The minecraft textures are changing and here's what I think of them

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if you're watching this video you're probably in it for the long haul because there are hundreds and I mean literally hundreds of blocks with a different texture to talk about so to make things a lot smoother I need to give you a bit of information before we go over them so how this came about was minecraft tweeted out that they have a beta going on for the new textures in Minecraft so I put the texture pack on and I've lined up every single block and I'm going to compare them side-by-side however I need to point out before we start none of these textures are absolutely final in fact some of them haven't even changed yet this is just a beta so any opinions or feedback that we give minecraft will possibly affect if it gets changed or not so that's very very important to remember also everything that I'm going to say is just in my opinion being a big builder in Minecraft I care about what every single block looks like and I can tell you this I am very excited about this change I do think it is a positive one and there are only a few blocks that I have a problem with so what we're going to do is go over all of the blocks now and only when I have a more in-depth opinion to give will I stop and give it to you okay so let's begin so as you can see the one on the top is the old textures the one at the bottom is the new textures these are perfectly synced up so you can see the difference between the two now granite and D alright did not change however the polished versions did and one of the big changes on the D all right is the polished one looks a lot smoother and is quite a lot more usable the same as and as I actually it's very smooth and I would still use this exactly as I would now not that much difference what I love about this update or this texture change is that so many of the textures have changed but in such a subtle way that it doesn't really affect the game at all like most builds will still look the same if not better there's only a few blocks where you will really notice the difference and one of those for me is the wooden planks all of these wooden planks have had such a very very positive change they all look so smooth and wonderful when you use these in a build they really stand out and they look fantastic I cannot sing their praises enough bedrock doesn't seem to have changed at all and sand has a very very slight change I can get on board with it just looks a little bit more smooth but still grainy gravel has had a slight texture change a lot of these are very very small changes the oils have changed very slightly almost looks like they've just been flipped if I'm honest that is not a very big change at all the logs have had quite a significant change to them they just looked a bit more detailed they've had a bit of a color change birch in particular has had a very positive effect the jungle also looks quite nice sponge is now on its third change of texture that is not the original sponge and now it looks even more like Sponge Bob Squarepants now the glass is the first block that I genuine have a bit of a problem with and I'm going to try and justify it I'm not just going to say oh I don't like it the reason that I don't like it is because of the way it sits when there's multiple bits of glass when there's one on its own it's kind of you get it it kind of works with the whole diagonal thing but when you put loads of them together you get a very odd repeated pattern especially with this little bit down the bottom as well now I get it without it it would essentially just be a barrier block with an outline and that's not what's needed and to remind you this is what it looks like without the texture pack on so I'm not saying that this is much better it's definitely one of the blocks that needs the most attention but these diagonal lines here kind of blend in the whole thing whereas with the texture pack on these lines here are really really distinct in my opinion and it's almost like I prefer the mess to this very repeated pattern I'm not sure what the solution is all I can say is if you have a really large window on a build this probably isn't my first choice on this one I'm afraid so let's continue the lapis lazuli all it looks like it's just been flipped upside down again so I don't know about that the lapis lazuli block itself has changed and I actually prefer the old one quite strangely so the sandstone also looks pretty cool it's just another mellow transition they all look a bit warmer now the wool hasn't actually changed at all so I'm just gonna skip past all of these I think this texture was recently updated so there's nothing to change obviously now the gold has had a major major change now I briefly just want to talk about the gold block because this square pattern is a very odd direction to take this I honestly thought it would end up being more of just a clean shiny metal same with the diamond in that respect it's got this very distinct square pattern in it and essentially what that means is if we want to use lots of it it just looks a bit odd but then diamond blocks and gold blocks were never really that suitable for building anyway I guess I just thought that the texture change might change that but it hasn't so let's continue the iron block doesn't seem to have changed at all and upcoming is all of the half slabs or just normal sipes are whatever you want to call them the stone slab seems to have a very minor tweak and then most of these will