90 LIVE STREAM TIPS in 1 hour (for Twitch / Youtube / Mixer streamers)

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[Music] get right into it tip number one hide your viewer count when you're first starting streaming I know it's hard to not look at how many people are looking at me right now the problem with this is that it affects your mood you can lie to yourself try to lie to me but you're mostly lying to yourself by saying that oh no I don't let that affect my mood but the truth is when you've been stirring for three hours and you look down to your viewer count and you see the number two and your chat is completely dead for the next 10 minutes we will fill your pain and every potential follower that comes into your stream during those 10 minutes are going to witness the most boring and the saddest stream ever you don't want that to happen you know what you want to do you want to hide that viewer count and in your head stream like you were streaming for a hundred people that way if anyone goes to your vods and they just skip around there won't be any places where you're just not talking and being sad you will be entertaining from beginning till the end don't worry about the chat just keep in mind a hundred people at least or watching you now in a program like stream Labs OBS it's very helpful that if you actually click on the viewer account in the program it will hide it for you they know they know there's a reason why they have it there if you're using OBS then pop out your chat go to options pop out and minimize that twitch page tip number two to go along with tip number one is keep talking keep talking keep talking don't wait for a chat to come and interact with you they're not here to provide you with a service you are here to provide them with entertainment if I click on a stream and I'm not ready to talk I need to have the streamer talking I need to already be entertained enough for me to actually start talking what I do is I just talk I talk all the time whether my chat is going nuts or my chat is completely dead I'm talking because the chances are if someone comes to your stream and you're already talking about something even if they didn't have any intention of talking to you if you're talking about a subject and at some point you will say something and they will have an opinion that's when they will want to come in and join the conversation and other people will also come in and give their opinion if you're wondering why like what do I talk about you need to talk about everything how was your day how was yesterday what's your favorite movie what you don't like about another movie what's the kind of music you're listening to how is your stream going what like talk about talk about anything honestly III don't really stream games but people think they always have to talk about the game and sing what they're doing in game you don't always have to do that people love having conversation with other human beings it's not all about your gameplay there's nothing better to create some sort of bond with your chat if you guys are giving opinions on which movie is better than the other or which artist is better than the other it's a very very good way to start a conversation so it applies for streaming keep talking if your chat is dead keep talking number three is going to be a bit vague but I'm going to try and make an actual video just on that subject number three is networking and I know you've been hearing this word being thrown around everywhere but no one actually knows what it means like define networking honestly networking is basically go around and try to meet people that are in your situation that's all it is that's how you have to see it basically join groups join communities meet other streamers that are also that also have the same goals as you getting more viewers or getting more followers or whatever it is getting partnered getting affiliated meet those people go to their stream talk to them support them if you like the content that they they provide and just make friends mostly a little bonus tip and that networking thing is that people if if people contact you and they say stuff like hey I'm just looking to network what's at the time they don't know what they're doing or you're about to get scammed and yes yes there are a lot of people scamming other people out there if someone comes up and says hey you know what I have an opportunity and if it seems too good to be true it is it is a hundred percent too good to be true don't fall for scams don't fall for people that are begging you to join their community because there's no way you would beg for people to join your community if you weren't gaining something directly behind it so watch out watch out don't just blindly join communities because someone messaged you get to know people actually know people networking is about people it's not about actual communities it's not about small companies it's not about sponsors it's about people that's what networking is and I absolutely know there's someone in chat typing no that's not really what networking is I do follow for follow and it works number four is know how to follow advice like know which advice applies to your situation a huge mistake I see a lot of small streamers doing and I'm also a small streamer by the way most of the time what I see them doing is comparing themselves to very very big streamers and I'm gonna drop names you know what I'm gonna draw up names people will tell me why would you tell me this doesn't apply to me I see I saw Tim de tappman doing it I saw Shroud doing it I said doctor disrespect doing it let's take this for example the other day I was watching in shroud and he went afk for 10 minutes 10 for minutes 10 minutes of no content game was on the lobby he had 30,000 viewers do you want to know how many viewers he had when he came back 10 minutes later thirty thousand viewers you a small streamer who gets three viewers max if you take a 10-minute break and ten people and you're lucky if ten people visit you within 10 minutes come to your stream what do you think they're gonna do they're gonna stay no they're not so this is one example of many many other examples do not follow every single advice because every single advice is not necessarily for you so be smart about it do what you got to do as a small streamer and know who your target audience is you're not trout you're not doctor disrespect you're not ninja so start small do what they had to do when they were starting off so the advice would be don't necessarily compare yourself to huge streamers to people that are not in your position but do compare yourself to people that are in your position look at what they're doing that's working and you can implement that into your stream or you can even do better and have more success with that because they share the same viewers as you do you guys share the same demographic the same target audience there's so many things to factor don't always compare yourself to huge streamers if you're a small one tip number five learn how other social media work if you're advertising mainly on Facebook okay and you have no idea how the algorithm works on Facebook what are you doing what are you doing you're basically going I have no idea what I'm doing I don't know if it's working I don't know if it's not I don't know why it's not working I don't know why it's working learn that stuff it's all here right here it's on YouTube if you know about Facebook you know their algorithm favored eise's videos videos basically have 125 percent reach more than normal pictures you know that external links are hated by the algorithm so every time you just post I'm going live and you just post your link with nothing else and there's there's the thumbnail that's generated from your link Facebook will do whatever it can to hide this so