9 Scary TRUE Reddit Stories - Halloween Celebration

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[Music] [Music] when I was 16 in the mid 90s aka thee I know everything I'm invincible and you can't stop me age I got into a fight with an acquaintance while a whole bunch of us were hanging out at his house stupid fight can't remember what about but I decided [ __ ] it I'm going home I lived about five miles away but I didn't have a car and since it was 2:00 a.m. there were no buses I was going to have to walk home in the middle of the night through a not as safe as it seems neighborhood as a tiny 16 year old girl so why did I think in hindsight my frenzy that didn't believe I was going to do it were too startled by my sudden argument to realize what I was doing I left the house and started who fing it about a mile out the suburban housing neighborhood melted into a Main Street with highway access I started to notice a grayish minivan following me it would follow me pass me turn a corner and about three blocks later would do the same thing again I mean really really obvious what it was doing I crossed over to the other side of the street so I was walking the opposite of traffic flow and thus no car could come up behind me yet kept doing it though on the other side of the street about a mile later there was a 24-hour Fred Mayer light sprite Bert parking lot MT ish and I immediately crossed the parking lot and went to head inside just before I got to the doors the minivan that had been following me pulled up into one of the parking spots a guy called out from the driver side and said I don't want you to walk over here just stay there and listen I just wanted to let you know what I was doing back there I saw you walking a while back but I also saw a dark car that was following you a couple of times you went to turn around or stopped so it started following you down a parallel side street when I saw what was happening I started following you both just to make sure you were safe go inside the store and call someone to pick you up please I haven't seen the car since you headed across the lot he waited until I was inside the store and then pulled away I didn't have anyone to call so I just let the night cashier know what was going on and hung out with her for about an hour and a half then I finished the war cone I've never forgotten the incident or that man whoever he was during the walk I never saw the dark car he mentioned but I've always been convinced he saved my life that night I used to work as a 9-1-1 operator in a relatively large metro area one night at about 3:00 in the morning or so I answered a call from an elderly woman who said she didn't feel good I tried to get more information about what was wrong in chest pain trouble breathing headache is she a diabetic and so on she gave me her address and phone number and said no one else was home but that the front door was unlocked so they could come right in I turned the call out as general illness and kept trying to get more details no matter what else I asked about what was wrong or she would say was I just don't feel good can you send someone to help me after a few minutes she said I'm gonna put the phone down for a minute I need to go to the bathroom I tried to get her to stay on the line with me told her she could do whatever she needs to do to get ready but I'd like to be able to stay in contact in case there's a problem she said I'm gonna put the phone down I'll just be a minute and that was it I stayed on the line and asked for her every so often but got no reply a couple more minutes passed and then the fire department called on-scene so I just disconnected and didn't think much more about it told them that the caller advised the front door was unlocked and that she was in the bathroom for a couple more minutes and one of the firefighters called over the air with a weird tone dispatch how exactly was this call received I told them the call was first-party from the patient's home phone approximately eight minutes ago he didn't respond over-the-air but called the desk from his cell phone which usually only happens when something's going on that they don't want broadcasted since anyone can listen in on the radios on the phone he said are you sure this wasn't a third-party call from a family member or something negative caller advised I don't feel good and said no one else was home so to the best of my knowledge the caller is the patient have you made contact yeah she was in the bathroom like you said but she's probably been dead for around 12 hours cold to the touch fully livid full rigor we're gonna need a deputy out here afterwards we pulled the tapes of the radio and phone calls check the time stamps address phone number went over everything a few times to see if we'd miss something I called them back in the morning after the shift to see if they had any more information but they were just as weirded out as we were the phone was still in the living room and the patient was dead in the bathroom as a kid I like to sit on my little mini playground as I like to call it and read I actually look back on this and laugh as now I'm a lot more isolated and a more indoorsy person my dad got home around 6:00 so my mum took us to and from school in this particular day when my mum was parking her car she pointed out a creepy guy in a car in front of hers just looking at us she ushered us inside and brushed it up to just being a weird coincidence or something like that I was outside on my mini playground reading yeah my mum was keeping a close eye on me from the kitchen