mimic their full block counterparts the most notable of which is the brick which I'm going to come to you in a second and the nether brick looks cool and the quartz as well now I want to stop and talk about bricks in particular because they're amazing this change has really really suited this block this was one of my least favorite textures because it was so bold this one's just been made a bit more mellow and it's got a bit more of an aged look about it and this block is going to be used so much more because of it very very positive change so let's continue the bookcases pretty cool as well the mossy cobble has had a really nice shift away from a slimy green to a proper moss which is nice obsidian is cooler the diamond door has a little bit of a glow about it which is really nice the same as the redstone or they I think most of the ores have had that little bit of tweak around them I briefly want to talk about ice because it is my new favorite texture it genuinely looks like ice and I don't there's something about it it's just absolutely beautiful very well done so moving on again we've got snow which i think is a very nice texture change again just smoother clay is just slightly different the pumpkin is actually quite nice it's got very much more therm look to it netherrack much more pretty sauce and also this glowstone is much warmer the jack-o'-lantern is a little odd but again pretty cool now none of these have changed so we're gonna skip through those and there's a lot more blocks than you think there are in this game so now we're moving onto the stone brick again all of these have had a very subtle change that have really improved them massively contrast that to the melon which has had a gigantic shift into a more realistic state not too sure how I feel about that one mycelium hasn't had a change at all nether brick has had a very nice but subtle change it's a bit brighter and the end stone looks a lot like cheese all of those again very mellow but warmer changes all of these slabs are wood that we kind of talked about earlier they're exactly the same as their full block counterpart emerald ore again as add that little glow added to it I think is a very nice touch to do that emerald block was originally so ugly but now this one is still not my favorite but it's definitely an improvement let's put it that way now quartz on the nether rack is actually pretty cool it looks like bones or ribs sticking out opposed to the mess it was before quartz has had a pretty nice change the patterns shifted a bit the clay hasn't changed at all so we're going to skip through those and onto some more logs which I think have had again a very positive change very subtle very warm I have placed these blocks in the order that they appear in the inventory so that's kind of why they're a bit weird yeah maybe they need to organize the inventory a bit better all the Prisma reen has a similar effect but very very nice I actually prefer the old dark prismarine it's more subtle I don't like very hard grid patterns the hay is a very cool block we've got a nice coal very cool packed ice and the sandstone the red sandstone is missing the wither actually I think the wither is excellent addition to that one it makes it slightly different so I think that's a bit of a thing that's been missed out you know I never really liked purpura in the first place so that subtle change doesn't really affect me too much the end stone brick is pretty neat but without staircases and slabs it's not very useful nether what doesn't seem to have changed nether brick does it's like less shiny almost the bone seems to have had a bit of an improvement none of these have changed so we're gonna skip through these as well I am going through these very quickly because there are so many to see and the saplings all of the saplings have had a fantastic change they are seriously outdated textures for the most part and these very simple saplings have had a major major upgrade now the leaf block on the left the oak one does look good to begin with but I don't like it when it's on a tree and I'll show you later on what I mean the other leaves seem to have had a very positive change and the grass also is a bit weird the fern don't really have much to say the dead bush an amazing change all of the flowers in my opinion look amazing with their changes and they've still got very nice bright vibrant colors and that's pretty much what I use flowers for in building is trying to give maybe dull or gray builds a bit of color the mushroom blocks very old textures very original alpha textures they've had a little change there as well and I think they also look pretty cool I can't actually tell if the torch is how to change the chest very similar the furnace does look like it's had a bit of a change as well the ladder as well bit smoother cactus pretty cool jukebox is a bit of a weird one actually it's got more of a crisscross pattern now and all of these are the monster stone bricks or blocks or whatever so we've already gone over those but again all positive improvements the iron bars is a very subtle one as well the glass panes is a mimic of its full block counterpart again not too happy with those the vines is quite cool especially when you've got a whole stack of them and we're onto some of the more technical blocks now we've kind of moved away from the building blocks they're all subtle changes that mimic what we've seen in the past the cobblestone wall and a mossy again mimics what we saw earlier but again very positive change the anvil has got more of a