maybe that's your problem maybe that's why no one is clicking on my stuff because you don't know how to please the algorithm gods of Facebook same thing for Instagram same thing for Twitter most of the social media have an algorithm or tips and tricks in a bunch of things that you can do to make sure that people actually view your posts to increase your reach and I will be doing a couple videos on that alright are we doing bonus tip I guess whoa okay bonus tip bonus tip will be know your limits like right now you're not just some person in society you are putting yourself in a position where you are going to be some sort of public figure that anyone can stop by and watch and interact with you need to know your limits because in the long run your community will represent your content that means I know you don't get a lot of followers I know you don't get a lot of viewers but just because that one viewers or that one person in chat is trolling you or begging you to play with him or you do this asking you to do that to say this to say that you don't have to you shouldn't you shouldn't always been to to your viewers will you need to know your limits and that starts even on your first stream even if people say stuff like I'm gonna donate you money if you play with me you don't have to okay cuz a lot of people I see a lot of people fall for this they're like I don't have a lot of viewers I really want that person to follow and to stay of regular so I'm gonna do whatever that person wants to even if they give you money if someone donates you $100 and says hey play this song and you know that you don't want to play songs on your stream just don't do it don't fall for it people donate to you because they want to support you they're not supposed to donate to you to turn you into some sort of puppet so stay true to yourself provide good entertainment manage your chat because your chat represents you if you let a bunch of things slide when you become a bigger streamer everyone will think that oh that's okay I can go in a stream and just beg him to play with me he'll end up or he or she will end up playing with me that's not what you want you don't want your community to manipulate you you are the owner of the content that is being broadcasted on your channel so own it open it don't be afraid to let them know you are running this show tip number one is introduce yourself if you guys watch a stream review before you'll see that I take I make a big deal out of going from your starting sunscreen to streaming I always say that your own stream is basically like your own TV show and you're the host and there is a proper way of introducing the show to get people really really high and that is introducing yourself and telling people what's about to go down and the stream and hopes that they will get motivated to continue watching if you just made regulars wait from 5 to 10 minutes with a starting sunscreen with some music in the background the least you can do is get them something to be hyped about when the starting sunscreen is done and I know you're thinking what if no one is watching people are always watching you can watch like I've talked about there's so many times but like my how to talk to yourself on stream video I explain why it's important to never stop talking and consider your stream as having a hundred viewers at all times if not a thousand tip number two is use video to advertise your stream now I know I need to make a specific video on advertising stream on social media but one rule that is kind of general is to know that most social media platform have the autoplay feature and I know some people disable it but most people still have it on and a video can not only capture someone's attention more than a simple picture but on top of that most of the algorithms favor videos over photos if we're talking about Facebook for example face the Facebook algorithm loves videos so if you're in like twitch groups and you're advertising your stream always upload a video you don't have to rely on audio but video is really important the Facebook algorithm will go out of its way to show it to people if you just post your link with a little description Facebook will tank it so yeah tip number two has two advantages not only it captures people's attention but it also is very pushed by most social media algorithms especially Facebook tip number three get your chat involved and I know you're thinking what if no one is watching still do it let's say you're playing a video game everyone knows this tip oh well if you don't have anything to say just describe what's going on in game that's good that's good that's not bad that's good but something you need to keep in mind is how engaged you want your viewers to be so the tip goes that way say we instead of I so whether you're playing a video game or you're not playing a video game whatever you're streaming whatever actions you're taking and you're describing when you're talking about what you're doing say we that will get people engaged in more attached to this stream if you're playing a game instead of saying oh I'm gonna go here I'm trying to win oh I got it i won if you're saying we're gonna go there chat Oh are we gonna win oh my god we did it people feel involved people feel happy like the the the emotions that you go through when you're playing the game chat will also go through them just because you involve them in it just because you said we instead of I tip number four now with most setups I understand that you guys are using webcams they're on top of screens you probably have multiple screens so most of the time when some when you're watching someone play a game on Twitch or whatever they're just looking at the screen when they're looking at chat they're looking at another screen when they're looking at the gameplay but they're rarely looking at you so that's step number four look at the camera psychologically there is a connection when you look at someone in the eyes and and talk to them so if you're addressing your chat you can read your chat from the monitor and when you're formulating your response to chat look at them in the eye they will feel more connected to you and and get more engaged with the stream tip number five and this is one that I really wanted to talk about it's remind people to do stuff basically it's it's what we call the call to action I made a whole video about begging for stuff and this is very very different my video about begging for stuff was mostly about outside of your stream begging people to come and watch your stream what I'm talking about here is people that are already invested that are already here there is no shame on reminding people their prime sub might be might be do and they can use it on your stream there's no shame on reminding people that oh by the way if you enjoy what you're watching consider following the stream so you can catch more of my streams and it's not just for support you can let people know that oh if you want to follow me on social media you can type in chat if you want to know how long we've been live you can type the up time command if you want to know how long you've been following me for you can type the exclamation mark following in chat basically remind people to do stuff one thing that relief especially for new streamers or small streamers upcoming streamers is clips clips are very very important I made a whole video about it keep on reminding people that if they see something interesting during your stream they should clip it could because clips can be the difference between you staying add three viewers and you getting 100 viewers tip number six is giveaways giveaways are a good way to get a little boost in numbers when you're streaming people love giveaways I know you're thinking I don't want people to come in my chat for giveaways and then leave after