window for whatever reason she had to do something and left that spot from the top of the platform I was on next of a slide I heard a man say something I don't remember what it was but it was something along the lines of hey kiddo I have some Goosebumps books in my car if you want to come read them with me my mum and dad had drilled stranger-danger into my head and I was a pretty smart kid for my age so I tried to tell the guy off myself I know stupid decision but I thought I could handle it I was wrong the guy kept insisting that I come and read with him and I kept saying no eventually he pretended to get a phone call and claimed it was from my mum he told me that she said to get in his car and he'll take me to the book store well I knew she was inside and that there was no reason for her to ask someone to take me somewhere so I just ignored him he then got out of his car and began to approach me this was before we got a fence so I was out in the open he grabbed a hold of my arm and started dragging me towards his car just as we got to it as if God Himself gave me a miracle a police car happened to come down the road and saw what he was doing the guy let go of me and sped off and the officer chased and eventually caught him my mum came rushing out when she heard the sirens and comforted me the guy claimed to be my dad and that my mum was abusing me but the officer knew my family well and called his bluff I'm seriously glad that officer appeared when he did I can't explain it in any other way than a miracle this happened when I was 11 years old me and my friend Casey were sleeping over at my house one thing to note is that I have sleep apnea which'll usually bother anybody sleeping over but Casey was a very heavy sleeper and I doubt even a bomb would have woken her anyway at around 11:00 p.m. we both decided to call it a night I have a futon leaning against my bed so one side is against the wall and the other has the futon on it I remember not knowing what time it was so I use my hand to scan the floor for my phone when I found it I turned it on but the screen was so bright I had to turn it away from my face the light on the phone illuminated the room and with that I saw a tall skinny woman in her late 50s with long white hair leaning over the bed looking at Casey I of course screamed and the woman ran the way my house works is that my mum's room was right next to the stairs and you had to go through my brother's room to get to the stairs when my brother hears me screaming bloody murder he immediately awoke to see the woman running out of my room my mum opened her door yeah my dog came rushing in front of her to attack the intruder my dog isn't a German Shepherd or any kind of attack dog he's a yellow lab but if it comes to it he'll defend us with his life he bit the woman's ankle and my brother pinned her to the ground yeah my mum and I called the police I won't Casey up but we didn't leave the room when they finally arrived they took her away later we found out she had a serious case of dementia I felt bad but at the same time I can't describe in text or words how afraid I was for my life and Casey's a few days later I was cleaning my room when I moved the bed to clean under it I found multiple food wrappers and juice boxes this has haunted me for a long time I was about 19 or 20 at the time and I was living in Savannah Georgia I had a crappy fake ID and I drank a lot and I worked this terrible job as a grunt laborer the kind where you go to those template in seas like able-body or labour finders I'd show up at 4 a.m. work until 5:00 p.m. and drink myself to sleep after only taking home maybe $60 for the day I was supposed to go into work this particular morning but I decided to skip it yet so labor agency they'll just find somebody else I call my girlfriend and tell her I want to go to Tybee Beach I had already started drinking she comes over and we hop in my big ugly van pack up some rods and head to the beach I decided to have a drink across from the beach at this little bar this is where the story gets interesting shortly after ordering my drink I get this really weird feeling I become hyper aware of my surroundings the door opens and I see this guy walk in out of my peripheral vision and there was a seat between me and my girlfriend but it was like 9 a.m. the end the bar was completely empty he could have sat anywhere else yet he chooses to sit right between her and I then he starts doing this thing with his fingers the bar top was reflective and he takes his fingers like two little legs and just starts walking with them skating them on the top of the counter this isn't something out of the ordinary but I took notice because when I was in school I did that all the time I pretended I had rollerblades on my fingers and that I was skating around my desk I hated school and was always distracting myself so I'm watching him do this and I became kind of mesmerised for some reason that's when he looks at me and in this really thick kind of Germanic or Nordic accent he says I notice you're a man who pays attention to details me too now before I continue I have to describe this guy he had the short spiky hair with bleached hips kind of like a late 90s style he had really expensive clothes on a nice Prada leather jacket nice designer jeans really nice boots he seemed like a kind of gay guy with really awesome fashion sense and really distinctive taste I always remember this because I think to myself some weird homeless crazy guy couldn't afford clothes like that the other thing that stuck out were his eyes they were