smooth effect going on it the top of it actually has a really nice cracked texture but you can't see because of the angle sorry about that that leaves again just another change the slime book has actually had a pretty cool change as well all of these have remained the same I'm sorry I didn't know which textures had changed and hadn't all of these plants have had a very cool change except in my opinion the double long grass and that's because in vast quantities it kind of turns and curves like a snake and that kind of fights against the whole very blocky nature of Minecraft hopefully you can kind of see that later on when we go and have a look round some vanilla worlds the end rod has had the purple bit removed from it which I personally like now in the replay mod it didn't show all the different colored beds for some reason they all came out as red so I'll just quickly go over it it's just the same texture but with all the different coloured beds in them they do look really cool all of the beds it definitely looks like they have an actual sheet over the top now which is nice moving on to some more of the decorative blocks we're not going to be looking at any of the madhuri textures although they are pretty cool we're primarily concerned with the blocks but you can see that they've made some changes through the mob heads particularly the skeleton not so much on the creeper or the steel had but definitely some of the other ones have had some subtle changes as well the dispenser has a more surprised face than before and the slime piston actually looks like it has slime on it not just green sludge which is excellent now the TNT is one that I briefly want to talk about it's like a very quite violent shade of orange or red on the top of it and it does make it bright and I don't know how to feel about it on one half I kind of feel like it is very dangerous like as a color but then on the other hand it is TNT and it is going to explode so it really does fit it gives the sense of danger that comes along with TNT so overall I think it's probably a good idea but it is quite bright now we're onto some more of the Redstone related items the lever just has the cobblestone added onto it most of these will circle back to what we already have seen such as the pressure plate is just a copy of the oak texture however the trapdoor is slightly different it's got like a really dark shade around it and then a different shade on the top the redstone lamp is something that I want to point out as a block that I'm not too fond of it almost looks like it's plain it's way too plain it's like had its texture removed I'm not a fan of that one I prefer having a bit of substance to it as for the rest of these these are very similar to what we've already seen the redstone block looks almost like it's been given a harsher texture everything else has become smoother but this one in particular looks like it's become harsher unless it hasn't changed at all in which case I'm gonna have to shut up the dropper looks amazing he looks so happy and then all of these wood textures again very smooth I love the changes to the planks in general just absolutely fantastic I cannot sing their praises enough definitely my favorite change and the observer block looks cool it's just had another facial expression tweak these aren't blocks that I use typically so they are just used as faces for me the doors are very very detailed compared to how they used to be very defined especially the iron one didn't used to have these major dimples in it and the redstone doesn't really affect me I can't actually tell much of a difference between them perhaps nothing the doors though much smoother I do enjoy them the birch run I feel could have had a bit more change to it the other doors though are pretty cool the Acacia one is slightly disappointing it doesn't really look like it's had much change to it I don't like the doors with loads and loads of holes in them it almost looks like prison bars that one unfortunately the rails again this isn't a texture that particularly affects me it just seems like it's had a little bit of a tweak the minecarts though seem to have been made a lot darker and they're almost very very spotty which is very odd because I always pictured them just being made out of just plain steel or metal or whatever so the spotted texture on them is odd to me the boats have been brought in line with all of the wood changes which makes sense however the old boat was pretty cool I mean it's not that long ago that had got retexture and then all of the minecarts again are just variations of the original now the cauldron and the last one that I want a little bit more detailed feedback on is the cauldron now I actually preferred it when it had a more smooth matte finish to it this little rim around the edge it kind of just distorts any use for building because normally we use cauldrons as like a base however it still works for certain things like a flower pot in fact it probably looks a bit better but there's something about just having a clean matte finish that I think I will miss on the cauldron one there's only a couple left now the brewing stand which i think is okay and the beacon which despite me not liking the glass box earlier I think actually works quite well with the beacon okay so now this all means nothing if we don't view them in context so before we go and have a look at some of the builds I just want to take a quick tour of an overworld just to see what the changes looked like to a normal vanilla minecraft world the first thing that