the giveaway is over that's gonna happen there's nothing you can do about that some people will come to your chat and just here for the giveaway but what you need is people to come through and spay if they like your content no matter what's gonna happen this is a circle they're like this is this is the circle of life on Twitch for example people will always come and watch your stream if you look at your view numbers and your follower number you will see that so many people came to your stream and did not stay and did not decide to follow that's fine the giveaways there are people that are searching for giveaways and you never know maybe you'll find this one person who wants to follow you so if you want to drive traffic to your stream do giveaways now hold up you're thinking I don't have money to throw away in giveaways you can't give away anything literally anything like three years ago something that would do is go on like g2a one of those steam key websites and buy for like 10 euros I would buy 10 random stream keys for game keys sorry so for 10 bucks you could do 10 giveaways of course the games are random and often like let's be real here often those are like small games that no one really care about but people still show up and people are still really really happy to win stuff for free specially when it comes to steam games so usually when doing giveaways anything that is kind of international will do my favourite thing is really steam keys because you have like global key and it's pretty much international because if you're gonna do Amazon giftcards you have to give from specific Amazon marketplaces and they're not all around the world and blah blah blah and it gets very complicated so gift cards for online products for digital products or are the best in my opinion tip number seven is colored lights I hear me out lighting is very important but I know that most of you have just a webcam in a regular room in the background with make which doesn't really make you stand out it's just kind of boring everyone has a room you know it's it's not visually appealing to just have bed and clothes and a chair and the door so a quick fix to that is literally getting either a clamp light with a colored light bulb or a RGB projector like I have okay this is a huge one you don't have to get one that's that huge but this is a cheap 50 watt RGB projector LED projector but you can get like a 10 watt one for probably like dollars and what you would do is just point it at the background if I point this one at the background the background will be colored and be more interesting than if it wasn't obviously my background is already interesting but wait I need to turn off the back light Alexa turn off back light and now we get those some sort of purple background which is pretty cool of course those come with a remote control and you can like set to effects and stuff now we get all sorts of colors so yeah you can either get a RGB LED projector or you can get just a cheap light bulb for like two or three dollars pointing at the background and it will make it it will make your room look colored which is more interesting than just a random regular room tip number eight interactive games with viewers so if you already have a couple of regulars or if you want to drive more traffic to your stream a good way to do that is to play interactive games basically games where chat will be involved so it's no longer hey guys come watch me play this game it's hey come play with me so there's a huge list of interactive stream games we can probably google it but the most famous ones are jack box party and one that I really really enjoy is acted out excel on Steam it's it's amazing it's so good it's basically a game where you describe something or you can mime it and people need to find out what you're describing or miming or singing or acting that's why it's called act it out and the game is actually linked to chat so if someone types the right answer it will show up on screen this is amazing so games like that will not only strengthen the bond between you and your regulars it will also bring in new people that are just like scrolling down twitch find your stream and they're like oh this seems easy I can play but on top of that this will prevent your chat from being dead this will actually light your chat up staying with that theme tip number nine is just chatting all right if you watch any big streamer you'll probably see most of them do exactly that when they're starting the stream between the starting soon and when they start the stream they are actually streaming in the just chatting category that is you fullscreen talking to your audience now remember in one of the tips what was it the first one the first tip I basically told you how this part was really important I need to introduce yourself and introduce what you're about to do and talk about what happened in the past and all of that so this will become its own segment in your stream it's deep starting some screen just chatting for a couple of minutes depending on who's here who's not here and then finally you can dive into your stream subject which is video games or anything else unless you're just gonna stream just chatting for the whole thing but that's fine but yeah you'll see big streamers do this before the stream and after this stream walk when I see this tree I mean like the the main goal of this stream the main subject of the stream which is usually video games this really creates a link between you and your chat because a lot of people in chat want that connection they really want to interact with you and there's no best way than just sitting here and talking to them directly and tip number 10 this is gonna be a cheesy one a very cheesy one is have fun just have fun forehead streaming is not easy streaming trying to build a career out of it is really really not easy it's actually super hard so I really don't like to say who should be streaming or who is streaming for or whatever but try to stream in a way that you don't feel like it's it's a chore don't wake up and thinking oh my god I gotta start the stream and honestly this part will be inevitable if you swim regularly but it's okay to take a break from time to time and not go alive always put your health as a priority whether it's your mental health or your physical health something I would advise is for those people who are really trying to build a career out of streaming even though it started as a hobby is to actually get a hobby don't don't consider streaming as a hobby and also a career and only have that so you're basically working and doing your hobby only try to get something else going on for example when I became a full-time content creator I got into 3d printing and and believe it or not this has helped me so so much trying to do something that is 100% for pleasure without worrying about the numbers without worrying about your stats for how well you're doing if you're proud of yourself or not so so yeah you can you can stream and be successful and not have fun at all but in the long run streaming puts streaming is so tiring that I'm pretty sure it will catch up to you at some point you're gonna burn out basically if you keep doing something that you really don't like over and over and over again knowing how many hours it takes to maintain a viewership on Twitch just keep in mind that it's hard to be successful on any streaming platform or any platform on the internet and don't take things too seriously don't take your stats too seriously don't let the numbers get you down too much keep in mind that it is something that is relative new and it's somewhat of a privilege to be able to make a living out of playing video games for example or just chatting and just allow yourself to have fun the tips will be separated in seven categories so the first category is