piercing gray he reminded me of a Huskies eyes but his pupils just stayed this disturbing pinpoint size they were just extremely small which caused his look to be kind of terrifying his teeth were normal right but not at the same time I don't know how to explain it they were sharper than they should be as if they had been filed slightly his hands were normal and but his fingernails were slightly long and pointed as if he deliberately did it he kept licking his teeth too as if he were salivating the thing about this guy is that you look at him and everything seems normal but off at the same time so you're left questioning if you're crazy for thinking this this guy then begins to start talking about the relationship between me and my girlfriend but really strangely he's talking about how beautiful she is and how I should pay her more attention he admittedly I was kind of a dick to her shortly after he began talking like this I had this almost knowing feeling come over me like I knew this guy wasn't human I look at my girlfriend and say you need to leave she just kind of looks at me like she knows - without a word of protest she gets up quietly and leaves later I learned that she went next door to get a coffee that's when this guy literally says to me with the utmost confidence you were supposed to go fishing today he points at the beach across the street if you had and I would have drowned you in that ocean and I [ __ ] you not he [ __ ] hissed at me again for some reason this overwhelming Khan had come over me I just asked who are you he answers back with this crazy guttural language yet sounded Arabic or Hebrew or something for some reason without skipping a beat and I have no idea why I was so calm to this day I just asked say it in a way I can understand you can call me Jimmy see I jumped off the San Francisco bridge years ago and we've been watching you from there on out he never referred to himself as me or I only we the conversation became something very strange after this he kept buying me drinks - specifically whiskey sours it was alike he had an endless supply of money he smoked Marlboro ultralight cigarettes after I don't know how long because I lost sense of time I told them I'm going to leave I walk next door to get my girlfriend he and she stoned silent we start driving home don't say a word then I just ask her do you know what that was yeah that was a demon this girl had parents that were scientists she was really analytical completely non-religious and that was the first thing out of her mouth now I didn't say this part before because to me this is the most important aspect of the story because it's what happened after this that really screwed me up for [ __ ] years the last thing this Jimmy C guy said to me before I left he is this look at my car I look outside and see one of those newer Volkswagen Beetles he it was white what does the license plate say I look at the plate and it literally says fierce he looks me dead in the eyes and says the next time you see me I'll be driving a black Mercedes and the license plate will say utopia stupid right that night I was still calm I don't know why I felt like that guy on office space after his hypnotherapist died right in front of him and he was weirdly Zen my girlfriend started having terrible nightmares of this guy's head just staring at her in her dreams weeks went by and that's when the encounter started affecting me I found myself becoming paranoid about that black [ __ ] Mercedes every black car I saw if it was a Mercedes if it was I immediately looked at the license plate I started doing it when I was watching TV or movies as well now I'm gonna fast-forward a bit about ten years go by I'm 29 so this is just recently when I'm alone when I'm drinking I often think about this encounter I still look a black Mercedes every time they pass but I'm not so much anxious anymore but curious I remembered that my girlfriend at the time always kept a journal by now I'm pretty sure I'm insane maybe I was drunk maybe I'm not remembering any of this correctly after years of trying to find news articles of a Jimmy see that committed suicide of the San Francisco bridge years of looking at black cars and so on I felt like I'd grown out of it so to speak yet still I had to know so last year I tracked down my ex-girlfriend we ended on bad terms I find out she's a schoolteacher in Wisconsin has married a woman and is actually trying to have a child I figure she's not gonna talk to me but I send her a Facebook message anyway I asked her if she could find the journal from that day because I have to know with her events line up with mine sure enough she had it it verified everything I remembered and it contained even more details than I recalled because she had written it at that coffee shop right after it happened when I read what she had written literally that day I knew I wasn't imagining the details wrong that this actually happened this is probably the single most frustrating and scary thing that has ever happened to me I want to imagine it's just the normal crazy guy but unless you saw it and felt it and heard him talk about all the little details of what you were supposed to do on that day when only you knew it you just can't understand the impact of it it's been ten years yeah my only solace really is that my ex-girlfriend was there to corroborate that communication where I reached out to her actually caused us to be on good terms again after a decade it seems to have been something that bothered her just as much as it bothered me and still to this day even though I'm