Let's Transform a Minecraft END CITY

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as far as minecraft generated structures go the end city is particularly unique and despite people complaining that it's ugly I actually think it's gone odd beauty about it today we transformed it into this it's a fantasy looking complex build that has all of its origins back in that original vanilla end city and how we did it was pretty interesting and now I don't expect many of you to attempt this transformation it is particularly difficult and we use a lot of building tools such as weld at it however let's go through the process of doing it the first thing that we did was transform each of these different structures one by one so we started off at the very bottom and worked systematically the main thing that we're doing is improving the details and adding a little bit more shape you can obviously tell that we added a very large archway because we wanted a big dominating door for something as impressive as a transformed end city so you can see that most of the original structure is being maintained now I don't know who designed these things right but this structure here has a two-block Center those of you that build frequently know that we usually have either two blocks Center or a one block one block is a lot easier to work with this is a two block Center as you can see we've got this structure going from the middle and it arches out to the sides the towers on the top are one block Center meaning that that they will never sit in the middle of this block you can see that there's four blocks in the middle and the tower has a one block Center so it's never ever going to sit perfectly on there and because of this I didn't change the tower at all I wanted to keep that mistake or in discrepancy throughout this build so the towers will sit quite oddly on top of these fresh domes that we're adding on top of the big housing units I don't even know what you want to call them they're more like upside down so we added a sphere and we decorated them linking in some purple over the top we also wanted to keep the main palate of the entity the only blocks that we added where the purple concrete powder and a bit of will and the odd bit of sandstone we wanted to keep this domination of the purple block and the end brick I actually think it's a pretty good looking block if it's used in the right situation obviously the end city being this fluorescent purple that it is looks kind of odd for the tower we decided to mix in some more and brick because as you can see in the background the main body of it was just pure purple and we wanted to sort of lighten that up a bit it did look very very harsh on the purple so we did a bit of detailing we had some end rods for some light a bit of Windows to make it look a bit more livable a bit more like it's an actual city and we worked on the roof which is the hardest bit of this entire build as you asked me so the towers have a very distinct one it's kind of like a Russian Kremlin style Tsar type roof where it sort of bulges out and then gets really thin towards the top it's almost like a crowbar from Aladdin you kind of get the idea it's like a teardrop shape I don't know how else to describe it it's quite difficult to make because that it goes out and then back in again and becomes very very thin so if you take a look at that main structure that we just done the tower and the bottom bit that is the majority of this build we just need to copy those onto the other ones and replace them and then attach them using bridges now the bridges posed quite a problem because they're not in line with anything they had to be made diagonal so for the time being we just got rid of them we actually need to paste in what we already made and replace what's floating in the air now obviously we don't want the doorway to just sit on nothing and instead of adding a island underneath which was one of our ideas we decided to extend it even further to make it almost look like an ice-cream so essentially we just make more and more segments getting smaller and smaller and smaller all the way until there was just four blocks left and we continued adding exactly the same shape palette and details all the way to the bottom and then we're going to of course light it up again with some more and Rob lighting up this build is pretty difficult but the end rods work very very well as this is obviously where they naturally occur so as you can see it looks a lot like a floating ice cream cone and there isn't anything it's like floating on it's not really explained there's no jets there or anything like that and it just seems to work in this odd end scenario it sits very nicely so for the bridges like I said earlier it is diagonal which is a bit of a pain for us build as if you've ever tried to build something diagonal before so the idea that we had was just to make it very very simple because if you look from above it does look a bit odd so the idea was to make them totally just incognito in the whole bill to have the focus on the real good stuff of this transformation so he pasted in another tower on top of the other ice cream cone I guess what they're going to be called now since that's what they look like I'm not entirely sure what we could name each bit the towers and the ice cream cones on this one since it's a bit smaller instead of making it an ice cream cone we decided to add a hanging garden now if you look underneath you can see me trying to do all sorts of different designs and failing quite miserably until eventually I gave up and just created an upside down sphere and basically mimicked the exact same roof that I did on the other ones just reversed underneath and then of course we decided to detail all of the other rooms and then start adding another sphere set on top and the reason is obviously this one is a bit smaller so we have to remake the sphere to make it correct however I dated the blocks and then all of the purple concrete powder fell through and ruined my nice fear and there was no one doing it I had to parrot all by hand so that was just a bit of a moment in the build but we got there in the end we added the bridge to connect these two things up again it's so awkward trying to fit those bridges in those really odd spaces at diagonals we then decided to paste just a small segment of the tower on top of this one since it is that much smaller we didn't want to have this over dominating Tower on it it's always good on this end city transformation to have a bit of discrepancies between each one of the segments the bridge of course we decided to just keep the same we added a bit of lighting using C lanterns and some trapdoors the trapdoor is the only bit of wood on this entire build the Hanging Gardens add a bit of color and a bit of green you can see that we only use the purple and the white