the Twilight Zone

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today's video is sponsored by hunter keller well  the weather outside's getting frightful and cold   evenings call for cold cases but rather than  watching yet another true crime documentary on tv   why not make yourself a part of the action instead  enter hunter killer the ultimate murder mystery   game that places you in the shoes of a detective  and tasks you with catching an elusive perp   by solving puzzles decoding ciphers and examining  clues you'll slowly progress through each box   set and narrow down your list of suspects hunter  killer is not just a subscription company either   if you're looking for an all-in-one experience  they have plenty available in their store as well   perfect for game nights with family and friends  for me hunter kill is a truly fun and unique way   to spend some quality time with the people  i care about most my wife and i have been   spending more than a few chilly nights recently  playing through the latest hunter killer box set   for us it's the perfect alternative to  another samey night glued to a screen   so with christmas just around the corner  now's the best time to treat yourself   or that special someone in your life head over to  hunterkiller.com forward slash lacey masquerade   and use promo code lazy to get 10 off your  purchase again take advantage of that 10   discount by going to hunterkeller  dot com forward slash lazy masquerade   and using promo code l-a-c-y and find out if you  have what it takes to solve the mystery inside jet packs they're every kid's fantasy who didn't  dream about soaring through the skies in one of   these things like a roll pal dexter the one with  the lab but although jet packs do indeed exist   they're still quite basic in what they can  achieve and we're a long way off from being   able to fly safely alongside airplanes  thousands of feet in the sky or are we   as you're about to hear somebody  may already be doing just that   on the 30th of august 2020 the aircraft control  tower of los angeles international airport   received a rather unusual radio transmission  it was from american airlines flight 1997   and the transcript of the message reads  as follows tower this is american 1997   we just passed a lone man flying off our left  side maybe 300 yards or so about our altitude   the aircraft controller must have assumed he  had misheard the pilot but just minutes later   he received another transmission this time from  a utah-based sky west pilot who confirmed the   original report tower i think we just saw the  guy passing us i i think he's wearing a jet pack a few months later an la police department  helicopter crew spotted what appeared to be   a balloon floating in the skies above beverly  hills on closer inspection the balloon appeared   to depict the nightmare before christmas character  jack skellington it had obviously escaped from a   halloween party at some point a month prior and  had been floating above los angeles ever since   since rumors of a jetpack wearing daredevil were  well known amongst aviation circles the helicopter   crew believed they had just solved the mystery  given the speed at which commercial jetliners   travel it was possible that all of the pilots  just got a glance of this balloon and mistook   it for a man wearing a jet pack after all the  balloons behavior seemed remarkably similar to   that of their mystery jetpacker so the balloon  and jetpack man were probably one and the same   with the mystery of the la jetpacker believed  to be solved californians simply went about   their business yet it wasn't long before  another reported jetpack sighting reignited   people's faith in the improbable on the 14th of  october the pilot of china airlines flight 006   reported seeing a flying object like a flight suit  jetpack at around 6000 feet this encounter wasn't   nearly as well publicized as the others but when  reached for comment the pilot very firmly stated   that this was not some errant party balloon  insisting that he was experienced enough to   know the difference between a cartoon  skeleton and an actual human being   then on the 21st of december  a flying instructor with the   based sling pilot academy was making a routine  flight near palos verdes and catalina island   when he reached around 3000 feet he spotted  something on the horizon prompting him to   immediately switch on the plane's front-facing  video camera the footage he recorded was posted   to the academy's instagram account and apparently  confirmed the existence of what some called   the la iron man it appears to show a jet pack the  video's caption reads but it could also be a drone   or some other object if it really is a guy in  a jetpack then it remains to be seen whether   it's a legal test flight or if it's related  to the recent jetpack sightings near lax   slowly but surely what was once a silly rumor  was turning out to be very very credible jetpack sightings dwindled around the turn of  the new year and californians would have to wait   until july of 2021 for their next sighting but by  that point it seems not only had the existence of   the jetpack man being confirmed but he had become  something of a normalized nuisance to the pilots   of lax because on the 28th of july a pilot  reported seeing a flying object that looked   a