going to be creating the channel the first steps second category is customizing third category is on-screen basically what you display the other one is attitude promoting networking and then some general tips alright let's jump right into it creating the channel the first steps something that is very overlooked but choosing your name try to avoid numbers underscores anything that's gonna make your name hard to remember try to avoid it the best type of name is the name that I can just add a quick glance look at it and automatically know how to pronounce it obviously avoid edgy and inappropriate names the thing is if you ever blow up on this channel which you can never really predict you're gonna have some trouble disable email notifications when you first create a channel twitch tend to send you emails for anything that happens on the website you don't want that clogging your email so disable as much notification as you want obviously if you want to get an email every time someone goes live by all means but it can get pretty annoying important step activate past broadcasts I've seen so many new streamers with good streams but they don't have any vods if someone clicks on your link while you're offline they should be able to get a good feel of what a good a good feel of what the stream is like and that is usually accomplished by watching your vods i know clips are cool but if someone can watch a stream from beginning to end it's even better in case you intend to broadcast to a mature audience will set your stream to a mature mature stream basically if you know you're gonna have strong language you're gonna be cursing a lot it's usually not a problem but people will try to report you for strong language if your stream is set to mature then they have to accept to watch it first so it can save you little bonus tip is to activate dart mode you don't want to strain on your eyes just activate dark mode if you wanted to know more about how to create your twitch channel and all the first steps to take I have a video on that click top right let's go customizing customization of the channel using face in your avatar will most likely get you more clicks when you share your stream on any other social media platform make sure your offline image says the word offline on it for first timers that means if someone from your family wants to support you they need to understand that you're not currently live they don't know anything about twitch having the big word say offline will help them understand that you're not currently live when customizing said offline image watch out for the top and bottom because you have small gradients for the video player banner and then watch out top left and top right because twitch will give you a little box to activate notifications top left and then another box to suggest you watching vods top right so when you're creating the graphic design for your offline image you might want to take that into account I've seen streamers take advantage of that they would actually put activate notification with a little arrow that points to the different boxes and then watch my vods you have to click on your name to reveal your banner on the twitch website most viewers don't know that but having a banner is actually quite important because that's what your mobile viewers will see when they click on your profile when creating your banner keep in mind that it's going to be darker and also cropped I have a video on that most people look at things from left to right from top to bottom that means that the panel that you're gonna put top left is a very important panel usually the most important panel is going to be the about me it's the bio it's where you introduce yourself to the people reading the best place to put a donate panel is top right that way they don't have to scroll down to find it if they have an impulse of generosity color scheme is one of the most important things when it comes to branding so make sure that everything matches not only the colors but also the graphic style a little self promo tip if you can't hire a graphic designer to make your artwork you can go to Gumroad comm slash again level I have a bunch of free packs and then the other ones are super cheap if you have vod's that don't reflect your channel's content that means if you had a very very bad stream or a lot of technical difficulties don't be afraid to delete this vaad until the next stream everyone who clicks on your link while you're off flying will see that vada it's the first thing that's going to show up usually vod's disappear around 14 days I believe but if you're a Prime member it will disappear after 60 days clips and highlights are forever so if you have a very good stream you would like to preserve just highlight the whole stream you can do that from the video producer you can actually have thumbnails to your vods from the video producer making your channel way more presentable and looking like a youtube channel now you can download your vods from the video producer but you can also use twitch leecher which is a third-party program that will allow you to download specific parts of your vaad alright let's talk about what you display on screen having a starting soon screen will give your regulars time to gather and we'll give you time to post on social media it's always better to post on social media while you're already live it's kind of annoying to click on a going live post and see an offline screen or your channel hosting another channel always keep the viewer distracted during those intermission screens during the starting soon screen play some music you can play a montage of clips from your channel or you can just play a random video make sure you have the rights to that random video try to keep your starting soon screen ten minutes max if I come to a channel and I see something like thirty minutes just seeing the timer at thirty minutes will make me leave having an actual intro or a compilation playing at the beginning of the stream will actually get everyone hyped for the stream if you have delay issues displaying chat on screen will let people know when you receive the messages obviously you should have no excuse to not look at chat all the time if you have delay issues don't make people wait additional time on top of your delay also watch out for trolls because if they put any offensive messages and chat and it's being broadcasted you're displaying it you are currently broadcasting offensive messages so watch out for that set up an emergency mute button or shortcut or to hide your alerts in case you get spammed by a bunch of trolls especially if you have text to speech for your bits and donations turn off your viewer count and slobs you can just click on it or if you're using anything else just don't look at it try to hide it from yourself so it doesn't affect you mental always keep a positive attitude and in your head stream as if a hundred people were watching at all times if you are too shy to show your face on camera setting up a hand cam or even a pet cam will keep the viewers intrigued and entertained if you are playing horror games displaying your heart rate on stream will add a layer of entertainment you can also add specific scary alerts for the days that you play those horror games I have a video on how to do that flip your camera so it looks like you're reacting and looking at the content that you're broadcasting when you have your camera looking in the opposite direction it gives a weird feeling it's basic cinematography people use it in Hollywood movies to show that a character is trapped or or to give the audience an uneasy feeling so flip your camera so that everything looks better that's right ninja I know you don't flip your camera it looks weird I'm coming for you make sure you're not hiding important in game you I like the kill feed your