living 10,000 miles away in Southeast Asia I can't stop thinking about Jimmy C's twisted face I wonder if he still crawls on my back and if the fear I feel at night often to where I have to drink myself to sleep or find a one-night stand just to not feel alone is him or them watching me I was fifteen years old I just got home from work so I went to my bedroom to change out of my work clothes and get ready for bed I'm in the middle of undressing when I looked to my bedroom window to catch my reflection and I see a man's face who I dropped to the floor and turned off the lights scrambling to get dressed still watching the window the face is gone but I'm still watching then a [ __ ] camera no face just a camera at the window pointed at me on the floor I bolt from my room and tell my mum and brother my brother went outside and our ladder from our back yard was lying there but nobody was around couldn't sleep for a year after that haven't thought about that in years I was around 11 years old and I woke up in the middle of the night to a man standing over the top of me with his hand over my mouth and nose he told me to roll over and not to scream I rolled onto the floor and tried to scream bloody murder I say tried because when you're truly terrified it can take a second to find your voice my mum heard me screaming and came in and fought with this guy he was at least six foot and she was only five three either way she scared him enough with the fighting and screaming that he took off out of the window he'd come in through never did catch him this didn't happen to me but to my sister her husband and her had just had a baby a few months prior yeah my sister was staying home taking care of my nephew around 2:00 a.m. she heard a loud knocking on her backdoor she went to go check on it and saw a lady outside banging on the door and asking my sister to let her in the lady told my sister that her husband had just beat her up down the street and was now looking for her my sister was of course hesitant to let her in since she had a newborn baby in the house and didn't want to interfere she told the lady that the best she could do was call the police for her the lady told my sister not to call the police and to let her in this is where my sister got suspicious she went to get her phone and call 9-1-1 when she went back to the door the lady was gone the police arrived a few minutes later and told my sister the same situation happened a few streets down apparently the couple would use this act to get into people's homes I'm sure this is very common but having it almost happened to my sister and my nephew just creeps me out some real clockwork orange' [ __ ] one night about two years ago me and two of my girlfriends were driving home from getting Mexican food we saw red and blue lights flashing behind us and obviously assumed it was the police Aimee who was driving didn't feel safe pulling over where we were considering it was the middle of the night and the street we were on and the ones nearby had no streetlights so we slowed down but continued on Ashley the other girl came to the conclusion that it couldn't be a real police car behind us because it looked like some shitty old small car the car then started to speed up and passed us in the opposite lane we then decided to call 9-1-1 the dispatcher confirmed there were no squad cars near our current location she told us to stay on the phone and someone was coming to us right away that car tried cutting us off and passing us again finally her real police car came we pulled over but the other car sped off and was chased by the real police we never found out what happened or who they were and just goes to show if you're ever in a situation where you aren't comfortable pulling over and you definitely shouldn't hey guys Laci here and thank you very much for listening sorry this video is a little late just miss Halloween no yeah well they don't call me lazy for nothing I guess anyway I hope you all had a great Halloween and if you have any pictures of your costumes be sure to send them to me over Twitter I'd really love to check them out and see what you guys went as but anyway I've been having a problem recently and a lot of you have been telling me that you don't get notified whenever I upload any more well that YouTube's just plain unsubscribe to you without even notifying you I think the site's made a few changes without telling anyone who invited it maybe they did tell everyone I just didn't listen so if you want to be sure that you get notified about all of my videos make sure to click on that button down below that looks like a bell right next to the subscribe button while you're down there be sure to smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll be back with another video very very soon until then guys you stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 967,240
Rating: 4.9185257 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, disturbing, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, new, best, most, how to, long video, love, romance, Halloween, crazy, scariest video ever, on youtube, lazy masquerade, relaxing, study music, learn english, british accent, audiobook, ASMR, narration, reddit, 2chan, 4chan, top 10, mr nightmare, corpse husband, maskarade, creepypasta, ever taken, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on camera, pictures, horrifying, rob dyke, unexplained, deep web, yanderes, Jimmy C, unsolved mysteries
Id: bKH87j9B5gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2016
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