lot like a man flying a jet pack hovering off  the californian coast at approximately 5 000 feet   one boeing 747 pilot called into  the radio control tower to report   a quote unquote possible jetpack man in sight  the control tower then relayed this information   to the pilot of skywest flight 326 asking him  if he had seen the unidentified flying object   we were looking the pilot responded but we did  not see iron man i repeat did not see iron man   the control tower then beamed a message out to  every pilot in a hundred mile radius telling   them all aircraft use caution for the jetpack he's  just north of the final around 5000 feet at gate c these sightings become all the more credible once  we learn that humanity is already in possession   of jetpack technology however there are only a  handful of companies that actually make jetpacks   one of these companies is owned by former swiss  air force pilot yves rossi but his particular   prototype requires him to be hoisted in the air  by a helicopter or balloon before he can take off   california-based company jetpack aviation  has created five jet packs that can be worn   in a similar manner to backpacks yet as chief  executive david mayman has insisted none of   them are for sale david added that his company's  jet packs are technically capable of reaching   heights of fifteen thousand feet but due to fuel  constraints prototypes can only safely reach about   one thousand or one thousand five hundred feet in  his words to fly up to six thousand feet from the   ground to fly around for long enough to be seen by  china airlines and then descend again you'd be out   of fuel honestly it's more likely an electric  drone perhaps one with a mannequin attached   but a functional jetpack at those  altitudes i'd have to see it to believe it   despite david's skepticism thomas anthony director  of the usc aviation safety and security program   is considerably less skeptical we know for a  fact that these things exist and people in that   community will know who has bought these packs  he said if someone is doing this they're going to   have to take off and land somewhere and there's  going to be noise we'll find them eventually   thomas also went on to say that he doubts  the culprit is using an airport to take off   and advised investigators to search  secluded industrial spots for clues   such as those around the industrial city of vernon  yet as much as the jetpack sightings have captured   the public's imagination thomas anthony insists  that his interest is more than just recreational   you see large civilian airliners are designed  to withstand getting hit by small objects but a   big metal object getting sucked into an engine  that's a considerably more dangerous prospect   as one aviation expert said the engines aren't  designed to consume something large or metal   or something with fuel that's  going to burn or explode   that could be potentially catastrophic for  an airplane you could potentially have an   engine explode and bring down the airliner  and potentially hundreds of people could die given the number of eccentric millionaires that  call los angeles home it doesn't seem entirely out   of the question that a functional jet pack might  fall into the hands of a wealthy adrenaline chunky   if you had the time the money and the courage  why not experiment with the cutting edge of   aviation technology still if there really is  a person flying around alongside airplanes   it's not just his own life that he's putting  at risk if you happen to be soaring through   la's blue skies i hope for your sake you don't  encounter the iron man and if you do that he   doesn't get sucked into your plane's engine or  he won't be the only one going out with a bang with a population of just under 2 million the  north vietnamese province of taibin is one of   the country's most unique and well-known regions  with its name meaning great peace tai bin is   essentially a distinct cultural island separated  from its neighbours by the great red river delta   yet tai bin is also the home of the tram  family who in 2002 fell victim to a mysterious   and terrifying phenomenon the trans were  essentially your average rural vietnamese family   with four different generations all living under  one roof the head of the family 65 year old tran   bang rang was the father of eight children  two of which had young families of their own   they made their living farming rice and business  was so good that the family were eventually able   to construct a second house right next to their  original one this was a huge point of pride for   tran van rang who saw no greater purpose in life  than to care for those who needed him to the trans   the future seemed bright yet no one could have  seen the darkness that was about to befall them   according to tranquil viet one  of the family's eldest sons   the horror began when his younger brother  commenced construction of the new family home   just days after the work started the family's  cattle suddenly became ill not long after that   the remaining livestock seemed  to collectively lose their minds   pigs ducks chickens they all went absolutely  berserk they fought amongst themselves   and ran into solid concrete walls as if they  were terrified by some unseen presence among them   some noted that the animals appeared to be foaming  at