ammo your health it makes viewers that play the same game kind of uncomfortable when they can't see what's happening you can hide the mini-map and end game chat because usually you viewers don't really care about that the general appeal of having a face cam is being able to see your reaction so even if you have a cool setup and you want to show off make sure that people can clearly see your face animated intermission screens are more appealing to viewers as it keeps them distracted it gives them something to look at while you're away alright let's talk about your attitude now as soon as you go live the most important priority to you should be the viewers the chat so pay attention to chat but if you're too busy in a gunfight or something like that in-game let them know that you cannot read chat at the moment that is appliable even if your chat is completely empty if someone jumps into your stream and you're in a gunfight let them know you're not currently reading chat avoid mumbling you don't have to be loud but you have to be clear a streamer looking bored usually turns into viewers being bored when your stream crashes and it goes back up always let people know what just happened and reintroduce yourself reintroduce the stream as if it was just starting that way if someone clicks on the vaad they can understand what just happened they can understand this is not normally how you start your stream always engage chat even if you have zero viewers first of all you shouldn't know that you have zero viewers you shouldn't be looking at your view account but you need to still engage the chat because the view account is not that accurate on on Twitch the refresh rate is not precise so you never know who's watching always act like there's always someone watching try to keep your cool when you're dealing with technical difficulties your streamer you're gonna deal with technical difficulties forever but getting mad will just make the viewer feel awkward and they will leave you can ask them for help or just do small talk while you're trying to figure out what's wrong also keep your cool when you're dealing with trolls if it's an obvious troll don't acknowledge them banned them and then continue to stream as if nothing happened if it's a subtle troll warned them let them know hey you're being a little obnoxious I'm gonna have to time you up chill and then continue to stream as if nothing happened try to be grateful to any type of support let the viewers know that you appreciate the zero viewer hosts the one bits the one dollar donations etc don't just be yourself 4head be an exaggerated more entertaining version of yourself even when playing a competitive game keep in mind that your viewers don't expect you to win every single game they're just here to have fun and be entertained so don't sacrifice entertainment for a more focused gameplay if you want to get good at the game you can always practice off stream without any distractions when playing with friends let them know about twitch tos that's Terms of Service also keep engaging with your chat otherwise it'll feel like people are bothering you people will feel like an intruder if they come in and it just looks like you're busy playing with friends get a good grip of your chat trying to turn a troll into a follower will only push your regulars away and you'll end up growing a community of trolls because you were too scared to a viewer mods are amazing people but always keeping access to your chat just in case they're tapped out or absent alright let's talk about promoting the obvious one never self promote in someone's channel unless you're specifically asked to use other social media platforms as they were intended to be used not as growing live dumpsters when posting in facebook streamer groups always try to post a picture or a video the algorithm hates external links so if you just post your link the algorithm will push it further down and you will get no views from that viewers do not care about what stream community you're part of so watch out when it comes to promoting those communities doing follow for follow automatically makes a viewer assume that your content is garbage it makes more serious streamers avoid you but it also means that your following will mostly be other streamers who can't watch you because they're streaming also twitch can clearly see when you do follow for follow they can deny you affiliate our partnership companies won't sponsor you etc learn a skill like basic graphic design or video editing you're a multimedia content creator you should know how to edit a basic image or video when going live on Twitter instead of tagging a bunch of bots you can tag game companies try to use as little hashtags as possible one retweet from those game companies is worth infinite years of being retweeted by a bunch of bots submit your clips to clips compilation channels on YouTube to get your clips viewed by millions and millions of viewers and draw some traffic to your twitch channel stay out of drama avoid stating your opinion if your opinion is based on bashing other content creators even small streamers have some big connections and you will get blacklisted everywhere alright let's talk about networking now avoid mentioning the word networking when approaching someone for the first time it makes you sound greedy and fake people who mention it when approaching you most likely have no idea what they're doing it's not a generalization it's a trend find people in your niche who create content that you genuinely like establish a real friendship or be good at faking it try not to fake it please big communities and teams that reach out to you to join them are often support for support which isn't bad at first but once you spend a large amount of time with them and then you leave you will most likely go back to where you started from because you spent all that time trying to appeal to them instead of working on your own content and building an actual viewership for yourself coordinated community raids are cool but it's not a sign of progress for your stream improving your content should always be the focus in order to bring genuine viewers / supporters being active in other streams will bring you more popularity than hosts and raids you will have previously created a bond with the viewer who decided to jump into your stream no one is your competition but yourself turn your envy into progress by either taking inspiration from the people more successful than you or just do something more creative and more original in order to stand out don't expect one-for-one support although you're trying to network remember that everyone is trying to push their content forward only support people you think deserve it and they only deserve it if you can be genuinely happy of their success alright the general tips in order to wrap it up twitches algorithm doesn't really really push random streams forward so your best bet is to find another source of viewers outside of twitch that means that streaming as much as you can is not enough to bring you more viewers if all you do is stream a lot and then you're not X you're not seeing growth is because well there is also marketing there's also advertising your stream so take some days off to learn about advertising and marketing and come up with a plan consistency is key you probably heard that a thousand times but again it doesn't mean that you have to stream as much as you can that you have to be consistent with the times that you stream it means you have to keep somewhat of a schedule and try to stream around the same time every single time I know that all my regulars became regulars because of the specific time frame if I suddenly start streaming in the morning instead of at night then I'm gonna have a different viewership and my other regulars will probably be busy or sleeping