stands out to me is the textures of the leaves something about them it feels a bit odd I don't know I see look I'm not an artist so I don't know the correct words to describe how I'm feeling or visualizing what I see from a distance it looks great but when you kind of get close maybe it looks almost too detailed especially compared to what it used to be the birch is a bit closer to how I was imagining it it's almost like the fact that the leaves are trying to be leaves in a way is kind of ruining the entire effect so I'm not too sure actually on the whole leaves thing as for the floor blocks they all look fine to me sand looks fantastic everything sort of seems to flow very nicely and nothing has changed without having some resemblance to what it used to be the only thing that really kind of stands out to me at the moment is those leaf blocks the oak leaf blocks so I'm gonna look back at some of my old builds and projects this is an underground base that was made quite a while ago and I've got to say the new textures they seamlessly merge into one the under sight into the cobble stone into the stone this is a very common mix that we use even the mossy is just all very mellow it really is quite warm is how I would describe it that everything fits quite nicely I'm very very chuffed with how this comes to come out actually this looks fantastic nothing really looks out of place and if I compare that to what it looks like without the texture pack and it looks exactly like how we would expect you know minecraft to look what we're trying to do is compare the two of them and see if it really does ruin anything and I can't say that it does the mossy cobble has definitely been a major improvement the overall style of it yep looks the same if anything it just blends a bit nicer together the wheat has changed actually that's quite a nice texture change I didn't actually cover that so the fact that it's entirely yellow without any of the weird sort of buds on the top I think that's a very cool change here is a modern house that never actually made it into being a tutorial but as you can see using quartz has kind of changed the texture of it perhaps doesn't suit modern houses as much as it used to there's something about the texture that has altered the overall effect of it and this is kind of why I wanted to take a look at some of my previous projects because I wanted to see what works and what doesn't anymore and maybe some things have to change in the future and this is the whole argument against not changing the textures is that it's going to ruin some of people's bills that they've made before on the other hand it also enables you to come up with even more great buildings because there are more textures that work together so it's kind of a catch-22 this example I'm not a fan of the quartz in the modern setting however the word change has made a huge difference this is a fantastic texture it works super super well and this is how it used to look with the quartz and I must admit maybe I'm just used to it having looked at the old one it's not that good in the old one either I must admit snow would probably be my first choice for the modern texture but now that there's white concrete that definitely takes prevalence in fact I think this was built before white concrete was even in the game and here's a build that I made for Halloween this year and the texture changes have really benefitted this one in particular it looks fantastic and I think that's mainly down to the really really nice wooden plank textures so that has really done a fantastic job here all of the woods look nice or especially the new bricks it really fits in nicely with this but it hasn't changed enough to make it look any different to how it used to be it's just changed the tone of it very slightly and that's what I really like about this entire texture change and that's pretty much everything that I have to say about this new texture change update thing that's going on I really really love it I think this is a fantastic positive change for the game there only a few textures which I'm really nitpicking at that I'm not a big fan of and that might just be because I have a very strong bias towards certain ways of building so in my opinion perhaps isn't even that valid really I met the guy that has made all these textures and I must say he's done a really really good job now this is obviously a beta and what they're really after is feedback which is kind of why I made this video I wanted to throw in my opinion in the mix but if you have a certain opinion about any of the blocks that are shown here there is a link in the description to give your feedback on the blocks yourselves if you want to contribute only if you make your voices heard will any change happen so thank you very much for watching and I'm sorry that I didn't cover all of the items and the mobs there are probably going to be plenty of videos that do that I'm mainly concerned with the block textures because obviously this is a building channel and not so much a survival one so thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope my opinions weren't too strong or whatever thank you very much again good
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,966,042
Rating: 4.8392944 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, update, textures, texture, minecraft new texture, texture update, block changes, 1.14, 1.13, showcase, blocks, new blocks
Id: q9jF0T_IjY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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