the mouth as if afflicted by rabies yet there   was simply no way that the rabies virus could  spread that quickly between animals that had been   sequestered into separate paddocks one by one the  creatures fell and within just a matter of hours   all except for one of his younger brother's  animals had collapsed and died in this one   creature a duck seemed to be the only living  thing immune to this mysterious plague   within a few days the same horrifying  fate befell their parents catalog too   it was nothing short of a complete  catastrophe as almost all of the   family's wealth was tied up in their livestock  yet these animal deaths were only the beginning   the family's eldest son tran van viet was  probably the most successful of the trans siblings   he already owned a house of  his own had a five-year-old son   and was described by all as a healthy young man  in the prime of his life but soon tram van viet   began to suffer from mysterious pains and after  they failed to subside he was admitted to hospital   doctors performed test after test but they simply  couldn't determine what was wrong with them   after a while tran vampirt found he was too weak  to work and soon began to display horrifyingly   similar symptoms to those suffered by the  livestock van began foaming at the mouth and   suffering intense seizures but still his doctors  failed to offer a logical explanation tragically   tran van viet would pass away in mid-2002  leaving his wife a widow and his child fatherless   his death hit the family hard and when the  same bizarre symptoms were spotted in van's   surviving relatives the psychological effects  were almost as devastating as the physical   tram van rang was haunted by his  son's death and began drinking heavily   yet the more he drank the more his health  deteriorated and barely a month after van   viet's death van rang would also fall victim  to the same violent seizures that took his son   now two of the tram family had fallen  victim to the same mysterious disease   three months after van rang's death  and in line with vietnamese customs   four generations of the tram family traveled out  to the cemetery in which their former patriarch   was buried with the intention of performing  a memorial ceremony among the congregation   was tran vanut as well as trampoline's young son  who joined him mourning his deceased grandfather   suddenly the young boy collapsed and right  in front of his grandfather's grave the child   began to suffer the same heavy convulsions  that killed van rang he turned purple before   throttling at the mouth and within just a few  minutes of the episode commencing he was dead   in the days that followed three additional members  of the tram family would be rushed to hospital   the tram mother nguyen tai dao  passed away during this period   suffering the same horrific symptoms  as her departed son and husband   travernert soon joined his son in death his grief  rendering him physically incapable of fighting   off whatever terrifying illness had gripped his  entire family trambonet's wife was completely   and utterly heartbroken and moved away from tai  bin in an attempt to escape her boundless grief   yet when she did she noticed something curious her  symptoms suddenly disappeared by that point word   of the tram family's five unexplained deaths had  frightened and captivated the vietnamese nation   hundreds of medical professionals police officers  and scientists descended on the family's farm   all hoping to prevent any more unnecessary  deaths for four straight weeks the vietnamese   investigation team would pour over the site of  the farm in hopes of solving the deadly mystery   they took water samples air samples samples  of the food the family had been eating   the team even captured a variety of local  wildlife species vivisecting them in hopes   of uncovering the phantom disease not even the  tram family themselves were above suspicion   and on more than one occasion kwok viet the  last surviving trans son noticed he was being   followed by police officers in plain clothes the  plot thickened even further when farm teeth harm   van rang's mother and the eldest member of the  family died after being rushed to hospital with   the same symptoms as her relatives during the  course of her treatment the nurses tending to   her began suffering the same symptoms  of the phantom disease they complained   of aches and pains in almost random places  and one nurse even passed out while on duty   in the end the authority's official explanation  for the tram family deaths was pesticide poisoning   yet it should be noted that there was no trace  of any deadly pesticides present in the bodies   of the victims nor on any of the land they owned  what's more despite the official report blaming   a pesticide for the deaths it fails to name the  exact substance which killed off the tram family   so with the official explanation for  the family's sudden mysterious and no   doubt painful deaths being viewed as absolute  godswallow many vietnamese believe that their   government is covering something up this  has led to a number of conspiracy theories   the more outlandish revolve around evil snake  spirits and other dark presences that supposedly   called taibin home the more grounded center around  the idea that the tram family were little more   than guinea pigs