lower your expectations on every front it takes a lot of time to find something that works for you perfectly trends die games die you will have to adapt forever so don't let the numbers get to you gaming just one follower in four weeks doesn't mean that your stream isn't growing if during that time you've gained confidence you watch your vods and improve certain points you did the research and now you're applying tons of tips you found online now that is real growth that I guess the last tip is don't take it too seriously being a streamer is considered a real job only when you decide to take it as a real job it will always be easier if you start by doing it as a hobby by trying it out and finding that it actually makes you happy to do it twitch can be the most amazing thing that ever happened to you but it can also be pretty hard on your self-esteem especially if you take the numbers too seriously so go easy on yourself go easy on your stream make sure that you're having fun make sure that it still makes you feel good to stream whether it's for one viewer or a thousand viewers it shouldn't matter the act of streaming should make you happy so don't be afraid to take breaks don't be afraid to let your regulars know that you won't be streaming for a week or for example or something like that just take take a break until you miss streaming and you can get excited about streaming again make sure that streaming is something positive in your life color scheme I have a whole video on this subject but the color scheme is really important what is the scheme is basically how all of your graphic designs will match each other so everyone can feel like there is a uniform style to your twitch channel so that your banner your avatar you're offline image and your panels all match the same graphic design style and preferably you have the same colors this is probably the most important part when it comes to branding your content because if you think of your favorite creators you will automatically know which colors go with their content right tip number two is visibility and how clean your graphic design is actually going to be on your offline image for example the biggest word should be offline in everything after that is less important information so it has to be small enough but concise don't write a paragraph on your offline image you're gonna have the word offline big and then underneath you can point to social media if you're gonna point to social media the icons are enough people recognize the twitter icon people recognize the Facebook the Instagram you don't have to put twitter.com slash and then your handle I've seen people put their schedule in their offline image and that's completely fine what you have to do is make it simple Mon choose whens first sign fry sad Sun people understand those refer to that to the days you don't have to put the full day also if you're gonna have days off there's no reason why you should put those days off only put the days that you're alive and then the time make it small make it readable also keep in mind that twitch has two little panels that appear on your offline image most of the time one is for notification the other one is for vods so when you're designing your offline image keep that in mind there's no reason why you should have a title and a graphic that says the same thing as a panel you actually don't have to have a title at all because the graphics is gonna say about or a donate or subscribe so just put that don't put anything in the title when designing those panels make sure that those words are visible because that's the whole point of the panel if you're really struggling to format your text in your panels what you can do is just include that text inside of your design to make sure that everything is sitting flush it's just going to be more complex when you trying to update that panel you're gonna have to go and change the image every single time but if you don't want to do that or you just don't have access to an editing software what you can do is read that markdown page about twitch you can really format your paragraphs to look really really good so learn that stuff and you can make links clickable you can type in bold and it'll leak everything as I often repeat during stream review most people will read from left to right from top to bottom so the top left corner should have your most important panel and that's the about panel because while you're offline the most important thing that people want to know is more about you before they subscribe before they donate before they join your social media now for the sake of clarity I've seen people present themselves like it was a forum that they were filling out like named this country this of course it's clear people can access the information faster but I always recommend to have a small paragraph that is more wholesome it's better to introduce yourself to someone by saying hi my name is Gayle level and you're watching my channel I'm from France I'm 28 years old then saying name guy level country France age 28 where is Sarah Connor okay something that I've heard a lot from beginners is that they don't want to have a donation panel because they don't want to seem greedy they don't want people to feel like they started screaming for money having a donation panel will not make you come across like that what will make you however come across like that is if you say it and your about me panel or if you only have a donation panel that is a huge no-no for twitch if I go to you to a channel and all you have for in your description panels is a donation that is of like that is a strict no no I'm never coming back to your channel that being said if you have multiple panels people are going to look for that donation panel donating is part of the viewer experience on Twitch and you not having a donation panel is actually makes you stream actually less complete than most streams on Twitch viewers enjoy donating triggering alerts and watching your reaction that's part of the twitch experience so please put up that donation panel another thing about paragraphs do not write a bunch of text this is the Internet the the average attention span is like three minutes no one is going to read a whole whole page of text in your panels so if you have important information please please compress it make it very very simple something I've seen a lot is people promoting their stream team their community I try to avoid talking bad about communities because I have a lot of friends that own communities and it's working super well for them but as I can't as a content creator I've seen so many small streamers push out their community you know really represent an advertiser community the viewers don't care the viewers don't give two flying about your communities there are viewers they're here to watch you I've seen streamers that have community panels and don't even have an about me panel you're going on twitches to have more viewers right most people stream on Twitch to have viewers the viewers are not streamers they're not interested in a stream team or a community or whatever it is I'm not saying don't put it out there but like choose your priorities have that about me panels first and then maybe if I scroll down I might learn about your community if I'm also a streamer but there are more viewers than then actually no there are more streamers than viewers but still presenting your audience with things they don't care about just feels like spam in a waste of placement basically it's a it's a waste of space you don't want to do that the most common thing for someone who clicked on your channel while you're were offline is of course watching that first page but we covered that already then they're gonna click on that video tab this is where your vods are so first of all there's a new feature on