flowers so you can see now we've got three complete segments and no complete segments at the back and you can tell the massive difference however you can tell also that it was exactly how it used to be before we transformed it because most of these segments were the same as what we've already created copying pasting them was fairly easy to make sure that everything was quite consistent and it meant that we didn't have to build it all by hand if we had to do that this build would have taken maybe three times as long and it took us three and a half hours as it was so we're talking like nine hours of building straight this bridge in between these two main parts of the build was particularly strange in the vanilla generation so we decided to just create a very steadily declining bridge that linked the two up and detailing it very lightly adding a bit more light much like we did before I'm not sure what the generation does to produce these weird end cities but it does make it difficult for us that like to transform these builds and the final segment of our main structure is going to be another hanging garden but because it's just one segment I want to keep that as it is but then add some more stuff onto it I wanted to make this bit just a little bit different the only problem is I feel like it might stood out a little bit I even tried to mimic the same roof on top of it with the feds but ended up just shaving it off and putting it down to a very steady flat roof well happy jellyfish who helped me make this build today was doing the gardens on it the gardens adds such a nice element those flowers obviously because they match the palette fits so nicely and the green adds that extra bit of color that the build desperately needs so to finish off the last little bit on here we added a final bridge linking up this garden to the main structure of course trying to maintain where it was before and now the main end city itself is complete and oh my goodness I really love this one this is probably my favorite transformation to date and I would love for those of you have been on the channel for a while to comment down below and tell me what you think maybe I'm Tooting my own horn too much but we're not done we still have to finish the boat I'm getting a bit ahead of myself and this is obviously where you find the elite rrah and it does look pretty cool you know for vanilla generation it's not too bad but there's obviously some improvements that we can make and mostly it's to the shape of the boat itself now you might expect us to put some sails on but I've got a different idea in mind which we'll get to later on the main thing is to shave off the bit at the bottom to try and add a bit more curvature into this very rectangular looking boat we then of course once I had a bit more end break in here it's entirely dominated by purpo and we try to do different ideas before settling on something in the end so we decided to sort of ship out all of that middle segment and add some end brick behind it with a bit of depth however happy jellyfish wasn't quite satisfied and wanted to edit it a little bit so I decided to work on the back of the boat and we are only working on the side that you see now because we're going to use weld that it of course to flip it over to the other side and save us a whole bunch of time as you can see so now instead of making some sales I decided to turn this into an airship I feel like it the whole thing a lot better than having a pizza pan style floating boat we decided to add some fins on the bottom a giant air balloon above the ship connected by two masts instead of just one and it just ended up looking really nice especially once we go everything obviously just looks like a purple pill at the top at the moment but with a little bit of work and a bit more adding of shape and some fins and that kind of thing and a bit more support just having those two pillars holding it up didn't look quite right it starts to really take shape so that the focus is less on the boat more on the overall picture I even added some fins at the back that with a bit of fabric in between them and it ended up coming out really really nicely I am surprised actually because we did this on a total whim we didn't plan this usually when we make these builds we kind of come up with some basic ideas before we start then to try and make it less dominated by pure purple we added some magenta in there as well to try and break it up and it looks like a bit of fabric draped over the top with all of those fins and little steering things on the back it looks absolutely fantastic I really have enjoyed making this transformation it is definitely one of my favorite ones to date it's got this awesome looking roof it's got a very dominating feature and the palate is phenomenal I never thought I would have made something made of predominantly yellow and purple in my life it works really well and it's so grand in the end itself but that's it for me everyone thank you very very much for watching I would love to hear what you think in the comments compared to some of my old build and a big big thank you to happy jellyfish there who was the one that helped me put together this time-lapse and thank you to her for her you know three and a half hours of building straight with me and she was the one that made sure that the boat got finished because at the end I was like oh no we want to do it but we made it we made it to the end and I'm very happy with the results if you undertake a task like this and you want to make the N city transformation I do recommend one doing it and creative doing this in survival would be insane it would take hundreds of hours and I also recommend doing it in a group if you're going to undertake it or even better come up with your own design for an entity and show me what you made lots of people love transforming these kind of builds and I must admit the appeal is great because you can come up with some stuff that perhaps you would have never made on your own I definitely wouldn't have made something like this if it wasn't for the original end City to transform however the Shockers and the Enderman make it almost impossible for you to do this in survival it was a massive pain and they were just you know pimping all over the end City as it were and we were all in created so anyway thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed this like I said leave a comment down below leave a like on the video if you want to see some more transformations and good bye
Channel: Grian
Views: 2,122,128
Rating: 4.9379206 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, lets transform, epic build, end city, end city minecraft, elytra, minecraft end citty build, end build, minecraft the end, end house, minecraft house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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