in a top-secret chemical weapons  test many have noted that the family's symptoms   seem remarkably similar to some cold war  era nerve agents and while this theory may   well hold some credence i think i may have a more  feasible alternative if you remember the deaths of   the family's livestock occurred almost immediately  after the construction of their new home commenced   vietnam is a relatively poor country and  although downtown saigon might indulge   in the same vapid glamour as la or paris or london  in the countryside things are built to last in all   likelihood the trans would have wanted their new  home to last for generations maybe even centuries   therefore it's safe to assume they wanted to lay  solid concrete foundations then in the course of   digging up the earth maybe even laying a few  water pipes it's entirely possible that the   trans inadvertently struck a mercury deposit which  somehow ended up contaminating their water supply   just listen to this list of  mercury poisoning symptoms   abdominal pain constipation headaches  irritability and tingling in the hands and feet   these line up almost to the letter  with the tram family's symptoms   in severe cases mercury poisoning can cause  memory loss anemia seizures coma and even death   again the anemia lines up with tram  vampire to being too weak to vom   and tran vanu's son who suffered a seizure  so hard it snuffed out his young life   another article on mercury poisoning states that  quote unquote it causes almost 10 percent of   intellectual disability of otherwise unknown  cause and can result in behavioral problems   this accounts for why the tram family were  so mystified by their phantom affliction   it was messing with their brain so much  that they didn't know what to look for   or even how to look for it then there are the  two nurses who had aches and bouts of fainting   just from being in the presence of the elderly  fam titan in high enough concentrations mercury   can indeed contaminate the surrounding air enough  to poison someone as for the vietnamese government   why would they lie about pesticides being present  at the scene well in the most respectful way   possible the vietnamese government haven't always  been the most honest or transparent it certainly   wouldn't be the first time a government minister  had covered up a cock-up to save their own skin   what if many years earlier some government  official had been in charge of a gold mine   or was responsible for the burning of coal both  are activities that release mercury into the   environment but no doubt that same official  would be responsible for the cleanup too   but what if it was quicker and easier to quite  literally bury the evidence of negligence so the   team could finish whatever project they had early  that would mean a promotion for the team leader   maybe even a bonus for the rank-and-file  gold miners so instead they covered it up   granted it's pure speculation on my part but  little else could explain why the government would   lie about such a thing well in january of 2020 the  vietnam academy of science and technology released   a paper which concluded that quote unquote the  concentration of mercury in the coastal sediment   of taibin is five times that of other areas such  pollution is possibly a result of some misuses of   mercurial fungicides in that region therefore  it's necessary to carry out further studies to   fully evaluate the risks of this contamination  for example about its effects on the food chain   i hope the scientists who produced this paper  continued to study tai bin's mercury pollution   and i wouldn't be in the least bit surprised to  find out that their quest for answers leads them   right back to a little farm in the countryside one  where six members of the same family tragically   lost their lives to the same terrible mysterious  affliction in all likelihood someone somewhere   up in the chain of command in the vietnamese  government has the blood of the tram family   firmly on their hands perhaps the only real  mystery is if they'll ever face justice for it on the 9th of july 1990 in augsburg west  germany six u.s army intelligence analysts   all with top secret security clearances simply  walked off their base and disappeared in the   hours that followed hundreds of heavily  armed military policemen rushed into action   attempting to track the soldiers movements those  were the final days of the cold war the ussr was   teetering on the brink of collapse and u.s high  command couldn't rule out the possibility of a   rogue kgb snatch squad having kidnapped some of  their most valuable assets the full weight of   the german-based american military was thrown  behind the search and rescue effort but barely   a trace of the six soldiers could be found it  was as if they had simply vanished into thin air   five days later a highway patrol officer  was cruising through the town of gulf breeze   in the u.s state of florida a place  infamous for its supposed ufo sightings   suddenly the officer spotted a car with a broken  tail light and swiftly commenced a traffic stop   now standing beside the offending vehicle the  officer noticed that its occupants seem to be   acting extremely skittishly and he soon found out  why they were the six missing soldiers from the   701st military intelligence brigade having