Twitch where you can kind of customize this part of your twitch channel but basically what I would suggest is have your past broadcast on top of there because most people click on that video tab to watch past broadcasts they didn't click there to see clips then you necessarily click there to see highlights it's mostly past broadcast so make sure that is the first role if they want to see clips they can click on the clips tab that's like that's how it works I don't know why Twitch even gave that option it's not even really customizable because you can't get rid of it anything anyways that being said if you don't have pass broadcast activated yet what are you waiting for I have a video on that also it's very simple you go to you go to channel dashboard setting activate pass broadcast now the tip here is when you are streaming you need to think of your vods because most people scream and they're thinking hey there's no one in chat right now I don't need to talk it's fine if the stream is boring because my viewer count is at zero and then everyone else who clicks on your link while you're offline and they want to check out what is this guy's stream like you know and they click on video tab and then they click and it's the most boring stream they've ever seen they're never coming back so keep that vada in mind if your stream crashes and it goes back up make sure to explain oh okay I'm sorry guys apparently the stream crashed but we're starting over again hi my name is this we're playing this today and this is what we're gonna be doing during the rest of the stream and then you continue stream that means that me if I click on your VAR while you're offline I can immediately understand what's happening because I've seen so many vods where you click on the vaad and it's just someone being completely lost for the first five minutes or it just starts in the middle of a game and you have no idea like if this stream usually starts like that so let people know small things that you can do while you're streaming to make your vod's look better basically talking about announcing your info something that is very recurring recently is when people playing copyrighted music during their intro I don't mind you playing copyrighted music no one Minds really you know during this stream it's fine but the problem when you do it in the beginning of this stream is that most people have a starting soon screen right and then when they switch from that starting student screen to the actual stream this is their chance to hype up everyone else and to do that big presentation like it was their own TV show know like what's up guys how's it going my name is Gayle level welcome to my stream today we're gonna be playing this game last time we played that game we had three wins today we're going for ten how are you guys doing you you you I see you in chat how are you blah blah blah this is where you hi pop everyone who has been sitting through your starting sunscreen pretty much if you play copyrighted music this part will be muted the most high part pretty much of your vaad is going to be muted and then the only audible part of your vote is going to be when you're already in game and you're already focused and then the hyper kind of died down so keep that in mind always do an intro always introduce yourself I know it's Ustream I know first of all you shouldn't be looking at your view account but whatever and the last thing about vod's is that after this dream something you can do is first of all you can highlight your vods to make them last forever but you can change the thumbnail of your vods you can not only change the thumbnail you can also change the title so if you had little bits of information in your vod's like I don't know in parentheses English in parentheses PC in parentheses this and that what you can do is get rid of that once you done streaming so that your title stays clean and if someone goes to your video tab they can get a title that maybe represents what happened during the vaad like Oh amazing ten victory royale games I'm always taking four at night as an example because I know so many people play it I don't play it but that title plus a thumbnail as a vaad will get you way way more clicks than English Xbox multiplayer soloqueue those are not clickable titles so the first tip is avoid saturation at all costs luckily for you I have a tip that could apply to pretty much every microphone as soon as you get it this is the first thing you should absolutely be doing so here I'm on my Windows 10 machine I'm gonna click right click here go to sound settings and then sound settings here we're gonna scroll down into input pick your microphone click device properties and this is where the magic happens basically most of microphones this is the source of their saturation if the original input volume is at a hundred percent it's usually way too much now I have mine at 54 but usually the sweet spot is like 75 80 so if you bought an expensive microphone and for some reason it's still saturating this might be the issue okay you can always add some more volume inside your broadcasting software but this is usually the cause of most people saturating on Twitch why do we avoid a saturation because honestly even if you're the best entertainer on the planet as soon as you start saturating it makes you scream very very difficult to keep on watching it over and over again if I'm wearing a headset it's gonna literally hurt my ears now that being said you probably seen people like xqc or Tyler one use saturation for comedy but if you're an upcoming streamer that is not something that you can allow yourself to do you can't drive your three viewers away by screaming in their ears okay tip number two is going to be the actual setup what kind of setup do you have for your microphone and this is basically where we're gonna try to avoid vibrations now we're avoid saturation avoid vibrations for example I have my mic on a desk arm but without a shock mount and that actually reduces quite a bit of vibration it's not sitting on the desk if your mic is sitting on the desk for example that means it's going to absorb every single vibration that's coming from that desk so if your computer is part of that desk just your fan are going to produce a humming sound that's going to be heard through the microphone if you are playing a game and you're slamming your mouse because you're moving really fast or if you're even having a normal keyboard it will sound really really loud through your mic because well that's what a mic is it takes vibration and it's transfers it to your viewers ears so mic tip for people who have their mics sitting on their desk put an old t-shirt underneath it if you have some foam anything that can dampen the vibration from the best to the mic put that underneath it and you will see a large improvement basically although low frequencies the bass that you're getting from your mechanical keyboard has weird bug that is going to decrease considerably and for people who already have a scissor arm but they're still struggling with vibrations I recommend you getting a shock mount basically shock mount is basically something that's gonna put your mic in between a bunch of rubber bands so that vibrations don't get to it directly at least now keep in mind that I mentioned low frequencies do not confuse your mic picking up the sound of your keyboard versus vibrations from the sound of your keyboard going through your desk into your mic this is why I said low frequency is gonna be very very low listen to your vibe and figure that out that being said I do have a tip for that later and when I said later apparently I meant right now tip number three get close to your mic as close as possible microphones are made to be spoken into they're not made to be standing half across the room and magically pick up all the different frequencies coming from your voice you can get away with having the mic on the side but you're really not gonna sound as good as your mic is capable of making you sound now of course we have the huge problem once you get close to your mic all the air coming from your mouth is gonna hit the mic and this is why you need something like a pop filter it's literally called a pop filter because if you're saying Peter Parker is everything - it's going to hit the mic and produce a very very loud sound I stopped using a pop filter because it was huge and I started using it might be me I still don't know the real name for that thing but I love calling it a mic beanie and mic beanie serves the exact same purpose of course this sound is gonna be a little bit more muffled but it's worth it because I can get really close to the mic without having a huge disc like that of a pop filter so you decide which one you want to choose now of course if you have neither of those you just gotta place the mic at an angle where your mouth is not directly talking into it but it's gonna pick up most of the frequencies but if I start speaking like that if I had my mic on this side like that I wouldn't need a pop filter because technically the air is not hitting the mic from my mouth but please please get close to your microphone most people who send me messages asking me why they mic sound so bad even though they spent five hundred dollars on it turns out they're staining this now if you stand far from your microphone you're gonna have to boost your game you're gonna have to have a maximum volume as possible and guess what if you're that distance from the mic your keyboard is also the same it's actually closer to the mic then you are basically all that to say that it's gonna pick up even more background noise if you are away from it now if you have a level for you being close to the mic guess what everything else is gonna be super low why because everything else so far away from the mic compared to the level that you put it I shouldn't have to explain that like I'm I'm pretty sure I made myself clear there just get close to your mic okay and if you're one of those people who are like I don't want to have my mic in frame well you're gonna struggle with audio you're not gonna have the best audio do not expect to have better audio then people who have the mic right in front of them because that's not how mics work if you're not speaking into it you're not gonna have the best sound it should be logical but hey oh I forgot something for from step two I totally forgot if you're using a mic arm you can also add a little bit of foam where it clamps to the desk in order to reduce vibrations okay step four filters and your broadcasting software using OBS or stream labs OBS you have filters to your audio source now you need to know what those filters are I will probably make a separate video explaining what they are and what they do but basically the most important filters are the noise gate that means when you stop speaking it stops picking up everything that's going on in your room so if I stop talking it goes completely silent okay so that's that's quite important a compressor basically a compressor it can save your life basically if you slide screaming out of nowhere a compressor can pretty much limit how high and how loud you're going to sound so even if you have a mic that does saturate at least the compressor will prevent it from being saturated and also super loud and then of course you have a noise reducer a noise suppressor I don't know what it's called basically what it is is that if your mic has original original originally like some some noise in it basically if you have the sound it can help reduce that and then of course the gain filter can help you if as I said you lowered your volume and now it's it's too low you can bump up the volume inside your broadcasting software not in Windows alright tip number five which is the last one is the way you speak okay if you guys watch my show stream review every Friday 9:00 p.m. CET on Twitch will hear me tell people that they need to learn how to speak better no that's not really what I say but what I say is stop mumbling if your mum people are gonna have a hard time understanding you it's crazy that I have to say it but hey here we go if you mumble we're gonna have a hard time understanding you you're gonna sound bored and if you sound bored us the viewers we're going to be bored so learn how to speak in a way that is more captivating or at least understandable you know I used to say be loud be clear but now I say you don't have to be loud but at least you have to be clear I can I can literally whisper but still articulate every single word and you understand everything that I say even with my weird accent English isn't even my first language so there's no reason for you to not only not be close to the mic but on top of that you're mumbling and whispering how the hell are we supposed to understand what you're saying why would we sit down and watch that for three hours there's a reason why if you watch any TV show any talk show any like the news or whatever the newscasters aren't like why they're all sitting straight and they're talking ladies and gentlemen you know so watch your vods and ask yourself how can I improve my speech cuz speaking in a way that people can understand you is like the first step that's basic of human communication but I have to teach that somehow because if you go down on like those 0 to 3 viewers twitch streamers you'll you'll know exactly what I mean we're not even gonna go and talk about how you can improve your attitude overall on stream but anyways those were my five REO tips I'm tired of hearing people with expensive microphones sounding like garbage and I'm tired of hearing people with cheap microphone saving up to buy more expensive microphones when they don't know how to use even the cheap ones talking about cheap ones if you're in the market for some microphones I have multiple videos on that check out my channel and if you're wondering what microphone I am using and what setup I'm using you can also find that on my channel so just plug that my channel please but that's it that was supposed to be a Tips & Tricks happy video but it ended up being a rant I recently put out a brand new animated overlay pack before Halloween okay I'm also working on that don't worry so you can check it out at Gumroad comm slash gal level if you haven't started using stream knobs OBS yet link in the description if you want to know what camera with lights that I use what mic that I use link in the description if you want to join my discord if you have questions about being a streamer or whatever problems that you're experiencing we are at 300 and plus live streamers in that discord making a description and if you want to get your stream reviewed stop by my twitch twitch that TV slash gal level every Friday 9:00 p.m. CT except next Friday there's not gonna be one next rise anyways thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you have any questions any recommendations any Corrections or any tips of your own please leave them in a comment section below I will see you guys next time go out there make me proud again level [Music]
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 32,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, tips, stream, streaming, live stream, advice, mixer, youtube, how to, tips and tricks, grow, channel, howto, tutorial, twitch fortnite, twitchcon, twitch ads, twitch news, twitch new features, 90 tips, twitch guide, gaming, overlay, stinger transition, obs studio, streamlabs, stream setup, viewers, followers, subscribers, twitch prime, livestreamer
Id: _7eK-EW3z18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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