somehow  gotten all the way to florida from germany despite   being globally wanted men after their prompt  arrest the six men were identified as specialist   vance davis of valley center kansas private first  class michael hwested of farson wyoming private   first class chris purlock of osceola wisconsin  private first class william setterberg of   pittsburgh pennsylvania specialist kenneth beeson  of jefferson city tennessee and sergeant annette   eccleston of harford connecticut at first it was  speculated that the group had engaged in espionage   and if that was the case then the death  penalty would have been on the table   however the u.s army determined that  no such crime had been committed   and instead the group's punishment amounted  to little more than a slap on the wrist   for going awol and forging leave papers  they were reduced to the lowest rank   and forfeited a month's pay and were honorably  discharged just two weeks later after that rumors   of their motives began to flood the media and the  truth proved to be even more bizarre than fiction specialist vance davis came forward claiming  to be the spokesperson for the group   then to the complete disbelief of all  who would listen he told the public   that the reason the group had gone  awol was because quote unquote   spirits told them they were needed to help  lead the world through an impending cataclysm   what on earth davis claimed that the soldiers  had contacted the spirits using none other than   a ouija board we tried the ouija board said davis  someone showed up and i'm talking spiritually   davis went on to assert that those same spirits  have predicted both the first gulf war and the   1990 earthquake clearly the group had been  in contact with those spirits for a long time   at the end of may said davis we were told by the  spirits we might think about trying to get out   of the service because there's going to be some  serious things occurring in the next five years   and being in the service wouldn't help us grow  and become what we were supposed to become   then when we asked the board it just told us  leave when asked what he was supposed to become   davis replied that his group were to be teachers  preparing people for the coming world chaos   this will be the changing of the earth and jesus  is involved he insisted in a prepared statement   he will come back the rapture is real the changes  that vance davis referred to included earthquakes   volcano eruptions a devastating gas leak in  new york and riots in every major u.s city   in an attempt to assure the public vance  davis said that after the thing occurs   the cataclysm will come back out again  to help put the pieces back together   talking with spirits predicting the end  of the world that's bizarre behavior for   anyone but remember these were six otherwise  intelligent men who were all entrusted with   top level government secrets they didn't  meet at some strange club or a cult group   they all met on duty and for some reason  they all collectively believed the same story   and all of them rest serious consequences by going  awol to follow their self-assigned mission through   if it was just one or two of them who  believed in all of this and were secretly   using a ouija board while on duty then  sure that's plausible but all six of them   then again maybe their prediction  wasn't so crazy after all   as we trudge into the third decade of the  millennia things do seem to be getting more   and more chaotic out there geopolitically  speaking if things do go south though   i think we're gonna need more than 6x intelligence  analysts to pull us out of the fire don't you a huge shout out to sam riding for writing  the script for this one as well as robin   mickelson for making the thumbnail links to  their stuff down below in the description   i'd also like to say a massive thank you to all of  my supporters here on youtube and over on patreon   especially my biggest supporters hamish k lydia  glassley thomas the handsome alex greensaul   azrael warakai charlie lackey colin monsma  connor lothan crawford k macdonald gina valera   expandong grace archie infamous pappy keegan  edie leonardo martinez mackenzie griffin myra   lancaster monica mendoza nadine natalie escobedo  peter loggeredge philip westra procupide netter   sarah ramirez silas geist damien bennett the  deck of cards tns mom taylor and monica gruenk   the only dorita zayn and ms krypto thank you  guys so much for your continued support it   really helps the channel out that wraps  things up for this one guys be sure to   smash that like button or i'll smash you and  you'll be hearing from me again very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark you
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 659,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, reddit posts, with backstories, true horror stories, lazy maskarade, top 10, deeply disturbing, creepy pasta, 2chan, Asmr, relaxing, new, best, long video, ghosts, caught on camera, creepy photographs, mr nightmare, corpse husband, scariest video ever, skinwalkers, mysterious, scary, creepy, chilling, terrifying, horror, nexpo, scared, horror movies 2021, cold cases 2021, solved 2021, twilight zone mysteries, x-files mysteries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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